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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2011 11:01pm-11:30pm EDT

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and much of the continuing buzz is about his younger feisty wife it's the slow speed of the war it's no longer when did the so-called gold digger voters some of the. crowd cheering when he didn't target. that's right the oh so easily distracted mainstream media immediately flip their gaze to talking about and creating buzz over crouching wendy hidden tiger as they have now decided to call her and in this case we're pointing a specific finger at c.n.n. to fox news is obviously ignoring the whole story but c.n.n. has got a full force not only are they monitoring chinese blogs they even look to the taiwanese animation makers to create an entire package about tigris when the. the ultimate asian tiger want to take it and. chinese market blogs are going to build no one slept for windy one knockout blow for the pride of asian women nothing comes between the slap down.
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you're kidding me right c.n.n. did you do this story just to you know have to talk about the sad state of journalism these days something which includes yourselves but then again why wouldn't you take a chance to rip on murdoch and fox and all the other organizations that put under that news corp umbrella there is so much meat to this story and yet you choose to spend your time coming up with pet names for rupert murdoch's wife i mean it's it's honestly unbelievable how about me turn your gaze to what's been going on in california now we reported to you about the massive prison hunger strike that's been going on and today in its fourth week if i really came to an end more than six thousand prisoners were taking part statewide more than four hundred mates had been refusing food for four weeks and prison official said that they were monitoring forty nine inmates who had lost ten pounds each some of them could no longer even keep water down and they were doing this to shine light on solitary confinement which many amount to torture and which is rampant in our prisons they were doing
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this to highlight the inhumane conditions in prisons in this country and some said that they were even willing to die for it. but today thankfully before anyone's health deteriorated to the point of no return the prison hunger strike did come to an end but i wouldn't call this a win rather than see an end to solitary confinement they ended their strike in exchange for cold weather caps wall calendars and some educational opportunities that is all that the department of corrections and rehabilitation was willing to give that and yet the inhumane treatment of many prisoners continues on and yet that is something of the mainstream media is happy to miss. well after a few days of rumors swirling a last night it became official of the young turks who had been hosting the six pm time slot m s n.b.c. was out after talk it was jake's poor ratings that may have been behind the move toward the argument to shreds last night he revealed not only that his ratings were
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more than good but the m s n b c president phil griffin had called him into a meeting and said the quote people in washington didn't like his tell and then he said this. and then he gives me the second part of the speech hey listen genk outsiders are cool and they were i think you might have said something like they were leather jackets they want ride bikes i think i'm an outsider i don't ride bikes but i would terrible leather jacket anything. he said i love to be an outsider outsiders are cool but we're not we're insiders we are this stuff. so there you have it the mainstream corporate establishment media admitting they are in fact not government watchdogs but are the establishment but how long can the mainstream media really survive with that kind of attitude and is new media like the young turks the way of the future or earlier i caught up with an experiment host of the young turks university and an i often talk about the mainstream media
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its failure to question the government but i first asked her how she felt now that m.s.m. b c actually referred to itself as the establishment. i think that it's discouraging and referring to yourself as the establishment i think really puts your own outlet in jeopardy because people who watch the news people who want the news are not looking for the establishment they're looking for factual evidence they're looking for something that they need to know to be informed in order to participate in what the united states is known for a democracy you know i think that giving people false information or misleading information or not giving them the full story is horrible because in order for a democracy to work the public needs to be informed and i think that people will kind of look at the situation that's happening now you know with m s n b c with fox news and i think that it's going to really make them question the sources that they
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get the news from and it's not a good thing to refer to yourself as the establishment i think that it's something that you should probably look at and try to fix now it's definitely not a good thing and stepping out something we want to be called out on either which jane did i know that you don't want to speak on his behalf obviously we're going to try to speak to him later on in the week but how do you think he's been handling the whole thing you know what has he told you in terms of his emotions towards m s n b c n l. you know jake is a very open minded person and he one thing that i want to clarify is he's definitely not disgruntled. or angry or you know he's very factual about what's happened i mean from his perspective he's not you know going out he's not putting anyone down he's definitely not you know. talking about the hosts at m s n b c i think that he's handled the situation very well and i would definitely tell people to ignore the sensationalism regarding the story i see
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a lot of sensationalism that is really their focus on the heart of the matter the meat of the story i think that there's an important lesson to learn from it why different thing there's an important lesson to be learned and part of that is that even though the bank may not be on m s n b c anymore you still have the young turks and that's become an incredibly popular show online so clearly there is an audience there tell us how many hits to get a day now as a million hits a day. you know this is the most fascinating aspect of the story in my opinion because the young turks is hosted by and he is very tough on politicians he's very tough on some of the guests that we have on the show and the media would probably guess that since he's so hard on guess we have a hard time booking people or we have a hard time keeping an audience but that's not the case at all we have a million hits a day on you tube alone ok that's not a made up number that it's very easy to go to our you tube channel youtube dot com
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slash the young turks look at the number of hits on each video look at the number of hits we have we have over. five hundred million total hits on our channel alone half a billion i mean it's incredible so i think that it shows you that non mainstream media can be very successful because people are starting to realize that they have other sources for their news they don't have to depend on mainstream media and i think the public is starting to hold the mainstream media accountable we have something called the internet now where you can go on there you can check. the sources you can check the facts you can you know get the full story and because of that the public is able to hold the media accountable and we have audience members that hold us accountable on a daily basis if we don't report the full story they call us out of it and what do we do we go on the show the next day and we say ok you know we missed this aspect of the story we're going to share with you now we have politicians on the show that
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disagree with all the time and what is due he has a healthy debate with them ok but he doesn't allow them to come on there and share their talking points and say whatever they want and then you know leave why would we do that why would we be used as a tool for politicians talking points that doesn't make any sense the audience sees that and they love it so how do you see this playing out in terms of obviously the success of young turks alternative media new media i guess you could say do you think that there could be another network created that the young turks are something that could be put on t.v. and go out to a broader audience or is t.v. dead do not even need it anymore because you have the internet. i think t.v. whether people want to believe it or not is headed in the same direction that print media is already experiencing now and it's because new generations are not interested in coming home at a specific period of time to watch the news you know they don't base their schedules around programming on television you have the internet now where
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everything is on demand and with the internet there's a lot less century censorship so you get this very raw news coverage and even raw programming on other topics without having to worry about scheduling without having to worry about whether or not it's going to be on demand i think that you know the internet is taking over so many different industries and the news industry is just one of them and i think that's why the young turks has been successful and i think that's why you see all of these alternative media outlets popping up all over the all over the place online. i mean to be honest with you could just to give you one example tosh point zero is a wildly successful television show but why is it wildly successful because of content that he finds online online content is not something that can be compared to television but do you still think because so ok tosh point it was a wildly successful television show do you still think that television is that ultimate goal to reach or is the internet really the wave of the future where you
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can stay and be happy there. right now i think that most people think that television is the ultimate goal but that mindset is slowly changing and i think that it's slowly changes with each generation so for the moment being people might think ok television is where it's at if you're on t.v. you're the real deal and we should take you seriously but i think that mindset is slowly but surely changing our animal thank you so much for joining us and of course this is a story that i think everybody who follows the media who has constantly been you know discouraged by the mainstream media at least find a little hope in this that jake told them to go screw themselves thanks so much. thank you. for coming out tonight the debate over raising the debt ceiling has left most people in the us a matter of washington eighty percent of people in fact so how much more can americans really take for it as jane hamsher the founder of firedoglake dot com
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that. really believe there's something. that you have heard. my. it was washington continues to battle over the debt ceiling and word by now is that president obama might even accept a short term extension as a way on capitol hill bothered to ask what the american people think about their
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grandstanding and all this reckless behavior i can tell you that a new a.b.c. washington post poll has that answer turns out that eighty percent of poll respondents say that they feel dissatisfied or even angry about the work that the government is doing eighty percent and that's the highest level that we've seen in anger in nineteen years and you can bet that it has to do with the debt ceiling to that number has gone up eleven points just in the past month and the picture is especially bad for republicans with the poll showing that seventy seven percent of respondents think the republican leadership is unwilling to negotiate and is slowing down those talks but is it fair to put all the anger only republicans as a fair to say this is only about the debt ceiling maybe americans should be more angry at the president for selling them out when it comes to social security medicaid and medicare joins me to discuss this is jane hamsher founder of firedoglake dot com jane thanks so much nice to have you back on the show tonight thanks for having me now eighty percent of americans according to this poll are
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dissatisfied and angry with the government that's a really large percentage what do you think of that's a well deserved well deserved anger. well if you look at the unemployment numbers i mean the jobless claims are up again today i think that what you're seeing is is anger at the government for underlying factors that just really haven't been satisfactorily addressed and then on the news what people are seeing is this game over the debt ceiling limit a completely routine vote that's been taken seven times under george bush with absolutely no problem and i think that there is is a justifiable frustration so i but i think that there are other factors that are there and depending on just in this particular debate when we talk about other factors to here that americans are getting angry about we'll get into the president in just a moment but even with republicans and what happened in jobs right are americans just being completely ignored they're being taken out of the picture here well that's the crazy thing is that they're all focused on this deficit this really sort of artificial accounting function and nobody's talking about jobs i mean there's
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a real serious unemployment problem and that seems to have taken a backseat can see an ism you know spending to put people in to work f.d.r. the thing that you know we as americans have really embraced sense that since the great depression it seems to have been thrown out the window and we're developing a melody ourselves to this a sturdy program that quite frankly threatens to put more people out of work you know you've got senators like mark warner democrats who are sending our e-mails around saying that you know cutting the deficit is the way to put more americans to work been who believes that but that's what the debate national debate is focused on right now all the bait is focused on austerity and of course on the other hand the debate has now circled around not raising taxes by any being any means it's a no go and so much of this centers around grover norquist and i'm just a little confused i don't know maybe if you can explain it to me why grover norquist is treated like a messiah that everything he says is the decree the law of the land or are
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republicans just using him to hide behind. that's a really good question you know i don't know quite how to answer that except to say that john walker who writes for our blogs a very good post about how not raising taxes really is the republican brand right now it's the only appeal that they have to non social conservatives. think the republican ranks are very small if you go to if you sort of boil it down to the people who hate gays and abortion so sort of the there are no new taxes has a real direct appeal to people who might not be socially conservative but you know very carefully much about what their tax rate is so that is the republican brand and grover have figured out a way to kind of codify that in a very. i would say formal way he has these members of congress sign a pledge he has two people present when they sign it it gets captured in like a fireproof vault and he's taken people out who didn't respect it you know the tom
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de lay and the republicans when george bush won style they really took over the party and been forced party discipline along those lines so grover became the sort of oracle of delphi but grover today came out and said letting the bush tax cuts expire he would not consider a tax increase so you know he's capable of throwing a curve ball and it flopped on that issue to let's not forget that he said that he was misquoted he walked it back but he walked back to the thing the other day to where he endorsed the mcconnell the and i think that's sort of the way the white house did it you know today as well it's called the yo yo you know you get it out there but then you deny it so if anybody tries to call you on it it's it's it's a pretty familiar tactic he's not that i'm cautious he doesn't speak not carefully so he he definitely had a purpose and putting it out there i just don't know what it is we're talking about the republican brand right now being not cutting taxes what about being democratic brand right isn't part of that brand title my program social security medicare
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medicaid keeping that safe for the american people i think you have our own press. that's now saying that he's willing to throw that all into the deal and in fact that's what he wants to do is turn his back on all the people that elected him well that's the crazy thing is that he's not truly going to the deal because mcconnell operating in a clean debt ceiling vote with no cuts necessary it was obama who wanted to put the cuts in he's very much wanted to address in title nine cuts as he calls them ever since he took office from his very first fiscal spine anshul summit where he was going to have pete peterson be the keynote speaker and he really does believe that this is important so it is i think it is people realizing it realize that what's happening it's bringing about a crisis in the democratic party because you've got a democratic president who wants to cut the social safety net you know social security and medicare who does not believe in deficit spending in economics to put people to work in stimulus and you know to the extent that he did it was largely tax cuts you know it was
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a very small program and it wasn't sufficient to bring down an employer paid let's face it let's say that that has something to do with the anger right let's go back to this eighty percent of americans are angry and you think that you know if you got a poll anywhere else that means people would be on the streets they'd be rioting and we don't see any of that how come there are no repercussions and i know that on your website you've been collecting signatures but still you know it one web site is that enough. well you know i think that it's still a matter of people don't quite believe it you know you have sort of varying degree of people who pay attention to what's going on and most people don't really believe that this is going to happen because every time you know it's it becomes our abundantly clear this is what obama wants to do to people who are watching closely then they you know jay carney comes out and says oh no that's not what he wants and people believe it at some point people are going to come to terms with that this is the fact of what he wants to do now they may decide that because obama wants to do it it's good for the democratic party and it's good for them i don't know i have a feeling that's not going to be what happens because it's people even today you
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saw when the trial balloon went out saying obama agreed to all tax cuts and no tax increases. it was clear that that was coming i mean the republicans are going to agree to anything else that obama wants to do but people were really angry about it so i think you're seeing a you know growing consciousness and i think that there will be a backlash whether they'll go out in the streets or not i don't know all i'd like to see i would like to see more of that growing consciousness and the backlash and personally i think that we can blame some of our media for that too i saw you on the edge show the other night where we have these liberal suppose of left leaning talking heads that only want to point fingers at the republicans and that aren't willing to point the finger back at their own party at their own leadership and i guess that's maybe part of the whole establishment media thing that we've seen going on especially with all this talk of. departing from m s n b c j i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight thanks for having me. all right. speaking of banks bankers people who don't seem to be stressing out about the whole
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debt ceiling debacle might be because their pockets and their social lives are thriving in these tough financial times so it's been reported that a high end prostitution ring and brooklyn new york has been busted after police have been attempting to shut down that business for the past two years and i say hi and i'm not exaggerating here some of the clientele paid up to thirty six hundred dollars an hour and police are now giving details that a few people even shelled out ten thousand dollars for a whole night's worth of entertainment and who are these people exactly customers real close to mystery from the financial markets many age group. had fun people people with nothing but money the company a look now the indictment also says how many of these very select high end escorts also brought drugs like cocaine for their scheduled meet ups with their clients right that's the life of a fat cat banker work hard during the day to protect the precious stock market go out and party at night with strippers and coke you know it must be nice to live in a bubble where you can just buy the finest drugs the most beautiful women all while
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the rest of america suffers what's even more nice and when you have the ability to buy yourself out of trouble with the fancy lawyer as i'm sure most of the wall street clientele will do if they ever get caught and this is a perfect example of what we've been saying for a long time on this show the disconnect between wall street and the rest of the country all the bankers throw down thousands of dollars to choose who their lady will be for the evening regular americans are struggling to stay afloat millions of that are losing their homes it's a disgusting yet very worthwhile reminder of wall street's priorities so now let's take a look at life on the other side. newark new jersey is just miles away from the big apple but these days it feels like a completely different world with twenty five percent of the city's population living in poverty violence is also now on the rise and with layoffs impeding efforts of law enforcement to stop crime many feel simply hopeless as they see a chicken that takes us takes us to the streets of real america.
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homes abandoned and haunted by poverty crime and uncertainty about tomorrow business is long out of luck on desolate streets all in the big apple's backyard just a quick ride from manhattan i feel like we're living in a. kind of a bad dream where everybody has amnesia i mean here is new york living in the shadow of wall street the reason newark is facing budget cuts is because of a crash that was created manufactured distributed by wall street new jersey's largest city is seeing unemployment at around ten percent nearly one in four families are living below the poverty line. him from why is a school bus driver a twenty eight he has little hope for the future that's really nobody. in the audience they say. maybe you could try back to go back to
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the same store new work is notoriously crime ridden despite this hard truth thirteen percent of the police force have been laid off due to a budget crisis high ranking officials in the police department resisted pay cuts so jobs went out the window they voted for layoffs and so they kept their salaries but a lot of new york had to shrink its police force murders went up by more than fifty percent compared to the same period last year as a result with locals protecting themselves the best way they know how like harry and ron are. now room shooting stabbings brought berries and carjackings are a big part of life in newark this is the right. way. to have a quiet. throughout the city drug gang rivalry is a major cause of violence moguls tell us that this is one of many areas in new york where people come to buy and sell drugs crime. has become such
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a big part of daily life here that much of the unlawfulness goes unnoticed and under reported on the day our t. was in the city several shootings took place one person died over a dozen were wounded some see the situation is so out of control that the few police officers still on payroll just stop trying to say. so just by ian says priorities have to change in newark she wants to leave the town and move away from all the drama if somebody like make good. decisions. with. the people they need to. take off the streets the spirit to do that and the increase in crime isn't the only result of service cuts eduard her non days works in a pantry that has run out of funding it can't provide food to those in need anymore for years that in about two years we should be out of this recession and then the
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third year we continue saying in about two more years we should be out of this recession it doesn't i least at this level it doesn't seem like it's changing it is getting worse as shelters experience hits to their budgets homelessness is visible in the city but those that caused the financial have moved on people are forgetting that the financial crisis actually caused the. cutbacks that we're facing in a place like new york having to suffer more is really a crime that's the crime. decades ago you work was booming but this is no longer and not likely to change without a shift in political will. that the pilots is known don't really what they're supposed to do with governor christie for more example he doesn't really say one thing but he does the opposite this is madison avenue in new york. and this is madison avenue. newark across the river from the big apple the city is barely
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staying afloat and. newark new jersey. well still to come tonight we have our thursday edition of show and tell and then another example of your tax dollars being wasted on bloated defense projects tonight we turn the spotlight on the littoral combat ship program and ask are the billions being spent on these ships really worth it.
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seven thirty am in moscow these are your r.v. headlights a second bailout for greece worth one hundred nine billion euros is hammered out by leaders desperate to save the currency with a bigger emergency fund and private lender contributions for the first time ever. despite economic woes other nations including serbia hope to join the group with the arrest of its prime suspect. paving the way for a session skepticism remains among some serbs though think that brussels may seek further concessions from the. odds shorten against british prime minister david
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cameron becoming the next head to roll over the murdoch media phone tapping scandal . headlines coming up part two of the alona show stay with us. it's time for show and tell on tonight's program now last time we told you the wired magazine to finally release the alleged old chat logs between bradley manning and adrian lamo but now the details of those conversations are out in the open and you're wondering if wired should have released the child logs a lot earlier so let's get a producer patrice in a sentence to find out what you have to say. adrian lamo hands kevin posting
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a huge story the alleged logs between him and bradley manning and wired magazine well they chose the only published excerpts until recently so by the time they released the full logs more than a year had passed now it turns out limo told manning that talking to him was like talking to a journalist to worse yet told him it was like talking to a so he promised he would be treated either as a confession or an interview neither to be published so for the past year all of us reporting and following the story had no idea what wyatt was concealing by the way it looks like now either kevin posts in the next attack or himself genuinely believe that pieces of this chat were personal or a matter of government security as he did claim or he was just trying to protect his longtime associate and source adrian lim out well when we as you for your comments no one seemed very.


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