tv [untitled] July 25, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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the big. dancing with do you call a whole weekend of that talks in d.c. into nothing but the clock keeps ticking so when will the same old song and. and hunger pains in somalia millions of people are dying famine and no one in the world seems to care so why is there no attention being brought to this disturbing matter. plus as the mastermind behind the twin terror attacks in norway pleads not guilty what's behind his masonic ideology and should it be taken seriously or try to decode the sim. do you go to museums or is you know you did good to get that
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land that i come from so he has a stronger economy masking reality with some comic con belief why don't these people get together for real issues stuff like saving the world from economic doom . and a league of their own even after title nine why are so many and why are women still on the losing end when it comes to sports. it's monday july twenty fifth eight pm in washington d.c. and christine and you are watching our team. all right everyone the clock is ticking just nine days to go until the deadline to reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling so essentially right now the u.s. is dancing with the phones now over the weekend a series of talks between president obama and top lawmakers resulted in not very little and in just one hour the president will give
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a primetime address to the nation in terms of where they are in the talks and will be followed by speaker of the house john boehner will give his own address sounds to me like there is more trouble in paradise here in washington and the closer we get to the deadline the closer some say we will be to financial armageddon earlier i thought that's a call craig roberts he was the assistant secretary of treasury under president reagan he had some insight into what is going on here where you could say both parties are good the republicans started this so i so they are to blame look normally i'm raising the debt ceiling i mean it's just routine i mean they've done it scores of times and it very seldom serves as anything but a chance for some of the members of congress to grandstand and complain about the debt and the burdens on our grandchildren. very seldom does it come to
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a situation like this in my opinion and i could be wrong and the republicans are using the opportunity. of the large deficit which is of course historically large to use the debt ceiling. limit. as a as a way of attacking the social safety net. the republicans think that the social safety net. is it's not merely very expensive economically but they think it's morally expensive corrupt people it turns them into leeches who live down the productive work and live our society and so they sit and fart is american state i want to play for you and bits and pieces of what people are saying will happen if an agreement is not reached take a lesson i don't think it would help at all is the us us being the largest economy
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in the world. it's what certainly jeopardize the stability but not just the stability of the us economy which opened eyes the stability of such washington needs to put aside this article environment my ways to get that done they ought to do with respect to god but the bottom line is they've gotta get this not the greatest country in the world to be on the brink of not playing its build is america we caused severe disruptions in financial markets and the payment system induced rating downgrade of u.s. government debt created fundamental doubts about the credit worthiness of the united states and damage the special role of the dollar and of treasury securities in global markets in the longer term all right so this is not just democrats or republicans or even american for that matter what do you think it says that the entire world is watching us and pretty much agrees on how this must and does not get there. well i think this is just political theater it's all that there's it is political theater. if indeed. there's no
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extension or no increase in the debt limit. then the effect will be even worse than anything anyone else has said it was in fact will be because the present united states is simply not going to sit there while american tower collapses while the dollar collapses it will simply use the. national security directive or the exactly border president bush already has in place and he will declare a national emergency and he will set aside the debt limit and continue to issue debt in the federal reserve will continue to buy it and there won't be any change other than the power of the purse leave the hands of congress and reside in the executive branch that was president reagan's assistant secretary of the treasury
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paul craig roberts continuing to weigh in as a columnist and of course here on r.t. . now i want to talk about the dire situation now in somalia in east africa drought high food prices and conflict have led to total famine in many parts of the region and the united nations held an emergency meeting in rome today to address the issue and there are several issues here now the u.n. a world vote food program has said it is unable to reach more than two million somalis at risk of starvation because frankly the areas are controlled by the militant group al-shabaab now another way the people there are being forgotten the united states used to be the top aide provider for somalia and now ranks seventh charity too says a senior communications officer for the united nations high commissioner for refugees so give me an overview of the predicament that. so it's then about six seasons of drought in in the southern and central area of somalia which has led
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to a particular tipping point that we're seeing now some of the violence after the first of the year increased a lack of access to some of the areas that you referenced earlier and so because people there hasn't been a lot of access to the area thousands and hundreds of thousands of people have been fleeing and walking for three to four weeks at a time to get to two different camps in kenya and ethiopia so we're looking at a volume of three thousand people every day registering at these camps and the number increased threefold from from may to june and they just keep increasing so as this has gotten some international and domestic attention there is a greater movement inside of somalia to get more aid but as you know there are areas that it is difficult. i mean why in two thousand and eleven with technology
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the way it is that with travel the way it is. there are a lot of places in this country where people have more than enough why does suffering still go on like this to this level today you know there's whenever there's conflict there's food security issues and the two really go hand in hand if you look at the history of somalia and this situations been going on for you know over twenty years the u.n. peacekeepers were removed from the region in the mid ninety's and that led to increased instability and so you have a very weak government you have a desert and. not necessarily a priority by a lot of the world leaders and so you have a wreaks states and it's a difficult question to answer you mentioned a little earlier about you know there is some attention being brought to this but i would say for the most part this is. story is not making a lead on any sort of newscast in america this is not being paid attention to i
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mean certainly the situation in norway that happened over the weekend very tragic and horrible but the numbers of the people that were killed there pale in comparison to the number of people dying every day in somalia so why is that that we're not looking at this with a serious eye and giving it some serious attention. i think that in many ways foreign policy has not focused on this area of the world and you know as a humanitarian and humanitarian representing humanitarian agency we're not a political institution so i can't give you the deeper just into that would be inappropriate but the situation that they are facing now has been something that has just steamrolled into this and and i think that we have to pay attention hundreds of mothers are losing three or four children on their way to ethiopia and one nation for the drop in aid by the u.s. the u.s. has been one of the biggest contributors to kenya and ethiopia and in yemen our
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humanitarian assistance from the u.s. has not went down inside of somalia many countries have withdrawn aid because of the security situation and just happened a few more well you want to know where your money is going you know there's the whole guns and butter issue and these these outreach efforts need to be met with accountability and it hasn't it's been problematic in that area and so we're almost out of time gets solutions. and more funding coming in i think that there has to be a longer term humanitarian solution inside of somalia which we are seeing increasing thank you so much for coming out and speaking about this very important issue charities whose senior communications officer with united nations high commissioner for refugees. i want to turn now to the latest on the terror attacks in oslo norway today we want to take a deeper look into the man who says he's behind the attacks which have killed at least seventy six people thirty two year old anders behring breivik appeared in
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a closed session of court today he's already admitted he was behind the attack in norway's capital as well as the massacre at a youth camp at simultaneous lee he's denied criminal guilt and believes himself to be a european hero he wrote a fifteen hundred page manifesto and some interesting things have come out of it essentially this is a person filled with hate and with extremely racist ideals he says he wanted to start a revolution to inspire norwegians to retake their country from quote muslims and other immigrants he also despises also culturalism so was interesting about this as that some of these ideas stem back hundreds of years and have been reignited with the rebirth of the knights templar a branch of the freemasons breivik says he is a part of so we want to talk today about the freemasons an organization with many members many of them consider themselves morally superior some committed to bettering the world by any means necessary so here's the question was this an
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isolated incident or an ideology that we should start to take seriously with numbers like george washington andrew jackson and so your book berlusconi so we not all freemasons think the way anders breivik does but for more on the psychology behind this organization earlier i spoke to radio host alex jones and here's what he had to thrive. well you just got back from bohemian grove in your great coverage there that i watched and that is a masonic organization it's admittedly masonic and they carry out some of the more archaic and secretive rituals there and then it's even been covered by national geographic magazine showing over a hundred year old photographs of them engaging in a black magic ritual there so they're different branches of the masonic system and what happens is private intelligence agencies government intelligence agencies criminal groups try to infiltrate different arms of masonic lodges because
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of the secrecy they can organize behind closed doors and compartmentalize areas that's why the illuminati and seven hundred seventy six at ingle scott university in bavaria germany was found inside a masonic lodges and then spread to france and engineer the french revolution there they want to overthrow all the monarchies but set themselves up as absolute monarchs and albert pike that the supreme commander of all global masonry and eight hundred seventy seven wrote that they would have three world wars world war one between europe and the united states and england world war two would be a larger global war the third war would be christendom against islam that would be invoked by their masonic operatives that would bring in world war three and then out of that they would destroy every existing order and even the finance capitalist and set themselves up as world rulers in the worship of the three one god in their words lucifer and i know that
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a gallop and this is what we're seeing that this is you know the start of world war three or a tiny course in what could lead to world war three. well yes this isn't a chant by someone who he says has other cells he's being handled sound and i five knew what was going on he was he was at meetings with british quote knights templars with british intelligence watching them donald lee involved with them i predicted last week on thursday that they would start moving the terror threat away from muslims in europe or the united states over to quote white right wing al qaida people that won't go along with the new wars the banker bailouts the open borders all of this as a way to demonize it so i could see the shift in law enforcement training manuals i was being sent in different messages in the media that they were about to glimpse of this that i said that the attacks were imminent imminent on thursday and our
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report on that one around the world but it was even more imminent than i thought and it was almost instantaneous less than twenty four hours later this began and you've got multiple shooters reported by eyewitnesses that look nothing like a brave a dark hair but with norwegian features you have the police ninety minutes on getting there you have a facebook they altered from illuminati stuff to saying he's a christian conservative that's confirmed all of this is up on infowars dot com so you're trying to say alice that there's a lot of the pieces here that we're not being told about this specific attack let me let me touch here because i want to get into more questions i think you bring up a really important point it seems to me at least for the last ten years both here in the u.s. and across europe authorities and investigators have focused only on the threat of al qaida when we think about more right wing extremist groups six seems to me at least you know they're often dismissed as sort of being on the friends and you know not very great in numbers i'm wondering if you think that this was simply
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a case of a man acting alone and it seems to me that you think it wasn't or if this is a window into a much larger problem. it's a window into a larger problem but but it's not what the script writers are telling us this is invoking a clash of civilizations he's calling for in the media is building him up like you know captain europe to to to be the crusader against the muslim hordes in their words and then this will undoubtedly getting all this attention and the slick packaging and the glamour photos and the videos and the plagiarized treatise will now be a bible to lone wolfs that will undoubtedly now carry out a vince because like the cia set up in seventy nine al qaeda that put out the radical muslim ideas which then were picked up by real muslims and carried out then the left has excuses to invade and take over the middle east so this is
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a psychological warfare program where the establishment is launching a grassroots crusade against the muslims in europe and then government will sit back in the western intelligence agencies and security agencies and play the part the referee and the arbiter between the muslims and christians killing each other and so this is basically a very sophisticated form of flag attack where whether he's a mind control patsy or whether he believes he's acting as part of this there's a luminati knights templar ny good. it is invoking a clash of civilizations but that's only one level i am going to need to sadly they're out of time regardless of anything and thirdly with a wake up call i think whether or not today you know authority that that we was a wake up call i think most of the world and certainly i tragic attack that happened there are a host alex jones joining us thanks authen texas well from mysterious folklore to fictional superheroes i want to talk now to an event that happens every year in
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southern california this year it's true one hundred thousand people that come. comic con now here's the gist of it people interested in comic books video games movies or simply dressing up spend a lot of money in some cases a thousand dollars to attend this convention in san diego again one hundred thousand people gathering despite the tough economic times not coming together to protest the foreclosure rate or unemployment and again who better to save the day than your favorite superhero at least that was the spirit of comic-con international but while thousands play dress up there are some very graphic and painful problems lurking just footsteps away from where that convention was held. there shows us the disconnect between the comic book fans and the real world. while bombs explode and thousands of american troops continue to fight in the
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country's longest war another battle is happening here at home. it's a fight against the harsh realities of life. these days you'll never see this many people protesting the wars yet more than one hundred thousand people attending comic-con the world's largest comic book convention this is a costume party on steroids where the world's worries go out the window superpower i wish i had was teleportation and who wouldn't want to be in themselves up from the harsh realities of today's america i'm just scared of. this life is a joke and it's so let's get a sweet release going. however life is no joke for a large segment of the u.s. population like these people living on the sidewalks just a few blocks from the convention where in sunny san diego california
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a city known for its speeches and summer attractions it's also an area which is dealing with double digit unemployment and a growing homeless population but instead of focusing on these tough realities of life thousands of people from all over the world have the send it on this city this weekend in order to escape reality. to try to put a five to an hour every day to really. you know to escape into a different world. that i'd probably go crazy and any fears over the economy anything like that you're economy is interesting you know to the the bad land that i come from certainly has a stronger economy despite the distraction that goes with comic con some caution crusaders do have concerns over where our country is headed some of us think that maybe the apocalypse is coming out. the other day ok i'm not afraid of anything maybe well thousands of people celebrate comic con with no fear millions of americans are truly fearful about losing their jobs homes or benefits during this
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great recession this convention is a place where people can be themselves by acting like someone else yourself being released from stress back to work the pay in taxes and while most americans fret about politicians' inability to hammer out a deal ovoid in the impending us debt default easy to come here and take the weekend off and just relax and talk same time each day if you must you. are on the moniker of the captain america america may indeed need a superhero to save the day in san diego. archie all right so as thousands flock to comic-con could all that energy be possibly could to a better use say fighting in the real world or try to save the u.s. economy well earlier i spoke to costume enthusiastic but who is in our los angeles studio she's an avid comic con go or has photos to prove it on her facebook page
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scruffy rebel cost play here's her take on why comic-con is still so popular and why san diego i think lost without it. well there's just so many people who have such a love for just the creative arts and you know the comic books and all the movies and animation cartoons they touch a lot of us in such a way that you know that that's where we want to put all of our energy and time and money and other people put it in the golf scene or you know playing sports that's where we put our money in our interest in suicide by some people will do whatever they can or you know spend what savings they maybe had for that year to go to comic con it is the stuff but as far as i know i think if comic-con left san diego the economic. village in san diego might be in trouble because we all bring a massive amount of income to them every summer every year and they've been doing it for over thirty years so i think you know hollywood could say
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a thing or two about how much actually money although the nerds and geeks bring. to the arts and entertainment industries because without there's not going to be a lot of money i mean when they put out a comic book movie we come running give them more money so we go see we're in some really tough economic times i mean i know that right outside the convention center as we just saw an industry that we just showed homeless people galore really really terrible rate of homelessness there and yet people as you say they're spending a thousand dollars why do you think they're not spending this money maybe even half the money coming to washington to protest the economy or choosing an issue that's going to make a difference for the world or giving it to a charity why are they spending it on kamikaze. well i don't know if we can assume that they aren't doing now i mean this is one weekend we're all spending one year i mean some people go to other conventions but some people it might be the only connection they go to but not to say that's not saying that they're not spending
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their money towards charities or towards the homeless or doing things on their all their weekends helping people i know i actually am part of a costume community called revolution of i will personally go and visit children in hospitals on our spare weekends and we attend fundraising events or you know children's hospitals and diseases and causes and all that nothing we do on our spare time and counted on is just one time just for ourselves but i understand what you mean i mean even yesterday i was going out to dinner on the last day of comic-con and we were going through their little italy and there was a homeless people everywhere as we were walking from our part of the restaurant and then you know threw me back into reality that i mean wow this city has all this going on just a few blocks away and that was costume enthusiastic and awfully hobbyist situation . so how do you are an r.t.s. the battle of the sexes women may have gained ground when it comes to the workforce but how about the professional sports world coming up we'll tell you why female
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athletes are still in a league of their own. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians to make decisions didn't break through it's going to be made who can you trust no one will you do with the deal but we see where we had a state controlled capitol school fashion when nobody dares to ask we do or a key question more. archie is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like i'll just give you. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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do you like argue with you the world go online interpreter bread you internet stories like this your hard. question more with our key. all right so just a few hours ago president obama welcomed the san francisco giants to the white house the giants of course last year's winning team of the world series and you know it's often standard for u.s. presidents to meet with and congratulate professional winning teams across that to meet with them congratulate winning men's professional teams so what's the deal why not equal time for the ladies i suppose for starters there is no major league
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women's baseball team but there are quite a few women sports teams who not only don't get invited to the white house they barely get coverage on t.v. don't sell as many tickets for their games and don't make nearly as much money as their male counterparts this is an issue that is perplexing to many so earlier i spoke with amanda marcotte of out there she's a blogger for pentagon dot net she told me why the playing field is still so on even for women. but i think part of it is that we still have a lot of ingrained sexism in our culture and a kind of knee jerk tendency to think that women simply can't be good at any sport no matter what sport it is what kind of skills it requires but i also think it's also a circle thing which is that when sports have been around longer they've been invested in longer they have built up a brand in a reputation women sports are lagging decades behind and i think that that something that we can't fix overnight you know it's really interesting and i
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interviewed someone a little earlier who calls himself james preacher and he has a very interesting take on why things are not equal he says they should not be equal i want to play a little bit about what he had to say and i'll get your response my viewpoint is that women should not be told the sports whatsoever or not to suitable solution for a woman according to traders to force them to do was to do you keep. your children. james preacher there is quoting the bible as a reason that women not only should be equal in ford nation be playing sports what do you think about that. well i mean obviously that's ridiculous you know we don't generally allow the bible to tell us what we're going to do with our gender roles in the modern society anyway women are allowed to speak in church they're allowed to take leadership roles they're allowed to teach they're allowed to hold jobs they're allowed to use birth control certainly they can play sports and in fact i would say that sports is good for women it's not only good for young women who have
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lower teenage pregnancy rates and higher graduation rates when they purchase street smarts but i think that women should look at this isn't as a life time thing that's good for their health good for their bodies good for their competitive spirit well why amanda has on society not embrace this view i mean why why is that not equal yet here we are in two thousand and eleven. well i think it's because words have always been framed as sort of a male thing and i think that part of that has a lot to do with competition one of the fun things of for me of watching the world cup is watching women just get in there and aggressively go after it just like a man was and i think a lot more americans are getting behind that but we still have a lot of people that want women to always play nice and not try to just win with everything they've got and i think that that influences people's approach to women's sports and that was amanda marcotte a blogger for pentagon dot net.
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