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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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top stories russian billionaire owner of several british newspapers large out of negative says he wants to revive the disgraced news of the world weekly closed in the wake of the phone hacking scandal meantime pressure mounts on the prime minister in britain who gets a grilling in ireland over his ties disgraced news corps executives. the last remaining war crimes suspect wanted by the u.n. from the balkans conflicts captured in serbia rested fugitive commander got an adage. in tripoli says it won't consider gadhafi stepping down and that is the position revealed by libya's foreign minister at a meeting with his russian counterpart here in moscow today. all across the world in the long number of people died from heart disease every year we've got
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a special report coming up next the tracing the connection between those grim statistics of what's in the food we eat every day. everybody. and we all have our favorites here in america is abundant so we take it for granted. think about the food you eat where you know. where does it come from how is it made. me eating before corporations were relentlessly marketing foods to us. this illness is not just about. it's about the changes in record supply the
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changes in the quality of our food. as a nurse i work in hospitals one thing remains the same throughout the mall there are too many sick. it seems all diseases are on the rise. how many people do you know with heart problems diabetes. the hospitals are full and there's not enough nurses to properly take care of them all. the quality of our food is decreasing and the number sick people are increasing there has to be a connection. a majority of americans are overweight and at the same time malnourished is it because refined grains are excess sugar intake what about chemical food additives what role do they play in our health. thousand camels are allowed to be used in our food supply. what is polysorbate sixty. do you know what a partially hydrogenated oil is. this is the question my producer asked one table
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in the grocery store i didn't know so he began telling me that it was bad for the heart and how. i said it's a most processed foods so i started reading labels and found it in hundreds of products. when i realized it was in food that i was feeding my toddler i did my research. i found out it had devastating consequences to our health especially the heart which is the focus of my nursing career as a father a husband a nurse and a filmmaker the next logical step was to make this movie.
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what is it hydrogenated oil. it's russia needed or you. i don't know. that's a good question josh and they did all the something you put in your car to make it run smooth and oil that's healthier for you than other oils they've heard of. i don't and oil that maybe an extra. molecule i don't know it in a car get no clue nor do i think it's a good starter good oil ice rajan a lawyer likely it is a boil has to humanly alter the oil. or in the fact that milk to manufacture in the wage worker can talk to something plugged through it and look like it's like one of our mugs like something the size of
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a member of the back. cars. comes out of the. truck make the truck. and oil that is then if you want to get a lot of packages of food plus give the show some start discussing something that's crossing the road. so what is a hydrogenated oil i drive you needed oil is a manmade fact a trans fact you see that is just a big molecule that's made mostly of carbon the carbon atoms are bonded together like a chain there hydrogen atoms attached along the chain and if the carbon chain is completely saturated with hydrogen that's a saturated fat and if there are some missing spots. that's a non saturated fat get it ok so what is transferred then transferred to me as
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a. bizarro type of. unsaturated fatty acid where the double bond is present but the hydrogen atoms that are attached to the carbon chain are on the opposite side of the carbon chain. just about all of the polyunsaturated fats in nature have the carbon atoms on the same side it's sis but with industrial processing of vegetable oils the bonds get rearranged so the hydrogen atoms are on opposite sides of the canaanite you might say well who cares where the hydrogen atoms are drawn. but it turns out that we have evolved to deal with. fatty acids that have their hydrogen cars on the same side so this we have not evolved to deal with the new kinds of fatty acids that are produced through industrial process seen
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a vegetable oils and this is actually wreaking havoc with our health. let's take a look at how these trans fats are made. the process of hydrogenation starts with a plant that is harvested and then transported to a processing facility here chemical solvents are used to extract oil from the plant the oil is then bleached deodorized and eventually pressurized in a tank that is heated to over four hundred degrees fahrenheit fees extreme temperatures allow a chemical reaction to occur when heavy metals are added as a catalyst for the most commonly used aluminum they're called and co bought none of which should be consumed by humans for. finally hydrogen gas is one of the things fine if. the result is two types of hydrogenated oils only and partially partially hydrogenated oils in the ones preferred by the food restaurant industry but in either case the molecular structure of the oil has been changed and it is no
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longer in its natural state. problem here is that you really and truly need to have no hydrogenation you know partial hydrogenation you need to have things that are not altered or. the. low fat diet that has been pushed for many years. by various authorities in the forest and community has really not serve the public well. the reason for that is that. some fats are essential some facts are ok and some are really bad and the trans fat it goes into the really bad category to lump all fats together in say fat is bad and we should reduce that to improve our health is misguided and not supported by scientific evidence it's it's.
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as simple for cation that it is simply wrong. that yes it's in the diet are really critical for almost every step of human biology in the past there was often thought that fat was just fuel that we burned it and brought energy that way but we've come to realize after decades of research that the specific fatty acids which make up fat could play a critical biological world some very essence are absolutely essential for the structure for making a membrane around every single cell in our body and other fatty acids play a critical roles is the backbone of hormones and other molecules that implements our heart rhythm and our likelihood of clotting our response to information and many many other really essential biological pathways and so this idea that is bad it's a bad idea. it
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kind of food that we're eating now which is heavily processed is a very recent phenomenon if you look over the course of human history it's clear that we all have to live on a different kind of diet when we're consuming you know some of the things that we were reading were the kinds of things if not i think some people wouldn't like to get there. because they're not really what we consider foods. our methods of hunting and gathering and came more complex and efficient as time progressed. and we learned to cultivate the land and agriculture began. it's been ten thousand years since humans planted the first crops we found the
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agricultural process to be more productive than hunter gathering. we peas and flax provided the energy we needed to domesticate animals and the rest is warning history. the next advancement of food technology was a geisha this advancement allowed humans to diversify the location and type of products they planted. it in take long for our small farms to become plantations complex irrigation techniques allowed for an overabundance of food production and most developed countries. which leads us to our first food additive. the next revolution and food wasn't just realize ation more cheap in effect and preservatives were needed to prevent spoilage so humans were introduced to modern food processing and began consuming man made chemical concoctions. the first known artificial refrigeration was invented in the mid eighty's hundreds the creation of
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easily accessible cold storage allowed people to buy more than the needed. once we had cold storage we still needed a way to keep our food on the shelves longer. b.c. kaiser was a chemist who perfected the hydrogenation of conti doyle in the early one thousand hundreds of causes oil wasn't a liquid as you would imagine it was a block and he brought it to procter and gamble in cincinnati ohio he showed up with his block and he placed it on the desk of cooper proctor proctor said what's this concert oil kaiser replied. procter and gamble quickly hired kaiser and by nine hundred eleven the company had perfected the production of what would come to be known as chris go. at first procter and gamble had to give it away it was marketed as a scientific discovery that will affect every kitchen in america and it did the
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american kitchen would soon become a lot of tori and mama's little baby learned to love shortening bread. i like to call them the christo ts and what i mean by that is that chris crow was introduced in one thousand and eleven in the early one nine hundred forty s. the christo kids would have been about twenty years old they would have been having children at that point and if you project at him to twenty to fifty you know fifty years that puts it into night hundred sixty nine hundred seventy if you look at the stats that are out there you start seeing a dramatic increase in all of these diseases and if it doesn't tell you genius to figure out that it's related to the adulterated chemicals the hydrate or all of the toxins in the additives that are put in the food supply. when world war two ended in one nine hundred forty five a new processed food revolution began the depression was over the troops were home and back to their domestic jobs the economy was finally stable and everyone was
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happy. these crime conditions led to a population explosion creating a new generation of consumers and grand new packaged food market. shelf life uniformity consistency and convenience where the new standard and market forces responded appropriately. in one nine hundred fifty six congress passed legislation to build the interstate highway system which by linking the forty eight states with state of the art roadways forever changed how americans would shop could view and. manufactured hydrogenated oils which gave long life to margarine and vegetable sort like chris could be used to preserve the processed packaged foods he chucked across the country. unlike butter the manufactured hydrogenated vegetable fact ensured that a product that started out new jersey would still be fresh when it got to washington state and for months and years to come. today we can travel from new york to miami
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from austin to minneapolis and count on a familiar logo summit. ronald's and burger king taco bell and chili's. at the travelers hungry as a place to san francisco with the same accustomed menu as a place in st louis or charleston toronto or by. the last hundred years there have been very major changes in our food supply and true of the most important one of them being their large amounts of refined carbohydrates and sugar in our food supply and secondly the partial hydrogenation of liquid vegetable oils in our metabolic machinery is just not capable of dealing with those severe changes that have occurred in our food supply and then of course you add on war activity levels that are also changed a lot in the last hundred years and we really have a perfect storm of all that disaster.
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in order to better understand heart disease we went to the mount sinai hospital in new york city to meet with the world's leading cardiologist valentyn to start was bad the past present of both the american heart association and the world heart federation. is a behavior problem. or what time is late the world is fighting with you and one of the leading causes of heart disease is poor dietary choices is what we called the world from some. unfortunately even in developing countries and in poor countries these are balding believe properly why is that men and women consuming higher levels of command even just a couple grams a day had substantially higher risk of carpeting twenty thirty forty percent higher depending on how much and they were looking and we did find that even quite small amounts of transfer in a put supplies such as one or two percent of the calories for his transfer or think it's hard to see mistress twenty you're going up to about thirty percent of the
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harvard school of public health estimates that trans fat has been caused. upwards of fifty thousand premature deaths from heart attacks every year so this is very toxic chemical it doesn't belong in a supply. two hundred fatal heart attacks last year and also the city of three. homicides then one hundred thirty two homicides the people don't focus on more of the on the heart attacks because they're now violent as the homicides but the reality of death is that the deaths that we killing ourselves and we killing ourselves we begin our own graves with our teeth. these are the number one cause of death in the world look only in developed countries but now even the poorest of these heart attacks and this throw in the snow equal to an infectious diseases ha ve my lead yet in two words show we have really influenced the problem of
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significantly. we've learned the transcripts have many adverse metabolic effects the first the transfer outs elevate the bad cholesterol the eyes the h.d.l. the good price drop but then we found the transcripts increase inflammatory factors throughout the body to me it really creates a general cyst general condition of information every organ of the body you know plus also part of the issue a what cause this cluster all to increase its inflammation ok so there are two types of cholesterol and here's what they look like. h.d.l. cholesterol is like silly putty and is represented by the blue spheres. l.d.l.'s like sticky jello globs and are seen here and yellow there is what we call h.c.l. cholesterol very important.
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from the odd things he said clearly and this is clearly. l.d.l. cholesterol he's the one that gets the question. is the deal with you now with a molecule it's the company that makes it good or bad it's the the thirty cars in the bad old compound. good or bad and then we shouldn't attribute more after a few to an inert compound i hold. but if the in l.d.l. molecule. it's been reported that there's a higher risk of heart. and remember cholesterol is a carrier like a dump truck l d l carry stuff to where it is needed and carry stuff away. here's the tricky part trans fats cause inflammation they increase l.d.l. and inhibit h.d.l. production the inflammation keeps driving the l.d.l. levels higher and higher and there isn't enough h.d.l.
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to remove the excess and the arteries get clogged. no wonder food has this catastrophic effect on individual bases you shift to make a position where the health is a priority and you're not even not society will make it for you and they will say you know you want it such you will not have because it's too expensive these will happen with allergies in the united kingdom for example. so i think we're going to get systems that are really really impossible it will be impossible to support the system so we are facing a situation which is an economic one if we continually impossible good for you have too many couldn't since you which is a personal one and that is i am interested in health dr seuss or says the treatment of heart disease are too expensive let's take a closer look at what a heart attack really cost. bob he says.
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first charge will be for the ambulance. probably said to have teased for chest pains so the cost are chatting up quickly. they sent a paramedic this time. here comes some oxygen and some drugs. now it's off to the hospital to stop in for your ambulance ride. more money. first we need an i.v. and some i.v. fluids. and more drugs. ok we're here now comes the scary part. bob has no idea what happens next. i watch. the. markets go past registration as the waiting room and directly behind curtain number twelve the first. boss emergency nurse she makes pretty good money
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and a visit from the e.r. doctor. are you feeling that's not you. still having some chest discomfort to ship them off to the cardiac unit. here you have a private room a cardiac nurse more drugs and a console from a cardiologist dr helene it's very nice to know i'm a cardiologist your doctors ask me to come talk to you this is where things start getting real expensive which we see explaining a lot what we're going to do we're going to test to see if you're having a heart attack to echo cardiogram which is also senator hart. and do a stress test a stress test that normal people should party chapter's each. day of any questions i know it's a lot to get. to. know if the cardiac cath is positive and it's
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off to surgery which is usually stents to the corner artery or a complete bypass up. that artery total cost for all of this. since one thousand participants has been the number one killer of americans let's put this into perspective forty two thousand americans die each year car accidents only a thousand. seven hundred thousand people. and thirty two thousand will kill themself. well some of us are killing each other and others are killing themselves one hundred seventeen thousand and eleven careless accidents we have sent the american troops into war many times over. in all the wars since korea and there's been about one hundred thousand tragic casualties of war cancer in all its forms
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kills five hundred sixty thousand of us here heart disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every year we are at war with heart disease and we are losing ground that. has an adverse effect on one point one system that is it makes the body. work harder to metabolize glucose and sugars and this is the first step on the road to diabetes so most people. who are overweight have some degree of insulin resistance. if you have a lot of cancer out in the diet that makes it still worse and brings you closer to god and we're we're in the midst of a diabetes epidemic along with our audio and. transoms making it worse.
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twenty four million americans suffer from diabetes and every baby born after the year two thousand has a one in three chance of contracting this disease which is the leading cause of kidney failure and adult blindness and remember every soda donor candy and slice of white bread because you one step closer to contracting diabetes a huge proportion of diabetes is directly attributable to overweight and obesity. if our whole population got down to a b.m.i. of say twenty or twenty one we'd get rid of three quarters that will die. today in the united states nearly two thirds of the population is overweight almost one in three americans is obese. this is not just a few people with extremes of overweight but a large majority of americans are overweight or to level with so it's having adverse effects on their risk of diabetes and heart disease although it was
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a case of an awful lot we don't believe it was supposed to be nice for ten years was supposed to be taking kids out for the let's. say bought the got to get rid of junk food marketing to kids totally inappropriate totally unfair to kids to tempt them to eat foods that are beyond for their health cartoon characters are hawking sugar and junk food right past our wallets and into the brains of our children. advertising to children is wrong but that's not the only reason our children are getting fat there are factors operating at many levels that push us this individuals toward or away out of resulting from overeating and for going activity in logics that these individuals who consume high amounts of trans fat from hydrogenated vegetable oils and i will substantially higher this part of town sudden death from cardiovascular and they also have an increased risk of diabetes in animal studies and actually has been shown to increase girth when they have the
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same amount of calories and diet with either trans fat or or the royals the monkeys who are on the trans fat diet actually gain more weight specifically increasing abdominal we see them just like they're smuggling through. these country every well these are not are you everybody's right but the whole country is getting old now. so why are you all right. we. are the footage six. sugaring rich flour was tossed the hydrogenated vegetable oil ali still beats sixty.
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