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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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crime more details are emerging about the suspect himself who posted a rant fifteen hundred page rants on the internet saying how he went to various countries czech republic in the european union with its lax gun laws is what he said to look for and he explained how he was going to carry out this act so you can maybe understand why this anger among community here that he wasn't caught before he was allowed to carry out his crimes he expressed violent muslim views he was briefly a member of the progress polity here in norway which is anti immigrant and the ruling labor party is who he attacked first through a blast in the city center the government headquarters were hit by a car bomb that apparently he went to an oil and just outside where he attacked a group of children he was dressed in a police uniform he had a gun and he was shouting i'll kill everyone everyone must die we have pictures of children swimming for survival hiding in the rocks and dramatic pictures of
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a ten year old boy being saved so the tragedy of a nation really hear more now in this report. brave christine who was. called bomb explosion in the days and surrounded by broken clothes she stayed in the to help the wounded the waitress just standing chatting and then suddenly you could just fade i was like i come like a fish just waiting for your body blasted out like glass bits in their eyes. you know that gets smashed that's all over them the skin and everything this show. victims before giving its whole drinks as a nation which is never suffered at the hands of terrorists before he says norwegians just didn't know how to react. strong from call some buildings. people told things gaming rolling on this man's war so.
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severe short when their windows were blown out by the blast but he says they're lucky to be alone his thoughts go out to the many young victims of the second attack i think about the vision of the ship their house. and i think. the arrogance of mr cupples to the two atrocities produced many acts of heroism but the dust settles on the world's worst mass shooting experts say there's also anger that the attacks were allowed to happen in the first place anger the truth or ignore dozens of hate messages from suspect anders behring breivik you haven't really been prepared for right wing extremism expressed fury at the government's open door policy on immigration in numerous blogs and twitter feeds and lists at the shootings may reflect growing national opposition to fully immigration policies the political establishment of more of
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a are relatively well off people that live in areas where there are simply no immigrants so that's a poor people ignore the being pushed out of places they used to live live in and it's also their drops in jeopardy muslims claim this disappointment that the killer turned out to be white they want this guy to be muslim or how muslim you know. it is for them it's a little bit strange because he's never read it so they talk too much about it and about us. it is not good norwegians are said to be fed up with their brand of what's been dubbed radical liberalism it's the country's multicultural policies that turn the government against his own. way. far. wider than. ready to admit and there's a polite and respectful attitude towards that kind of. the news and the mainstream
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media but the reality is that fifty percent over the weekend tunes against multi-culturalism as people here try to pick up the pieces and bring meaning to this twitter already saying it with relations between communities some expect the crackdown by police on the growing for right movement while other spear this will only fuel resentment against europe's muslims victims are beginning to piece back together the shouts of lawyers but the experts warn this might not be the last such a time as outrage at the perceived failure of a multicultural society grows the new bush will see oslo of the whole world is now discussing what lies behind the atrocity and you can join the debate on our website r.t.e. dot com and looking at the charts so far the majority think share fanaticism is to blame fewer people say the tension stem from multiculturalism eight percent believe the reason is global terrorism which penetrates everywhere and the rest say it's
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down to the failure of security forces a log on to r.t. dot com and have your say on the issue. still ahead for you in the program funding the revolt against germany the fear is to send millions of euros to libyan rebels we ask how will the money be used. nato begins had to go over control of afghan provinces to local army forces but many question if they're really up to the job. now greece let out a sigh of relief this week out after a long talks leaders finally agreed on how to help the country avoid defaulting on its debt lathan will now receive a new bailout worth an estimated one hundred ninety billion euros well the plan was agreed after greece approved severe austerity measures said big thousands sought to the streets in protest the rescue will also involve lowering interest rates on greek debt and extending that we came in period and the package also doubles the
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time given to bankrupt and ireland to pay back their own loans meanwhile spain which has the highest unemployment rate in the eurozone saw thousands of protesters converge on the grid on saturday while they camped out in the city center after marching from across the country but the national analysts not skies are says bailouts only plunge people deeper in debt. it increases the amount of debt it increases the amount of debt in the eurozone it is crease of the amount of debt in greece so this is a plan cooked up by bankers to repackage research. that's what they do and it crowds out the real economy so if they think that this is going to help the economy grow their way to a position of paying off this debt or paying the interest on the debt that's not going to happen because by giving bankers more dead to control the productive part of the economy you are eliminating that part of the economy's ability to pay off this debt so the banking cancer is just becoming worse in the eurozone and worse in
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green still bailing out the banks there but not. bailing out the workers or the people who are on the ground so to speak they're bailing out european banks they're bailing out wall street banks they're bailing out other banks and so doing they're increasing the debt load so it's making the situation much worse and they're crowding out any ability for the work workers in greece to generate enough income to pay off this debt this is consigning the population debt servitude. fierce of default all surveys across the atlantic as barack obama's meeting with congressional leaders failed to bring about agreement but the u.s. treasury secretary says congress is working on a framework and the goal is to finalize a deal before asian markets open on sunday afternoon congress must approve raising its current fourteen point three trillion dollar debt ceiling before august second to avoid default the impact of america failing to pay its massive debts would shake
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the entire world economy and the deal offered by president obama includes slashing medical and social benefit costs but democrats and republicans are divided over the details of balancing spending cuts and tax rises as investigative journalist greipel last says it's ordinary americans will have to foot the government's bills . bush when he was president from two thousand and one to two thousand and eight when i will why don't spend he had a surplus we could give in germany six billion dollars a year by bill clinton turned that into a six hundred million dollars per year deficit adding three trillion dollars us eric cantor voted for all those bush's wars and for the weapons for the tax cuts now these guys don't want to pay the bill somehow but compromise means that. this in dollars will be paid for by eliminating benefits for the working class the
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american people the elderly people on social security didn't encourage it dead veterans receiving veteran of veterans benefits didn't increase the debt it was the result of bush's wars bush's tax cuts while spending for these programs now are the beneficiaries basically people who got the money don't want to pay it back all this week the phone hacking and the police bribery scandal was taken to the british parliament rupert murdoch his son james and a former u.k. c.e.o. rebecca brooks were all grilled by british lawmakers for several hours and the trio said they were deeply sorry for what happened work however new allegations have emerged that the news international chairman james murdoch misled the m.p.'s by saying i think he was unaware of the true extent of illicit phone tapping by his company's reporters meanwhile questions are being asked over the death of journalist sean hoare the amana credited with revealing the phone hacking scandal
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as artie's lore and that reports it's drawing a striking parallels with another whistleblower. another political scandal erupts another whistleblower diaries sean hoare was the first former news of the world journalists to go on the record to allege that phone hacking was endemic at the paper and that its editor andy colson actively encouraged it hall was found dead in his house on monday setting the blogosphere into a frenzy of comparisons with the case of dr david kelly why isn't a strong horse story bigger reminds me of how dr david kelly was bumped off. eerily similar tragedies of sean hoare and david kelly wallace madness to what end david kelly shawn who are this what i'm thinking something's not right dr kelly was the u.n. weapons inspector who first cast doubt on the government's claim that iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within forty five minutes it led to scrutiny of
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tony blair's decision to invade iraq by extraordinary coincidence kelly's body was discovered exactly eight years before that of sean hordes on the eighteenth of july two thousand and three it was british journalist andrew gilligan who david kelly had spoken to to publicize his belief that the forty five minute claim had been exaggerated gilligan believes there are similarities between kelly and sean hoare being at the center of one of these storms a terrifying experience i really don't believe either david or sean hoare was murdered because. i simply don't think it would have been in anyone's interest to murder them once they got into the public spotlight anyone with an iota of sense in government would have known that to kill them we just would just amplify the story i think it's simply i think both were under enormous pressure from their roles as whistle blowers and and found it difficult to cope with that pressure sean hoare was evidence could have been crucial to proving that the news of the world editors
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supported a culture of listening to private voice mails for stories who was former editor andy colson who later became a media director to the current prime minister has always denied the allegations the man was destroyed professionally by news international. journalistic world in london is a very small amount as this story is well known but he was drinking tonight was taking drugs he was depressed the moralized police are saying hall's death doesn't appear suspicious and they're looking at suicide dr kelly's death was also recorded as suicide although many including leading doctors and m.p.'s. have never accepted that their suspicions of hardly been quelled by the fact the post-mortem report and other evidence has been classified for seventy years so ten arrests six resignations two convictions and one death that the toll of the phone hacking
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scandal so far the death of a key whistleblower in this scandal has raised questions but so far only amongst the twits are aussie it's being reported as a horrible and unfortunate coincidence but it's doubtful that if this had happened elsewhere say in russia or in india the british media would be so quick to accept it as a coincidence particularly looked at in the light of the death of david kelly you were at it. all in the u.k. the revelation that police officers leaked information to news of the world reporters for cash has rocked the country well james corbet editor of the independent news website says the scandal has seriously undermined people stressed to find out that certain officers had been on the payroll of these organizations and providing details today to the journalists who were involved in a scandal that in itself is quite a disgrace and it does raise the question of who is properly qualified to to look
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into this into two to perform a proper investigation certainly not the police itself investigating itself that would be ridiculous at this point and the idea again of a parliamentary inquiry it has to be at least seemed to be completely free of ties to the prime minister's office certainly and into any other m.p.'s who may have been implicated in the scandal so it's going to be an incredible mess unfortunately for the british people to be sorting through right now and i think trust in the public institutions has been necessarily eroded by this appalling disgraceful conduct on the part of so many different people in who the public has invested so much trust. well if you've missed anything recovering on air you can head to our web site that's r t dot com where there's always more to inform and inspire you and here's a taste of what's online right now uncover a mystery or find out why every july since the eighteen eighties california words have been filled with some of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world. and
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now the russians rush to stock up on painkillers as the government prepares to make pills containing cordie and available by prescription only find out why the move has caused controversy at r.t. dot com. emergency services are recovered more bodies from the russian pleasure boat that sank in the volga river two weeks ago killing one hundred twenty people the wreck to ship has been lifted from the bottom and towed to shallow waters all the task is now to drain the halls so investigators can examine the vessel in detail to determine the exact cause of the tragedy of the search continues for two others whose fate remains unknown and it's believed their bodies could still be trapped inside the bulgaria went down within minutes of the tenth of july drowning more than half of its two hundred passengers the boat's owner is under investigation and two people have already been charged with violating safety regulations. germany says it will lead to libya's rebels one hundred million
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euros for quote civilian and humanitarian purposes oberlin opposed to western military intervention in the country but a promise to help oust colonel gadhafi through peaceful means for more germany's decision let's talk more with the author of the book humanitarian imperialism and he joins us from the city of y.l. in france thank you very much for being on the program now berlin says the money will be spent on humanitarian needs but can germany really control what the funds are spent on i mean what's to stop the opposition buying weapons which they claim they need. well actually going to and from bahrain or even assuming the. world maybe then again with the money they would spend the money give it away we're going to i mean you see this is a very sneaky weave of germany to intervening in the. end but it seems to me that it's also sure that there is a certain kind of this spirit under seders nato because they have been bombing in
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bombing and bombing thoughts over months now all used to. be and still there is every against. us now we see them on station on the web landing on station in cities tripoli and it's not believable and you know people they will see that there are weapons given to the population and they simply not believe it will that it's all stage managed. she denounced traditional means their view is that people are angry and. need a leader realize that. their clothes are not able to take bear on the loose knowing don't know who she and there is a sunni world and she was going on and being there in syria world is literally going to the. principle of the u.n. then when the solution in one thousand seven hundred three they will look at the nato moves now in libya but first i would like to ask you more about berlin early and says it's it is against violence in the area but at the same time it also promises financial aid to one of the sides in this civil conflict which as you were
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saying earlier could be used for military purposes what is germany score here. very difficult to assess because it seems to me that germany is sort of what we see of germany only one hand they don't want to and then there is nato too much. on the other hand. who had more. influence with the new united states in. the same time on the one hand is to be. the maybe divisional. didn't seem to me to be a consistent. military institute. in two thousand and three.
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although i mean you know these countries are wishy washy. seems to me that one has two wheelers and things and of going according to plan and on the the how many. plan b. and. o. you. cited your earlier you were mentioning that the us i would like to continue on that thought the libyan rebels have recently gave potential access to crown gadhafi frozen assets in the u.s. russia amount about thirty three billion dollars that's after washington gave them full diplomatic recognition now with natal that operation stalemate do you think of this move in by the u.s. will that swing the balance of the civil war with this access to more funding. look . i don't look because it seems to me that the population in tripoli in the. ninety straight again so goes i don't know but the problem in all the world is not
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that i mind i'm on their lawn but this is also. where you sit alone in there you have a solution to take the money from libya and give it to the liberals and also they don't realize that their friends are not doing very well and is further undermines the credibility in their ranking system because who is going to put their money now in the western banks. they're going to be shows and you know there's some. you know some insurrection when we go through that. a billion in one of them would be ways to put their money in western ones from the mean seems to me completely crazy it is but it's if you're one of those who knows that there are a lot of humanitarian needs in tripoli and a home there are lots of problems due to the need to bomb being so if there was fuel humanitarian concern the humanitarian help to the so-called if you controlled region that didn't want to be there with the world this could be in the money could be used for me to. give the money to go but it's really. just not neutral in the. military and it's ok well thank you very
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much for your action there mr sheldrake more of the author of the book humanitarian imperialism thank you very much thank you very much. and now to some other stories making headlines around the globe this hour almost a day after two high speed trains crashed in china killing thirty five people and injuring at two hundred rescuers pulled a small toddler from the wreckage of one of the bullet trains was forced to stop after being struck by lightning and was then hit by the second train from behind the coach as fell from a bridge as a result of the crash it was the first derailment on china's high speed rail network since the country launched all the trains in two thousand and seven. a car bomb has killed eight soldiers in yemen's coastal city of aden the blast took place near the entrance of an army camp as a convoy of vehicles packed with troops was about to leave officials said they were
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being sent to fight al qaeda linked militants in a nearby province or the country has been hit by months of anti-government protests including a clash between security forces and armed groups. a host of celebrities and friends paid tribute to a british soldier as amy winehouse was found dead in her london flat on saturday police say the cause of her death remains unexplained the twenty seven year old star one of marriott of awards including five grammys for her music and had been hailed as one of the most talented singers of her age her success was often overshadowed by well documented battles with drugs and alcohol also the subject of her hit song rehab and last month she canceled her european tour after being booed off stage during his performance in serbia. now with the latest operations led by nato and afghan forces sixteen insurgents have been killed in the country's south now the raid comes in response to renewed taliban activity as nato begins
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a gradual withdrawal from afghanistan now the plan is to recall all foreign combat troops by the end of twenty fourteen and nato's new military commander in the country general john allen one quote tough times ahead for the war effort and earlier this month the afghan president's half brother was assassinated by one of his own bodyguards and in a separate incident one of whom had karzai is top advisers was also gunned down antiwar activist brian becker thinks the u.s. led coalition is losing ground in afghanistan while the number of casualties continues to rise. they can't win by staying in fact their presence is becoming the main catalyst for the armed insurgency not only the telegram but maybe one hundred forty armed groups and they can't leave either because if they leave there will be a perception that the u.s. and nato were defeated by an armed insurgency but this dilemma must be solved some way so ultimately the united states cannot prevail the assassination of karzai as
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brother and his inner circle shows that the edifice of the karzai regime necessary at least to give afghan face to the nato occupation that itself is now crumbling for these armed attacks these assassination attempts are designed to create panic and i think in all likelihood they are creating panic within the very heart the foundation of the karzai government the us is losing grown steadily it's spending one hundred twenty billion dollars a year that's an increasing amount from a treasury that's already drained based on huge budget deficits here the number of casualties on the afghan and american side is is increasing not decreasing and yet they're no closer to victory in fact they're losing control of the country and the government that they sponsor is is in fact in danger of crumbling i would say the us hasn't gained anything i think the us is losing ground and spite of what david petraeus and the obama administration say this is a bad situation possibly a catastrophe for the united states. coming up shortly watch the latest from our
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special reports from one of russia's leading national parks famous for its wild beauty well that's out there a recap of our top stories in a few moments to stay with us. for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get
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a human voice face to face with the news makers. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms. we've got the future covered. wealthy british style and some. of the. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines in two cars a report on our to.
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welcome back you're watching our t.v. and here's a recap of today's news on this week's top stories grief and despair in norway as a country mourns the victims of its first ever terrorist attack. the suspect tells police the ninety three deaths were quote do something necessary. reaches out a helping hand to greece agreeing on a new bailout but fears remain about the future of the euro as thousands protest in spain against the government's handling of its own financial woes. and rupert murdoch faces investigation in the u.s.
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in two more alleged phone hacking by his media from all that south where he was grilled in britain over the scandal that has shaken police politicians and the press. next come with us on a trip taking in the spectacular wild beauty to be found between the girls and siberia well prepared to be all odds. mountain ranges and hills roll across the landscape intricate crests and rocks tower of centuries old trainees. given the water wind and rocks constantly advise supremacies they exist in a unique calm. deep holes in the high gun mines swift mountain streams and quiet springs flow from the ground. this is tiger night nature's peculiar creation on the border between the urals of siberia it is the site as one
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of the brushes out of the way national parks. when national park warden valentin gregorio is on duty he uses a customized off road vehicle with large wheels to move around forest crossings are the easiest way to the peaks of the ground tyga ny ridge you don't find roads or footpaths here. adventure enthusiastic so not put off by the hardships of the journey this group of tourists is from the city of chelyabinsk an industrial center in the urals obvious rock climbing today the destination is the top of a cliff called a quick noisy crest waiting across this mountain stream is a dangerous task even on a quiet warm day it's slow it's still too fast. during the day to do wouldn't take food and fuel to the parks outposts and checks tourist trails and come sites.


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