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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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from the streets of canada. for a show to rule the day. to day it is twelve days to these all day and yes you are going to have to hear me say that every day until the august third at the falls day a spectacular special episode of adverse to the man even though it's an imaginary government deadline deal with it night we've got luke's health think from amsterdam a cop perspective open carry in california bike versus plane race and air and a damon freeman from cop walked about or joined us about having just beaten felony wiretapping charges it's friday so relax put your feet up crack open a cold one smoker if you got out and enjoy your front row seat for the end of the
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world this is out on versus the man. ok so it's not the end of the world but you will have a front row seat for the end of obama's credibility it's the. countdown to default day with the debt ceiling deadline growing perilously close global markets of bracing for the unthinkable. we are obviously running out of. the stimulus bill you were going to blow your brains out. yes we'll have an updated animation for next week though so like today is the minus twelve days to the fall day and following the passage of the
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house republicans cut cap and balance bill the senate today as predicted projected on a motion to table the bill by vote of fifty one to forty six the motion to table the motion to proceed to consider nature twenty five sixty is agreed to thank you mr president we just completed a very important vote now demonstrated that the house republicans cannot count the ballots is over. now. oh it's a dead bill love the colorful metaphors according to the hill two senior democratic aides on thursday so the white house and told them credit leaders that the president and speaker boehner were moving closer to a deal with spending cuts and entitlement reforms but that put off tax reform for until next year but both boehner and the white house were quick to deny that they had done anything useful over the past three weeks of negotiations there was no dream phablet play for avidly never any agreement and frankly not close to an
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agreement. so i would just suggest that it's going to be a weekend here in washington hot weekend oh because it's not zero two here today in the swamp right whether joe you're so clever the white house was this is clear with press secretary carney saying this morning there is no deal we are not close to a deal but communications director dan pfeiffer for the white house is the one who knows how to communicate as he tweeted potest believes we need a balanced approach that includes revenues. that's right in order to balance the government's reckless spending we need to take more of your money never mind that the government has laid off one hundred forty two thousand workers in the past year and we are starting to see the return of massive layoffs as cisco lockheed martin and borders announced twenty three layoffs and by just this past week something
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you're doing isn't working mr president and doing more is well einstein's definition of insanity comes to mind doing the same thing and expecting different results that's right in order to balance the government's excuse me in order to balance the government's textbooks sometimes we see the police state out of control turned into something intended to generate revenue for the government stories of police abuse and corruption abound these days and all too often we run into situations like this you know like that again i've actually got. to go step back my clock for you and your type yeah but what if you're acting like you're drunk and i am not lived anywhere. do you understand me. but today let's talk about that five percent of the police
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force that you get a bad name from the rest of the rotten apples specifically officer matt lyons badge number one zero nine three with the oceanside police department an open carry advocate is stopped by officer lyons responding to complaints about the publicly visible firearm and guns in the hands of citizens aren't the most common occurrence on the left coast and it's not a surprise that this brazen display of constitutional rights scared the toefl right out of a hipster there too but the cop kept this calm here's where we usually have to tell you about someone being tasered or a dog getting shot but here is how officer lyons reacting. we see if we can. research or anything know be a pirate primary motive not a lot of how much it might take her for the day not of people anything i'll tell you. is it my gun or is it a fair fight. is it again or is it ok the way you carry it. not right in
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the face that's when you. think kerry knows it's not the twilight zone and we didn't script this this is actual footage of an actual peace officer actually doing his job with at least some respect for civil rights asa lines asks the man for identification when the individual sorts that he doesn't have to identify himself the arson and politely accepts his response now i'm sure this guy still gives out speeding tickets hopefully he's never sat down on an eight stand but if he didn't get pushy here he did forget about being held accountable on camera he performed his job without showing any threat of force against the law abiding citizen would it look good on you tube you were. you're going to pull i don't know some people do it any way you are right i'm a i'm the first one who could be an advocate for that to get a good picture makes you know that i'm a lot like you got
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a statement to make you have all four that believe me but that twenty two years in the marine corps i don't probably probably think we all thought a lot of folks don't know how they are sometimes they have other issues going on and we don't know if your gender jeremy thanks for cooperation remember my name is optional lines with the ocean i believe the palm of my badge number is one zero nine three god bless america. they does look good on you tube as an e now you might say that any stop was a violation of this man's rights but given that the officer was responding to complaints and the gun owner complied voluntarily with his request to clear the firearm and verify that it was a noted as required by the california open carry law i said the officer was more than reasonable respectful and didn't hurt the gun owner looked like a fellow former marine i don't try to tell me he only did this because of the camera though cops do despicable things on camera all the time
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for years stoners in america have envied denmark is somehow uniquely the land of the free well something seems to be rotten in that state as we learned from adam vs the man correspondent who dousing. he reporting in amsterdam. sorry i forgot what i was going to say oh yeah sorry to hate here the dutch government has actually implemented a new law in this year that would make it illegal for tourists to smoke marijuana in coffee shops this is supposed to be implemented by the end of this year and the law also states any dutch citizens who wishes to smoke marijuana has to register and sign up for a new government id that would track and register i mean time they use marijuana now why in the hell they would do this in ames today in holland. i really don't know why the hell is the government doing this. these are very dark days in europe not just in the netherlands the kind of the fun is really rational thought if that were to come into effect a simple i mean personally i would not go to coffee shops anymore i do not want to
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have my personal details registered by the government as a cannabis use or the way that no one should that is a way to target the group out it makes me think of one specific social group at the beginning of world war two that suffered a lot for registering for the good of all this disgraceful the people who have got no knowledge of kind of this into can dictate the rest of the road what we can or cannot take it's very simple the more oppressive an approach is the more benefits the underground market and the less the benefits the end user and even less the taxpayer in holland the tax the income tax shock is fifty two percent which is actually more than double that of the traditional business to give you an idea to go and get government gets more than four hundred million euros a year from the copshop industry which they can then use to fund whatever they want i'm not going to go into that but if a diminished that may restrict it to the us population those revenues will go down the fight against illegal cultivation will be increasing the only person to pay that is going to be the taxpayer what's going to happen when marijuana will be
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legal for the problem so obviously criminal gangs are getting involved there is money being involved any association with gangs is not a good. association said that he says he ation portugal with decriminalization since two thousand and one house shown that heroin users gone down which was the the biggest problem those are the hard drugs. thing in the united states forty percent of americans use marijuana in the netherlands twenty percent of the citizens here use marijuana according to polls that we've heard even less as five percent as record as ritual users twenty percent it's just like recreational and like from time to time it's one of the lowest rates and you're not the lowest but amongst the lowest local government do in response to this national law and saddam city council have completely against introduction of the ban of tourists and it seems that the shops will be no use to tourists is the news we had on friday we'd
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like to pass this on to the world because for us this is tremendous news and for us it's a step in the right direction and we have beaten the continent from this point to do it's not over yet we're fighting it every single day and the fact that they push it back by five years much as it is a celebration i have a lot of colleagues that were celebrating didn't make me smile much because all in all it's just a good way for people start forgetting another loss to come into effect. it's not really a step forwards at all it's just we've avoided a huge step back so the city council and the mayor have actually postpone this measure to two thousand and fifteen when you laws but at least there's a dam will still have its. museums. and as we were fortunate enough to find out from his travels luke is an extremely lightweight and was certainly not partake in himself but definitely enjoyed his time overseas we have a lot more work coming out of him that we're looking forward to over the next week including the packers coming together on interviews were guarding concentration
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camps in poland so our next story takes us to the four hundred five and sunny in southern california where tom vanderbilt a technology writer and contributor over at slate has masterfully though maybe not even intentionally highlighted what happens when government gets involved in transportation in a word it sucks. jet blue flight four hundred five from burbank to long beach was supposed to alleviate rumors of impending carmageddon chaos of it would result from the closing of highway four and five so the company offered four dollar flights for the thirty five mile stretch promising a flight time of twenty minutes but that got vanderbilt thinking what happens when you factor in the time to and from the airport on both ends the walk to the check in and then the unpredictable security lines the equally capricious runway departures and arrival queues and any other unforeseen delays that cross town trip was theoretically adding up to a substantial schlep. and so we then tweeted the following given airport travel
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time security runway delay etc i bet a good cyclist could travel to be you are from b you are to be faster then jet blue challenge accepted a loose collective of cyclists known as the wolf pack hustle took on this challenge setting in the long beach lighthouse as their finish line the plane passengers taking part in the challenge were to take a cab from their flight to the lighthouse after touchdown the cyclists and it up best in the plane commuters with a finish time of one hour and forty four minutes to the plane commute time of two hours and fifty four minutes embarrassing enough but that insult to injury it's also been reported that a rollerblader caught in it a mere two hours and forty minutes basically meaning that a person with wheels on their shoes out of a jet engine airplane full of people by four minutes z.b.
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fourteen minutes we can't really blame jet blue it's really just everything else that uncle sam puts in their way but some want it some government agency agency somewhere should probably be ashamed of themselves right about now never mind. they're all smiles as usual aren't they remember if you see something say something . and when we come back we'll have the news from the air they will frame of cop locked out or about the outcome of their long that federal wiretapping trial ad be a law enforcer becomes be a law breaker i'll tell you why a former new mexican sheriff is now facing jail time and it wouldn't be friday without your cigarette and you're watching adam vs the man.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think iraq. on the well. we have the government says they're keeping safe get ready because you're going to lose your freedoms. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't i'm trying hard to look at the big picture.
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new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to tell you about the ongoing financial crisis unlimited free high quality videos for download . and stories you never find on mainstream news. to believe that the sell me the political. person. aren't. welcome back to adam vs the man on july first two thousand and ten in the police state of massachusetts our friends and fellow activists meet aaron adamle freeman of cop law org were arrested on a laundry list of bogus charges including felony wiretapping and resisting arrest all filling the bail process for
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a friend that's right it's been settled over and over again in the courts but once again the cops tried to claim a camera constituted wiretapping over the past year they've overcome multiple hurdles to get through the red tape of fighting these bogus charges the great news this week is that the not guilty verdicts are in from the jurors and today. are free men well i guess as anyone will tell you as they will for sure relatively speaking for he is the rest of us i was very fortunate sites out both of them join us tonight by skype from keene new hampshire gentlemen thank you for so much for being with us and i know this is a really exciting star want to first start off by saying congratulations this is really a significant accomplishment here beating federal felony wiretapping charges here we appreciate a segment on adam and now we feel that we get it by representing ourselves as well so it goes to show you don't you know a lawyer and thousands of dollars to operate
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a system that's really amazing so i want to take it back for our viewers that are familiar with the original story you were going to what was the part of this is and massachusetts that's right we were going to agree to as the two systems did not and i were simply keen to deliver for it and you know we're always rosy and for what was that situation well allegedly you got. noticed yesterday. and he was he was he was protesting you know and i mean he was getting bailed out who was already in the process who were there like a stick to pick him up and observe the proceedings we were all down to post the bail and bring him back to the safety of the shire but you know there are video cameras we film everything we're any journalist and right away we were told we could not film we asked if they could point to a policy that said as that in fact was the case on iranian will to do. about fifteen minutes in a conversation or cap and walk through the lobby and he gave us permission he said
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yeah go ahead let him film take your money get your friend and get him out so we got a bill money i came back kind of fifteen minutes later and then we were told that we could not film we asked what had changed there when able to again went to the polls here statutes there was no indications on a wall or a trifle brochure or other polls least said we couldn't film start and honestly we started showed up and eventually soon after we were arrested for trespassing charges and resisting as well because when later as you mentioned the start of a felony wiretapping was also the the resisting charge came from the. violence act of going limp when they physically can fry do the non-cooperation route they threw that extra charge in for that exactly yeah it's not something i activist here in the shire see all the time and it's growing practice by at least going limp which is only after the arrest anyways they charged with resisting so
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not only is that answer the wrestler can't be are resisting orders it's like the sheriff and god and just about understand spanish weak that it didn't make their job and only made their jump harder and that they weren't in any danger nor was anyone else around or were using violence it to be fair i mean it does it is sometimes uses a tactic to make the job harder of the arresting officers deliberately but sometimes it's also the only safe way to conduct yourself when getting arrested is is to go limp they were this obvious and seems like some kind of repercussion where you know i should say before before we get any further to explain to the viewers the shyer you mean new hampshire the free state project in the wonderful community of activists up there that have created a space that is at least a little bit freer than the rest of the country and police behave themselves a little bit better generally than then at least an investigation that's part of the free state project and if you're looking for more liberty minded neighbors turn up here and we came back home and joined the peace level lucian ok now the charge
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for wiretapping that came from the arrest right the original the arresting officers made one of the charges wiretapping is that correct. that's right you know that's great they ended up charging us one tapping based on we were supposed to check in with a friend in a cell phone and all the raw footage in albany was online you can check it out a compliment or slash greenfield and we have a tragedy of going up later this afternoon but then learned seven charges it was given to me was supposedly it would work because they want hold on a cell phone or to check in with a friend and that person later put the call online to let other people know of her situation and it was just a missed application of the statute or stash it was made in the sixty's well into a combat organized crime it's misapplied all the time just do what i rast he will people's actions or cells is trying to build a transparency right on top of that the video recording all the officers public
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officials on scene were already being audio and video recorded publicly and they were aware of this most of them written reports that they knew of before they even arrived on scene that they would be are you and your record it so there was no secret they knew that they were being recorded and then wiretapping law doesn't matter about transmission if you publish live or not just that if you're aware that you are being recorded not on its ability to live stream and or when it's transmitted just over the initial interception which again everybody on scene knew they were being audio data recorder well before they even got us ok so these calls for obviously this trying to do something vindictive get through as many charges as they could possibly get i'm sock of the wiretapping one stock but it isn't the mentality of the cops there to say all right well screw these guys they've pissed me off it's a personal vendetta we're not throw as many charges as we can imagine might stick to them but what's surprising here is that then the prosecutors want to head with the with the wiretapping does that surprise you guys that didn't get dropped in the
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process somehow. yeah all the charges we thought we would get trotted would be that instead of the illegal search the r.v. charges counter out the legit ammunitions and been manipulated and then dropped or you know resisting charge against pete and they don't drop their trespassing charges so we really thought that. my resisting you know where to have to be first to go but i think this just goes to show that the police were trying to punish us they were going to stand as we charges it without reinforce the probability of us taking a plea deal something refuse from the start i mean a day before trial that we could have walked out of this whole thing game three hundred dollars to the state and had no felonies or nothing instead we went to court on felonies and you know the video told the truth again folks want to get a i don't want to be on this case look how plucked out or special greenfield and at the end there was one juror who had enough common sense to say hey i'm not convicting these guys and we want to go to jail and mind you we had sixty or so supporters and there was cheering clapping and i asked our cross examinations there
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was a call for that went on for a year in the d.a.'s office something called like i do or gays are taking the lead on doing with public officials and i mean there was a multitude of things that led to the not guilty verdict that took place over a year out stand down one congratulations a guy can say i how incredible this is that you were able to do this defending yourselves you were able to stand up to these charges and beat federal felony wiretapping charges and massachusetts of all places cop locked out or it is the web site i encourage our viewers to check that out and i keep following up on to see if you guys have anything planned for repercussions for the officers involved as he did so much great work and holding police accountable there cop walked out or was the website and i'm a free man here thanks so much for joining us tonight make you appreciate it. now throughout the week you the viewer on facebook justin tons o. writes hell yeah dude i quit watching t.v. three years ago because i was sick of course it was telling me to feel guilty for
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being single on valentine's day now i can watch your show be on my mobile device and an improvised stand made from a paper clip sans commercial propaganda about the great work man that's right we are nothing but government propaganda here and fact our t. is so awesome you can watch us on cable with no commercials to and on you tube ultimates writes why was luke sleeping on people's floors and on the streets doesn't r t pay their correspondents travel expenses i know this is government propaganda on a shoestring and technically we all work for that evil corporation adam vs the man l.o.l. see what luke was traveling on his own assignments and we had an aversive the man l.l.c. are advocates of slave wages anyway at least we have a flexible vacation boy and wednesday we reported on the f.b.i. as the rest of anonymous hackers and according to them the little five four six six i do believe the f.b.i. just got a little too big for their grief it is thinking that riches do they know how to
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read it because i think the part where it stated we do not forgive we do not forget expect us was fairly well defined and self evident as you all know if you don't watch the show every day it must be because you hate america fortunately golf pirate has provided us with an easy way to hate america and i have to say i hate america most because of its proximity to canada and the reputation we get by association. and a request we need your help fulfilling comes from the ada lois the tubes when you get to d. minus twelve will you please play blow my buzz by d. twelve m. and m. anderson friends are all the pot heads didn't think so didn't think so if you can get his written permission to use it from the copyright holder with the name of the song name of copy or name of composer slash rights holder name of artist slush group and the genre i'd be happy to because the minus twelve is going to be one of
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them days when you know us just want to chill out and all that effort to be all in your ear and shit you know what i'm sayin but will we be cool if i talk rob you're just trying to snort your weed them can you tell i've been listening to that song all day. speaking of the d.-day countdown a good one to fear writes hello yeah i love the d.-day countdown and started my own at my desk at the bank i work at think i'll stay home for the day and part of poly harker asks what do you think is going to happen on august second i think we're going to do felt well i'm not sure what we're going to do yet but i'm pretty sure we're going to have an awesome special episode oh you mean are we going to be felt no r t pays us well enough to not. just kidding you mean the feds the fault
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right. no they weren't they but who would when they can steal from the poorest among us it will be just printing money but they don't even have to do that to not default that's the big lie if they do default for some reason it will be by choice and i fear what worse system they have waiting for us if they use this to collapse some part of the current system but i doubt it's going to happen that way . the super class isn't really that organized and finally i know this is an old one but it never seems to get old in case you haven't heard it since for twenty pat rock decided to reposed it alerts this just in the united states government today announced that it's been changing its emblem from an eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance a condom allows for inflation halts production destroys the next generation but takes a bunch of dicks and gives you a sense of security while you're being screwed well thank you so much for that and
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are far less stories and i want to tell you a little bit about where i come from santa fe county home of former sheriff greg salonen who recently pled guilty to five counts of fraud for embezzling county property now he was selling a range of items from the sheriff's department on e bay encourages cell phone chargers blank cd's bulletproof vests flashlights other police whatever gear. he was originally facing two hundred fifty one charges which would have gotten more than one hundred years or two hundred fifty yeah over one hundred years of prison but thanks to match chandler who was running for state's attorney general when i was running for congress in new mexico new mexico and suddenly had this to say in an era where public trust is becoming the topic of the day it's hard to send a message that gross misconduct by public officials will be strictly punished and i believe an eight year prison sentence will send that message we can only hope it does that's our show for the.


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