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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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oh i'm sorry but in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture nearly a decade ago democrats warned of the dangers of president bush's tax cuts today the gang of six is aiding in that disaster pushing our nation further into a hole we may not be able to get out of plus the u.k. is taking back control of its murdoch's actuated media america take a hint and reclaim democracy and real news in journalism.
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you need to know this yesterday the senate gang of six announced that it's reached a consensus on a framework to raise the debt ceiling and trim the debt by nearly four trillion dollars with both spending cuts and revenue raisers upon hearing the news president obama and mediately faced white house reporters to throw his weight behind the senate deal take a look. here's where we stand. we have a democratic president and administration that is prepared to sign a tough package we now have a bipartisan group of senators who agree with that balanced approach and we've got the american people who agree with that balanced approach my hope and what i will be urging speaker boehner. nancy pelosi. as well as leader reid and mitch mcconnell is that they are moral are prepared to start talking
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turkey well when lawmakers start talking turkey one thing that's off the table and negotiations is the words bush tax cut for millionaires and billionaires nowhere in the gang of six plan does that discuss ending those irresponsible tax breaks which is ironic because honest ten years ago today august first two thousand and one the associated press ran this prophetic article just as president bush was dissing dishing out his first round of tax cuts it's entitled us to borrow billions to cover tax refund checks article goes on to read democrats urged that president bush is one point three five trillion. dollars ten trillion dollars ten year tax cut package which includes the rebate checks is too large and expressed fears at all so the seeds for a return to the days of government red ink and you say i told you so here we are ten years later and our government is indeed a wash in red ink and on the verge of defaulting on our debts. because we were
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giving millionaires and billionaires massive tax cuts so as the gang of six plan is really the right way to deal with our debt it too doesn't call on millionaires and billionaires to make sure it's their confessions here to offer his take on the issues reporter and blogger think progress i think progress dot org and said welcome back thanks for having me first of all congratulations on tracking down digging out coming up with that a.p. story and sure and thanks for sharing i think progress flowed through it was it was great it's just it's marvelous i'm pleased to show it to our viewers why haven't democrats continued to hammer republicans on this really since the reagan years i mean reagan ran up three trillion dollars in debt george bush had another almost two trillion dollars in debt george w. bush added another five unchanged trillion most almost all of this debt was run up by three republican presidents i never hear democrats talking about that now and that's exactly right i think one of the things that really gets left out of a lot of our debt at bates is to tell americans what actually caused the debt i
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mean you point to the bush tax cuts since two thousand and one both rounds of bush tax cuts through two thousand and ten through the ten years now almost cost the country two and a half trillion dollars that's a two and a half trillion dollar hole in our and our budget deficits and you know americans can look around and see if it was really worth it if it really did what it said for the country the other large short term sort of driver of our deficit are the bush wars afghanistan and iraq and to his discredit obama is not moving in the right direction on those either unfortunately he's moved slightly out of the least of what much quicker to draw down but i know what's not responsible for the deficit or social security our medicaid our you know power grand things that you know right wingers are taking big aim at unfortunately obama seems to be leaning in their direction in some ways it's confounding frankly we have a graphic here that lays. i believe we have
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a graph yeah here it is ok this graphic shows the yellow at the top is the amount of the debt that is contributed by the bush tax cuts and the red below that is the amount of the deficit that is contributed to the debt rather was contributed by the wars in the blue below bad tarp tarp any made recovery and the largest who actually has the economic downturn but the fact of the matter is that if we did away with the wars we get in the wars and if we did away with the bush tax cuts we'd have pretty much a balanced budget you know other than the recession we'd be on the way there so why is it that the gang of six is proposing to do something other than looking at what so obvious with this graphic what's really fascinating if you look at the actual document that they put out about their sort of budget deal as they actually say social security has nothing to do with the deficit and then the next line is they were going to alter it anyway and then they plan to make a number of changes that are security which i don't think are very good for the
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program and then they also lay out some steps in the future take a day to deal with the protesters just take off the cap i think most americans don't realize that if you're in over one hundred six thousand dollars a year you don't pay a penny in social security taxes after that point so somebody makes you know million dollars a year they're making. eight hundred ninety four thousand dollars of income they're not paying one penny of social security checks right and that's not fair and what they're actually proposing to do is to change the way that the program calculates inflation costs right now there's a certain inflation cost for a cost of living i just mean year by year and then with the way that they want to change it if they want to adjust it to what's called chained c.p.i. under chained c.p.i. would actually be getting a lot less money because the inflation we calculate differently if you're in your fifty's if you're in your sixty's you'd be getting the average senior would be getting like five hundred sixty dollars less a year although we have to like your ninety's be getting thirteen hundred dollars less here and that's a lot of money to someone's. at all especially when so many seniors in right now
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are in poverty in this country forty seven percent i think they are under the two hundred percent of poverty and twenty seven thousand dollars a year. why this it well for the first while it is a possible that the reason that obama is the president obama's going for this this grand plan even if it may have destructive pieces to it is that he's trying to stake big flags in history we've big footsteps behind you know like johnson he's the guy who brought us medicare you know the new deal franklin roosevelt that kind of thing is it is it possible this is just legacy thing or or. you know i can or has he said it is he the best republican president ever i mean i don't get it oh he's still in that tone from go put it that was true but you know what whatever's going there is mine i can spend all day guessing but i'll tell him this that polling shows that doing these sort of regressive changes to medicare and social security and medicaid are actually fairly fairly unpopular so if obama's advisors what they get this is going to help them out there i hysteria is going to even help them in the next election you know there's there's sadly mistaken but that's my
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concern and you know harry truman famously said. if voters are given the choice between a democrat who behaves like a republican or a real republican who's the real republican and you know and of course vice versa and. i just don't get why he's not but i think in any case this is in wild variation from the progressive caucuses budget progressive caucus put out a budget plan that actually balances the budget in ten years it depends on and you know wars though is that why you know why is the progressive caucus the largest caucus in the democratic party ninety four members i think ninety seven million why are they being ignored marginalized by the white house you know i think part of is the fact that you know the republicans control the house of representatives you know we have a more conservative set in i think a lot of progressive ideas which really are centrist idea that you put them on the public actually fairly popular are kind of pushed along the way side i think a lot of democrats just don't want to approach them because they think they want passed but i mean the republicans passed a you know a budget that if. it has medicare and they they were not afraid about it not
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passing because what they wanted to do they wanted to shift the debate to the right and the democrats unfortunately to some extent allowed the debate to be shifted far enough to the right to where now the president just keeps talking about the debt where the biggest crisis we have right now is not a debt crisis is a job this is true and it's a he says he did mistake and i agree thank you so much for being used and it's great to see you we'll revisit this topic in just a few minutes and tonight's long liberal debate. it's time for ideally paul your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question doesn't prove that no one or no person or no company should have that much media power your choices are yes that's not democracy it's corporatocracy or no it's just fine the republicans have to kiss the feet of fox so called news log on to tell our radar com sells what you think the poll be open till tomorrow morning.
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crazy alert protesting in the nude like everywhere else in the world the nation of the ukraine is dealing with its share of civil disobedience in recent months although the protesters have some different tactics namely nudity the women's activist group famine f.p.m. showed up topless outside the georgian embassy on wednesday and clashed with police to protest the arrest of three photographers in nearby georgia but this isn't the first time famine has pulled the naked protests last week they jumped in a fountain topless to protest water shortages and last december they assembled outside a cabinet building in a birthday suits to protest the lack of female representation in the prime minister's new cabinet unclear how effective the new campaign is for famine but let's just hope it's not the not so if it keep party here in america doesn't get any ideas male or female. after the break conservatives jamie weinstein and daniel helper join me as we do god's politics and biggest topics in the lone liberal run.
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website with twenty four seven live streaming news time what to do about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. from the. new political. post and more on aren't just.
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this one is it out of time for the lone liberal when i debate to expert political commentators on the big issues of the week our panel tonight daniel alpert any online editor of the deal at the weekly standard and jamie weinstein senior editor at the daily caller getting i think probably don't have it was hard to get started here democrats are using their secret weapon in the debt limit debate ronald reagan take a look at this new message released by house democrats in. congress system. before . this chip threatens the whole crew some government so those who are social security benefits interest rates would skyrocket you can see the financial markets and the federal government which. you know states it's
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a special responsibility for the world to meet its obligations it means we have a reputation for reliability including two things that some support for much of. so then no other republicans turning their backs on reagan now that sounds more like darth vader than ronald who. was all you had to go there or where was that or where was that. book anybody can turn around what obama said in two thousand and nine when he said raising taxes in an economy is bad idea around rayman a tax eleven times on this and raise the debt ceiling eighteen times regular it is that a number of things me taken out of context and used your political advantage just like president obama raising the debt ceiling eighteen times in your eight years that's not taking anything out of context. i don't think it's serious until twenty times. but i mean i think i think what we see happening is there's there's going to be some type of deal whether it's the gang of six deal or it's the economy plan the debt ceiling is going to be raised well i just hope that after we do it with
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whatever deal is going to happen we continue to get serious about tackling long term fiscal problems that we must tackle in order to continue our a rating it's not only the debt ceiling that threatens that rating it's also our long term fiscal problems but the reality here is that the republicans are creating a crisis when there isn't one there's a difference between important and urgent i agree with you that the u.s. debt is important but it's not urgent so what if it doesn't become urgent well look at what's the threshold technically becomes urgent at the point at which people will not buy our bonds and we have put in already had it for certain poor said unless we have a long term long term feeling to deal with our to nothing to do with the debt that has to do with the debt ceiling this is this is this is bad thinking i think something called a couple lax one it's when you get something you don't expect occurs happen all the time and it makes this plunge even worse into a fiscal situation so the idea that we can wait just to the point where ok now it's time to deal with it right before we fall over the cliff is i think i'm suggesting
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that we should but what i'm saying is that what the republicans are doing right now is they are holding the nation hostage over an arbitrary line in the sand that was drawn by a previous congress and and that doesn't make any sense in every throughout the reagan administration throughout the bush administration throughout both bush administrations whenever the time when it whenever it came time to raise the debt ceiling republican so no problem even if you're in the clinton ministration they yell and scream they actually shut down the government during the carter administration one that makes it only happens when democrats are it makes sense when we're in such a fiscal straight as we are and you have a president who has not been particularly serious about tackling our long term fiscal problems and you need something to get his way and you're saying this after george bush had a five and a half trillion dollars or we are in a different situation right now resign of the bush tax cut it doesn't. skews the problems in the bush administrations what i mean i think i think we can play politics when you try to assign blame i think ultimately the problem needs to be dealt with just like the president has fans of the band game a sixty i think though i think it is and i think it's i'm against gangs ok but the
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you know i don't see the pacific's but a you know i try to like tom coburn i think there's a possible deal here i don't think we'll do enough and i think i hope he doesn't raise taxes to reform the tax code maybe but i but i'm i would like to see what if he does not it's not pretty and i don't think everyone says that they will certain details know the plan is in the details you have no plan without the details and we get just talking points right now i'm with you and not just talking points but republicans argue points being put forward by a democratic president there are signs and seeming thing except in some lower corporate tax like i don't know how you guys are going to very uncomfortable to actually does raise taxes the united kingdom is waking up to how destructive murdoch's media empire has been it's up to scotland yard their equivalent of our f.b.i. it's corrupted the metropolitan police their equivalent of our you know arguably new york city police department or maybe actually much margin than that much more important that in one thousand nine hundred three in the united states we've got a graphic on this site i believe here is in one thousand nine hundred three fifty
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corporations control the majority of us media now in two thousand and four this is from bend. book he updates every couple years two thousand and four was the last time he updated it five corporations control the majority the media in the united states is not troubling that the only way that a republican can get any kind of national office now is to go through fox news if you don't have murdoch's indorsement just like in the u.k. you have you've had five prime ministers that have had to literally go to murdoch and beg for his indorsement tony blair convince them to flip parties even and every single time roxanne doris's them they win and same thing here in the united states if you don't if you don't have sean hannity on your side you have you got a lot maybe just the opposite he's endorsing people that he sees are going to win and he wants to curry favor. who is ever going to win the fact of the matter is we have more choice in our media today than we have ever had in the history of the entire work not in terms of the you could just in terms of the content you know terms of going the internet and there's
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a zillion different providers on the internet sure everybody this is this scandal which while in this specific case is fleet street fleet street generally british tabloids are notoriously you know push the edge off and go over the edge i don't know what decides to do with fox news. there are some concerns that was first of all you've got the guy who was the head of the jones of the wall street journal murdoch's crown jewel and his u.s. empire has has retired and shall we say and headed back to the u.k. where he may be a question in much media right these days you have two choices you have big corporations your view of state owned the local with the affiliates are not the philly it's the local in the smaller regional papers or not stations because they are different the publications are are going out of business but this is all can't sustain themselves so you can either have state run or you could have a larger thing larger publications that are actually supported by various other
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various other conglomerates but so the reality you're laying out there daniel is the result of ronald reagan in one thousand nine hundred two suspending enforcement the sherman antitrust act which led to this insane period of mergers and acquisitions made the michael milken of the world and now and now we've got a solid top elise and you know that's not the case s. through with it has to free content on the internet it's not that complicated i mean look it all kind of why there's a small number of companies that are most of the media. has less value if you will because you have this again and again to learn a bit again you have more choice and more opinion that you can find today easily at a tip of your finger than in any time in i'm in world history think of what it was thirty years ago when i don't know what what they're using could lead to go everything to america had a look at news it would be but they had only three networks they could turn on the t.v. which all gave similar. same type of left wing or liberal liberal slant right news right now you have more networks then whatever and i was a liberal i think you are so i forget how newsworthy way there's no question he was a liberal yeah but his is news i know that outrage over rupert murdoch as opposed
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to any of these other media organizations is so now it's so nonsensical it's it's it's i just can't understand it i mean you're in mind with the new york times and it's having to go through fox news in order to become the good new york times obtained information he legally and published it in the form of wiki leaks that that was state secrets and that caused people that is what i believe three times. he was there and under the response there is what is fox news do it legally i don't know why we're talking about fox news sure with one hundred i'm saying what murdoch did in britain i can see not his crimes is the solid end of medium of physical poised. to democracy and some have somebody or some of the sort of your who's the who's the front runner for the republican nomination right now mitt romney how did he go through murdoch again to get this front runner status he barely gives any interviews and as far as i know i haven't seen a mitt romney interview on fox in a long time yet he's on the on the glide path for the republican nomination who's
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who's number two if you jumps in rick perry rick perry is for ox news this guy i mean this isn't this is nonsense that you have to go through there if that was the case john bolton would be the head would be it would be nominee because he's on fox news all the time and considering all right do wouldn't you flatly yeah ok you got me it's rare but ok no elizabeth warren consumer financial protection bureau richard cordray is is the guy who is going to go in and republicans are saying that they're that's not enough they're going to vote on legislation package probably had the vote already today to weaken the consumer financial protection bureau how is this good politics to say you know we're going to destroy the agency is going to offend consumers because there's no proven track record at the agency can in fact because it has a start of course that because it hasn't started but republicans are reflected. against expanding government i don't think it's any surprise to you that there that they would be inclined to be against you without hearing further we thank god only relative to banks who brought us a jew here the details the details are alarming you have this you have this stand
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alone. bureau which is which is basically a subsidiary of the federal reserve except the federal reserve has no with the word of over it except nobody really has any of over authority over except to the president it's part of executive branch it's part as are all the regular it's part of it it's a gross expansion of government and into our regular where we need it we were going to say they're not it rotted as they are as they robbed us of their credit cards they're they're fine printing us to death they're hamburger is their go out about things but they're here guys are and here's and here's the thing i mean it's another layer of government regulation which is which i think is always prudent always problematic when one of their missions is like to create fairness i'm always worried when like me like your role is to create fairness that sounds like well how do you do that what are they going to do to create firms you say things like you can't have language in your contracts that's undecipherable for the average person
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and then a year and a half down the road they discover that all of a sudden their mortgage payment just double well that's not bare gambit but you know what the solution these organizations do things the dodd frank act when somebody applying for a mortgage what they do is they send out tons of disclosures which you think i do you think well maybe that's a good idea people are disclosure people are can learn and understand except people receive a pamphlet and i know this about an inch thick and they they receive painful it every time to make a certain change every time they talk to their lender practically so they're receiving tons and tons of paperwork that nobody's going to read it so it's a good idea but a lot of parents are right i would like like to have a government agency oversee that stuff so your i don't have to write it in a way like it says nice idea that a government that a government bureaucracy would be looking out for p. well the problem is that they don't work the ways are simple here's the simple is that's just a result of very simple it just worked from the founding of this country until nine hundred thirty five this country never went more than fourteen years without
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a major bank i'm talking hundreds of banks failing major banks panics and major crash and start never more than fourteen years from one nine hundred thirty five until. basically two thousand and two thousand and eight we had no major bank failures and why because of glass steagall because the and the f.c.c. because i sort of roosevelt roosevelt put in strong controls on those got blown up in two thousand i support i support a wall between commercial and so you're in favor of more government regulation i'm sometimes but i mean i don't like excessive government regulation and this seems like it's very possible and we agree on this i think you're right that the pamphlet sometimes are decipherment hard to read and people never read them we should only have things that people actually read that's why i hate to repeal obamacare which no one read two thousand pages this is the note of the problem is the problem is not the idea of which sounds really nice the problem is that there's actually no way to really make this work good for the government programs work so well i don't think the poor people on the street i don't think there would be people who are
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actually you know lyndon johnson poverty in half in the united states for now half years cut in half he he built the foundation engine eliminate that he could build the foundation in over the last episode so let's say you can never be programmed if you don't have a program that works all right for a couple years and then and others and you know what it was found very before that before bill clinton reagan reagan yes ross homeless people on the streets we don't . have to remember you are not going to go so we did not have almost people on the streets before reagan i think everybody's video of him kind of like the voice dragging the homeless people out on leaving that money just to shut down the mental hospitals stop and the pretty goldberg in his book talks about how like when reagan oh it's all about homeless what could they after likely to get some of our own homeless recently limited there's no more stories about homelessness and everything's fine fine in the world but i have not seen a failure stories about homelessness so it's an ongoing and terrible problem. so well ok let's let's move on to quit for. drugs reporting the pray for rain governor
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perry's rick perry's wife is encouraging him to get into the right and to raise temple once he is floating apparently we don't know for sure but the reports are that this is coming out the plan to campaign and be. the concern that michele bachmann has debilitating headaches and therefore might be having a headache when it's time to push the nuclear trigger and not be available and so of all the candidates who have declared i mean we're starting to see some of these weird flaws coming out and we'll throw rick perry into the race who is the most toxic of the republican candidates who could really blow up the republican party if their nominee this to be clear the daily caller we broke the migraine story of. many young men from simple logic we didn't get it from him whether we got it from sources close close to the bachmann herself so we we are the purveyors of the story started with us who is the most toxic i think ron paul would be pretty toxic his foreign policy is way out of touch ok ordinary johnson smoking pot you know who
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smoked pot in the last few years the guy is above. all he's got a lot of fans out there probably a lot of the fans of maybe even of the show and i'll see daniel help or dana help or genuine thanks a lot because for. coming out from pies being thrown to people flying in the air the circus continues what's become of the troubled media moguls empire and will be there will there be anything of king murdoch's empire left to pass along to his dear james.
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we. whenever there's safe radically freed up. the world. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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talk about the big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour the g.o.p. proposed a new budget once again safeguarding their wealthy buddies while cutting benefits for the middle class.


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