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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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back or not to live in moscow these are the top stories the international atomic agency chief makes his first visit to japan's crippled fukushima plant the consequences of the nuclear nightmare has seen a rise in the suicide rate in the four months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami. president obama appeals to the public to pressure congress into a compromise over its debt ceiling just a week as last before the u.s. would generally default for the first time in its history. at
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a top north korean diplomat is said to travel to the u.s. for talks on resuming stalled nuclear disarmament negotiations it comes days after envoys from the north and south met for the first time in two years and agreed to renewed six party talks. that start to use over time as the interviews legendary queen guitarist and songwriter brian may she called out was a maestro who also happens to be an astrophysicist after a symposium an astronomer and a canary islands on x. he shares his memories of working with freddie mercury and gives insight into how music and the stars help wife here on earth. it's great to have you with us today producer so recently i was going through the
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glass. and your eyes about music and what he said about music is that except it's art it's also true power over nations and himself and then many people say that exactly why music is compared to exact sciences like math. so i never really got that because i finished out of conservatory and i always failed my math class you as a man of music and science can tell me how music is related with science or exact science like math for example it's a hard question. obviously there are mathematical things in music but ironically i think the most important things in music are being instinctive things so i don't equate how that works out except maybe it gives you a balance but yes i love pure science and i love music and they're not the same i'm sure. so many throughout history there has been connections or people who were
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immersed in both of them you know from you know the difference between. patrick moore. it seems to be that we maybe some obstruction thing maybe people who like these things don't like the clutter of the world what the complications of the world that we live in you know the pieces of stuff they just like to find the essence of life so maybe pure science is in some way close to be a sense of nature and you see it's close to the pure essence of a human being at this point you see yourself as a man of science or a man of music. crimson with rain in the air or. do you believe in god you. we had a discussion about this yesterday because there's a man called richard dawkins there who is a very strong atheist and i had a little kind of argument within one hundred minutes because he he kind of i think he felt that he proved there was no good and my feeling is that's not a very scientific answer to me because if you if you make
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a pronouncement you have good evidence if you say there is no good where is the evidence there is no good you can say i don't know you know being an agnostic to me is a scientific point of view and supportable but you know he's a very clever man he has a different point of view to me but in my experience i have felt at times that there is a god of some kind i don't subscribe to any religion organized religion that's a different matter but if your question is about good right there's a god but if there is a god we have very little idea of what god might be inherent in what we are we have very little understanding or. do you think we're alone out there. it's only your opinion i have a strange feeling that maybe we are alone i don't know why this is you know but you've spoken about the loneliness state you experience after each performance. and so i know because i've spoken to a couple of astronauts are going to the moon at for the past three days and they
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also speak of that last lonely mr they experience when they're out there in space. say some music in your opinion gave you that comfort and loneliness. you know maybe they do for a moment you know maybe ironically again maybe that's what makes you more aware of life because you limps it's turned into the wonderful. togetherness we people are with the universe and then the reality is you lose it so maybe that's why you know maybe that's why we feel lonely i do feel a lot of loneliness but is it a comforting feeling you know. it's not the. between. but music when you're in it for the moment and silence when you're in it for the moment it's all encompassing so yeah you don't have time to think i was going to ask you that this earlier in your life you know it's that band and. that exploration for celebration was it sex
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drugs and rock n roll it was a port play money and it was never find was i don't particularly enjoy it was never for money because i was always happy with what i had even if we only had fish fingers. it's just because it was very. exciting it was unknown it was a door that you thought you could walk through and that thirty years on you want back to finish your page to that you just dropped out front like you do that it was unfinished business. it's like you have a circle someplace in the circle just doesn't quite. make it back past accomplished but it didn't have to do anything with going to kills to work your parents because it dropped out earlier on in life and maybe they're a little disappointed in you because you went off to rock n roll you know that was a moment you know your stuff to me. and yeah my dad was very against it in the beginning because he. i think he saw in my education and the place i booked a place that he would have liked to have booked and he never got mr green so it was
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held him back in his worth so he saw me with his fantastic degree in science and the whole world opening up to me and it looked like i was walking away from it and he found it just impossible to use so yeah he was very upset and we hardly told for a year or maybe more and. various things happened but eventually he came to see his writing. and he said to me i understand they are interfering with their children. and the funny thing was you know he was very against all the time i was doing starting off with queen he was drawing little maps. and charts of how the record sales were you know you know he was following with great detail what i was doing so he was always kind of into it he just didn't perhaps want to. say that to me but. obviously when you think queen and see you playing next to freddie mercury all those quick hits come to my mind and then i understand that when you reach that
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level of success with someone you definitely have special man you form a special bond and i've heard you in other interviews say that you still see freddie in a strange way can you elaborate on that it's like a family member you lose that you don't quite understand because you take the radio . and we were so long together. so. you get that close and from somebody particularly in the creative environment either through frame as i think you do or you can success but in the creative environment you know you learn to to know what somebody else might be thinking you might not always be right but you have a feeling for me and so i still feel that roger does as well in a particular it applies more if we're working on a screen and i sort of we think i would for the story and you are probably would say this. you know he's part of the creative process because he's part of what we are because we really chiseled this thing out all together and me and george pretty
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and roger so you know i mean for a while i didn't want to you know i was very. it was a point you know the grieving process where i just didn't want to talk about we didn't want to feel that it was very new except it's history. sort of got through that and now i regard it as part of my life which will never go away and it shouldn't go away because it's part of what i worked to create depression what do you think happens after death after death you will be questions in there. i don't know. cloying to think that our view of the universe is very simplified and you know in a way that people crawling over a piece of paper has a has a very limited view of the universe i think we also have an image of you know so this existence that we know maybe just a very small part of the whole picture you know and i'm excited to think that that
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may be so. i'm not counting on it because maybe maybe in your life i don't know. you know one thing is certain you can't use it as an excuse to saying ok you know this life is really bad but the next one is going to be ok you have to make the best of what you are so i can't not asking you and very successful and yet you were on the verge of. what stops at that point of that love of life. yeah i've had very bad depression which a lot of people deal with at certain points what's killing yourself. i think what struck me was the fact that i had children and people who know me and people who love me. and you just think you know in a sense is a very selfish thing to keep you surprised if you make so much may soon or you do terrible things to the people around you and i would have you know my children. and
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maybe i would like to tell you that there was a glimmer of hope but there wasn't at that time now i remember driving and seeing the bridge and thinking i could do this but i just thought it would make you know i have to somehow. discover what was going on and. yeah it would be a bad thing to do because of the people around me and you come out more empowered after that concert actually. i think if you do certain kinds of work you come out more empowered and i do i do kind of check my life and check myself into a depression clinic. which was actually the best thing i ever did because it was a new start it's my response in your car you know and i had to teach my preconceptions and that would definitely gave me a new. a new energy and it wasn't instant but it gave me the truth to deal with life in a slightly different way i think you have to get to the point where you throw
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everything away. because that's the only way you can make a new start i realised that if i did not deal with depression i was no use to anybody so it's the same kind of logic is not killing yourself you know. killing yourself is really bad for everybody around you but was staying in depression is very bad for everyone around you there's no you struggling in trying to keep doing what you've been doing the whole time because it's it's going to be the same thing you know you have to somehow get outside. and trust that you can come back in as a person who can deal with things. straight you've got all the money you want your educated man you love staring at stars would you consider maybe flying as a space tourist you know i don't like being a tourist it's going to be saying that you know if i was flying in there was some reason for this place i think i would enjoy it more it's like being here. i keep busy in my life and it's quite hard for me it's like a week off just to come to generate although i'd love to marry but it was an excuse
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to come you know i had work to do i had things which could be achieved and i think that's made me joy the sunshine and and but it's more the fact that i'm sort of part of the life of a sign and i love the sun and anyway and it's because of the work really it's not because of being a tourist so you know if there was some reason to go into space if i thought it would. stop people torturing animals i would do it in. what i would enjoy it have you spoken to some of the brilliant brains time for the past three days what do you think what you think could be or is high priest of the twenty first century the high priest of the twenty first. boy oh boy oh boy. maybe nelson mandela. because he has a very important theme i think apart from wisdom and knowledge. he has the key of
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forgiveness which i think saved his country completely from a beloved. and i think people the people who were on this planet studied under nelson mandela and we would definitely get a better planet and i think that would be more than anyone else i think he has ricky rang me thank you very much for this interview him. the official g.o.p. commission chilled on the phone call judge from the. jolt she is on the.
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video on demand. she's a month old. and you want. to . call. the international atomic agency cheez makes his first visit to japan's crippled fukushima plant the consequences of a nuclear nightmare has seen a rise in the suicide rate in the four months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami. president obama appeals to the public to pressure congress into a compromise over its debt ceiling just a week his laugh before the u.s. could potentially default for the first time in its history. at a top north korean diplomat is set to travel to the u.s. for talks on resuming stalled nuclear disarmament negotiations comes days after and voice of probably the north and south for the first time in two years and agreed to
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renew the six party talks. here with sports news. hello welcome to what used words of they live in our city the top stories and heroes return we've seen time cop on the record champions europe why arrived home following a three no way an overcard wife in the final. says come all schools dredge that advantage and it's out of the russian premier league to seven points following victory at the previous a bit of. an labor pains are over the n.f.l. and american football players come to an agreement to pound the full amount of all out. let's begin with russian for bill it was a case of still beats in boston and the only privately fixture on monday the most to stretching their leader was in needs to have its all back to a full seven points following a to walk big trip home to ten men crazy it's
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a bit of saying to dubious opening the army man's accounts will be also over now a gong the ivorian strike announcing his town feel of the campaign making him the league's top scorer so fall. japan would build a case of the honda then converted a free kick that's a style second five minutes before half time. there was unable to solve the ball going into the guild moments later there was blood to make a pretty normal initial effort on stupid i can favor and into the net crazy and have a bond that i have sent off soon after the restart but no more bills followed so it's got held on to that you want to vantage giving crazy of the bulls defeats on the trot but muscovites seized control of the table. him in times of need have issued a complaint following sunday's one nil going away to on xiii in the last scene here the st petersburg side claiming the police used violence against their founds alf the local supporters instigated a mass brawl in the stands russian champions and also stating that it is unsafe to
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play football in the region where racial discrimination is a serious problem and authority. is not concerned about it's. over to montevideo where copa america which is why received a warm welcome after returning home from argentina with their fifteenth title over fifty thousand pounds back the city's centenary or stadium to celebrate with their heroes who scored three goals without reply case paraguayan sunday's final score became the first team to america titles overtaking argentina who have won the continental championship fourteen times your wise first dates back to nineteen sixteen. now staying with football where the sport's hottest teenage prospect brazilian striker neymar could be heading for russia and not to the likes of chance in barcelona at least that's what the legendary come catcher it wants him to do for the world cup when they are about to call us saying he has been thoroughly in the nineteen year old every day to try and live in the mud to his own club hours she
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did a good start outfit seemingly with money to spare and after being purchased by villainously monkey earlier this year however neymar is also being courted by most of europe's top sides while he's there and clubs have pledged to keep the forward in his home country. well football and a new era has officially begun for chile strike alex and son that's after the old was unveiled escalate a signing for european and spanish champions parts lower such as joining on a five year deal from sciri club who didn't as a move selling the catalan giants back reported thirty seven million u.s. dollars some just stated earlier he doesn't want to be compared to real madrid star cristiana ronaldo in stand he's coming to the know how to learn from the likes of leonel messi harvey and andres iniesta incidentally ronaldo messi and harvey where old woman dated for the inaugural best player in europe awards on monday. with the usual brilliance in the low he had little experience the monitors were displaying
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in different teams and i believe it's being here in boston only is the highlight of my career it's easy to reach the difficult to get into that level and no one's with me to my level to be able to demonstrate what to know when the pitch thats it. and in america manchester united are preparing for wednesday's game with m.l.s. all stars over sold out red bull arena new jersey one of their last woman friendlies before the new premier league campaign kicks off and made august david beckham and teary eyed we will be starring put hosts out of form about the united midfielder feels that they can compete against one of europe's top clubs i think we have a chance on. wednesday you know it's going to be tough never easy coming up against manchester united now no matter where you're going in the world so it's going to be difficult but. it's going to be you're going to enjoy you have to enjoy these occasions you know you don't get many opportunities to play against the likes of wayne rooney. jittery and so many other players that it goes as much as
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we want to win the game it's important that we enjoy it. and more fully is mohamed bin hammam has launched a war of words against the far president and blood of the disgraced guitar executives speaking out after picking up a live band for allegedly turns into a bribe voters in order to gain their backing in last month's presidential elections something he insists never took place the conviction of. your life. it's going to come from someone. who. must must be coming from the. host and you have witnessed through the through history and the. things that this is all about piers and as a prominent well. here's thing. now things look to sad to get back to normal across them planted after the american football players voted in favor of a deal to put an end to the four month look out which have threatened the entire
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upcoming season a new collective bargaining agreement was put in place on monday players signings are now pending in full today with some teams can deal to reopen training camps a day later trouble had the rose overhauled to divvy up nine million dollars in profits so n.f.l. fans can look forward to action of this year but the labor state will make a stalemate is yet to be resolved in the n.b.a. with international basketball is heading back to home leagues to see action. and so with the n.b.a. lockout far from an end just one man out of business is yell me in the chinese center received and the honorary standoff in his homeland following his retirement announcement last week the thirty year old celebrated a farewell ceremony beijing after announcing his departure from the school due to injury last week the former houston rockets center stands at two meters to answer nine centimeters in sizable loss to the texan franchise is an eight time and be all
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star and will go down in history books as one of china's biggest ever athletes. and that brings us finally to one of the most extreme sports on the planet cliff diving the third stage of the red bull world series was held over the weekend with reigning champion gary holland still the man to catch in the overall standings i got to the now reports. the clique diving elite coming together once again in the tail and seed of mulch isn't it over the weekend putting the stage of the red bull world series i don't have words and experts like announcing a unanimous decision of the words this event was the best they see in this year i don't know what to say to the best i've ever seen in all those years they're all like me just mailing and eyes every one of the mexican sensations joined on thread as the first all shined the town's song list only the second time the twenty one year old mistaken for an in the world series event and it saw him claim fourth
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place only two points from the podium the future of the sport he's clearly in say counts and then it was time for great diving heavyweights to show what they've got . one of the favorites for glory me home the red seal sept second in the role standings the czech is currently the only driver able to get a job with the reigning champ and carry out. an impressive arm standup here though there were two divers will be even better. arkham city into one of the challenge stage last year getting off to flu a start the stunning run pulling it truly amazing is usually the preliminary round the russian came out with decisive tied with if they lead one of the moves digital can the nations they at that farm stand pulled by two in the house somersaults and one to have missed the suits in this extreme choice by over a few mistakes in the air along with too much splash leaving the parolee stadium in
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second position. next to the folder and the man that wrote the waiting to see kerry hand the englishman found to be untouchable the day security is there at stage with the new roof extend he still will eat. complicate is done for the sport with the highest degree of difficulty is famous triple force in the twenty six year old makes it look easy. a static i kind of thought i'd blown lost on him just landed short vertical wasn't fast enough. seems there was enough to take the wind it's very good competition for me. i'm the throw very good guy and today i made one mistake in my last. it's very difficult but i know it it's risky for me i'm sick on the sort time in this era look after more stores and i want i am i
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am who i want to be and i'm ready for quiet. just to stop slipped real serious twenty eleven with the knicks have learned to be hosted in boston and noticed the twins in. there but what a new on our cheeks. that's all small for our cannot short list a lot of staying. if you're following up on my doubt you'll go to. the primaries are sort of a throwback to an archaic part of our law. and it goes back to
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a time when people would wipe out of their forces in the wild lands and pick up these future dates important to mention the sheriff for prosecution there is no one thing like company man told. him when they go out there he's got weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad. will. or we're chasing killers and you gotta keep that in mind though there's a two million dollar bill pretty risky. we're not superheroes we can be killed to you know base should be in the head i'm going to die. and. once you've hunted manual never go back on anything else. twenty years ago in the largest countries in the world to certain places because. if. one had been trying. to put them in general terms. where did it take them.
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in india all she's available to the.


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