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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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discipline. your. system friends former criminal. life behind bars one archie. bunker and a lot of show the real headlines with none of them are safe from the live out of washington d.c. now they will ask if murdoch's fall is inevitable nations that their katrina vanden heuvel will join us also look at the afghanistan a general david petraeus leaves behind as he officially hands over command of the war today and we'll tell you about the most important geo location company that you've never heard of they've got a technology that governments all over the world are trying to buy up so i can have all of that and more for you tonight including
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a dozen happy hour but first let's take a look at what the mainstream media and society. well the debt limit talks still holding the country on the brink of a default average america's longest war coming under a new command there was one story of the mainstream media make sure to cover first this morning we're going to begin with casey anthony a free woman today her whereabouts a secret for the first time in three years casey anthony is no longer behind bars yesterday morning she did this and a lot of people were surprised they didn't sneak around of the back door to see anthony walked right out of the front door at this point she has baylor chips fall overboard. those surrounding her trying to protect her think it was for the short term that is the best thing for casey anthony. can you believe that she has walked right out of that front door with all of those goals waiting outside for her. oh
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wait those vultures are the press the same mainstream press that apparently shedding a lot of tears and the idea that now she'll be free she'll be out and she's going to be keeping the hell away from them and when they've been covering the story i don't blame her if she literally finds some underground dungeon to spend the rest of her days in or maybe she stayed in prison until august second when the debt ceiling deadline hits and the mainstream media is going to be distracted but then again you know they can't control themselves even an economic freefall can keep them away from a pretty young girl who nancy grace made out to be the devil but even if that deadline isn't for another couple weeks it's not like there hasn't been other big news out there. he was part of a report by jeremy scahill from the nation on the cia's secret sites in somalia where the cia is running a counterterrorism training program paying somalis two hundred dollars a month to run prisons where prisoners are held have been rendered from kenya is that one story that sheds light on the obama administration for continuing all of
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those actions and they criticize the bush administration for what we interviewed jeremy on this program last week but for some reason one of the big networks and i literally read it not a single one of them decided to give the story any play up and suddenly suddenly today the l a times came out with some groundbreaking information that new american intelligence raises concerns about a widening alliance of islamic terrorist groups plotting to target the u.s. and you know where their alliances yemen and somalia and you know how they found out some of that information according to the l a times it was learned when some ali author allowed the cia to interview shabaab militants imprisoned in mogadishu now this is all according to anonymous u.s. officials of course but it's not odd that first the story is completely ignored and now the l a times is reporting on it from anonymous u.s. officials and they don't bother to ask why somalia out there already is would be so kind as to let the cia interview their prisoners they don't bother to connect the
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dots as have maybe that's because scales of what was correct and these are people at the cia works very closely with who they pay so they can treat them as proxies and not have to get their own hands dirty and isn't it odd that suddenly after scales rather damning report for the obama administration officials are now so eager to talk about how dangerous somali and al shabaab a become and how they pose a serious threat to our national security you know the government is feeding this story for a reason and the l a times has been more than happy to eat it up no questions asked it's an incredible testament to the very subservient nature of the press these days this is why our war on terror expand throughout the world and an unstoppable pay. americans continue to sit scared and let it happen because it's in the government's interest to do so to continue to spread that fear by the mainstream media rather than asking any questions was happy to let it happen and miss the real story.
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of the happenings scandal surrounding group or murdoch's media empire continues to grow each day last friday les hinton publisher of the wall street journal and the c.e.o. of dow jones resigned over the weekend former news of the world at the rebecca brooks was arrested salim yard chief paul stephenson stepped down on sunday night and by today john gates the assistant commissioner was also on his way out at the request of certain members of congress eric holder and the justice department have now launched an investigation into whether or not because of nine eleven had also been hacked and bloomberg reported today that news corp's independent directors have begun questioning the company's response to the crisis and whether a leadership change is needed and he cited unnamed sources there so even time to start questioning if murdoch's time as the media mogul's coming to an end and is this the scandal that the left has been waiting for you and me to discuss it is katrina vanden heuvel editor and publisher of the nation magazine katrina thanks so
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much for joining us tonight it's been a while since we've had you on the program now what do you think is murdoch is he going to step down is he going to be forced through is there any way the continue on can continue on his head here. well what we do know of your above you just said this is just a scandal that the left sabers this is a scandal that should worry any citizen of any country who cares in public interest media but actually it's about democracy this is a metastasizing scandal we don't know where or when i mean just look at what's happened in the last hours the whistleblower first whistleblower who blew the lid on. the he's now been found dead at the key thing is ten people who grassed it close to murder on the head of scotland yard as you said his deputy what we are seen is the criminal media political nexus corroding in the u.k. and as you pointed out there are important questions now need to be raised about
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murdoch about his empire and their activities in this country the u.k. will have a cure and tomorrow colin gruber and his son james murdoch it will be botched put what you have the police involved as we've seen not just hacking put the primary of police or secret insider information i think all. but do you think that let's say is rupert murdoch is he smart enough to say that hey this is the brits this is the way that they do it yes of course he is the head of this massive british media empire there british journalism tabloid journalism specifically has always been known to go a couple of steps farther than the u.s. press has so if his hands aren't exactly dirty do you think they will still come down to him that he himself as a key figure with all suffer. what murdoch and his p.r. firms are trying to do is keep this is narrowest possible to talk about how this is
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a rogue operation rogue apple a few upwards a few reporters but rupert murdoch is a fox but the sky has fallen on him and he now doesn't have much control a man who has tried to control has bought his way to media empire. as on three continents he does not have as much control as he has had in the past so i do think we could see as you alluded to at the beginning the end of the burdock empire as we know what new leadership new governance however as you know a lot of because you cover the us media murdoch ization is with us the degradation of political debate discourse titillation scandal instead of news that is what i think needs to be investigated and prepared as well as u.s. investigations into whether nine eleven families phones were hacked and also now we're learning that we need to look into the foreign corrupt practices act because you are murdoch is a u.s. citizen having fought hard to become one news corps in the united states if it's of
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serious news international bribing police officials i think we need to look at how the law should be applied and as you pointed out the department of justice has opened a limited investigation the f.b.i. is reviewing nine eleven hacking aren't shin's the f.c.c. should be looking into this and our congress a few independent minded senators who have cared about me or are now asking for investigation do you think that's going to be hard to find some of those independent minded senators as a john nichols wrote in the nation today if you look at the way that murdoch has been able to convince lawmakers to. to get rid of many of the regulations here in the u.s. over the years that his media empire can keep expanding there's a lot of money involved a lot of money that's win for political campaigns mr murdoch and his minions have lubricated our political process and they have fought their way to be writing to me you were shit rules in this country imperiling democracy and i think you know how
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the media landscape is consolidated conglomerate ties and murdoch eyes. it's and he has a lot of lobbyists on the other hand never say never but we are looking at now is in the u.k. a scandal that was known and all powers of the guardian which stayed on it whose extraordinary reporter nick davis is like the woodward and bernstein of watergate while he stayed on it even when the had just gotten your he resigned just the other day came in and spoke to alan rusbridger the head of the guardian and said your reporter sullivan accuracies never say never would public revulsion erupts it can change even moving a man and a mole who has no scruples reckless irresponsible journalists rupert murdoch can be pushed aside and i think that is where citizen power people power can overtake. the ugliest the most corrosive of those who are deformed or markers what do you think
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because the last three journal i wrote an unsigned are bad this week and that's been gaining a lot of heat where they attack a number of other media organizations including the new york times and pro publica and the guardian but they say this candle and those who have jumped on it and been so happy to jump on it are acting as if every single journalist that works for news corp has now been tainted do you think that that's a fair assessment should we start questioning anybody that works for the company or only those on the higher levels well i would err on the so questioning more than sitting back and bending and i don't think the wall street journal's team was really on the side or they didn't get the p.r. message out of the u.k. about i'm sorry but as i said earlier this is a desperate attempt to limit it to limit it when in fact you have big media culture and organization and news corps that is tainted rotten but it is true that the culture in the u.k. is you know there's a lot of stuff going on all of the danger all going to have to say in the u.k.
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as you know there you go global go is you've got secrets acts we don't need more press restrictions we need a freer media and the attempt for camera the u.k. prime minister to use this to impose more press restrictions is the wrong one what we need are through rigorous of distributions into the illegality the criminal blog breaking of news corp of news international that's where our attention must be and that's where the wall street journal i think is just to kind of find a way out as but then again the wall street journal has found a way to thank scott free as they support regulations and their way to using cuts do you think that americans should start questioning at fox news or the wall street journal though let's say that it does come out and it is true that nine eleven victims that their phones were happened something that would strike a chord with a lot of americans but has the damage already been done are they already so in mash
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with fox news in the ratings that considering that it beats out every other cable network on television here. i hear that i'd like to take this out of an ideological spectrum because you know i think fox news well first i don't think fox news and news organization in many ways it's an adjunct to republican party that has become extraordinarily extremists but i care deeply about the public standards the ethics of churnalism in this country and independence and i do think murdoch and his empire have tried to wipe away all of that and fox becomes the embodiment but as you know one on a fox has been at the forefront at the forefront of misinformation to use a kind word about climate change it has been at the forefront of race baiting of some he filled vitriol and i think has played a role in an atmosphere in this country where you could argue we live in a post truth environment and that's very dangerous for democracy for any country so i do think americans i hope as part of this and i hope fox and wall street journal
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won't try to work it up get up and try to make this about grow garbles or about politics but i think we need to stand up for stronger ethics better journalists of color you try to listen at a time when we needed one hell of a lot less scandal to do until ation and i think we're now going to see an opportunity a door open for that conversation and not seize it now or we'll see how it actually turns out and where that's the case and void but i think i mean i thank you so much for joining us tonight. just ahead arche correspondent christine looks into what happens and one was some credit for politicians and she tells us about bohemian grove and general petraeus handed over command of the afghan war today well a new leader actually bring a different strategy but it's an insight and lawrence wilkerson retired u.s. army colonel and former chief of staff to colin powell.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. easy to understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't know i'm trying hard because the big picture. and yet though. fuck fuck fuck. fuck.
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yeah we are going to. lead i think either one hundred twelve. whenever the governor says her safe to graduate with freedom.
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well after a year in charge general david petraeus has now officially handed over control of the afghan war general john allen because of the rampant violence in just the last few days. after the assassination of army of cars or his half brother last week on sunday night john muhammad caught another karzai ally former governor from the south of the country was killed in his home two afghans out of a group of thirty three who had been kidnapped last week or beheaded and western afghanistan allegedly for supporting the afghan government the police chief in kandahar and three other officers were killed by a roadside bomb in the south and today three nato soldiers were killed by a bomb an eastern afghanistan as well as one in the south and yet on his way out general david petraeus continued to cite progress in the country so when is reality going to sink in we're here to discuss this with me is lawrence wilkerson retired u.s. army colonel and former chief of staff to colin powell thanks so much for being here tonight. this is not necessarily something new of course of violence and death political assassinations in afghanistan but do you think that the timing should
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tell us anything here considering that it's reyes is leaving now that recently the withdrawal timeline has been announced now that we're seeing so many of these political moves i think that's probably true in defense of general petraeus when he was central command commander he said he would get immediately following the increase in troops he said to get worse before it got better it is as a as you illustrated i think it is getting worse i think it's going to get even worse the central issue still though you know my central issue is pakistan and if we don't stop this squabbling over whether we're going to give certain monies to pakistan or not and give them and further demoralize deemphasize the military the civilians and so forth we're going to have a problem that even though this is ministration wants desperately to get out of afghanistan at least major tree formations that we can't we simply can't leave because pakistan is going to be in such bad shape that to leave will simply be to
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beg the reintroduction of major forces to restabilize or try to restabilize parts so then tell me about general john allen who's about to take over and petraeus this former role after just a year do you think that he's someone who is capable of this job how is he going to handle it well i thought of the marine corps war college for four years and frankly . person per person i prefer marine general so army joe it's really wild because they're more candid they're more straightforward and generally speaking you know they're willing to speak truth to power a little more there's somebody or meijer i don't know if he's that particular character it becomes extremely difficult when you're forced or whether you're wearing green or brown but someone has to begin to tell the president from a military perspective how until nable our situation is an afghanistan and quit this business it's going to get better tomorrow it's going to get better next week
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it will be tough for the next six months but it will get better in a year because it is not going to get better is he somebody you think that holds the same popularity here on capitol hill the way that general dave petraeus has when it comes to lawmakers congress really being blind to anything we might be saying that isn't true because he's just such a popular guy and everybody listens on the congressman love generals they can hide behind. a general that will come up there and do what they want them to do in the perspective that they want to they love to hide behind successful generals so petraeus has been that sort of the general for that whether or not general allen or anyone for that matter in there and start can be a combat commander general in the wake of the trejos and with what's happening now is really questionable so i'm wondering guy would come to mind you know you're saying that congressman often like you hide behind these generals when they hammered you think that we're starting to see a little bit of a shift in a sense where some lawmakers are being more vocal about opposing the war yes about
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wanting to bring troops home ten years from our war vietnam or if you believe thirteen years if you want to go back all the way to the beginning the real beginning of southeast asian conflicts but yes i think you're right i think the physical status alone the money the trillions of dollars that reporting down the call first up nothing. is beginning to serve people when will we should begin to do certain people well that's one person that's to serve right now in this isn't specifically tied to the war in afghanistan although i guess you can say that anything post nine eleven war on terror is tied together and of course the obama administration asked for f.b.i. director robert mueller is term to be extended for two years to robert mueller also somebody popular with congress to which everyone said yes let's do it but let's make sure that this is a one time one time scenario and so we'll have to vote on it and now senator rand paul has actually blocked and said that he has a couple questions for robert mueller first what do you think about when i'm delighted rid of portion at least the commentary on it already is letter was
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available with. armed it why did that someone is finally as one historian said about the populist party in the late eighteenth hundreds however to say ignorant and even. restoring some democracy to boost republic because that's a seriously what he's trying to do and i'm not insinuating that he's any of those education i was going to address but the tea party i would quickly put it meant category in many instances but nonetheless they are going after what is the heart of this democracy and that's our freedom our civil liberties and so forth which have been much abused since nine eleven particularly by the bush administration but alarmingly in many respects continue the obama administration yeah and here specifically in his threat or his letter he's referring to certain provisions of the patriot act and roving wiretaps and the abuse of national security letters
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those are many things that he was trying to get answer to before when he was trying to block the patriot act from being extended for another four years so it's good to see him going after and now last question as a little bit off topic but that's what i was talking on as we interviewed jeremy scahill from the nation last week about his piece on the cia's secret sites in somalia what do you make of that is that we're using using we're. other people's a proxy now to continue to get more another place i'm not going and some are you so i can't comment directly on it but i can tell you i saw what was going on when we were doing this and other countries like thailand and so forth and i suspect that what we're doing in sylmar you with maybe some gradations of difference given that it's president obama not president bush or c.j. president cheney. is much to say but we are using the somalis by turning our faces when things we don't like occur but nonetheless condoning them by that turn face we're using the somalis to do what we don't want to do you know what we've
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been restricted from doing now whether it includes torture and i don't know but i'd be very surprised if it does that's something that they have on this ration is trying to keep their hands clean from something that they criticize the bush administration for so again just having some house to learn thanks so much for joining us through. as you know that many well connected and high ranking people in our government participate in an annual retreat from the words of california it's called bohemian grove and it's a gathering place for some of the most powerful men in this country and yes it is only now leisure way there is a lot of heavy drinking some sex that goes on during the secretive retreat but even more importantly what about all the political deals that are made they could affect you and i as here christine president out went to college for you to try to find out for herself what goes on in bahamian grow. it is nestled among the redwoods twenty seven hundred acres of pristine land broken down into dozens of camps and for two weeks every july since the eight hundred eighty s.
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they've been filled with some of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world. many of them arrive on their corporate jets at the nearby sonoma county airport. others arrive in fancy cars which will fill the onsite parking lot and it's height . there is said to be more than two thousand men who attend and as you can imagine they are well protected by a trove of police right here i know so we're now covering the protests and we just wanted to see if there was i would like a very thorough get of the problem because there's no way we know there's not enough story of the police come and arrest you if you don't. access is by invitation only and most pay more than fifteen thousand dollars to attend. and for more than thirty five years protesters have stood at the entrance gates our concern is not what's going on inside of the grove but what's happening outside in
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the grove with the people that are in here according to several reports and this is where the idea for the manhattan project was conceived back in one thousand nine hundred eighty two it's also where every republican president since the sixty's has spent time before actually becoming the nominee we know for sure that richard nixon and ronald reagan sat down and had a conversation about who was going to run for president when i mean they made a deal peter phillips wrote his dissertation on the bohemian club in one thousand nine hundred four and was invited to attend for four days he witnessed firsthand the opening of vent the cremation of care where the power elite leave their cares behind in a symbolic ceremony beneath the our wall seen in this photo judge says he was a paid employee of the grove and drove the horse and buggy they carried the casket in the ceremony the casket represented their peers and they were actually. burnet and there. at the long lake with music this is
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a place filled with secrets that only those who go inside and perhaps the trees will ever really know but i was able to get my hands on some photograph and i want to show you just to give you a sense on what it looks like on the inside this is a photograph of people who were tanned as we mentioned it is all men and this is a photograph of them from this here was taken back in one thousand nine hundred nine colin powell the back of down rumsfeld had and this is thomas kean two years later he would become head of the nine eleven commission here's a picture newt gingrich and reconsider and reconsider sign another star of thomas king here's a much younger dick cheney at the grove and henry kissinger having a little fun i was also able to get my hands on several programs from previous years outlining the schedule of talks and their topics but what we have here on july twenty second two thousand and eight is the lakeside talk given by c.f.r.
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member and trilateral commission member fred starr. he gave a tall called afghanistan the unexpected upside there are other connections to be made as well between the lakeside talks and public policy that this was a man that was involved in the. oil business george allen quits the persian gulf crisis this is one nine hundred eighty caspar weinberger who was the secretary of defense in the reagan administration on rearming america and that's easily documented the arms buildup came in round late eighty one two. there are rumors of extreme drunkenness of prostitutes and of homosexual activities by members but for the most part it is the secret backroom agreements critics say should be brought to light that agreement can be you know occupied in the middle east fighting terrorism. and certainly in china politically and militarily for mary
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moore who's been researching bohemian grove for more than three decades what happens inside is symptomatic of a much larger problem we've all grown up taking civics trying to understand how the world works and we're all told that we elect representatives they go to washington we have total influence over them and they make decisions that are in the best interests of us then we start growing up and if we pay any kind of attention we find out that none of that is true in monterrey real california christine for sound r t. still ahead i'll respond to your comments that you left on line it's nice of you said it i read it segment and a judge stopped the federal government in their tracks of their handling of a whistleblower case that will talk about tracking your cell phone tonight as a story that everybody should hear regarding a very powerful and very secretive tracking to all the governments around the world are using i can stay with.


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