tv [untitled] July 18, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour g.o.p. presidential hopeful herman cain continues to shows ignorance of the u.s. constitution and his prejudice toward muslims his latest notch in his wall of shame caught a call to ban all construction of u.s. mosques or republicans plan to quench the twenty twelve see this type of bigotry and being fair or honest has never been a concern of the republican party tonight a daily take on what the last five republican presidents united states all have in common here's a hint illegitimacy. of the republican race to the bottom is heating up in an interview with fox news
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sunday herman cain ripped apart the constitution and argued that any american community has the right to ban the construction of mosques and was alluding to the controversy in murfreesboro tennessee plans to build an islamic center have been put on hold by vandals and right wing lawmakers in the community and offended his position with this piece of impeccable logic take a look. couldn't any community then say we don't want to a mosque in our community they could say that chris let's go back to the fundamental issue that people are basically saying that the object into the object into the fact that is mom is both a religion and set of laws should realize that's the difference between in the one of our other traditional religions where it is just about religious purposes the people in the community know best and i have in the south of the people to communicate you're saying any community if they want to ban a mosque yes they have the right to do that. is. flom is the only religion with
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a set of laws has he ever heard of the ten commandments still this is only the latest republican attack on the first amendment in an effort to make muslims second class citizens in states so how can republicans who claim to be the ultimate defenders of the constitution continue to distort it piece by piece as to pick up a few votes from the fearful far right here to weigh in on the issues gordon cling and schmidt former navy chaplain and founder of the pray in jesus name project. god bless you tom and god bless your listeners in jesus' name thank you for having me well thank you gordon do you really want government to be able to tell people of any religion that they can or cannot build a house of worship. well of course i support and defend as a former navy chaplain the constitution of the united states including the first amendment which protects our right to free religious exercise it does not however protect our right to kill people or our right to do violence in the name of
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a false religion like islam islam has herman cain so articulately argued is not really a religion so much as it is a totalitarian government and they're trying to set up a separate city council in murfreesboro tennessee if they wanted to add insult to try to build a mosque c'mon garden. yes well of course you'll recall how shariah law effected these two people i'm talking about a shia a son right a lady in buffalo who was beheaded by her husband his or her husband who was convicted of murder for beheading his wife because she wanted to divorce ordinary howard there's crazy to polygamous mormons in arizona and new mexico and colorado to the fact of the matter is that when people break the law in the name of any religion you bust them that has nothing to do is saying you can't build a church we don't ban mormons from building building temples. well if you remember
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house utah was admitted to the union they did have to give up their polygamy as a religion in order to earn statehood we should have been seeing standard in murfreesboro think about with barry for example here's a young girl in ohio it already has and you know the united states that if you want to if that that your religion a religion cannot be about violence there's. this this is a totally phony argument i. who have you know because barry in ohio was threatened to eat killed by her father in the name of shariah law muslims advocate shariah law and guess who every day and there has been a half a dozen abortion doctors in the united states killed in the name of jesus corden does that mean that we should say that you can't have a church no that means i denounce the k.k.k. i do you know it's violence in the name of abortion but this man mohammed does not do you know it's violence in check she advocates violence he had but he gets. into
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the iran not serves chapter nine and verse five he says muslims can and should kill christians slay the idolater wherever you find them and take them captive in a show botanists church says that the pope is the anti-christ should we ban her church before one tries departs the local catholic church or do you think the pope is the as i prize to as a religious opinion written by martin luther not necessarily by michele bachmann but i'm saying that well as my good my very simple question for you garden do you do you think the she should be that her church should be banned because they say the pope is the antichrist how is this good in ireland or polygamy or the rate of clients as one how it says how is he different from the alleged that that michele bachmann and rick santorum signed this is progress he should be outlawed and gays should be converted should we ban her church do you want to and muslims hate the first amendment this man mommy appears her tune ok man mohammed if you could be
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just killed. in this video the word right now. no take off into it so why did you go to insult me thank you this way he grabs let me get it in fact we're going to end right now and that's that's it. herman cain's going amants shouldn't be all that surprising after all ever since reagan kicked off his one thousand nine hundred campaign in philadelphia mississippi where three civil rights workers were brutally murdered with a speech on states' rights every single republican candidate has had a dog whistle to their bigoted base in order to get elected and then the same kind of bigotry that you just saw exhibited by by gordon clinton schmidt is is the kind of thing that is frankly. cutting away at the foundations of this country it needs to be repudiated by all of us and the whole idea that somebody should not be able to build a church or a mosque or whatever simply because that's the religion they were born into is fundamentally un-american and in that context at least politically evil.
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is the good the bad in the very very tough. time of the on it troll boat big bully. i gotta practice this war first the good rudy giuliani what no really over the weekend giuliani had some great advice for the republican party in an interview with c.n.n. about new york's decision to legalize same sex marriage giuliani had this warning for the g.o.p. . i think that marriage is between a man and woman but i think that the republican party be well advised to get the heck out of people's bedrooms and let these things get decided by states i see born on the web or by drilling so much on the subject of gays and lesbians and whether it's right or wrong in politics you go wow giuliani telling republicans to drop the
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gay baiting you must be passing on running for president this time the pay out newt gingrich remember when his entire campaign staff quit a few months back claiming they didn't want to work for a huckster well they were right cording to reason finance campaign finance reformers gingrich has spent more than five hundred thousand dollars a quarter of his entire presidential campaign war chest on fly in luxury private jets all around the country i guess he's taking a page out of sarah palin's book act like you're running for president so a bunch of suckers around the country will throw money at you and finance your rock star all star lifestyle so don't a more tonight newt's campaign he likes the hotel rooms with jacuzzis. and a very very ugly oklahoma governor mary fallin taking a page from her neighbor to the south texas governor rick perry palin is calling for a statewide day of prayer to fight off the heat wave sweeping the nation palin told her constituents to start praying because a lot of prayers will move the heart of god i guess this is the republican strategy to present prevent catastrophic manmade climate change rather than embrace green
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technology to advise americans to cut energy consumption republicans want to just to pray so how long till we begin sacrificing first for us to ensure a good crop says it's very good. after the break why how america is becoming a one nation under anti-psychotic drugs. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the. i think. the the one well.
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we have a government says they're very confused safe get ready because of their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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but other news is our nation chock full of psychotics looking at the types of medication american state regularly apparently the answer is yes hard not to watch t.v. anymore and not see an advertisement for some sort of anti-psychotic medication take for example this ad for the drug abilify. here's me and here's my depression before i started taking up not five i was taking an antidepressant alone for most days i could put on a brave face and muddle through but other days i still struggled with my depression
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is managing it can easily creeping up on me i felt stuck i just couldn't shake my depression so i talked to my doctor he said adding abilify to my attention press it could help with my depression and that some people had symptom improvement as a release one to two weeks he also told me about a free trial offer from a coma fine now i feel more in control of my depression. then they go on to talk about look out here's all the side effects and how back in the old days anti-psychotics like abilify would take it only by a very very few people mostly seriously mentally troubled individuals but today they're all the rage in fact in two thousand and eight anti-psychotics became the number one selling type of prescription drug in america with over fourteen billion dollars in annual sales more people are taking the anti-psychotics than high cholesterol drugs and acid reflux medications so what's the reason for this apparent surge in psychosis in america or drug companies taking us for
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a ride james ridgeway is a senior correspondent mother jones magazine dresses this issue in a recent article joins me now to talk more about it james welcome great to have you with us it does this explain our wars were all psychotic. well you need to go for it well alternatively does might it explain the lack of you know why why are people on the streets in greece and not in the united states is it because we're all medicated i've read statistics that one in ten americans is on is on some sort of serious more ideological but i think the real thing here is that it really hits the ages of the population and it's kids. you know do you think. because there were you sort of like if you prefer. warehouse passive so does the drugs so this is the the chemical equivalent of for strains for people for cheaply warehousing old people and for four cheaply teaching on woolly kids yet not only
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at the heart of a lot of things here so it's source like the private prison industry makes money every time there's a prisoner so they lobby for tighter and tighter laws against smoking pot and longer sentences and on the other hand the drug companies make more money every time somebody diagnose a psychotic and so they lobby basically the psychiatrists to diagnose more people are psychotic and prescribe more anti-psychotic medications i remember when i went
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when i was suffering from. depression i went through a truth and he said he pulled out a questionnaire anything to do you have a few bloom you ever hear you think you're going to fall off the tracks in front of a train a couple questions i got into three years of question for me. make the grade here he went through a filing cabinet he pulled would pull the open the doors and there were all these talks to try this. try to get to me completely you know. that's that's the difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist i mean the psychologist is going to do talk therapy because they can prescribe drugs psychiatrists and by and large and as it's given up talk therapy because they all they do is prescribe drugs exactly but i know i know that the psychologist who's going to get off the hook on this theo and everyone says well and psychiatry is maybe in the pocket of the industry but the
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psychology is through another psychologists are lobbying for the right to spread drugs yeah i don't think this thing about the psychologist is like that you're great you know i mean they're the ones that also you know encourage you to take drugs so how are drugs like abilify different from previous generation and psychotics but just produce drooling strip of occasion. well they change your beat they. supposedly change your behavior but you know it all depends on the person and in the way you prescribe. psychiatric medicine is you try something and it works great you can do that if it doesn't work we'll try something you don't you go through a bunch of drugs and this is really having to do with. a known medical condition or not necessarily has to do with it and the big thing here is look if you're on one of these drugs you've got to refill it because if you start to crash you run out of
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the draw you closer to a crash ok so you got a refill so you got a call from the psychiatrist says no problem coming visit me four hundred books in five minutes so you're dealing with a pusher now and here and you can. exist those are a sickly james thanks so much for what it was that. white eisenhower left the presidency in one nine hundred sixty one five different republicans have been president of the united states and every single one of them from richard nixon to george w. bush have been illegitimate ascending to the highest office in the land not through small the democratic elections but instead through fraud and trees don't believe me
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. let's start at the beginning with richard nixon in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight richard president lyndon johnson was desperately trying to end the vietnam war but richard nixon knew that the war if the war continued it would tarnish democrat hubert humphrey's chances of winning the election so nixon sent envoys from his campaign to talk to south vietnamese leaders to encourage them not to attend an upcoming peace talks in paris nixon promised south vietnam that he would give them a better deal when he was president than l.b.j. could give them that l.b.j. found out about this political move maneuver to prolong the vietnam war just three days before the nine hundred sixty eight election he phoned the republican senate leader everett dirksen there was. i don't rock or get a price shock america ok we're playing record source right. we
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. are growing. embassy and. the press. are the second. to get this in the camp and they are going this is crazy. those tapes were just released by the l.b.j. library last year it's amazing as richard nixon lyndon johnson was accusing of treason. but by then nixon's plan it worked south vietnam boycotted the peace talks the war continued and nixon won the white house thanks to it gerald ford was the next republican after nixon left office the same way he entered it by breaking the law gerry ford took over the jury four was never like did and would never been
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president had it not been for richard nixon's treason so that's two republicans in office thanks to cold hard treason and then there was ronald reagan elected in one thousand nine hundred eighty one thanks to a little something called the october surprise when his people sabotaged then president jimmy carter's negotiations to release american hostages in iran reagan's people promised the iranians that if they held off on releasing the american hostages until just after the election when reagan would give them a sweet weapons deal. i had investigative journalist robert perry on my radio show earlier today because he just had tane some of the explosive documents from the george h.w. bush library that pretty clearly showed that ronald reagan's campaign did the same thing that richard nixon's did commit treason to win the white house there's a robert perry had to say today about these two crimes. it was nixon's dealings with these with saigon to get them to sabotage the peace talks in paris that proved
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a way for nixon to eke out a victory but it also continued the war for more years than some twenty thousand american soldiers died now this is essentially repeated in one thousand eighty it now appears with with some of the same characters working for the republicans who felt well we got away with in sixty eight we could do something similar in one thousand eight we can sabotage a sitting prime a credit president and that seems to have worked and reagan's treason just like nixon's treason worked perfectly they ran a hostage crisis continued and torpedoed jimmy carter's reelection hopes and the same day reagan took the oath of office almost to the minute the american hostages in iran were released and for that reagan began selling the iranians weapons and spare parts in one thousand nine hundred one and continued until he was busted for it in one thousand nine hundred six or the iran contra scandal after reagan bush sr was elected but like gerry ford bush was really only president because he served as vice president under reagan at the october surprise didn't hoodwink voters in one
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thousand nine hundred eighty and you can bet bush sr would never have been elected in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight that's for illegitimate republican presidents and that brings us to the most recent illegitimate republican president george w. bush a man who was given the white house by five right wing justices in the supreme court. in the bush v gore supreme court decision in two thousand and stop the florida recount handed george w. bush the presidency justice antonin scalia wrote in his opinion the counting of votes does in my view threaten irreparable harm to petitioner george w. bush and to the country i cast you no doubt upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election i guess denying the guy who actually won the most votes in florida al gore the presidency did not constitute irreparable harm to school and i guess it was important to mention that scalia is son worked for the law firm that was defending george w. bush before the high court just like it was important to mention that clarence
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thomas' wife worked in the bush transition team and was busy accepting resumes from people who would serve in the bush white house as long as her husband stopped the recount in florida which he did and more than a year after the election a consortium of newspapers including the washington post the new york times and usa today had their own recount in florida manually counting every vote in a process that took almost a year and concluded that al gore did indeed win the presidency in two thousand as the november twelfth two thousand and one article in the new york times read it if all the ballots have been reviewed under any of seven single standards and combined with the results of an examination of over votes mr gore would have won that little bit of info was slipped into the seventeenth paragraph of the times story on purpose so that it would attract as little attention as possible around the nation why because the nine eleven attacks just happened and journalists have feared that
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that people with the plain truth that george w. bush actually lost the election would further hurt the nation that was already in crisis so for the third time in four decades republicans won the white house under illegitimate circumstances. and now today america is in a great depression thanks to thirty years of failed republican policies that have shredded the middle class outsourced our jobs and crippled our national infrastructure you can only wonder how much better off we'd be if five republican presidents had stolen the white house in fact the last legitimate republican president dwight eisenhower was unlike any other republican since he ran for the white house on a platform of peace that he would end the korean war but i just took the stalemated for a young buck so i don't know eisenhower knows how to do you know the right to be out of your creator i've got them working with us like remember what
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a man bought them for one job oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yes his two campaign slogans were i like ike and vote for peace vote for eisenhower he was a moderate republican who stood up for working people who kept tax rates on the rich at ninety one percent and made sure that the middle class america was protected by f.d.r.'s new deal tells us as he told his brother edgar in one nine hundred fifty four in a letter to him should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear that party again in our political history and eisenhower was right the only way republicans are to have been able to win the presidency since he left office and sixty one has been by either outright treason or by a criminal fraud involving the supreme court or by being a vice president under a criminal process and that's where we are today dealing with the aftermath of all
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these republican crimes and five illegitimate republican presidents stacking the supreme court and the federal judiciary. so when people tell you that the republicans would be crazy enough to totally crash the economy the united states either now or next year just to get people to blame barack obama think twice and ask yourself what other october surprise was they maybe planning for next year. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and archie dot com also check out our two you tube channels or links to tom hartman dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a freestyle hartman i phone or i pad app at the app store it is honest feedback on twitter at underscore our on facebook at tom underscore our on our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at thom hartmann dot com and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active your it suitable.
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