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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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these are made to believe that we're going to join see that surrounds the movie that's the group where it's in the ground in period for the socialist to screw until you can a letter to socialism or to its ability to go and clear this is the kernel was there to as used to retreat. back to back terror attack in oslo norway claimed several lives are key have the latest from oslo on what has brought terror to the doorstep of a country more or less unscathed by it until now. back in this country the debt clock is ticking louder for us lawmakers how much longer will politicians flirt with the default line. for the words of their mobile phone in creating figures like captain america sort of make make it seem who are and now showing marvel comics' best selling war propaganda comes to a theater near you. good
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afternoon it's friday july twenty second four pm here in washington d.c. i'm laurin lister in your watching our t.v. now terror has been brought to norway's door today twin attacks rocked the norwegian capital of oslo seventeen are confirmed dead i witness is put the cloak toll closer to thirty now police believe these events are connected first a car bomb detonated between government buildings one housing a prime minister's office shortly after that a man described as a norwegian a blonde dressed as a police officer opened fire at a labor party youth conference just twenty miles from oslo but the prime minister was set to attend now this man has been reportedly captured now this happened in a second wealthiest nation in the world with some of the highest living standards best education and which. has remained for the most part scathed by terror attacks
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now we don't know who is responsible for these attacks however some analysts are saying that norway's increased military and gold meant in nato efforts in both libya and afghanistan has made it more susceptible the prime minister reportedly does not want to speculate about the libya connection at this point as far as what exactly is going on and what the reaction is our chief correspondent in yellow is there she is in oslo and she's going to tell us what their reaction is as she is witnessing first thank you for being with us what have you seen what has been the reaction from your point of view. right now. is. the reaction and it's become very we know there are armored cars for armored. army that are located around the fine i'll just get on to what is going on here an intention to login the center of the capitol as basically the working day the
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work became very busy in the very heart of the capitol and there was an explosion that pretty much brought. with it all doubt all these people thought possibly trying going to serve the country but the target is just people that can that explodes and. another. thing is. first there is has been a shooting. out. of do you think if we later or i would just let me thirty bodies that are like that again again. an experience with. one person. or nation and trying to
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make stuff. how are people making sense of it as far as what they think is the reason that this has happened because from what i understand nothing like this has ever happened in oslo. yeah that's. really really let's say. this country and now we're hearing is rossley it's because nato presence needed their regions and certain eastern countries has possibly. heard reports that so-called sole station or some sort of assistance. responsibility or if it's. like us thoughts are the exact center however each and looking. behind this shooting at you all right well we are going to continue to follow this and that was our key correspondent daniela logan bringing
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us that report from oslo where this is all happening now now back to the u.s. where we are counting down to default unless the government acts and quickly the clock is ticking august second is the day to us is given as the deadline to raise the debt ceiling saying after that it just simply will not have the cash to pay its bills now today is the loose deadline it's been reported for lawmakers to reach an agreement on raising that ceiling in order to get a bill passed by that august second deadline now while bill clinton is still debating the debt but not getting anything done yet it is already causing plenty of problems with out a default ratings agencies have the u.s. credit on downgrade watch states are reportedly having trouble borrowing money already as a result of the deadlock average folks aren't sure if they'll get their social security checks and global investors like china who hold over a trillion dollars in u.s. debt are telling lawmakers to get this done now while they're debating what to cut
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jennifer de paul staff writer at fiscal times says the real waste has been eighteen months of debt talk and she joins us thank you for being here sure absolutely as oh sorry go ahead yes that's that's right that this story has been kind of twisting and turning for the last eighteen months. we've seen the sort of dysfunctional federal government and it really missed opportunity when i was but i think it's really interesting that you point out that in kind of the short sightedness of the coverage of this is lost is that the president had a debt commission that for seven months worked on a deal that they had in november of two thousand and ten that was largely ignored a four trillion dollars deal to cut out from the deficit until now so why do you think that this is always getting pushed into the last minute. that you know that's a question for the lawmakers really but you're right we haven't you know at least like a dozen other plans as well as the technician from from think tanks and individual lawmakers and just now you know pushing up against the sideline that we're seeing
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sort of a deal emerging why do you think that it always gets pushed up to this point and because of that do you think that that means a big deal isn't going to get passed you know i think that given the timeframe that we're dealing with we have eleven days left here i think that you know there's still pushing for this big deal but realistically you know to get a score by the congressional budget office to get the legislation actually drafted a big deal might not be right here on the table it might be short of clean in place and then with provisions to have a longer plan to to reduce the the trajectory and at the same time what all this is going on and maybe a big deal doesn't even get passed you have global investors like china that are essentially saying you need to assure us that our investments are safe do you think that the u.s. and that is their primary job right now that that is what they need to do is that more important than getting a big deal done i think it's absolutely important to keep the financial markets stable you know they are working to raise the debt ceiling to to show investors and
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creditors that they can get this done so they can reassure that you know it is stable here and i think that is as you say you said the rating agencies have really pointed that out in and i think last week you know they're kind of reviving this this korean deal based on s. and p. was saying that they still even if they do pass the debt ceiling there's still this fifty fifty chance that bill downgrade the u.s. based on if there's not a credible plan in place to reduce the deficit right and we have n.p.r. so putting a lot of pressure on politicians we have been meeting with g.o.p. and it was in the house members to tell them how important this is do they not understand how important this is it's getting derailed because new lawmakers essentially don't really get what's at stake. i think you do understand i do think you know that the house g.o.p. a lot of those freshmen. are this wild card they came in last november and saying you know cutting deficits cutting the government that's one thing they're trying to maintain on that with the pledge i think they do understand if it's still in the
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same time there's a lot of republicans who don't want to raise the debt ceiling at all so you know we have to deal with that as well right of course and meanwhile standard or continue to put pressure and they've put out. reports and press releases pretty consistently throughout this that the u.s. has a fifty percent chance of being downgraded by them they also i thought it was interesting said that financial firms will be the one to get hit hardest if there is a selective default or default on august second so is this another case where it's going to end up being the banks whose interests are protected the most where were s. and p's really pushing for what benefits the banks most i think that's unclear at this point i think that it's really impossible to know the full impact of what would happen i do think there will be a deal by august second it's just too much of a catastrophic economic possibilities to not raise the debt ceiling so i think there will be
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a deal and again i think it's too it's impossible to really know that do you think that there is already being pain felt is that is the u.s. already paying consequences because of this because we've seen some states have issues where the maryland which is they've held off on having a chance to do it because they said that now they've been told that their credit rating might be affected by this california which has other things going on and they are looking for a bank a bank alternative to issuing bonds so it's already done the damage being done i think so yes i also think consumer confidence is being here as well you know you see politicians in washington back and forth between not getting a deal done we're up against a deadline they're already facing pressures of high gas prices. you know high food prices and so you know when you have this other factor in place and therefore a one k. could be affected there is a housing market could be affected so there's a lot of factors in this that absolutely you know could be part of it one of the
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things that's been brought up is that social security the government can pay on august second because they can decide what to pay or they can prioritize and we've had someone like s. and p. say that financial firms are who are going to be hit the hardest if there's a selective default so then should americans be rest assured that they are going to get their social security checks their pension checks do you think that those would really be suspended in a deal we saw president obama say last week that he couldn't guarantee about the social security cuts. i think you know whether the treasury's figures out how those checks will be paid out. that's that's to be determined i think to be determined record wait and save it for helping us to make sure it doesn't like that was jennifer policy staff writer at the fiscal times now another big scandal going on here in the united states is of course rupert murdoch this voicemail scandal has people raging in the u.k. in the u.s. with investigations and the public is have been outraged over the ruthless tabloid
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tactics used by the mainstream media but many are saying that in this day and age the whole concept of privacy is falling apart and mark dice is a media analyst and he literally wrote the book on this it's big brother go orwellian nightmare come true and he's going to join us to tell us if voicemail hacking should really be the least of our concerns mark thanks for being with us. thank you so everybody's outraged over murdoch's phone hacking but in the us when we talk about privacy to be honest the orwellian comparisons have been used so much now that they almost have become trite you wrote a book on this i want to know your best example to give me that americans should think that having their voicemail packed is the least of their concern. well there's numerous cases of police sending fake friend requests to college students and going through their photos and signing pictures of them with alcoholic beverages and then arresting them for under-age drinking numerous cases of this in
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america we have people posting when they're going on vacation or posting photos of their vacation as they're on vacation on their facebook page and then one of the friends quote unquote friends on their friends list that one of the hundreds that they've accumulated over the years often will go and break into their house because they know that the person is gone and on vacation you're essentially broadcasting as a total of sign on your front door that says we're not home we're on vacation we'll be back in a few weeks well mark but that is the fault of the people who post these photos on facebook you can't blame any one more than the users that are that are putting these photos that their vacations out on the internet or pictures is that what you're thinking i think this is a problem accepting a friend request from someone when you're in college a good friend requests from people you're not sure friend of a friend you met somebody at a party i think that's doesn't get much more orwellian than that but what we have cass sunstein of course this is old news the white house regulations are has wrote
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that we need to have a government agents infiltrate conspiracy theorist and in flood the forums flood the social networks the comment boards the comment sections on articles to skew the discussions but i think some of the technology is evolved so fast some people don't think of the consequences and so that's part of this educational system we need to learn to adapt to this new technology one of the downsides of this what what what what it does so obviously a tremendous tool for social networking social media sharing family photos and information but there's also tremendous downside with this new technology so we can't just run around thinking that it's all going to be good we have to look at the downside we have to be aware. but we have to take precautions to prevent some of these things from happening ok my question because i can see in my head a rational difference between a journalist hacking into my private voicemail and me posting pictures on facebook
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that then maybe someone sees that i don't want to have see or that someone uses against me or someone who's friend request i accept turns out to be you know someone i thought that they weren't so do you think that anything of the caliber of this phone hacking is going on in the united states maybe you know not to citizens . he had a go go research project actual on it's a thirty year old project that uses dictionaries keyword voice recognition systems to ban allies you might be familiar with as some of the audience might to be food to analyze all communications all telecommunications and this can use voice print and can identify people's voices on specific phones whether it's your phone or not just from data mining the communication signals so just imagine if you have some rogue individuals in the government and in the cia to have access to this information and they want to find out which congresspeople are talking about specific issues and ones which congressmen are talking about to build
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a berger group this year well let's put in a keyword for the bill the bird group let's put their voice print in the phone let's find out yes this goes on echelon has been used for illegal tapping illegal for blackmailing politicians for blackmailing corporations for unfair trade practices so as shown on is really one of the most dangerous tools in the communication arsenal that the government has that it's been used on multiple occasions. which is in completely orwellian ways with no oversight. and so that's the prime example i would think that's the biggest danger to our privacy at the hands of the government is the echelon communications signet system ok and then as far as their government and then there's also concerns over corporations then you know we saw people be up in arms at their i phone to track their location and then i just spoke with a security analyst and he said that google's android phone essentially does the
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same thing sending your g.p.s. location back to the corporation quite frequently so who do you see as posing the greater threat to privacy corporations or the government. well they kind of work hand in hand i mean the corporations are hand in hand with the government has entire offices in all the telecom buildings in the industries now in order to create a network that the merge of the network so that they can have access to the information that's going on and going through these private networks so it's that the murdoch scandal just i think is finally alerting people to the possibilities wait a minute what is what am i putting in my voicemail my phone who has had this what other instances has this happened and it's not just tablet or pocus thing a lot of the tabloid journalism aspect of this the celebrity aspect but what about political bloc now what about hacking politicians phones televisions voice mails and that's a major concern so i think they go hand in hand i mean there's evil people are
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a little less sympathetic to politicians than they are to people that have their phones out by journalists. i think some of the people if you would see a politician's phone hacked i think that some people would think that was a good thing to try to un cover the corruption but we have to maintain a code of conduct here i mean is there's a rules in society that we need and we must abide by no matter how advanced the technology gets no matter how how easily it is to how much we rely on this kind of technology there has to be some sort of a moral code that is still that we still applied by that's a pretty noble hope i'm curious if you think people have any expectation of privacy anymore and age when everything that we do is pretty much online in some way shape or form. no it's very sad and it's it's really sad that the lack of privacy the erosion of privacy has undergone a do because of it is the fear of the war on terror really the war of terror is
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really what i what i call it but under this specter of trying to keep everybody safe over the last ten years since the nine eleven attacks and spoofed the entire world that's the number one just the case and for eroding your privacy as they just constantly wave that ear drum oh wait you want to be safe don't you and everybody needs to resort to the famous thomas jefferson quote if you give up your security in the name of liberty you will have neither so i think it's a process i think that since this technology is fairly new i think people are starting to finally rouse what it's capable of both good and bad well then maybe the murdoch scandal will actually help awareness in the united states that was media analyst and author of big brother the orwellian nightmare come true mark thanks so much for being here thank you now speaking of media the new captain america movie comes out today but before you give up the latest action packed summer blockbuster to get you out of the heat
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a little warning from my colleague anastasio churkin about the underlying messages being sent through movies like this and just to maybe behind them. the stars the stripes and the shield americano questionable taste added that. the comic book hero created at the dawn of world war two captain america is back costume clad and for rolling back the hero provided an extra boost at a time of pride and strength for the u.s. it's kind of like an old athlete standing in front of the save the trophy case it's going over remembering his old glory eventually lure you into the magic of war back then could propaganda still be the cap's purpose today now it's so sophisticated that you definitely don't always realize that because of the audience's tastes they don't like checks ranging from way too obvious product placement all the way up to our except for a more impressionable audience that would go to see captain america these days if
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you thought that the fighting in glamorous world of hollywood exists simply to provide job dropping interesting and look out some of the messages being sent out to exist for a reason to take any action filled war movie filmmakers get if they're going to work if they want to make a film about the war any war and they want to use military technology they have to have it again and they go to pentagon the pentagon reviews the strips and it proves there were rejects any collaboration between ollywood and hollywood director so directors know exactly what they're doing they're getting that funding in their weaponry from the pentagon it's a very close relationship a very close relationship reflected in countless flicks to come out of tinseltown came close a lot of racist stereotyping you got in africa coverage of the u.s. role in the invasion example after big saving private ryan and apocalypse now which used helicopters which actually were being used to put down anti-american insurgents hotel long day here's the asking of scotland which is
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a full story down uganda there's talk about somalia and the list goes. on and on and on compelling film such as rambo to end up even shaping war history there's a monologue in that movie in which so this just loomed just talking about he and other troops to go back from vietnam and literally start a plan but it's like war protestors no factual evidence of such an act was ever found by historians but after. people started to think that it happened to them while america's enemies come and go the regularity with which politics get reflected in hollywood productions is impressive we all have relationships are like they're complicated they're not all good or all bad and yet when it comes to relationships with other countries when it comes with two relationships or policies we see the world in very black and white terms a major movie making corporation metro golden mayor is reportedly changing villains
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from chinese to north koreans to blockbuster read on china it's too big an importer of us entertainment to take the risk of offending the country hollywood has both guilty of pushing messages out but it's also guilty of reflecting cultural messages without a lot of insight the military entertainment complex pentagon's tool of manipulation has been around from the forty's and remains of rampant today when kids go to bed at night in america they go to bed with their captain america or other superhero clothing on and they had sweeney dreams now becoming a superhero who goes off course to somalia to mastering his people convinced that war is for heroes only war is such a terrible thing that creating figures like captain america sort of make make it seem heroic there is no hero was in war you cure all because you're angry because they killed your friend you're just trying to get home and at home all sorts of captains clad in patriotic gear will resume trying to convince you of what's right
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and says you are too. so our superheroes missions not really as much about saving lives but more about pushing government propaganda off their real power hollywood cinema and american supremacy dr mapi document alford is here to tell us thanks for joining us though obviously there has been a history of involvement with the government using hollywood to get its message out it's gone on for decades but what is the nature of it today i know in my korea we had someone saying that movies can use military equipment if the pentagon approves their script is that really the nature of the game today well exactly you know the pentagon supports an affectedly senses when necessary and this isn't a great many films transformers are unmanned came out the last few years those franchises rules of engagement film called still some cigars and thought we were so when talkers buckle down through lawyers executive decision the list goes on and on
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and some of this for decades since the start of the nation which is the complete recruitment film wings an oscar winner from what many twenty seven and of course in global two as well and if it was. co-opted by the government for the war effort well you'd be quite rightly right good props of consent three films that depict the armed services have support from the pentagon in some way because the cia support as well since ninety five in french eyes is like twenty four and films like the recruit and some of wolf it's all of which have an effect upon. the scripts so if about a third there that have this involvement directly with the government or with the pentagon signing off on their script that means that the majority are independent so to what extent do you think the message is being skewed and paid a thousand and thirty a thing. well i think there isn't a lot of body of films that are supported by the government in some way or another and require script changes by contract and so i think is very important but the
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same time i agree that there is a wider problem of the irresponsibility of corporations that are running hollywood that basically make up hollywood and if i corporate managers are just as serious a problem as the impact of the government in terms of shaping history so for example . rupert murdoch being talked at the moment although not much is usually said about his involvement in filmmaking the he's of course head of the head of news corps in the head of twentieth century fox and he in a small report that was filed for the new york times in two thousand said that he didn't like the way the films were going on the twentieth century fox and effectively got rid of his. oath the head of twentieth century fox that mechanic because he didn't like films that were challenging like a fight club and beach that was going down the darker political direction. and this led of course to that corporation producing even more dumbed down material program
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franchises like taken on twenty four i'm government types films like nicole kidman film australia which was very much tied in with tourist campaign so even when there's no interference from the government produces a lot of produce films that support american foreign policy that generally support government or corporate aims and this is some quite offensive ones as well such as the fourth rambo film you don't mess with the so adam sandler peacemaker stargate but i could do a lot but lot of examples that you have i want to ask if it is changing because of business and care i think as we've seen movies bill and i us at any other perceived threat for a long time but it seems like that's starting to cane because the bigger than try to rag on per barrel with originally cast with the threat and then m.g.m. . remade it with the chinese as the enemy but then they digitally altered it to make a village north korea and without this is without beijing thing anything they didn't
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tell them to change it but they did it because china is that an important market they didn't want to offend and they wanted to get the box office failed so our bit of an interest becoming more important i think this is interest or importance it is the us is declining as a as a global political and military political force but say that of course or that is. because the script was leaked says some of the major newspapers in china and they did write editorials about it were very loudly complaining even if the government itself didn't. express that opinion so there were concerns from not going to be and i think also and i think that you know hollywood made this film for several tens of millions of dollars without anyone actually raising an eyebrow about demonizing china at the time and of course it's only been in post-production that they've actually changed it to include north koreans so i think those kind of prejudices and send a focus to it does exist or at least sort of tell us casualties it's freezing outside the us right but at the same time we thought captain america and several
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countries allowed the name to be changed to the first avenger for the same reason to protect box office sales so as other countries like china become much more influential and and hollywood relies on them for sales are we going to feed that method of american empire and america being that the good guy and fading a world kind of go downhill. i think there's still continue to do that i mean those changes i mean how do we see the g.i. joe film back a few years ago as well where the g.i. joe was no longer a purely american hero but a kind of part of an international tossed force will be american led so i think there will be cosmetic changes like that but i think it will still there will still be a yearning for from audiences and also from the people who make them to present america are in poor if i turns out a sister traditionally been the case and they think about it people might be had not to think happened america thank you that with author dr matthew alford and that you can do a print out for my the stories we cover.


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