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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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and focus on reading this nation of the far more discreet destructive force hate and fear. now coming up one man's fight to stop the destruction of american soil lands him in the legal hot water he's facing more than half a million bucks in fines and nearly a decade in prison the story of jim de christopher after the break. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through through depleted made who can you trust no one who is you view with global machinery see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called session so when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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than back to the big picture i'm lucy calc nothing for tom hartman and coming up in this half hour a utah environmental activist blocks an illegal illegal auction of public lands and now faces up to a decade in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and timber christopher is here tonight to tell us his side of the story and also tonight you'll hear tom's daily take on what the last bible public impreza. share in common
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here's a hint starts with a c. and ends with a russian. girl in the waning days of the bush administration the white house was selling off hundreds of thousands of acres of federal land to oil companies looking for new places to you guessed it really drill and december of zero eight an individual bidder number seventy bet on a bet on and one twenty two thousand acres of land for one point eight million dollars first these parcels of land didn't go to some sort of exxon mobil executive or an independent oil tycoon which they go to that's because bitter number seventy was a college student by the name of tim de christopher and tim didn't have one point eight million dollars or even one point eight thousand dollars for that matter he was simply trying to call attention to what the department of interior itself later described as an illegal sale of lands and his reward for using peaceful means to
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soften the illegal action up to one decade in prison and seven hundred fifty thousand dollars fine how's that for justice in america now tomorrow that christopher will be sentenced tonight he joins me to tell his side of the story tim welcome to the program thank you so much for for being here walk us through i guess how this whole thing played out i mean unlike the folks who violated the law by knowingly scheduling a legal auction you didn't set out to break any rules here when you walked into that auction room. red showed up just looking for any opportunity to stand in the way of this threatening action. and asked me if i wanted to be a better and and so i said yes and then got inside in and saw the opportunity to really have a major impacts by putting in driving up the prices. and then you know nothing really happened for a couple months until the new administration came in and admitted that the auction was in fact illegitimate they reversed the entire auction and so happened outside
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craig fray. well a couple weeks after that the u.s. attorney here in utah i ran into one of my lawyers at lunch and he said you know if your client would just stop talking this whole thing would go away because what i'd done after the auction was i formed a group called peaceful uprising climate justice group and spoke out about the need for a more civil disobedience and more activism to defend a liberal future from the threat of climate change and i've continued to do that for the last two and a half years and and that's really the heart of the government's sentencing memorandum most of it focuses on the political statements that i've made in public points and that's really why they want to see me go to prison now our ten year trial the sentencing says tomorrow but after the initial trial you came out of the courtroom talking about the finger in the first analogy and terms of the ruling class world via explain that for our viewers. well i think a lot of people. stay obedient because they view themselves as that isolated
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individual just doesn't have the power to stand up to the powerful corporations or or our government that are their institutions that are far bigger than we are. and i think those people are missing out on the if you don't they are actually part of something much bigger than themselves that when they stand as a movement they can be powerful enough to stand against these big institutions and we're starting to see that now around the world in egypt and wisconsin and other places where we're starting to see the example of how strong people power can really be all right well you know when i look at some of the problems that are facing our country we have from militarism seemingly endless warfare state corporate takeover of our government resul social injustice i mean it's hard to sort of remain optimistic sometimes you know and here you are you set up with what you believed then and in some ways i think it could be argued that you got crushed by the machine what message do you have i guess for folks watching at home who maybe want to take action but they feel like the system has to step up against them
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. but i don't think it's going to prison is necessarily a failure for an act of civil disobedience i mean part of the point of civil disobedience is that it invites a reaction from the government. or from whoever it is they were standing in the way out and and when we get the government to start putting good principle people in jail for standing up against injustice it starts to undermine the moral legitimacy of government and inspires others to action and throughout history we have a lot of examples of how a harsh crackdown against activists in fact invite a stronger movement that has led to some serious change but here feel like it's unfair that you are standing up for your beliefs you're potentially facing a decade in prison and sentencing tomorrow and yet the same fat cats that you know drew in our economy and ran it into the ground are essentially walk away scot free b.p. which were in the gulf is walking away scot free and there's so many crimes here they get completely ignored and without any punishment by the government meanwhile
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what did you do you stop and the legal option then you're paying a price. well i mean i certainly think that we can save the pats on here but. i don't know that that's necessarily reality. i mean you know what all is good in the sense of corporatism rules. corporatism does rule i mean it is running our country and in the legal system the criminal justice system is a tool of those in power and so we shouldn't necessarily expect that tool to be used against those that are that are controlling our government be holding corporations accountable is more are dropping it is the legal justice system's job and we should be looking for other ways to do that besides just you know hoping for some u.s. attorney somewhere to to indict some bankers or for oil executives. you know i mean we can we can decry the fact that that's not necessarily here but i mean being a young person at this point is not necessarily care because we're inheriting a completely broken world from the people who have gotten rich by by ruining it i
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hope that with actions like my course more folks will be more willing to stand up for what they believe in and try to actually change the system as opposed to just taking it as it has and i do wish you the best of luck and i thank you so much for speaking with us thanks all right all right but are we doing that first big or. all right thomas rant let's go. right now sea levels around the world are rising at a rate faster than any other time in the last two thousand years that's just the latest inconvenient truth coming from the world's leading environmental scientists and it's clear this is the result of manmade global warming is for much of the last two thousand years sea levels were stable or rose at a fraction of a millimeter a year that was until the turn of the nineteenth century when we found a way to harness ancient sunlight like coal oil for energy and spewed billions of tons of dirty greenhouse gases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere since then sea
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levels have been rising more than two millimeters every year and speeding up as this graph shows it is right here this is this is pretty remarkable zero millimeters a year change this is a two thousand year period two thousand years and and then the green here is the actual observed numbers and then the blue is what they were able to calculate from looking at things like you know ice chart you know ice things and tree trunks and however they do this so here we are in the last fifty years or so soon this conclusion comes on the heels of a new report by leading the ocean oceanic scientists who warn that thanks to global warming and pollution the oceans are actually turning more and more acidic and threatening to wipe out af of all aquatic life around the world and extinction not seen on this planet in the last fifty five million years or so given all these dire warnings of a rapidly changing planet that could kill or displaced millions of people why are
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our politicians not doing anything about it and more importantly why is our news media not holding them accountable for their inaction. al gore knows why in the most recent edition of rolling stone magazine gore penned an essay titled climate of denial or why it is that global warming is still a question in america and not viewed here as a fact of life as in most other nations on the planet the analogy that gore uses spot on has to do with professional wrestling to someone just watching professional wrestling for the first time it seems real guys look like they're just beating the snot out of each other there's blood groans of agony kasia all serious injuries one of the tip offs and it's all fake it's all a show it's how the referee asks if wrestling was real the referee would be on point and impartial fulfilling his duty like any other referee in professional
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sports baseball basketball football but a wrestling the referee is just a character playing an important role in the scripted theatrical inside the ring ever notice that any time the bad guy is breaking the rules like smashing his opponent's skull with a metal chair the referee seems to be distracted. when the good guy finally pile drives the bad guy and lays on top of him for the pin the referee is nowhere to be found again distracted. and stories you never find on. the
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other. person aren't. five. ft. five. women scientists and pundits were just saying with a big oil corporate overlords pay them to say as al gore writes the referee appears
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not to notice that the polluters and ideologues are trampling all over the rules of democratic this course they are financing pseudo scientists whose job is to manufacture doubt about what is true and what is false by an elected officials also with bribes that the politicians themselves have made legal and could now be made in secret spending hundreds of millions of dollars each year a misleading advertisements in the mass media hiring for anti climate lobbyists for every member of the us senate and house of representatives. now the words climate change deniers are cheating hitting the legitimate scientific community in the head with the metal chairs and all the while our news media is looking the other way when the real story should be this blatant subversion of science in america but when it comes to fox news the media isn't just distracted while climate scientists get kneecapped with fake science there and in the metal chairs directly to the bad guys as media matters noted late last year fox news managing editor bill sammon
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sent a directive to all of that network's journalists instructing them to doubt climate change science. salman's email read we should refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed or cooled in any given period without immediately put any doubt that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question it is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts especially as this debate intensify its other words it's not their place as journalists to report on facts i suppose their job is to be a crooked referee and a shy in a side show as long as the climate change so-called the bait remains a sideshow in the corporate media then it will never be taken seriously anymore unless it water cooler debates across america are debates in congress and the bad guys the big oil polluters with their phony science chair shots are going to win
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match after match after match until the entire arena is underwater the threat of mass extinction in our oceans is not entertainment the threat of american cities like new york los angeles miami drowning under rising sea levels is not entertainment and the threat of billions of people around the world being displaced is not entertainment it's real life it's what we're all facing right now. and we need a legitimate referee a news media that knows how to do its job and can't be bought off by big oil corporate interests to make sure that americans are informed about the very real threats of climate change and that our political leaders are held accountable al gore is so right on this and told it so clearly in his rolling stone op it is time to disqualify pseudo science and give the world title belt of legitimacy to actual climate scientists and start listening to what they have to say. after the break
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you'll hear tom's daily take on the disturbing but unfortunately common trait nations last five republican presidents have shared. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to predict through through the maid who can you trust no one who is your view with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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you may remember a few months ago republicans a broader government at the verge of full shutdown planned parenthood funding and now they're bringing our nation's at the verge of default overtops loopholes for corporate jet owners going to word of the sanity here and all the while not a single jobs bill passed the house of representatives this year so that you actually be willing to crash the u.s. economy in order to make the president look bad and that's when you talk race i mean are republicans actually willing to make that gamble and according to you bet take a look this is what eisenhower left the presidency in one nine hundred sixty one five different republicans have been president of the united states and every single one of them from richard nixon to george w.
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bush have been illegitimate ascending to the highest office in the land not through small the democratic elections but instead through fraud and treason i don't believe me let's start at the beginning with richard nixon in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight president lyndon johnson was desperately trying to end the vietnam war but richard nixon knew that the war if the war continued it would tarnish democrat hubert humphrey's chances of winning the election so nixon said envoys from his campaign to talk to south vietnamese leaders to encourage them not to attend and upcoming peace talk in paris nixon promised south vietnam that he would give them a better deal when he was president than l.b.j. could give them that l.b.j. found out about this political move or maneuver to prolong the vietnam war just three days before the nine hundred sixty eight election he phoned the republican senate leader ever dirksen there was.
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i don't get it right. america. crying repurchase or strike. is important. but chris. are growing. and. the second. is in the camp. and this is creased. those tapes were just released by the l.b.j. library last year it's amazing it's richard nixon that lyndon johnson was accusing of treason. but by then nixon's plan it worked south vietnam boycotted the peace talks the war continued and nixon won the white house thanks to it gerald ford was
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the next republican after nixon left office the same way he entered it by breaking the law jerry ford took over was never elected and would never been president had it not been for richard nixon's treason so that's two republicans in office thanks to cold hard treason and then there was ronald reagan elected in one nine hundred eighty he won thanks to a little something called the october surprise when his people sabotaged then president jimmy carter's negotiations to release american hostages in iran reagan's people promised the iranians that if they held off on releasing the american hostages and sold show after the election and reagan would give him a sweet weapons deal i had investigative journalist robert perry on my radio show earlier today because he just obtained some of the explosive documents from the george h.w. bush library it pretty clearly show that ronald reagan's campaign did the same thing that richard nixon's did commit treason. to win the white house here's where robert perry had to say about these two crimes. it was nixon's dealings with with
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saigon to get them to sabotage the peace talks in paris that cleared the way for nixon to eke out a victory but also continued the work of four more years and from twenty eight from proud an american soldiers die now this is an essentially repeated in one thousand eighty it now appears with the with some of the same characters working for the republicans who felt well we got away with in sixty eight we could do something similar in one thousand nine hundred seventy two hours of sitting democratic president and that seems to have worked and reagan's treason just like nixon's treason worked perfectly iran hostage crisis continued and torpedo jimmy carter's reelection ups and the same day reagan took the oath of office almost to the minute the american hostages in iran were released and for that reagan began selling the iranians weapons and spirit parts in one thousand nine hundred one and continued until he was busted for it in one thousand nine hundred six member the iran contra
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scandal after reagan bush sr was elected but like gerry ford bush was really only president because he served as vice president under reagan. at the october surprise didn't hoodwink voters in one thousand nine hundred eighty you can bet bush sr would never have been elected in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight that's for illegitimate republican presidents and that brings us to the most recent illegitimate republican president george w. bush the man who was given the white house by five right wing justices in the supreme court in the bush v gore supreme court decision in two thousand that stock the florida recount and a george w. bush the presidency justice antonin scalia wrote in his opinion the counting of votes does in my view threaten irreparable harm to petitioner george w. bush and to the country by casting a doubt upon what he bush claims to be the legitimacy of his election. i guess denying the guy who actually won the most votes in florida al gore the presidency
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did not constitute irreparable harm to scalia and i guess it was important to mention that school is son worked for the law firm that was defending george w. bush before the high court just like it was important to mention that clarence thomas' wife worked in the bush transition team and was busy accepting resumes from people who would serve in the bush white house as long as her husband stopped the recount in florida which he did and more than a year after the election a consortium of newspapers including the washington post the new york times and usa today did their own recount in florida manually counting every vote in a process that took almost a year and concluded that al gore did indeed win the presidency in two thousand as the november twelfth two thousand and one article in the new york times read it if all the ballots have been reviewed under any of seven single standards and combined with the results of an examination of over votes mr gore would have won. that little bit of info was slipped into the seventeenth paragraph of the times story on
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purpose so that it would attract as little attention as possible around the nation why because the nine eleven attacks just happened and journalists have feared that people with the plain truth that george w. bush actually lost the election would further hurt the nation that was already in crisis. so for the third time in four decades republicans won the white house under illegitimate circumstances. and now today america is in a great depression thanks to thirty years of failed republican policies that have shredded the middle class outsourced our jobs and crippled our national infrastructure you can only wonder how much better off we'd be if five republican presidents had installed the white house in fact the last legitimate republican president the white eisenhower was unlike any other republican since he ran for the white house on a platform of peace that he would end the korean war but i. know
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i don't know or i don't know or knows how to deal with. the other matter your creator i got from working with law here like the number one number one job. oh me oh. yes his two campaign slogans were i like ike and go for peace vote for eisenhower he was a moderate republican who stood up for working people who kept tax rates on the rich at ninety one percent and made sure that the middle class in america was protected by f.d.r.'s new deal policies as he told his brother edgar in one nine hundred fifty four in a letter to him should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear the party again in our political history and eisenhower was right the only way republicans are to have been able to win the presidency since he left office in sixty one has been by either outright treason or by
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a criminal fraud involving the supreme court or by being a vice president under a criminal president. and that's where we are today dealing with the aftermath of all these republican crimes and five illegitimate republican presidents stacking the supreme court and the federal judiciary. so when people tell you that the republicans would be crazy enough to totally crash the economy united states either now or next year just to get people to blame barack obama think twice and ask yourself what other october surprise was maybe planning for next year. and that's the big picture now for more information on the stories that we've covered please visit our website at tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and r t dot com and as always the entire show is available as a free video podcast on i tunes or you can download tom hartmann's free i phone and i got up to watch the shows on the go now of course if you want to weigh in on any of the segments you saw this evening get in touch via twitter facebook blogs
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message boards or the telephone all of the contact info is on the thom hartmann dot com site i don't forget. democracy as tom always says democracy begins when you get out there get active and tag you're it. and stories you never find the name stream news the government is selling the need
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for a political. posting more on r t dumped just. for . fun for. the admission of free predication free zones for charges free the arrangement the free risk free spirits high priests are
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gonna mold free blogs just plug in video for your media projects a free meal dog a hearty dog tom. wealthy british style. tirelessly . market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. if. you. steve.


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