tv [untitled] July 21, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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because the freedoms. are going to washington d.c. here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture new polls show what americans really think about the online on going debt limit negotiations on capitol hill so will republicans listen to the people or will they press on with their radical economy trash an agenda rock gave has officially crossed the international time zones into the u.s. news corp has admitted to hacking an american company and fox news be the next to correct.
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you need to know this the american people have spoken and it's time republicans and democrats listen according to a new a.b.c. washington post poll sixty two percent of americans want to see a balanced approach to raising the debt limit that includes both spending cuts and revenue increases and when it comes to what sort of revenue raises the american people want to see republicans heads are about to explode a whopping seventy two percent of americans support raising taxes on people who make more than a quarter million dollars a year only twenty seven percent oppose not only that large majorities of americans also support raising the social security tax cap closing the hedge fund manager tax loophole and cutting off taxpayer subsidies for big oil corporations curiously none of these reforms are part of the gang of six deal. now all the rage on capitol hill
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but a new gallup poll renders what's going on atop capitol hill today completely meaningless according to gallup most of us frankly don't give a damn about that that when asked what the most important problems facing this country today are up to the reality of americans thirty one percent said the economy in general coming in second it's the job stupid twenty seven percent of americans want lawmakers to be focused on unemployment and jobs far fewer only sixteen percent of americans think our debt is a big problem so why isn't congress doing what americans want them to do and that's just raise the debt ceiling already and get back to work creating jobs and when it comes to creating jobs and we once and for all agree that the real job creators are not the millionaires and billionaires who are sitting on really an dollars in corporate cash and not creating a single job but instead the real job creators are working americans who spend money and create demand here to answer that question is joshua holland editor and senior writer at alter net and author of the book the fifteen biggest lies about
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the economy and everything else the right doesn't want you to know about taxes jobs and corporate america joshua welcome. hey john thanks for having me great to have you back with us with the gang of six plan create jobs in america and can you give just a give us just a general overview of what the details are of this so-called plan. well the gang of six plan this is a reiteration of simpson bowles it's a grand bargain that went intel deep cuts and then today there is news of the new deal that would also tell future potential revenue raising so what we're seeing is that you know they're going around in circles kind of pushing the these deals out there is a lot of leaks but the real substance here is that you have house g.o.p. or it's who are really you know they've drawn a hard line in the sand and they're not going to support
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a debt limit rise that has any tax revenue increases whatsoever that's what they have been saying and i don't know if speaker boehner can actually make a deal. you know speaking for his own caucus at this point. it almost seems like it's the irresistible force in the world in movable object taxes taxes for the rich have never been lower in fifty years regulations have never been as scarce and corporations are sitting on two trillion dollars worth of cash isn't this an ideal job creation climate for republicans and why aren't they creating jobs who are the real job creators well i think that you really touched on this in your introduction corporate america is sitting on trillions of dollars of cash but they don't have it's customers so you know we have an economy based on consumer spending and demand is down and what the research shows is that if you give people who are very wealthy more after tax income they bank it if you give it to people who are working people
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they spend it and that stimulates the economy so when it comes down to it this whole myth the wealthy job creators that gets it exactly wrong the real job creators are you and i when we go out and spend money and when we don't have money in our wallets to spend we see the kind of lingering jobless recovery. what we're seeing right now you have an article on alter net entitled why the wealthiest americans are the real job killers when you refine the. well look so we know that the wealthy spend a smaller share of their income. and then the rest of us and if you look back in one thousand nine hundred seventy eight seventy nine the top one percent turkey and nine percent of the nation's income in two thousand and seven before the crash that was down that was up to twenty three and a half percent of the nation's income and if you take the top slice of the economic pile off what you see is that the basically you had stagnating wages for thirty
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years before the crash it and when the crash we were there for much less prepared to weather the storm we had put away a rainy day fund and when we lost fourteen trillion dollars in wealth in housing wealth in stock wealth retirement wealth that depressed spending so we have a very very slack demand in the economy and companies won't hire if they don't have demand for their goods and services today grover norquist suggested that any tax cuts doesn't necessarily mean raising taxes in the us doesn't violate the pledge most republicans signed and then right after that news came out he was speaker boehner and president deals that they were close to a deal and then norquist comes out and says no no i didn't mean it all of a sudden boehner says no deal so is grover norquist the man behind the curtain for the republicans. well he certainly has an enormous amount of influence we saw a couple of months back
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a little bit of pushback from senate republicans against norquist no tax rate ever under any circumstances pledge you know with this full wealthy being the job creators me and i think we have to understand that that's not an economic argument it's a political argument designed to get us to the. the polling data that you presented in your opening you know they can't just say that they have posed tax increases for the wealthiest americans than he did in closing loopholes on corporate jets and as the obama administration let's talk about they have to say that this will come with dire unanticipated consequences and that's what this this narrative this talking point is really about after world war two our debt was as i recall it one hundred twenty six percent of g.d.p. it was substantially higher than it is today relative g.d.p. and yet we spend our way out of that i mean right eisenhower in large part the national highway system hospitals schools you know just went on
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a building binge and it created jobs which created a tax base what's different about today that we're not doing. but what we're doing is we're actually inaction contractionary policies in the middle of a very severe economic downturn i mean getting back to this fundamental issue of people not having enough money in their pockets to spend all of this discussion that we're having right now about deficit reduction as only one primary effect and that is to take dollars out of people's pockets as i've pointed out in the piece right now because of the depths of the economic crisis about twenty percent of the of the dollars in in americans while this last year came from one government program or another and you know we're talking about removing that money from consumers right when they need to be spending it most very well so joshua thanks so much for being with us tonight. thanks for having me john. so if this
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gang of six deal is really just a lump of coal for the middle class and why is it the president obama's throwing his weight in fact just today news is breaking that the president speaker of the house john boehner might be reaching a similar deal with screws working americans cripples our economy and his millionaires and billionaires another massive tax cut now that is crystal clear the republicans what they're up to and that's crashing the economy by the way before the twenty watches to make president obama look bad but i guess the president going along with this farias some may call reason is here to weigh in on the issue cliff schecter national progress p.r. strategist president of liberty l.l.c. as well as the author of the book the real mccain with welcome thanks so much tom good to be here great to thank you great to have you with us we're less than two weeks from default here publicans have basically sabotaged this process every step of the way and something like this ever happened to this degree in american history certainly not that i'm aware of a bit of civil war there was that it's
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a good point but not on something so unbelievably silly is this i mean it's not that we weren't didn't have needs or issues in the past i mean obviously slavery was something that this country had not come to grips with over you know its founding and beyond but when you look at the situation right now it's but you know as you know this is the raising the debt ceiling wasn't even an issue until woodrow wilson's time this is something that that really is a mirage and it should happen it should happen automatically and in the end it has in the past and yet the republicans now the tea party guys on the right want to play politics with the whole thing and they and to them you know they've got this obsessed version of the government to spend any money on anything which of that occurred i guess you and i could have driven on those nice roads over here we'd have nothing and then of course sadly president obama seems like the more business oriented republicans that want to have a debt ceiling a clean debt ceiling vote like mitch mcconnell to the president is and. has his heart set right now including social security so i mean i don't i'm not even sure
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where to live here you know it reminds me of the. truman quote that when american voters are presented with a choice between a democrat who behaves like a republican or a real republican will choose their overbuilding every time every time they consider you an article out alternate today titled something like republicans are republicans committing treason along those lines yeah so i mean yes all dare call trees that was all it was this working out transformers iconic one thousand i do my best to be rip off other people from i mean that's actually an easy point yet if you've ever read it. are they committing treason i think in certain ways they are i mean look at the point i was making wasn't and i said that it is not not everybody you're a republican so you're committing treason every republican is treasonous but i said many of the actions recently the republicans first and foremost used to be patriots to which they clearly were put in quotes of the country came first well they obama
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came into office that made it pretty clear that undermining obama they wanted to give him his waterloo mitch mcconnell's top priority was the give him that was more important he is the president of our country that is hurting our country in numerous ways that i lot about the article i mean we watch as they refuse to do any infrastructure spending in washer infrastructure fall apart we know building new infrastructure will will create jobs there won't do this and we watch is basically as i said the article they pave the way for chinese exceptionalism we watch trying to build these bridges that break the record you had a whole segment on the american way and how we've moved against it so i mean i think some of it's a building of the bay bridge and services are just too i mean we used to protect manufacturing is going to realize how important it was to build things not to just give create things that you know you could ask do you want apple pie with that and you had a great segment on that on the american way but you know what do you know it's the militia mentality that's pushed forth by the n.r.a. that calls your government officials jap and makes the government the enemy obama's the enemy the government's the enemy you know. numerous fines and i think that is
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damaging the country yes i do think that the extremes of this behavior you know the question that it never gets asked is if the government is the enemy who's the front . it's a great question who is the friend of those guys well you know it's seems there are very what they're saying basically is ok if you don't want the government to provide your health insurance then you're going to have to go to a big corporation and are they they're our friends and their friends seem to be some some idol they all have in their bedrooms maybe a post above their bed of an ran that they also dealership i mean i don't know who i don't know who their friend is but that they don't look at you know we did big things in this country you broke the federal highway act you know i mean. that was i saw the report is it crazy isn't it i mean you know the hoover dam i mean we built things we sent people to space which now we can't do anymore we realized that you sometimes there's this thing called economic development government invests and when you government invest it creates jobs we did this obviously f.d.r. did this and you know it goes on and on i also made sure to talk about in the article that you know this because this really bothers me i'm an american i'm proud
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of being an american i love my country why would you sit there and cut the very far the very funds that would provide you country people to be educated would be to have health care if you like seeing word world health organization rankings that have said thirty seven if you like having education rankings that put us like two spots out of cuba i mean at what point can you sit there and say i'm a petri to this country and yet we're ranking near the bottom of all these indicators and i would think that that's painful to me it's not painful for those who claim to care about this country one would have so far in congress the republicans have not passed a single jobs bill they repealed but not replace the affordable care act obamacare defunded n.p.r. the defunding planned parenthood or as the great evil as we all know you want to do something they've defunded public financing of elections. why is more criticism being leveled at them for this or is it is it just the show i don't i think it's the it's the you know the polarization out there in the partisan nature of the. it's people like yourself and myself and many others who criticize them but you
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know years ago it took morgan chase smith at one point to stand up and criticize mccarthy you know it took it to the republicans of good conscience in the past that stood up to their own party and said this is insane as there were democrats who disappeared segregationist democrats now it seems like everything is sort of split along as if this polarization i mean as i also bring up in the article you know how can we sit here and listen to someone like pat robertson call for asylum like destruction of this country which he did you could have gay marriage passing new york and that's not treason i don't know what is how can rick perry call for secession and be taken seriously as a presidential candidate i mean it's off to all of us and we need republicans on there too to stand up and condemn this behavior and say that this is the this is not the america they grew up in i hope so the america i want my children my children to grow up in i mean we may have differences but we get to the point where secession destruction i mean you're pushing for economic destruction and saying we shouldn't raise the debt ceiling just i mean how you know how is it good for the country you live it well so thank you very much for joining us tonight is there
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live in debate is a defining moment for the united states either we take the same road to ruin paid by reagan reaganomics that america has been suffering on for the last thirty years or we try something else something is worked like for example new deal that created by a great middle class and turned our nation into an economic superpower that's the choice and president obama promised change so he starts acting like a republican and delivers us problems. are rupert murdoch's news corp hacking tactics connected to the two thousand and nine. scientists e-mails. and website with twenty four seventh's live streaming. about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited three high quality videos are down. and stories you may never find on. you know i'm. a
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the secure web site of an american marketing rival eleven different occasions news corp subsidiary news american marketing broke into the website belonging to four graphics incorporated and stole their client lists the case was later dismissed after news corp agreed to and over twenty nine point five million as part of a settlement deal so now that we know happening was rampant at news corp in the u.k. and it also took place here in the united states is it really that far fetched to believe fox news was up the same shenanigans. i think it's not and now some people are beginning to connect the dots between news corp news and another hack job the climategate scandal of two thousand and nine if you remember just before the un's copenhagen climate summit in december of two thousand and nine the secured servers belonging to the climate research unit at the university of east anglia in the u.k. were hacked into and thousands of emails between climate scientists were stolen we
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now know that around the same time british police were investigating this hack job they were also getting paid off by news corp to cover up other hacking crimes by rupert murdoch's news of the world we also know that rupert murdoch's fox news went crazy with the stolen emails and devoted months and months of coverage to hype them up as evidence that global warming is a hoax even though none of the stolen emails actually pointed to that conclusion and in fact they confirmed that global warming is real and has made many men me so this is just a coincidence was fox news news corp behind the climate gate at scandal two and if so what should be the consequences here to offer his take on this is david sullivan conservative commentator pro-business ed good david welcome. thanks for having me tom it's a pleasure if murdoch gate and climate gate are partners in crime then isn't it time that we break up the media monopolies and admit that they have too much. well that's a tremendous if tom and i would also like to say to your viewing audience first of
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all i disagree that when you say those e-mails disprove the position that fox was reporting to me it doesn't matter where the news comes as long as it's true and i think they pulled back the curtain and really disclosed a lot of this bad science that's being bandied about and the pundits of the global warming and such they're really been bilking the american taxpayer and if they can't defend it on the merits they can't defend it on the facts apparently build take this broad brush and try to say it's the fruit of the poisonous tree try to schmear fox it's just not right david is as an american who probably watches fox news i'm guessing that you missed that when the news of the world first. exposed these hacked e-mails and heavily edited them and ran a whole bunch of pieces are actually the times of london fact that was doing it
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then later they published an apology actually two of them the scientists were actually vindicated and the murdoch owned london times of london ran apologies for what they said said in fact you know none of what we said was true there was no evidence that these guys were covering up or anything or bilking anybody but fox never ran that story they ran to the best of my knowledge they ran the story of oh there's something there but then when there was not to be nothing there and in fact the original source in the u.k. even murdoch own published an apology the fox news i'm guessing is a proxy of your and you probably don't know that isn't that a journalistic crime compound in an actual crime. you know i don't know if there's such thing in this case as a journalist that crime i try to watch a lot of different forums i find fox is pretty fair and balanced i know that will certainly get the ire of a lot of your audience but to say they issued an apology i think that's that's only
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a half truth sort of like being asked to not issue the apology on their it's the times of london did it it was explicit in the right on two different occasions. that i understand i don't think that it really discredits the position that fox took and i think there is a lot of false loads in the arguments in the global warming and it has been a very lucrative business the american taxpayer by the way is subsidizing a lot of that business and it's not right in the name we want to corporation that's making a profit off. warm. no i can because that's what he's going to do is the corporations that are making that are making a profit creating global warming like all the oil companies are with coal companies all the natural gas companies all i mean is there's a long long list and they're funding a lot of the climate denials but isn't fox so-called news in some ways responsible
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for all of fires droughts one hundred sixty degree weather in washington d.c. today because we should have been listening to all those scientists instead of the facts of oh no categorically. to say fox so called news is just a cheap stunt it makes me have to say to you it's not a new there's this latest doc into it's not news what's really behave it is live news it's an opinion they should call it a pig i have no problem you know m.s.m. he doesn't have news in their name. fox says it's it but anyway if i so-called use how about why don't we just close them down and use all their profits to help anyone hurt by the there are stories that are likely from these climate well i mean you're dying right now because there's property distributed to your bolshevik buddies that's out of the question we're not going to do it i don't sort of go out in the series who are being injured by global warming you've got people dying i who know the baby well let's begin with the famine in sudan you've got a half
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a million people who are at risk for starvation tens of thousands of already died you've got to happen country that's moving into northern kenya there this is an absolute disaster and i'm sorry you're blaming the oil companies for yes what do we have land box news for prominent for it we are the only country in the developed world david that has any debate about whether there's a debate about global climate change all the other countries or. three months really acting responsibly you may have some european countries melting off but there are much more there are tremendous offenders and you have certainly china is not particularly good what the environment is there is the fastest growing solar systems in the. world or in china china is moving toward toward increased energy efficiency far more rapidly and radically than the united are you trying to tell me that if i go downtown beijing i am going to be taken up with the beautiful environment the clean air and everything else that flows from it or maybe the water
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is clean is that what you're saying i'm saying if you go to china you will be astounded by the fact that in three years they built from scratch a high speed rail system that is the equivalent of from chicago to new york and right now it's running at over two hundred miles an hour yeah and it's highly efficient and transports people without producing a fraction of the carbon here they're they're moving ahead they're the largest producer of solar panels in the world denmark is producing windmills and a lot of countries are doing a lot of good stuff shouldn't we. we already are i would say were heads and tails above any of the countries that you have mentioned heads and tails thumb and you know it's very easy to bad mouth this country and hold up these other paradigms unfortunately the facts don't support the position ok well we'll leave it at that i guess you know it's a battle of your facts vs my facts and. or maybe opinions david thank you. thank you thank you for having me sure there is still
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a lot of questions left unanswered in the murdoch hacking scandal but with the f.b.i. finally on the case let's hope we get some answers and find out once and for all of fox news or other affiliates of mr murdoch are committing crimes beyond the obvious one of which are in the news. and. it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question if news corp's aqim is responsible for climate gate is it time for media conglomerates to be broken up your chances are your choices are yes big media have become drunk with power or no whatever you have to do to get a story is just log on to our dot com let us know what you think the polls be open until tomorrow morning. crazy alert the savior of journalism so with american investigative journalism
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dying out in fox news infotainment surging what hope is there for our fourth estate in america well the answer sarah paling it's times like this i wish we had a laugh track and show it a recent interview paling weighed in on the state of our news media and offered up her expertise. and i've said this for a couple years now i want to help. i have a journalism degree that is what i study i understand that this cornerstone of our democracy is a free press this is. now journalism i want to help them build back their reputation and allow americans to be able to trust what it is that they are reporting on clear of a reality t.v. show in which pale and smashes fish heads in alaska is her unique brand of journalism but i'll give her the benefit of the doubt after all she must know or stuff since she told jay katie couric a few years back that she reads every single newspaper on the planet please love
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newspapers and magazines regularly before you worked for this piece they are out there knows them again with a great appreciation for the press or the media the mistake they have carrie is. all about any of them have ever been in front of me over all these years i know. the fate of thousands of needy and abused for the children lie in rick scott's hands details on why he refuses to provide assistance after her. website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial crisis unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. from the get go so to me the political. posts in more on our t.'s are crossed.
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