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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2011 2:01am-2:31am EDT

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our health but in other words we run away we skate because we're scared of radiation but there is no example in the world of something similar and the consequences are still ongoing. while those who have moved to shelters here in tokyo are facing that guilt and the pressure to move back home there are others who have lost everything cannot handle the overwhelming change and they are facing even darker demons japan already has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and following the disaster in march the government has issued a warning about a possible nationwide epidemic of depression. here are some organic farmers committed suicide because you know for nick farmer it's soil is everything they know each other good soil for after many hours of hard work and it's just contaminated one night into so some. farmers committed suicide i'm very sad to hear the news and many other farmers are also very much
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depressed a recent national survey in japan performed by dr roshini and his team shows that suicide rates in japan have been found increased in the months since the disaster compared to the same time frame in the previous two years but the demographics are not what you might expect. this is a rate increase. not. you know thirty eight centers but if you're areas because some are both struggling to you costs are actually rife they have not had to make suicide this disaster has certainly taken its toll on japan's economy and such constant reminders of an intense topic can harm the collective psyche of the people who live here as well because of the. tsunami disaster plus nuclear disaster many people actually lost their jobs or or their working conditions has crashed. so.
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yeah they have a for many good reasons to commit suicide causing japan's death toll to keep rising even though the initial disaster subsided months before in japan sean thomas or t.v. . coming up here on r t syria get serious about political freedom we ask whether a democratic or by president austin's government will help and ongoing violence or helping him hold on to power. president barack obama has turned to the public for help in pushing through a deal on its debt he wants americans to put pressure on congress to find a compromise and a televised national dress he warned that failing to raise the debt ceiling will cause and calculable economic down it's a bob blame republicans in the house of representatives for the lack of a deal to avoid a u.s. national default congress is just a week to raise the fourteen point three trillion dollars yes let me before it runs
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out of money risking a downgrade of its credit that would mean higher interest rates and republicans and democrats have been locked in a dispute over whether spending cuts or tax hikes is the answer to the debt crisis massive adam senior editor at the capital research center says the government needs to raise its borrowing limit to keep investors. obama and the democrats in congress just want to keep on spending. and so they would like to see the debt ceiling raised so that they can continue to give rewards to their supporters among the labor unions and the various political organizations that are sympathetic to the democratic party's cause the u.s. is able to keep raising its debt ceiling because people investors around the world have confidence in the united states they believe that the u.s. government will on or its outstanding obligations and so as long as people have
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faith in the investors have faith in the u.s. government in its credit worthiness then the u.s. could keep raising its debt ceiling the problem right now is that the debt is so high that that in itself is starting to become a negative factor that could lead to a clue. rating downgrade of the united states government if china loses confidence in. america the american government's ability to pay its debts then the u.s. will have nowhere to run to the u.s. with the only the only choice it would have would be to keep printing money to inflate the currency run the printing presses and risk devastating hyperinflation so that's about the only or the u.s. government would have to drastically cut spending and implement pretty severe austerity measures massive adam senior editor at the capital research center from
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washington d.c. and we're closely following developments on the american financial scene on our web site go to our team dot com for the latest updates and videos as a whole on american countdown days until the fall of wall street high flyers are bracing themselves for a rocky ride. this life is a joke and it's. less going to sweet relief. while others in the u.s. are choosing to ignore the problem by dressing up as superheroes and tanning and comic con convention. a senior north korean diplomat has been invited to new york in an attempt to revive long still talks over his country's controversial nuclear program the moves come
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just days after a top and voice from the north and south korea stepped together for the first time in over two years on the sidelines of a security summit in venetia there they agreed to renew the six party talks over atomic ambitions. were halted after a north korea shelled young young island killing four which it says was provoked by military drills ingested by the south however the u.s. secretary of state says before any deal is discussed north korea must first dismantle its nuclear facilities erisa rockin co-founder of the national campaign to end the korean war says america should stand in the way of a peaceful solution. we forget that you know if you can reach agreements even with people you have profound differences with the word exercises where we see simulate landing two hundred thousand troops and taking over the young yanks and defending against other types of attacks only serves to amp it up and
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certainly the comments and expressions from the north don't help either so you have both sides who need to step back and certainly begin to look at peaceful exercises of their relationship there north korea has not india has always indicated that for a peace treaty and formalized relations with the united states that it would give up its nuclear weapon capability that has always been on the table and we should be grabbing that as a real opportunity because more than one hundred fifty countries have normalized relations with the north and we need formal channels to begin to deal with these things like jimmy carter and former ambassadors have been saying and our campaign along with many others are beginning to help washington move from demonization to engagement which is really necessary for any systematic change. on the way here on r t why have one when you can have manning what
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a growing number of russian desperate to tie the knot some are willing to accept being wife number two nouri marine. norway's prime minister says his country will remain an open society memorial processions for the victims of friday's twin terrorist attacks have been held throughout the nation over one hundred thousand gathered in the capital to mark the deaths of seventy six people flowers and candles were used to commemorate those massacred in the shooting at an island news count and the bombing of government buildings in oslo the manhood met the atrocities has been charged with terrorism at a closed court hearing and will be held in isolation for four weeks as varying brezec pleaded not guilty saying he wanted to save society from an immigrant's invasion david johnson of partners in chicago believes that if he were taken out of problems increase so too will the popularity of a theme rivaling parties. think the financial crisis is going to make it much more
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difficult to combat the message of these far right groups in times of economic stress it is distressingly easy for people to look for scapegoats and unfortunately it's human nature to seek out scapegoats that look different than us who have different customs there are very concerned that in the next half decade though financial stresses that all of europe is going to face are going to is going to help these far right groups i am concerned but it is a real trend sadly while economic hardship has not caused this i think it is likely to exacerbate what we're seeing and i think that looking at just the scandinavian countries it is actually idling far right groups are going to gain increasing credence and popularity in the next few years. throughout europe which is
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worryingly close to almost a century approach and we really need to hope that our leaders throughout europe will do more to put these type of caustic ideologies back on the fringes where they belong now some other top headlines from around the world nato airstrikes of cause a fire at a food storage complex and lehtonen northern league in city torn between her own cut off his forces and the nato supported rebels meanwhile forty kilometers to the east in opposition held misrata government forces burn one of the region's major fuel depo the un envoy to media help talks with rebel council in benghazi on monday but the sides were unable to come up with a peaceful solution to the conflict country's ongoing civil war started in february with nato joining in march. possible has sand forces through its northern border with serbia to force an import ban imposed last week the move has led to a rise in ethnic tensions with local serbs resisting the police presence in the
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story saying they control one of the border crossings but another is being blocked by locals the ban was to counter service boycott of cost of our goods in place since its you know lateral declaration of independence in two thousand and eight. the un is to make an emergency delivery of food and then a tarion aid to somalia work stream drought is put ten million lines of risk over the first airlift since a two here ban on international aid has been moved by somali militants several weeks ago on wednesday u.n. representatives will attend a conference in kenya to find ways to raise one point six billion dollars in aid over the next year. has passed in a story corps law allowing couples to divorce in their own country that will take effect from october after the president signs it off it was the only country with the forced legislation couples have to travel abroad or apply for a moment through the courts or church taking up to nine years the vote is
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a blow to the ruling nationalist party which opposes the bourse. syria's government has adopted a draft law allowing rival political parties to be created it could and decades of domination by president austen's ruling baath party opposition groups have been banned since a military coup on nine hundred sixty three the law is part of reforms promised by president asad to put on a chance to war the four months of protests against his government over a fifteen hundred civilians have been killed and thousands more detained since uprisings began in march however political theorist benjamin barber believes the law is nothing more than an empty gesture. it is not anything but a formal and technical change the reality is this government cannot afford to have a genuine multi-party. approach because the parties that will be empowered powers that want to see the end of holloway rule and the end of bashar assad in
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other words if they do more than just a formality it will lead to the fall of government so i do not believe that this is anything more than a attempt to stall. for a while. i do not believe it will lead to multi-party democracy and i do not believe that in the end it is going to stop the uprising in any meaningful way i would suggest that the united states and the western powers are being hypocritical they talk about wanting change but of course they haven't really put any pressure. on syria of the kind that they have put on libya for example that i don't see any nato warplanes preventing civilian casualties i don't see anyone really moving to look for an alternative the fact is the west doesn't like bashar assad but he is the known evil and the i think they're very worried about what the unknown alternative might look like so i suspect that while they will continue to posture
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in public and pretend to condemn the regime that they will do little to actually remove assad he knows that and therefore he will make some nice noises about multi-party democracy and about accommodation but in reality he will hang tough and i believe that very little will change. the british ministry of the fans has apologized after one of its attack helicopters a one to five children by mistake according to the u.n. the number of civilians killed by nato airstrikes has gone up with the death toll this year alone standing at seventy nine anti-war activist lindsey german thinks it's time for the alliance to admit the failure of its avg and campaign. i think that it will convince more people in afghanistan that the war isn't helping them but it is actually killing and injuring more and more people so isn't working isn't
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going to work when you have a war where the risk of growing insurgency will be all sorts of people who are victims of this and children are obviously one of the worst of the casualties the only solution to this is to sell you a war isn't working it has there is absolutely no justification for the nato forces to be there and that they should withdraw the troops this is now coming up to the tenth anniversary of the war and there is absolutely no question that this war is not getting better it is getting worse it is almost certain that whatever settlement eventually comes in afghanistan it will involve the taliban in some capacity nearly everybody now recognizes this so what is the point of continuing this war the point of continuing this war is because the americans and the british and their allies kamelot admit defeat in the second country after what happened in iraq that is why they're there they in order to prop up
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a government that they have no real confidence in they are there in order to save their own faces they are there to protect their interests they're not there to protect the ordinary afghans and we've seen this again this week thousands of german from the stop the war coalition now when it comes to the dating game in russia it really is a man's world and there are ten million more women than man in the country forcing some to turn to unconventional methods to find love even if that means a better half as more like several better quaters are to single reports. meet andree a father of three and has been to three and other years ago andrei got married two years on he proposed again and then again for the go i should i refuse any of them if i love them all really why the country's demographic realities andries side include into the latest census there are ten million more women in russia than
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there are men the shortage of supply leads to the need for sharing a concept with injuries wise say they've made peace with it or thought i thought he was kidding but then realized that he wasn't i never expected something like this happening to me but we've all got used to it you know if you love you'll understand we never fight for andre never quarrel there is no any kind of competition either. andrey considers himself an ardent christian yet to his wife who brought up muslims the distribution of duties and conjugal delights within the household also lies in the islamic traditions but he doesn't drive the center of the course work i made the move fairly equal if one wants me to buy her something i will but i'll buy something of the same price for the other two as well as a building three houses and board three apartments that's fair isn't it or for. as extraordinary as it seems andries example is not that strain of russian many man on a ration sheep's with several women at
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a time most to keep their extramarital affairs secret. moon the moon as this may look strange i agree which we consider it better to be a second or third wife rather than think you are the only one and be bitterly mistaken this can city of man is also p. down to their propensity to gauge in was described as unhealthy behavior alcoholism and reckless driving is cheap in a way i think countries. let me tell you my story twenty eight years old reasonably smart fairly pretty and very compassionate yet i'm still single and my odds of trying to nor to get since lehman every year according to recent poll here in russia forever single man over thirty there are dozens of single women still on the lookout for their prince with their wounds search for true love becoming statistically challenging no wonder these are wondering abroad and then from russia with love is to go in strong. regional shanty moscow.
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love it there or leave it maybe that's what life is all about rock legend brian may best known as a guitarist and songwriter for queen found himself waiting so aside prior to the death of freddie mercury and just a few minutes we asked ron what brought him back from the brink. what drops you killing yourself. i think what stopped me was the fact that i had children and people who depended on me and people who love me i would like to tell you that there was a glimmer of hope there but there wasn't at that time you know i remember driving and seeing the bridge and thinking i could do this you have to somehow get outside . and trust that you can come back here as a person doing. well here are more from brian may in just a few minutes before that i will take a look at what's happening in business with dmitri.
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morning and welcome to business art scene despite a plea to pause expansion russia's v.t.v.m. bank is weighing up a new purchase in the express credit market the country's second largest lender may buy a ten percent stake in home credit. needs to be wants to buy a stake in the bank ahead of home credit be listing if you have a twenty five percent stake is expected to raise around one billion dollars the company's key asset is home credit and finance bank in russia a bank holding a quarter of the instant credit market. it's elisa and l. group and germany's eon have put the finishing touches to their new power plants in siberia foreign energy giants other leading investors in russia's liberalize power market building more new capacity than russian for the summer but over explains. the generators are turning creating much needed electricity last year power
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companies built a record for gigawatts of capacity enough to power a quarter of moscow and its foreign firms which provided the lion's share of the investment major milestone have already begun to the market this liberalize that the reason regulatory framework there are markets are capacity and then are gee what we wish is to progress with this in making it more functioning russia opened its power sector four years ago privatizing most generating capacity during the crisis some russian firms failed to me their investment obligations while foreigners increased their market share for mass on nine percent of capacity. but they commission seventy eight percent of new units generators are now asking regulators for predictability this year the russian government curbed price rises to fifteen percent would generate us he lost the millions but that
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hasn't stopped the flaking off switches prime minister of britain not to the new trade doesn't sell promising for it that's all the more in return for more on the gigawatts if you have a good business our team. so you get the markets now trading the u.s. president warns the country's debt deadlock threatens to damage the u.s. economy runs lot of screw consumer and therefore. limits its just forty cents on light sweet crude cross asia stocks are edging higher tokyo stocks are higher with financials recouping their losses from the previous session it's a vision financial group of three quarters of a percent count on is around two percent of the hiking its profit forecast for the year in hong kong the markets are up one percent led by the banks or. trade is kicking off has already started on the c.s. by just not point zero four percent better than my stocks will start trading in
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four minutes fifteen seconds and this is the closing figure for them i say it was point one percent on monday so join us of course next hour to find out how to my six openings. could seize a struggling to continue last week's good performance of getting capital says all eyes are on whether the u.s. can conjure up a plan to solve the. well the markets are still waiting for a decision on the u.s. debt deal so we do all that lawmakers will come to some definite solution because the worst thing we now have in the market is that no one is no one knows what's going to happen on all goosed when actually there was some deadline for the u.s. debt deal. also people are expecting crucial friday data on the u.s. economy really stretches back ten years judy peter advanced by one point eight percent and that also people expect some slowdown in the consumer spending all in
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all we're waiting for two issues three s. macro economic data which will inflows all the markets across the world and also the u.s. debt deal and i join business in fifteen minutes time we will be here with an update and with a complete picture for the opening of tuesday's trading session in russia.
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the balloon limited to just say. the first six to. the subsequent. commit to a. wealthy british style sucks sometimes it's priceless money.
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markets why not succumb to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. more news today is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations are all today.
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this is actually live from moscow and let's take a look at the top stories the international atomic agency chief makes his first visit to the pants crippled fukushima plant the consequences of the nuclear nightmare seen a rise in the suicide rate in the four months since a devastating earthquake and tsunami. president obama appeals to the public to pressure congress into a compromise over its debt ceiling just a week has left before the u.s. could potentially default for the first time in its history. and
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a top north korean diplomat is set to travel to the u.s. for talks on resuming stalled nuclear disarmament think oceans comes days after envoys from the north and south for the first time in two years and agreed to renew the six party talks. up next artie's sophie shevardnadze interviews legendary queen guitarist and songwriter brian may she caught up with the maestro who also happens to be an astrophysicist after a symposium of astronomers in the canary islands all next he shares his memories of working with freddie mercury and gives insight into how music and the stars help wife here on earth. it's great to have you with us today sir thank you for being so recently i was
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going through the glass bead game and your eyes about music and what he says about music is that except it's art it's also true power over nations and human souls and then many people say that exactly why music is compared to exact sciences like math . so i never really got there because i finished product conservatory and i always failed my math class now you as a man of music and science can you tell me how music is related with science or exact science like math for example it's a hard question. there are all mathematical things in music but ironically i think the most important things in music are the instinctive things so i don't know quite how that works out except maybe gives you a balance but yes i love pure science and i love music and they're not the same sure but. certainly throughout history there have been can.


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