tv [untitled] July 19, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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join me the children's the i love you that's a great way to go to the grand imperial college the george west coast coromandel you can the it's a little closer to the joke it's a duty to go and. run the city the colonel was neutral as a retreat. it's time to face the music outrage birthname or to closely is the medium more likely to be thrilled by m.p.'s overthrown hacking into bribery claim. raster in germany some lead powers are being made burdens growing on the head of g.e. and moscow's readiness to do business. with your floor just called a really it's a brochure for you opportunities is the beach a bit different i get a local business in germany. time israeli commandos taking a verse ship carrying a pro palestinian activist to gaza will see another attempt to break the sea blockade of the region.
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a very warm welcome to you this is our see live from moscow now today's all afternoon t.v. in britain is a must see for most of the country as you put murdoch his son and the seized of former u.k. see the face angry and will make his life the trio's arriving a parliament answer questions of a phone hacking and police bribery claims of the now axed news of the world well and another grim twist to the story the whistleblower who exposed the news of the world of phone hacking scandal and. police are treating it as unexplained at this stage there's no evidence of anything suspicious the scandal has shaken the press politicians and police haven't already taken down britain's two top cops i thought i meant reports of the number plates of britain's been. police force on
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a string of high profile errors in recent years where the guy. ian tomlinson died in london's g. twenty protest in two thousand and nine after being pushed to the ground by p.c. simon hoggart howard said he'd been prevented from giving first day by a baying bottle throwing mob he later admitted that had happened john charles de monette as shot by police in a london underground station in two thousand and five officers allegedly leaked a report saying he'd fled from police c.c.t.v. images later showed this wasn't true. less well known is michael daugherty a man who went to the police for help only for it to turn into a cafe yes where both allegedly false statements and mistreatment. by office they have no protection from in this country i think is completely. told police he suspected his thirteen year old daughter was being groomed by
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a paedophile concerned they referred it to his local station sex crime unit then nothing after two weeks talk as he phoned the unit secretary that's where the trouble started just recently asked about my house. police came to talk with his house to jordan to arrest him for harassing the police. shortly after his arrest he learnt the investigation into his daughter's grooming had been dropped by police records show they hadn't looked at any of the evidence the police secretary has since admitted she had a hazy recollection of a telephone call she said upset her so much but only when presented with tapes of the conversations daugherty had luckily recorded the officers involved in his arrest were found to be a cult and set on a retraining course but doctors he believes that's not enough i don't think they're anything different than. i think this is this is normal society for if they found
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something criminal they need to be held accountable in the same way that anybody else would. talk with these accounts of lawyers and to ratman by the police is by no means unique but the phone hacking scandal has brought stories like his into the public eye revealing bribery and corruption at the heart of the police force is amazing focus has tended to be on the journalists themselves and not on the allegedly corrupt police officers who have been receiving money to provide protected information but it does show that this is an endemic corruption and a failure. to. two of the country's most senior police officers have resigned this week and two more are under investigation after relations between news corp and the police will reveal to been far too cozy senior police officers were wining and dining with members of the murdoch empire they were they were meeting them for drinks privately one even hired them at a thousand pounds a day to work for him so you know what does this tell us about the relationship
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between the police and the news corp employees well it's very very serious and if this can happen at the top of the police look at the example that gives the officers around down the lines the secretary has announced a review into the workings of the police to rebuild public trust that so little comfort to michael daugherty who says he's traumatized by his experience at the hands of the people he turned to for help the phone hacking scandal has many reaching implications for the potential breakup of the media empire to a loss of faith in the british press but it's also pushed into the spotlight once again a police force that appears only to tell the truth when its course out in the light many are now asking how justice can prevail laurette it r.t. . or the boots on the other foot murdoch's british newspapers it turned out that britain's biggest selling daily the sun has been how it's a fake story appeared on the paper's web site which calls the claim rupert murdoch
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has died before directing we did to the hackers twitter page it was posted by a group called which previously attacked points news and cia pages and allies a group called the none of us has also been active saying it brought down the times website and not the murdoch publication as against the press the topic was well somebody from the bribery allegations could plant the investigation. if i know that certain officers had been on the payroll of these organizations and providing details to. to the journalists who were involved in this scandal that in itself is is quite a discreet and it does raise the question of who is properly qualified to look into this and to to form a proper investigation certainly not the police itself investigating itself that would be ridiculous at this point and the idea of a parliamentary inquiry it has to be at least seen to be completely free of ties to
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the prime minister's office certainly and to any other in peace and we have been implicated in the scandal so it's going to be an incredible mess unfortunately for the british people to be sorting through right now and i think trusting the public institutions has been necessarily eroded by this appalling disgraceful conduct on the part of so many different people in who the public has invested so much trust still with coming up to you this our role as a why group so few of the stars in the financial meltdown are for a new life and better fourteen for a couple of. paths prize and they're a fun battle on the political river grower finding the truth behind the tragedy of russia as well. now trade and energy are fueling talks between russia and germany and over their models of europe's biggest economy
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a growing and last day says its people of fucking that. following the high level meeting. mr medvedev has said here in hanover expects process to fully recover from the economic crisis that erupted really in two thousand and eight and that trade between germany and russia will be record turnover this year of course germany has announced that it will plan to shelter its nuclear stations in the wake of the fukushima accident in japan i'm not open to opportunities for the likes of russia's gazprom a gas joint here in hanover expects to sign some deals which will allow it to top the german market really as a stepping stone to the european market. for help from joining the world trade organization in return germany hopes to sign some contracts in the. program announced by reaching madrid if of course germany is facing problems here merkel is coming in for criticism for potentially bailing out the failing economies of greece
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and oil and the news that says the crisis may be spreading to countries like italy and spain is giving a lot of cause for concern for people here in germany russia hopes that germany can help to bring nato around to the view that the missile defense system in europe should be a joint one which which helps both sides in any case should not really be told russia also he's concerned that the system could be used to tall get russia and he wants guarantees from nato but that won't be the case on libya both russia and germany abstained on the u.n. votes. to roy nato action in libya and on growing concerns of escalation of the violence there they want to prevent the supply of nato admitting that it is supplying arms to libya's rebels. personal friendship you cats remember the last summit they stayed off the dinner together chatting. speaks russian so no
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need for a translator so the postal friendship really. it's the good relations between germany and russia at the moment. daniel bushell reporting there and president chancellor merkel or expects to talk to germans very shortly following their talks in hung over will be when the that media conference live here on r.t. . israeli commandos have boarded the girls around a chip on the approach to the blockade of territory reporting no resistance from activists on board the french vessel is the last from a ten strong monetary infertility that was prevented from leaving a greek port three weeks ago our correspondent for the fear is across developments in israel. just before noon local time today tuesday the friendship which is known as the dinner table surrounded by at least three israeli naval ships as it made its way to gaza this is off to the ship and overnight in international waters now we
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understand that the israeli navy contacted the captain of the ship wants him that if you went any further they can you would be acting the elite breaking israel's blockade on gaza and according to the israeli army they made it quite clear to the ship's captain and the ship's passengers that there were other legal options available to them they're all sixteen people on board the ship ten of them are passengers three of the crew three of them are german this is the furthest that any ship so far in this year's freedom flotilla two has been able to go in terms of being able to reach gaza now the israelis are at pains not to see a repeat of what happened last year when you had their feet in front of that incident in which turkish citizens were killed when israeli commandos looted the because ship they the mavi marmara and they simply do not want to see that happen again so they added pains to try and see this peacefully and without any kind of loss of life israeli soldiers naval soldiers boarded the ship when it was some
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seventy kilometers away from gaza and there's no question that the ship was still in international waters it did go off without incident and now that ship is being towed to be israeli port city of ashdod according to the israeli army spokesperson there the passengers on board will be dealt with by the israeli immigration police but the question of just how these actions are still remains a very important question there have been at least separate investigative committees that was set up last to to look at how the israeli soldiers in that first incident how they dealt with that now the new information once councils found in chicago the israeli actions have you see any. and later this month we do expect the findings of a second u.n. commission that hasn't really. indicated that why find the israeli blockade on gaza and not illegal israeli soldiers did last year at hashmi when you look at the commies from international legal experts they say that when ships are in the high seas there is something such as the medium of navigation and asked such the israeli
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soldiers boarding struck ships is in fact illegal. well as we've just heard last year's attempt to reach girls who by sea ended with nine and turkish activists killed in a raid by israeli commandos israel imposed a blockade four years ago where hamas which is sees as a terrorist organization came to power there well later we talked to one of the get this involved in the aids mission he says israel sees the patella as an attack against it. it's a little bit i think confusing to these really society because the strain it's really on on. and it's really it's not only seniors it's european people and therefore it's very hard just to. say they just. brought in the situation today that israelis are so afraid of any change. in the ground afraid
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from the whole world that hates us for no reason in their eyes. who is just another attack but after all it's not a fight for for freedom for gods it's not a fight for. a for defending israel if i can look at patient control over the palestinian people in order to maintain political strength and resources. we can watch the full interview with gaza patel activists at the mash up here in just around fifteen minutes time here on r.t. or you can watch it right now of course on our web site as our teams are common is also a taste of what else you'll find online if you out with any charges are brought against the parents of the lever in your old russian boy who confessed to attacking a passenger plane into the laser pen find out more law enforcement agents come down on a growing and potentially deadly problem. they say search under strong
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why a belgian newspaper is complying round with where the drive to cool hundred move there . performance sub results all the details assholes and dot com. fortune seekers flocking it's a big cities in search of a dream job is something we're all familiar with but in greece the reverse trend is taking hold of the financial meltdown triggers a surge in all the employments of cuts but inspired many people are now living for the countryside cutting us out of about some thriving farmers of the debt stricken country. the birthplace of civilization greece is famous for its ancient ruins among other things those very ruins and the tourists they attract are today almost the only profitable thing in greece as the country charters on the brink of financial ruin. people here are losing all hope of making it through even the ones living in the capital athens. many of the solution is simple leave city life behind
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. greece's reverting to an agricultural economy farming is now the few remaining profitable industries with apple grape olive and cherry orchard practically everywhere there were real life is bountiful as a city girl i could never imagine leaving behind the urban lifestyle of moving to a remote village but after seeing and tasting what the great countryside has to offer it becomes pretty clear that for the desperate people of athens this is a land of opportunities right for the taking. over has known this for decades she picks her own fruit and uses them for a daily business a workshop is practically a big kitchen and the work is like cooking for a big family something she does anyway but their house right above the shop she can never be late for work and wouldn't change this for anything
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a city could offer. and many people tired of bottling up their frustrations in the sea and making the same choice ok since i was living out there. everybody wants the good the same but they didn't have the money to go since we have a crisis there's a many people that they are leaving and they go back to their houses to. have more. and. to find. because there is a marvelous have given after a chance to raise her kids and live her life the way she wants but most greeks are simply energy and never a very large percentage so for. people who have lost their jobs especially young people who are almost desperate i mean young people to be plan architects and
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i'm afraid that they cannot. well the truth will be that they will not find. almost a percent and so for ninety to ninety something percent statistics show that he only one million people have lost their jobs and these figures are only expected to rise with over forty percent of people under the age of twenty four out of work any john is in demand and quite new which is like a year are rapidly becoming the proverbial silver lining of the dark cloud that means progress casuarinas our team gets. recovery crews working on lifting the do ship go guerrier from the bottom of the volga river have managed to finally bring the battle up right over they think the operation to raise it might take several days it's hopes to play a crucial role in finding out why the ship went down in just three minutes police meanwhile have a recipe captain of a vessel which sailed past the pleasure cruise as it was sinking without stopping
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to help the director of the boat on the ship's registrar also arrested people carrier thanking russia's over nine days of killing the hundred thousand people every game one of russia's. report that's raising serious questions about the country's river floods. seems no one wants to see a repeat of russia still in shock over the sinking of the river cruise should carry its killed one hundred twenty knowing. to the safety of the rest of his regretfully . to see for ourselves we travelled upstream of the city of the earth. like the majority of vessels on the river this one was broken soviet. twenty years and. it's one of as you said the state most passenger ships of this war operate at
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a loss vessel service in remote areas are subsidized with tickets costing as little as fifty cents apiece for tourist craft to get the funding. there is no money for placements. we are just a small company we could never afford to build our all ships i think with good care the existing ships can be used for another fifty years he. says these ships of the latest technical inspections would say to the bulgaria i'm catching adequate emergency law or spotty blame for the high death toll. some are calling for stricter regulations including the subletting of all ships to small operators but you screwed my company a large respectable company sees that a ship is getting too expensive to repair instead of writing it off they pass it on to a small group or a terminal on the smaller open charlton unscrupulous is not how they approach maintenance i have no money for that not everyone agrees. if we
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simply start banning shapes we will lose river transport altogether any such measures must go hand in hand with redeveloping the river shipping industry. ruddiman in chino as well are you entrepreneurs is hoping to do just that yet he admits that all those only vessels have declined dramatically following the economic difficulties of the last few years and yet. again for this industry is not going to pull itself out of the current crisis for that to happen the government must take the first step you mean. you know would look even if those. years that you should stick to one stream. it began to stop using it because of safety concerns because well you can be scanned and everything so i will carry on going on these every time it's i'm trying to happen it's. going to grow. your
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slow be. it has a look melts while the news making the headlines around the globe and japan has all council shipments from for sure and that's growing concerns in gradation to be around six hundred fifty calories which became contaminated hay and shipped across the country since late march i mean from areas surrounding the park also the storm from sale it calms of four months after the quake and tsunami tools from fukushima calls radiation leakage and air soil and see. the now so space shuttle era is now almost over with atlantis is leaving the international space station for the final time curious day journey to call for travel around the station cameras recording begin sturrock about all after the shuttle returns to date will join discovery on the devore in the kennedy space center russia's always
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rockets will become the only means of getting to and from the i.s.i. . iran says it's speeding up its nuclear enrichment line storing more efficient centrifuges that one of its facilities and number of the u.n. security council sanctions ever to run to the cities around the laser's developing atomic weapons as this is refining uranium for electricity other medical research. a joint one local almost a high wall of dots does roll through the phoenix area in the united states some airline flights were delayed while powell was not. now to many homes another huge del storm in arizona called worldwide attention weeks ago it calls to be a breeding problem for people without similar help. our next all the latest in the world of business or to me.
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thanks alison lou and welcome to the business update on our germany wants russia to export more gas to the country to help recover and scrapping of nuclear power beijing with president dmitry medvedev over chancellor merkel says she does not expect wasn't to supply the entire increase she says it's ready to meet demand last week prime minister putin suggested adding a new law into the north stream pipeline which delivers gas directly to germany bypassing ukraine and belarus. separately germany will take part in russia's innovation drive the two countries are creating a one billion euro doesn't frontal high tech business head of russia's state of the bank says the cash will only target small and medium sized particular runs which work in the car industry but even to be true of believes that this will help produce more components locally. high tech projects school is continuing to attract new companies russia's answer to silicon valley has revealed
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a further thirteen signing up for projects chief operating officer investment is coming from both big and small plates. on one level we've already attracted commitments from for example cisco over one billion dollars to invest in chicago on a smaller level one of the big pharma we've also attracted forty million dollars to invest in venture funds plus one hundred million dollars to invest in setting up an r. and d. center for clinical trials or skolkovo and then on another level in the venture capital we've attracted four funds collectively which i have committed finance eco finance with us about forty million dollars as well so if you range of the type of partners we're working with from the very large commitments to very important commitments on the venture side as well our goal is to match one hundred percent potentially twenty percent of the finance that we receive from the russian government and i think we're on track doing that we have to keep in mind the schools it was about thirteen months old and i think we've made some very decent progress so far as who to markets now we saw with crude and so on the rises
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investors wafer reports and all of that may show us in trees they're calling for seven weeks however concerns about the prospects of global economic recovery are limiting again. are people still trying to rebound from a seven month low with positive corporate results supported in some sectors banks mostly high up to be particularly monday come the strike is off around four percent in frankfurt the dax is up on the up a cent and also but for changes back in the black community as a point eight percent nice six point four percent this is our second to somebody you know movers on the my sex and energy majors on the rise health likings and the oil price therefore gazprom is that in point seven percent of the south and that's as investors are waiting for the outcome of talks in germany saying k.b.p.s. up one point two percent on reports it's agreed to acquire energy assets in brazil you could boost this was out by three hundred percent financials also in a rally off to a sell off the previous trading session b.c.b.s.
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correcting point nine percent the sell. losses will produce a plans to almost treble output in five years old says it's pinning its hopes on new. that's in siberia to raise production to one hundred fifty metric tons. of goals reached the company will become one of the world's top five precious metals my. life is getting easier for foreign investors playing on the russian stock market they now don't have to pay a twenty percent capital gains tax or trading local sales official say foreigners often concluded deals with the russian blue chips outside the country in order to avoid this tax and the soap the move will help you stick with it see them up. and we will be back in fifteen minutes time with an update alison is next with the heavens.
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