tv [untitled] July 21, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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the i love you that's the great way to toe the grand imperial trillion dollars was the bush coromandel you can oh well it's a little socialist it's no it's a don't need to go. run the city to kill was her job as this career treat. you leaders make you in brussels on how lots of phones continuing bailouts is the deadly gammick it now beginning in spain but the strange euro won it last legs. of an international media mogul and top politician comedy huge public scrutiny we examine whether they'll be able to survive the fall out of the phone hacking scandal and restore public trust. to look for meaning un indicted war crimes else they've gotten out ages awaiting extradition to the hague to being captured in serbia belgrade makes the move will bring the country close it's
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a human to share. a very warm welcome to you this is also a lie from moscow e.u. leaders have gathered in brussels for an emergency summit on how to come up with the cash promise for a second bailout to greece will the heads of state instead to be considering a new bank tends to pay well athens and to stave off a looming the fold but with a flea in spain now showing the first symptoms of the debt epidemic there are fresh tensions between the attendees this totals have already broken out with germany pessimistic about the salvation from schooling no flow why do you see it as aussies down obese records in size and continuing to give a speech on things like it's right. the single currency will be good within two
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years all analysts within the european debt crisis there's a really. serious threat. to disintegrate. the girls so much collapse it's already too late to save the greek economy according to a majority of leading economists and experts polled see greece is really going down the drain completely the depth is escalating the deficit is totally out of control if i could give you the analogy they were like somebody with a gambling problem or a drink problem would be great but. it's a cultural thing so no we find ourselves with someone with a drink problem but with a huge debt as well and the problem will only ever get worse until you actually confront reality and say look we did it in the euro. together with germany
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one thing all of your politicians the richest states refuse to foot the bill well i don't think i've ever met anybody in the united kingdom in london mark inspections he actually wants to contribute to the by loud countries like greece and italy and to contribute to the continued existence of the hero because i think it's a stupid idea to start with and it's just chucking money down the drain pulling the plug on those states could trigger a chain reaction greece believe investors could no longer quitting the euro that in turn will support the exit of portugal even italy and spain. ireland portugal everybody said ok it's going to stop there the last couple of weeks we saw that also. spain over germany italy with germany started to go europe's top banks hold billions of euro greek in portuguese did if those countries go bust they could lose that money. the scenarios like
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a bank. that means that people will run to the bank in order to withdraw their deposits because they believe that the bank might not be able to pay them the euro is facing an existential crisis admits german chancellor angela merkel but the head of europe's biggest economy was they still might not find a compromise at the brussels summit that's raising tensions across the globe. at the moment the most visible of the most obvious is the eurozone problems but on the other side of the atlantic you have the u.s. economy in the session with some very vigorous suffering as well you leaders could this warrant for the single currency here at the summit if again they fail to do a deal and halt the spreading your of experts fear public plan it will take over denying them control. see brussels. france and germany.
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position fighting the debt crisis during today's summit but according to. paris france investing their unity is intended only to say. if they go on doing what they did for the last two years it's going to feel because it was one plan a second plan and now if they had it planned this in nature it would feel basically the germans are reluctant to involve private banks whereas the french. press french president of course is more in favor of an ball in the private banks that's on the surface but i think everyone has to make an effort because the crisis is very serious and then we cracks of always and there's an attempt now to paper over the cracks in part because the when the euro was created because of rush towards a common currency with very different economies stickle to say now can be saved because there's a real danger of greece defaulting. as the e.u.
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struggles to preserve the euro to us is fighting its own battles the economic logic . is the consequence of their refusal to recognize the huge issues that the two thousand and presented will go into one final time on and david thought well i think the story is that the euro as a phenomenon is in quite serious danger at the moment however we're worrying more than anything else about both europe and the us slipping deeper and deeper back towards a recession there is a lot at stake in the us effectively managing. their own really rather catastrophic challenge beggars belief that the leaders in the us so preoccupied with their own local politics to properly recognize the dangers that they're creating for the global economies are all the prospects of recovering in
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any short. from the recession that's already dogged this for three years. well coming up in just a few minutes afghanistan part spending for itself nato begins to overpraise that's making certain regions responsibility of more border transition to continue until twenty forty. eight your frenzy grips the central russian region are the discovery of priceless extraterrestrial material it's. long been based team investigation of phone hacking by journalists at news international has been expanded from forty five to sixty police officers and staff as the scandal intensifies all this comes after and he's warned that any delaying completing the investigation would put back the start of the planned public inquiry russian billionaires a level death meanwhile says he may be interested when we were launching a report murdoch's shane news of the world tabloid here already owns two other british papers the london evening standard and the independent artist granted
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reports from london now with a phone hacking scandal is haunting not only not all over say well why minister david cameron not only first of all the. great humble. i'm enjoying this so. who will supply the phone hacking scandal and keep his job cameron comes under fire for hiring andy cools and former editor of the now defunct news of the world he's accused of encouraging his staff to hack into private voice mails there's been a large amount of fingers and there isn't just a guard of heads on the side that is lethal for a prime minister. in a real fight isn't a real but really bad situation he could well be looking at some serious consequences for absolves at the very least those stars still around the betting shops of slack the old son cameron being the next m.p. to quit fucking they offered one hundred to one at the beginning of the week but
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just five to one three days later. in the last two weeks or so we've seen a lot of money go on camera to clean the last forty eight hours when the. committees have been going on behind us. and we've seen cameron over the last few weeks fall from one hundred to want to be the next cabinet member to leave to forty one years and he just slightly crept up again to five to one today as a result of his statements in the house where we thought he gave quite a good performance on choose day it was murdoch's turn for a close shave attacked by a protester with a foam pai and saved only by his wife's right hook despite profuse apologies to victims of his own newspaper's unethical behavior he had no intention of stepping down himself but. what's less clear is whether david cameron remains the best person to lead britain out of this crisis of confidence he hired
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coos and who in turn it was later revealed was being advised by another ex news of the world hack neil wallis if that wasn't enough he was simple tain is he working for the metropolitan police politicians and police are under fire for cozying up to and colluding with the murdoch empire and in the wings cameron's arch rival ed miliband is limbering up to step into the ring so the country and how the leadership we need why why doesn't he do more why doesn't he do more than give a half apology and provide the full apology now for hiring mr colson and bringing him into the heart of downing street. commentators say the prime minister came out on top in wednesday's round in the house of commons when he was grilled by m.p.'s over his relationship with news corp but the fight is far from once you know.
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he is damaged before this. we need to develop the second one teflon cameron because none of the sort of political issues that we can the government actually stuck to him the scandal has full stressing nations all round top executives at news corp and the u.k.'s two most senior police officers many are asking why the prime minister shouldn't be next for a knock out david cameron call this a full apology if it turns out and he calls to him about his involvement with king but some say that be it know when it's over and we are in don't wait for it it's far from clear who can survive the ground still to come and remain the talk of the media the police and the government your. own new york based radio. know it all his face in the collapse of his business and political
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ambitions. i would be shocked if he is still at the helm of news corp in over the next couple of months and i think we're going to see actually a reversal of this i mean murdoch was in many ways a throwback and. professor jay rosen at n.y.u. has basically said that this was not a a new company it was a media company that has a newsday vision that essentially functions as a lobbyist as a lobbying arm for that media enterprise and i think murdoch wanted that political power and i suspect that anybody who takes over from murdoch and we don't know who that will be but i'm sure there'll be somebody will see this this pursuit of political power just for the sake of political power to be antithetical to running a good business. now the arrest of god would allow the international criminal tribunals for the film you can slavia to focus on the completion of its mandate
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that's according to the un chief back in the world of the end of the seven yes man hunt will be exclamations juggle accused of atrocities stemming from the early ninety's yugoslav conflicts is lost on the tribunals wanted list is expected to be extradited to the call of the hague these days. is in belgrade and looks back now at the events leading up to his detention. the court here in belgrade approved. him to the hague now they have the defense has three days to appeal that decision but according to local media of course we've heard that the lawyer has said that if the defense don't plan to do that and we've heard also from the deputy. prosecutor he says he doesn't expect any big cheering that three day deadline for the pill and also that it's expected fairly quickly he will be extradited to the hague detained obviously after many many years on the run that happened yesterday
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and there is still his family home in a small village northwest of belgrade and this is really seen as quite a victory for the specially president but it pushing for the tension of these war crimes so he has come under criticism over the years the north calling and holding to task these people and bringing them in and this is the last of the war crimes suspects wanted by the for the crimes committed during the breakup of yugoslavia during the ninety nine had it has been questioned about the atrocities committed in particular certain incidents is one very specific on this the massacre of three hundred prisoners in the town of ninety nine one sees already being questioned about that and of course this has been seen as one of the major obstacle. as to serbia gaining full even membership now that he's arrested it's thought perhaps that will be the next step now. having come to see for that membership critics is
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that the really to see that this is now going to pave a sneeze way to serbia to answer the and again membership i would be very naive and in fact there's going to be a number of bumps in the road along the way and not least is the public opinion there's been a lot of criticisms save the government's policies in fact i was actually here in a speech to the deputy prime minister and he said that he even membership is a chance the serbian people to have a normal life with people saying that completely disillusioned with that ideal as they seem quite recently you know the e.u. itself is going through a crisis they've got a number of problems they're dealing with with this latest arrest he will say he has done is called brussels bluff they said that this is one of the final last because it's again in the membership and talking about that kind of see we'll see whether the comes back and actually meets that with with any actions over how to address comes less than two months to counter the former bosnian serb commander general grant that it balkans expert monica gal sujit explains why the
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international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia is so focused on serbian . just a lose saying really in their propaganda operation if they didn't indict him then there would be one serbian leader who wasn't accused of being a criminal and that would be inconvenient they had they have to accuse all the serbs all their leadership of being criminals for this propaganda picture to take hold as to why serbs generally are accused is to paint a picture because the tribunals has been set up to to accuse also good leaders of being i didn't serve the big criminals while hiding the real criminals so the tribunals pointing finger is the one that the actual criminals who broke up the country hide behind. plenty more to find on our website for you including the latest news blogs an expert analysis and here's what else is on you right now at r.t. dot com on ruthlessly nuclear science and download technology from the internet
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presenting projects in an attempt to pocket research money. and find out how to dolphin passengers with surrounded on their ship and the vessel was taken to a scrapyard with them still on board. the security hands over in afghanistan and began with the first step in this region's being transferred from nato responsibility into the hands of local forces well the next set of areas is expected to come under carpools controlled at the end of base year a process of transition is scheduled to last until can't fall asleep after that foreign troops who only remain in afghanistan in support roles such as the training of meekness leads violences recently spite of the country with insurgent specifically targeting the regions are going to be sunday and the taliban could fight once foreign forces are gone according to you say lasting longer and
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a member of we think afghanistan me and. the taliban has grown as a result of continued u.s. presence in the southern afghanistan so by the u.s. leaving you're going to see the taliban basically not want to fight as much because they're going to be fighting it out of cancer to see an afghan peace process take place because afghans generally speaking don't want to do is fight with each other they just simply want to live in coexist for the most part and i think that generally speaking the afghans are better off with governing themselves without the united states of caution forces providing security for them because as we've seen we have unintentionally killed a lot of people so it's afghans are going out against that that's better off the united states or nato killing afghans and i think we would be foolish to sit here and think that the u.s. is leaving we're not leaving there will be permanent u.s.
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involvement in a dog and god mode for a long time. now we focus on the international headlines this hour and the u.s. will terry in a famine his malia if assure the deliveries through islamic militant controlled regions are deceptive he led his declared safe army into areas of southern somalia are really four million people are in danger of starvation humanitarian agencies after the country needs more than a billion alcohol u.s. dollars in aid the current crisis is caused by a devastating drought the worst in decades. this a settler lances has completed its last wave tell it in space said florida to two minutes ago this was the end of nasa's. ground atlantis will now become and we saw in people's with plans the mission control room into a training facility and legends in shock you know that he confides carried almost two hundred asteroids. nearly five thousand times.
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sometimes you have to dig deep to reach the stars at least that's the case in central rushes reales in a region where fever has spread in recent years as use of the boy have jumped at the chance to catch a fallen star. they don't believe in aliens of the time machine but they do spend most of their time looking for extraterrestrial matter that will take them billions of years back in time most meteorite hunters in russia do for profit but some still see it as their way of heat hiking through the galaxy. this is the oldest matter you can hold in your hands there is a theory that meteorites are part of planets core just imagine this piece is about four to have billion years old like the earth the sea dolly about three hundred kilometers east of moscow is their latest pitstop about ten thousand years ago the local fields to have
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a pounding from an audience shower creating the most fertile metre of ground in central russia is this covering two thousand was a pure accident. if you did just with dog kids help with the draining after excavators left a local resident was passing by he noticed a rather strange broken picked it up broccoli idly in his barn for two years until he sort of program but meteorites on t.v. and sent it in for testing. and then the next new year is about speed tons of meteoric material was discovered here somebody unlikely help of the nation he's on our staff he's the only dog in russia trying to hunt for rocks from other planets in many ways meteorite hunting is a lot like gold digging you have to spend weeks in the wild hoping for a stroke of luck but in today's prices searching for these acts trying to restaurants can be more profitable than even be good old gold fever marcion know
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lou when i meet her rights we are in high as the money can cost two or even three times their weight in gold the biggest findings usually gravitate to the united states and western europe where most me to write collectors are based and while russia gaggle x. rated facts are terrestrial rocks ten percent of their value might be paid to this day. still some delusion try and dodge the meteorite tax base for john hall was uncovered earlier this year at a moscow airport on its way illegally to the czech republic for some their fallen stars but meteorites are increasingly becoming a blazing hot new commodity. resigned region. ok with the season is next with not you know a short break. the
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international fashion festival plus of the volga to place in july the event of the region of russia. russian designers presented the best of their living collections of the fashion show in central los is most beautiful vulgar city. leading totals for a children's fashion show in two places part of the festival listened to which was russia's we'll known fashion designer but just loves lights. hello i'm a ball of business here on artsy now minority shareholders are preparing a lawsuit claiming billions of dollars in damages over b.p.'s fell a bit support their roles and our exploration and shareholders have won their rawson court ruling ordering papers surrounding the multibillion dollar deal to be revealed this will allow them to evaluate the damages are also the fail to strike that the of the strength of the shareholders claimed russian joint venture should
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be the primary vehicle for exploration in the arctic. the us has come up with an eleventh hour plants or result of the deadlock over instead sealing it's hoped the plan will help the country avoid a technical default and includes deficit cuts of four trillion dollars and calls for tax increases of one trillion but the chief strategist of eye injury banker sui for says there might be a gap between promises and real cuts. but the government makes too many cuts and raises taxes too severely bending could cause a double dip recession because of some substantial slowdown in u.s. economic activity which would of course hit the u.s. federal budgets and exacerbate the problem so they have to be very careful not to introduce the cuts to value for your too quickly so be a very tricky balancing act and that's why i'm not expecting even before trillion
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dollars so i really don't expect those to be put in place for a very long time i think that's what we're seeing no are promises of cuts in order to get a deal done but there's a very big difference between promising a course and actually making it and i think the implementation of the cuts will be very much linked to what the indicators are of economic growth in the u.s. . let's take a look at the markets now crude has been very volatile today i brought them to us within the borders pushed through a lot but reports of a contraction in chinese manufacturing all of that back down both light sweet and crimes are down one percent this hour roughly. and the european markets are in the red this hour earlier we saw gains asked chancellor merkel and french president sarkozy agreed on a joint approach to greece is that crisis ahead of today's e.u. summit it's the foot sea and the german dax are losing around three quarters of a percent this hour. and here in moscow both markets have slipped into negative
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territory and that's the spike reports of lower unemployment rates and accelerated retail sales in june let's have a look at the end that's movers on the my sax energy stocks are and they're rather good gas from losing just over a half a percent banking stocks are also trading in negative territory shedding more than one and almost a half percent there and bucking the trend is ross telecom it's rallying on speculation that could be completely sold to private investors. looking ahead to the day's trading michael styles from financial corporation says investors move both be affected by data from europe and the u.s. today we see p.m.i. ideally coming out of germany we see retail sales coming out of the k. investors was a pay close attention to the weekly u.s. initial jobless claims data and in addition there's an important event taking place
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in greece where even leaders will convene to talk about the terms and conditions of the second greek. the ruble could be on a downward slide from the highest political not excited to be believed they're suggesting the russian currency is ready for the money wasted next year and according to them it's weakening as inevitable. physical volumes of roughnecks strained and prices stable so you would just continue the trend of stable prices and the same for all of let's say slow and brought in for we dissipate well for across twenty five percent year over year and if you combine those two players you will see that in the second half of the next year russian political it will stream below one percent of g.d.p. of that for us it is unstable specially so it will be one percent and it will in the second quarter it will be zero and just what it will be one this one in the fourth quarter that is definitely the character of the instability of the council
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