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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2011 5:01am-5:31am EDT

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that of course it's hard to hear that we have family neighbors would think about our health but in other words we run away we escape because we're scared of radiation but there is no example in the world of something similar and the consequences are still ongoing. while those who have moved to shelters here in tokyo are facing that guilt and the pressure to move back home there are others who have lost everything cannot handle the overwhelming change and they are facing even darker demons japan already has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and following the disaster in march the government has issued a warning about a possible nationwide epidemic of depression here. organic farm us committed suicide because you know the. soil is everything they saw in full after many. just contaminated one night. so. far so i'm very
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sad to hear the news and many other also very much depressed a recent national survey in japan performed by dr hiroshi and his team shows that suicide rates in japan have in fact increased in the months since the disaster compared to the same timeframe in the previous two years but the demographics are not what you might expect. this is a rate increase. not. you know thirty eight centers but if you're areas because some barbers struggling to you costs. they have no time to make suicide this disaster has certainly taken its toll on japan's economy and such constant reminders of an intense topic can harm the collective psyche of the people who live here as well because of the. tsunami disaster plus nuclear disaster many people actually lost their jobs
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or working on the show has crashed. so. yeah they have a so many good reasons to commit suicide. causing japan's death toll to keep rising even though the initial disaster subsided months before in japan john thomas over to you. well for more on what's happening in japan i'm joined live now from hiroshima by nuclear energy expert dr robert jacobs. robert thanks so much for being here with us now why is the head of the i.a.e.a. difficult only now so what's expected to come out of his visit. once and what's largely coming out of the visit is an endorsement of the plan of the government of japan on the road forward the so-called road map and in essence sort of a saying to find more blessing that everything is proceeding according to plan. what. the a did come in march although amano was secretary model was not able to
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come to fukushima so because the danger is there but he's now toured the facility and been briefed and had discussions with the government but in essence what this is is just just trying to give a nice shine to a terrible terrible situation of policy and not really in any way dealing with the actual problems that are facing us here in japan while the tragedy that hit japan about four months ago terrified the world tell us how this iteration is there are now. well there is there's different pieces to it there's been some rebuilding of the damage done by the earthquake and the tsunami although that stress ceded somewhat slowly but in terms of the problems with the nuclear plants the situation is rather die there are still these plants are still leeching radioactivity into the environment every day into the sea and through the steam of the combing into
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the air and what's what's now preoccupied many people in japan is that even for those of us that live far enough away that we thought we were not in any way threatened by the radiation from the plants we're now finding that because of insufficient oversight to the food supply and public health questions that radiation is turning up in all kinds of food products so you're finding now people in far away from fukushima areas are now beginning to realize that they're not going to be escaping the radiation because of that distance and additionally besides that there's still a rather chaotic policy about what will be happening in the areas that were contaminated near the plants but outside of the evacuation zone for example fukushima city. as we now some people in japan are accusing the government of holding back information about the true a scale of the disaster and earlier we sell protests in tokyo not are cities so what's happening now does that still seem to be the case do people have access to what's going on information wise. no it's absolutely in some ways it's getting
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worse we know that neither tepco tokyo electric or the government inform the public when they knew that there had been all nuclear meltdown people were not told to evacuate at that time and in terms of the current situation there is a great deal of anger especially among parents in fukushima prefecture and nearby that there is not a comprehensive system to try to protect the health of the people in those areas so you are seeing meetings every couple of days in which government officials are being yet. by local residents who are complaining that they're not being given enough information about the health threats to their children and their families and the situation is in many ways here in japan compounding. but how is everyone japan coming to grips with what happened well the scale of the tragedy is immense and in some ways unlike the kobe earthquake in which case there was at
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least an end to the event so that people could mourn and people could rebuild this is a tragedy that that is ongoing and so even though the earthquake and the tsunami have passed japan is very much gripped by the ongoing nuclear crisis and there doesn't seem to be any end to that crisis in sight we know that the plants will be leeching radio radiation for at least one more year possibly several more years and it's turning up increasingly in various parts of the food supply in far flung regions so people are beginning to get more anxious rather than less anxious here in japan as the it as the impact spreads and we real and most people begin to realize the large scale impact this radiation will have on our lives here in japan. well people all over the world that were hit by this by the fukushima nuclear disaster
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especially question the nuclear energy use was raised right after that and germany and switzerland have pledged to abandon nuclear energy now is this possible in japan could japan do the same thing. it's a very debated point here there are some people that say that it would be devastating to japan to abandon nuclear power and there's others that say you know that's the only course available to you and so i'm not an energy expert so i couldn't say exactly how that would affect us or how would you and would have to move forward however what i will say is that there is no doubt that nuclear power is not a very viable energy alternative for the future this is the first generation of nuclear plants and here at the end of their licensing we're finding that they're in terrible shape and they leave a tremendous radioactive legacy just to decommission these plants so a way forward is going to have to be found without them and it would do japan well along with other and china for example is taking the lead in trying to chart a path to a non-nuclear energy future so. it may have may take
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a short hit on the economy in the short term but clearly it's the only viable long term path but all right dr robert jacobs thanks very much indeed for sharing your views here with us. to other stories now president barack obama has turned to the public for help and pushing through a deal on its debt he wants americans to put pressure on congress to find a compromise and a televised national address he warned that failing to raise the debt ceiling will cause incalculable economic damage obama blamed republicans in the house of representatives for the lack of a deal to avoid a u.s. national default congress is just a week to raise the fourteen point three trillion dollars debt limit before runs out of money risking a downgrade of its credit that would mean higher interest rates republicans and democrats have been logged in a dispute over whether spending cuts or tax hikes is the answer to the debt crisis matthew that i'm senior editor at the capitol research center says the government
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needs to raise its borrowing limit to keep investors. obama and the democrats in congress just want to keep on spending. and so they would. like to see the debt ceiling raised so that they can continue to give rewards to their supporters among the labor unions of the various political organizations that are sympathetic to the democratic party's cause the u.s. is able to keep raising its debt ceiling because people investors around the world have confidence in the united states they believe that the u.s. government will honor its outstanding obligations and so as long as people have faith in the investors have faith in the u.s. government in its credit worthiness then the u.s. could keep raising its debt ceiling the problem right now is that the debt is so high that that in itself is starting to become a negative factor that could lead to
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a credit rating downgrade of the united states government if china loses confidence in. america the american government's ability to pay its debts then the u.s. will have nowhere to run to the u.s. would be only the only choice it would have would be to keep printing money to inflate the currency run the printing presses and risk devastating hyper inflation so that's about the only or the u.s. government would have to drastically cut spending and implement pretty severe austerity measures. if you ask either of the house has hit back at the president's criticism of the standoff in congress job that are said he had tried to work with obama but they couldn't find common ground that republicans as a solution to the debt crisis is not complicated if you spend more and you take you have to spend less the speaker suggested increasing the debt ceiling by one trillion dollars an amount which would last about six months and trying future
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increases to an agreement on cuts. well we are closely following developments on the american financial scene on our web site to go to for the latest updates and videos are the whole of america counts down days until the fall of wall street high flyers are bracing themselves for a rocky ride. in this life is the chill going to. let's get a sweet release going. while others in the u.s. are choosing to ignore the problem by dressing up as superheroes and attending the annual comic-con convention. a senior north korean diplomat has been invited to new york in an attempt to revive long stalled talks over his country's controversial nuclear program the most come
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just days after top and boys from the north and south korea set to gather for the first time in over two years on the sidelines of a security summit in indonesia where they are going to renew six party talks over pyongyang's atomic ambitions you know if haitians were halted after north korea shelled. killing four people saying it was responding to a provocative military drills however the u.s. secretary of state has before any deal is discussed north korea must first dismantle its nuclear facilities pepe escobar i think the times correspondence has going as has been at war for fifty years so peace path is needed before negotiations can start well smacks a little bit of desperation specially because when you look at the bill to cause which is you can dismantle it you'll nuclear program first and then we decided to talk to you that's an absolute no no i was in north korea last year and i confirmed from north korean officials directly that. this state awfully is the same state
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of glee as it was fifty eight years ago to morris to fifty eight and in verse three of the armistice that did not end the north korean war for that matter the ideal logical deify and the wall of mistrust between the two sides it's almost humanly impossible to find a middle ground the saying is first you have to end the war it's true and the war from the north korean point of view is a war against america is not south korea they view it as a bloc that government of the americas and asia that south korea in the minds of beyond young of course it's still all killed by by american troops there still is just thirty eight thousand u.s. troops but the north korea says it has a western occupation of south korea. so no less you start to i really doubt this basic difference is important it's absolutely impossible to even start talking so
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this state department now is trying to jump the gun a said joke first you get rid of your nuclear weapons you know that on the missiles and then we thought so obviously do not go he has are going to watch them to special and what is going to watch is going to say look our position has been the same for the best fifty eight years stake it or leave it. asia times correspondent pepe escobar there. norway's prime minister says his country will remain an open society memorial processions for the victims of friday's twin terrorist attack have been held throughout the nation over one hundred thousand gather in the capital to market their thoughts of seventy six people flowers and candles were used to commemorate those massacred in the shooting at an island youth camp and the bombing of government buildings in oslo the man who admitted the atrocities has been charged with terrorism at close court hearing and will be held in isolation for four weeks as varying graphic pleaded not guilty saying he wanted to save society from an immigrant's invasion amy johnson of a.c.i.m. partners and chicago believes that europe's economic troubles increased so too will
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the popularity of extreme right wing parties. i think the financial crisis is going to make it much more difficult to combat the message of these far right groups in times of economic stress it is distressingly easy for people to look for scapegoats and unfortunately it's human nature to seek out scapegoats that look different than us who have different customs that are as i am concerned but it is a real trend that sadly while economic hardship has not caused this i think it is likely to exacerbate what we're seeing and i think that looking at just the scandinavian countries it is actually eye opening for all right groups are going to gain increasing credence and popularity in the next few years throughout europe which is more worryingly close to almost a century approach and we really need to hope that our leaders throughout europe
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will do more to put these type of caustic ideologies back on the fringes where they belong. and for more analysis reports and videos on norway's first ever terror attack head to our you tube channel all the latest on the story available for you there are twenty four seventh's. news today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations to rule the day. polish investigators have concluded that pilot error actually was to blame for last year's plane tragedy according to media reports the crash in russia claimed the lives of president lech kaczynski and much of the country's political elite or so
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had previously challenge finings blaming the pilot and carried out its only best a geisha the plane crashed while trying to land on a russian airfield in poor weather conditions all ninety six people on board were killed and intergovernmental panel found the crew had ignored orders to abandon the landing from russian air traffic controllers the official report of the polish investigative committee is expected to be published before the weekend. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world twenty two insurgents and three police officers have reportedly been killed during fierce clashes in afghanistan the fighting broke out between taliban nato and the afghan forces across the volatile helmand province late on monday parts of helmand have seen a rise in violence after responsibility for security was hannah back to afghanistan earlier this month. nato airstrikes of cause a fire at a food storage complex in time to northern the torn between colonel gadhafi forces
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and the nato support of rebels meanwhile forty kilometers to the east in opposition held misrata government forces burnt one of the region's major fuel depos the u.n. envoy to leave held talks with the rebel council in benghazi on monday but the sides were unable to come up with a peaceful solution to the conflict the country's ongoing civil war started in february with nato joining in march. possible has sent forces to its northern border with serbia to enforce an import ban imposed last week the move has led to a rise in ethnic tensions with local serbs resisting the police presence is already say they control one of the border crossings but another is being blocked by locals the panel was to serve us boycott cost of goods in place since its you know lateral declination of independence in two thousand and eight. if you want to make an emergency delivery of food and humanitarian aid to somalia work stream drought is put ten million lives at risk it will be the first airlift since the two year ban
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on international aid was removed by somali militants several weeks ago on wednesday u.n. representatives will attend a conference in kenya to find ways to raise one point six billion dollars in aid over the next year. malta has passed an historic law allowing couples to divorce in their own country it will take effect from a job or after the president signs it off it was the only e.u. country with the boris legislation and couples had to travel abroad or apply for an element through the courts or church taking out to nine years of vote is a blow to the ruling nationalist party which opposes divorce. love it or leave it maybe that's what life is all about rock legend brian may best known as a guitarist and songwriter for queen found self complainers suicide prior to the death of freddie mercury well in just over an hour we asked brian what brought him back from the brink. what.
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i think what stopped me was the fact that i had children and people who depended on me and people who love me i would like to tell you that there was a glimmer of hope there but there was a time i remember driving and seeing the bridge and thinking i could do this you have to somehow get outside. and trust that you can come back as a person who can deal with things that. have a back with a recap of our main stories shortly before that will take a look at it's happening in business was to me. good to see you in a warm welcome to business our team company b.p. has doubled first hard dividends for its british shareholder b.p. the ok b.p. has paid one point six billion dollars through its british partners in dividends overall net profit for the period stands at four and a half billion dollars almost double last year's results meanwhile b.p.
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has reported a net profit of twelve point seven billion dollars for the first six months of the year that's against the loss of eleven billion in the first half of twenty ten caused by the oil spill in the gulf of mexico. despite a pleads of pause expansion russia's d.t.b. bank is weighing up a new purchase in the express credit markets the country's largest lender is considering buying a ten percent stake in home credit be the by the autumn. this will be a portfolio investment to be to be wants to buy a stake in the bank ahead of home credit bibi's listing the i.p.o. of a twenty five percent stake is expected to raise around one billion dollars the company's key asset is home credit and finance bank in russia the bank holds a quarter of the instant credit markets there's a reason el group in germany zero on have put the finishing touches to their new power plants in siberia for an energy giant leading investors in russia's liberalize power market building more new capacity than russian firms as the telepathic over explains. the generators are turning creating much needed
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electricity last year power companies built a record four gigawatts of capacity enough to power a quota of moscow and its foreign firms which provided the lion's share of the investment major milestone have already being achieved that the market is liberalize that there really is iraq were not very free market there are markets all capacity the and then energy what we wish is to progress with this in making it more functioning russia opened its power sector four years ago privatizing most generating capacity during the crisis some russian firms failed to me their investment obligations while foreigners increased their market share for us on nine percent of capacity. but they commission seventy eight percent of new units generators are now asking regulators for predictability
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this year the russian government curbed price rises to fifteen percent we generate a sale lost the millions but that hasn't stopped the flaking off switches if you let it go over business our team trick in markets now with its trading marginally up that's despite u.s. president to a warning the country's debt deadlock threatens to damage the u.s. economy the world's largest crude consumers are games and the e.u. markets open flat no much of a direction either footsies up point one percent the dax is down a notch to which a bank profits be the expectations are u.b.s. says fell short so therefore and this is a really looking for some kind of signal to find i want a new order makers are losing in frankfurt. and it seems like a change of direction on the russian the markets the r.t.s. is now up just point one percent when it was gaining up to one percent at the beginning of trading my six is down half of the set and that's a cautious trade with energy shares moving just slightly higher true for gas prong
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already losing point six percent dollars gold is up half a percent has a gold purchased eighty nine percent of the company. take. russian equities have been heavily influenced by events in the u.s. and in europe you're going to get miles of alpha capital says there are stocks that are less affected. i would like to single out problems burbank which i believe is not. true your appear not to be you as problems. in the financial sector all this talk show performance also some roofs or stories like nova tack on a roll call or wish for showing us performers during the past couple of months so i do believe this talks got about about the market and the. nearest time. still looks cheap but while it's hard stalking a hot story for investors. but. it looks quite cheap in comparison to international
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oil and gas majors. business will be back with plaza in fifteen minutes science and bring you updates the headlines next with. welcome to the what makes a big splash in the world of high tech business what turns events science into i can't you products don't understand all these these gaps he followed russian
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innovators to easy bidders and brought in their big breakthrough back. spotlight on stone on technology update here on. the future cover. wealthy british style. expert on the money. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines.
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talk about your chain ours here is a look at the top stories the international atomic agency chief makes his first visit to japan's crippled fukushima plant the consequences of the nuclear nightmare have seen a rise in the suicide rate in the four months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami. president obama appealed to the public to pressure congress into a compromise over its debt ceiling just a week has left before the u.s. could potentially default for the first time in its history. and a top north korean diplomats heading to the u.s.
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for a talks on resuming stalled nuclear disarmament to go she it comes days after envoys from the north and south at for the first time in two years agreed to renew six party talks. bounty hunters have been around for centuries but even they are having to adapt to changing times in the second part of our tease special report we continue to discover who is on their hit list now. but.
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after weeks of.


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