tv [untitled] July 18, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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into that only a military mechanism can do the work to bring justice ok but if. i have every right to know what my government's doing it want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sorely sleep you think you understand it and any glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't know i'm sorry for the big picture. says.
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you. are it's time for you said if i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i do listen now first i want to respond to some positive feedback from a kind viewer on twitter during walton tweeted me alone to show you are doing excellent work a lot of the jeremy scahill interview last week was one of your best i want to say thank you for the kind words i too really enjoyed the interview with jeremy last week and i think that it represents what our show aims to do at its best telling the stories that others can't or will not tell and not surprisingly the cia scrambled discredits the whole story through out right through excusing through outright denials in press releases and all of that was to be expected but that's
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why you're supposed to have the media to call them out when you use organizations like a.b.c. they simply reprinted cia statements without an else of skepticism jeremy scahill was nowhere to be found on c.n.n. fox or even ever as on b.b.c. where he has appeared numerous times in the past so we're more than happy to him to be one of the few organizations that actually bring you those stories and i want to squander a comment from a viewer on it who will time segment from last friday and it's one thousand nine hundred sixty one said i hate cain because he's stupid alone our founding fathers i thought you were russian someone correct me if i am wrong that is you're not wrong i was born in russia i moved here when i was four and i am an american citizen so yes i'm an american making the founding fathers of the united states my founding fathers too i never questions my honest ron to a tweet from bo he tweeted the daily show needs to interview the alone a show that would be so entertaining so i just want to say. i am totally on board
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of that idea john if you're listening out there i want as a point i promise that for my ranting today i have more as usual for you later in the week. this time. the mind will come down. some last year choirs will be singing. ladies and gentlemen the justice system has just given us a glimmer of hope and comes to court cases surrounding the punishment of whistleblowers just a short while back we first told you about thomas drake former n.s.a. employee who was accused of felony espionage charges when he shared information about wasteful government spending with the newspaper the baltimore sun now the original sentence from drake was approximately thirty five years behind bars until earlier this year when prosecutors realized that they didn't have a strong enough case against him and ease their accusations from espionage to exceeding of the authorized use of a computer just a misdemeanor charge sudden change of heart that have to take place right after the
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new yorkers again mayor detail the absurdity absurdity of the government's charges and a very lengthy piece for that magazine now in u.s. district judge richard bennett finally heard the case he further school the prosecutors for their very meager attempts at trying to imprison a whistleblower and he ultimately sentenced to two hundred forty hours of community service and a year of probation so needless to say rick was very pleased with judge bennett's ruling. experience was struck by his demeanor demonstrates just. because truth this matter you are you that the next organization. which. i absolutely agree with drake the government is simply conducting a witch hunts and its relentless prosecution of whistleblowers something that puts all government employees willing to put themselves on the line in the name of truth in danger welcome back to drake's case the former n.s.a. worker was relieved when he heard a sentence i think he should not receive any punishment at all for starters of
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draven leak classified information that's a statement he stood by for the past four years how the fact of the prosecution couldn't even for a bit of evidence against him to convict him of felony charges after all that time so i guess instead of further embarrassing themselves well they decide to bring down their original charges and offer a plea deal instead that at least judge bennett could see through this flaky case of the government brought against drake but it scolded the justice department for their actions saying that he was appalled by the time lapse between when drake's house was first first raided over two years ago until when he was charged and he claimed that it did not pass the smell test and he's right as time went on it became very clear team bush and then a team obama were going to go after anybody who put the government in a bad light even an n.s.a. employee who merely shared information of government waste with the press and despite the fact that he didn't leak any classified information that could damage national security obama want to set a president to keep anybody else from trying to do the same but the federal courts
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saw through the government's pulling efforts stopped them in their tracks saving an innocent man from spending a decade behind bars for a crime they didn't commit so here you have folks a true glimmer of hope a team obama is at war and whistleblowers can in fact be stopped. now are you ready to hear about the most important geo location company you've never heard of or for the usual suspects fans out there the kaiser soze save global phone tracking spencer ackerman from wired's danger room called it today it's a company called true position based out of pennsylvania holdings of liberty media which also owns sirius x.m. the atlanta braves basically people have money and if you have eighteen t. or t.v. mobile that they have the technology to locate nine one one calls and use and do so with over sixty million calls in the u.s. annually according to accurate but that's not all it turns out over the last four years this company has had a lot of worldwide interest and its location intelligence as a security tool for they won't tell anybody which countries they have those
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contracts with while providing at this incredible technological told they also take a none of the blame for how it's used and say that it's up to the governments to hear from their own laws so why we've heard so little about that and should we be worried joining me to discuss it is christoffersen going security and privacy researcher and graduate fellow at indiana university center for applied cybersecurity research chris thanks so much for coming back on the show nice to be here for starters can you tell us a little bit about how this technology works what's so special about it this isn't your typical g.p.s. tracking the true position makes that sits on every cell tower that it. has and it allows them to triangulate a phone very accurately based on timing information very complex but the short version is they will to figure out where users are inside buildings which is something that you can guess doesn't do whenever you're not in one call is made or more importantly and for people who care about privacy whenever the government asks the proposition provide this technology they don't sell it to the government in
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this country they say they just provide it to the phone companies and then the phone companies are free to do with it as they please and of course we know that many phone companies in this country or in bed with the government and so of course this technology and the data that comes from it is making its way we more than likely into the hands of intelligence agencies and law enforcement so you think that probably. that probably our government has some in some way already been able to take advantage of this because if you think about it they can't legally go through this company right they can't legally just ask you to monitor and tire area our entire city and check people's phones so the true position doesn't have the data in many cases it's the phone companies that have the data they provide the tools that can then be used in lies the state or the or the hardware that fits into the phone system to position offer sort of two kinds of services one is this geolocation functionality that you for nine one one we know for example the telephone companies in the u.s. and around the world routinely receive requests for people's location information what your position also does which i think is really costing you up and i'm on
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stuff seems heartless and after i bet seems like something that helps people although not in ones that can also be used whenever the government says they say you know we want to know where chris is right now they can ping my phone and find out where i am you know no matter whether i'm indoors or outdoors or we know that happens what's new in this article was a description of two positions of geo fencing software so what they do is they draw a virtual fence around a house of a nuclear facility a military base you know any place of interest and to position the software can allow the phone company to spot new devices whenever they enter that virtual printer so you could imagine the government has a list of all the employees of a nuclear power plant or a university and whenever someone who is not normally there shows up they get an alert now the problem is you know this kind of functionality well it may be cool and useful or it may not actually be legal certainly in the us i don't see a way for this to be used in the law enforcement context normally requests for the go to from the government have to be for specific individuals you can't just say
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well you know we want to blanket search of anyone who enters the zone and so there are some really awesome questions specifically with regard to this feature because we don't know if it's being used here and you know while it may be used in broad true position hasn't revealed which countries they've sold this song. well that's right they haven't they won't tell you out who it is that they're working with but i think we have to assume that this is profitable for them right i mean this is not a charity and you know they are not in this to help you know the poor children out there they sell software they sell functionality for believe very very high prices and the kinds of governments that are interested generally are not doing this because they want to you know keep tabs on you know what children are doing at night these these the governments around the world are doing this because they want to keep track of dissidents and so to position isn't the only company that makes this kind of stuff there's a sort of small group of companies that make this stuff but they all sort of keep below the radar because they're not selling equipment to consumers they're selling
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it directly to the phone companies and to foreign governments we know for example that vodafone egypt in two thousand and eight was forced to reveal to the government the names and people who are in a bread riot in the streets. people are in the street they have the phones in their pockets the phone company knows where they are the government comes with the requests and then i think if they if the government has guns on the phone company doesn't you know you know the phone company is going to coughing up information but what we should be asking here is why are u.s. companies u.s. companies that have to comply with u.s. laws selling that this kind of software to governments around the world that may not respect human rights i mean i don't really think the u.s. government spokesman right but certainly middle eastern governments and governments around the world do not respect human rights at all and they shouldn't be getting this functionality but i'm happy you know that you brought that up because i think that of course a lot of people would argue that their private business this is absolutely within their right to do so but then is there some type of should they have some kind of moral qualms one may think about who they sell this technology hugh how it might be used could they hold any responsibility for what happens afterwards so they told
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spencer ackerman from our century that you know it's up to the governments over to respect human rights months to leave their office you know they don't know what it's being used for and you know that kind of argument doesn't really hold water when it's what weapons dealers who are. selling equipment and i don't think it's that it should really apply. you know if in any way when it's her country's making the right if if you are building software that's helping the chinese build a great parlor or wall of china you should be held accountable if you're building a communications intercept here that's helping the iranian spy on this event you should be held accountable and i think we should be i mean i think i'll go to should be looking into this and finding out which governments the stuff being sold how are they right how are they keeping everything so far below the radar he said because they're not selling it to consumers why can't there be an investigation or there would have to be investigations or congress would have to take an interest you know it's sort of strange normally you wouldn't expect congress to say look inside what the bahraini government is doing given that we have such code close its
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eyes usually are you know the government our our government takes an interest in what other sketchy government are doing only once you've broken relations with them right so now it's really an egypt or sort of one brought up before we were happy to have your being sold to the i well a true position name that most of us have never heard about obviously important out there chris thanks so much for being here tonight. and still to come the governor here in the u.s. marines are tools time award after asking people in her state her brain and happy hour carmageddon turns into a huge blast plus c.n.n. honors nelson mandela on his first day very strange way to stick around. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and here's the part of it and realize that everything is just. part of the.
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i think. well. we're never going to be safe get ready for freedom. ride it's time for tonight's tool time aboard and i to go to oklahoma governor mary fallin the republican is only a few months into her first term as governor but she is facing a very serious issue and i'm not talking about a state budget shortfall or a scandal in her administration this one involves the weather like most of the u.s.
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is in the middle of a major heat wave over the past few weeks temperatures of top one hundred in this day and it has not rained in weeks either so late last week governor fallin decided the state needed help from a higher power she issued the following statement saying i encourage oklahomans of all faiths to join me this sunday and offering their prayers for rate for the safety. firefighters in our communities in the well being of our crops and livestock this state needs a current drought to come to an ant the power of prayer is a wonderful thing and i would ask every oklahoman to look to a greater power this week and ask for rain i'm just wondering did everyone in oklahoma spend sunday on their knees praying for rain well from the looks of t.v. station websites in oklahoma city i'm guessing they maybe did it. the more you believe the one on the right one you can live like this and i know. i asked all my friends to play a gig zack same time i simultaneously we'd play like really rain or turn on the air
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commission that bad a man and a beater but it's still the mark this is america we need to keep playing. all right now the real question is did governor palin's request for brain work there are enough people in the state given out praise to god to end his drought and i want to be debbie downer here but we checked the weather channels for a cause for oklahoma city and it's going to be one hundred or above for the next ten days and there is not a drop of rain in the forecast to get that power of prayer isn't working quite now i'm not here to criticize those who are people of faith who pray because that's absolutely right and that's our decision to do so but can we not draw a line when it comes to the government calling for its if you remember governor mary fallin is not the first politician to try this old pray for rain gimmick texas governor rick perry trying to back in april his state was dealing with massive wildfires and no rain so after perry's day of prayer nothing changed in fact recent headlines in the state of place texas in a severe drought with no measurable rain for more than seven months. so sorry guys
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but god is obviously not listening to these g.o.p. governors maybe governor mary fallin to try and convince her fellow lawmakers the climate change is real stop praying that god is going to send rain your state and i doubt that's ever going to happen because palin and her fellow g.o.p. governors just love pandering to that religious right and that's what makes our tonight's poll timeline. ok it's time for happy hour on this monday evening and joining me tonight is r t producer lucy capping off and not welsh either and she of reason magazine thank you thank you cheers to day you guys didn't know is nelson mandela's ninety third birthday and. decided to bring in a very special guest for this event take a look. we are wishing a happy birthday to nelson mandela he's ninety three years old today we are joined
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from new york by organ freeman a strong promoter of mandela day a great singer to we found out mr freeman what exactly is the mission. i'm sorry what it is to play you can't get nelson mandela as a let's just bring in the guy that played him one thing a movie and all americans will be fooled. i mean. he's a promoter like they said of nelson mandela not heard they. got off the street who happened to be black yeah that would pretty much suck but let's give them a little bit of credit is terrible c.n.n. is i mean mandela did play i mean morgan freeman played mandela in the movie his guiding light on the other yeah you know that's pretty shocking god you definitely should just bring in morgan freeman a little fine you know you guys can you know it's about appreciate my humor i mean doing it all without any you know what while not smiling and pretending as if it's serious i you know i think the next step is to interview the avatars from taiwanese
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animation. humans all together well this post has been made before any of you guys have seen. you know with marks out there is actually very. french morgan freeman. that's the reason since only four hours about the matter yeah it is hard to feel twenty four hours i'm just wondering you know how many people out there probably would confuse morgan freeman or nelson mandela i mean and the sad thing is i think at the end of the day most people don't even know actually what it is that nelson mandela did they know that he's a good guy and he's from south africa and that's pretty much the place of any movie yes it's a good guy to specially work on electric company ok guys i don't know where you're getting there with that morgan freeman because i want your company and western company you know where my children know the children's t.v. show and we're growing up my kids i wasn't growing up same time you were hearing i . know my doing radio i went there ok let's move on to
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a real schmuck herman cain who obviously doesn't like muslims now is decided to. just take a life right but in any community he didn't say we don't want to a mosque in our community they could say that chris let's go back to the fundamental issue that good people. well cost base is the same but the object and the object and to the fact that he is both a religion and set of law shari'a law you're saying any community if they want to ban a mosque yes they have the right to do that. ok eg no you don't actually have the right to do that on friday he was compared complaining that if people do build mosques it's infringing upon his freedom of religion but also just cracks me up to hear that because i'm sorry but how many christian religious you know laws are used in american laws when it comes to marriage or abortion or some of those issues ironically about five years ago there was
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a wave of local ordinances and state laws that were passed out to be has of evangelicals of the christian right to protect. churches from overzealous zoning laws that were all dressed up as oh we're worried about parking but really didn't want to freak or church on the corner here it's weird that we're suddenly panicking about muslims about eight years after the last person was really honestly scared about sharia law or muslims in this country it's a strange and terrible thing and i think just what is quite a problem for you have now going to be ten years since nine eleven and now suddenly we have these massive waves of islamophobia oh no i mean it's i mean the same thing have with abortion actually says wait did not spark up a big backlash on the religious right in one thousand seventy four and one hundred seventy five economy faster sized around one thousand nine hundred ninety once maybe people just sat around for a long time and then said hey we can freak out about this and then it came to fruition i mean i don't know i just love the fact that you know we can talk about the constitution all our all these constitutionally protected rights but when
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a muslim does it suddenly it means the complete opposite of what it means for the rest of us here in america what you read is great i mean you know those traditional religions that you're for it's like christianity it's not like they ever use the church pulpit to try to influence policy in their latest take that right and well to really think they need to do things ok on friday we may find it really for acting like carmageddon was going to be the biggest deal of all time and it turns out that it wasn't you can look at it. the good news come again it was a lot like the y2k threat a lot of hype that never materialized early commuters apparently he did the morning stay off the highways over the weekend when crews were tearing up part of the four five. maybe if you don't call it carmageddon act like it's going to be the biggest deal of all time not to be embarrassed on monday morning when you have to report on something that didn't actually happen that you thought was going to be the end of the world this proves if there's any one class that's even more clueless than las political leaders it's news media i lived in l.a.
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and was born raised in southern california ninety four olympics it was exact same thing this is going to be the mother of all traffic jams it's going to be an embarrassment a national disgrace and a lot and of course people respond and they say ok maybe i won't drive on the freeway much to everyone's shock it was the least traffic anyone had ever seen in history we probably completely forgot about tire history but i think it's kind of like the fisa keeps all those cops busy and they don't have time to bust down on doors of innocent little families and shoot their dogs and arrest people. there are sitting around looking at it gives them something everyone hears instead i want to be there like gave some citations to a bunch of cyclists in a seventy year old jogger i think i just wanted to get maybe a kid and i. didn't deserve a citation this story is that i just really like this one this is my favorite take a look at the clip it explains itself sixty one year old you carry me a me of longmont is accused of grabbing the left breast of a female t.s.a. agent on thursday. refused passenger screening became argumentative and then used
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both hands to squeeze and twist the agent's breast she's now facing a felony charge of sexual assault. i'm sorry so and so you know this i mean i you know i'm not thing of this hearsay agents deserve to be sexually assaulted but first that's a really funny way for somebody to finally kind of bite back right like we haven't seen that yet we've seen people want to videotape it and yell at them for it but we haven't seen anything. i know it is full of technology. even i'm just more curious about how she used both hands to i guess i guess the whole. book yet you know i don't condone nonconsensual nichols was. necessarily but you sometimes it's interesting of course that she will of course to prosecute to the full extent of the law and people within the t.s.a. even if they're not following procedures who do things that are completely invasive to people will never get prosecuted to any extent of any law which is beyond going
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state of security and power in this country i mean if they start wearing diapers or asking them to take out their diapers or worse going into a probe. ok i think we've got to wrap it up there and i'm also not advocating for anybody to get actually a false if it's a little ironic i think that if you i think that i'd say oh thanks for admitting it and make me come back on wednesday we're off tomorrow due to some scheduled maintenance thompson from the atlantic is going to be here when we return wednesday for another dose of happy hour in the meantime don't forget speaking. on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other always catch a falling. flash their lights are on plus the interviews as well as michelle in its entirety we have next is adam versus the made. a charmer in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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