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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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coming up we're wrapping up the wait with our big picture rundle i guess panels that are ceremony erica erica nobody and brian darling all join me after the break . let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. even on the well. we never got the shows there for the confucius safe get ready because their freedom .
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so bleak you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry is a big. fat .
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are you ready to rumble it's time for that i'd speak picture rubble where i debate the weeks and biggest stories of the panel of expert political commentators and i'm joined by heather servo conservative strategist and showed her of work for you group public relations as well as a blogger heather servo dot com erica can you believe democratic strategist and brian darling columnist of human events and contributor to red state dot com big government dot com and director of government studies at the heritage foundation a lot of titles here welcome to all of you let's get started. there you go it's official john boehner walked away from the debt negotiations today and wouldn't return the president's going calls and then after the president came out did his
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press press conference john boehner came out and said this. if i take the same oath of office as the president of the united states i've got the same responsibilities as the president of the united states and i think that's we're both of us to do what's in the best interest of our country ok well you know the third part i agree with but is this is an al haig moment you know when reagan got shot i'm in charge here i have the same responsibility as the president with a great moment but the president john boehner walked out of these talks it's about time he finally stood up for himself and said i'm not going to raise taxes i'm not going to allow you the president to hold the debt limit increase hostage and demand that republicans though to increase taxes as a condition of increasing the debt limit remember that obama walked out last week so to share oh you know i mean we're good and here is be able to block out the week before it is better if that it's really rotating walkouts but i mean i think that
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you know the president put a plan on the table that not only raise revenues but also cut taxes and was a three to one ratio as i believe i think some of saintliness. in terms of dollars that were cut versus revenue and i think i do agree with painter that he has the same responsibility that he is responsible to the american people into the public and he gets credit here now you know he doesn't have all the same responsibilities not caring the football player in this sense he is he that's happening there obviously saying there's a certain responsibility he is going to he's holding the football right now and i think that this is a time where that's he said when he took the chart vote that that was a vote that separates the men from the boys you do the right thing this is the time to do the right thing in compromise because it was when you got a republican prison right it was a no by the way. really must stop there and programs never having the money and paid battle in the air until now is why sure you mean send a rise in survival and we incentivize the irresponsible behavior of those guys on wall street and that's crony capitalism means when the republicans take the economy
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and we close. cut off their paychecks now that what you're saying first of all pale that now anybody can see that i mean it's going to be the president because the president is the one that's making these unreasonable demands on republicans so it's unreasonable to say three for one yes you don't really i just say i'm going to raise the debt ceiling only if you vote to raise taxes on all americans so you don't think it's unreasonable to say i will only vote to raise the debt ceiling if you slash benefits for social security recipients medicare and medicaid then i said i think it's unreasonable to say i'm going to go in and start you know start the wars and i'm going to give tax cuts everyone and i'm not going to pay for it ever and i'm going to have these you know these tax cuts go on forever and ever and ever i think that's ever sponsible and that's what we have right now in the american people are weighing in on this we've got a gallup poll here this is it shows that americans are concerned about the unemployment because in general thirty one percent unemployment and jobs twenty seven percent deficit sixteen percent basically you know it's something worth
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saying economy in general that includes whatever they think that debt ceiling debate is going to realize that would be nice we know about the debt ceiling we know what it's all about but the average american knows the economy's in trouble that includes us talk about this nebulous talk about the debt ceiling but get the economy moving and what could they have to do with the debt ceiling our debt was one hundred twenty six percent of g.d.p. after world war two and nobody was running around their hair on fire instead eisenhower started spending money like crazy building national highways and we spend our way out of it we get where we are because we're saying it's enough republicans are saying republicans are saying republicans but the bomber i'm going to say and i thought we we're saying it so there's a there there is an uproar there it's a different time you're saying you may like these of these people to represent them in two thousand and ten ushered in a lot of republican house members where we got the majority and there and people are saying we don't want to raise the debt ceiling with out having significant cuts we can't take this anymore so it's a different time and a different president obama offered very significant cuts he put he put the things
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that i personally don't think she ever been on the table which are social security and medicare if you can remember their cause. ran all these ads saying oh no the democrats are going to are cutting five hundred million dollars from medicare lions tigers and bears oh my which still isn't quite correct characterization of the health care bill but that was their plan and then was to run these ads and then now they're there advocating for these cuts and the president i mean if it didn't sat opposite were to happen if the democrats were paralyzed and say our way or the highway you would have something that would have had it you know increased spending you would have increased education funding you'd have the funding still polar opposite the president on the table that it would make me anything on this. plan and i don't you're talking about speculative agreements on the other side have been have been cartoon characters and in fact it extends today four thousand and four thousand f.a.a. workers are going for gold and i'm going to be on a plane from her i don't know if it's going to fly or is essential employees will be there and your i know is that we are need all those people to be ok my friends
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are building airports there are there are you there i'm sorry if you're angry you should be angry at democrats in the senate for blocking consideration of the reauthorization bill the block consideration of it because the republican said we will only reauthorize the for the f.a.a. of all things if you strip the union rights from these workers who were just this come from i think this is scott walker on. every author of asian should have been done last year and i think it was a no brainer then i think it should have gotten time and this kind of speaks to this is the consequence of the bigger problem that we have here with having that that become this massive you know issue that's tied up all of this time it should've been a boat that was done months ago and we should have moved on but at the same thing that happened last year that's happening now is that we've had you know because the procedural rules because of the partisan fighting we're not getting the legislation through congress that really should be going through congress and we're not having debates it took us forever to get food see which should have been just taken in the brains of the republicans have the republicans who are injecting ideology into
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every peaceful. just lation and saying this is where we stand and yet when you look at john case it did that scott walker did that rick scott did that rick snyder did that in your perspective we was consonant ohio florida michigan and now they're all in the tank i mean in all probably in all probability scott walker could be facing a recall election john case it would if they could isn't this suicide for the republicans to have gone so far off the tea party edge well i mean i think that they feel like you have a mandate from the people they ran their be they're being consistent with a platform that they ran on and you know in two years in two thousand and twelve if the people decide that they're not doing what they want to do then they're out of there that's the nature of the house of representatives but i don't think i've recommended that we have the house republicans only have the house right now if their publicans want to make any sort of statement they have to do it through the house maybe the senate will approve it well they have even if you know who had the senate president in a veto it is that. you must have sixty votes to do anything which has never
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happened in any other it was not minority who are all in the senate at this point i mean that will not necessarily minority rule but minority dictating whether or not we're going to function at all it's minority shutdown or you know halt or to cease business when actually they can actually pass anything even the minority can't act and they're just not exist in the voice of that minority is fox news and the largest news let's also remember what started this whole thing in my mind it was the health care thing i mean president obama did a terrible thing when a country of colleagues would have had a poll results you know going to be health care. if you want it's not a this is just drop the medicare eligibility age to zero you know drop it ten years every five years and then you got it and you have more argue. the d.o.j. you had to you know to even pre-birth you know the commission program we've got the it is the department and so it works fine in a lot of other countries the department of justice is about the issue subpoenas the f.b.i. is looking into rupert murdoch and british parliament is now saying you know well
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you know maybe james lied to us but just before the u.n. had there been. copenhagen environmental conference in two thousand and nine somebody hacked into the university of east anglia and got a bunch of e-mails where you had. so we say competitive scientists doing some back biting and they turned it into this whole scandal that that now has been investigated by the university by the i.p.c.c. by the government of england and every single investigation is completely cleared them but the two groups that blew those thing out were the news of the world paper and the sunday times the wall street journal and fox of the three groups and fox news surprisingly all known by americans if you wish to think that if he was asking everybody else that he was there. are one thing let's not say that rupert murdoch was hacking everybody you know that he was you have to stick it here you have proof that rupert murdoch was doing it well you know i'm a bunch of people who work for him who say that at least once a month they get along phone call from him wanting to know everything they're doing
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he was a very he is a very clear hacking. you know i know not that you when you're when you're authorizing a seven or eight hundred thousand dollars from on the payment to somebody and the chairman calls up and says why don't you think they'd tell but let's be honest about this this is a liberal witch hunt and the liberals who wrote it and we got used to talking about the conservative which i hear you know you're going to find which is a thought susan wall street journal none of them have. said yeah yeah actually i would say i don't need to go to i don't think rupert murdoch said hey you know what we should totally accurate prince william's cell phone right now i'm sure that it was clearly his deputy that did it however from rupert murdoch i mean rupert murdoch played or you know show that he was a shell of an owner that he used to be but i will say i will say as a liberal i have never thought that man was stupid he is smart he is a good businessman he runs his companies incredibly well and so just to believe that he didn't or that it was just contained in this one person well that he had no
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indication that the night was going. she said no we need you know what happened early united assisting us there's there's there's a for advertising company the news corp actually admitted in two thousand and nine in court and into paying off twenty nine million dollars as part of that admission that they had acted with this company's computers and got their customer lists because they were competing with them and this i mean british news corp no no this is u.s. news corp in the united states in new york city it's from two thousand and iraq has a long history on that yes i also begs the question of is this more rampant then just a news or c.n.n. how about them as an e.c. i mean i remember you know a lot of the seriously the m s n b c yeah maybe everybody's doing it that they read . that can you thing aired maybe if we're saying this is not the original letter from julian assange who was. trying to get information from us but i think there was a lot of people that didn't agree with that but i will say that the important thing to kind of and it's become
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a billionaire media mogul without knowing what's going on and there's a certain amount of trouble daily that as we go out here take this back to politics one recall election down in wisconsin eight to go right six for republicans turn for democrats scott walker could be a little trouble here's what happened when he showed up in public a couple of days ago. i. was. so bug should be very proud that he didn't do it and they yelled at the governor their governor and screamed and trying to give a speech you should be very proud of them because there was i mean i think i think there's a bigger problem tom you asked this question earlier how there it's when people are putting their kind of partisan intend into legislation that have gone too far and i won't pretend that there isn't partisan legislation on both sides when you're
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unwilling to compromise and when you shove it down the throat of the other side that when. you aren't willing to take a step back i mean sure you should be a no i mean we all have philosophical fundamental differences and we we all believe these things because we think they're right and we should be fighting for them but we also have to know when to pull back and the fact that scott walker pushed so far beyond where he any of his campaign promises and shut down the senate and so that senators had to flee in order to stop the legislation from moving i leave at the open meetings law he has he's violated the trust of many many many wisconsinites not just union members and not just democrats but i guess i'll be i will see i mean you know like i said in this before too that we don't have elections for governor every month you know there's a there's a reason why every two to four years there is as there of a lot on on your side that the people are just going to come around and wake up and realize that this was the right thing that goes to unions and and stripping bill i mean i think that people i mean i think that the question is who are the people i mean if you're saying the people are the labor unions that's what i'm talking about
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just you know a majority of voters well i mean i need probably i mean in order to maintain he was pushing to balance the budget the one to watch you know you refer to as a democrat who are going his reelection was subject to recall i don't think that's a referendum on what's going to happen in these other election i think it's a referendum on the how the public respond to the senators leaving the state i think that that what it shows is that the public is what is does understand why the senate democrats left the state and it does support those that did well you can also figure there also is a lot of education that's happening about what the nature of labor unions really is do we really need them anymore me as kind of as an example yeah i mean i think there's a there is a market in the workplace we're going to should have a voice no i mean there is there is it was a time for unions and the question is whether some of these unions should still be in existence we really need them representing the people or if you know people are putting themselves in different ways so i you know one person can stand up to a billion dollar corporation just as easily as all the workers together i'm say
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labor unions that's what all the labor unions democratic instigating out of all it was to display. it's just like corporations do leave the union labor goes i think rory as you are it's an education in wisconsin obviously no you don't you should that's right there's an artifice consonance labor policy is part of their nature and also you can help all of the reasons why don't you give them what they want they can they came up the right to strike in order for collective bargaining because there used to be big public strikes a wisconsin state employee said we will no longer strike and shut down the government doing label to labor in order to collect i think market so it was it was a it was a compromise and it was kind of a tonic which was very peaceful and as allowed her years and years and decades of peaceful labor negotiations over the last week i was question for very shortly very quickly john boehner walked away the president is calling for another means of it. will more than a week to go till default will we have a debt limit deal and if so what's it going to look like. yes it will have a deal and you know i think it's going to end up looking
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a lot more like what obama wants than what the house republicans weren't just because you know the democrats still are in control but the house republicans have to make a statement they have to show they're representing the people that are going to them i really hope that there's a deal i can't think of anything worse than they're not i mean there really isn't anything i'm not i'm not a fan of what obama proposed but i think it's a really good deal and if the republicans don't take it they may not get anything that good or conversely things close to their goals again i don't think yes no entitlement reform no tax increases ok so very very interesting i don't know i mean i'm guessing that you don't read that my take on this is that what we're going to see is the mcconnell reid reverse double flip republicans get to vote against it but they're actually voting for it so they can sell it but you know the image is clean the whole thing out but we'll see how the sermon. thanks so much for all
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future earnings. coming up a daily take on why far so-called news. and why the only way we can stop them is an amendment to the us constitution. that drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. made who can you trust no one who is you with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sasha's when nobody dares to ask what we do our t. question more.
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ever wonder why it is the fox news going to lie over and over and over again yet continue to call itself news it's because fox news is a corporation ever since that eight hundred eighty six supreme court case of the southern pacific railroad versus santa clara county and a rogue court reporter named john chandler bankrupt davis slips corporate personhood into the legal record the courts have ruled i mean time again corporations since they have all the rights that actual people have could also laws just like people can. actually there was one exception back in one thousand nine hundred eight a political activist named mark caskey sued nike alleging that nike was lying to
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its customers by publishing in the san francisco examiner a letter assuring everyone that the corporations workers around the world enjoyed basic labor rights like a minimum wage health and safety regulations an equal opportunity employment gascony that the claim wasn't true in one thousand nine hundred six audited by he revealed that workers in vietnam for example were teaching lee exposed to cancer causing chemicals that here in the united states were illegal and a mother jones article later cited a nike funded study that found quote evidence of physical and verbal abuse and sexual harassment at nine of its contract factories in indonesia and quote after realizing that he and thousands of other nike customers were lied to and were by nike products under false assumptions cas he took the corporation to court and in two thousand and two caskey won his case before the california supreme court which ruled that nike did indeed break laws against unfair competition and false advertising rather than paying the fine nike appeal took their case to the supreme
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court and the high court actually agreed to hear the case in two thousand and three nike claimed that as a corporate person it was entitle to freedom of speech which means freedom to lie cassie's lawyers shot back and even reference my book on equal protection to the supreme court justices in an effort to prove that the eight hundred eighty six corporate personhood case was a sham that the supreme court never ruled that corporations are people but instead that rogue reporter i told you about had the nation that's when something strange happens. after hearing the argument against corporate personhood taken from my book by cascades lawyers chief justice right william rehnquist suddenly dismissed the case basically saying oh oops we made a mistake in a green here at the first place so the lower court's decision was upheld nike lost the case and settled with cassie agreeing to make a seven figure gift to help sweat shop workers around the world it was actually
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were a rare when it is corporate personhood but it was short lived because just as nike was coughing up the cash box news was about them or fox corp was about to mount its own defense of a corporation's right to lie in that very same year in one thousand nine hundred eighty two investigative reporters janie her and steve wilson working for a local fox affiliate produced a series on how a synthetic hormone known as bovine growth hormone b g eight keenly given a cattle boat in florida all over the country in fact could be causing cancer in america and not in europe where it had been banned but since the local station owned by rupert murdoch's news corp forced aker and wilson to rewrite the story several times until finally it was just an outright lie that was pretty much consistent with months santo's p.r. even though europeans have banned the stuff here you know we shouldn't worry we should just be happy but a fear and wilson refused to tone it down they believe as journalists it was their
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job to tell the public the truth about what's in their milk so the fox t.v. station hired them and a criminals and fired back by suing the fox t.v. outlet for wrongful termination and a jury of six of their peers unanimously agreed with acre and wilson and one of them four hundred twenty five thousand dollars in damages the jury found that quote fox acted intentionally and deliberately to falsify or distort the plaintiff's news reporting on b.t.h. and a quote. he's closed not so fast in two thousand and three just as the supreme court was dismissing the nikkei case fox news was appealing its own case and sure enough that year an appeals court reversed the lower court's ruling and claimed that as a corporation fox had the right to lie and not only that it had the right to force its reporters to lie with the threat of firing them if they don't comply that decision still stands today which means right now fox can tell its reporters to lie
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to protect corporate and political friends and interests and those reporters must comply or else they'll get fired and by the way it's not just fox this is true of every media corporation in america and as we've seen in the recently leaked e-mails uncovered by media matters that show fox news executives telling anchors to for example call the public option a government option because it sounds better for republicans and to inject skepticism into every report about global warming ox news is up to their ears in the line here and yet they still can call themselves a new. everyone knows well everyone knows that rush limbaugh isn't news and rush limbaugh himself doesn't call his program a news program that everyone knows the big picture of thom hartmann is a news i don't claim to be either i do opinion but fox news is in the same business as rush limbaugh basically carrying the water for the republican party in corporate interests it calls itself news historically from the one nine hundred thirty s.
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until the one nine hundred eighty s. when the media organization called itself news it had to be free of bias it had to actually be real news then reagan blew up the fairness doctrine in one thousand nine hundred seven the rule that required self-proclaimed news outlets to report straight news and open the floodgates of distortion and infotainment and the courts then piled on by ruling that media corporations have the absolute right to lie to their viewers and force their reporters to do so. now can you see where the news media in america is in complete and utter disrepair and why nobody believes what they see or hear any more as i speak republicans are pushing for a constitutional amendment to balance the budget that's not what america needs our nation actually needs a constitutional amendment stripping corporations of their personhood and bust their right to lie to us then maybe we can once and for force fox to drop the word
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news from its name and call the network what it really is as roger ailes invision did back in the one nine hundred seventy s. when he worked in the nixon administration g.o.p. t.v. . that's the big picture for more information on the stories we covered visit our website so tom hartman dot free space dot org and. also check out our two you tube channels there are a link to tom hartman dot com entire show is available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman i phone and i pad app in the app store you send us feedback and twitter and underscore our on facebook it's all mothers who are on our blogs message boards and telephone comment line it's hard enough and don't forget democracy begins with you when you show up get out there get active tag your it.
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wealthy british style it's sometimes. a little.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no. the global financial headlines. report. the be. more news today. fled up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada the first. look at the be. cool. looking.


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