tv [untitled] July 20, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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in india she's available to move the joint either to the home of villas the greek way through to the grand imperial college to george weston to school until you can a little closer to the future its ability to go and. run the city the colonel was such a retreat. a grim deja will be was the man capable of dealing with the greats as below was dead drawing increasing scrutiny from the public sees the mimeo whistle blowing the sports that. the wind chimes in near the end is serbia rest the country's love for meaning seen it come one sit by the war crimes tribunal at the hague. georgian the voices of support for three photojournalistic best million dollars are growing louder as critics question the validity of the suspects and puts it into confession. and six million in fact how will vote
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for a couple's macy's target see as their only chance of a good or they just say should means it's the children who suffer a near. a very warm welcome see this is our see line from moscow i install my surrounding rupert murdoch's media empire is spreading as arrest outrage and resignations continue this is questions are all over the death of journalists sean hoare the man credited with revealing the phone hacking scandal and is also used for amid reports his demise is reignited debate over not the high profile that at the heart of the different. another political scandal erupts another whistleblower diaries sean hoare was the first former news of the world journalists to go on the
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record to allege that phone hacking was endemic at the paper and that its editor andy colson actively encouraged it paul was found dead in his house on monday setting the blogosphere into a frenzy of comparisons with the case of dr david kelly why isn't the sun horror story bigger reminds me of how dr david kelly was bumped off the eerily similar tragedies of seen war and the killing all this madness toward the end of it kelly shawn who are that's what i'm thinking something's not right. dr kelly was the u.n. weapons inspector who first cast doubt on the government's claim that iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within forty five minutes it led to scrutiny of tony blair's decision to invade iraq by extraordinary coincidence kelly's body was discovered exactly eight years before that of sean hawes on the eighteenth of july two thousand and three it was british journalist andrew gilligan who david kelly
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had spoken to to publicize his belief that the forty five minute claim had been exaggerated gilligan believes there are similarities between kelly and sean hoare being at the center of one of these storms a terrifying experience i really don't believe all sure was murdered because. i simply don't think it would have been in anyone's interest to murder them once they'd got into the public spotlight any more with an iota of sense of government would have known that to kill them would just would just amplify the story i think it simply i think both were under enormous pressure from their roles as whistle blows and and found it difficult to cope with that pressure short haul with evidence could have been crucial to proving that the news of the world editors supported a culture of listening to private voice mail sport stories former editor andy colson who later became a media director to the current prime minister has always denied the allegations but the man was destroyed professionally by news international or the journalistic
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world in london is a very small amount was destroyed he was well known. drinking too much taking drugs he was depressed moralized police this thing called death doesn't appear suspicious and they're looking at suicide dr kelly's death was also recorded as suicide although many including leading doctors and m.p.'s have never accepted that their suspicions of hardly been quelled by the fact that most of reports and other evidence has been classified for seventy years. ten arrests six resignations two convictions and one death toll of the phone hacking scandal so far the death of a key whistleblower in this scandal has raised questions but so far only amongst the twitter ossie it's being reported as a horrible and unfortunate coincidence but it's doubtful that if this had happened
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elsewhere say in russia or in india the british media would be so quick to accept it as a coincidence particularly looked at in the light of the death of david kelly you'll read it r.t. . well the british prime minister david cameron has been called before parliament to explain his close relationship with a number of disgraced news corp executives and british blogger harry coldly used those times could take their toll on current and his government. what really gave the story legs was the fact that david cameron to be the then disgraced. because and because of cause he thought it made him is director of communications i don't think without without trying to kind of. legs give into the story i think it probably wouldn't have been quite so big as it is now but the fact is there is some real errors of judgment it turns out shared by the government conservative party but departments david cameron yet again his chief of staff has been shown to be essentially instigating
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a cover up brother connections because in hard to sort of phone hacking and making sure that the prime minister then leader of the opposition david cameron didn't know about it it's been a large element of it isn't just the kind of heads in the sand and that is lethal for prime minister and he's now in a real fight he's in a real really bad situation he could well be looking at some serious consequences for himself at the very least those stuff still around him. still to come on the program finding the man behind the drawings you can find light sweet points of prince charles's rights and legend and killing hundreds of civilians like an art form with a legal to right appreciate the strike. and allied soldiers who fought it's red in the war against lebanon are finding themselves stuck in a country that's been there for a student. said be an authority as have announced the rest of gore on how
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to judge the country's last remaining u.n. war crimes a fugitive well he was being poor for atrocities ranging from murder to religious persecution during the conflict between croatia and you can start in the early ninety's it follows the restaurant came out it wanted by the hague for similar crimes. drive to overcome obstacles in the way of it is joining the. throne longer in the central democracy incorporation of paris it's critical time takes towards e.u. membership. five never been a supporter of this. policy towards the hague tribunal or indeed towards the european union in general it's my view that i've expressed many times that the hague tribunal is a politically rigged court whose trials are a disgrace to the principles of what you do process and i moreover think that the prosecutions that have been brought against serbian. indictees are qualitatively
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different and more aggressive than those that have been brought against other nationalities including against croats. now george is the latest spies are taking yet another twist tbilisi now says three photojournalists locked up on charges of espionage on behalf of russia have confessed they killed because artie's any political reports there are concerns that the suspects were coerced into their committing crimes they didn't commit. and then there were in on the last georgian photographer to deny allegations of spying has apparently changed his story he now admits the charges video testimony of georgie have the largest confession of spying for russia was released by prosecutors to the media but most journalists are skeptical about this latest development for our. old this is very strange and there is in the middle of the night out and it is in any case has been marked as top secret or cold this raises questions and not getting any answers and this
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confession is a serious face a real user because we have doubts about this whole deal. and you will get the lots and maintained his innocence ever since he along with three other photojournalists was arrested at the beginning of this month old including president mikhail saakashvili his personal photographer were accused of passing on top secret information to russia's military intelligence all initially insisted they were innocent and then one by one the photographers started changing their testimonies eventually three of them incriminated themselves in his dinars but up the love they insisted he was not guilty and even went on hunger strike to provoke this point in fact his lawyer says the photographer seems to have changed his mind over the space of just ten minutes and that's led to questions over the circumstances under which the photographer seems to have changed his story managing editor of all in the state bird image and he grabs it believes these admissions of guilt show the case
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has been fabricated turn of the burma border we live in a totalitarian state and all current is concentrated in the hands of president saakashvili and if someone goes against him and all of us will end up like this if the interior ministry has any other proof of their guilt he wouldn't have to force these confessions right over them but what they were basically this is a message for all of our journalists including me and the. members of the new. i heard the message loud and clear and stage a protest outside the jail where three talk of furs are being held and preliminary detention human rights activists meanwhile will hardly get to system of power in the country are grounded because it's very likely that of their lives or will be forced to ask for my removal from the case investigators want everyone who can interfere out of the picture so they can lead the way they want to they want the case of the photographers to end without any public discussion and that's possible if all the rest to plead guilty. and well that he's seems outrageous to journalists
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and many ordinary people it's just the latest in a seemingly endless string of spies scandals to hit georgia in an artsy. you can find more background on how the georgian spy scandal on folder on our website about dot com also online. make it out and find out how ukrainian female lives are best showed their support for the georgian for topper floats. and scoured lovers could soon be seen worshipping all mouses not so it gets its own temple dedicated to this. free. free. free. free. free. free. video for your media
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drug free media r t v dot com. now u.k. based human rights group together with pakistani activists is seeking an arrest warrant for a former cia director allegedly responsible for the drone strikes which killed hundreds of civilians now retired john rizzo admitted in an interview that he had been approving such attacks in pakistan since two thousand and four despite the thought the u.s. isn't at war with the country the purpose of the strikes is to target al qaeda militants but the total civilian toll is estimates says about two thousand five hundred people say all pakistanis always have already filed a complaint against reserve accusing him of conspiring to kill innocent americans who are actively spread ground from the believe the u.s. is only homing its own interests in the region. the basic justification for this program is that it's protecting america it's necessary for u.s.
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national security in fact all the figures that we've seen these drone strikes have been fury of the people pakistan we've quadrupled the pakistani taliban in numbers and while it's attacks they've moved them east into the we do have a heartland to the point where they now pose a major threat to the pakistani government. to the pakistani military so much that there's now talk of an answer he was a military coup on the front page of the new york times and most important we according to the u.s. ambassador and better solution revealed in the wiki leaks cables. were so the u.s. is so hated now in pakistan the government is afraid to cooperate with iran seafaring its nuclear materials which of the world's fastest growing and by or experts will tell you the least secure so the result of this drone strike campaign is fair spleen increasing the danger in the united states of
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a conventional and or nuclear terrorist attack. and i've been here. from lebanon. as a still struggling to cope with the consequences of that withdrawal by members of the so-called south and the. practice range of forces and they feel that sacrifice is going on recognized part of the same with l.t. he says there's little support for the country he fought for. and there's only one thing for wise national dreams about and that is to return home at home to southern lebanon and he's here on the other side of the border in northern israel. that's my whole five kilometers away eleven years ago for was was one of several thousand christian mini's to flee with the israeli army as it left lebanon for eighteen years the israelis had been fighting the palestine liberation organization and his below on lebanese soil helped by the south lebanon army a militia of christians shias andrews who controlled the south of the country this
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old lebanese army has been fired for israel as a world that is for sale. there was a near thing of interest between them and us but growing domestic pressure in israel over the high losses suffered by the army finally convinced the government to withdraw and it did so quickly. our epstein was a soldier at the time and says the lebanese soldiers who helped israel were left behind almost like sitting ducks and that's what. if we're soldiers knew little about and sleeping they for sure knew even less there was some sort of selection the commanders were brought here but i'm sure if you were a driver not much was done for you. some seven thousand sample even an army soldiers crossed into israel those who were left behind were tried jailed and sometimes killed as traitors for was nash and was one of those who got out alive he'd been working with israeli intelligence hoping to recruit lebanese spies i did
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not want to run here i wanted to die fighting with the israeli intelligence almost forced me to cause i was told you know too much but the way they treat me now is a shame they forced me to run away and now they spit on my face six months ago i'm no lawyer found for was living in a tent on the street it was hardly surviving on a few hundred dollars a month the israeli government gave him i feel ashamed. in my country. reaping not only the case of for was not jim but older people that remain in state in israel. the country and the state of israel are treating them like. it's a charge the government is aware of although it says it's doing its best to help them by giving cash education and in some cases although not in far as is a home. for them already eleven you. know the thing that we don't have we must go with it's very unique. it's
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a very unique nobody did they do that from a cure for europe you name it. nobody of them gets. it but still that treatment was not enough to stop two thirds of those who came to israel from immigrating elsewhere but i feel betrayed the beast sitting in the special intelligence forces have not given me any help since i've been here presently israeli lebanese border and this means used to be known as the good friends but in the last eleven years since the israelis withdrew from lebanon the situation has deteriorated and this is close to good faith has since become close friends and through its past israel's forgotten friends seem condemned to fit a peek at the family they're more than likely never see again policy r.t. on the israel lebanon border. now with the american space shuttle program going to officially end with the return of atlantis from its last mission on buzz day there
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are some that say the country dream of space exploration is now over a position rejected by robert williams a distinguished astronomer on the mound behind the hubble telescope or he says the golden era of space research is in its prime and you can watch that interview with him in fifteen minutes time here on r c. we're going to be difficult periods in the past few years but when i talk about the golden age of astronomy i talk about the the space missions that we've had in the past fifteen years and the large ground based observatories in the new the technological developments that have enabled us to do things like about the godlike super computers that have really advanced or understanding the strategy of the large number of discoveries that i would say really makes it appropriate to curl those golden era of astronomy.
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and when it comes to starting a family determines couples in russia will stop at nothing many of the countries six million infertile sarkozy is their only chance of having a child because i practice being legal in russia the end result isn't always his family least it was a vandal made him and also seen he was in his genetic parents refused even to hold him and the boy has a rare and incurable genetic disease but you. simply threw him out like an unwanted kitten and picked a healthy one. while his healthy twin brother enjoys family life and has no one but hospital staff helping him to survive the boy's surrogate mother also disappeared soon after the delivery little and on stories just one of the shocking examples of shortcomings in the russian family code that seeks to regulate sorry to see in the country for the material in our modern world the idea of surrogacy is sometimes
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distorted it even be used to avoid the hardships of pregnancy and to preserve the beauty of a body that turns surrogacy into a business renting out a womb costs from twenty to thirty thousand dollars however often either those who pay in or the surrogate want to admit their involvement in the process the attitude to surrogacy in russia is ambiguous so many women simply don't want anyone to know their baby is carried by another woman out of the many it's easier to resort to personal or not such a small lie how about one scene in public with this there really is no going back to the sides become entangled in a legal and moral not blackmail homes intended parents while surrogate mothers greatest fear is not getting paid most of them see surrogacy as the only solution to their financial misery if you had no other choice i lived at my mom's place nine people in forty six square metres. in ada
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a mother of two hope giving birth the money would allow her buy an apartment for her large family however hard way through the pregnancy the kinetic parents demanded she abort they had shopped around and their backup was bearing twins. as the biological father sprawled out in front of me in an armchair and almost knocked when he was saying don't you understand we need neither you nor the baby. you know you still hoped they'd accept the baby but instead ended up with no sleep and in addition to her family too little and don't these legal details are called comfort the question is whether he will ever want to know who his real parents are and why they treated him as a commodity. r t r scale. here's a look at some of the top stories from around the world this hour and dozens of protests japanese embassies sell career against tokyo's decisions of boycott korean air after the airlines testified over the state of territory korean air through its
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new flagship air bus a three eighty blasting of of the decoder i will search but apparently as its territory he she can think is going to speak to the sovereignty of the islands the many years the region is located in the east sea any distance from japan and south korea. u.s. president barack obama has welcomed a bypass and sell it proposal designed to cut the country's huge debt the plan aims to decrease the deficit by about four trillion u.s. dollars over the next decade or future reductions will mainly affect health spending education and labor programs with only two weeks left to avoid movement of calls nor makers from both parties are also discussing raising the federal borrowing limit which areas are likely to see it hits and why were the questions tackled in people bells crossed all next hour in the program here's a quick preview. i don't know if you asked the question very specifically q would
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you like to see taxes rise people with six figure incomes or would you rather see medicare and social security cut there's no question that people would like to see rising taxes on the upper brackets. but this is not what the true believers in the tea party want they want you know a very dramatically smaller government they've had it out for the new deal and the great society for generations really if we can go back to the one to really one hundred fifty years to hear some of this new deal rhetoric. somehow are really dominating the discourse partly because the president is not not a tough bargain i think partly because he would like to see some of these cuts himself. coming up like a tuesday with all thoughts are so great will they. have enough. because
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only for a. little polish the international fashion for us to do tricks they simply use on july ninth and tenth. this living collections by russian designers in the most beautiful villages city of central lush. business of living for children function slums like presiding over the crest of. president james this is. following a welcome to business here and i'd say you know we start this hour with stock markets which are letting out a little sigh of relief at least for the moment there welcome president obama's news of progress on raising america's that ceiling and he's meeting with
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congressional leaders to discuss and new debt cutting plan and that some an ethical point the way out of that and past now louise cooper from peterson partners explains what this could mean. there's still a long way to go in terms of the the two positions coming together however we haven't got we've got limited time for that to happen i mean yes it is good news that we've got a bipartisan i'm gang of six with both republicans and democrats within it coming up this proposal we know that it was fifty senators listen to the proposal in detail yesterday for an hour and we know that so far all none of the key players have vanished out of that have completely said no this is not the deal so it is looking optimistic but i just think you know this is this is who should we be optimism. and let's take a look at the markets now crude is on the rise in lights just over a dollar this hour and brands is that in one dollar or in twenty eight cents the
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price increase comes after a strong u.s. now is innovator and that cutting plan and that avoiding technical defaults and the european stock markets are higher this hour with financials driving gains the overnight rally on wall street and earnings from apple are boosting investor confidence there. and here in moscow both the markets are in the black and the arts yes one percent and my sex is a point sixty nine percent and let's take a look at some individual moves on the my sites most of the blue chips are on the rise gas from a side in point ninety five percent almost posted a strong deigns on speculation it could be completely sold to private investors say it however would still hold veto rights and holy mackerel unfortunately than say negative territory for investors there after several days of gains as call this. russia has removed the capital gains tax for foreigners trading on the country's
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stock exchanges the move is mansour tracked further investments and further promote moscow as an international financial censor that's going to see on ads run essence capital says investors will welcome the change people who are in north raising russian domestic stocks know treason or true or just your story. if they don't want to or you know everything about speed talks loosely set up offshore structures or international investors buying g.b. or some room being excused from service in the previous set up so you current change for them the missing stops local we've seen foundation as international or there are three of them so really this creates for them which will push them into the mysteries and so it's going to be positive for the mystical community. well that's all the business news for now next stop are the headlines with.
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