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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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back to back terror attacks in norway claimed several lives are jihad will latest from oslo on what has brought here to the doorstep of the country more or less unscathed by it until now. back in this country the debt clock is ticking louder for u.s. lawmakers how much longer will politicians flirt with the default line of the words this is a terrible thing creating figures like to have been a nerd gerl sort of make make it seem horowitz and now showing marvel comics' best selling war propaganda comes to a theater near you. good
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evening it's friday july twenty second i'm lauren lyster in washington d.c. and you are watching r.t. now terror has been brought to norway's doorstep now twin attacks rocked the norwegian capital of oslo today seventeen are confirmed dead eyewitnesses but the toll closer to thirty now police believe these events are connected first a car bomb detonated between government buildings one housing the prime minister's office shortly afterward a man described as a blond norwegian dressed as a police officer opened fire at a labor party youth conference just twenty miles from oslo that the prime minister was such a tent now this suspect has been captured and this is in the second wealthiest nation in the world that these attacks have come with some of the highest living standards best education and which has remained for the most part unscathed by terror attacks entirely now we don't know who is responsible for these attacks however some analysts say norway's increased military involvement in nato efforts
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in both libya and afghanistan has made it more susceptible the prime minister does not want to speculate about the libya connection at this point according to reports now earlier i spoke to our t. correspondent daniela loga who is actually in oslo and she described for us the situation there. what we're seeing right now. is an increased police reaction in this country extensive reaction so there are armored. cars there are certain army guards that are located around the city trying to get to the bottom of what is still going on here at the mansion this explosion that rocked the center of the capital as basic people working in cable working week and very busy and i are in a very dark capital and there was an explosion that pretty much rock that part of this with we know we speak now to hold the central office. possibly trying to serve the
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country was their target target is certain people dead in that explosion and they go in i'm not either in that police are saying is really it's first time there has been a shooting i think you can't outride it all. we are twitter who are my witness reports of any thirty saudis that are like that against again this has been going on and we're hearing. i don't you know if. he's. well one person has been. mation and trying to make it all going on like how are people making sense of it as far as what they think is the reason that this has happened because from what i understand nothing like this has ever happened in oslo. i mean it's really pretty
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much. as a sort of higher taxes country and now we're hearing these people possibly it's the . nato presidents meeting with their regions presidents and certain middle eastern countries possibly somehow beautify we've heard reports that so called soul station or some sort of spins. responsibility or it's acting. like we could be responsible for the attack because french or however so-called we're looking person who is behind this shooting at you all right well we are going to continue to follow this and that was our correspondent daniel bringing us that report from oslo where this is all happening now and here in the u.s. countdown to default unless u.s. lawmakers act the clock is ticking august second is the day the u.s. is given as the deadline to raise the debt ceiling saying that after that it won't
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have the cash to pay its bills now today's the loose deadline it's been reported for lawmakers to reach an agreement on raising the ceiling in order to get a bill passed by that august second deadline and while washington is still debating the debt but not getting anything done it's already causing plenty of problems with out even a default ratings agencies have the u.s. credit on downgrade watch states are reportedly already having trouble borrowing money as a result of the deadlock average folks aren't sure if they'll get their social security checks and global investors like china who hold more than one trillion dollars in u.s. debt are telling lawmakers to get this done now ball they are debating what to cut and what this compromise is going to look like investigative journalist greg pilaster is here to tell us why it's not such a compromise thank you for being here with us why do you think this whole notion of this big compromise on the deficit is a kind of a misnomer. well what's the compromise be look here's what happened is there at
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george bush when he was president from two thousand and one to two thousand and eight when i. wish he had a surplus given to me eighty six billion dollars a year by bill clinton turned that into a six hundred million dollars per year deficit adding three trillion dollars u.s. debt eric cantor voted for all those search for bush's wars in iraq or the weapons for the tax cuts now these guys don't want to pay the bill they're trying to go to. there the effort tax cuts for the pitch that wishes or is somehow a compromise means that these this should in dollars. will be paid for by eliminating the appearance or the working class we're going to change the law for social security because if you get caught before it's student needs or we're going to take money from. and pay off debt created i george bush
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gravely ask you this though let me ask a couple questions whether or not it was george bush's fault that we have these massive deficits and have this massive debt now and obama has done a very fair share of spending as well too so regardless of whose fault it is would you agree with something that many economists believe which is that the deficit and our debt is i mean the country is bankrupt and we have to do something about it with that or not but absolutely not it's not our debt i don't borrow the money i don't buy or junior class submarine because to be a billion apiece bush ordered thirty six i didn't get any delivered by amazon to my door ok let's talk about defense talk about is that not it's not our get them and i think that's that the misnomer that's been used all through the debate i didn't encourage the stoics the american people the elderly people on social security didn't encourage it gets better it was receiving better veterans' benefits didn't increase that it was the result of bush's wars bush's tax cuts while spending for
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these programs now are the beneficiaries basically people who got the money don't want to pay it back so what they've come up with this term it's our deficit so it so you're saying it so what you're essentially alleging is that republicans are the ones have benefited the most from george w. bush in spending or cutting and now they want everybody else to pay for the benefits they thought because the deficit needs to be taken care of. i don't look at it as partisan though it's kind of come down that way that is that the rich that we know that we have a massive shift that will created to some extent by government policy during the bush years to the rich but some argue about how they should pay it back or asking to play more in america to pay back the gets caused by giving money to the rich so they're not a color on a let's argue that by reducing the debt reducing the deficit that's exactly what's needed in order to jumpstart this economy so that it can grow jobs so that the poor
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do you have jobs then make more money last year by as my colleague and fellow congress paul krugman says that's just completely nuts you don't stop you don't cut government deficits to get yourself out of a depression that's going to big you know creating a bigger hole for us to fall into but we need to do is increased spending for lower income people for the elderly because they'll spend it and get us out of this depression we're oppression you can't see your way out of a depression the problem is that people are not spending made against our sitting on a trillion dollars in in cash and not learning it out our problem it's the lack of spending in the united states a lack of demand lack of capital being given out we're building it and there's nothing to do really quickly if you notice it really quickly you are concerned about. social security and social programs entitle ments bearing the brunt
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of this big compromise but given the deadlock that we've seen in washington and the inability to get any kind of deal do you think there is even going to be any big compromise. well sort of a compromise a story to be more people build really people that are ins military people these are people who are going to be. basically paid the money borrowed to provide tax cuts ridge road. and quick i'd like you know it was a compromise ok and quickly we'll have to wait to see exactly what ends up on the cutting table or what gets spent but one thing that you want is defense and that's something that we talk about a lot actually on on my show on our shows about the necessity of that on a day like today where we see terror attacks in oslo does this instantiate some of the amounts of u.s. defense spending when when we see that the united states has done a pretty good job of keeping care attacks from iraq in u.s.
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soil since nine eleven. well the issue of the deficit is that the money was part of floor for crazy programs like a virginia class submarine which did as i don't know the beginning class submarine stopping any terrorist as we saw on our little substance stop sump a circle with a machine gun and a bomb that's not our problem with terrorism our problem with it with the economy is that to start laying off seven hundred thousand government workers as part of a so-called compromise is going to be absolute economic devastation is deliberate on the part of the republicans obama's big oh let's roll to fall into and it is all caught all right we'll leave it at that the default is his own fault that was investigative journalist greg laughed now as the scandal over voicemail hacking in a murdoch media empire rages on in the u.k. has come to the u.s. the f.b.i. of course is investigating too public outrage has been squarely focused on the ruthless tabloid tactics prevailing and mainstream media but many are saying that
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in this day and age the whole concept of privacy is falling apart r.t. correspondent i entreat you can shows us how this latest u.k. hacking scandal might just be the tip of the iceberg in a society that no longer values privacy at all. this comes as the scandal over phone hacking by the murdoch media empire rages on public and political theory has mainly focused on ruthless tabloids out of control prepare to invade people's target lines than even the dads to get the story but some say in this day and age the whole concept of privacy is falling apart and in the u.s. more rapidly than elsewhere every time you tap on your cell or click on google or use your mail service everybody sort of just clicks through that you agree to our terms and conditions well those terms and conditions are very very heavily weighted against you and your privacy interests and we see you breaches of privacy happening
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regimes all across america all across the world really in every sector surveillance is rampant but really this is all a microcosm and it is surveil are all which is the state there's little americans can do with a say having sweeping access to their private information access that followed the nine eleven terrorist attacks under a new law known as the patriot act asana law his privacy was taken away from him in two thousand and two when he was detained by the f.b.i. for absolutely no reason he says and scrutinized for months without charge he's response for nine years he has voluntarily documented nearly every waking hour of his life on the web he has subsequently even turned it into a form of art see all the toilets that i've used so you know that over here for example you know that on sunday november twenty fourth two thousand and seven uses toilet i went grocery shopping at safeway over there i walked over seventy they got
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gas over here he posts copies of every debit card transaction so you can see what he bought where and when a g.p.s. device in his pocket reports his realtime physical location on a map and this is the shot he took on his way to our studio which was immediately out loaded on his web site as. john says his extraordinary abandonment of his own privacy stems from the ignorance of the authorities in the fear they decided well i looks a little different so he must be arab and if he's arab then he must have explosives everyone knows that that's the logic we're operating we we realize how ridiculous that logic sounds but when your country your own country takes out on as the basis for national policy. ignorance as the basis of national policy is a pretty scary situation and that's how i got caught up in it for her son privacy has become a reality of the past and he says he's not surprised they journalists or anyone else really would use the same surveillance tactics as the state in that sense it
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might be of no surprise that the chief architect of the putrid act the lawyer who put it together happens to be one of murdoch's hand-picked mused for gore guy rector's it didn't serve as assistant attorney general in the bush administration and was described by some as the purveyor of the most sweeping curtailment of freedom in the us since the mccarthy era at a time when corporations and the government can easily hack into people's private lives it doesn't come as a surprise when for example social networks give your personal information at companies or when other industries leave on breaching people privacy in the u.s. it's so widespread and people have gotten so used to it that rupert murdoch seems to be different part of the system rather than some special bill and with corporation has been undertaking some unique on lawful practices because here in america they're not so unique i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t.
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. so what is time when nine hundred eighty four while in comparisons argues so much when talking about privacy in the u.s. that it's almost become trite what is the reality can americans expect any privacy especially in this age when so much of our information is on the internet we're going straight to the source for more i spoke with independent security researcher stanley cam car as a former hacker himself i asked him just how easy it is to get people's personal information online here's what he said well it's pretty interesting it's it's actually really easy today and the crazy thing is it's getting easier and easier every day pretty much we hear about all sorts of just this kid and you know myself and lots of other people i know just started out as kids i can use a different web site and it could be you know from just a simple computer of the regular consumer or it could be this huge corporation government and we hear about it all the time and the news today we do hear about
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all the time so my question is is any of our information online any of our personal information day. well it's it's hard to give a true answer to that pretty much what most people will say is while it's usually well protected and you know data is encrypted however now we have more and more information that's in the cloud it's just you have your facebook or twitter or your google apps or just your information online you can be in your d.m.v. or just different government files but you have information and while there's usually some sort of protection on those sometimes there's not i mean just recently we heard of a bank where everything all the credit card numbers were entirely on encrypted and it was it was just sort of the easy attack that every anyone's ever heard of just to produce new credit card numbers and to basically feel lots of money from from a pretty pretty big bank and to do something like that are you someone that has very sophisticated skills are you could you be a fourteen year old in your parents' office who just has you know kind of taking
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a liking to. learning and the now. how to engage the computer world. well it's pretty interesting you can go both ways because we hear about the fourteen year olds who are hacking into government systems and they can definitely do it all you need is a little understanding of how some of this technology works and that doesn't mean necessarily a kid can just break into any different if i'm you know we hear about packs that are actually pretty pretty tough and pretty sophisticated some even say that governments are behind a lot of a lot of the. cyber attacks that are happening and a lot of people are calling it private warfare at this point in cyber terrorism because it's potentially government backpacking that that's happening that's really sophisticated and takes probably a lot of money and a lot of effort the fourteen year olds you can potentially break into a lot of things and no doubt there are there are smart to be able to do that but
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there are two ends of the spectrum i think of what they're essentially trying to break into one of the things that you did find evidence of though is something having to do with google you found a google android based smartphones were setting precise g.p.s. locations and other data back to google several times an hour is that something that's continuing to go on and how concerned what kind of concern should people have about that oh yeah i mean i think it's absolutely agree that the phone that you have in your pocket you don't necessarily know but it's collecting basically where you are at all times and continuously sending this up and it's even happening on the other phone like the apple i phone but i from you are letting people know that you know we need to be concerned about our phones sending our location back to the company that we have purchased them from or using them for service and finding out this information do you people have any way to know that any of their information is private or can be certain or should people pretty much just assume that in a standard age if there's stuff out there it's someone is going to be able to get
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their hands on it. i think you have to make that assumption today i mean i can't think of a person who would believe that their their i phone would be sending their information about where they're located especially after they turned off any sort of location features i mean it's it's kind of crazy to believe that the that's the case but you know whether it's a bug or intentional it's happening in other places as well so you were never warned that that was happening i'm not sure how you can make any assumptions about any other data that you have out there just has to make someone be able to look at that data and you're sending it somewhere right going on someone's computer computer network you have to make that assumption that if you're not entirely comfortable with your data being out there then you shouldn't put it out there there you have it big advice from independent security researcher stanley camp are . now i'm not in this sixty six years old diabetes partially
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blind and put in solitary confinement where this is leonard peltier he's in order to spend twenty three to twenty four hours a day for the next six months on approach a is the american indian movement activist has been in prison for more than thirty five years after being convicted of killing two f.b.i. agents but his supporters it is a different story his supporters who range from foreign parliaments to the dalai lama to the late mother teresa all of them he is a political prisoner and as i mentioned at the sixty six he's suffering health conditions that are very terrible and now he's suffering and what he calls his lawyer call it a hellhole and you are not going to believe why he's been ordered to stay there robert brian is here to tell us about his attorney for the cia thank you for being with us so i read a little a little about the offenses that led the prison to put leonard peltier in solitary confinement confinement can you sum them up well. i think the point is that the.
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they are very minor offenses of waste litter is not guilty but aside from that he's accused of somehow a good samaritan and scotland sent him a twenty pound note. as a contribution because he knows he has very little money he's poor and in life are not supposed to have money everything is done through a commissary and they have a past and so what he did was. mail it back out and send it to a lady who is a friend of his who's of the oneida tribe and he said in his covering note that look i don't even know if this is real but somebody sent it to me and i'm not supposed to add it so insidious you. the other charge is that a previous and my cellmate had rigged some wires high up in the cell higher than leonard they have a bunk bed and litter sleeps on the bottom bed he cannot get on the top one and
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this previous cell my head jury rigged a wire we're not sure whether as an antenna or why he was doing it and he and this is like a year ago and you know leonard had an argument one said look you're not supposed to be tampering with things like this will get us in trouble and the guy argued with the next day apologized and said and so leonard thought it had been removed let's had no idea it was there so they find a wire and a guard claimed that when he stupidly pulls the wires together. he was shot and i heard and i read it as the blame fell on on leonard polk yes my question is are these type of small infractions is it typical for a prisoner to be put in solitary confinement for them now that this is this is not this is a typical but we have to remember who leonard. yes leonard is a leader and activist and he has been throughout his adult life in the american
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indian movement is his whole focus of just being is helping his people. the pine ridge reservation where the f.b.i. shootout a certain night and nine hundred seventy s. that led to his boss the mission he is innocent. the unemployment rate there is right at ninety percent ninety percent of the people the reservation number just he was there at the elders to count the people we think that this was this whole thing was a set up they happened to pick. just say oh this occurred on monday when they charged ram i just. didn't remove and were destroying ledges objects rolling around. this was just after the anniversary of the shoot out also the look that weekend just but monday was the anniversary of the what americans call the. look alike on the heels of those two men versus just the two.
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and it disappears very sort of the wind and or hundreds of cases and dealt with many prisoners from the here in other countries but this was a set up i mean they come in right on the heels so they never have to do that. that by him i'm stuck in a cell phone is religious objects around and then punish him. but i don't. think it's totally on balance i mean you would say he added it was a terrorist the way they were treating him and and the carnage when it you said in your lead in to the segment i think you hit it that he's of advanced years he's now in a small cell as we speak today. is there a condition where you are as great nights where i am here in san francisco he's in a small cell he's west previously just difficult to sleep he can't write because
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the sweat just pours all his hands on paper and we have general we're talking about an elderly person who has a. as hard as a guy at right and it's really a can if we think of it this way but an elderly person with a heart condition and so on here's my question to you i want to keep this going for just one minute if you can hear me can you hear me there aren't as bad i don't hear me talking bad because. onan. what we want to thank you so much for you for our. being with us and then telling us the situation that you know then you know raise the question if you were not american and if you were not on this if he was not somebody who had been falsely convicted of killing two f.b.i. agents and continues to insist on his innocence if he were not a political activist would you be sitting in the smallest welcome cell right today is doing i speak i think not i think mr bryan can you hear me can you hear you the
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last. some people say that he's a prisoner of war because at the time of the she that in the seventy's there was. what was referred to by the indian people and rich south dakota as a reign of terror and they asked him and other and people american indian people to come in and help protect the older people keep kids in the women in the children and that's why he was there and he's been paying dearly ever since and i don't want my client dying in prison i took this case to win to get him out and i will we will do it but i don't want the government interfering in the meantime to try and say this is brian you know can you answer a question for me can you tell me who used to who you think that i'm up and what tools you had to get him out of solitary if there are any. ok we lost and that was a reply and the attorney for letter pollak
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a bring in the latest and that case now out this weekend it is friday there is a new movie captain america it comes out today maybe you're headed to see it before you get out for this latest action packed summer blockbuster to get you out of the blazing heat if you're anywhere like where i am in washington d.c. here's a little warning from my colleague anasazi a caricature about the underlying messages being sent to you in movies like this and just who may be behind them. the stores the stripes and the shield americano questionable taste at its best. a comic book hero created after dawn of world war two captain america is back costume clad and rolling back the hero provided an extra boost at a time of pride and strength for the u.s. it's kind of like an old athlete standing in front of the sag trophy case because part scoring over remembering his old glory eventually lure youth into the magic of
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war back then could propaganda still be the caps purpose today now it's so sophisticated that you definitely don't always realize it because of the audience's tastes they don't like checks ranging from way too obvious product placement all the way up to property except for a more impressionable audience that would go to see captain america these days if you thought that the fighting in glamorous world of hollywood exists simply to provide job dropping entertainment look out some of the messages being sent out exist for a reason to take any action filled war movie filmmakers get if they're going to work if they want to make a film about the war or any war and they want to use military technology they have to have. and they go to pentagon the pentagon reviews the scripts in a cruiser or we jacks any collaboration. in hollywood director so directors know exactly what they're doing they're getting their funding and their weaponry from the pentagon it's a very close relationship a very close.


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