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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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call. it the. suicide rates rise in japan as people struggle with the aftermath of disaster meanwhile the atomic wash dog says radiation at be stricken fukushima nuclear plant it could be contained within months. dark days ahead of president obama now calls on the public to pressure congress into compromise on avoiding default admitting america's verging on a catastrophe caused by washington. and a top north korean diplomat is invited for a rare talks in the u.s. to try and revive the long stalled negotiations on the scrapping of pyongyang's controversial nuclear program. a top story in business ross is looking forward to
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expand its product as asian program to spur economic growth the idea is to fully privatized fourteen state companies by two thousand and seventeen we'll find out why this is big business bulletin friday that's. just after nine pm in the russian capital you're watching r.t. it took just a few minutes for an earthquake and tsunami to devastate suade surpass a tragedy that will take years to recover from all for some people it's simply too much to deal with the trauma of thousands of lost lives and hard tiles leveled and the threat of nuclear catastrophe well sean thomas reports on the worrying rise in japanese suicides. a triple disaster on a scale the world has never known causing damage and destruction and uncertainty
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forcing tens of thousands of japanese refugees to leave their lives behind and seek shelter anywhere they can some people do. the bucket but the problem is the minority they be they have been accused by. their classmates or you know of course by offshore. causing. that. if. not. the primarily a move towards self-preservation this idea of desertion is defined by many as characteristically in germany is and has occurred of those who have evacuated the dishonorable title of traitor. of course it's hardly a year that we have family neighbors we think about our health but in other words we run away we escape because we're scared of radiation but there is no example in
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the world of something similar and the consequences are still ongoing. while those who have moved to shelters here in tokyo are facing that guilt and the pressure to move back on there are others who have lost everything cannot handle the overwhelming change and they are facing even darker demons japan already has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and following the disaster in march the government has issued a warning about a possible nationwide epidemic of depression here are some organic farmers. so so because you know the. soil is everything. good soil for after many hours of hard work and it's just contaminated one thing to go so. far. i'm very sad to hear the news and many other also very much impressed
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a recent national survey in japan performed by dr roshini and his team shows that suicide rates in japan have been found increased in the months since the disaster compared to the same timeframe in the previous two years but the demographics are not what you might expect they. are late increase. in the. center but they fear areas because some barbers struggling to. graft they have not had time to mix inside this disaster has certainly taken its toll on japan's economy and such constant reminders of an intense topic can harm the collective psyche of the people who live here as well because of the. tsunami disaster last year these are many people actually lost their jobs or their working on the show has crashed. so. yeah they have
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a for many good reasons to commit suicide because in japan's death toll to keep rising even though the initial disaster subsided months before in japan sean thomas forty. well the clean up would be a stricken fukushima nuclear plant has been praised by the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog who said radiation it could be contained by the end of the year well you know is visiting the facility to assess the progress in preventing the nuclear crisis from getting worse because she was reactors were heavily damaged by the earthquake and tsunami it caused the course to melt and release dangerous amounts of radiation into the environment but workers have since been trying to restore the cooling system and stop contaminated water from the reactors leaking into the sea. or barack obama is calling on the american people to step up to the plate and pressure their politicians in dealing with the debt standoff well congress has a week left to raise the country's multi-trillion dollar debt ceiling if it wants
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to avoid a potentially devastating default well in a nationwide address obama warned that american default would impact around the world where he blamed republicans for stalling talks and refusing to accept a balanced approach republican speaker john boehner hit back accusing obama of spending beyond the country's means and expecting quote a blank check the republicans and democrats have been locked in a dispute over whether spending cuts or tax hikes is the answer to the debt crisis a washington watcher matthew vega says the government needs to act fast to avoid an investor exodus. obama and the democrats in congress just want to keep on spending. and so they would like to see the debt ceiling raised so that they can continue to give rewards to their supporters among the labor unions and the various political organizations that are sympathetic to the democratic party's
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cause the u.s. is able to keep raising its debt ceiling because people investors around the world have confidence in the united states they believe that the u.s. government will honor its outstanding obligations and so as long as people have faith in the investors have faith in the u.s. government and its credit worthiness then the u.s. could keep raising its debt ceiling the problem right now is that the debt is so high that that in itself is starting to become a negative factor that could lead to a credit rating downgrade of the united states government if china loses confidence in. america the american government's ability to pay its debts then the u.s. will have nowhere to run to the u.s. with the only the only choice it would have would be to keep printing money to inflate the currency run the printing presses and risk devastating hyperinflation
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or the u.s. government would have to drastically cut spending and implement pretty severe austerity measures. meanwhile the mighty are on the brink across in europe two already in stride and moody's is warning powerhouses germany and france the very bill out of greece could see its all the credit ratings downgrade at all that's after greece's score dropped to just one notch above default last well for more of what's now awaiting the core of the eurozone we talked to a five year demasi who's a financial analyst from germany's left party thank you very much for being on the program that mr massey how threatened are germany or france by be reaching swanning i personally believe there's not much of a throat regarding the credit rating of germany because germany so far. benefited from the crisis it has much lower interest rates to create. norms than the price of
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the crisis or i will leave that. there is no real threats coming from the club but basically a threat that we will lose a lot of taxpayers' money because the part we are really experiencing and you are doing this is not working so for you say that germany is benefiting from the crisis but then on the other hand germany is spending a lot of money and taxpayers' money so when will germany close its wallet if you truly can't keep paying out. yes and i mean the basic the basic question we have to answer is what is happening now and everybody is talking about are we are we are risking greece we were rescuing our than we were rescuing. maybe italy or spain someday but the truth is we were rescuing german or french or british banks who hold the debts against these countries and basically if you want to bring a holes in all the world and to consolidate public funds you have you have to
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tax the wealthy people you have to tax the banks who have so far benefit of this and who have caused the crisis here let's look at the reality in greece grade its credit rating it cannot afford it step but then one word from these agency says bond yields sorry the markets reacting to whatever they say so are these agencies making a bad situation worse. i wouldn't. the role of the rating agencies with one thing is for sure the rating agencies have to clear a proxy. for go. there basically very strict reform and probably go for the core of what i think the basic problem is that we all saw the rule and saw it coming for all of them a couple markets let me make an example. like parents are pouring money for a very low interest rates from concern for burnt. lending it's
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a very high rates to all agree on other countries so obviously one solution would be if we would just or so we credit these concrete star recruit from the same beat and then we. were in the world the raping the world at the rate so it's ok well thank you very much for your analysis there are far fewer to see financial analyst from germany say left party thank you. and all the way the new trouble that's brewing in the costs of all the self-proclaimed republics fragile balance is disrupted as police and move them into service areas sparking fears of further ethnic tension we explain what's happening. and we hear how washington's internal squabbles are fueling the missile defense stalemate between russia and the u.s. we'll get the inside from russia's nato envoy in a few moments. a polish to gator's have concluded that pilot
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error was to blame for last year's small plane tragedy that's according to media reports that the crash in russia claimed the lives of president lech kaczynski and much of the country's political elite well warsaw previously challenger the intergovernmental panel finding which blamed the flight crew now the committee found pilots had ignored a warning from russian air traffic controllers to abandon the landing but poland decided to carry out its own address. acacia another plane crashed during it said the sentence of a russian airfield in poor weather conditions at all ninety six people on board were killed a polish investigation is expected to be published before the weekend. now a senior north korean diplomat has been invited to new york for talks on how to revive stalled negotiations on its controversial nuclear program or some media suggest he's already on his way to the u.s. or the move constitutes days after top nuclear all voices from north and south
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korea brought together for the first time in over two years and that's during a security summit in indonesia and there they agreed to return to six party talks as soon as possible when he goes here sions broke down after north korea's deadly shelling of the south. island and what it claimed was in response to pocket have never sorry drills the u.s. says it often we have must dismantle its nuclear facilities before any deal can be bleached station experts pepe escobar says about would be tough as the north has always seen the u.s. as hostile to. make solute of desperation specially because when you look at the build cause which you can dismantle you'll nuclear program first and then we decided to talk to you that's an absolute no no i was in north korea last year you know confirmed from north were you know fishes directly that this state awfully is
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the same state of glee as it was fifty eight years ago to morrow to morrow is the fiftieth anniversary of the armistice that did not end in north korea korean war for that matter north korea south korea are still at war with each other there's an armistice and the north koreans are saying we have to sit down the same date with the americans and then we formally and the war and then we're going to discuss everything including the nuclear program so. all this paperwork and i was trying to joke they're going to go first you get rid of your nuclear weapons and on missiles and then we thought so or was it in their careers are going to watch this special and war is going to watch is going to say look our position has been the same for the past fifty years take it or leave first you have to end the war it's true and the war from the point of view is a war against america is not south korea the view it as a puppet government of the americas and asia and that south korea in the minds of
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course it's all killed by by american troops there are thirty six and thirty eight thousand u.s. troops but the north korea says it has a western occupation ourselves korea so you start to cry really note this basic difference is important it's actually three votes it didn't start talking. that's asia expert telling us what he thinks needs to be done to bring north korea back to the negotiating table. now the latest threat to a middle east peace is a promise to punish the palestinians if they go ahead with plans to declare statehood at the u.n. in september let's considering canceling the landmark one nine hundred ninety three oslo accord which is the main road map in resolving the middle east conflict now the u.s. is among the countries refusing to support the palestinians moves towards recognition and with us now is robert naiman from just foreign policy
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a campaign group dedicated to reform a u.s. it's a promise you thank you very much mr me my for being with us now let's start with the israel's possible decision to scrap the key agreement what it by doing this. well it's a threat. to try to get the palestinians to back down i don't think it will succeed but row from the palestinian point of view the promise of oslo was it would read it would lead to an end of independent palestinian state here we are now which makes ninety three here we are twenty eleven not only is there not an independent palestinian state but there are. you know increase of this resource and with many more settlements more land confiscation so i don't see the oslo process as having work and it's not leaving a palestinian state then it's not. it's not useful to the point of the push through
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the u.n. recognition is to increase the pressure not only on these really kind of. us and west the international community but to move forward. because that's one acceptable and the path of the status quo is a path towards is really an extension of the west bank are let's look at the role of the u.s. or the us us want if it wants leading role in the if life like the peace talks how can it be a bitch but if it's well categorically refusing to back policy never recognize. well indeed i think this is one of the things that's accomplished by the palestinian push that you have seen recently it's been a theme of palestinian korma speaking to hide my difference between u.s. policy and what the u.s. is actually doing so for example the united states has a stated policy against israeli settlement expansion the west bank and the freeze
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israeli settlement expansion west bank as part of prior agreements u.s. media want to get the israeli government to commit atrocities going to the security council and ask for a resolution condemning israeli settlement. a new it's a good resolution to that showed the contradiction between the u.s. policy and actually. this current push of united nations big united states. supports the solution along the one hundred sixty seven lines president obama. announced. that when you bring that out sorry to interrupt it interesting that you bring that up because we do i remember the rift between exposed between the u.s. and israel earlier this year when president obama back to return to their accepted borders now are we seeing a shift of u.s. support away from israel. i don't remember there when president obama was in fact a longstanding u.s. policy in the longstanding expectation of the international community that the next
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seven borders would be the nice line not the final outcome but the baseline of negotiations between israel and the palestinians the israeli reaction was to president obama saying well everybody has long understood what two state solution means what the u.s. is doing in opposing a palestinian will that the usa and trying to keep the palestinians in the usa on box even though the u.s. embarked the peace process is not our leading never be can see that it's not leading towards the palestinian aspirations for an independent state it's all with the same pass the tests the policy but the us has pursued three years to keep ours and you tell us invites even know us in boxes and leading to me in the ok well thank you very much for insight there mr robert member from i just foreign policy and independent organization in the states thank you. but i watch it are calm is
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available around the clock for you to watch the news if you choose and here's a selection of what we've lived up online the new york hotel maid who accuses the former i.m.f. chief of sexually assaulting her goes public say she wants to see the strauss god behind bars. and heroes of the world unites report from comic-con inside the a go at the biggest expo of fiction finest fantasies. and also has sent a special forces to the serb populated north after a tit for tat trade ban caused tension to flare up all police seize control over one border crossing while the other two are being blocked by the local serbs because of us move has been widely condemned by the un and the e.u. among others and it's feared it will stoke ethnic anger or kossovo proclaimed its independence in two thousand and eight when it unilaterally switched from serbia now some six hundred thousand serbs still live in the region but refused to recognize sovereignty kosovo's independence has been a bone of contention between serbia and the e.u.
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which is pressing belgrade to recognise kossovo before it can become a member for joining us now is both an expert an abortion logic lot it thank you very much for being out of programme well the attention is already boiling over in that area won't cos of all see that sending police to seize control of a checkpoint might just inflame the situation there. reduce the living situation. to send a special force. and if these the syrian government interest do nothing because. you. think you. can begin to force the issue and. basically use them so. this is all she can do it would be. sorry if it would both cross over and serbia need to resolve their issues so before
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either can try to move forward with their plans like for example for the recognition or membership do you think also of those movies is like taking two steps back. oh i'm trying to make a distinction between cultural and information government intrusion a because service ne not recognizing them and no government in serbia can recognise them and i mean our business is a unilateral declaration of independence no matter what you says or even what all of the universe recognise them as sovereign states obviously this is the fact however it is an important step for us for them to get a government of krishna which seeks to assert its own a floridian as it and bypass european institutions such as the communal x. mission as well as needed a situation such as k four which are still deployed it is a matter of fact that i've been listening to this morning in this section has frequently either completely bypassed forty years and spent nato or has been executed with their complicity in cooperation and honestly i'm not sure which is
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worse ok well forces are slowly moving out than they are having over to our cost events and who are already calling for more aggressive action against serbs well who can tell recognize cost of us authority isn't there a concern by this. you are should be concerned by this thread but it's imperative you're him so maybe he. has made things in an unimaginably worse by recognizing that it's i that has actually no interest in any sort of dialogue it came to power through violence has conducted widespread ethnic cleansing of serbs another not of any populations it has been rewarded for a nice period polygram of syrians in march ninth two thousand and four and it has basically showed a willingness to behave in a civilized fashion to including medical ration of independence and now this so obviously the new mission is there to see that gained their independence contrary to international law and use the rules so obviously there's a message here so making it is
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a mess that the europeans and nato. basically made need to fix oh ok well thank you very much for inside their pockets that's part of all that sorry for mispronouncing your name earlier thank you very much. of agreement appears no closer between the u.s. and russia on how to develop missile defense in europe and that's a spy for the talks in washington this tuesday nato says the system is designed to protect the european cut them from countries like iran but russia fears the project is aimed at its military might and is offering alternatives the u.s. is plowing ahead with its plan despite objections from the kremlin russia's over its neighbor was at tuesday's talks and afterwards he told r.t. that washington has to overcome its inner divisions. but if you were to repeat that there are questions that remain unanswered if missile threats against europe come from the south why is the us placing part of its military infrastructure in the north close to russia's borders this is the question that we can't get an answer to
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when we ask for legal guarantees that the system is not aimed at russia we're told there's a big conflict between republicans and democrats in congress and they start to explain that conflict but we're not interested in that what's important for us is that the u.s. is behind this project and they should provide security for all partners russia is very flexible if for some fabricated political reasons they have rejected our suggestion to integrate our means of anti missile defense then there's another screen they could be cooperation between two independent systems if nato wants to defend itself that's no problem but if russia wants to provide it to him security so be it otherwise it's like when you come home and discover somebody else's bodyguard sitting in your bedroom he's been sent to provide your security who's going to like that so if all our suggestions are rejected and it's understood that iran is just a reason to have the plan of russia's nuclear potential is the real target then russia will come up with its own military response which nobody is going to like it
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. now we all have to adapt to survive in today's world and the same goes for america's balance the hunters i don't why in a few minutes first it's artie's business bulletin. welcome to business report here in r.t. russia is looking forward to expand its privatization program to spur economic growth deputy prime minister issue of all of the laid out the new plan that was disclosed by that of us to newspaper he suggested full privatization of fourteen state companies by two thousand and seventeen however according to the plan the government will keep controlling stakes in infrastructure companies like russian railways and transnet. the moments are for privatization is gathering frost but it's also probably a function of the fright that we're going to face to do this. it's not so much about the money although the significant amount of money and growth of the original
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plan was for thirty three percent of those would be raised i think we're talking about one hundred twenty of them voters but this is probably possibly going to smoke migration program and for him the key here is the state owned companies run more efficiently and the point is to get the government out so the economy one hundred over to the private sector so this will have hopefully number of huge impacts in terms of improving productivity. and a quick check of the markets or reversed from earlier gains although brand has added eleven cents investors are concerned that the u.s. debt deadlock may damage the economy of the world's largest group could see among the dead gridlock in washington is causing more worries on wall street stocks are down as u.s. lawmakers remain in a bitter stalemate over raising the country's borrowing limit industrial companies live let's stop slower after earnings report from u.b.s. pm us steel raised concerns that the economy can split. their way in russia markets
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close mixed with the r.t.s. pointing out boys and isaacs in the red russia's my sixty client or thirty day raising and already again i have as much as point four percent. that's the business news for now i'll be back with more in about forty five minutes from start.
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