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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep is if you understand it and then you glimpse something else hears you some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't. charge welcome to the big picture. see. the art. and yet still. feel full fee for the.
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first year that we get an apartheid regime right here in the lead i think either one well. whatever the government says they're keeping safe get ready because of the freedom .
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yes. the light will come and. so last year wired. ladies and gentlemen today there is a glimmer of hope in the world of technology by now we all know that the recording industry association of america which is also known as the r i a is out to get anyone who gets music through file sharing computer programs but a case in minnesota shows that the r i eight campaign against americans might be facing a few obstacles you see jamie thomas roth that has been taken to court on three separate occasions by this organization and this time a jury decided that she would have to pay one point five million dollars for stealing twenty four songs off the file sharing site however here's the glimmer of hope the judge overseeing the trial thought that one point five million dollars
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fines seemed a bit much after all that means the defendant is paying sixty two thousand dollars per song so u.s. district judge michael davis decided to step in and overrule the jury's judgment davis said their decision was so severe and oppressive as to be wholly disproportionate to the offense and obviously unreasonable and that is a quo so rather than the one point five million dollars fine the woman will only be shelling out lost a lot fifty four thousand dollars for all twenty four songs but let's put that into a comparison under the original ruling by the jury thomas ross that was going to pay sixty two thousand dollars for each song you downloaded but after judge davis intervened they'll only pay two thousand dollars per track and to be very clear that's still a very hefty price but it proves there are more reasonable individuals in this world who agree that nobody should be forced into the poorhouse for downloading a few songs and it's become clear that the record industry is out for blood. and
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they want revenge on the millions of people who found ways to avoid paying for their media so they god there are judges out there like judge michael davis who thinks the outrageous fines pursued by the r i am a are about maybe as ridiculous as we do although we would have given a fifty four thousand dollar fine but for giving our i.a.s. slap across the face we'd say judge davis is a true glimmer of hope. and now all over the world people are desperately searching for help between a tragedy a tragedy in norway as we saw on friday the protests underway in spain over the economy or the outcry in israel over the outrageous housing prices everyone is searching for help taking the streets to try and do something well perhaps they should look to san diego california were superheroes are stuck to the max come the con and although these heroes don't exist in the real world many people come from across the globe to forget their troubles and engage in a world where the biggest threat comes from a super villain not the government or to enjoy the more frivolous pursuits rather
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than face the world's problems head on and try to solve or challenge them but you can decide that for our parties ramon glinda takes us on a quest and hopes of finding a real life superhero to escape all troubles a comic on. well bombs explode and thousands of american troops continue to fight in the country's longest war another battle is happening here at home. it's a fight against the harsh realities of life. these days you'll never see this many people protesting the wars yet more than one hundred thousand people attended a comic con the world's largest comic book convention this is a costume party on steroids where the world's worries go out the window people in
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power i wish i had was teleportation and who wouldn't want to be in themselves up from the harsh realities of today's america i'm just scared of. this life is a joke in itself that's going to sweet release going. however life is no joke for a large segment of the u.s. population like these people living on the sidewalks just a few blocks from the convention we're in sunny san diego california a city known for its beaches and summer attractions it's also an area which is dealing with double digit unemployment and a growing homeless population but instead of focusing on these tough realities of life thousands of people from all over the world have the center on this city this weekend in order to escape reality. every day because you know to escape into a different world. we go crazy any fears over the economy anything like that you or
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your economy is interesting you know the big bad land that i come from certainly has a stronger economy despite the distraction that goes with comic-con simcox in crusaders do have concerns over where our country is headed some of us think that maybe they pop. if it's coming out good good good good good i'm not afraid of anything baby well thousands of people celebrate called a con with no fear millions of americans are truly fearful about losing their jobs homes or benefits during this great recession this convention is a place where people can be themselves by acting like someone else is. loose interest that the work of the intellect and well those americans fret about politicians inability to deal with the impending u.s. debt default easy to come here and take the weekend off and just relax and toxic not to do any must do. rather than the dresses have to america
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america may indeed need a superhero to save the day in san diego ramon dillon though archie. began super as president obama promised he'd be one as far as immigration reform and today he spoke to the largest national latino civil rights and advocacy organization to try and rally hispanic support to the national council of la raza. and one thing he didn't mention was a recently released report showing the obama administration has deported nearly four hundred thousand people setting a record according to the associated press president obama has said in the past his policy is to deport quote the worst of the worst that happened to people deported were considered criminals so that's half and nanny of those criminals you may not exactly consider the course of course tens of thousands of them have been arrested for drunk driving more than double the number in two thousand and eight under bush and three times the number of traffic violators were deported compared to two years
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ago now meanwhile immigration reform one of obama's promises and his presidential campaign has stalled in congress here's what he said course that doesn't mean we don't have unfinished business. i promised you i would work tirelessly to fix our broken immigration system and make the dream act a real. can you talk about that is x.l. called a hair of founder director and producer of a campaign from brave new foundation thank you for being with us so my first question to you is what leverage does obama have to tout achievements with the latino community i think it's a day when he hasn't delivered on immigration reform as he promised when latino unemployment is in the double digits and when reports show a record number of immigrants have been deported under his watch. it's a very difficult situation that he's in and it's an uphill battle for sure the
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problem there we're facing is and still is still moving on integration nobody wants to talk about it nobody wants to push for it there's absolutely no leadership in their congress or at the executive level and so he's going to have a hard time convincing woods he knows that in fact his record is a positive one having said that though there are some other positive steps that have been taken i think the advances on the dream act particularly have been substantial over the last couple years even though we haven't reached one there certainly positive steps towards you know obama today said that some believe that he should do more himself to do something about immigration reform and audience cheered and he said that's not how government works and he kind of blame republicans for the stalls to immigration reform is that a cop out should he be doing more. well there should be leadership on the issue and i think the ads with the latino community is really speaking out on is that there
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is sort of lack of leadership nobody wants to take the responsibility to do it b.c. immigration reform a political potato the hot potato that nobody wants to endorse and so when president obama says to the looks of your constituents that make him we'll respond by saying ok we're going to maybe we're definitely political pressure but you have to take leadership you have to do it every day every day and every week because if we only hear it if you scored ability novogratz going to be his main challenger and his main problem is look rather than working against their own interests because analysts say that they pretty overwhelmingly support the white house's matchett message on any number of issues and lobby for those so is that against their best interest should they not be giving so much support to the obama white house. well i think they're pretty funny on line and i think and i think what they're doing is really working both angles i mean their constituents and their supporters really really favor a strong immigration reform but in order to achieve that they have to be. with this
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white house because they need to keep the pressure on both the constituent level at the grassroots level but also at the level of the government became alienate the white house by saying you're not doing anything and so therefore we're going to stand bad we need to work with the white house and i think we're doing certainly various other organizations that aren't taking about stance but but you know we do have to remember that there is a congress that is absolutely blocking everything that we see and it's funny that we hear the g.o.p. constantly saying is lie obama's going to have president obama is going to have a very hard time convincing latino voters well that's clinton temperance for garceau because the g.o.p. has done absolutely everything in their ways and means to oppose any any advance on either the demand or immigration you know it's interesting that obama said today they get every result of this tells an immigration reform that more and more states are taking matters into their own hands which we have seen
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with a number of immigration laws passed at the state level which is that is not the right thing to do but what our state supposed to do if they're waiting around for the federal government to act and the government is not. you know this needs what they need to do is take into account a comprehensive immigration reform approach we cannot have been is the interest this extra interest that we're having big money interests and big private prison interests and big anti immigration interests pushing for these individual laws of across the states that's what's filling the void and that's the challenge the that we as organizations and as the latino community have a head of us is to push against. those void and so in essence what we're seeing is this is sweeping reform across states that are being influenced by big money interests that is where the immigration reform stalls but is. sorry i mean that step on your tongue doesn't our gazes
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a shot like that don't have a vested financial interest obama's director of enter government governmental affairs from the very beginning with previously in iraq as a senior vice president charge of research advocacy and legislation and hearing her tenure at the white house that's coincided with a sharp increase in federal funding for laws and that's according to a recent you just watch investigation so does that solidify the group's advocacy for obama's positions. well it in the role that i mean this is a very delicate role because at the same time that they're working with the white house to come out with the strongest ravages they still have a very strong can stage means that it's a nannying action so eventually arousal what they're going to have to do is to answer to their constituents and that's the first and foremost approach that they need to take that is certainly what out there are going to be since are doing is listening to their supporters and pressuring strongly for that again to reinstate is that what is going to be really hard is to alienate the right house we already
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have as far as immigration reform a congress that is not working on that issue so therefore we need to continue that pressure and we will see if that fresh air results and any results on immigration reform thank you for giving us your analysis down today. thank you so much for having me on and still to come words of wisdom on donald trump tonight told time of the art of war and that of all that and then stick around for our monday edition of happy hours not to earlier in the week to enjoy a fine just finally proves you can't go back to the future plus the russian jersey shore is coming to t.v. stick around doesn't fit. into that only mechanisms to do the work up to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes.
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but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly is if you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't. charge is a big issue. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime. i think. either one well.
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we have the government says they're for keeping safe get ready because of their freedom. it's. just so. it's.
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right it's time for tonight's tool time award and we are giving it to donald trump the businessman called in to fox and friends this morning to offer some words of wisdom on the debt ceiling debate but the donald actually revealed the real reason why he thinks the g.o.p. is holding the economy hostage in this debate take a listen the fact is quarter right the republicans get one hundred percent of what they want but it may improve getting rid of obamacare which is a total preserve church and they should not make a deal either that it might or extension of which were taken before the election which were sure that obamacare if you get election which would put elected which would be a great thing though you talked about ouch donald trump i actually think the g.o.p. should let the u.s. default on its debt so obama won't be reelected because clearly the republicans are not going to get one hundred percent of what they want surely donald trump is not that stupid maybe he just misspoke after all it was early monday morning maybe adam had his first cup of coffee at. but alas the republican breaks the real deal now
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get a hundred percent of what they have to get to make this country great again because right now it is not great then they should do next election that goes to right before the election. promises to get reelected i want to get your art i was a second time drum set of coffee and a cake and by the now he's advising the g.o.p. to put the u.s. credit rating in danger all to prevent a second obama term to derail the global markets for this control really that cynical the top two money men in the us right now treasury secretary timothy geithner and fed chairman ben bernanke each have warned the default will be catastrophic for the nation and the world economy if you don't want to trust the government while street has told the g.o.p. a deal has to be made if you don't want to trust bankers we've been warned by credit age of credit agencies that our aaa credit rating is in danger of being downgraded we don't trust ratings agencies while many economists say that if
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a d's fault takes place the u.s. will happen decide who gets paid and this is not a good thing the president has said that retirement checks and military pay might be a danger interest rates may go up people beyond the president say that that would mean that car loans then house loans would cost more credit card interest rates would go up your debt would be kind of more expensive global market may go reeling the dollar could be hit the american people would without a doubt suffer or could suffer more than they already are but trun think it's all worth it if obama isn't reelected now trying to live in luxury that will give the just fine probably of the u.s. defaults not the american worker though who would continue to suffer disproportionately and it is sad that we've reach such a place in the national discourse were donald trump who is a millionaire several times over who has bankrupted several companies would feel totally comfortable making such a statement on t.v.
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. but he's perfectly willing to push the economy off a ledge and risk the health of the u.s. economy as long as obama is gone i guess the birth certificate thing didn't work so this is his second go and that is why we're getting donald trump tonight still time award. all right i made it through the show and now it's time for the fun part joining me for happy hour is r t correspondent christine and reasons and so is back all right so there is a new twitter hash tag which is very popular and it's not justin bieber and it's not from the other silly ones i saw today it is the f. you washington. right it's not have a spell it out with this we had to blur it out on no it's the real deal and we just wanted to highlight a few of the very special ones that started on saturday and matter of hours
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thousands of people were using it let's look at those so if you washington for letting the g.o.p. frame the debate the problem is unemployment not the debt or deficit you lie another person tweeted and you are using every crisis to make them pay for that errors of the rich thereby creating a third world levels of inequality and someone else said i dedicate this tweet to every working for republican who fight so millionaires can have a better life if you washington what do you think of this a little while before. i was i was just surfacing now the only one for a long time you know you were only now upset it washington after in a the regulators were a huge part of the whole unified now sort of local to those rather credit rating agencies we were talking about before like oh all the networks that goes that's a good point because you know people have been angry at the government all the government hasn't worked for a really long time i think it's funny because it's obviously it's a curse word in that sentiment but it's done a lot to bring a lot of people together on this issue i mean everybody who looks for this hash tag you find so many people. who are kind of on your team in their anger at what's
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going on here in washington but what does it say that they're united over twitter but not out at the white house or in front of the capitals saying this is ridiculous we demand better governance that people are just content to tweet about it world people live on the internet these days are the problems is like we're united in frustration of the government they're not you know what they want the government to do when we you are showing. that we're from more of the left perspective but there's plenty of people on the right that are upset with the government for sort of screwing around these problems as well there's only so much you can happen it's a lot easier hundred forty characters of us running exacts job creators. when you say if you washington that could mean the white house that could mean the republicans the democrats and all of us are there for a couple of you know she's an income of everybody ok well let's move on to something that may encompass everybody's attention and there is a russian version of what looks like the jersey shore it is starting august eleventh on lifetime mark your calendars and here is the trailer. people were in
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america. great service great i never forgot what you got to be giving me. all right you guys marking your calendar. i think it's so interesting and funny i mean it's definitely a lot like the jersey shore here and i'm going to go ahead and admit this on live television i do watch this it's embarrassing. i know it's embarrassing but it is kind of my little therapeutic time of setting the brain off and laughing and it's really funny i just got into kind of an argument with my producer over this who says this should not be on television at all this is creating bad things for our society to reward people who act like this and become famous and get paid. but i think that the russians are going to like this as much as i like. you think this is going to be what was right and you're going to be outraged. yeah well i think
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actually the real story here is it's nice to see lifetime sort of branching out because usually lifetime is women getting beaten now it's going to be. giving women . this is all it's all going to you know listen the audience don't like me to tweak coats and corn prices that are going to be doing branching out yeah or they're just a coming to the need for trashy t.v. material to drive ratings there wasn't last time either. but the bottom line is the jersey shore did phenomenally well that the people i'm very sure make twenty five thousand dollars every time they appear at a bar for like an hour so clearly if they're a business person that in itself i guess could be a reason to replicate what we have yeah and i guess we'll see what prevails the russian spy stereotype that we saw emerge after that scandal quote unquote or the brighton beach russian party or i guess let's move on hong kong scientists have proved a very sad thing for many people. my bum you out they found that time travel isn't
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possible which means this fantasy probably won't exist in reality this one but you know you were there time or. more you. should be more. time. one of my favorite movies growing up i mean and as a kid you see this movie and you always think you know maybe stifle robot or in just the near future we've invented so much you think we could be possible i know it's not not to lorien and not the whatever you know single photon that said that nothing can travel faster than a speed of light which was just proved i'm not a scientist but i think that you can categorically disprove. you can come back around like it was someone else can still come here. just because science is saying this i don't mean there's junk science plenty of people who would have never and
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maybe would have tried to disprove you know the internet or anything like that or guess what it came anyways i'm not giving up the internet next time travel or time travel can we just be able to teleport or so across the country like you know step by step i'd like to be able to get from here to you know you look at the start of a country like teleporting would be my number one on my legacy of part of myself that beats this but i think that's all we have time for i wish we could have something to be maybe next time that some research comes out of the scientists are wrong that's true thank you guys so much for being here and i will next time i was happy and that is it parts night show thank you for tuning in and make sure to come back tomorrow columbia university psychologist that the pharaoh will be on he's going to talk about research showing that google is making us not smarter. in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the old on our show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can catch it all on youtube dot com slash the alone a show and keep watching archie because coming up next
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a man. if you're followed up on my day. go to the. sort of a throwback and part of our long. and it goes back to a time when people with a bite out of their forces in the wild lands and pick up these huge debts important to mention the sheriff from prosecution. company may follow. him when they go out there is a tough one. and you have to hope that nothing. good . we're chasing killers and you keep that in mind of the two million dollar bill
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police arrest. without superheroes we can be killed to it you know i mean the head i'm going to buy. a. bunch of hundred men you and i'll never go back to hunt anything else. will. remain you do latest and signs and signals from around the world. we've got the future of coverage. down the official auntie hamps we can show you on the phone on called touch from the choose ops to.


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