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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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that's not on the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy cause a report on a. bailout fever in the e.u. concini says leaders thrash out a second multi billion dollar and i thought greece even as the law conduct self against attacks by u.s. credit rating agencies. and the lights over europe's economic woes all serbs are pursuing whether the country should join the e.u. those concerns haven't stopped serbia from getting its propositions towards a new membership. those whose whole gratian change try to weather a major new school critics say there is no surprise this country opted in society and privacy has been in an intranet.
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it's at twelve noon here in moscow you're watching our team welcome back. into action by the teacher in economies of italy and spain you know the it isn't private investors have agreed on a second bailout with around two hundred twenty billion dollars to prop up greece is on baffling economy and on president to show solidarity to save the ailing euro the heads of states also created a plethora of new laws including ones to protect the union from u.s. credit rating agencies parties bushell reports from brussels. greece needs a second bailout and leaves what's being called the euro zone's first ever default the deal involves athens pouring more cash yet more money it has to pay back the agreement also requires private investors to swallow some losses something they're
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likely to resist e.u. leaders also call on them to pump new bonds into the country and it's unclear how willing they'll be for that after such a kick in the teeth above all the experts are warning this is just a sticking plaster over the euros which will tackle the real problem the vaules pits of southern euro zone states greeks have been writing on the streets refusing to accept the e.u. savage cuts including lower benefits and salary freezes portugal's prime minister was forced to resign when the country's parliament knocked his austerity proposals italy post painful spending cuts just last week and italian is already planning a national strike to paralyze the country and its economy is much bigger than greece is in the middle of it all the euro's richest member germany reportedly doesn't want to help chancellor merkel facing an election battle at home has claimed many think in correctly the spaniards the greeks don't work hard enough i
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think they must save themselves french president nicolas sarkozy is quoted as saying german egoism is criminal and that germany quote lacked solidarity with the euro very much a political project driven by e.u. leaders the sight of the euro zone two powerhouses germany and france in conflict is unlikely to calm investors who fear for the future of the single currency. the sweeping measures negotiated by the e.u. made it clear that the uk is committed to saving the year any cost genest patrick says it's time for kill. floor so finances. ultimately a lot more money has been thrown at the greek economy in the hope that that can stop the contagion but really a lot of it just looks like hype and i'm very very concerned but we haven't actually find a cure we've just got another sticking plaster what really the european union are trying to do here is they're trying to staunch the globe but flowing the money
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that's flowing out of the greek economy it can has been kicked down the road the danger of contagion still leaking to other countries such as ireland portugal even italy and spain are there and therefore we don't have a cure where we've seen so far unfortunately looks like hollow words and old words do not inspire confidence in markets and that has got to be some degree of a problem for the euro in the longer term. as a world waits to see whether a second bailout will finally turning music over fortunes around china or maybe things aren't as not to boost its image in europe as according to professor sale from the city university of hong kong. asia is quite concerned with the impact of the crisis on the european economy and in turn on the world economy people you may see in found most rational you come to understand that you need all the whole you need tough measures and this requires political will and
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a willingness to sacrifice on the part of all parties concerned certainly germany and france are under a lot of pressure whether the french and germans are willing to foot the bill of the european union countries the economic difficulties is a serious matter of concern to weaknesses of these new roles and to some extent the weaknesses of the u.s. dollar to see as a fortunate he's full time because of the substantial forward seems reserved. and to invest and therefore hire some vets from the european union in the first place to demonstrate is support for european union to cultivate good will and to demonstrate is. your status as a responsible stakeholder internationally. well still to come the program the skeletons in they terms closes while the alliance turns
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a blind diet that's right starvation and secret grapples with opinion coming up soon. and the operation to bring the sunken ship garrett's the surface of the fungal river respond to since on stage. these international chairman james murdoch has been accused of trying to mislead piece of the saying he was unaware of the true extent of phone hacking by reporters this testimony was challenge that like for example myself saying that was in forty three years ago he had legal practice went beyond just one road journalist and some of the media mogul rupert murdoch or another as the accusations i mean it's the scandal continues to grow thanks for these issues just to go beyond spec and society values the privacy of its people. as the scandal over phone hacking by the murdoch media empire rages on public and political theory has mainly focused on ruthless tabloids out of
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control prepared to invade people's private lives and even the dad to get the story but some say in this day and age the whole concept of privacy is falling apart and in the you asked more rapidly than elsewhere every time you tap on your cell or click on or use your mail service everybody's sort of just clicks through that you agree to our terms and conditions well those terms and conditions are very very heavily weighted against you and your privacy interests and we see you breaches of privacy happening in regimes all across america all across the world really in every sector surveillance is rampant but really this is all a microcosm of biggest surveille are all which is the state there's little americans can do with the state having sweeping access to their private information access that followed the nine. in terrorist attacks under a new law known as the patriot act asana law his privacy was taken away from him in
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two thousand and two when he was detained by the f.b.i. for absolutely no reason he says here and scrutinized for months without charge he's response for nine years he has voluntarily documented nearly every waking hour of his life on the web he has subsequently even turned it into a form of art see all the toilets that i've used so you know the over here for example you know that on sunday november twenty fourth two thousand and seven i use this drug i went grocery shopping at safeway over there october seventeenth i got gas over here he posts copies of every debit card transaction so you can see what he bought where and when a g.p.s. device in his pocket reports his realtime physical location on a map and this is the shot he took on his way to our studio which was immediately uploaded on his web site hassan says his extraordinary abandonment of his own privacy stems from the ignorance of the authorities but in the year he decided well
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that guy looks a little different so he must be arab and if he's arab then he must have explosives everyone knows that that's the logic we're operating we we realize how ridiculous that logic sounds but when your country when your own country takes that on as the basis for national policy. ignorance as the basis of national policy is a pretty scary situation. and that's how we got caught up for haasan privacy has become a rally of the past and he says he's not surprised that journalists or anyone else really would use the same surveillance tactics as the state in that sense it might be of no surprise that the chief architect of the peter in act the lawyer who put it together happens to be one of murdoch's hand-picked used for board directors didn't served as assistant attorney general in the bush administration and was the spark by some was the purveyor of the most sweeping curtailment of freedom in the u.s. system mccarthy era at
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a time when corporations and the government can easily hack into people's private lives it doesn't come as a surprise when for example social networks give you personal information to ask companies or when other industries leave on breaching people privacy in the u.s. it's so widespread and people of gotten so used to it that rupert murdoch seems to be perfect art of the system rather than some special villain was corporation has been undertaking some unique all lawful practices because here in america they are not so unique i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. where they say that people of el grills is crosstalk so the consequences. of this having on both sides of the atlantic food program coming up it. has a taste. or you know you care you would make murdoch is news corp of violator of the foreign corrupt practices act which has criminal and civil penalties. basically doesn't allow u.s.
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corporations to bribe foreign officials and if mark is bribing foreign officials as he's really case they're talking about a hundred hundred thousand pounds or one hundred thousand dollars worth of bribes to the london police if that happened while the law and the f.c.c. should look at that and say that the twenty four stations he owns there cover forty percent of united states he should not be allowed of license of a news corp's license it should be revoked i don't ask kevin to define what he means by bribe a little more carefully because that sounds slightly as though he's overstating it what some of rupert murdoch's british newspapers have been accused of doing is paying the police the story the story it's giving them tips in return for tip offs and i think that is absolutely in demick within any tabloid newspaper culture in virtually any country in the world.
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serbia is the last war crime suspects goran hadzic has been transferred to the hague way before the international criminal tribunal for me it's not the belgrade hopes his extradition will clear the way for the country's entrance into the new results in their first reports the serbs and the assured find safe haven in the us . the last of the war crime suspects wanted by the un is heading for the hate it's seen by many as the last obstacle to serbia now gaining mentally share it's some a skeptical that. the goal tastes once again the government keeps. filling new demands that are coming from brussels with people are not feeling any benefits from it they're actually feeling that things are becoming worse. as a result. support for e.u. is dropping so there is a growing gap between the voting the borders and the government that's and it will
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probably continue to an official government poll just out shows the pulpit even ship a month third at its lowest ever fifty three percent favor it down from seventy percent and is u.k. is lisa price that way portugal italy and many. are now struggling for the people here no longer believe that he is gay to be the outfit that probably also. many have relatives abroad and. besides. all asians would not be successful. but even the most skillful propaganda this will see this illusion that in thirty eight the government apparent willingness to bend they get back with the eating
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serve you will get in return for years against nothing whatsoever i mean serbian has got many many more hoops to jump over before you can get anywhere close to a you membership so what could be next on the lead with another major sticking point is who the third is failure to recognize great great cause of a belgrade found that will never. happen despite many that the state fishing that the president. has now. the song remains the same as. i mean it doesn't trade has a chance is the widely throughout that has interest in the project being president gore on how to. be it will have a major obstacle to serbia and its rights to e.u. membership there is. no way to thirty of those it gets its policy details will be e.u. now he does. odd thing right. around the clock but you can always
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find more stories on our website called we got from day to day. support for politicians and. some business especially for a group of women in my heels nothing else close to washington thousands of russian made. me nothing if i'm honest i'm. sure is pumping up its military might literally inflatable tanks and jets. food potential enemies. me it is easy.
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to. see. visions disciplinary on. education. words could the penitentiary systems transform or criminal law abiding citizens from. life behind bars one archie. forty two thousand americans die each year from car accidents a thousand. seven hundred thousand people murdered and thirty two thousand will kill themselves cancer in all its forms kills five hundred sixty thousand of us
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here part is easy the more devastating it shows over eight hundred seventy thousand americans every year. download the official auntie up location kewaunee phone all i pod touch from the i choose up still. lunch on sea life on the go. see video. oxys minefield comes and says feeds now in the palm of your. question on the call. specialists have started raising the sunken passenger ship belgariad from the bottom of the volga river in russia central republic of china started it went down just minutes almost two weeks ago drowning one hundred fourteen people
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a complex operation involves partially refloating the grass or pumping out water before telling it to not let's hope the efforts for finding bodies still missing after the tragedy but plan is weather dependent and difficult there are in the real world extremist technical problems. a mass grave of alleged progress darkie soldiers has been discovered in a rebel controlled area in libya according to a british newspaper the telegraph occasion was so if they blew the start of the discovery suggesting an attempt to cover up the killings of bodies were reported in newton dated until recent concerns of rights it seems like such crimes are being swept under the carpet support nato's course in the region says. a spokesman for the british civilians for peace in libya meant. i think really fundamentally there's been a problem the way nato the nato nations and their media have related to the so-called rebels i mean these rebels have been conducting mass lynchings of black
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people throughout the first several weeks and months of this crisis and i raised this directly in press press conferences and the answer was what silence it was uncovered in the media before because this does not fit the narrative since the nineteen ninety nine ne through aggression against yugoslavia which was we are conducting these wars not for geopolitical control and domination of monopolization of mineral wealth but for humanitarian reasons so how could it fit the narrative of these rebels which nato and the nato countries are supporting lynching black people or conducting all the atrocities they cues in the gadhafi side of conducting but actually the rebels are conducting these things so it doesn't fit the narrative. there are some other stories from around the world this hour computer hackers have reportedly cracked latest internet security system access to respond to data the group calling themselves anonymous thanks to the tweet with me and they tell you stick to the document is believed to contain information on the allowances
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operations in the balkans the sort of breaches in response to the recent arrest of twenty one people accused of cyber hacking you know in this movement is move to be sympathetic to wiki leaks gets around to doing a sanch that's already a target of websites of major companies. some government agencies. dozens of people have protested in front of japanese dentists and some real announcing the past is claiming their problems inspections happen and that is recent. and japanese lawmakers plans to visit soon it's time for some countries have been disputing the sovereignty of the hollands for many years. ok in the east see if you can distance from japan and south korea. when the heat wave gripping the us has reached the east of the country measured see a social scene local delfina boston and other cities along it's taking precautionary measures so pictures in the affected areas are in holding about
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twenty seven degrees celsius because the conditions of already result at least twenty two deaths across the country. from the hospital weather in the states to be inviting the son of the atlantic next hour bring you a special report from one of the best picture rescue of the mountain areas of the national park in russia's new. discoveries using. communicate with who want to. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you on on the. well the business news up next and now with maria.
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thanks very much carrie let's take a look now at the major business trends this hour so russia's economic growth is slowing despite high oil prices the economics ministry says the country's g.d.p. increased around three and a half percent of the second quarter compared to more than four percent at the beginning of the year however the outlook for the second half is brighter. in the first half of this year the ministry of finance or the tight fiscal policy and the central bank started typing monetary policy in order to get inflation back under control and they've done it inflation peaked at nine point four percent in may and is therefore the news that you harvest comes on the market and in advance of the election fiscal policy is no turning from being chunks of money a surplus to being expansionary and running a deficit so i think that you'll see this fiscal stimulus on the back of a tightening labor market and the best news from construction agriculture push
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second home of growth up strongly so i think that this is just the last. the last outcome of the central bank the ministry of finance is tight first officer. let's take a look at the markets now crude is climbing for a fourth day as investors hope for growing demand amid optimism europe and the u.s. will deal with zero debt crises also the international energy agency says it won't stand a release of oil supplies. european stocks are trading strongly in a black held by the greek deal the new bailout should help cut the country's dead by six leaders of the e.u. empowered they are four hundred billion euro rescue fund to buy debt of stressed euro nations that's intended to prevent the crisis from spreading to other members he also made detailed provisions for limiting the damage of credit rating agencies declare a greek default. and here in moscow the indices have joined the global rally let's
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take a look at some individual share moves on my six and a g. major are mostly higher held by gains on oil price adding more that have san carlos neko is on the rise after posting a seventeen percent increase in net profit for last year our task is to rally on reports french to tal got a provision to buy twenty percent of no tax project to develop gas in siberia. equities in russia are joy affected by the turmoil in the e.u. amby us could probably gnash africa capital says it's time investors look to stocks reflecting local trance what's been driving russia so far this year has really been the oil price it's been what's happening in europe what's happening in the us but you know what will drive russian stocks over the longer term and that's how investors should think here's what's actually happening in russia and you know reforms in the financial sector growth of russian problems pension fund some of the
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reforms that are taking place in the utility sector and you these prove provide an underpinning to the russian stocks that will last longer than you know but the latest headline that comes out of bloomberg so i'm looking for stocks like. like two of the sector like some of the consumer names right now. but into that into that category as well you know stocks that reflects what is positive about rush limbaugh's changing in russia there's going to be volatility in all of those names beginning with opening elsewhere but over the longer you know i think you should invest into the russian story and not into what may or may not happen in the senate in the u.s. or between yours or governments in brussels. russian companies are getting broader access to overseas markets the federal service for financial markets has decided to allow them to list up to one hundred percent of their shares abroad the previous limit was just twenty five percent designed to spur local demand for stocks however officials admit the limits failed to help instead russian firms held placements
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using offshore of eagles when seeking to raise cash abroad easing will not relate to strategic and surprises though the father brings us up to date here for now and remember they can always check out more business news now web site r.t.l. com slash business see you next hour.
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the book on. wealthy british style. is not on.
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the. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report. they faced this is not a provocation but a warning. to the forces and we should say everybody you should disapprove retraced because they have no idea about the hardships the face to. face one is business is it all going to need some. pretty army the life of a using is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism of those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. that's the truth nine
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hundred forty five.


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