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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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so this is the what is fourteen days that we've all day and for white house press secretary jay carney it's time to dodge a question. dismantle well that's the name for house republicans cut cap and balance plan we've got tom woodson out on the new revolution super pac and mark dyson joins us from sunny southern california for his take on the impending q e three we've got a city in north carolina where no one is running for mayor or town council and update on the murdoch scandal of the week the union manual and of course some news from anonymous. only on adam vs the man.
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ladies and gentlemen but the fault is nearly us last night house republicans in defiance of the bill for a delusional flagrant disregard for their actual position of power and that ceiling negotiations passed cut cap and balance but as the day approaches it's time for brace your global markets with the debt ceiling deadline growing perilously close global markets are gracing for the unthinkable. we are obviously running out. we'll kill you we're going to blow your brains out.
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that's ok we were really using them anyway today is the it minus fourteen and what you noticed we changed the count yes monday was the minus fifteen and even days when there's no anniversary the man things keep happening in the world i know what we screwed up you see august second is the deadline august third is default day that's when according to treasury secretary geithner the feds won't be able to pay their bills it seems obama might be having some timing issues of his own we don't have any more we don't have any more we don't have a lot more time but we're in the eleventh hour it's time to get down to business especially solving this problem in time for. the august second deadline that we've set for finally that's what i was going to say anyway it last night the two hundred thirty four to one hundred nineteen vote in favor of the new plan was at least a throwing of the weight around for a new g.o.p. in the house with a large freshman class but i feel love and or the g.o.p.
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plan of hurts the imaginary default concocted by the administration but gives republicans a few things that we want to massive cuts and a bounce budget amendment but the white house was ready with a snide comment as soon as it came up today yes my joining me sir. you are the most loved to dismiss agreed should not to question my. responsibility dodge obligations and dismantle eventually social security medicare medicaid ok so maybe i'm a tween bashing the republican plan and being cute they managed to say something about the veto threats of this bill that doesn't stand a chance of making it through the senate anyway but it was more like. more like. would say help me out here. classic washington posturing kabuki theater
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right so if that's all this is from the republicans why is obama playing right into their hands. really. we don't have a pic of the present for a book a book you make of this. better the real they're going to do something about this throughout the legislature through the legislative process in time is the twenty second this friday but this whole thing is really a way for the government to make the american people accept how badly we're all going to be screwed economically when this thing fails and they resort to printing money like they always did her in the for the worst through the inflation tax while the republican leadership like boehner and mcconnell may be willing to cave for conservative free market principles at least one constitutional republican who's honored his oath and knows what's really going on here if we don't understand this this deep part will not be because we don't know the checks we will send out the checks it will be defaulted on because people will get their money back or they
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will get their social security checks and it won't buy anything the government has a bad habit of breaking your leg giving you a crutch and then saying if it was a very government you couldn't walk and when social security checks won't buy anything maybe just maybe america will have a chance to stand on its own feet again without the crutch or disability known as the united states federal government. for more on this joining me now from sunny southern california is none other than mark dice of mark dice dot com mark thank you so much for being with us tonight hold on a second i'm playing angry birds if you play this game yeah yeah mark i have but i really interested in your take from a grassroots activist perspective. are the republicans making the right players the strategically wise for them to put forth this bill on really what it would have
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been a d. minus fourteen just two weeks from the deadline cut cap and balance. well i just love the fear mongering actually of a c i wasn't playing angry birds just parroting the typical zombie that's glued to their i phone and the distractions that keep them out of the way i'm basically so that these things can go on without any interference but now i'm watching this whole debt ceiling debacle and it's just it's so it's the same old story the fear mongering why isn't it that the congressman's paychecks wouldn't be the first ones to not go through life and always the old social security people as well as the senior citizens and the soldiers that are going to get their checks through as now they're going to raise the debt ceiling this is so absurd it's sort of like if you're living off of a credit card and you've maxed them all out then you just go and open another one instead of just cutting your spending and then this is so crazy because the where do we cut the spending where do we cut the spending how about the war on terror the
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war on drugs that stop the earmarks let's close the border or we can save the hospitals the prisons from the illegal aliens there's plenty ways to fix this without q e three and i went here we formed just a hyper inflate the currency into living well how were you able to figure that out between bonner of snark. well and a lot of the southern california folks here are just oblivious and i think we've just taken to the beach a little too much and i do love the beach too but i like to stay informed so i don't know man it just seems common sense to me and that's just a few of the things that i've come up with i don't know if i've heard any of these solutions as part of these discussions right i mean how about we here's another one maybe obama's older daughter should start knowing the lawn at the white house we could save some of that there's plenty a ways to cut money and to cut spending other than all the we're going to cut the social security because where do we cut this money where do we go where do we cut
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the money ok we even you kind of unique perspective come from something. well for you where you're least away from smelling distance of the state from washington d.c. that i have to live with here in the district of criminals but you have to deal with the economic repercussions of this is citizens that are made here and it seems like people in southern california are able to kind of more than anybody else in the country at least from my experience and they're kind of separate those things i mean people aren't really following the new of the of the theater here in washington as much as they are concerned about things like unemployment and the way that these policies actually affect individual economic outlook how southern california how are people there reacting to all of this. there's there's a sense a certain percentage of people which are in form here it's kind of over blow the southern california stereotypical airhead beach bum pot smoking surfer
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but that is a large part of the culture here so a lot of the people just is long as they have their t.v. there beats for the others warm here cygnus go outside and have lunch even if it's just a mcdonald's happy meals sitting out there and i eat it doesn't seem life doesn't seem so bad for some of these people because they're so distracted as long as they have their television their angry birds and their facebook pages the people in southern calif i'm originally from wisconsin actually i moved out here when i was twenty years old and people here are so short sighted i think what it is is they only think ahead really a few hours in so they really do in southern california the only plan ahead a few hours. at least at least those those mcdonald's meals are now being served by college graduates who can't get work anywhere else i know you're an activist what is the opportunity here for waking people up are they starting to realize how useless the government in washington is well people now are starting to wake up because it's their pocketbooks that are hurting you know the nine eleven truth
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movement which is kind of i got my start in the resistance is a little none eleven attacks the war in iraq is a little distance a little distant from most people doesn't affect them personally if they don't have a family member or a friend that's going over there or that was killed in nine eleven but this year everybody's affected by this your pocketbook your job your social security benefits everything so now this is actually a great opportunity for people to get educated and get involved and we're seeing that i mean really young fairly young guys like you and me to that are getting out there and having a platform having a voice there's the grassroots movement of the youth the facebook it will the majority the majority is always going to be the path of destruction all it takes is an educated and an activated minority to. it changed to make enough noise and i'm on this process of educating myself for this is a non stop process to figure out what it is that's going on so that we can articulate it's as human as they had it so that we can effect change so that look i
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haven't you are going to the market mark that that's all the time we have or that i have but i want to say it i really hope that the politicians here in d.c. can continue to make their job as an activist in southern california that much easier for you with the ridiculous kooky theater backdrop marc thank you so much for joining us as mark dice and mark dice dot com thanks grow up. rupert murdoch's news corp has found itself in battles from all sides lately with investigations allegations and even highs thrown in murdoch's face it doesn't look like the problem is going to go away as easily as he probably hopes but one of the original whistleblowers in the scandal is now dead sean hoare was one of the first leaks in the current news corp hacking scandal claiming that andy colson was aware of phone hacking by his staff or continued to speak with various news outlets on the scandal making more and more outrageous allegations that have thus far been vindicated by investigation it was back in headlines last week for telling new york times that news of the world was pinging subjects' they were eavesdropping on paying off
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police to use their cell phone tracking abilities will information's been made public but hertfordshire police released the following statement at ten forty am today it was monday eighteen the eighteen police were called to a langley road watford following the concerns for the welfare of a man who lives at an actress on the street upon police an ambulance arrival at a property the body of a man was found the man was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after the death is currently being treated as unexplained but not to be suspicious police investigations into this incident are going in the private sector organized labor is rapidly diminishing in membership less than seven percent of the private sector is currently unionized as the economy continues its collapse union influence over commerce labor and law is diminishing so desperate times call for more discreet. measures unions traditionally organized on a site by site basis but the sci used most recent manual promotes a new approach the new improved union thug will use his energy pressuring boardrooms employers rather than employees and exposing dirt on company heads all
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in a strong armed push for national union station yes a use campaign manual which just came to light thanks to a pending court case the details just how the organization intends to squeeze businesses including the section quote called pressuring the employer which takes union tactics to a new level advocating what amounts to blackmail and sabotage outside pressure and involve jeopardizing relationships between the employer and lenders investors stockholders customers clients patients tenants politicians or others on whom the employer depends for funds legal and regulatory pressure can threaten the employer with costly action by government agencies or the courts community action and use of the news media can damage an employee's public image and ties with community or leaders and organizations the manual also says it's too great here for whether or not these tactics are being used effectively do they distract management officials
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from other work they need to do or embarrass them in front of their superiors associates families neighbors or friends in the community now seventy pages of waste in peak hours an intimate private business is more than we have time for tonight but it's obvious that big labor is stuck desperately trying to hang on to power by any means necessary and there's no doubt obama will be right there by its side. when we come back tom woods chairman of revolution rock will join me to talk about the new super pac written by ron paul supporters to get a congressman elected to president. anonymous as a run in with the f.b.i. as the feds swoop in on suspected hackers and if you've got the government was going to end with a bang think again stick around you're watching out on words of the man.
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wealthy british style. market. why no one should really happening to the global economy with much stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the reports. they tell martin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents thousand. seven hundred thousand people. and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us here part to seize is even more devastating kills over eight hundred seventy thousand. thousand americans every year. old. bringing you the latest in something something. from the realm. of the future of coverage. welcome back to adam vs the man the united states postal service is choking to
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death in a pool of its own early scribbled reading it seems the challenge is put forth by capitalism you know actually providing services that people pay for and finally cut the throat of the federally sponsored mail service with the global migration telephonic mail you know e-mail us b.s. has become marginalized and they did and its usefulness to the average american but that kind of goes without saying postmaster general patrick donahoe sat down with usa today to say that while the u.s.p.s. can cover its expenses innocent time or its hemorrhaging all of its based federal reserve notes it seems that like the treasury they can no longer pay their bills i've got a payment of five point five billion dollars from the federal government to prefund retiree health benefits i can't make that payment and so now we're talking about and then saturday delivery in a world where you can download any kind of porn you want on your smartphone in minutes the government's mail service won't be able to provide the same level of
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service that provided twenty years ago. what we're facing is a substantial amount of cost pressure around a loop the loss of first class mail that's cause us look at everything and one of the things that we broke that is the elimination of saturday mail that's just the livery collection of the set up your email will keep open his post offices will stay open you can write a mailbox to the post office to get saturday delivery and our networks are still still now twenty years ago this would have been chaos but really it just shows how far we've come what strides of them made toward an open source society with assists from fed ex and u.p.s. and other carriers out there the internet is effectively neutralized government in this instance with all of these alternatives we don't need the united states postal service to get information from point a to point b. in a marketplace environment the postal service would probably have seen the need to adapt its business model in order to survive then we'd still have the drive hearing from
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the i.r.s. on saturday however government sanction tends to induce bad business practices the same sind always assume they'll have a cushion of federal bailouts and so they settle for something our service a slow but steady demise of the u.s.p.s. is particularly notable because it would this would reveal one crack in the armor of our leviathan state but as we continue to move into this open source of society more cracks should follow were severely or market based alternatives exist progress will render government services irrelevant in tarheel north carolina it seems like city government may already be perceived as a bit of an unnecessary anachronism at least no one seems to care about it off to actually want to run it after all what more city governments than excuse to fund micro tyrants like traffic unforced errors ok so sometimes city governments can help people get along living unnaturally close to each other but the point is to raise revenues for the micro tyrants. ok now to be fair tarheel is kind of
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a small town one hundred seventeen people they probably have plenty of open parking anyway recount board of elections are reporting that no one filed to be on the ballot for the november elections their current marriage martin will be stepping down as he's moving out of the city the three member town council is also being vacated by its current members the deadline for filing is past but it's likely some want to be status will jump at the chance to snag a write in victory at the last minute hey maybe we should move down there moved out of the south and take over a tar heel what don't you write me in to be your mare and i will fulfill the goals of the vast libertarian conspiracy by taking over your government and leaving you alone i hereby annex you into labor tokyo. joining me now from the niece's infant who leases dot org is none other than famed economist historian author tom woods with some news about the new revolution super pac tom thanks so
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much for being with us tonight if you're already alabama tonight all right outstanding you betcha. are you well you've been you've been making around about having trouble keeping up with you lately and this is a big project that's been in the works that we've been dying to hear about now that we have super pacs now that we can get past some of these. mccain feingold restrictions of the incumbent protection plan we're able to get a little more money moving into the revolution tell us how this is going to work well it's called the revolution pac and it's what's called a super pac which means a bunch of things but one thing it means we can't have any official communication with the campaign but it means that we're not subject to the twenty five hundred dollars per person donation cap we were doing when you said the campaign you mean and the campaign right now ron paul of course that is the campaign ad of it. but that's that's right so it means that the average you know the person who's
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donating to a presidential campaign like ron paul's is subject to you can donate twenty five hundred dollars and that's it we're not subject to that limit so you know any big dollar donors here we what we have big ambitions for what we want to do we've got great ideas for getting the message out there in ways that i think will appeal to the grassroots ron paul supporters we're we've assembled a tremendous team with the best grassroots talent a lot of names that your viewers will of heard of and we have so many such an ambitious program that now and i've never been in this position before we just need resources to actually implement them but yes we're going to have an impact and we're going to have a blast doing it i guarantee you that this campaign season is going to have a lot of fireworks in it and it's going to be good poor. or should do to the revolution pac ok so for those of us who might not be such big fans of the cold barrow for this story groundbreaking breaking case that he had recently about about
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his super pac how does this what is new about that precedent that allows you to do this well my understanding is that the key thing is the the lifting of the of any donation cap. on the other hand unlike other pacs there can't be and we can't even call up the ron paul two thousand and twelve people on the phone and you know ask to the borrow a stapler but for my money the key thing is the donation is the donation cap because it means that for example larry look argument for him in two thousand and eight years ago who spent his own money like eighty thousand dollars putting full page ad in the usa today for ron paul we're going to help be a clearinghouse for things like that but it's not just the big donors we need anybody who can help us out look at the people go to revolution pac dot com look at the people on our board these are people you've heard of these are people who are you know we're not in this for the money these are people who are working on a shoestring budget to do what we can to spread the word to differentiate ron paul
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from the other candidate he's not just another candidate with a phony budget plan he's a real guy with the best record of any congressman in u.s. history and it's about time america found out about that the best kept secret about ron paul what was that that's all that sets him apart though i mean really he's just like all the other republican candidates is an enemy of the six foot candle looking guy from from middle america with you know conservative roots who just loves the constitution but doesn't really understand it right. well of course that's what they want people to think what we want to show is that this is a guy who if you've ever been frustrated with congress and felt like you know to heck with a whole bunch of these crooks he's your man because who in congress has voted against the whole congress more than ron paul he's going to against i'm all alone more than all other congressmen put together and he knows more about the constitution than all of them put together although that's faint praise obviously
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he will not support anything that violates the constitution which is why lobbyists don't bother coming to his office what's the point he's just going to vote his conscience regardless this is a guy whose record is just being it is not being exploited to the degree it should be we're not we're not boasting about not getting it out there the way we might and so that's what revolution pac is going to be all about and so what c.n.n. projects are the end product of this one of the kind of outreach to republican primary voters are going to be engaged in. well there are all different types anything from billboards to radio ads to videos i would like to see some good quality t.v. commercials again that differentiate him that commercials that could not have been made by michele bachmann we need not it's not enough just to have professional production values we need ads that would not have been made by michele bachmann and couldn't have been made by her because she doesn't have his record of fidelity to the constitution and of freedom in the free market and to show that he was the only one who predicted the financial crisis at
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a time when everybody in two thousand and seven on that that they stage was laughing at him he was the only one who was not oblivious why aren't we shouting this from the rooftops because that would reach a republican primary audience fanning tom thanks so much for joining us on revolution dot com this is a revolution packed dot com is the web site correct that's where you get e-mail updates and everything else help us out please and thank you adam for having us and thank you very much that was tom was revolution pac dot com tom was of nieces dot org and uses in student auburn alabama and now some news from anonymous. a federal bureau of investigations conducted what they call the largest sweep of internet hacktivists in the united states they raided three locations on long island one in brooklyn one in southern california and arrested anonymous in at least ten states fourteen arrests were made and are but one has been unmasked and
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named by the f.b.i. many are up in arms about this being the first incident of the arrests for what they are now calling cyber protesting as the clueless standstill of the information system security association said i don't recall cyber protesting as something that has come up before anonymous came up with their denial of service attacks against pay pal and visa however anonymous is as old as the internet this fall of the arrest of thirty two anonymous in turkey last month and several others recently in the u.s. and in europe according to the f.b.i. this was in response to the attack on pay pal last year that was part of operation avenger saying in which visa master card and amazon were targeted for their attacks on julian as same general wiki leaks in case you have not noticed we have been busy since then it would be silly to call it a large sweep when you have an end infestation in your home and kill fourteen of them but thanks to the internet the answer fighting back are just one of many
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anonymous organizing websites what is the plan dot org there are already over forty five thousand of us gathering the more anonymous you arrest the more you create we are anonymous we are legion we do not forgive we do not forget expect us who so. here's to the arrested. and the phobic absalom toxic no evidence. and on target for of reaper drew zero one zero jeff or jeff or g. leigh and the suspects whose name was not released probably because the person is under eighteen say strong but i have a little confession to make ties well i've alerted the f.b.i. about this announcement on the show tonight you've got the wrong hackers sorry it
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was me. it was all me i've been behind it this whole time not only am i the mastermind behind everything you've ever seen done on the inner webs in the name of anonymous i've been doing all the hacking i like to say thank all the supporters of anonymous out there who aren't really hackers but to promote the cause so thanks but for the f.b.i. you're wasting your time cover us me and the whole anonymous thing this goes away i mean you've got an office right upstairs from our studio in this building anyway this coming down i'll go peacefully and then you won't have to worry about them into webs anymore but the reality is that anonymous is a lot more then just a loose group of hacktivists on the internet anonymous is the hive mind anonymous is the cup the subconscious of the internet anonymous is in the d.n.a. of the internet anonymous has been around for you.


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