tv [untitled] July 21, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT
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and that could do more harm than good in quelling public fear over the state of the fiscal health the single currency will be did within two years warner lists the european crisis there's a really very serious threat in. europe to disintegrate politicians in richer states voters refuse to foot the bill well i don't think i've ever met any body in the united kingdom in london market station say that actually wants to contribute to the continued existence of the hero because i think it's a stupid idea to start with and it's just chucking money down the drain yet pulling the plug on those states could trigger a chain reaction. greece believe investors could no longer avoid quitting the euro. that in turn will spark the exits of portugal even italy and spain.
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ireland the boss everybody said ok the bug is going to stop there over the last couple of weeks we saw that also. spain over germany italy with germany started to go all europe's top banks hold billions of euro greek and poor debts if those countries go bust they could lose that money. we might see scenarios like a bank run that means that people will run to the bank. in order to withdraw their deposits because they believe the bank might not be able to pay them the euro is facing an existential crisis admits german chancellor angela merkel that's raising tension across the globe. problems in three time zones at the moment the most visible the most obvious the eurozone problems but on the other side of the atlantic you have the u.s. economy not in the session but showing some very weak economic figures and
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suffering as well. be you leaders could sign the death warrant for the single currency if again they fail to halt the spread in europe experts fear public panic will take over denying them control. see brussels. editor of the financial blog market taker dot org says greece should be allowed to fail and those who are reckless enough to buy their bonds should suffer the consequences. the reality is that people own money to bad credit risks lose their investment it happens every day trying to prevent that from happening simply makes the distortion worse and creates a bigger problem that then has to be spaced at a later date you can chip the can down the road to an extent but you're not actually fixing anything well when it comes to greece what they need to do is allow greece to fall they'll leave the euro go back to the drop in the value the currency and the people who own them that all of that money and bought on lose
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a significant part of their investment the bond market is already trading as if that's happened. stay with us here on our t.v. still to come this hour grave concern. and i raised this directly in press press conferences with a journalist in the rituals and the answer was what silence as allegations mount that rebels in libya commit atrocities against civilians and procrit out the forces we look at whether the uncomfortable truth may be being swept under the rug. first though shock waves from the murdoch media empire phone hacking scandal in the u.k. continue to buffet the highest echelons of power in the country pressure is mounting on prime minister david cameron due to his close links and friendships with newspaper executives who've been arrested by police r t s laura m. it explains from london how the crisis is engulfing the most powerful man in the u.k. . chip pins in the news hacking scandal may be well playing but at the moment there's still standing despite pull off to pull threatening to smash them
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out of the game in the frame but as someone once famously said i'm enjoying this. british prime minister david cameron one of the this is a humble. thank you the murdoch's chiefs of global news empire news corp also implicated the police accused of taking but where will the next strike come in the phone hacking scandal and who led up the biggest turkey. there's been a large amount of fingers i mean isn't just the kind of heads in the sand and that is lethal for a prime minister and he's now in a real fight isn't a real but really bad situation he could well be looking at some serious consequences very. at the very least the stuff still around him fancy a flutter on the much of the century betting shops its last the old son cameron being the first m.p.
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to fool the hacking we've seen cameron over the last few weeks fall from one hundred to one to be the next cabin. member to leave to forty one years is just slightly crept up again to five to one today as a result of his statements in the house where we thought he gave quite a good performance the murdoch's may have dodged bullets coming from every direction from m.p.'s but it was someone not even in the game who hit the eighty year old kingpin right in the face with a phone despite profuse apologies to victims of his own newspaper's unethical behavior he had no intention of stepping down. what's less clear is whether david cameron remains the best person to lead britain out of this crisis of confidence it's cameron's arch rival ed miliband who believes he's got the skittle shaking and he's eyeing up a spare that will see the whole lot come crashing to the ground so the country can
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have the leadership we need why why doesn't he do more why doesn't he do more than give a half apology and provide the full apology now for hiring mr colson and bringing him into the heart of downing street. commentators say to pin spotted machine has placed the prime minister on a firmer footing following wednesday's game in the house of commons but the match is still far from won you know. he is damaged before he was going to develop the. camera because none of that sort of damage that would actually stop him the scandals forced resignations all round top executives at news corp and the u.k.'s two most senior police officers many are asking if the prime minister will be next to find himself lying face down in the gully david cameron's promised a full some apology if it turns out and he calls and was lying to him about his
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involvement in phone hacking but some say that. when they see is a long way from that it's far from clear who can survive the frame still to come and remain standing at the top of the media the police and the government. know we're at it oh it's london. they've solved on a communications director for the us and geo free press says the scandal lays bare the cozy relationship between the media and politicians there's been a very cozy relationship between media and government throughout western democracies it's no less true in the united states than it is in the u.k. . and what we've what we've seen is is sort of a laying bare of that relationship in a way that that everybody suspected but now we now we can see that it's the news that our suspicions are proven true the only surprise would be if there were more
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surprises and there is suspicion that something similar or to a lesser or greater extent has been happening in the united states if in fact it is found that the allegations that news corp properties were looking for looking to hack the telephones of nine eleven family victims or victims' families that is going to be a storm the likes of which you've never seen in the u.s. . serbia has taken another step towards its top foreign policy priority of joining the european union after arresting its final war crimes suspect goran had set his capture has been the final condition for the opening of membership talks with the e.u. allowing accession talks to begin next year maybe extra to extradited to the hague saturday r.t. sorry for has more from belgrade. whilst the government is very much to the west the public opinion actually does this quite significantly now the last time i was
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in belgrade at the end of last year i spoke to the deputy prime minister hen i asked him why there's still such a government drive to this membership and he said that they really see this as a chance for serbian people to have a normal life well the people here in serbia only have to look at what's happening right now in greece in spain in italy to see that quite clearly even membership is not going to be the answer to all our country's problems now add to that that they're also a very disillusioned with the government's policies and the way that they've handled this whole partnership and dealings with the e.u. they feel this side of it is being made to jump through hoops and that was the feeling all these the monster to put on them by the this thing gets very little in return. and what it usually gets it has nothing whatsoever. got many many more hoops to jump over before you can get anywhere close to member ship the
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e.u. has always linked. membership with the full cooperation with the hague and we've already heard from president padgett that he feels that they have felt the moral and legal obligations to the hague so it's going to be very interesting not see with this latest arrest of had it whether or not the e.u. is going to school not just with words but with actions that is it seems that with the arrest serbia really has cooled brussels bluff some are skeptical that brussels will fulfill the promises made just or made to serbia and that more won't be demanded from belgrade despite the arrest of has it that's the view from stephen card out of it from the server needs to storable project. the list of demands out of prison is truly people who will. one by one. serbia's entry into the european you who were here because then the.
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players there will soon be as economy. does human so because it's made. polls show that about sixty percent of the serbs are opposed to. the e.u. many have relatives abroad and are getting the sure things are like. in their. patients will be successfully concealed or. even the most skillful. soup of the things. that's the. placating. the c.s. the anyway. the story of sparked interest in r r t forum and many of our top stories are always up for discussion there are plenty more for you
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a click away at art dot com including this delivery with a difference in the lion's den assouan are pledges to spend five weeks among his family of big cats but he won't be their lunch or rather be their midwife. passion and fashion run high in st petersburg as dozens of plumbers contestants don their high heels for a hundred meter dash find out what prize the girls were running for at our team dot com. specialists have started raising the sunken ball garia passenger ship from the bottom of the volga river it went down in minutes condemning one hundred twenty nine people to a watery grave almost two weeks ago the complex opera. aeration involves partially refloating the vessel pumping out water before towing it to a floating dock it's hoped to recover the bodies of fifteen people still missing after the tragedy thought to be trapped somewhere in the wreckage the plane is weather dependent and difficult and earlier work has experienced technical problems
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. a grave has been discovered in libya with what's said to be the bodies of five pro the troops that's according to a report in a british newspaper that claims rebel forces could be behind the killings the news comes after a recent report by human rights groups that rebels are involved in looting arson and b. use of civilians so you can chandan an independent journalist and spokesman for the british civilians for peace in libya believes the crimes committed by the rebels are swept under the rug to support nato's cause in the region i think really fundamentally there's been a problem the way nato the nato nations and the media have related to this these so-called rebels i mean these rebels have been conducting mass lynchings of black people throughout the first several weeks and months of this crisis and i raised this directly in press press conferences and the answer was what silence it was uncovered in the media before because this does not fit the narrative since the
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nine hundred ninety nine nato aggression against yugoslavia which was we are conducting these wars not fool geo political control and domination of mccloy's ational mineral wealth but for humanitarian reasons so how can it fit the narrative of these rebels which nato and the nato countries are supporting lynching black people who are conducting all the atrocities they cues in the gadhafi side of conducting but actually the rebels are conducting these things so it doesn't fit the narrative of. to you now to some other stories making headlines across the globe the u.s. has announced it will send aid to famine stricken somalia only if it's assured deliveries won't be hindered as they pass through islamism militant controlled areas the un has declared a state of famine in southern somalia where nearly four million people are in danger of starving the devastation and drought the devastating drought has caused the crisis said to be the worst hit the region in decades and it's estimated this stricken country needs more than one of the have a billion dollars in aid. for elderly kenyans have been given the go ahead to
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to sue the british government over alleged atrocities committed during the colonial times claimants allege they were systematically abused in special camps set up to crush them out now rebellion against british rule of foreign office says it shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of the colonial administration. a crowd of thousands gathered to welcome home a space shuttle for the very last time as atlantis touched down from the international space station and marked the end of an era this brings to a close thirty years of shuttle travel during which two were destroyed in flight with the loss of fourteen astronauts after its thirty third expedition atlantis will be put on display at the kennedy space center all travel to and from space will now depend on russia until new alternatives are developed most likely several years away. and from one space led into something rather larger following from the
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cosmic beyond locals in the central russian rezaian region have found tons of meteor fragments sparking a little more than excitement or he's excited boyko took her chance to catch a falling star. they don't believe in aliens so the time machine but they do spend most of their time looking for extraterrestrial matter that will take them billions of years back in time most meteorite hunters in russia do it for profit but some still see it as their way of heat hiking through the galaxy. this is the oldest matter you can hold in your hands there is a theory that meteorites are part of planets core just imagine this piece is about four and a half billion years old like the earth this valley about three hundred kilometers east of moscow is their latest pitstop about ten thousand years ago the local fields took a have a pounding from an audience shower creating the most fertile meteorite ground in central russia is this covering two thousand was
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a pure accident. a few ditches were dug kids help with the draining off the excavators left a local resident was passing by he noticed a rather strange rock and picked it up the rock lay idly in his barn for two years until the store program brought me to write some t.v. and sent it in for testing. within the next few years about speak tons of meteoric material was discovered here some of the unlikely help of the donation he's on our staff he's the only dog in russia trying to hunt for rocks from other planets in many ways meteorite hunting is a lot like gold digging you have to spend weeks in the wild hoping for a stroke of luck but in today's prices searching for these acts trying to wrestle rocks can be more profitable than even the good old gold fever marchionne no lou and i meteorites we are in high as the month can cost two or even three times the weight in gold the biggest findings usually gravitate to the united states and
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western europe where most me to write collector is a base and while russia does the law expert the facts are terrestrial rocks ten percent of their value must be paid to the state still some dealers try and dodge the meter right tax base for toll on hall was uncovered earlier this year at a moscow airport on its way illegally to the czech republic. for some their fallen stars but for others meteorites i'm creasing lee becoming a blazing hot new commodity. the art scene. and up next r t sophie shevardnadze discusses the prospects of economic cooperation between paris and moscow with the french president's special envoy to russia stay with us.
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after last special representative of the french president on corporation on russian and french business relations thank you very much for being with us today so you come to russia every fifteen days what is your primary mission now put on your coffee is my first mission given by presidents are cozy in line with president medvedev is to report and scope out the establishment of your russian economic zone
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and the second part of this mission is to strengthen economic cooperation in all possible areas between our countries. now you have responsibility also developing the trade between french france and russia which sectors of the russian economy do you think are most attractive for business leaders in france. today for france it is of course raw materials in trade we have got oil is essential but there is much more and look at what is doing with transmission holding building locomotives for export across the world look at what's on offer is doing in the pharmaceutical area we call up. in many new technological areas and today these areas are multiplying because we are in the heart of russia's modernization plan and french companies can offer quality technology and so for us we're going to be interest are many not only war materials which remain essential including a nuclear sector in which we can cooperate more deeply. well in talking about.
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the good sides of the modern ization and present inventive has criticized the investment climate in russia do you see improvement the poor guy called shihab he i see huge progress myself i've been working with russia for many years and i believe we are wrong when seeking to teach lessons to russia today russia is twenty and the progress to date has been huge and president medvedev invited me to putin have done huge work we see that the changes are profound to put it simply on our side we are not always very aware of that firstly you need to read russian which is not common and secondly you need to come more often to russia so we also need to open our minds there is still much to do however your leaders the president and your prime minister sayers at the st petersburg forum the road map was clarified or that the investment climate is much better today look at the business flow between us the big french groups are present for example vinci who are doing the motorway link between moscow and st petersburg today we are developing cooperation on power
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generation on the sides of the st petersburg summit we signed with e.d.f. to equip and i would say to provide electricity to the city of tomsk we build parts for a.d.'s for airbus in the records going siberia so there are multiple areas of cooperation of the cooperation between france and russia does work. but i still want to ask you if someone like you doesn't come to russia every fifteen days just the business community in general outside of russia do they still have the old stereotypes of russia has all here if you speak with the presidents of big french groups present. in russia they are very happy to be here and they want to develop their business those who are not here yet often house of a priore and we have i have to say is in western europe not only in france a problem with our media who do not know russia well and russia should communicate more also there are old stereotypes of the progress achieved is not reflected in media. why why is. pretty traders very biased in the west russian
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media. i think their image of russia is based on the past from fifteen or twenty years ago they do not come to russia often and often does russia communicate actually quite little to us on what internal changes are taking place we have to deal with our days with ideas and perceptions which are wrong and this i believe is an important subject this is a blocking point we often speak about big groups or think about the new were small and medium sized companies in russia and in france many are already cooperate i would we could do much more in this area. how will the french business that you bring to russia help diversify the economy. today you are in the middle of a modernization drive in russia be it in transport water or electricity distribution in aeronautics in health at the laboratories level in high tech and by the way you have school which is a big success many companies e.d.s. alterman students and often but also american german and many others are present so
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we can help our technology transfers in many areas but also on this visit you will be going to north caucasus to actually evaluate its potential investment in north caucasus does the alpine curious about tourism expertize figure in your approach we look what he yes and i believe that russia took a very good decision which is the want to try to stabilize and ensure better security in this area through economic development and both presidents president made the idea of president sarkozy in deauville on the sides of the g. eight leaders joint declaration on this. yes with. russia chose france is a main supplier not exclusive but main to try to establish ski resorts and develop the area coastline this is a huge project led by mr billow president of north caucasus resorts we were taking a visit with me snowboarding and i believe that the best on tours development will prove to have been the right to create jobs give people hope and as well you
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increase security which also comes through economic development we are going to take part in this in danger of security this is the first time you will because north caucasus we was you know yes for me this will be my first time in the north caucuses and i am very excited to have the chance to discover which is wonderful i've seen photos the french team accompanying me already knows that area is a wonderful place and i think you can develop a tourist up in the center of europe which will be very attractive to the whole world but how long do you think it actually could turn into tourism paradise because right now it's not the safest place to be or for two reasons tourists to go i mean of course at expel your you know the french have experience we developed in croatia remember turkey at the very beginning when we were developing tourism in turkey the area was not safe. and the conviction of your government and your president to say that we're going to develop this area to create jobs for the young of course to ensure security the government provides
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guarantees for up to seventy percent of investment but it's still taking a chance it's the right decision to develop this area so that is what needs to be done with. the aftermath thank you very much for this interview. thank you. in india. the movie joins the who's who runs the violence the gateway to
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the grand imperial truly the torch was the. socialist good to see don't need to go and. read this in the kennel was her job as a retreat. six thirty am in moscow these are the headlines european leaders hammer out a deal on a second bailout for greece worth one hundred nine billion euros in a desperate bid to save the single currency private lenders will also be contributing for the first time to a state's rescue to the tune of thirty seven billion while the use of emergency fund for debt stricken nations will be a priest. he used troubles the war it's a turn the other nations from seeking to join serbia as it prepares to extradite its final war crimes suspect goran had his capture has been the final condition for
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the opening of membership talks with the e.u. but there is lingering skepticism among some serbs that brussels won't shift the goalposts again. and the fear over phone tapping continues in britain engulfing the highest levels of power in the country shortening on prime minister david cameron becoming a casualty himself of the crisis due to his links and friendships with the murdoch media executives who been arrested. more about the phone hacking scandal up next in our debate show cross top post his guess about the affairs impact on both sides of the atlantic and the implications for the murdoch media empire stay with us. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice things to face when the news makers. can.
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follow and welcome the cross talk i'm here all about taming the murdoch empire as the phone hacking scandal in the u.k. engulfs more victims and politicians look for cover all eyes are on the future of news corp and its assets in the u.s. and beyond has the murdoch family finally outfoxed itself. and you can. see. the cross not the implications of the phone hacking scandal i'm joined by kevin zeese in baltimore he's a spokesperson and lawyer for the government accountability group protect our elections and author of an open letter to the f.b.i. and s.c.c. urging them to investigate murdoch's news corporation in the us in washington we have dave south danae he is communications director for free press and in london we cross a toby young he's a journalist and author of how to lose friends and alienate the.
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