tv [untitled] July 21, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT
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because they believe that the bank might not be able to pay them the euro's facing an existential crisis admits german chancellor angela merkel that's raising tensions across the globe. at the moment the most visible the most obvious is clearly the eurozone problems but on the other side of the atlantic you have the u.s. economy not in the session but showing some very weak economic figures and suffering as well. e.u. leaders could sign that this warrant for the single currency here at the summit if they fail to do a deal to halt the spread in europe experts fear public panic will take over denying them control. see brussels for naturals member of the european parliament of the u.k. independence party told me bailouts could last for ages and offer no exit out of the debt trap. we can continue propping up the euro and we can continue pouring money into this and the idea that britain my own country isn't putting any money in
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it's complete nonsense because we are all of already our contribution to the i.m.f. which is now over twenty billion so we're contributing to this we don't want to bail out these basket case economies anymore and as i say the only way greece will be able to get its economy kick started is by breaking out of the prison of the euro and i guarantee your as benjamin franklin once said there are only two certainties in life that's death and taxes if greece remains in the although i guarantee you the small of the thing i will be back here in six months having this exact same conversation time will tell well the critics don't frighten those keen to join as we report later this hour. with the ether struggling to keep its head above water there is no fun can't be there ready to get on board was one commentator. climbing on the titanic. thinking. investigations into the phone hacking case that's rocking the u.k. a growing by the day with ever more questions being asked of key figures in
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political media and police circles as the scandal intensifies its impact threatens careers across the board that is lower amid reports now on how the case continues to hold not just rupert murdoch but the u.k. prime minister david cameron as well. this is. my life i'm enjoying this so. some major pins in the news hacking scandal may be warbling but at the moment they're still standing despite the pull off the ball threatening to smash them out of the game. in the frame british prime minister david cameron and the murdoch's chiefs of global news empire news corp also implicated the police accused of taking but where will the next strike come in the phone hacking scandal and who'll end up the biggest turkey. there's been a large amount of fingers and just a kind of heads in the sand and that is lethal for
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a prime minister and he's now in a real fight isn't a real really bad situation he could well be looking at some serious consequences for himself at the very least start still around him fancy a flutter on the much of the century betting shops and flashed the odds on cameron being the first m.p. to fall over hacking. and we've seen cameron over the last few weeks fall from one hundred to want to be the next cabinet member to leave to forty one years and he just slightly crept up again to five to one today as a result of his statements in the house where we thought he gave quite a good performance the murdoch's may have dodged bullets coming from every direction from m.p.'s but it was someone not even in the game who hit the eighty year old kingpin right in the face with a phone despite profuse apologies to victims of his own newspaper's unethical behavior he had no intention of stepping down.
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what's less clear is whether david cameron remains the best person to lead britain out of this crisis of confidence it's cameron's arch rival ed miliband who believes he's got the skittle shaking and he's eyeing up a spare that will see the whole dot com crash so that the country can have the leadership we need why why doesn't he do more why doesn't he do more than give a half apology and provide the full apology now for hiring mr colson and bringing him into the heart of downing street. commentators say the pin spotted machine has placed the prime minister on a firmer footing following wednesday's game in the house of commons but the match is still far from won you know. he is damaged before base he was he was beginning to develop the nickname tough on camera because none of the
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sort of damaging political issues that were in the government actually stuck to him the scandals forced resignations all round top executives at news corp and the u.k.'s two most senior police officers many are asking if the prime minister will be next to find himself lying face down in the gully. david cameron's promised a full some apology if it turns out andy cools and was lying to him about his involvement in phone hacking but some say that won't be enough when this is over and we're a long way from that it's far from clear who can survive the frames still to come and remain standing at the top of the media the police and the government. nor ever it's our london. good shot during those communications director of the american n.-g. o. free press i spoke to him a bit earlier he said we've only seen the tip of the iceberg in the crisis. very
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cozy relationship between media and government throughout western democracies it's no less true in the united states than it is in the u.k. . and what we've what we've seen is is sort of a laying bare of that relationship in a way that that everybody suspected but now we now we can see that it's the. that our suspicions are proven true the only surprise would be if there weren't more surprises and there is suspicion that something similar or to a lesser or greater extent has been happening in the united states if in fact it is found that the allegations that news corp properties were looking for looking to hack the telephones of nine eleven family victims or victims' families that is going to be a storm the likes of which you've never seen in the u.s. . ahead this hour a new egypt but the same old problems as the reshuffle calvinists morning we are. still calling for change plus. just imagine this piece is about four and
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a half billion years old. space rocks but it's a passion for cosmic collecting or just pursuit of profit will be explored. by the central russia. service expect to progress on its bid to join the e.u. off the rest of war crime suspects go on how they each had been a key hurdle on the road to membership that still needed clearing how did she may be extradited to the hague on saturday reports from the capital belgrade. whilst the government's very much to the west the public opinion actually does this quite significantly now the last time i was in belgrade at the end of last year i spoke to the deputy prime minister hen i asked him why there's still such a government drive to this membership and he said that they really see this as a chance the serbian people to have a normal life well the people here in serbia only have to look at what's happening
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right now in greece in spain in italy to see that quite clearly even membership is not going to be the answer to all our country's problems now add to that that they're also a very disillusioned with the government's policies and the way that they've handled this whole partnership and dealings with the e.u. they feel the serbia is being made to jump through hoops and it was their filling all these demands that are put on them by the this thing which very little in return will get in return what it usually gets nothing whatsoever. so we have got many many more hoops to jump over before we can get anywhere close to member ship the e.u. has always linked thirty years membership with the full cooperation with the hague and we've already heard from president had it that he feels that they have felt their moral and legal obligations to the hague so it's going to be very
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interesting now to see with this latest arrest of had it whether or not the e.u. is going to sell not just with words but with actions that it seems that with the arrest serbia really has called brussels bluff. brussels is not going to fulfill promises it gave me you wish this won't end with the arrest of go to him how did so stephen carter good norbit choose from the shrub reduces story corps project. the list of demands will grow president there which is truly people who waltz. one by one in. serbia free it to the european you who were here because their. new source of bonding to. serbia's economy. and foreign interests that human sacrifices made so far over several had no results whatsoever all show that about sixty percent of the
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serbs are opposed to. join the e.u. many have relatives abroad and are getting the picture things are why. we saw it. in there also indications will not be successful we can see. why even the most skillful propagandists so but there. is a committee it's the population. of the. placating. something more serious think about anyway. a sore spot lot of interest on our r.t. for a many of our top stories i was there for discussion if you want to join in as well why not and so we could if you log on to our tea dot com you also find these stories as well tonight a delivery of a difference in the lion's den a zoo owner's place to spend five weeks with his family of big cats hopefully it will turn out to be the lunch he said to be have made wife it's my story that when find out more online he took home also passions in fashion run high in st
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petersburg dozens of glamorous contestants putting on their very highest tails for a hundred meter sprint that's how one of those heels don't crack there they go more about that than to r.t. dot com. egypt's new cabinet has been sworn in it follows pressure from protesters who once again gathered in tahrir square demanding faster reforms after the revolution. president mubarak was ousted in a national uprising february but since then critics complain that little has changed so what's today's reshuffle go to mean let's talk about that with a professor at the american university in cairo and a former member of egypt's foreign ministry dr abdullah abdullah shell very good evening to you dr thank you for being on r.t. international now we know that the reshuffles brought in new blood into the cabinet but there's still a hangover isn't there from what many in the country would call a rather dark past so will it actually bring any change the change that so many people called for. i don't just sort of shuffle in fact
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had disappointed many of the egyptian people because they were waiting for very specific government the people who have better priority as the focus of the revolution this is to clean the body of egypt from the possibility unfortunately this government is coming to patch up and pacifying the portions of the society and public opinion and in fact the myth of the council spent six months now without any major achievement so i'm afraid that the people are getting very tired and the are getting also very hopeless so i don't know what they are going to do after that is if they knew what evolution against the image of council as it had been before i get a small box themselves that people are flocking now about it so now you know that
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mubarak left and the british army somehow succeeded him and he is not very much to make any better situation than mubarak and i think the people now are talking about mubarak as too much better than the day is the day of the revolution and this in fact is a very bad result we expected that they made to challenge the lucic egypt to the hopes of that of a lutheran and now we are very disappointed and fact that some of the settlements of the prime minister we had been more disappointed invited me out i think we have to give some produce you to shut up. though i believe myself that the problem resides in his knowledge as a very lenient he is not just enough for the period that leaves talk to the people and not just so much blood was spilt during that uprising in federal why has it.
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taken so long for any decisive reform that. the people say that. they're not controlling mubarak and i think it is still controlling you after mubarak and so this is why the people are very astonished why then we get a lot more moderate so as the situation is maintained as it is and the only difference is that mubarak is all there is not in jail is inside a machine so as mubarak is still controlling the country through the music council or the region council is confused he doesn't know how to get out of the impasse so in fact i'm afraid that the slogan will be again of the little founded self and of the military council in fact was very much a play by the people that had gotten rid of loose and i don't see that.
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the council in fact did not obey the order to fire together the population and this is a medical course but. otherwise would be very risky for the misery count so this is why i'm still appealing to the military council not to lose more time because now after six months. ratings nothing is too much better respected before briefly if you can what is your prognosis than. well. what do you predict will happen then over the coming months. i think we have to short supply the people out of. prices are getting very high everything. and we are talking about the future. if you look. before for. the first to.
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the positive view. there. are all the positions of the ministerial level and secondly we have. a model for security because the security. of the people now is collapsing no confidence between the people. so after six months to give us a new model for a relationship between the work of the people and thirdly those who had been committing crimes people. we. remember story not convincing with the people who feel this is. ok dr we slightly lost the sound on the end there shell thank you so much for your thoughts live from cairo tonight. also making headlines this. is announced it will
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send aid to famine in somalia but only if it's assured that leverages won't be handed as they pass through islamist militant controlled areas to create a state of famine in southern somalia were nearly four million people are now in danger of starvation a devastating drought which caused the crisis said to be the worst to hit the region in decades it's estimated the stricken country needs over one and a half billion u.s. dollars in aid. for elderly kenyans to be given legal permission to sue the british government. over alleged atrocities committed during colonial times the claimants allege they were systematically abused in special camps set up to crush the moment of rebellion against british rule the foreign office said it should not be held responsible for the actions of the colonial administration. that lance is a zoom back to earth for its very last landing after almost a fortnight in orbit the touchstone brings to an end thirty years of the american space shuttle program lantus is the last shuttle to be retired and is to be put on
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display at the kennedy space center and the future missions by u.s. astronauts to the international space station will rely entirely no on help from russia. sometimes you have to dig deep to reach for the stars they say that at least is the case in central russia rare zone region where meteorite fever spread in recent years and his exam a boy jumped at the chance than to catch a fall and stuff. they don't believe in aliens so the time machine but they do spend most of their time looking for extraterrestrial matter that will take them billions of years back in time most meteorite hunters in russia do it for profit but some still see it as their way of heat hiking through the galaxy. this is the oldest matter you can hold in your hands there is a theory that meteorites are part of planets core just imagine this piece is about four and a half billion years old like the earth this valley about three hundred kilometers east of moscow is their latest pitstop about ten thousand years ago the local
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fields took a have a pounding from an audience shower creating the most telling me to read ground in central russia is discovering two thousand was a pure accident. a few dishes were dug did help with the draining off the excavators left a local resident was passing by he noticed a rather strange rock and picked it up the rug lay idly in his bomb for two years until the store program brought me to rights on t.v. and sent it in for testing that. within the next few years about three tons of meteoric material was discovered here some of the unlikely help of the donation he's on our staff he's the only dog in russia trying to hunt for rocks from other planets in many ways meteorite hunting is a lot like gold digging you have to spend weeks in the wild hoping for a stroke of luck but in today's prices searching for these acts trying to wrestle rocks can be more profitable than even the good old gold fever marchionne no lou
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and i meteorites we are in high as the month can cost two or even three times the weight in gold the biggest findings usually gravitate to the united states and western europe where most me to write collectors at base and while russia does allow x.-prize effects or terrestrial rocks ten percent of their value must be paid to this. still some delusion try and dodge the tax base for taiwan halt was uncovered earlier this year at a moscow airport on its way illegally to the czech republic for their fallen stars but for me to write crease only becoming a blazing hot commodity. and a hot commodity for most mugs kaiser and co there are surely exploring whether americans are going to rise up against the big banks but first it's the business for a very quick break. for the full story we've got. the
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biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in moscow. hotels. toto palace congress hotel east west. center. for. historical hotel culture in the city. as a good up until the stroke or less to become the hotel. welcome to the business update on the clock is taking for the u.s. to resolve the problems of paying it to raise the debt ceiling could mean
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a default on its massive obligations there are concerns as well as international reserves a quarter of which is held in u.s. bonds now business spoke to jacob knell from morgan stanley russia he believes there's nothing to worry about just yet. no u.s. treasury secretary will allow the u.s. to default on external obligation so if the debt ceiling doesn't get raised then what will happen is the u.s. will skip some domestic payments however if the deal that is done doesn't satisfy the credit rating agencies there is a chance of a ratings downgrade and that may have an impact on the treasury bill market it may have an impact on the price of tea bills and that may have an impact on the value of russia's international reserves we don't think it will have much of an impact because the depth of the us to build market is so big it's the cost source of funding of low risk assets for so many companies that we don't expect it to significantly move the price. minority shareholders of preparing
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a lawsuit of b.p.'s failed bid to partner rosneft in arctic exploration shareholders have won a russian ruling woodring papers surrounding the multi-billion dollar deal to be revealed this will allow them to evaluate the damages b.p. and rosneft failed to strike the deal this spring as t n k d p shareholders claimed b.p.'s russian joint ventures should be the primary vehicle for exploration in the arctic. the board members nominated by b.p. didn't make it clear there was an opportunity for corporations which they should have done as a result b.p. didn't get to participate in this partnership and dance might have had lawsuits. speculative the markets now in the us they are strong after morgan stanley removing the smaller than expected through to the last drive in financial stocks the bank itself saw gains of around six percent at one point jobless claims did come out
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with a slight increase but there's still a lot of the drive coming from europe let's take a look at the european markets then chancellor merkel and french president sarkozy i really don't enjoy the approach to greece's debt crisis ahead of today's new summit with three and point eight percent of blacks almost zero percent this is the closing picture for thursday's session in russia marcus was were actually trading in the red most days but they came out at the close and that's. when the rates accelerate to retail sales and of course restoring world prices helped energy shares like kasparov up one point seven percent at the close of burbank spent most of the day with losses but managed to have those at the end it actually gained one percent and was telecom games after about half a percent after gaining five and a half the previous session here where the national capital. has been a really rocky market over the last. the last few days as everybody is watching
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what's happening in europe here can the eurozone governments find a longer term solution to this ongoing saga with the peripheral european countries in particular greece today is the day. to day is that by the way eurozone countries are supposed to come up with some long term solution if they do that it's going to be respectful and you're going to see russia really very if they don't. you know there is a potential disaster scenario that will might become very very nervous and you see that in today's trading section of the markets started off lower. moved down and then there's a little if you just came through the some leaks that are coming out of the european negotiations and therefore the markets rallied today. with the headlines.
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the grand imperial true and told us to. close the show to see don't need to go and. read the some of the kennel was hoto retreat. this is all it's a developing news story this hour in our headline update the leaders agree on a fresh rescue package to that stricken greece of a crunch somebody in brussels but they failed to dispel fears the bloke's economic woes are deepening the debt and an epidemic spreading to italy and spain. meanwhile the east troubles are deterring aspiring states from wanting to join serbia proposal extradited from wall. crime fugitive to the hague arresting her and how that was the condition serbia is now for hoping to move closer to becoming a member of the blog. and investigations into the u.k.
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phone hacking scandal intensify with even more political figures coming under scrutiny and public betting on who the case might bring the next big split say it's threatens the careers of not only media executives including group of mothers yourself but also the political future may be u.k. prime minister david cameron. next as promised the lights of the kaiser report where max explains the consequences of deadlock over the us debt. kaiser stacy herbert this is the kaiser report you know i did our currency any revolution over mack's ideas are in our headlines today the first one could the cindy sherman of monkeys accidently revolutionize copyright law for artists so cindy sherman is the famous artist who takes self portraits and if
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you look at this image that's not cindy sherman that is a monkey from indonesia and he. took the camera from a nature photographer visiting indonesia and took south portraits of himself now this has become a big copyright issue because copyright in for ta graffiti always belongs to whoever took the photo who actually snapped the button not to the person who owns the camera or whatever so the the man who took this photo david slater was working for caters news agency and now caters news agency is sending out cease and desist orders to people like tech dirt dot com who posted the photo and to saying well you don't own the copyright. agency wrote back to them and say well neither do you so you can't post it all copyright law even in its current absurd iteration and we've talked about it before it's.
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