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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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today is mine is this thing days to the full day and no one actually knows what's going to happen on august third not even white house budget director jacob lew is in government exciting especially when it kills me we got a police state updates and i would assume in san francisco or a vault in china groping the t.s.a. that's that's groping groping high them and cops turning to other so on all the joins us with some historical perspective on the debt limit dance and brian miller the now former g.o.p. chairman callan joins us for that story and finally tonight will have the story of world war three as could only be told by you the viewers of adam versus the man.
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ladies and gentlemen the the fault is nearly upon us obama said a thirty six hour deadline for republicans last thursday but now they've not dismissed it they're ignoring it how do the but doing so do alone but i have to ask with the debt ceiling deadline growing perilously close what exactly are global markets person for. with the debt ceiling deadline growing perilously close global markets are bracing for the unthinkable i use the let me know i will kill you we're going to blow your brains out.
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whoa now that's that's scary i don't even have a a snide comment yet for that one i'm still recovering that was norm buffett the oracle of all was saying the government is going to blow our brains out. today is the minus fifteen days to the fall day and obama must be feeling pretty silly now because he's been trying on hats for his birthday party in chicago but the day at for that it's happening the day after d.-day but more like a tyrant scorned you see on thursday during negotiations at the white house he give republicans a thirty six hour deadline to fix the problems the civically to avoid a government default that is come up with a plan to raise the debt limit that would pass both the house and senate. that was that was the headlines you might have some seen about that it was actually twenty four to thirty six hours and the president actually has no authority to ask congressional leaders to do it in the first place oh and there's no threat of
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a default however that didn't stop white house budget director jacob lew from going on c.n.n. to dodge candy crowley's easy questions. there won't be any real money to pay on the bill of course not that's one time that they already use i think once one gets into the business of trying to ask about something for you that misses the fundamental question which is that it's unacceptable for the united states to be in a place where whether it's social security recipient or a soldier or somebody who is just old money by the government can't be paid because we've not done our job well to start out with if you don't have a plan for spending money two weeks from now and for the federal government i'd say you haven't done your job but as lou admits there will not be enough money to pay the bills but that's missing the question see we're just going to print the money that way only people who are too poor and stupid to care will be the ones paying the price through the inflation tax so it's the whole living within our means
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option look like as long as we can pay the interest on the debt there's no default tax revenues are about two point two trillion dollars a year in the interest payments on that that are about three hundred billion dollars which leaves one point nine trillion dollars for other things like killing brown people all over the world putting down protests subsidizing friends and government bailouts for wall street. oh wait that's that's also three hundred billion dollars more than needed to pay for entitlements for the year so lawmakers could hypothetically on all entitlements start very slowly pain down the debt and not have to raise taxes or the debt ceiling but that's not the point the government only gives you those measly handouts for the excuse of imposing a taxation system that allows its infill brown people all over the world put down protests of sorts friends of government and bail out wall street in the first place just two weeks ago and will be with you until the very end of the artificial drama
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speaking of artificial drama joining me now is so far not molyneux of freedom a radio dot com so far thank you so much for being with us tonight my pleasure all right so you pointed out that this is happened before what we're seeing today in washington with the debt ceiling talks the back and forth the drama the dance. what could we have possibly seen this before so fun well let's go back in time to one thousand nine hundred ninety away and the elder george bush was afeard to count them two dollars in spending caps for every dollar in tax hikes and he and the republicans of the time agreed to said deal with the devil and what happened was all hundreds of billions of dollars of tax increases were pushed through but zero of the spending cuts were and ended up being pushed through and this is one of the reasons why the g.o.p. is unwilling to allow for any tax increases in this budget negotiation on this debt
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ceiling negotiation because they got burned once before but all of the tax increases went through none of the tax cuts in fact in fact spending increased over that time period so this is one of the reasons why they're holding fast and of course the tea party inclusion and of the really conservative perhaps even libertarian g.o.p. candidates are holding fast to this and we don't know as yet whether it's a strategy or not but we do know that no disaster is going to happen on august second because it's a completely artificial. deadline the government can sell off gold the government can sell up assets a government can prioritize spending the government can walk through the street not to rely on its i see celebrity not prioritize spending stuff on we're talking about government here that might be asking a bit much but he said when we went through this in the early ninety's we had we had the same back and forth over the debt limit the same song and dance from republicans democrats big spending taxes vs tax raises versus tax cuts and we increased taxes and increase spending and more borrowing is that right
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yet knows no spending cuts none of the promise spending cuts were put forward and we all know that that's going to be the case it's really easy to cut spending in the field medical future so one of the reasons there isn't even a budget ready for the start of the new fiscal year in october twentieth and they they can't get any of this stuff together so the idea that they're going to come to some intelligent resolution which is going to involve some real spending cuts is a pipe dream the system can't work without debt everybody on the inside knows that and more and more people on the outside thanks to shows like yours are beginning to realize that do ok for other flashback going back to two thousand and six which was one of the more recent increases in the debt limit i want to share this quote from you from the president then senator barack obama he said then the fact that we are here today to debate raising america's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure and this is a sign that the u.s. government can't pay its own bills it is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance their governments reckless fiscal policies increasing america's debt we can
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systematically and internationally leadership means that the buck stops here instead washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren america has a better problem and a failure of leadership americans deserve better so was obama right then well he was right in when you're in the opposition you steadfastly refuse to raise the debt ceiling because it's a good way to get what you want. i liked barack obama back in two thousand and six a lot more when he actually liked his own children and his own potential grandchildren because he was right yeah of course we're pushing the death toll but once you get into power the machinery and the mechanics of power take over and then you become completely for raising the debt ceiling because otherwise you have to make difficult decisions that are going to get you out of power out there so it's imperative is there anything new about this round of drama i mean anything public awareness understanding tell me something's different this time well i'll tell you i'll tell you a few things that are different very very briefly i know but the first of all if
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you look at state governments giving them more money is not going to work they've had a four fold increase in income over the past almost decade relative even to population growth in a place and they just heavily into debt giving the government more money is only going to make a problem worse because they just use that money as collateral to borrow more so i think the republican the right to stand against tax increases the government federal government spending over the last decade has gone up sixty percent so even if we cut it by that amount it would go back to two thousand and one it's not like the society is going to collapse so yeah they need to cut spending and it needs to happen but this has been cycled one hundred times the during a race and it was implemented the way of saying it's did i just hear stuff odwalla to say the republicans are right imagine that all right we're going to have to end the interview with that note then. not only. radio.
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in the big you district in san francisco in one thousand year old is that after being shot by police in an incident involving a failure to pay bus fare police and several witnesses are claiming that the suspect had a gun on him during the incident and that shots were fired at the masters but the police haven't been able to substantiate this claim with physical evidence the the gun. police claim they encountered disappeared crowds of angry protesters swarmed around the cops after the shooting claiming the opposite that the nineteen year old kenneth harding apparently didn't have a weapon and that the police had shot an unarmed man the following clip is graphic but as you can hear the crowd doesn't see a weapon and believes the man was unarmed.
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in that cell phone clip from you tube actually in the second clip there's an account of the incident that shows a silver object on the ground and the anonymous cameraman who filmed the clip insists including with his youtube notations that it was indeed a gun although it should be noted that harding was a person of interest in a murder case in seattle the camera man from the second clip claims a bystander grabbed the gun during the commotion and walked away with it in that video someone can be seen picking up the object in question off the ground but it looks nothing like a gun there police now claim that they believe they've recovered the weapon but we will wait and see how this one plays out before coming any judgments china can't seem to keep all of its little commies in line no matter how hard the party may try to make sure everyone's a good little citizen it seems they have a rebel alliance now brewing in gene jang region region of china. i should just not even try and they're clearly wielding some force at least against the local police
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and now five are dead after an attack on a police station including a police officer and a paramilitary police officer according to state run chinese media negri mob attacked the building setting it afire and taking hostages no reason given for the attack but the authorities claim the groups involved are connected of course to. islamic separatists islamic terrorist movement that may have ties to al qaeda even that wouldn't be quite the jasmine revolution we're going for of course getting through the iron curtain of chinese state is it makes reporting on any brewing revolutionary unrest more difficult but this much is certain there is discontent and it's rising quickly oh wow what a waste on friday a massive marijuana field was set ablaze in baja california by the mexican army it was almost three hundred acres and in size four times the size of the next field it was found in one thousand nine hundred four that was until now the largest one
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uncovered by government eyes now this is the largest one out there of course mexico's overlords though decided the cannabis was far too terroristic to be left alone and i've never seen a scorched earth policy they could release so much t.h.c. and there they go i feel a great disturbance in the force as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced let's all take a moment of silence for this senseless destruction of innocent plant life and hope that the soldiers at least got to walk away with a pretty good. the transportation security administration they may grab your junk they may follow your top does they may even go where the sun don't shine if they're feeling on the first side but don't worry it's not sexual assault when they do don't even think about it back though you don't have a government sanction and they beat me to it story a female blue shirt of the t.s.a.
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got a taste of her own medicine this past weekend at sky harbor airport in phoenix when sixty one year old yukari muhammad a new hero apparently decided that she'd have had enough of the agency's license to grope. according to a police report she grabbed agent barbara o'toole's quote left breast through her clothing this queasiness and twisting it with both hands without the victim's permission. she didn't she didn't get permission first sound so dramatic for poor barbara funny because it also sounds very familiar to some of the assault and human to the assault and humiliation that you know the rest of us have to go through but now we have the double standard where we can all see it very obviously only open when the t.s.a. molest someone it's standard operating procedure for security but this mischief well she's now facing sexual assault felony charges coming out that works.
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when we come back we'll have former for a few a county g.o.p. chair brian of miller you're watching adam or versus the man think. archie is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. the old. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. into that a little military mechanisms to deal with considering just the sort of the.
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right should know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes . i would characterize obama as a charismatic. of american exceptionalism. ladies and gentlemen welcome back to adam vs the man earlier this year in tucson arizona a swat team some are saying you heard although that might be a slight over dramas ization of what happened with the swat team burst down the door in no not great feeling former marine veteran of iraq and afghanistan who was a reyna in tucson and in pima county the republican party has been quite tough by the drama of the situation playing out after the county chair there brian
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miller decided to take it upon himself to apply. what he considers real republican values to the situation and the values of the oath keepers of which he is a member of that organization myself as well whose president stuart rhodes decided to hold a memorial and protest regarding that event but as of last week ryan miller is no longer the chair of the republican party of pima county joining us to explain why is brian miller himself all the way from pima county arizona brian thanks so much for being with us and i am thinks some little have at least some of them have me well we certainly have your back here when you stand up for the constitution especially under such difficult circumstances within the republican party so before we before we get into what happened just recently what what transpired tell us what was this the position that you took that set you apart from the county central committee which is to say that most of the rest of the leadership there you know
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the reason i stood out from the rest of the grand old politburo was because i said that you know there was amendments in the vote in the constitution that were violated and the rights of people are become before the rights of the government so i had the audacity to speak up not only in support of the first amendment in january but in the wake of jose were you getting gunned down in front of in front of his family and left to bleed out i offered support and asked people to think of the rights inherent in the bill of rights amendments to floor five six eight fourteen and i think all of those need to be discussed as far as hopefully they might have been violated in hoboken although rugs ok well while it may not have been articulated by your opposition in this case what is the position of the of the of the committee in contrast to yours what are they saying about the boringness routing well about the green yesterday may say we shouldn't say anything do you see
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that's an elected public order to them that's an elected politicians. job of course i waited three weeks and nobody said squat about it so somebody had to stand up and do it so this was a little low their position is don't say anything led law enforcement sorted out we're not going to take a position we're going to let the government just do this and figured out by their own yeah yeah they're there law enforcement fetishists what they are and also the the the elected politicians around here are lap dogs for the police unions because the police unions got all riled up when i dared to speak and they went to the local republican politicians and demanded i be muzzled because you can't have somebody speaking out of turn ok we just have a minute left here where you were moved this past week from your position as the county chair how did that actually happen and how did it get to the point where they thought oh well now this guy's a threat let's get him out of here well you had certain elected officials literally saying we've got to get what i see here is a libertarian takeover
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a secret plan to take over the republican party the ironic thing is of course nobody ever wanted to keep anyone out except them if they really wanted to win elections they would the point is if they just like their little power their little fiefdoms and so you know it's all good though and i'm why would i it was the outcome was good either way because either i'm going to help to to write an organization that's completely corrupt morally corrupt or they going to kick me out which can actually somehow be well ryan on. this to do my job as a journalist here which i don't take seriously at all i have to i have to ask you to see it from the other side here i mean from their perspective there is a it's not a secret but there is a young libertarian takeover of the republican party happening and that is that most of the republican activists coming into the party under the age of thirty are libertarian so really if they want to make sure that the party has no future if
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they want to make sure that there are no libertarians in the part. if they want to make sure that there are no young activists campaigning for the republicans so we can get rid of obama in two thousand and twelve we have to kick people like you out of the party then i think you're right in order to save the party to shout at the foot all right thanks so much for being with the side bryan miller former chair of the pima county republicans outstanding serene with us and i keep up the good work i'll show you keep fighting there. so in some other republican high jinks we have some numbers out of ron paul forums dot com in today's story that you won't hear anywhere on the mainstream the reports for fundraising for the republican presidential candidates came out just a couple weeks ago and our good friends at ron paul formes dot com have been crunching the numbers here we have total contributions by active duty military personnel by this candidate herman cain six thousand two hundred twenty three
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dollars now remember these numbers are coming from reports that may be if anything overstating these these numbers at this point but mitt romney not even coming out cain there for active duty military contributions five thousand michele bachmann bit of a late start this round ok twenty five hundred fifty dollars newt gingrich's campaign is imploding i don't know if that was by accident there a thousand and twenty five paul lente all of two hundred fifty dollars from active duty military rick santorum two hundred fifty dollars also here in johnson sadly none for his position total there of those other candidates so to speak fifteen thousand three hundred ninety eight dollars sure sounds like a lot doesn't it well there's one other candidate who you might have noticed well i
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don't know if you're watching the mainstream media you might out of notice that he was admitted for. that list let's see how much did ron paul get in this last quarter from active duty military oh my gosh thirty six thousand seven hundred thirty nine dollars and seventy nine cents no surprise actually that this was the case far out stripping up all of the republican presidential candidates put together as was the case four years ago but let's see let's compare this to who's the other guy running for president in two thousand and twelve. twenty eight thousand eight hundred thirty three dollars and ninety nine cents for the president himself including all the donations from the marines the air force the navy the army whatever that other branches. to the commander in chief ron paul is their choice but let's go let's take a look at the numbers from two thousand and seven here just for a second comparing ron paul john mccain mitt romney rudy giuliani mike huckabee and
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fred thompson there's a little flash flash back total from the entire campaign it back four years ago again ron paul until until the end of the primary season ron paul had more campaign contributions from active duty service members then all other primary candidates put together including barack obama back then so here's the latest. two thousand and eleven military donations we've got ron paul mitt romney cain and bachmann they're nice to have a little visual effect to put that in perspective. in mother russia your votes don't pick presidents presidents pick your own as that's not right that's not right in mother russia naked chicks the side elections it seems that while ron paul is inspiring scores of activists to build money bombs and take to the political cannons for his presidential primary battle russian pm vladimir putin
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is inspiring another kind of fan and that occasion stripping an all knowing campaign of unknown origin manifests into the intro abs and its message is simple young attractive girls should serve in support of a putin presidential run the video entitled putin's army appeared on the blog of a russian lawmaker this past weekend showing a blond college age girl striding through moscow and high heels before slipping out of several articles of clothing trivial out the amount of cleavage and a shirt that proclaims i will tear my clothes off for pluton since i know you're all going to google it anyways and can't hurt these ratings it makes sense to show you this. thing in the letter. and that's the only way we will this is in my.
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sorry that's about as good as the video gets and no she doesn't column to putin but they don't hold anything to our liberty ladies here in america you've got to give them some credit they're probably little more capitalist then the obama girl ever was cause they know a thing or two about marketing right. and now a special you the viewer tonight i just want to take a little perspective in slow things down a bit so monday times are tough it seems little of conflict is on the rise and governments all over the world struggle to maintain a status quo like never before and get increasingly desperate there's something it's continue to suffer no various metaphors have been applied to the spreading arab spring that is stretching well into summer and across the rest of the world it may be helpful to overcome the deceptive language of government with a metaphor that empowers us rather than excuses the violence of government so let's call this world war three the people versus the governments because we can
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struggle we can protest we can resist but maybe just maybe if we can make it a war we can be victorious and maybe then we can make the governments servants of the people again on our facebook page we asked is this world war three but people versus the governments but i was not with a quick reality check from she'll look listener let's remember those are people who are in our government let's not make them our enemy or we are only using their same tactics peace is the goal and see there is our government and there is these people in it but if we can get them out first then we can question the government without hurting them but ground clarified governments are mostly made of people too i don't . there are made up of people who i don't i thought the people who were in the government. the government maybe that's why we're all more wrote i can
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almost smell the illusion and megan cromwell jumps in to draw the line in the sand atom it's world war three and it's likely the scariest war we've ever faced that will determine so much about mankind and our future the saddest part is that the majority of the us has no clue we are even at war it's like the ultimate battle of good versus evil well we have the ultimate battle of good versus evil we don't even know if the people we are smelling are in government or part of it and we don't even know or or maybe joseph bauer can put this in perspective armageddon a time of in lightman awakening to new beginnings to a way to liberate ourselves from oppressive rule is the goal and i see no feasible way to do so and maintain any someones of peace with our presence they are not like us they are the enemy sheila yes sheila they are the enemy but wait they suppose we now know how to identify them. braxton hicks writes
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a list of common psychopathic traits i call portrait of governments live in superficial charm grandiose sense of self-worth and for stimulation pathological lying kind of manipulation lack of remorse or guilt shallow affect callousness and lack of empathy parasitic lifestyle poor behavioral controls for miscue of sexual behavior lack of realistic long term goals and piles of missing responsibility failure to accept responsibility for own actions revocation of conditional release criminal versatility that i missed anything what would help many of those apply to me glib and superficial charm grandiose sense of self-worth and for simulation of a logical line kind of manipulation lack of remorse or guilt shallow afaik callousness and lack of empathy parasitic lifestyle poor behavior controls from school social behavior lack of realistic long term goals and goals of this responsibility failure to sever sponsibility for actions revocation conditional release criminal first to lety am i got a perfect score on a test how am i not at least the congressman and because they'll say it's a car messed justin tons o. wrote count me and i've got nothing to.


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