tv [untitled] July 22, 2011 2:01am-2:31am EDT
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the is quoted as saying german egoism is criminal germany quote like solidarity with the euro very much a political project driven by e.u. leaders the size of the euro two powerhouses germany and france in conflict is unlikely to calm investors who fear for the future of the single currency. well a sweeping measures negotiated by the e.u. made it clear the block is committed to saving the euro at any cost but economic journalist patrick young says it's only a temporary cure patching the inherent flaws of eurozone finances. ultimately a load more money has been thrown at the greek economy in the hope that that can stop the contagion but really a lot of it just looks like hype and i'm very very concerned that we haven't actually find a cure we've just got another sticking plaster what really the european union are trying to do here is they're trying to staunch the blood that's flowing the money that's flowing out of the greek economy that can has been kicked down the road the
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danger of contagion still leaking to other countries such as ireland portugal even italy and spain are there and therefore we don't have a cure what we've seen so far unfortunately looks like hollow words unholy words do not inspire confidence in markets and that has got to be some degree of a problem for the euro in the longer term. and as the world watches and whether a second bailout will finally turn easy can only fortunes around china maybe using it as an opportunity to boost its image in europe that's according to professor joseph chain from the city university of hong kong. is quite concerned with the impact of the debt crisis on the health of the european economy and in turn on that of the world you can me people in this asia or indian found most rational you can miss understand that you need an overhaul you need tough measures and this requires political will and
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a willingness to sacrifice on the part of all parties concerned certainly germany and france are under a lot of pressure whether the french and germans are willing to foot the bill of the european union countries in economic difficulties is a serious matter of concern to weaknesses of the your role and to some extent the weaknesses of the u.s. dollar are perceived as opportunities for the time because of the substantial foreign seems reserves it may be tempted to invest and there are some bets. from the european union the first place to demonstrate its support for european union. will demonstrate its. status as a responsible stakeholder. nationally but are still to come on the program a skeletons in nato's closet while the adamic turns a blind eye on the edge of human rights violations by hunting down the devils
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expert opinion coming up soon. and the operation to bring the sunken cruise ship garia to the surface of the volga river and the stand and says its final stage. news international chairman james murdoch has been accused of trying to mislead british m.p.'s by saying he was unaware of the true extent of phone hacking by reporters this testimony was challenge by two former executives who say. form three years ago that the illegal practice went beyond just run. as the scandal continues to grow critics believe the issue is just the tip of the iceberg in a society that values the privacy of the people. as the scandal over phone hacking by the murdoch media empire rages on public and political fury has mainly focused on ruthless tabloids out of control prepared to invade people's private lives and
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even the dad to get the story but some say in this day and age the whole concept of privacy is falling apart and in the u.s. more rapidly than elsewhere every time you tap on your cell or click on google or use your mail service everybody sort of just clicks through that you agree to our terms and conditions well those terms and conditions are very very heavily weighted against you and your privacy interests and we see breaches of privacy happening. all across america all across the world really in every sector surveillance is rampant but really this is all a microcosm of the biggest surveille are all which is the state there's little americans can do with the state having sweeping access to their private information access that followed the nine eleven terrorist attacks under a new law known as the patriot act asana law his privacy was taken away from him in two thousand and two when he was detained by the f.b.i. for absolutely no reason he says and scrutinized for months without charge he's
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response for nine years he has voluntarily documented nearly every waking hour of his life on the web he has subsequently even turned it into a form of art see all the toilets that i've used so you know that over here for example you know that on sunday november twenty fourth of two thousand and seven i've used this toilet i went grocery shopping at safeway over there on october seventeenth i got gas over here he posts copies of every debit card transaction so you can see what he bought where and when a g.p.s. device in his pocket reports his realtime physical location on a map and this is the shot he took on his way to our studio which was immediately uploaded on his website has. says his extraordinary abandonment of his own privacy stems from the ignorance of the authorities but in the fear they decided well that guy looks a little different so he must be arab and if he's arab then he must have explosives
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everyone knows that that's the logic we're operating we we realize how ridiculous that logic sounds but when your country when your own country takes that on as the basis for national policy. ignorance as the basis of national policy is a pretty scary situation. and that's how i got caught up in it for ha son privacy has become a rally of the past and he says he's not surprised that journalists or anyone else really would use the same surveillance tactics as the state in that sense it might be of no surprise that the chief architect of the patriot act the lawyer who put it together happens to be one of murdoch's hand-picked news corps board directors you served as assistant attorney general in the bush administration and was described by some as the purveyor of the most sweeping curtailment of freedom in the u.s. since the mccarthy era at a time when corporations and the government can easily hack into people's private lives it doesn't come as a surprise when for example social networks give your personal information to at
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companies or when other industries leave bob breaching people by the seat in the u.s. it's so widespread and people have gotten so used to it that rupert murdoch seems to be perfect part of the system rather than some special bill and with corporation has been undertaking some unique all lawful practices because here in america they're not so unique i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . the next people of el grills his cross to the consequences the phone hacking scandal is having on both sides of the mantic to his a taste of. the u.k. would make more dog news corp violator of the foreign corrupt practices act which has criminal and civil penalties. basically doesn't allow u.s. corporations to bribe foreign officials if murdoch is bribing foreign officials is really the case they're talking about a hundred hundred thousand dollars or one hundred thousand dollars worth of bribes
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to the london police if that happened he broke the law and the f.c.c. should look at that and say that the twenty four stations he owns that cover forty percent of united states he should not be allowed license of the news corp's licenses should be revoked. having to define what he means by bribe a little more carefully because that sounds slightly as though he's overstating it what some of rupert murdoch's british newspapers have been accused of doing is paying the police the story for stories giving them tips in return for tip offs and i think that is absolutely in demick within any tabloid newspaper culture in virtually any country in the world. serbia is extraditing its last war crimes suspect. that should fulfill the final condition needed to open membership talks with the e.u.
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however some experts view the process of joining the was a never ending saga in the light of a bad economic situation in some european states many serbs a doubt that their country needs to join the block parties is in belgrade. the last of the war crimes suspects wanted by the un is heading for the hague it's seen by many as the last obstacle to serbia now gaining. some skeptical that brussels will move the goal taste once again the government keeps. fulfilling new demands are coming from brussels but people are not feeling any benefit from it there are actually feeling that things are becoming worse as a result. support for e.u. is dropping so there is a growing gap between the voting voters and the government that sense and it will probably continue to be an official government poll just out shows support for
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eighty membership among serbs at its lowest ever fifty three percent in favor that down from seventy to seventy eight. it's not a surprise that when portugal italy and many more econ she's announced struggling for the people here no longer believe that we are going to be the answer to all their problems all show or so. many have relatives abroad and. things are. besides. their. patients would not be successful. but even. this is a disillusionment in serbia if the government's apparent willingness to bend a bit backwards to eat him on serbia will get in return for years against nothing whatsoever i mean serbian serbia serbia has got many many more hoops to jump over
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before he can get anywhere close to a new membership so what could be next on the easy list with another major sticking point is thought to be serbia is failure to recognize breakaway cost of a belgrade vows that will never. happen despite many member states pushing for exactly that president but it. is moral and legal obligations have now been. the song that has remained the same. i mean it hasn't changed hasn't chances that hasn't changed since the project. the arrest of goran had it certainly months for me it will have a major obstacle to serbia and its rights to emerge. there is still a long way to go so be it is part of the deal the e.u. does so odd thing about right. around the clock but you can always find more stories on our website at. some point. today russian.
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military might literally inflatable tanks and jets complete with. actions being used to food potential enemies. or someone like breathtaking pictures of russian cossacks performing credible stunts. in full on our website. if you're followed up on my team you'll go to the. chinese are sort of a twelve pack and archaic part of our loft. and it goes back to a time when people would wipe out of their forces in the wild west and pick up
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these future days important into the sheriff for prosecution i don't think much of the female almost killed me and when they go out there he's got weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad can. put. forward jason killers and you gotta keep that in mind though there's a two million dollar bill for his arrest. we're not superheroes we can be killed to you know the head i'm going to die. once you hit and run you know never go back to and anything else wealthy british style the sun goes out on. the. market why not counting the find out what's really happening to the global economy with
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mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. if line. to be soon which brightened a few. songs from phones to its. means friends don't talk t.v. don't come. specialists have started raising the sunken passenger ship. garia from the bottom of the volga river in russia essential republic of tough stand he went down in minutes just two weeks ago drowning hundred fourteen people in the complex operation involves partially refloating the vessel pumping out water before telling it to a floating dock let's hope the efforts find fifteen bodies still missing after the
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tragedy but weather dependent and difficult earlier work experienced ten problems. a mass grave of alleged progress duffey soldiers has been discovered in a rebel controlled area in libya according to a british newspaper the location was swiftly bulldozed after the discovery suggesting an attempt to cover up the killings the bodies were reportedly mutilated into the recent concerns of human rights levels for such crimes are being swept under the carpet supported venters coups in the region. and then a spokesman for the british civilians for peace libya didn't. i think really fundamentally there's been a problem the way nato the nato nations and their media have related to these so-called rebels i mean these rebels have been conducting mass lynchings of black people throughout the first several weeks and months of this crisis and i raised this directly in press press conferences and the answer was what silence it was
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uncovered in the media before because this does not fit the narrative since the nine hundred ninety nine nato aggression against yugoslavia which was we are conducting these wars not for geopolitical control and domination of mineral wealth but for humanitarian reasons so how can it fit the narrative of these rebels which nato and the nato countries are supporting lynching black people or conducting all the atrocities they accuse in the gadhafi side of conducting but actually the rebels are conducting these things so it doesn't fit the narrative. without some other top stories from around the world this hour computer hackers have reportedly cracked nato's internet security system access to restricted data the group calling themselves none of us posted a tweet with a fall break into into restricted documents is believed to contain information of the advances operations in the balkans the breach is in response to the recent
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arrest of twenty one people use of cyber hacking the movement is known to be sympathetic to wiki leaks and it's found in the songs and there's already attacks the websites of major companies and government agencies. people affected by last year's earthquake and tsunami in chile have clashed with police using authorities are going to be built devastated areas to the protestors have been living in temporary camp shelters since the powerful tsunami swept away their homes where they claim the government's reconstruction efforts to slow them new houses are built police responded to demonstrations take out test is tempted to block major highway. on the heat wave gripping the u.s. has reached the east of the country that will see officials in new york for the delfi of boston and other cities along the coast taking precautionary measures temperatures in the affected areas have been holding that above thirty seven
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degrees celsius weeklong conditions have already resulted in at least twenty two deaths across the country. from the inhospitable weather states to the inviting this side of atlanta later today bring you a special report from one of the most picturesque of a mountain areas that night national park in russia's year olds. discovery. communicate with you while. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you on. your up to date with the main news stories now that such as the business world the . russian companies are lucky to have more access to overseas markets now and the
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start of a smaller well absolutely carol russian companies will now be able to list up to one hundred percent of their shares abroad compared to the previous twenty five percent so as you can see it's a significant change there and of course we'll be keeping an eye on this developing more on this later in the program before as add there russia's economic growth is slowing despite a high oil price the comics ministry says the country's g.d.p. increased around three and a half percent in the second quarter compared to more than four percent at the beginning of the year however to look at the outlook for the second half brighter. in the first half of this year the ministry of finance run a tight fiscal policy and the central bank started typing monetary policy in order to get inflation back under control and they've done it inflation peaked at nine point four percent in may and it's now forming as the new harvest comes on to the market and in advance of the election fiscal policy is no turning from being
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time to money in so close to being expansionary and running a deficit so i think that you'll see this fiscal stimulus on the back of the tightening labor market in the best of news from construction agriculture for second half growth up strongly so i think that this is just the last. the last outcome of the central banking ministry of finance this time. first off. let's take a look at the markets now crude is climbing for the fourth day as investors hope for growing demand amid optimism europe and the u.s. will deal was near death crises and also the international energy agency says it won't expand a release of oil supply. and an asia shares are trading strongly and the black on reports about the new bailout for greece european leaders empower the your four hundred billion euro rescue fund to buy debt across europe nations can also help troubled banks financials are among the best performers in asia tokyo technology
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sector is also supported by strong earnings reports of u.s. firms such as micro devices and san disk in hong kong energy firms are benefiting from higher crude and here in moscow the r.d.s. is joining the global rally the my six will start trading in a few minutes. equities in russia have been largely affected by the turmoil in the e.u. and the us by ron nash capital says it's time investors look to stocks reflecting local trans. what's been driving russia's so far this year has really been the oil price it's been what's happening in europe what's happening in the us but you know what will drive russian stocks over the longer term and that's how investors should think here's what's actually happening in russia and you know reforms in the financial sector the growth of russian arms pension fund this some of the reforms that have taken place in the utility sector you know these prove provide an underpinning to russian stocks that will last longer than you know the latest
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headline that comes out on bloomberg so i'm looking for stocks like bank like the utility sector like some of the consumer names right now. put into that into that category as well you know stocks that reflects what is positive about rush limbaugh's changing in russia there's going to be volatility in all of those names depending on what's happening elsewhere but over the longer you know i think you should invest into into the russian story not into what may or may not happen in the senate in the u.s. or between you as our governments in brussels. russian companies are getting broader access to overseas markets federal service for financial markets has decided to allow them to list up to one hundred percent of their shares abroad placements were earlier limited to twenty five percent in order to spur demand for stocks on local markets however officials admit the limits failed to help instead the russian firms held placement through offshore structures as they were seeking to raise more cash abroad while the easing will nod for
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themselves cancer and five hundred sixty thousand a year disease is even more devastating it kills over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every year. alone comes with a. big splash in the world of heights clinton's advanced science into products. these is the fall of russian invaders to egypt. and their big break through. spotlight on story on technology update here on. we. covered. wealthy british style wholesome.
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there's time for a look at the headlines. in the e.u. continues as leaders thrash a second a multi-billion dollar for greece and who knows the blow itself against the u.s. credit rating agencies. of europe's economic woes more questioning whether the country should join the e.u. those concerns. i think it's one of conditions towards e.u. membership. as news corp chief swallow the bitter pill of a major media story critics say there is no surprise the scandal gulped in society
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privacy has been really deep valued. in russia's cultural life doesn't stop at moscow and to prove it the moscow team it took a three hundred kilometer drive to the so-called city of brides that's up next. hello and welcome to the program. brides. celebrating its one hundred forty. and with a whole range. from film festivals to exhibitions it's still all happening in the.
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