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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2011 11:01am-11:31am EDT

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did if those countries go bust they could lose their money. we might see scenarios like a bank. that means that people will run to the bank. in order to withdraw their deposits because they believe that the bank might not be able to pay them the euro's facing an existential crisis admits german chancellor angela merkel that's raising tension across the globe. at the moment the most visible of the most obvious is the eurozone problems but on the other side of the atlantic you have the u.s. economy not in the session but showing some very weak economic figures and suffering as well. the u. leaders could sign that this warrant for the single currency here at the summit if they fail to do a deal with the spreading your a virus experts fear public panic will take over denying them control.
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brussels. and the e.u. cranks don't frighten those kids authorities report they see this now. with the east are struggling to keep its head above water there are still some countries that are ready to get on board what some commentators have compared to climbing on the titanic after it started thinking. for more financial times correspondent david dodwell says it's not only the euro that's going down. i don't believe those either the european economies or the united states have yet. really begun to get to grips with the very grave collapse that occurred after two thousand and eight. lot of pain therefore. is facing us going forward. from an all steel point of view the sooner we start to get to grips with that and take some of your steer measures necessary the better we will all have to recognize in the process that we are a lot poorer than we thought we were in two thousand and seven the story is that
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the euro as a phenomenon is in quite serious danger with the crisis that raging across the atlantic as well check out the latest edition of the kinds report to see if people in the u.s. are going to rise up against the big banks coming in twenty five minutes time but here's a quick taste. they're encouraging at least twenty thousand people to show up on wall street occupy wall street and don't leave just like that the people in tahrir square didn't leave until their demand that would bar except down with the americans saying don't leave until obama forms a presidential commission to investigate whether or not there's been financial fraud. geishas into the phone hacking case that's rocking the u.k. are growing by the day with ever more questions being asked of key figures in
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political media and police circles as the scandal intensifies its impact threatens careers across the board or entered reports on how the case continues to haunt not just rupert murdoch but the prime minister david cameron is wild. this is tom. i'm enjoying this so. who will survive the phone hacking scandal and keep his job cameron comes under fire for hiring andy coolth a former editor of the now defunct news of the world he's accused of encouraging his staff to hack into private voice mails there's been a large amount of fingers in isn't just a crowd of heads in the sand and that is lethal for a prime minister and he's now in a real fight is in a real really bad situation he could well be looking at some serious consequences for himself at the very least star still around him betting shops have slashed the
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odds on cameron being the next m.p. to quit hacking they offered one hundred to one at the beginning of the week that just five to one three days later in the last two weeks or so we've seen a lot of money go on camera in the last forty eight hours when the. committees have been going on behind us and we've seen cameron over the last few weeks fall from one hundred to want to be the next cabinet member to leave to forty one years and he just slightly crept up again to five to one today as a result of his statements in the house earlier where we thought he gave quite a good performance on choose day it was murdoch's turn for a close shave attacked by a protester with a foam pai and saved only by his wife's right hook despite profuse apologies to victims of his own newspapers unethical behavior he had no intention of stepping down himself. what's less clear is whether david cameron
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remains the best person to lead britain out of this crisis of confidence he hired coos and who in turn it was later revealed was being advised by another ex news of the world hack neil wallis if that wasn't enough he was simple taney asli. working for the metropolitan police politicians and police under fire for cozying up to and colluding with the murdoch empire and in the wings cameron's arch rival ed miliband is limbering up to step into the ring so that the country can have the leadership we need why why doesn't he do more why doesn't he do more than give a half apology and provide the full apology now for hiring mr colson and bringing him into the heart of downing street. commentators say the prime minister came out on top in wednesday's round in the house of commons when he was grilled by m.p.'s
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over his relationship with news corp but the fight is far from once you know. he is damaged before base he was he was beginning to develop in the form cameron because none of the sort of damaging political issues that were circling the government actually stuck to him the scandal has forced resignations all round top executives at news corp and the u.k.'s two most senior police officers many are asking why the prime minister shouldn't be next for a knock out david cameron promised a full apology if it turns out and he calls a new light to him about his involvement with phone hacking but some say that won't be enough when it's over and we are a long way from that it's far from clear who can survive the rounds still to come and remain at the top of the media the police and the government nor and. what discuss the story
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a bit more to tom are joined live by nick jim in iraq is rather from the media watch and. mr norcross many thanks for being with us here in austin so rupert murdoch is now back safe in new york city where you are well waves of his grilling in the u.k. parliament being sent across the game. well i think the this is being watched very closely because. it was a international phenomenon the power that he has amassed in british politics and you're seeing some of the seamy underside that being exposed in these hearings this is was pioneered in australia an import of united states as well this is a company that is involved in. political power at the highest levels. three continents and let's talk about how it's been implicated in all this the scandals dealt a huge blow with that model of course but also to the british prime minister david
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cameron do you think that his job is now in jeopardy. well it has had the he has been the kingmaker in british politics for quite some time now. and has basically been been the person that you have to go to to decide if you want to become prime minister of britain. the perhaps the most important person to get the support of his rupert murdoch and. the has. a downside for the people in power when when you begin to see what exactly is going on behind the scenes of this news operation which is really more of a. kind of political party that uses media outlets as vehicle for mobilizing her rather exciting image there. as kingmaker one
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thing that is for sure is that the whole phone hacking scandal has raised so many questions particularly about ethics in journalism is the business really going to have to change once all this is a. well i think that what you need is not a new rule. you know because there were rules in place here and this is this is my laces of the rules of the law clearly what you need is media outlets that are not too powerful to regulate if you have. if you have media outlets that are so powerful that they are deciding whether they can be investigator about it doesn't matter what rules you have you need to to break up the power of the news corp monopoly. and you need to reduce it to the size of media outlets that can exist in a real democracy you can have a you can't have a functioning democracy when one company is so dominant in deciding what can we talk about what information is going to be
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a public record what if nation is. that is not that is not. consistent with public rule and looking at this particular case was you were assessment of the wanted for what is it a story you did. a very long time every day is going to bring a new twist do you think that we now know all the details the white house we've just seen the tip of the ice bank in this. certain that this is not this is this is. one strand of what news corp is doing one on one strand of how they operate. you know it may be may or may not be the most shocking strand of it. but i think this is an opportunity to. seize upon the fact that there were there was criminality going on. in this enterprise. and. dedicated to the pursuit of political power. this is the attitude to bell the cat
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this is way of. the not only britain but also the united states needs to look at ways to break up this monopoly and create a more level playing field in the media world by cage americans for the media watch and many that still falls is often. ok there's plenty more ahead for you this hour including it's time to say goodbye. to taliban has grown as a result of continued u.s. presence in the southern afghanistan and we get expert opinion on how the pullout of u.s. troops on the country could improve security there. just imagine this piece is about four and a half billion years old like the earth. space wrongs but is it cosmic passion or proceed to profit we explore what lies behind the need to write fever that's spreading in central russia. turning from countries
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causing trouble for the european union to others still having to join it so he is expecting a progress on its e.u. integration bid following the arrest of suspect goran how did that hath remained a key hurdle to membership that still needed clearing out it may be extradited to the hague on saturday r.t. sara first reports now from the serbian capital belgrade. whilst the government is very much to the west the public opinion actually does this quite significantly now the last time i was in belgrade at the end of last year i spoke to the deputy prime minister head i asked him why there's still such a government drive to this membership and he said that they really see this as a chance for serbian people to have quite a normal life well the people here in serbia only have to look at what's happening right now in greece in spain in italy to see that quite clearly even membership is not going to be the answer to all our country's problems now add to
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that that they're also a very disillusioned with the government's policies and the way that they've handled this whole partnership and dealings with the e.u. they feel the serbia is being made to jump through hoops and that was the feeling all these the months that are put on them by the this thing which very little in return. for years ago nothing whatsoever. got many many more hoops to jump over before you can get anywhere close to member ship the e.u. has always linked. membership with the full cooperation with the hague and we've already heard from president padgett that he feels that they have felt that moral and legal obligations to the hague so it's going to be very interesting that see with this latest arrest of had it whether or not the e.u. is going to school not just with words but with actions now because it seems that
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with the arrest serbia really has cooled brussels blocked. well there's plenty more to find in all websites of course including the latest news blogs and expert analysis here's what's online right now dot com. a delivery with a difference in the lions debt is their own has pledged to spend five weeks for the family of big cats he would be their lunch but he will be there midwife class. actions running high in st petersburg as dozens of glamorous contestants put on the high heels for one hundred meters sprint find out what probably is the girls were chasing on our website on t.v. dot com. the security hand in afghanistan has gone with responsibility for the first cities in regions being transferred from nato into the hands of local forces the whole transition process is scheduled to last until twenty fourteen after that the remaining foreign troops
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in afghanistan will only be in support roles such as training local police violence recently spiked in the country with insurgents targeting regions being handed a value for the taliban would be so we get to fight once foreign forces are gone according to jane to the best afghan war veteran a member of the we can a family event. the taliban has grown as a result of continued u.s. presence in the southern afghanistan so by the u.s. leaving you're going to see the taliban basically not want to fight as much because they're basically fighting it's afghans you're going to see an afghan peace process take place because afghans generally speaking don't want to silly fight with each other they just simply want to live in coexist for the most part now as the taliban comes into the peace process comes into the afghan government the taliban will begin to reconcile itself with the population and become more congenial simply
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because it has to if it wants to be taken seriously. by the population generally speaking the afghans are better off with governing themselves without the united states or the coalition forces providing security for them because as we've seen we have unintentionally killed a lot of people and i think that we would be foolish to sit here and think that the u.s. is leaving we're not leaving there will be permanent u.s. involvement and nato involvement for a long time. elsewhere across the globe with their sour the u.s. has announced that it will send a famine hit somalia but only if it's sure deliveries won't be hindered as they pass through islamic militant controlled areas the un house declared a state of famine in southern somalia when there before one million people are on danger of starvation a devastating drought has caused the crisis said to be the worst to hit the region in decades it's estimated the stricken country needs a one and a hard billion u.s. dollars in aid. for elderly kenyans have been given the eagle permission to sue
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the british government over alleged atrocities committed during colonial times the claimants allege they were systematically abused and special camps that helped to crush the nominal rebellion against british woman the foreign office says it should not be held responsible for the actions of the colonial administration. atlantis is zoomed back to earth for its very last landing after almost a fortnight in orbit the touchdown brings to an end thirty years of the american space shuttle program atlantis is the last shuttle to be retired and to be put on display at the kennedy space center anything to missions by u.s. nationals to the international space station or rely entirely on help from russia. now sometimes you have to dig deep to reach for the stars that at least is the case in central russia the design region where mr rife eva has spread in recent years aussies exam the boy had jumped at the chance to catch
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a falling star. they don't believe in aliens so the time machine but they do spend most of their time looking for extraterrestrial matter that will take them billions of years back in time most meteorite hunters in russia do it for profit but some still see it as their way of peach hiking through the galaxy. this is the oldest matter you can hold in your hands there is a theory that meteorites are part of planets. just imagine this piece is about four and a half billion years old like the earth this valley about three hundred kilometers east of moscow is their latest pitstop about ten thousand years ago the local fields took a have a pounding from an audience shower creating the most fertile metering ground in central russia is discovering two thousand was a pure accident. a few ditches were dug could help with the draining off the excavators left a local resident was passing by he noticed
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a rather strange broken picked it up the rug lay idly in his bomb for two years until the sort program brought me to rights on t.v. and sent it in for testing. within the next few years about three tons of meteoric material was discovered here some of the unlikely help of digital nation he's on our staff he's the only dog in russia trying to hunt for rocks from other planets in many ways meteorite hunting is a lot like gold digging you have to spend weeks in the wild hoping for a stroke of luck but in today's prices searching for these accidents arrests or rocks can be more profitable than even the good old gold fever marchionne no lou and i meteorites we are in high as the month can cost two or even three times the weight in gold the biggest findings usually gravitate to the united states and western europe where most me to write collectors a base and of all russian acts where the facts are terrestrial rocks ten percent of
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their value must be paid to this day still some delusion to try and dodge the meter right tax base for too long haul was uncovered earlier this year at a moscow airport on its way illegally to the czech republic. for some of their fallen stars but for others need to write on increasingly becoming a blazing hot new commodity kind of. a recap our top stories in just a few minutes away first though let's cross to the business that has to mean change that all to break. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in india in the movie joyce the hotels the elevators the gateway hotel the grand imperial trying to tell us that. you can know what's hotel close with
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your hotel see don't need to go and. read this in the kenilworth hotel as a treat. i don't want welcome to business minority shareholders of preparing a lawsuit of the people he's failed bid to partner ross in after an arctic exploration shareholders have won a russian court ruling ordering papers surrounding the multi-billion dollar deal to be revealed as well allow them to evaluate the damages the enron staff failed to strike the deal this spring as b.p. shareholders claims b.p.'s russian joint venture should be the primary vehicle for exploration in the arctic. the board members nominated by b.p. didn't make it clear there was an opportunity for corp which they should have done as a result didn't get to participate in this partnership and dance might have had lawsuits
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as. well lawyers for minority shareholders say they could claim from five to ten billion dollars in losses however in ivory from goals to appeal people leave that too much. this can be very hard for them to really establish that there's been something that's been done that's wrong and that's led to that sort of sort of a financial loss my suspicion is this is all part of a commercial negotiation trying to get something that's the purpose of the decision of the siberian court is that they've now got the permission to get further evidence. because of the markets now crude has seen a very bored day and it has charged over one hundred dollars per barrel for light sweet this is on reports that. actually there's so much positive there's so many positive things going on in europe with them coming to terms on the bailout package for greece that therefore demand is coming back to normal and also international energy agency is not going to be putting any more reserves well into the market when it comes to stock markets u.s.
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markets open strongly after morgan stanley reported as more than expected course of the last driving financial forward the bank itself is up almost six percent jobless claims have come out with a slight increase but a lot of the drive is coming from europe as i mentioned european stocks about to close around the first few minutes chancellor merkel and french president sarkozy agreed to a joint approach to greece's debt crisis ahead of today's e.u. summit and therefore things are looking very positive over here in moscow this is the closing picture also a boost at the end of trade the r.t.s. sending up almost two percent my six one the half percent let's take a look at some of the individual share movers energy stocks were not as strong as they could have been if prices have recovered earlier gazprom up one point seven percent were burbank managed to recover by the in the session was fairing in the red all day long it's up more than one percent was telecom half a percent it's running on speculation it could be completely sold to private investors. and the ticking clock of resolving the u.s. debt problems has knock on effects around the world the failure to raise the debt
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ceiling could mean a default on its massive obligations there are concerns this will harm russia's international reserves a quarter of which is held in u.s. bonds i recently spoken to jacob nel from morgan stanley russia he believes there's nothing to worry about there. no u.s. treasury secretary will allow the u.s. to default on external obligation so if the debt ceiling doesn't get raised then what will happen is the u.s. will skip some domestic payments however if the deal that is done doesn't satisfy the credit rating agencies there is a chance of a rating downgrade and that may have an impact on the treasury bill market it may have an impact on the price of tea bills and that may have an impact on the value of russia's international reserves we don't think it will have much of an impact because the depth of the us to build market is so big it's the quare source of funding of low risk assets for so many companies that we don't expect it to
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significantly move the price. see the headlines with alice. to. the sea of nature and discover its beauty. communicate with the wild and. test yourself and become free. to. see what nature can give you the.
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forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents for me a thousand. seven hundred thousand people murdered and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us here part disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every here. it is. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. and
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it's. a this is e.u. leaders are in brussels for a crunch summit aimed hum ring out measures to tackle the greek crisis but many say with the debt epidemic spreading and threatening big hall meetings like italy and spain it's the very future of the single currency the state. meanwhile the e.u.'s troubles all just tiring aspiring states from wanting to join as serbia has to extradite his new car and fugitive to the hague arresting gordon outage was the conditions he has not fulfilled having to replace its becoming a member of the. on the investigation into the u.k.'s phone hacking scandal
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intensified with even more political figures coming under scrutiny and public passing on to the case by bringing down the next expert say it threatens the careers of the media executives including rupert murdoch himself but also the political future of prime minister david cameron. next box kinds or explains the consequences of deadlock over u.s. debt as he will behind the latest financial headlines the kaiser report is up next . for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. will . review the latest in science and technology from.
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the future covered. by max kaiser stacy herbert this is the kaiser report you know i did our currency any revolution they say over max ideas are in our headlines today the first one could this cindy sherman of monkeys accidently revolutionize copyright law for artists so cindy sherman is the famous artist who takes self portraits and if you look at this image that's not cindy sherman that is a monkey from indonesia and he took the camera from a nature photographer visiting indonesia and took south portraits of himself now this has become a big copyright issue because copyright.


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