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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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news of the world which of course was closed down making redundant in the process of two hundred journalists and picking up that newspaper reassembling the pieces and releasing it under a new name which media reports are saying that he might call it world news instead of news of the world he said according to bloomberg and various other media reports that doesn't have the cash at the movement but if you could get it together he might consider a buying the paper and he also told bloomberg according to them that he would change it from a paper that he said plays on the least attractive strings of human nature to one that really investigates wrongdoing i don't know what i rich and powerful people now a few words about alexander lebedev he is estimated by forbes magazine to have a fortune of to twenty one billion dollars but he of course large a large number of shares in an era float the airline he also has interest in the banking construction and media sectors in russia and he has been previous to this a controversial figure in the u.k.
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he already owns two newspapers he bought the evening standard's and the independent newspaper in ahead of the purchase of those of those papers there was a lot of speculation that he would that he would use these these publications to put forward his own views that he would have some sort of influence over editorial content he's of course a former k.g.b. officer who worked in the soviet embassy here in london during the cold war but in fact that there has been none of that that we have seen and it's widely accepted that he has been excellent both for an injection of cash and as a as a newspaper owner here in the u.k. the evening standard released as a free newspaper and circulation has increased dramatically he's also turned the independent around which would have gone under without his injection of cash much actually as rupert murdoch did here in the u.k. when he bought the star and the times back in the sixty's seventy's and eighty's he sees it as a personal mission to own newspapers. here in the u.k.
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rather than any kind of commercial endeavor which is a good thing considering the state of the newspaper markets here in this country now his press service when we contacted them said that they couldn't comment and that this was the first that they had heard of this story but we are still waiting to see whether leverage if himself will come out and confirm or deny that it's meanwhile this phone hacking scandal which is a huge upset here in the u.k. has claimed the life of sean hoare he was the first journalist to allege that his editor at the news of the world and he calls and knew about and in fact actively encouraged phone hacking at his newspaper the blogosphere has been set alight with comparisons between the death of sean hoare and the death of un weapons inspector dr david kelly back in two thousand and three there's more information about that in my report. another political scandal erupts another whistleblower diaries sean hoare was the first former news of the world journalists to go on the record
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to allege that phone hacking was endemic at the paper and that it editor andy colson actively encouraged it paul was found dead in his house on monday setting the blogosphere into a frenzy of comparisons with the case of dr david kelly why isn't the sun horror story bigger reminds me of how dr david kelly was bumped off early similar tragedies of sean hoare in david kelly all this madness and david kelly sean who are this what i'm thinking something's not right dr kelly was the u.n. weapons inspector who first cast doubt on the government's claim that iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within forty five minutes it led to scrutiny of tony blair's decision to invade iraq by extraordinary coincidence kelly's body was discovered exactly eight years before that of sean hordes on the eighteenth of july two thousand and three it was british journalist andrew gilligan who david kelly
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had spoken to to publicize his belief that the forty five minute claim had been exaggerated gilligan believes there are similarities between kelly and sean hoare being at the center of one of these storms a terrifying experience i really don't believe either david or sean hoare was murdered because. i simply don't think it would have been in anyone's interest to murder them once they got into the public spotlight anyone with an iota of sense in government would have known that to kill them would just would just amplify the story i think it's simply i think both were under enormous pressure from their roles as whistle blows and and found it difficult to cope with that pressure sean hoare was evidence could have been crucial to proving that the news of the world editors supported a culture of listening to private voice mails for stories who was former editor andy colson who later became a media director to the cut. prime minister has always denied the allegations the man was destroyed professionally by news international the journalistic world in
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london is a very small amount was. drinking too much taking drugs he was depressed to be moralized police are saying hall's death doesn't appear suspicious and they're looking at suicide dr kelly's death was also recorded as suicide although many including leading doctors and m.p.'s have never accepted that their suspicions of hardly been quelled by the fact the post-mortem report and other evidence has been classified for seventy years so ten arrests six resignations two convictions and one death that the toll of the phone hacking scandal so far the death of a key whistleblower in this scandal has raised questions but so far only amongst the twitter ossie it's being reported as a horrible and unfortunate coincidence but it's doubtful that if this had happened elsewhere say in russia or in india the british media would be so quick to accept
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it as a coincidence particularly looked at in the light of the death of david kelly you're at it r.t. . me time pressure is mounting on prime minister david cameron over his links to disclose news corps executives cole told me he believes it could cost him his job. what really gave the story legs was the fact that david cameron to the then disgraced. coast and of the conservative party fota made him is director of communications now i don't think without without that kind of. legs given to the story i think it probably wouldn't have been quite as big as it is now but the fact is there have been some errors of judgment it turns out. the governing conservative party but the prime minister david cameron yet again his chief of stuff has been shown to be essentially instigating a cover up about the connections. to the phone hacking and making sure that the prime minister then leader of the opposition david cameron didn't know about it as
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being a large element of fingers in isn't just the kind of heads in the sand and that is lethal for a prime minister and he's now in a real fight he is in a real really bad situation he could well be looking at some serious consequences for himself at the very least stuff still around him. always get your opinion on the stories you see particularly this one we will know what you think about it did on our website today we're asking you what do you think the biggest fallout will be from the u.k. phone hacking scandal thanks for taking part if you have done so far this is what you've been telling us the majority of you think it will all end up with rupert murdoch losing his slice of the world's media cake compared to others if you are split between three opinions either the u.k. arm of the moguls empire will fall all conventional media will lose out the bloggers receive a lot of moderate activity by the story of course the rest of you as you can see on the map there believing the biggest outcome will be nothing more than an academy award winning bio pic now there's a thought you couldn't. have your say on that as well go to our t.v.
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dot com tonight. serbia's fulfilled the final demands of the u.n. war crimes tribunal for the former yugoslavia and its croatian serb leader go to how did she has been arrested after seven years on the run he's accused of atrocities during creation's war for independence from yugoslavia in the early ninety's ranging from murder to religious persecution it follows the arrest of rocco mother and she was wanted for similar crimes but tensions with key requirement. to join the e.u. who are inside of this latest arrest has crossed the balkans expert marco gas itch tonight marco good to see you on the line from london they're looking back at their creation war many a story and say don't they it was a civil war between croats and serbs with both committing atrocities against each other why then are only serbs being accused. well first of all kevin i should correct you there's only really been one war over those twenty years it's been the war to carve up yugoslavia to make it smaller and to destroy ultimately so
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it can become a series of small little satellite states beholden to a global superpower so there's only been one war and a series of conflicts as to why serbs generally are accused is to paint a picture because the tribunals have been set up to to accuse all serbian leaders of being and indeed serbs of being criminals while hiding the real criminals so the tribunals pointing finger is the one that the actual criminals who broke up the country hide behind and that's really why the serbs get the rough end of the stick now look at it go and have it he was indicted correct me get it get it from iraq if you will in two thousand and four that's thirteen years after the alleged atrocities why the long delay before the latest capture. well i think they basically forgot about him because he's really not a significant player or he was just a loose saying really in their propaganda operation if they didn't indict him then
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there would be one serbian leader who wasn't accused of being a criminal and that would be inconvenient they had they have to accuse all the serbs all their leadership of being criminals for this propaganda picture to take hold so they remembered him very very late and they've accused of all things which have really they've got no evidence that he's involved in things for which they really operate on the principle of so-called command responsibility and a joint criminal enterprise now a joint criminal enterprise is pretty much what they accuse serbs of having everyone else is very rarely tarred with this brush but serbs are giving it all the time and the other thing that serbs are given of course is the accusations of genocide whereas the others are accused of being war criminals or crimes against humanity so there's a kind of league table of accusation on the serbs always are at the top in this on the holy table of tribunals i guess the real reason why why he's been brought to task this is because he was already you wish list that's another bit of it fulfilled isn't it what will serve you get in return. well serbia will get in
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return what it usually gets into it's nothing whatsoever i mean serbia has got many many more hoops to jump over before you can get anywhere close to members ship but i think that what the serbian leadership really wants is to have the appearance of traveling hopefully regardless of whether they ever arrive in the e.u. or not because it's that travelling hopefully which allows them to some people say abandon many national interests with the excuse that in fact the e.u. needs the e.u. wants that it's not your leaders really we're just obeying orders i think that is the argument of the current regime in belgrade and so this carrots of e.u. membership is something they wave in front of the population so ensure that the population remain those sile which has worked so far what are the serbian people very briefly marco what what will they make of this arrest tonight. i think they know that this is an important player with no real guilt attached to him apart from
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being in the serbian leadership he's simply another another accused or there's been so many that they will not say it is very seriously all they understand this is another sacrifice in the strategy that they've been told will get them to the holy grail of the e.u. about whether they ever get there and in what condition they get on with what status they have in the e.u. these are all questions that really still to be answered so if i were them i would hold my breath. balkans expert things going on r.t. tonight. still to come up in the program as well the former left out in the cold. i was told you know too much the way they treat me now is that. they force me to run away and now they spit on my face i meet a former south lebanese soldier who blames israel for forgetting those who helped fight hezbollah over a decade ago we got his story coming up also. georges which for alleged spies
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gathers pace as the photographers charged with espionage for russia plead guilty but local journalists say those confessions were forced to send a clear message to the rest of georgia's media community to tell them of story. tripoli refuses to negotiate over colonel gadhafi stepping down the news was revealed by libya's foreign minister during a meeting with his russian counterpart in moscow let's go live now to our. forests moving story what else is being said in moscow today what do we know. well according to russian officials it was actually the libyan side that asked for this meeting which gives diplomats in moscow cautious optimism because of course it signifies to them that the libyan those in power in libya don't actually want to continue the military ongoing military conflict and are attempting to seek diplomatic solutions to the problem russia of course proposed itself as a mediator in the ongoing conflict and has basically said that it will try to do
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everything possible to bring about a cease fire and a diplomatic solution to the conflict in contrast to the military intervention heralded a lead by nato troops which russia believes is simply prolonging the so-called policy of isolation and of course the recognition by some western states of the opposition forces in benghazi as the legitimate government is only extending the conflict and worsening the conflict making it even more difficult to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict russia has said that it does believe more market. he should step down from power but that all of those other countries who are involved and are attempting to mediate the conflict should not support anyone's side because that of course does not lead to al thing in goshi ations russia has said that it does support the proposition of the african union for a cease fire and will continue to do everything in his power to bring about a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing conflict cartridges of
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a prayer subsidiary low from central moscow the thank you. it's eleven years since the israeli army withdrew from lebanon but the consequences of the war against hezbollah in the palestinian liberation organization are still being felt today members of the south lebanese army who fought alongside their israeli counterparts in the country they backed is let them down paul asli has called the story. there's only one thing for wise national dreams about and that is to return home but home is southern lebanon and he's stuck here on the other side of the border in northern israel. that's my home five kilometers away eleven years ago for was was one of several thousand christian binny's to flee with the israeli army as it left lebanon for eighteen years the israelis had been fighting the palestine liberation organization and hizbollah on lebanese soil helped by the south lebanon army a militia of christians and jews who controlled the south of the country this old
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lebanese army didn't fight for israel as the world that is the didn't fight for so . there was a meeting of between them and us but growing domestic pressure in israel over the high losses suffered by the army finally convinced the government to withdraw and it did so quickly. arya epstein was a soldier at the time and says the lebanese soldiers who helped israel were left behind almost like sitting ducks and that's one thing if we're soldiers knew little about us leaving they for sure knew even less there was some sort of selection the commanders were brought here but i'm sure if you were a driver not much was done for you for. some seven thousand army soldiers crossed into israel those who were left behind were tried jailed and sometimes killed as traitors for was nash and was one of those who got out alive he'd been working with israeli intelligence hoping to recruit lebanese spies i did not want to run here i
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wanted to die fighting with the israeli intelligence almost forced me to come i was told you know too much but the way they treat me now is a shame they forced me to run away and now they spit on my face six months ago i'm numb lawyer found four was living in a tent on the street he was hardly surviving on the few hundred dollars a month the israeli government gave him i feel ashamed. in my. country that dripping not only the case before was not jim but two thousand people that remain in state in israel why can't we in the state of israel are treating them like. it's a charge the government is aware of although it says it's doing its best to help them by giving cash education and in some cases although not in followers it's a home. for them already eleven years. because. we don't have to we must with it's very unique. it's
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a very unique nobody did it do that. europe your name it never nobody of them. but still that treatment was not enough to stop two thirds of those who came to israel from immigrating elsewhere but i feel betrayed by the beast sitting in the special intelligence forces have not given me any help since i've been here this is the israeli lebanese border and this fence used to be known as the good friends but in the last eleven years since the israelis withdrew from lebanon the situation has deteriorated and this is close to good fence has since become the close fence and through its bars israel's forgotten friends seem condemned if a peek at the family they're more than likely never see again policy r.t. on the israel lebanon border. georgia's latest spy sagas take another twist tbilisi says the three photojournalists charged with spying for russia have now confessed
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their guilt but that is ridiculous could report their mounting concerns the suspects were coerced into admitting to crimes they didn't commit. and then there were none the last georgian photographer to deny allegations of spying has apparently changed his story he now admits the charges video testimony of joerg abdel odds is confession of spying for russia was released by prosecutors to the media but most journalists are skeptical about this latest development or our. old this is very strange and there is in the middle of the night and this is there a case has been marked as top secret work on this confession is a serious breakthrough easer because we have made doubts about this whole deal cynical you would get the odds and maintained his innocence ever since he along with three other photojournalists was arrested at the beginning of this month old including president mikhail saakashvili his personal photographer were accused of passing on top secret information to russia's military intelligence initially
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insisted they were innocent then one by one the photographers started changing their testimonies eventually three of them incriminated themselves in his pen asure but up to lots they insisted he was not guilty and even went on hunger strike to prove this point in fact his lawyer says the photographer seems to have changed his mind over the space of just ten minutes and that's led to questions over the circumstances under which the photographer seems to have changed his story managing editor of ali a newspaper dhimmitude e-cards it believes these admissions of guilt show the case has been fabricated turn of the demagoguery we live in a totalitarian state today all power is concentrated in the hands of president saakashvili and if someone goes against him and all of us will end up like this basically this is a message for all of us journalists including me and. members of the media heard the message loud and clear and stage
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a protest outside the jail where three photographers are being held and preliminary detention human rights activists. meanwhile believe hardly that this is too much power in the country i'll bet on this because you know investigators want everyone who can interfere out of the picture so they can lead it the way they want to they want the case of the photographers to end without any public discussion and that's possible if all the rest to plead guilty. and well the case seems outrageous to journalists and to many ordinary people it's just the latest in the seemingly endless string of spies scandals to hit georgia. r.t. . coming up on the program they say the way you are what you eat well that might not be such a good thing we've got a special report coming up on covering all oneness link between everyday food and deadly disease surely i see this in each year to be out of the business first showing to be treated.
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quite a bit of share actually have and stock markets are letting out a little sigh of relief at least at the moment they have us so far welcome to president obama's news of progress on raising america's debt ceiling he's meeting with congressional leaders and new debt cutting plan either term benefits could point the way out of the impasse. there's still a long way to go in terms of the the two positions coming together however we haven't but we've got limited time for that to happen i mean yes it is good news that we've got a bipartisan gang of six with both republicans and democrats within it coming up this proposal we know that almost fifty senators listen to the proposal in detail yesterday for an hour and we know that so far none of the key players have vanished out of it have completely said no this is not the deal so it is looking optimistic but i just think you know this is this is caution with the optimism. bit of a change there from optimistic to neutral on the crude market that's take
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a look light sweet now down fifty cents to ninety seven dollars a barrel brant still up seventeen cents now this comes after a decade of plan aimed at avoiding technical default so worries about america's ability to actually create demand for gas basically u.s. markets opened mixed and the still trading in negative territory after a strong tuesday session investors old weighing the progress with raising the debt ceiling and counterbalancing that u.s. home sales going down point eight percent in june it's plenty to think about their european stock markets. first a session where you see wednesday's mess with the financials driving gains r.b.s. the lloyds and barclays were all up three percent in london and here in moscow is the close of wednesday's session correcting myself the r.t.s. is up half a percent my stocks up by just a notch most of blue chips were actually on the rise but they lost most of the
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steam gas from point two percent telecom five and a half percent stronger speculation it could be completely sold to private investors to say however would still hold veto rights even if that happens polymaths all slipped into negative territory deep into the red four and a half percent that's after several days of going. i was told that in the michael stein from a creative bankruptcy of the day strike. today the russian equity market is up for the second day in a row helped by the very strong start to the us burning season and also helped by the increase in oil prices to within just two percent of a six week highs on one of the mystic front we saw some very healthy economic data unemployment in russia i dropped to a six point one percent in the month of june from six point four percent in may we also saw a retail sales accelerate to a five point six percent during the months of june and we also saw
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a reversal in disposable income which was down in may and is up in june or i'll be back in fifty going to kevin's actual headlines and stay with us. forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents will be a thousand. seven hundred thousand people murdered and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us
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here part disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every here. fifty. if. the. world. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realms or should. we go into the future covered.
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top stories russian billionaire owner of several british newspapers says he wants to revive the disgraced news of the world weekly closed in the wake of the phone hacking scandal. the prime minister in britain who gets a grilling in parliament over his ties disgraced news corps executives. the last remaining war crimes suspect wanted by the u.n. from the balkans conflicts captured in serbia rested fugitive commander got an adage. and aaa says it won't consider gadhafi stepping down that is the position revealed by libya's foreign minister at a meeting with his russian counterpart here in moscow today. all across the world an alarming number of people died from heart disease every year we've got a special report coming up next the tracing the connection between those grim
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statistics and what's in the food we eat every day. everybody eats food and we all have our favorites here in america is abundant so we take it for granted. think about the food you eat what do you know but where does it come from how is it made. what we eating before corporations were relentlessly marketing food to us. this film is not just about. it's about the changes in our food supply the changes in the quality of our food. as
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a nurse i work in hospitals and one thing remains the same throughout the mall there are too many sick people. it seems all diseases are on the rise. how many people do you know with heart problems diabetes. the hospitals are full and there's not enough nurses to properly take care of them all. the quality of our food is decreasing and the number of sick people are increasing there has to be a connection. the majority of americans are overweight and at the same time malnourished is it because of refined grains or excess sugar intake what about chemical food additives what role did they play on our health. thousand calls are allowed to be used in our food supply. what is polysorbate sixty. do you know what a partially hydrogenated oil is. this is the question my producer asked me one day while we were in the grocery store i didn't know.


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