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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour florida governor rick scott turns down a budget a lifeline to help save the lives of thousands of at risk children so is this the best decision for his state is he just trying to round up brownie points from his republican buddies and executed inmates last words call for an end to a trip around the valuable lesson he learned from his victims and tonight still
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ahead. children in florida are screwed last year republicans in florida leveled a forty three percent cut to their healthy families florida program that provides assistance to expecting parents and newborns in an effort to curb child abuse and neglect as a result of the cut services were dropped to more than thirty five hundred high risk families more than five thousand children but this year governor rick scott was given a lifeline by the federal government to keep the program afloat more than eight million dollars was available to florida to continue visitation services for at risk children as part of the affordable care act but as you would expect from any hard republican nowadays rick scott said no thanks to the funding because he has an ideological problem with obamacare so is this what it comes down to for republicans
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to help with abused children we need to take down the president here to explain this dangerously irresponsible position governor scott is taking i'm joined by seton motley resident it was government seat welcome back good to see you good to see you sir so why do you and rick scott hate children. we hate budget deficits and when as we saw last year with the nearly one trillion dollars stimulus it props up state governments for a year and then they're back in the exact same position they were a year later and they need the money again he's turning down the eight million because next year he'll need it again he's got a budget his state for the future not for the next sixteen sixteen weeks or one year i'll give you another example medicaid grew out of control because the federal government gave every state three dollars for every one dollar spent. so that therefore they have been to government federal government money and then when they had to cut back they only got one dollar of cuts for every four dollars of oh you
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know one dollar bank for this us this is nothing to do with you talking is it does it across the state of florida sixty four thousand three hundred seventy seven dollars a year to hollows and treat a kid who was abused and had to be moved into the system to prevent that abuse it cost the state of florida sixteen hundred seventy one dollars if we know that program actually works which we don't we do know we don't live here independent study shows ninety eight percent of children serve in healthy family programs or abuse free they can afford it but can't afford it states a break can't afford six hundred dollars a year to avoid spending sixty four thousand dollars a year for ten because of your either life and then and then six and where are we if you don't want to and where we were isn't those kids and we're like giving them money we're fourteen point four trillion dollars in debt. to hell with the abuse kids i'm going to howard to have asked about the children i'm telling to hell with borrowing money we don't have to continue to spend money on programs that we can we could easily have that money see have simply well let's roll back the bush tax cuts let's roll back the reagan tax cut the revenue increase in the in the two thousand
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on the out of the bush tax cuts revenue always increases revenue increases the found in this country to acknowledge no roads to fact of the matter is growth because because. of our budget deficit according to whose math according to according to the i.r.s. is math according to anybody's static analysis than a static analysis so if i were back to punch you you're going to sit there and let me get pretty namak analysis is if i read one to you move at the money when you look at where the money has gone we see that about a quarter of the total budget deficit or it was caused by the bush tax cuts for that item and not a photo of it as a random and always wrong but is fundamentally force that is static analysis you when you lower tax rates you increase economic activity to go you've already been taxed cut fairy i get there no i don't it's called password reality illness it is the way it was why is it that when the top tax rate was ninety one person. in the fifth forty's fifty's is a guy who was spending those monies because a gun was but he was having his strongest economy in history so i was always all
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over that he has higher million fewer people is a matter of government smaller as a percentage of the population it took less of the g.d.p. and therefore the economy was stronger the bigger the government gets the smaller the private economy gets it eats it up and destroys appear like the big government federal governments like locusts they move in to eat up everything every private sector thing around it and then move on so when are if it's this that's a nonsensical salute through how you look at massachusetts people voted terrible tax policy and regulatory policy and government policy and they screw up the state and they move to new hampshire and have it all we have if you look at the last throes of since barack obama came into office there have been twenty five states that have cut that have increased spending and increased taxes because when you do have the twenty high when you twenty five states they have increased taxes increase spending average on average their g.d.p. is going up a half a point and unemployment going down to have a house health twenty four say i don't know twenty have car got there and sold it for junk i don't see that is what the rate spending and their g.d.p.
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has gone down and their unemployment has gone up all i know is people in new jersey all the haters chris christie are all of a sudden like him because their fees are going down their taxes are going down the everybody line is going to grow no it's not that it will know this but you know he is fundamentally sixty eight all over this country are going to go see how us forces we are engaging in contract economic policy where you know during a recession not if we are to could you i cannot your dad he never met you or everybody in government heard of connivers nuttery i know because herbert hoover spent money i'm proud of at the federal level i'm talking about contract big government all your hot cock contracts go away what we don't we don't need no stinking up a name why does a citizen less government no job or here's the simple question and relative to this you've got kids who are at risk they are in all probability if their if their parents paid because of because of the poverty and conditions that their parents have been raising they are in all probability going to end up in this is. them cost and sixty thousand bucks a year as kids and maybe eighty or one hundred thousand dollars a year as adults if they're this is all speculation to go ahead well this is this
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is this is also i wish i could go ahead and work in this field for five years i can tell you this is this is one of apple's when at risk high poverty kid we can call forth to continue seriously if you're not a year old why would you know we've been doing it for two hundred thirty you know we haven't the first administration to to to violate the constitution and the first administration to violate the constitution and federal tax press and use it to pay for children who are at risk which is my little research in washington and it was white and they were violating the constitution i have a feeling that the people in the george washington ministration who helped write the constitution why didn't you have why did they create hug why didn't they create a part of energy they did pay the george washington ministration was the first was created mr five obviously ninety obviously in five but i guess he was sixty five they were they were they were gathering money to pay for it in fact it's the first veto of the james madison administration the father of constitution the fourth president of states his first veto to us was because they started taking that money
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and stopped giving that money to what had rightfully to what i was a school and it's the game it's what i should have because no we're not going to have passed it but they passed it with the question so me is if we're not going to care for these kids who is the parents and if they don't get if they don't then we're going to pay for it life ain't fair we're going to pay for with you know you would you have no problem paying for prisons no but you don't want to pay for schools you have no problem paying for the product cost for foster care for kids i don't want government schools not you don't want you know i don't care you don't want schools think so you want kids going to school either i want to go to private schools ok so people screws we have public cell phones but everybody has a cell phone a cell phone isn't six seven seven thousand dollars you know government school six thousand dollars a year private schools know what they're about twenty thirty thousand dollars and i are not in the mine wasn't i went to private school way through twelve. and i was cheaper than the forty one right now. probably nine thousand a year ok and the average public schools sixteen no sixteen. sixteen no no
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nationwide sixteen all right it is it is absolutely is government schools think we're doing the only numbers see it and thanks for your always a pleasure unfortunately our thousands of children are at risk of abuse in the street in florida just so rick scott can score some political points on the right and out telling president obama no. it's the good the bad and the very very days separately of like the good guys and senator herb kohl the f.c.c. said to consider a merger between eighty and t. and t. mobile senator kohl is hoping to block the creation of a telecom do operate that will screw over millions of consumers in
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a seven page letter to the attorney general and the f.c.c. senator kohl wrote the merger will cause substantial harm to competition and consumers paul went on to say we cannot turn a blind eye to dangerous possibility that this acquisition could ultimately result in a doowop only in the national cell phone market and so calls words are taken into consideration over the f.c.c. and let's also hope an f.c.c. commissioner isn't planning to pull another revolving door trick and approve the merger and then go and work three thousand are bad but the tea party nation not only the corporate funded tri corner had the zombies hate pain really really low taxes they also hate pain hotel rooms last summer the group reserved more than sixteen hundred rooms at the plaza hotel in las vegas to host a tea party convention tea party nation agreed to pay almost six hundred thousand dollars even if the event had to be canceled at the last minute then they canceled the reservation and now they won't cough up the money they owe so the venetian
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casino resort is filing a lawsuit against tea party nation and one of the tea party has no problem with the government faulting on its debts their default on their own debts and the very very ugly brian kill me this morning the fox and friends talking head weighed in on a story about an american boy scout leader who was thrown in a bahamas jail after a bullet was found in his fanny he was trying to board an air. yeah i did that in the bahamas airport security has your job so thoroughly that they fell on the little bullet i think is comforting actually this morning i was on the eve of the four day gel spell seems a severe it does especially in the bahamas where your interest in the combinations aren't likely there are good men which are here a sterling was a accommodations and get lower sterling the prison facility that's a symbol of human rights abuses around the world top notch walk jury facility according to kill me i think on his next vacation kill me to try to reserve a room and you know to see for himself much he likes it maybe the whole realize his
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comments were very very ugly. up next to killers final words last night before being executed and why they should be echoed around the country insides deleted. website with twenty four seven live streaming news tells what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. to me that will sell me a political. question more than aren't done.
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your take my take is your chance to send in your questions comments rants and observations about anything we talk about here on the big picture or drink during my radio show and it's my chance to give you my take on it one more time our first
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comments tonight is from the viewer rant so secret that i'm a huge supporter of labor unions here in the united states i think they played a key role in protecting the rights of workers and advance the many important social issues in their one hundred fifty year history in this country but award doesn't seem to agree with my support for keeping unions strong. the republicans are to the corporations we all know that but if you're going to sit here and claim that the democrats are not for the unions then you're nuts you are stark raving nuts and for you to say they are democratically elected organization is like saying that a board of directors is a democratically elected organization they are not they are out for their own good they care way more about themselves and their freakin pensions combi california so you can make six hundred thousand dollars as a union representative on your pension six hundred thousand dollars part of which is be paid for by my tax dollars give me a break but you're just it's very corrupt they're just as stupid they're just as
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big a liars. the ward first of all unions are what built this country unions are democracy in the workplace and workplaces are essentially kingdoms the forty hour workweek was built by unions unions build america big big broad as workplace safety rules germany in effect in germany were unions are the law requires that the corporate boards the people sit on the board of directors a large corporation that has more than a thousand employees fifty percent of the represents fifty percent of the people on the board have to come from the unions and by the way germany has a great industrial economy that's working really well we need them ocracy in the workplace workers need to have a voice and that's a union another viewer tweeted that according to your twisted line of thinking we would have utopia if the minimum wage was one hundred dollars or more an hour well kurt i don't know if we need to take it that far but let me just lay this out this
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was first laid out actually by teddy roosevelt the republican president back in nineteen twelve this is a this is a tape that was recorded on our racks by thomas edison himself this is teddy roosevelt. don't be. afraid to. give. period. in other words just in summary what teddy roosevelt proposed in nineteen twelve was that a minimum wage a living wage should be enough to live on enough to raise your kids enough to put them through school and if they have a vacation and enough to have retirement we used to call that the united states the
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middle class and the debate on the viability of social security is another issue that has many of you talking all over the past few weeks i've said several times that despite what republicans want you to think social security is not bankrupt it's not either bankrupting us as a nation or is it itself bankrupt that some of you are still not convinced but here you have senator sanders consciously saying it so security is flush and is like two point four trillion dollars of excess it's funded well then if that's the case so i assume they're going to be checks to people who get so security checks that for your file cabinets full of ious that's not funded that's for sure it's a paper there's no cash there if there was a cash and checks would go out or for instance demagoguing you know using maybe so security checks is a way to demagogue the republicans in the price of the public. perhaps some of this
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confusion stems from progressive members of congress even president obama not being able to communicate their agenda and social security just fine it's not going bankrupt it has nothing to do with our debt problem in pac and wrote a note on our message for. this debate over social security is a bit confusing progressive speak of the fact that social security is solvent for decades running of surplus and has nothing to do with the deficit why is it on the table i understand the surplus or deficit does not affect the budget deficit or the national debt there must be some reason this is on the table and we borrow against the social security trust fund and by making cuts that will somehow improve the debt situation dems and cons of talking points on social security it must be something more of this i'm not getting from progressive talk well let me try to set the record straight here on social security social security is in fact solvent it will be for at least another twenty five years it's got two point seven trillion dollars in its savings account that savings account was invested and instead of
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buying for example stock in the stock market what the trigger it which would be pretty irrational particularly given the last crash we had you don't want to be gambling with your social security money and instead of just putting it in a checking account citibank which would be crazy what they did was they bought treasury bills with treasury bills of the debt of the u.s. government now the reason why president obama said that if the nation goes bankrupt if we you know if we get the debt wall if the republicans don't raise the debt ceiling that so scary checks may not go out is that in order to get the money to pay those checks the social security department has to take those treasury bills and to the treasury department and redeem them say here give me the cash and this and the treasury department has no cash so it wouldn't be able to pay the so security fund so those security fund couldn't be passing out the money the real reason that social security is on the table and this is the really important issue the real reason why social security is on the table is because of lobbying from
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wall street bankers two point seven trillion dollars two billion seven. it's like two point seven i came to do the math it's a millions times millions you know it's really you know is a trillion dollars a pound. billion a billion is a thousand million two point seven trillion dollars the wall street bankers are looking at that money going wow we have this money and we could be churning this money we can just skim a little off the top and so they're trying to do a pinochet did in chile like forty years ago or thereabouts and privatized social security and the bankers will make out like bandits and so they're leaning on the republicans and they're living on the democrats and there are some democrats who have even you know gone in that direction i think it's absolutely wrong of course the republicans are all gung ho for this because they're totally owned by wall street if you like your comments and questions heard this segment the big picture listen up we want to know your take send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore hartman or in the chat room on the message boards or
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through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two two five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. last night a man in texas was executed his name was mark strawman and he was given a lethal injection by the state of texas because he let himself get consumed with eight or ten days after nine eleven straw men went on a shooting spree hell bent on killing as many muslims as he could on three separate nights he walked into dallas gas stations with a shotgun opening fire killing two muslim men and shooting another man in the face the third victim. boy just barely survived the shooting boyan will be partially blind for the rest of his life because of his injuries he wasn't
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interested in i for an i justice why because he's muslim religion preaches forgiveness all the way up until the day that strawman was executed bullion petitioned the state of texas to spare strawman's life launching a global petition to have a sentence commuted to life without parole. but for your monster of admitting your sicko in fact i never hated him i never hated america for what happened to me i believe you will see him and not capable of distinguishing between right and wrong otherwise he would not have a gun. in my face pretty missy's the place i would see the slum doesn't allow for hate and killing. and strong and took notice he was struck by the compassion that was afforded to him by one of his victims and he changed his way in a message to rice million from jail strawman said in the free world i was free but i was locked in
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a prison inside myself because the hate i carried in my heart is due to rice is a message of forgiveness that i am more content now than i've ever been. and last night strawman built on the message and used his last breath to issue these last words for us all to hear hate is going on in this world and it has to stop hate causes a lifetime of pain as a result of what a group of hateful men and not what our religion did on nine eleven our nation just like stroman admitted to is often consumed with hate we have a man running for president who's disqualified muslims from serving in his administration and argue that our nation has the right to deny muslims a place of worship. would you be comfortable appointing a muslim either in your cabinet or as a federal judge no. i would not and so you're saying any community if they want to ban a mosque yes they have the right to do that we have
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a prominent member of congress who is using his powers as chairman of the homeland security committee to whip up fear in our nation and investigate american muslims for radicalism i believe it's important to have this investigation on radicalization of the most some community we've seen what happened in england we know that al qaeda is trying to recruit people over here such as they did with the subway bombing in new york chrystia the attempted subway bombing times square bombing these are all people living legally in the united states we have the most popular cable news network saying that all terrorists are muslims and warning warning americans about victory mosques in new york city in tennessee and eight fueled caliphate springing up to bring shari'a law to america. not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim and if you are an eighteen to twenty year old muslim a and you should be strip searched and if we don't do that there's a very high probability we're going to lose an airline building that victory mosque
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on what's in essence a burial site would be both disruptive and cold hearted for the families of nine eleven victims the most dangerous scenario is that radical muslims seize power and put sharia law into place see these are all components of the hate machine killing us all with fear and driving some of us like strawman to lash out in violence but islam is not the real threat to america our own hatred our own fear is the biggest threat to this nation as the southern poverty law center points out more than one thousand hate groups operating across america today their numbers are grown by fifty four percent since nine eleven. they are neo nazis klansman white supremacists black separatists and border vigilantes they're all over there all over the country it's the various militia it's it's filling america
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but they are not however are muslims in fact according to f.b.i. data ninety four percent of all the terrorist acts committed on u.s. soil over the past decade were not from radical muslims but instead from these very same hate groups that are popping up across america and while our news media will feast once every few years on a muslim attack that was thwarted they ignore the hate crimes that are carried out every single day in america often leaving families devastated and communities in distress as mark strawman said just before the lethal cocktail was pumped into his arm for hate causes a lifetime of pain so let's not let this story of forgiveness and frankly of enlightenment be forgotten let's end this hateful so-called war on terror and focus on reading this nation of the far more describe destructive force hate and
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fear. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our web sites of thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and archie dot com you also check out our two you tube channels there alongside tom harkin dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free child care of an i phone and i fed al and they have stored your son's feedback on twitter that tom underscore harmon on facebook tom under slow on our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom parker doc and don't forget democracy begins when you show up when you participate it takes all of us getting active it's not enough to just vote show up tag you're it simple.
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website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about it ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on main street needs. to be the seller of the political. posts in more than artsy talk just. for.
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