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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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the global financial headlines. cries a report on r g. h . h. h t. m. l o says r t moscow managed kevin zero in our top stories for you russian billionaire owner of several british newspapers xander lebedev says he wants to revive the disgraced news of the world weekly closed in the wake of the phone hacking scandal meantime pressure mounts on the british prime minister who gets a grilling in parliament over his ties with disgraced news corps executives from the last remaining war crimes suspect wanted by the u.n. from the balkans conflict as captured as serbia rest since fugitive commander got
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on had a huge and it's part of the country's latest attempt to overcome obstacles with e.u. membership. in tripoli one consider gadhafi stepping down that's the position revealed by libya's foreign minister at a meeting with his russian counterpart in all scope the visiting diplomat expressed disappointment with several western countries for recognizing the opposition council is an abuse legitimate government. next to r.t. talks the man behind the hubble telescope who believes despite the u.s. shuttle program winding down we're still what is the golden age of astronomy in space exploration. if you're willing thank you very much for being with us today it's an honor sir my pleasure the beauty of. secured basically its funding and its place. you
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think of beautiful ideas do you have a better chance of being successful by them that aren't that pretty. no i would say well it's always nice to look at beauty. but in fact. as far as a scientific value of hubble is concerned we're trying to understand the universe and beauty is one of those things maybe you've heard the expression and the beauty is in the mind of the beholder and so in fact what i see beauty and sometimes is a picture that other people might not consider beautiful but that reveals the answer to some important question like how stars form how galaxies are form and so to a scientist the beauty is a totally different thing the fact that hubble produces beautiful images that children like to see is very important for the funding of hubble and of course that's important for we scientists and so in that sense yes it is important in fact
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i can tell you in the united states maybe in many countries schoolchildren tend to be fascinated by certain things they're fascinated by dinosaurs for fifty years now if you would go to a typical classroom in the united states and look at posters on the wall you would see pictures of dinosaurs for the first time last year pictures from hubble space telescope occurred more often than dinosaurs on the walls of the classrooms of america that is quite an accomplishment to thank you children for finding. well in fact that's true but there we've had servicing missions to the hubble. five of them actually and the last one there was a lot of questioning because the economy was having problems whether or not it should go ahead there were some committees that actually recommended against the final servicing of in fact it was the public the american public that
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insisted that hubble should be serviced so it could continue sending pictures for another five to ten years so the public has actually helped save the life time of cold war extended could you validate help us contribution to science on one hand and an isis p.r. on the other hand what impact has it had there related nasa has done a good job of publicizing hubble but in fact i don't think that's really the key to success as we all know you can try to publicize something that doesn't really have much value and you don't succeed i think harbaugh really has been a remarkable discovery machine and because of that is been very easy for a master to. be successful in its p.r. of the telescope i just mentioned they were going to speak to the apollo eight crew members and everyone knows that they brought back
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a shot of the earth right now you see responsible per perhaps the most sensational photograph of the skies and really got it from point a couple at nothing how much of a gumball was it a big gamble really i've always been a risk taker and our life when i was a child first thing i did when i got my first job after school was to deliver newspapers i saved up money and got a telescope i was interested in astronomy even at that age twelve years old first thing i did was on a dark night. i took it out to see how far i could see fifty years later when i became director of the institute that operates out of the space telescope it seemed to me one should do the same things scientifically look to see just how far out that could see galaxies. there had been studies scientific studies done before the launch of hubble trying to predict the important scientific problems that it would
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help solve and imaging distant galaxies was not one of them and there were valid reasons why many astronomers thought that hubble would do many great things but it probably would not make much of a contribution in studying distant galaxies i question that. and i thought it was sufficiently important that i was willing to take a recess and point horrible at. what i called an undistinguished spot in the sky for ten full days to see what it could see. some prominent scientists were very worried about this because we did this just after hubble had been repaired you know for the first three years of its existence there was a flaw and the mirrors that needed to be corrected and so the american public was very upset about that hubble space telescope at the time of its launch was the most expensive scientific project in history. two and one half billion
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u.s. dollars very expensive and it was not working for three years the astronauts repaired it famous servicing mission very successful perhaps the greatest moment in nance's history except for the moon landing. and so it was very worrisome to many people that right after the service a mission when people had been opposed to the telescope because it wasn't working. crazy astronomer was going to try to see if he could image distant galaxies and they were afraid that i would get no results and if that were true then the public would really be opposed to the telescope but i thought it was worth the scientific risk. fortunately i had a very good team of young scientists who are paying me and of course it didn't work out so there's a story here it is important to take
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a scientific basis well that's my question i mean it's a huge risk from what you've described a huge amount of money that could have been so many const more than prose what drove you that intuition or is that is that we partly know it was that's a good question actually it was intuition. that's. i in my science i do tend to rely on my intuition probably too much actually because i can point to times in my scientific career when i had a hunch macculloch you suspect something and i followed it and it turned out not to be productive in the case that. in the case of the field it was productive and you know it it's true in life that if you're going to make really interesting discoveries something that is unexpected you do need to be a risk taker and i guess i like to go for the big discovery and so i'm willing to
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take a risk even though the majority of the time perhaps you come up with nothing very interesting so it's a style that is a personal style that scientists have some people are not such mistake if they can be very successful i happen to be a risk taker. i've certainly had some failures that turned out to be a success and i think it was definitely worth it now i was ninety five when you revolutionized the visuals of the signs i mean for us for ordinary people it was a revolution of the visuals and science and you didn't chance to take a risk what scientists in space researchers now can't can't be taken chance to gamble or are the stakes too high budgets to tight. it's becoming more difficult when funding is in sure there is greater pressure to come up with a result and of course it's very it's much easier to come up with a result when you don't take a risk when you're doing something where you already know it's likely to give you
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a positive result but of course the great discoveries are those in which there you're completely unexpected and therefore you cannot anticipate and i believe for the progress of science it is essential that there be risk takers and i think it's important for the people in the political world who fund expensive scientific. roger is to realize that it is important for the march of science for the march of human knowledge that a certain amount of risk taking be undertaken just to make sure one more time for you this on a sea of the humble what's more important the facts or the visuals that that that's mind boggling for us. the facts the facts yes so what's more important is it more important for you to see a beautiful picture and we can say that that's art and that's important or is it more important for you to realize that thirds of the sky every that shows you
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something about the origins of life even a fat image is not pretty i would say it is the increased understanding of the universe that comes even from an image that is not very pretty to me that has much more value and then something that is beautiful although that of course does have value itself but you asked me if the taxpayers. of that depends upon your values do you value art and the picking something that is beautiful more fundamental understanding you also say that we're now experiencing that golden age of astronomy we still have that opinion lately you are even with budget cuts. because this extends over a period of some years we're going through difficult periods now in the past few years but when i talk about the golden age of astronomy i talk about the the space
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missions that we've had in the past fifteen years and the large ground based observatories in the new technological developments that have enabled us to do things like adaptive optics supercomputers that have really advanced or understanding the strawman if you look at the fundamental discoveries that have been made in astronomy about the whole sars clause of others and. the existence of planets around others in the past fifteen years there's been an explosion of knowledge about things largely is due to important technological developments so they've all come together to cause this large number of discoveries that i would say really makes it appropriate to call this age a golden era of astronomy what do you think both crowning achievement will be i actually think that it is produced many interesting scientific discoveries i believe the crowning achievement of the hubble space telescope will be the fact
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that it made the public aware of the universe and the fact that we can understand it and the fact that humans are part of the universe and evolved from it i believe that it's hubble's crowning achievement thank you very much for this interview my pleasure. the. if. would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from feinstein's passion so. please for instance hot seat belts come. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand
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the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. are live. just so. just so. it's. just so pissed some up. on.
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the submission disciplinary punishment is a few. more words. could the penitentiary system transform a criminal into a law abiding citizen. of the country as a means of life behind bars on r.g.p. cool little stores life mots a russian billionaire an owner of several british newspaper the legs on. libertad says he wants to revive the disgraced dreams of the world weekly closed in the wake of a phone hacking scandal this is pressure mounts on the british prime minister who gets a grilling in parliament today but has ties with disgraced musicor executive. the last remaining war crimes suspect wanted by the u.n. from the balkans conflict is captured was arrested monday god had it as part of the country's latest attempt to overcome obstacles to reach the membership. in tripoli will not consider the stepping down that's the position revealed by libya's foreign minister at a beating with his russian counterpart here in moscow be visiting diplomat
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expressed disappointment with several western countries are recognizing the opposition council is going to be is new to the gulf. total nine pm here in moscow let's catch up on the sport with you and other you know an amazing situations risen in the world of athletics isn't it today kevin oscar pistorius the double amputee world famous of course at the moment he's going to the london olympic games we've heard in this story here this quite incredible in just a second. good to have your company this is sports to be here on twenty four hour t.v. plenty ahead including. par for the course after a weekend of shocks in the copper america's new favorite europe wide justify their status by qualifying for the decider. title on the line the ice something
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dotted on the t's crossed for the job will you be a boxing class between rushes on beaten how do we alexander ovechkin on recess lunch a guy. and highs and lows pop curry is seen more and more in russian streets these days we catch up with some of the disciplines finest practitioners and make it difficult look easy. let's start with the news than to tell you shankar has to find yet more room in our home luggage after claiming goal number three at the world championships the russian well she's been a force of nature in shanghai wrapping up her third synchronized swimming title on wednesday in the free so team earlier in the week secured top spot in the saddle technical on its technical events here for eons sports center this is all this millennium thirteenth world championship gold record screens on three or four went on china's sun when you're taking the other teams. that brings us to football or
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europe why have booked their place in the final of the cup america following i will win over prue in the opening loss for clash of this year's tournaments and europe winds dominating the first half but just could not break the deadlock it wasn't until early in the second period when they finally seize the initiative to restore is the man breaking the deadlock in the fifty third minutes. five minutes offered up the same fear came his great stealing from his fate in the process liverpool man doing what he. does best one one finishing two mill how it ended europe why not meet the winners of the program i bet this will it semifinal. events will ensure into the cup a semifinals for the first ever time undergoing their final preparations for part of why later this evening both sides causing any sense of themselves in the earlier runs part of why knocking out the offending champions brazil while venezuela sent a highly tutted chile squad packing also in the quarter the teams met in the group
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stages drawing three piece. it was a case of revenge for ed valborg hagen in stage seventeen of the tour de france the sky team cyclists taking the win and wednesday after being over to the line at the earlier they know each and securing his second wind of this season's events begin leaving home a break in the one hundred seventy nine on her long mind stage he normally missed like yesterday after the world champions tour finished ahead by whelan a full forty seconds his winning margin this time around just one fuck up malema on sunday says are from second and third on the day another freshman thomas voeckler ended eight day in yellow for conceded twenty seven seconds to his knees right. boxing to top heavy with contenders to put pen to paper as they seek to claim the recently vacated w.p. eight belt. drive and russian alexander perfect game to go head to head on august twenty seventh in germany it will be two thousand and four olympics gold medalist
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but beckons first title fight the thirty one year old is undefeated in twenty one professional bites the curse needed to feel right at home the preferred venue having fought sixteen times in germany chick i have already heard about w.b. a belt around his waist back in two thousand and seven p. to another russian nikolai about the rev but the thirty two year old leader feels to defend the crime due to injury and was forced to relinquish it the title vacated after for bell told of the mirror klitschko a total ownership of a fortnight ago beating three but hey it could have been years before he defended it. the russian championships wrapped up with only a select few able to say they took to the events like a fish in water the moscow event bringing together competitors from all walks of sporting life is evens of course the reports. one in the sun was just around the corner of the capital the words but other equated enthusiasm to travel through the
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spar with the board plenty of discipline. confessed that the spectators made their viewers choice by flocking to the priest alabama. pound for pound best in the discipline divine pecan and was noticeably absent meaning the battle for top spot was blown wide open and an unlikely contestant from a completely different sport emerged at the end of a hard fought outing twelve time windsurfing champion shot showing his prowess and like any true winner your show off saw plenty of room for improvement in what is a relatively new discipline for me at least. i would say i gave it about seventy percent of what i'm capable of i lost some rhythm while trying to perform complex tricks so i know i can do better however our hero of the day strongly believes the overall level of the sport is on par with the global standard. of. competitors who are fully capable of winning the world championships i would say yvonne time in is currently the best in russia plenty of multisport athletes had
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a chance to showcase their versatility alexander is another one of those well rounded participants who may have had one of his last at will by outings he previously raced in the runabout f three power boat class but initially made his mark in events where the water is of a much lower temperature. i'm looking to quit acrobatics blue i've just become russian champion of the first time i previously won the same title in the snowmobile cross right and now it's time for me to start racing bikes. so i quite agree there devils with their skills on display the amazing feats are clearly far from their complete resume in the sporting world events gorski are key. there's been quite an incredible achievement in athletics with oscar pistorius picking his place at the upcoming world championships in south korea the double amputee also
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known as the fastest man on no legs needed to clock forty five point two five seconds in a four hundred metres race in italy to make it there on the south african did that on some more surpassing the mark by zero point one eight seconds in lake non-o. that means currently twenty four year old stories is eligible to take part in both the world finals in august on the twenty twelve summer olympics in london if he reeses again twice next year and gets his same time or better to stories legs were amputated below the knee when he was eleven months old after being born without shin bone. bernie ecclestone is being investigated by german prosecutors after the sale of formula one in two thousand and six the sports president is alleged to have bribed. for forty four million dollars in order to buy his stake the german say that ecclestone received forty one million dollars worth of bank commissions in return but the main man in f one says he expects to be cleared of any wrongdoing by the court first
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a trifle hard kosky ecclestone for tens of huge shareholding and motor sports talk at. the excitement rushes up a notch in the world of cricket this week the top two right countries in the tests for india and england calling head to head at lord's in thursday's opener on this year's world cup none of the tournaments believes it's going to be as tight on the crease as it is on paper. i think it's going to be retiring see the definitely they've got really good bowlers and it's the. president who is going to be it's going to be a tough fight plays well. under pressure and i think our morgan physical fitness is going to be mental toughness was really top is going to really. let's finish with a hop skip and jump or actions to that effect park her or freerunning which initially was made famous through the film industry is now gaining momentum in
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russia or among cost red tape a story. can you call it a sport if your performance is not rated well these three runners don't care what you call there are four who are practitioners also known as tracers are growing in number across europe and the discipline is now making headway in russia as well but you can see the development in the guys you can see that you know this experience in their training and the way they move the strength that sort of thing you can you can visit you know we see that we're every guy every been to somewhere and then visited again a few years later we do see a difference in the strength and the ability and confidence of the practitioners normally. edwards regularly travels the world giving seminars and presentations on this being his third visit to moscow he's a rival always thirds into a great spectacle put on by his russian associates and all day outdoor portie promoting not only a healthy lifestyle but also raising doubts about the very laws of physics. is that
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what's going for it and will be able to have complete control over your body could also be very practical for you like when you fly in from bad guys assumption if i like what i see here who knows i mentioned the. russians climate doesn't allow for a year round outdoor park but that's exactly the or still last fifty to overcome an obstacle unsurmountable in everyday life. that could have the support of the russians don't have many opportunities to practice park or especially in winter when it's cold and therefore thing is covered with snow despite that i was impressed with the technique and believe it has a future here. the global parker community truly has no boundaries with the world's youth united under similar slogans and that's to be healthy in body and. spirit through the attainment of flexibility reflex coordination and most importantly self discipline remark calls for of course he must go. on i'm self might do some jumping
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but i last this time a lot is all your sport whether sexy for. wealthy
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british scientists. sometimes. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on our key. measure disciplinary punish. key. words. to the penitentiary system transform a criminal.


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