tv [untitled] July 20, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT
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and the independent people were quite worried that he would use his influence to have a say in editorial decisions but in fact that hasn't happened and he's widely seen as a very welcome addition to the u.k.'s newspaper market now his press service when we contacted him said that they couldn't comment and this was the first that they had heard of this story but we are still waiting to see whether himself will come out and. or deny that it's meanwhile this very unhappy scandal which is a huge upset here in the u.k. has claimed the life of sean hall he was the first journalist to allege that his editor at the news of the world andy coulson knew about it and in fact actively encouraged hacking at his newspaper because more information about that in my report. another political scandal erupts another whistleblower diaries sean hoare was the first former news of the world journalists to go on the record to
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allege that phone hacking was endemic at the paper and that its editor andy colson actively encouraged it paul was found dead in his house on monday setting the blogosphere into a frenzy of comparisons with the case of dr david kelly why isn't the sean hoare story bigger reminds me of how dr david kelly was bumped off a similar tragedies of sean hoare in david kelly all this madness and david kelly sean who are this what i'm thinking something's not trying to kelly was the u.n. weapons inspector who first cast doubt on the government's claim that iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within forty five minutes it led to scrutiny of tony blair's decision to invade iraq by extraordinary coincidence kelly's body was discovered exactly eight years before that of sean hordes on the eighteenth of july two thousand and three it was british journalist andrew gilligan who david kelly had spoken to to publicize his belief that the forty five minute claim had been
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exaggerated gilligan believes there are similarities between kelly and short haul being at the center of one of these storms a terrifying experience i really don't believe either david or sean hoare was murdered because. i simply don't think it would have been in anyone's interest to murder them once they got into the public spotlight anyone with an iota of sense in government would have known that to kill them would just would just amplify the story i think it's simply i think both were under enormous pressure from their roles as whistle blows and and found it difficult to cope with that pressure sean hoare was evidence could have been crucial to proving that the news of the world editors supported a culture of listening to private voice mails for stories towards former editor andy colson who later became a media director to the current prime. mr has always denied the allegations the man was destroyed professionally by views international the journalistic world in
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london is a very small amount was destroyed he was well known but he was drinking too much taking drugs he was depressed demoralized police are saying hall's death doesn't appear suspicious and they're looking at suicide dr kelly's death was also recorded as suicide although many including leading doctors and m.p.'s have never accepted that their suspicions of hardly been quelled by the fact the post-mortem reports and other evidence has been classified for seventy years ten arrests six resignations two convictions and one death that the toll of the phone hacking scandal so far the death of a key whistleblower in this scandal has raised questions but so far only amongst the twitter ossie it's being reported as a horrible and unfortunate coincidence but it's doubtful that if this had happened elsewhere say in russia or in india the british media would be so quick to accept
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it as a coincidence particularly looked at in the light of the death of david kelly you're an authority. precious voting or probably cameron over his links to disclosed news corps executives to discuss this that we're joined from new york. reporter for politico dot com david very good evening thanks for being on the program so i promise to cameron tried hard to distance himself from the toys did me that he has with news corp is definitely what i look at are going to be the hardest time for him since he took office just how deep are its connections with the murdoch empire do you think. well certainly there are a lot of politicians whether it's in england whether it's in great britain or in the united states that have very very deep ties with news corp and that happens in a lot of forms and fashions its not only in terms of the staff members and the relationships that have been built with news corp executives but also the money issues that have been coming into play here both in terms of campaign finance and direct the lobbying efforts that have been waged by news corp and its various
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subsidiaries who would have thought would end up like this almost a fight isn't it between heavyweights meadow can catherine who do things eventually going to lose his job oh it's very difficult to say but certainly you have the news corp folks reeling right now and but but of course with david cameron and many of my colleagues have been reporting on this to a great degree in a very bad situation to now here in america things have not heated up quite as much nearly as it has over in england but you've got to be able to think that you know a month or two months or sometime down the road that this is also going to come to us shores as well and in a fashion that's going to be very prominent and certainly very profound as well back in the u.k. course is will play very much into the hands of labor's ed miliband the opposition . yes absolutely and in like and and where you have one side that is getting hammered because of a scandal or the other sides are going to try to capitalize on it as much as
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possible and that's obviously what you're seeing here don't expect that to stop it's probably going to continue for for a long time going forward definitely weeks and perhaps months david this scandal or what i look at is going to seriously affect the way the media works in the future isn't how much you think it's going to change on both sides of the poll. it's going to have some effect but it is very early right now there really is no way to tell first of all how deeply this is going to cut into news corp itself it's a huge company that has properties of course and many many countries england just being one of them here in the united states there are numerous numerous different operations not just in news but an entertainment as well so to say how it's going to affect news corp is one one question in and of itself how it's going to affect the media landscape in general is entirely another but this definitely does set a precedent for what what can happen when you have news organizations that are operating in
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a way that most people consider to be despicable and may make news organizations think twice when they're doing the type of operations that are the type of reporting that they are if it delves into this area that that can be at the least scandalous and at worst wholly illegal david just wanted to hear i mean he was the world was just one percent of the great. britain obviously his story is blown up huge in britain how is it being reported in america what are people make of it when it cools the most of his assets are already america. they are and it's all over the papers here it's all over the television here one of my colleagues here has been doing some great reporting on it and were really it's something that have captivated people because everyone here in the united states knows what fox news is everyone here in the united states knows what the wall street journal is or the new york post these are names that have been around for years and years and years and
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have them have those names lost any respect over this do you think for some people yes for some people no a lot of folks have always thought that that news corp has leaned right in if you lean left yourself then you may be apt to think even less of that now if you like the wall street journal if you like fox news but maybe it hasn't affected your psyche about the corporation nearly as much as it has for others but just like anything you're always going to have people who are going to be detractors you're always going to have people who are supporters whether that balance is going to shift is something that is definitely worth and merits watching going forward ok david never thought a photo from politico dot com now you're going to be looking at things so much fear opinions on insight thank you we like your opinion too and the stories you see particularly this one is such a big one on our website we're asking you what do you think the biggest fallout from the u.k. phone hacking scandal is going to be this is what you've been telling us seems the majority of you think but do you believe that embattled rupert murdoch will now given the full competitive as you think he's on the way this hour as well just to
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be as sure as you were previously the new moguls and. others if you a split between two options either conventional media as we know it will collapse the bloggers taking over and they've been out in force lately over this one story will only hit the books offices across the globe the saga taking the big screen as an epic blockbuster that you have a great interview with mitt you could have your say it out say they'll call. serbia has fulfilled the final demands of the u.n. war crimes tribunal. for the former yugoslavia next croatian serb leader got a headache has been arrested after seven years on the run he's accused of atrocities during creations war for independence from yugoslavia in the early ninety's ranging from murder to religious persecution follows the arrest of rock of love which was wanted for similar crimes the detention center here in requirements of serbia's bid to join the e.u. and for more insight into this story big developments today let's go to belgrade
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talk to borrow a slave called the cheese a serbian journalist and political analyst thank you for being on our no one serbia is done with the war crimes fugitives what will the next euro hoop be that the left to jump through do you think for its e.u. dream to be fulfilled. good evening and thank you for your call to be guests of it your t.v. . first of all i would see it just a half of the job has been done or maybe even not half. there is a very long journey towards the european union and i am afraid that there will be a lot of for the obstacles on meet. the up police are saying serbia hasn't been given any guarantees as you say of e.u. membership but it must be very hopeful nonetheless because it seems determined to fulfill so many e.u.
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joining conditions doesn't it. you're right in a way that we have fulfilled a lot of requests from brussels bart on the other side there is a so-called. declaration from two thousand and three promising to all west european current to the. balkan countries to become a members of the e.u. one day saw no we hope that each side will keep its promises we have kept out promises as far as hague very beautiful is concerned now it is up to european union to fulfill their part of the promises. but. the more important think is that we should down the road we should to develop our society according to the highest standards of european union and try
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to be responsible member of the. society of european nations for a slow one day behind the scenes if the e.u. may be as keen. to take on another member these days as as it struggles more and more to stay afloat with the growing debt crisis and loss trust some states i mean think about denmark even bringing border controls it does beg the question could it even cope with another member right now. you are right and i think that is a huge dilemma. what i think is that there will be sort of powers after croatia would be received in two thousand and thirteen it seems and after that there is recently we have heard of some dutch papers saying that the next wave of large moment would fall in two thousand
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and thirty so in twenty years time so it is a long period. during which we have to leave normal lives that means that we should try to develop a. particularly cannot make relation as bitter as larger number of countries as possible and not to neglect russia not to do neglect china. latin american or asia or african countries. thank you for your view seven journalists and political analysts and list as you are thank you very much for being on the program it was a pleasure by stuff. triply refuses to negotiate over colonel gadhafi stepping down the news was revealed by libya's foreign minister during a meeting with his russian counterpart in moscow what is catarina is that the foreign ministry got the latest for you. well according to russian officials it was
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actually the libyan side that asked for this meeting which gives diplomats in moscow a cautious optimism because of course it signifies to them that those in power in libya are attempting to seek diplomatic solutions to the problem russia of course proposed itself as a mediator and has basically said that it will try to do everything possible to bring about a cease fire and a diplomatic solution to the conflict in contrast to the military intervention heralded a lead by nato troops which russia believes is simply prolonging the so-called policy of isolation and of course the recognition by some western states all of the opposition forces in benghazi as the legitimate government is only extending the conflict russia has said that it does believe moammar gadhafi should step down and will continue to do everything in his power to bring about a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing conflict that's one of the many controversial issues and of a storm of lager debate on our website forum you can join in to. call while you're
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there want to take a look at these stories children preparing for motherhood new breast feeding goals sort of got a mixed reaction i should not expect from parents as they hit the shelves and those across europe the u.s. is not a good thing or if it will just fall too early to be thinking about that sort of figure this know it. all so maybe to bring your glasses or a magnifying glass the world's newest country of. your make projects on the way and computers but if you create a. detail you have to squint you can see it on our gallery at. home. in the u.s. the obama administration signals it will support a short term extension of the debt ceiling if there's an agreement to cut the
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deficit and he welcomed a bipartisan senate proposal which includes spending cuts and new taxes that's with only two weeks left to avoid a looming default to discuss the situation about the u.s. economy let's go live to washington and dev car is senior economist at the i.m.f. and currently lead economist at global financial integrity a busy guy as we appreciate your time to come into the studio mr a lot of worry of us finances right now how much of that impacts on the world economy how much of that worry spills over or a lot spills over the u.s. is still the elephant in the room regardless of what door the recent talks about decoupling the emerging markets decoupling from the u.s. economy about the u.s. economy still rules the roost so to speak in the unlikely event that lawmakers failed to reach a final agreement before that deadline is just two weeks hence what might the consequences be there for global finances then or
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a little bit just disastrous there's no question about it if the u.s. defaults of the dirt are you know u.s. . instruments debt instruments readings that would would plunge and you know it would be riskier it would be seen as risky or an interest would spike and that will have a ripple effect on interest as across the world but what about trouble at a money compare the u.s. debt crisis with the european economic turmoil we're seeing right now even if spending cuts and tax hikes do take place do you think we can expect protests from an angry american public like we've witnessed across europe. so i would not expect the same kind of protests that is happening now in europe. to be. in the us. to be across all the states in the u.s. but i think that there's no question that there just been too that is required
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would be sort of paid in full and it would be it would be long and a long process but the reason. would not be so severe is that the debt crisis in the u.s. is not so severe as in the case of greece and spain and portugal so the us being a larger economy and having more resources would be able to deal with it in a smoother manner and phasing this is a painful adjustment over time but still it will be painful there's no question but nonetheless a look at it it's mind boggling the u.s. debt ceiling it's huge if it's lifted again at america's aaa credit rating remains intact which would be lovely does that mean that the economy is fine and the country can just keep on borrowing as it reaches this new limit and indeed when it goes above it again maybe. see that are important differences between the u.s. economy and the smaller european economies the u.s.
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has the dollar which is in a basically the leading reserve currency in the world so by that fact alone it has greater latitude in greece greece doesn't have the columns of his own yes i know you as a. liberal but where does the buck stop with america should we can't keep lifting this sailing on and on and on and spending and printing more money to stop at some point. absolutely obvious here i mean nobody is saying it is going to go i'm awkward i'm saying that. of course is the time to do it i mean did there have to tackle this problem but you asked me a question whether expect the same kind of. turmoil protests on the street in america is what is going on now in greece and the answer the short answer to that is small that's probably because the us is not greece. like there is would be a long shot except for so much of being on the program lead economists that global financial integrity tell us live there from washington studio it's
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a little of good news. now debt deficit possibly an imminent default join us in ten minutes when pay lavelle's on the air in this guess as well looking into the u.s. financial crisis in the latest edition of crosstalk let's get across the business before that though dimitris here. it's you know more than welcome to business our team minority shareholders a t n k b p are preparing a lawsuit demanding five to ten billion dollars in damages over b.p.'s failed bid to partner with the not to exploration they've won the russian court ruling obliging the parties involved to submit documents on the preparation of the deal within two weeks this will allow shareholders to evaluate the damages the pm rosneft failed to strike the deal this spring as a v.p. shareholders claimed b.p.'s russian joint venture should be the primary vehicle for exploration in the arctic. stock markets were taking
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a breathing poor as they welcome to president obama's news of progress on raising america's debt ceiling he's meeting with congressional leaders to discuss a new debt cutting plan and determine if it could point the way out of the impasse . there's still a long way to go in terms of the the two positions coming together however we haven't but we've got limited time for that to happen i mean yes it is good news that we've got a bipartisan gang of six with both republicans and democrats within it coming up this proposal we know that almost fifty senators listen to the proposal in detail yesterday for an hour and we know that so far none of the key players have banished out of it have completely said no this is not the deal so it is looking optimistic but i just think you know this just this is cool should with the optimism. let's take a look at how the russian markets and the wednesday's session both markets and then the session in the black though they didn't lose some of the steam by the end of
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the day most new chips were up on the my six gazprom added just point two percent mark world was positive ross telecom was posting very strong gains on speculation it could be completely selling its assets to private investors the state however would still hold veto rights and poly metals slipped deep into the red after several days of gains as gold was edging lower michael stein from a pretty bank wraps up today straight. to me the russian equity market is up for the second day in a row helped by the very strong start to the u.s. attorney season and also helped by the increase in oil prices to within just two percent of a six week highs on the domestic front we saw some very healthy economic data unemployment in russia dropped to a six point one percent in the month of june from six point four percent in may we also saw retail sales accelerate to five point six percent during the month of june
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and we also saw the reversal in disposable income which was down in me and is up in june coming up next on the headlines to stay with us. culture is that so much excitement and which of course the right kind of comes up here is a dead end long as the deadline for the u.s. to increase its debt ceiling looms would appear to be more in all politics in
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over. the stepping down. several western countries from. it's eleven thirty one pm while the u.s. is rapidly running out of time to deal with his debt crisis artie's people of all next whether it's all about politics rather than the economy crosstalk it's only. in. the low welcome to cross talk i'm literally about dead deadlock as the deadline for the u.s. to increase its debt ceiling looms would appear to be more about politics and
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upcoming elections than fixing a crippling problem as the u.s. courts financial disasters do americans have an appetite for are scared. to cross talk the debt impasse i'm joined by my guests in new york doug henwood he is editor and publisher of the left business observer and howard gold he is a columnist for market watch and founder of the political blog the independent agenda all right gentlemen this is across time that means you can jump in anytime you want but first let's have a look at the debate unraveling on capitol hill. just under two weeks this is how much time washington has left to raise the federal debt ceiling set at fourteen point three trillion dollars and as the u.s. that steadily creeps towards its legal limit democrats and republicans agree that a failure to avert a default would trigger an economic catastrophe a catastrophe that would not only hit the u.s. but would also under my.
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