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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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joy see those who raise the violence the gateway to the ground imperial truly the socialists. you can to listen to the socialism that you see don't need to go and. read this in the kennel was the term as used to retreat. norway mourns the victims of friday's bombing and shooting rampage that plane the lives of at least ninety three people and shook the nation to its core. and i'm just very brave it says the killing of more than knowing two people was necessary and he was acting alone one of the details in a few moments. thousands returned to the streets of madrid calling for the government to tackle unemployment and take over the country's crippling recession. no pie in the face for rupert murdoch this week but the media mogul still faces an opening round of questions in the u.s. over phone hacking allegations after being grilled by the british parliament.
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six am in moscow i matras are good to have you with us as i bring you the day's top stories and a look back at the week's news here on our t.v. and the entire country of norway's been shaken by friday's killing rampage as it more as the ninety three people massacred in the oslo bombing and youth camp shooting prime minister stoltenberg says two days since the attacks have been filled with shock and interiors or he's daniel bushell has more philosophy. it's a day of mourning there's a memorial service behind me attended by king harald of norway looking very somber the prime minister of norway says that the two days since the tragedy have seemed like an eternity the people of israel tense they're still trying to understand how something like this could have happened and the police say they are still looking
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there is potential there are more victims to be found on the island disaster just outside there is criticism rising for the police that it took them from an hour to an hour and a half to actually find the to find the killer and to stop the massacre so there is criticism over this over this tragic incident the suspect has admitted to crime he said that he wanted a change in society that he wanted to force the revolution that it was an atrocious but necessary act to make the norwegian people realize and the society realized that it's going wrong he said it's not a crime more details are emerging about the suspect himself who posted a rant a fifteen hundred page rants on the internet saying how he went to various countries czech republic in the european union with its lax gun laws is what you said to look for guns and he explained how he was going to carry out the sector you can maybe understand what he is saying got among community here that he wasn't before he was allowed to carry out his crimes he expressed violent anti muslim
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views he was briefly a member of the progress party here in norway which is anti immigrant and the ruling labor party is who he attacked first through a blast in the city center the government headquarters were hit by a car bomb that apparently he went to an oil and just outside where he attacked a group of children he was dressed in a police uniform he had a gun and he was shouting i'll kill everyone everyone must die we have pictures of children swimming for survival hiding in the rocks and dramatic pictures of a ten year old. boy being saved so the tragedy of a nation really hear more now in this report brave christina was. called explosion in days and surrounded by broken clothes she stayed in the floor so to help. a waitress just standing tough thing and then suddenly you could just read i
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was like i feel like a fish just waiting for you looking lost their life lost it's in their eyes. you know that gets smashed glass all over the skin and everything this show patched up victims whole drinks as a nation which has never suffered at the hands of terrorists before he says norwegians just didn't know how to react. alarms from from car some buildings. people told things gaming rolling on this man's wife suffered severe short when their windows were blown out by the last but he says they lucky to be alone his thoughts go out to the many young victims of the second attack i think about the vision to see the most people and i think. that parents are just a couple still to atrocities produced many acts of heroism with as with those sensors on the walls worst mass shooting experts say there's also boise anger that
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the attacks were allowed to happen in the first place and go to truth or ignore dozens of hate messages from suspect and. you haven't really been prepared right being extremism expressed fury at the government's open door policy on immigration it looks and twitter feeds. the shootings may reflect growing national opposition to field immigration policies the political establishment the more they are relative the people that live in areas where there are simply no. immigrants and that was a poor people in north of the big push. places they used to live rubin and that's over there drugs that are in jeopardy muslims claim this disappointment that the killer turned out to be wants they want this guy to be a muslim although most of you know. it's for them it's a little bit strange because he's in the region so they talk too much about it and
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about us it is not good in the regions are said to be fed up with the brand of what's being dealt radical liberalism it's the country's multicultural policies that turn the government against his own feeling the way the far right. wires are. ready to admit and there's a parallel hit and respect for attitude towards that kind of. against the media but the reality is that fifty percent off in the winter are against multiculturalism as people who try to pick up the pieces and bring meaning to this twitter will really thing it will throw relations between communities some expect the crackdown by police on the e.u. growing full right movements while others fear this will only fuel resentment against europe's muslims victims are beginning to piece spoke together this shuts
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at lloyd's but the experts warn this might not be the last such a time as outrage at the perceived failure of a multicultural society grows the new bush will see oslo. there's a very exciting he needed to start a revolution to force a change in society investigative journalist journalist twenty dollars lying things there's a new brand of neo nazi terror about authorities all over the world should watch closely. anders breivik thought he was some kind of teutonic knight from medieval times because he's echoing the kind of crusader attitude and it's a very strange version of christianity that he. is he says he's a christian i don't think he is maybe the same kind of strange version of christianity that bush and blair have been coming up with over the last ten years or so so i think that this is actually the tip of an iceberg is actually quite a lot of this neo nazi activity out there and now i think the antiterrorist or
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thought he's right across the world is going to have to take this brand of terrorism much more seriously and particularly worrying is that he was a freemason and has but even as declared that he was a freemason i would imagine that the norwegian police are now going to be talking to other all the other members of any masonic lodges that he was in because this seems to be the place where this kind of christian rather nasty racist ideology was cooked up i would also add that it was interesting the police said they never come across him before the norwegian police but i wonder very much i wonder if the secret service in norway has been watching him because it was very strange that when he was first arrested on friday the police actually called out his name to him now it was very i would be amazed if they would have actually known as they first approached him what his name was i would have thought that from the arrest point that's where the investigation would have started from. crowds of protesters have converged in spain's capital madrid after emerging from across the country they're
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angry of the soaring unemployment the highest in the euro zone and our government's failure to tackle the recession or it is really who should go has more from the spanish capital where the demonstrators have set up their. spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in the eurozone in fact it has the highest unemployment rates among the you in the european union and of course this has resulted in thousands upon thousands of young people who cannot find a job in their home country taking matters into their own hands and protesting literally for days and days on end in fact the process time started on the ninth on may fifteenth of this year and this is why the movement this multi thousand people movement is called fifteen m. movement so this particular time they have the problem from several cities in fact more than a hundred cities from all across spain that was here by foot a lot of the function was here here in order to come here to the very center of the free the so-called former zero in order to rest their indignation in the cold the
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margins of indignation at what the government is literally not doing to help the situation in the country there's thousands of people i mean you know you see can see they're gathering all around me because for them this is a big deal they're trying to get all the attention that they can because they believe that their government is focusing instead on what the i.m.f. the w o l and the world bank are doing and not paying attention to the people in spain they demand more jobs in fact they're saying it's not about the high pensions and it's not so much about the social benefits it's about simply getting a job in the very country they believe that if they take matters into their own hands that they can do something they have actually set up camp right here in the middle of one of the days so they have been here for days and they think that if they continue to push their opinion peacefully they will reach their desired goal because remember that all of this is happening right when right when the situation in some other european countries like in the neighboring portugal or in greece is
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anything is basically everything but dire greece has receded not to be allowed but a lot of critics are saying that that is not going to help the country in any way afford to go has been downgraded by several agencies to have this. yes and he has been blacklisted for the comic was and the spanish don't want their country to go down the drain there again like i said before they're calling on the government to stop talking to focus on the matters in the country and actually help the people in the country and not pay attention to what the big european big heads are hoping or trying it to pretend as if they are doing in that is that video and off people who have surrounded me right carry it literally tens of thousands of people from all across the state and this is their main goal to take matters into their own into their own hands and to help the country if nobody else will help it's. the one hundred nine billion euro bailout for greece was agreed after it approved severe austerity measures sending thousands onto the streets in protest rescue also
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involve lowering interest rates on a greek debt and extending the repayment period the financial analyst max kaiser says it'll only plunge people deeper in trouble. it increases the amount of debt it increases the amount of debt in the eurozone it is crazy amount of debt and grace so this is a plan cooked up by bankers to repackage research characterize and resell. that's what they do and it crowds out the real economy so if they think that this is going to help the economy grow their way to a position of paying off this debt or paying the interest on the debt that's not going to happen because by giving bankers more dead to control the productive part of the economy you are the eliminating that it are the economy's ability to pay off this debt so the banking cancer is just becoming worse in the eurozone and worse in greece they're trying out the banks they're not bailing out the workers or the people who are on the ground so to speak they're bailing out european banks they're
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bailing out wall street banks they're bailing out other banks and so doing they're increasing the debt load so it's making the situation much worse and they're crowding out any ability for the work of workers in greece to generate enough income to pay off this debt this is consigning the population to debt service is. stay with us here on ars he's still ahead in the program funding the revolt as germany prepares to send billions of euros to libyan rebels how will the money you plus. you know starts handing over control of afghan provinces to local security forces but many question if there are the times. also this week the phone hacking and police bribery scandal was taking to the british parliament rupert murdoch his son james and former u.k. c.e.o. rebecca brooks were all grilled by british lawmakers for several hours the trio said they were deeply sorry for what happened but the new allegations of emerged
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got the news international cherami james murdoch misled and he's saying he was unaware of the true extent of illicit phone tapping by his company's reporters and murdoch's now three. legal challenges in the u.s. over claims the voice mails of nine eleven victims were also targeted meanwhile back in the u.k. the scandal appears to be spreading beyond the murdoch empire with claims the sunday mirror tabloid may have also gotten some good news voicemail messages but as our he's got a cheeky on reports critics believe you she was just the tip of the iceberg in a world that may no longer value individual privacy. as the scandal over phone hacking by the murdoch media empire rages on public and political theory has mainly focused on ruthless tabloids out of control prepared to invade people's private lives than even the dad to get the story that some say in this day and age the whole concept of privacy is falling apart and in the u.s.
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more rapidly than elsewhere every time you catch on your cell we're click on google or use your meal service everybody's sort of just clicks through that you agree to our terms and conditions for all those terms and conditions are very very heavily weighted against you and your privacy interests and we see you breaches of privacy happening. all across america all across the world really in every sector surveillance is rampant but really this is all a microcosm of the biggest surveille are all which is the state here's little americans can do with the state having sweeping access to their private information access that followed the nine eleven terrorist attacks under a new law known as the patriot act asana law his privacy was taken away from him in two thousand and two when he was detained by the f.b.i. for absolutely no reason he says and scrutinized for months without charge is response for nine years he has voluntarily documented nearly every waking hour of
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his life on the where he has subsequently even turned it into a form of art sealed toilet sort of used so you know that over here for example you know that on sunday november twenty fourth. two thousand and seven i'd use this road i went grocery shopping at safeway over there were seventy they got gas over here he posts copies of every debit card transaction so you can see what he bought where and when a g.p.s. device in his pocket reports his real time physical location on a map and this is the shot he took on his way to our studio which was immediately out floated on his website hassan says his extraordinary abandonment of his own privacy stems from the ignorance of the authorities but in the theater they decided well that guy looks a little different so he must be arab and if he's arab then he must have explosives everyone knows that that's the logic we're operating we we realize how ridiculous that logic sounds but when your country when your own country takes that on as the
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basis for national policy. ignorance as the basis of national policy is a pretty scary situation. and that's how it got caught up for her son privacy has become a reality of the past and he says he's not surprised that journalists or anyone else really would use the same surveillance tactics as the state in that sense it might be of no surprise that the chief architect of the p. tryna act the lawyer who put it together happens to be one of murdoch's hand-picked mused for gore directors served as assistant attorney general in the bush administration and was described by some as the purveyor of the most sweeping curtailment of freedom in the u.s. system across the era at a time when corporations and the government can easily hack into people's private lives it doesn't come as a surprise when for example social networks give your personal information and companies or when other industries leave breaching people's privacy in the u.s.
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it's so widespread and people have gotten so used to it that rupert murdoch seems to be perfect art of the system rather than some special bill and with corporation has been undertaking some unique all lawful practices because here in america they're not so unique i'm going to check out reporting from washington r.t. . germany says it will lend libya's rebels one hundred million euros for civilian and humanitarian purposes brylin opposed the military intervention in the country but promised to help out colonel gadhafi through peaceful means christophe forrestal a government consultant in germany say there is no guarantee the funds will be used for exclusively peaceful purposes. it is really a big question of what this money is being used for first of all who controlled slipped then next has nato ever cared for the civilian population in libya i don't think so. you know a group of countries bombing libya and using uranium weapons that of course is
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a group of countries not caring for the civilian population they see differently another point here i see that the important port town of brega which is hotly debated the government as who holds this town now might be a question with some of this money might be used in fact to buy the tribes to get the town into the hands of the rebels i think that's the question here quite importantly right now to use that money i doubt what is the official language of the german government. emergency services have recovered more bodies from the russian pleasure boat that sank in the volga river two weeks ago killing one hundred twenty two people the wreck ship has been lifted from the bottom in told to shallow waters task is now to drain the hole so investigators can examine the vessel in detail to figure out the cause of the catastrophe the search continues
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for two others whose fate remains unknown but it's believed their bodies could still be trapped inside the bulgaria went down within minutes on the tenth of july drowning more than half its two hundred passengers the boat's owner is under investigation and two people have already been charged with violating safety precautions. now to some other stories making headlines across the globe a car bomb has killed eight soldiers in yemen's coastal city of eight and the blast happened near the entrance of an army cap as a convoy of vehicles packed with troops was about to leave officials said they were being sent to fight al qaeda linked militants in a nearby province the country was hit by months of anti-government protests including clashes between security forces and armed groups. oh city of celebrities and friends paid tribute to british soldiers as diva amy winehouse was found dead in her london flat saturday police say the cause of death remains under investigation the twenty seven year old star run many awards including five grammys
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for her work and had been hailed as one of the most talented singers of her age but her success was often overshadowed by a well documented battle with drugs and alcohol the subject of her hit song rehab last month she cancelled the european tour after the three performance in serbia. congress and the white house have failed to agree to a stalemate in negotiations on the u.s. national debt ceiling makers must approve the right raising the fourteen point three trillion dollar debt ceiling before an august second deadline to avoid default both republicans and democrats say the world's financial markets are at risk if the u.s. fails to pay its massive debts president obama has already rejected any kind of quick fix measure as it could jeopardize investor confidence in the u.s. is prized triple a credit rating. latest operations led by nato and afghan forces sixteen insurgents have been killed in the country so the raid comes in response to
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renewed taliban activity as nato begins a gradual withdrawal from afghanistan the plan is to recall all foreign combat troops by the end of two thousand and fourteen nato as a new military commander in the country general john allen warns of tough times ahead for the war effort earlier this month the afghan president's half brother was assassinated by one of his own guards and in a separate incident one of president karzai is top advisers was also gunned down u.s. anti-war activism brian becker thinks the coalition may be losing ground in afghanistan with a number of casualties rise. they can't win by staying in fact their presence is becoming the main catalyst for the armed insurgency not only the taliban but maybe one hundred forty armed groups and they can't leave either because if they leave there will be a perception that the us and nato were defeated by an armed insurgency but this dilemma must be solved some way so ultimately the united states cannot prevail the assassination of cars eyes brother and his inner circle shows that the edifice of
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the karzai regime necessary at least to give it afghan face to the nato occupation that itself is now crumbling and these armed attacks these assassination attempts are designed to create panic and i think in all likelihood they are creating panic within the very heart the foundation of the karzai government the u.s. is losing grown steadily it's spending one hundred twenty billion dollars a year that's an increasing amount from the treasury that's already drained based on huge budget deficits here the number of casualties on the afghan and american side is is increasing not decreasing and yet they're no closer to victory in fact they're losing control of the country and the government that they sponsor is is in fact in danger of crumbly i would say the us hasn't gained anything i think the us is losing ground it's spite of what david petraeus and the obama administration say this is a bad situation possibly a catastrophe for the united states as they go started handing over control in
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parts of afghanistan to local security forces some analysts fear the country is ill equipped to fend off insurgency without foreign aid i was concerned also that afghans are divided with some worried look on the door to her return of taliban rule jason malard has more. there's confusion on the faces of the afghan army soldiers as a firefight unfolds on the other side of the wall looking for them this is the kabul military training center and the bullets being fired blanks the men here halfway through a ten week program and the officers don't cut the many slack when it's over they'll be deployed in eastern congo or province one of afghanistan's most violent corners . but we must push them hard so they can perform under pressure day by day we're making progress the afghan national army has already come a long way and scrapes have swollen to about one hundred seventy thousand troops thanks to fresh waves of recruits attracted by higher wages and extra perks the soldiers insist they are all united in their desire to beat back the taliban led insurgency regardless of age or ethnicity then in yarmouth we are all brothers and
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we are all called by one name hard right a call of duty is also struck a chord beyond able bodied males the first ever class of women soldiers has just graduated. and there's even a mujahedeen unit made up of hardened veterans the entire soviet this is all good news to u.s. military planners have said in two thousand and fourteen billion to hand over security responsibilities to the afghans the afghan army enjoys a much better reputation of the police force is even a feature of the recent move. but is the army takes greater responsibility for security around the country there are concerns that the quantity of troops may be coming at the expense of quality for starters more than eighty percent of troops are illiterate a big problem with the ability to read maps and numbers can spell the difference between life and adding to the world was a widespread drug use and desertions today roughly one in four combat soldiers quit their post critics also point out that the military leadership is made up of many
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rival ex warlords who still command loyalties along regional and ethnic lines and could drag the country deeper into conflict as the u.s. begins to scale back its role as custodian this summer there are concerns that these divisions may flare up if i was not neutral. united ninety three fighting each other be killing each other he's. going to. the groups who control. yet another obstacle for a young army that still has much to from before it can students and. uncalled for tim. he was has been carrying out unmanned drone strikes in pakistan for several years but now one of the supervisors of the program is himself in the crosshairs former cia official john rizzo faces a lawsuit over civilian casualties human rights attorneys and the families of victims are seeking an arrest warrant for him they claim rizzo approved a list of targets for one of the drone strikes that often resulted in scores of
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civilian deaths tara marie is a member of the campaign group that's bringing action against rizzo she tells r t that washington must be held accountable for its operations in pakistan thus far these drones have been operating in pakistan in the better a little federal administration and tribal areas. and they've been operating in secret by the cia and they've been killing indiscriminately hundreds of civilians and so the purpose of this is is hopefully it's against the transparency out of out of the cia and how have obama and sued to get some justice on behalf of the victims of these drone strikes as we know the u.s. is not anymore in pakistan the usa is operating extra legally carrying out these drone strikes in pakistan in union in somalia and in terms of it being disproportionate you know we have numbers coming out of pakistan that indicate that you know for every one suspected militant that's being killed one hundred forty
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innocent civilians are dying as a result of these strikes and so if those numbers are correct you know we have people on the ground who are who are gathering information who are doing the investigation and trying to collect the information so that we can bring a more transparent a more honest picture to the public about what's happening in pakistan. that's the hours main news will be back with the headlines after a short break stay with us here on r.t. .
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