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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

12:30 pm
we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from. the future. hello there this is our team we bring you up to date if you will on our top stories today in brussels for a crunch some hammering out measures to tackle the greek crisis but many say with the debt epidemic spreading and threatening bigger colonies like italy and spain is there a future of the single currency it's at stake. this is these troubles are the terrorists firing states from wanting to join serbia prepares to extradite its real crime fugitive to the hague resting was the condition that serbia has no fulfilled hoping
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to move closer to becoming a member of the block. investigations into the u.k. phone hacking scandal intensify with even more political figures coming under scrutiny and public betting on who the case might bring down next experts say it threatens the careers of not only media executives including rupert murdoch himself but also the political future of prime minister david cameron. take thirty one pm here in moscow next r.t. sophie shevardnadze discusses the prospects of economic cooperation between paris and moscow where the french president's special representative to russia. after the last special representative of the french president on cooperation on the russian and french business relations thank you very much for being with us today
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so you come to russia every fifteen days what is your primary mission. opinion here or coffee at my first mission given by presidents are cozy in line with president medvedev is to report and scope out the establishment of your russian economic zone and the second part of this mission is to strengthen economic cooperation in all possible areas between our countries. you have responsibility also developing a trade between french france and russia which sectors of the russian economy can you think are less attractive for business leaders in france. of course said yes you're in mexico or near today for france it is of course raw materials in trade we have gas oil is essential but there is much more of a look at what alstom is doing with trans march holding building locomotives for export across the world look at what's on offer he is doing in the pharmaceutical area we cooperate in many new technological areas and today these areas are multiplying because we are in the heart of russia's modernization plan and french
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companies can offer quality technology and so for us what's of interest are many not only wrong materials which remain essential including a nuclear sector in which we can cooperate more deeply. were you talking about. the good sides of the modern ization and present that it has criticized the investment climate in russia do you see improvement. or guy calls yob he i see huge progress myself i've been working with russia for many years and i believe we are wrong when seeking to teach lessons to russia today russia is twenty and the progress to date has been huge and president invaded invited me to have done huge work we see that the changes are profound to put it simply on our side we are not always very aware of that firstly you need to read russian which is not common and secondly you need to come more often to russia so we also need to open our minds there is still much to do however your leaders the president and your prime minister say it at the st petersburg forum the roadmap was clarified the investment
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climate is much better to. a look at the business flow between us the big french troops are present for example vinci who are doing the motorway link between moscow and st petersburg today we're developing cooperation on power generation on the sides of the st petersburg summit we signed with e.d.f. to equipment i would say to provide electricity to the city of tomsk we built parts for e.d.s. for airbus in siberia so there are multiple areas of cooperation and cooperation between france and russia does work or gods will work with our forces but i still want to ask you if someone like you doesn't come to russia every fifteen days just a business general outside of russia do they still have a old stereotypes of russia because all he you speak with the presidents of big french groups present in russia they are very happy to be here live want to develop their business those who are not here yet often house of a priore and we have i have to say that in western europe not only in france
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a problem with our media who do not know russia well and russia should communicate more also there are old stereotypes of the progress achieved is not reflected in media. why why is. pretty traders very biased in the west russian media. i think their image of russia is based on the past from fifteen or twenty years ago they do not come to russia often enough and as a russia communicates actually quite little to us on what internal changes are taking place we have to deal with outdated ideas and perceptions which are wrong and this i believe is an important subject but this is a blocking point we often speak about big groups we think about when you were a small and medium sized companies in russia and in france many are already cooperate are good we could do much more in this area. how will the french business that you bring to russia help every society. today you are in the middle of
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a modernization drive in russia be it in transport water or electricity distribution and there are a lot. in health of the laboratories in high tech and by the way you have school which is a big success many companies e.d.s. all stillman cincinatti but also american german and many others are present so we can help russia on technology transfers in many areas. but also on this visit you will be going to north caucasus to actually evaluate its potential investment in north caucasus. alpine tourism expertize figure in your approach we took what he yes and i believe that russia took a very good decision which is the want to try to stabilize and ensure better security listen area through economic development and both presidents president medvedev and president sarkozy in deauville on the sides of the g eight joint declaration on this yet with. russia chose parents as a main supplier not exclusive but name to try to establish ski resorts and develop
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the area coastline this is a huge project led by mr billow president of north caucasus resorts were taking a visit with me snowboarding and i believe that the best on tourist developments will prove to have been the right one to create jobs give people hope and as well you increase security which also comes through economic development we are going to take part in this event your security this is the first time you will be going to north caucasus. yes for me this will be my first time in the north caucuses and i am very excited to have the chance to discover which is wonderful i've seen photos the french team accompanying me already knows that area this is a wonderful place and i think you can develop a tourist in the center of europe which will be very attractive to the whole world but how long do you think it actually could turn to tourism paradise because right now it's not the safest place for tourism tourists to go i mean our hotel expel. you know the french have experience we developed in croatia remember turkey
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at the very beginning when we were developing tourism in turkey the area was not safe. on the condition of your government and your presidents to say that we are going to develop this area to create jobs for the young of course to ensure security the government provides guarantees for up to seventy percent of investment but it's still taking a chance it's the right decision to develop this area so that is what needs to be done what i want to rescue and are we talking about what he calls he god this is a huge project over many years one hundred fifteen billion dollars will be invested of french companies and others will have the opportunity to take part investors and of course the russian government invest a lot in infrastructure which our companies can complement with but i'm thinking about paul mccarthy who builds ski lifts other french companies will be present we're going to invest it but it will also be necessary to attract capital from all over the world this is a very big project or they want to talk a little bit about what are their concerns for the here and france so closely try
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to spain and italy they are actually sliding now into the bailout territory. i believe whatever they say today the euro is not fragmented it is facing difficulties with as we speak here about cooperation and about a future economic zone with free movement of people and capital between russia and western europe this will be a breathing space for european union and for the euro an additional economic area and so a strengthening of the euro for the more he really think here a russian economic save the euro we will be yes i believe that today europe which is a political economic entity needs a much bigger economic space to be globally competitive think about the fact that the american continent has brought together at the nafta level that the asian countries are brought together up to a certain level we do not have a big area on the european continent but however so many things link us in history in culture and today our economic complementarity is strong on one hand there are
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all materials a huge area on the other hand a trade capacity. advances in some sectors but not all you have here high technologies demand for more meaning we have a common interest and common interest to be defended in the world and i believe that today this can only strengthen the eurozone notwithstanding the rise of china who for you is a great partner but also a great competitor concerning the mediterranean the instability is going to continue for some time the accession to democracy for these countries will be much longer than we want to admit and our partners across the atlantic are also competitors so the idea of expansion is both an opportunity and an obligation for russia and for western europe countries will be talking about commonalities russia and france have always competed for defense and military contracts and now we're purchasing french helicopter carriers do you think it could go on this is a big first in st petersburg in the presence of president veto we signed for the
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nice throne this is the first time france undertook such a technology transfer and sold such important military equipment and in the same way by the way more cooperation will be in to the russians i thought would you as prime minister vladimir putin came to paris we took delivery of test models of the burial of two hundred the firefighting plane which is now under trial in the west of france and we're looking at buying more so our cooperation in sensitive areas of the struggle is an example shows that the political climate is healthy or there are no more clouds today between france and russia and contacts between the two presidents are excellent also with the prime minister i believe that we have to seize the opportunity presented by this political climate because it is very good and this is an opportunity to consolidate the gains we have made so quickly you'll see you're someone who knows very well because you come here very often we like to think that moscow is like the new york of eastern here in moscow has can never have a status of international financial center. for human if i am convinced. of
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moscow's financial health plans that we receive most of all ocean who is responsible for the moscow financial helpline and paris he met french stock market regulatory authorities on the a.c.p. unlike elating banks and insurance companies fail to follow the example of what is being done still seems to be in line with global norms and standards and that our idea is not moscow located halfway between hong kong new york that's a central role to play the way we have here a big cultural materials moscow could be the global financial help from the material try tomorrow you are global leaders in oil gas could be groups like you sell the milk nickel and you're a global leaders in the energy sector is also has a role to play if we are moreover for our financial hubs we can find synergies in the derivatives area in many things so we were convinced that the ruble will stay strong and moscow must become a major international financial hub and was you have a lot of things yet to do with the legal level legal security regulation which you
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are doing it at the moment and the only thing to do is to help you not give you lessons about the need to do so on the left ankle ram actually from clear yes you have a thank you. mission free clinic ation free comes for free. range month free. three stooges free. download free volunteer clothing b.t.o. for your media projects a free media oh god r.t. dot com.
12:44 pm
eh. the be. a. subject.
12:45 pm
we update the top stories some r.t.e. leaders are in brussels for a crunch summit end of hammering out measures to tackle the greek crisis but many say with the debt epidemic spreading and threatening think economies like italy and spain it's the very future of the single currency it's at stake right now. meanwhile the e.u. troubles are deterring aspiring states from wanting to join prepares to extradite its war crimes fugitive to the hague arresting got on how the church was the condition serbia is now fulfilled hoping to move closer to becoming a member of the blog. and investigations into the u.k. phone hacking scandal intensify with even more political figures coming under scrutiny by the public betting on who the case might bring down next. threatens the
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careers of not only media executives including rupert murdoch himself but also the political future of prime minister david cameron. up next an r.t. with news of increasingly gripping developments in the tour de france he is kate. hello welcome to the latest cd sports updates this thursday and here that front is in fact kerry field williams says he's wasted two years after being sacked by former world number one tiger woods. while back home boss he will start to have a must go signs of deal with former cycling key into the n.b.a. lockout is over. we preview russia's cliff diving supremos on silting as he prepares to take on the sport's best in next world series stage can
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easily. the first four ball and the russian premier league regimes this weekend after a months long summer break they want to postpone matches taking place this thursday evening as league leaders discuss kicks off the new boys folder that early in the second half of the amero one up courtesy of bog love and i'm going to scratch that question of the top suddenly points nearest rather than trying to insinuate all guns are in twelve sixteen and four points above the relegation zone. while meanwhile over in argentina paraguayan asked through to their first copper america final since one thousand nine hundred seventy nine after they'd be venezuela five three on penalties in mendoza and as well it would work three times but it finished nil nil after extra time and the first piece that's came shortly before the normals interval one hundred one there are so he's had to come off the crossbar. like a long gun safe like this though the last and nil nil is the wait and you often see minutes extra time so venezuela pushing forward right from the start and now the
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nado shot deflected of me. out on to the post. and two minutes later they hit the woodwork yet again this time for a free kick. and that after hundred one we say look even more ominous the paradise as they went a man down off the suntan was shown his second yellow card but despite being a player up venezuela failed to find a winning goal in the match and the penalties were better kind of thank you thank you staying out till the shot piece of the state that's daria but i make no mistake you can characterize this straight spot picked apart hard by true to the final but that was a single day more playing time and then my face you're quite in the final by those areas of sunday. i read the window i'm looking again to criticize because we happen to be on a p.c. isn't about whether the opponent think that you're not it's about the results of
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the other we did it we are in the final so we have to have some merit in a penalty shootout which have a keeper who's in great form and we have players who take that kind of juice and lose a lot of not good fighter stuff but elsewhere there's been a resounding success well off the bench hattrick heroes wayne rooney and his mansion i think teammates as they post the seattle sun to set the wheels on the roof american to feel sorry with the michael owen goal of the english champions the only man to either get in the first half but after the restart the high profile does reach a larger goal was the second half substitute reading getting three twenty one minutes buffy matches one go every seven minutes was notable stuff but maybe i'm cute baby and i would stand and keystones by the other guy. on the scoresheet. so it was well done for a knee but one man did even better as christiane are now the net in this trouble within just a moment scoring all the goals and well because we know every exercise keep us from
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babylon are one of those three second off almost like flying in the penalty spot but that's to belittle right now those heroics which made all the difference the spanish giants stop the second win. and the americans will because they bring as many humble they back in the l.a. galaxy called one last week. golf now and steve williams says the last two years he spent alongside tiger woods have been a waste of time the world's most famous caddy was hitting back at the out of sorts former world number one after being sacked as his staunch sidekick what's claimed thirteen out of his fourteen majors with williams caring about for him that's the trouble american gold star still announced the sacking on his website saying it was time for change just like their super successful partnership spawning twelve years williams assistant australian adam scott at the recent u.s. and british opens and wants to carry on doing that well at remembering woods evokes mixed feelings for the new zealand who love their working relationship while it
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lasted but were gretz away their passing. given the fact that the last eighteen months has been a particularly difficult time going to try to grab a suit working through a screen in the new coaches suite and trains in the last three months have been very difficult not stuck by him through her company been incredibly loyal and then . you know and in there of this terrible moment grazer you can say waste two years my wife. possible now as there's been a very welcome return for tim a famous cause as the huge russia center has come back to play for his former side he but waiting for the n.b.a. lockout is to end in america mascot assigned to deal with the club he left just last year to move to the north american league he was traded to the denver nuggets after spending his maiden season with the new york knicks but with the fourth lockout in m.b.a. history threatening the next season is towering figure out we'll be looking toward in the russian professional basketball league as god is two meters and sixteen
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centimeters high coming back to the moscow region cup could be a fine present to his twenty fifth birthday which will not last week. the first of a few times to me i'm happy to be back at simply because it's here where i began it's my home or rather a home from home with my parents' place be the main one but i don't think my experience from overseas will be much help because all the guys playing for the club are experienced themselves so i don't think anyone will trade my advice since i myself still have a lot to learn so i'll just do everything i can on the court and that's the way i'm planning to share my knowledge. and champion sebastian vettel may be the runaway leader midway through the formula one season but all is not lost for the chasing pack including jenson button who has more than the points to race for in the next two grown prix the englishman who claimed the overall title two years ago is lingering in fifth place ninety five points behind a high flying record that's button to prove his mettle last month by winning in
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style the rain drenched canadian grand prix and the current one will be hoping he has more reasons to celebrate the circus travels to the number one this weekend and then three to push one week later. germany's. very exciting very i've always enjoyed the german girl very. hungry is a very important race for me because it's where i first was a girl very well it's also my two hundred girls bravest this time you know greece so a very special ways and yeah i like to have a good result. and finally i would say one of the most spectacular spots on the planet cliff diving into the ongoing well serious competition in the sport is just eleven years old that russia already has a man in a sense. two thousand and six well champion. and probably to meet him. in. the final on this amazing spectacle is called cleve derby and there are only
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a few dozen people in this world of government skills to do the fashion level and one of the chosen ones yes russian i don't see who was just twenty two when he won the two thousand and six world championships says than he's rested easy monkey creek doubling elite finishing overall third last year in school his most prestigious competition the red bull world series. twenty seven year old andrew this isn't as one of the favorites with the reigning champion gary hounds and the sport's most decorated affleck the presently injured are on the duke in his sights for bluebirds are like every true sportsman i always want to win although you should forget about that before the journey because your main goal is not to get injured but it's a competition and i always try to get my all that was what clique divers do he simply mazie but there are just humans diving from a high kill pool with twenty seven metres despite their outstanding ability and
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experience is always a life threatening situation and fear is certainly not in their own concept of down all the waste but it did a both. with ten to fifteen minutes to go the dive is the only thing in my mind but when i'm standing there on the edge of a platform my head is empty i'm just down to this world no fear no thinking just me and the height but i believe my trainers are the best in the world tatiana and going to be stirred to their trains to china. di champion dimitri said they taught me a great technique helping me to try a number of new high times in the sport and now i'm stunned dudley's one of the suits and destroyed mark it's one of the most breathtaking get difficult things to do in the sport you know meeting with these regional invention it blind and creeping to the water with something you've done your best which by thousands of dangerous concentration and focus is a must before it's
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a cue to high done all those suits and good cleans audience don't disturb it don't care for for the more spectators the back so it gives me additional motivation and drive it's great when you can hear the crowd cheer you on with three stages left to florence needed historically be in building standings the next step or all serious twenty eleven is mulches even on the twenty fourth of july last year detail and some so sujan would use one of his best performances ever and claimed the stage when you would bet against him. again the burden on the party. as there's just time to say the andy schleck has one stage a scene of an increasingly gripping sort of songs his brother frank took second ahead of cadet evans thomas but to stretch himself to the max fans coming forth and keep the neatest yellow jersey from just fifteen seconds frank schleck is thirty
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overall and evans full size just one minute and twelve seconds to price the top four with three stages to go and that's that's what the sports scores and i think. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our team.
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fish. fish fish fish. fish .


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