tv [untitled] July 26, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't. charge welcome to the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think iraq is beatable and one of the well. whatever government says there are keep you safe get ready continue the your freedom.
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constantly growing and gaining viewers so how long will it take before news media surpasses the major three cable networks that's what we asked you let's go to producer patrice and then say to find out what our viewers have to say it's the. reverse before it's job just about everything it's not supposed to be entertainment it's supposed to be news but somewhere along the way we all know it went terribly wrong it's gotten so ridiculous that anyone could be a psychic can tell what the anchors are going to say by watching what's on t.v. mainstream t.v. has become main street corporate america turn left to hear what the republicans did or turn right to hear everything that's wrong is the fault of democrats we're never going to have enough when do you think that web news programming will steal away all of the viewers who are bored to death with cable news well leaf he said the sooner the better never have i seen such savvy reporting nor so many grassroots
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folks trying to make a difference your imaginary friend told us i am a student in hamburg germany most of my peers well they get the news online i don't even own a t.v. anymore and that's some good news out of germany morrie he said the only ones that still read a newspaper and trust the news on t.v. are either above the age of sixty or simply don't even care what happens in the world and may be true but you don't have to be old to watch the same politically slanted reporting on line from the same networks that bring it to you on cable it's about the content therein seems to feel the same he said a lack of true journalism on the part of traditional news sources is pushing them faster into antiquity remember the media in america they love entertainment so news networks in the us believe they need to have the good guys in the bad guys in order to attract viewers cept like many predictable hollywood movies it gets boring to watch the same players say the same things over and over and while the. mainstream
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media is busy making sequels of the same old story they're leaving the door wide open for the new media news to come out with a real blockbuster. all right thanks for giving us your input and here's our question for you for our next show intel so earlier in the show we talked about the debt ceiling debate in washington it's pretty an escape of all and all we know there is a lot of finger pointing going on we want to get to get your take on all of this so let us know what you think who do you think is to blame for the current stalemate on the debt ceiling and you can respond us on facebook on twitter and on you tube and who knows your response just might make it on the air. now it's a phenomenon that's taken the country by storm food trucks it's a trend that has exploded nationwide those same food trucks that used to hand out just hotdogs they since expanded many of which try to draw on hungry people with unique were made neil indian food cupcakes the whole gamut but this entrepreneurial food revolution already has hit
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a few potholes americans you know just trying to make a buck live the american dream capitalizing the land of opportunity are finding themselves to wrangle by red tape reason magazine compiled a list of the latest government attacks on food trucks all across the country for example and new york city food trucks have been a staple for workers for years but just recently those from the food vendors have been kicked to the curb thanks to a recent new york supreme court ruling it says that no vendor hocker or huckster whatever that is so park a vehicle and metered parking space to offer of merchandise for sale from the vehicle now it's a regulation that's been in place for years but just now the states chosen to enforce it and in california let's look out west regulations are to blame for keeping their trucks in the garages as well if they can fit local politicians and hawthorne explained that unless there's a special event going on where food trucks can get a permit. they're prohibited from selling their products because it will hinder
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other restaurants from a thing profits light and other birds government regulators are making sure food trucks can't compete with restaurants listen his local news report where one food truck explains how they got shut down the whole story city and for sure pulled up says to me what we do only was i know so each truck and hotel and i couldn't believe it apparently at the behest of mayor larry couey the city and forced to be miserable coach saying once he was parked on private property for thirty minutes your time is up have to move on. so no hopper and officials are reconsidering their current rules but let's take you to another town that thrives off of food on wheels right here in d.c. we have got a food truck everyone you can imagine on every corner but you've got it from pizza to lobster rolls to indian food you name it and just like the other cities we mention campaigns are forming to stop the vehicles from competing in the free
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market of our nation's capital yet business is always touted as the top priority for washington and after all politicians here talk about the importance of small business every day we know that small businesses account for the majority of new jobs created in this country and we know that making it easier for small businesses to borrow is essential to our continued economic recovery i'm a person that grew up with a private sector thirty years in business for myself a couple years in congress with the mindset needs to be right now what can we do to help small business. shut down food trucks is that what they can do so let me point out something interesting here if politicians are working so hard to make sure that small businesses thrive why are they at the same time making moves to stop food trucks in their tracks are these just small businesses on wheels with more flexible locations cheaper food so is this once again government stepping in against competition siding with in. trenched interests over smaller entrepreneur or her
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nurse failing to help curb the jobs crisis which we just talked so much about well you can be the judge but in the meantime i'd suggest you hurry down and track down all of the indian food trucks and cupcakes and pizza and scarfing down as quickly as you possibly can before they're. now after a string of hacker attacks on the cia and the f.b.i. and other government agencies shocking news the u.s. cyber security chief has quit now his name is randy vickers and he resigned unexpectedly that is what's according to a government e-mail that was obtained by reuters now he was the director of the u.s. computer urgency readiness team and the e-mail didn't give any reason for vickers resigning but come on it comes on the heels of reports that any four thousand files from a pentagon supplier were hacked this was one of the largest cyber attacks on a government agency according to the government now the u.s. claimed that one on a foreign government but also in the hacking next hackers collective anonymous and
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goals which a lot of covers quite extensively they have targeted state websites in the past and they did that after u.s. intelligence agencies vowed to clamp down on them and little secteur on our mind you they claimed responsibility for a cyber attack on the u.s. senate web site so since then there's been a string of arrests on sixteen alleged anonymous members many of them are teenagers so the question we want to ask that kind of logically follows did a bunch of teenagers help take down the u.s. cyber security chief or the victorious in their mission joining me to discuss this from our new york studio is peter ludlow he is professor at northwestern university my alma mater and he's also editor of crypto anarky cyber states and pirate utopias thanks so much for being with us my pleasure so what do you think i just break it down do you think that it's possible that the work of law and anonymous could have had anything to do with what drove this cyber security guy out for him to resign.
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no i don't think so i think that what you have is just a basic kind of a bureaucratic mess i mean that position has been a revolving door we've had something like five or six people in that position for the last six or seven years and i think it's a position without any power and i think like the last person who held the position he just figured this isn't worth the headaches i'm just getting out and i'm going to make a lot of money in the private sector ok so if that's the case if this is a bureaucratic mess and nobody can succeed in this position what does that say about u.s. policy in this area because cyber com and cyber security and the threat of cyber warfare has built a whole industry and a whole growth area for the u.s. government recently. yeah well it's a problem but it's also a a problem where every different part of the security bureaucracy has their own way of managing these problems this position is supposed to be the position that has oversight over everything but i mean i don't know what randi's vicar story is but
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the person who held the position the floor her name was michelle kwan like the ice skater she argued that i mean basically she had no control or no power she couldn't actually affect anything and if you think about it what exactly is this person empowered to do as far as i can tell always been able to do is send a memo making suggestions to people about how to how to protect their security and that memo had just obvious things like make your passwords long enough and use alphanumeric passwords i mean things that we would all know in any case and i just i mean what power does this person have and i think the situation gets worse when you think about not just what power does he have in the government but what control does he have a government contractors because a lot of these hacks that we been looking at lately are the serious ones where foreign governments are actually coming away with you know stolen data those of all
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involved. pentagon suppliers and so forth or people that the government is working with so they're not even in the government not even under his purview right i want to get to that but first i want to talk about you know you said he was pretty good not a lot of power didn't have a lot of authority and we have seen attacks you know in the meantime on government agencies and some of those how come from that from anonymous and you've seen the f.b.i. crackdown and arrest three days they are alleged members of anonymous i want to talk about who these people are you know sixteen have been arrested or arrested last week and one that sticks out that people are reporting on today is a journalism student who faces fifteen years in prison she's a student un l b. in las vegas and she could face you know half a million dollars in fines if she's convicted of hacking charges she was arrested for the campaign where i don imus took down pay pal and credit card companies after they stopped a lot of nations to wiki leaks is this girl the profile of
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a serious hacker. no i don't think she knows how to hack at all i think she's. that particular case is just a great example of how our cyber security policy is a disaster this is a girl that a chat board she ran an internet relay chat site where people got you know anonymous got together and talked and presumably some of the people in there said well hey let's let's do a takedown pay pal because of the wiki leaks thing she didn't do any hacking she didn't encourage anyone to do any hacking she was just a monitor what you might call a list mom or something like that that would be people off of the off of the chat board for being a noxious or something like that i mean she is not a hacker i mean. and she sits around with. a macintosh i mean i don't think she knows anything about hacking and she's just this kid at u.n.l. v. that was a. was a moderator in the chat and these are the people that the f.b.i.
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is taking down to combat this hacking is going on my question you said that cyber security has been a major failure and that this policy has been a disaster it's also been a big source of investments and we've seen a pentagon roll out a new strategy as we've seen cyber common last few years be built so is all of this essentially dead a waste of money because some of call this the new military industrial complex. well i think that they i don't know if it's a waste of money i don't know what productive things are being i mean. they're the they're the kinds of obvious things that the attacks by a. unanimous things usually are kind of loud and they're usually soft targets that aren't so important they think well the cia gets but it's just the website that's there for the public and i don't know that there's any evidence that they've ever actually go and attack that caused serious damage somewhere the things we have to worry about doing their thing attacks government by site is not still an issue i
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mean that's so embarrassing well it becomes that well it doesn't cover larry it. could be way worse that we know i mean so these embarrassing attacks and then there are the things that we may not know about right so when anonymous doesn't attack they brag about it but the things you have to worry about of the people who do the attacks and don't want you to know and secondly it's entirely reasonable to think that some of these some of these defense department suppliers or are defense corporations know that they're the targets of attack and they're not telling either because why would they tell us this is not in their interest to tell us either not marrying him and so many interests at stake i wish we had time to talk about more of them and after lulz sec an anonymous can get in any way they can it seems like it's just the tip of the iceberg for what very serious criminals deal then as if the government doing anything about it or the right things there seem to be dropping like flies thanks for analysis. legs. now just ahead
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right here newly elected governor lands in our tool time segment or is effort to keep presidents from voting more on that in minutes that stick around for happy hours she is quickly becoming a political force in the g.o.p. but she is a big spender on hair and makeup and utah police have a man locked up but he refuses to give them his name hold up with those stories in just a moment. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sleep you think you understand it and then you did something else here's you some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charged welcome to the big picture.
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we never got the shows here to say so get ready because our freedoms. are it is time for tonight's told time award and we are giving it to governor scott walker of wisconsin the g.o.p. governor has been busy since taking office this year he's attacked public sector workers except in a prank call from someone posing to be one of the koch brothers and recently signed a bill into law requiring a photo id to vote now many see this voter i.d. bill as an attempt to keep low income college students and seniors from voting you
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know voting blocs that often support democrats now under the new president's must have a state issued driver's license a passport or an id card to cast a ballot ok fine but. the plot thickens and now it appears that governor walker has taken one step further and come up with a plan to keep democrats from the polls possibly the state plans to shut down sixteen of its d.m.v. bureaus in chlor including some in our area plan as local leaders complaining here you've got a community that will go twelve thousand or more and you're going to take their only source of getting. away and you're going to take that and move it to a place that's a half hour away with no public transportation no bus no taxi to get there for decades. now scott walker's people say that sixteen d.m.v. locations across wisconsin are on a target list to close a look at where the closing will take place shows most you guessed it they're in heavily democratic areas but to offset the closure the d.m.v.
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will extend the hours at other locations across the state guess what guess where those are they are primarily in republican areas so is this just a coup when students resist scott walker's nefarious plan to keep democratic voters from the polls now wisconsin is not the only state to target voters this year our friends over at think progress have been reporting on efforts to curb voter rights so far that they've tracked are named in two thousand and eleven now they have counted more than twenty states where republican lawmakers have used voter fraud speculation to introduce legislation to restrict goading rights now not all the measures passed this year but usually two dozen states tried so you may be asking yourself maybe this voter fraud issue is the real deal with so many states actively fighting it well not quite the bush administration will use their minutes as an example they waged a five year war on voter fraud in those five years eighty six people were convicted
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of illegal voting out of more than one hundred and ninety six million votes cast. maybe we should be putting our time and our energy into fighting real crime and said i'm trying to keep americans from voting so for continuing to a soul's true thing the g.o.p. assaults of voting rights we are giving our tool time award tonight to governor scott walker continuing a long and rich history of voter disenfranchisement. and join me for happy hour a day of fun time is our producer jenny churchill and their. thompson is back senior editor at the atlantic so we have heard about house big spenders on hair and makeup sarah palin was very famous for that but we have a new one and i'm sure you can't guess who it is but michele bachmann there. i
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think it probably. is being sarcastic i guess my sarcasm but she spent nearly forty seven hundred dollars on hair and makeup in the weeks after she entered the presidential race on june thirteenth that's a lot of money yeah it is a lot of money but at the same time if she was out running around looking haggard we'd all be sitting here talking about her husband cheating on her what's going on with her life i mean we have to be honest here if people don't look tiptop then everybody section them like hillary has bags one day and everyone's like oh my gosh what's going on is she under so much stress can she not handle it is this not a woman show up with. michele bachmann defender but i have to say i actually don't find any problem with this at all we live in a telegenic age it's a fact that the best looking candidate or the most attractive candidate on television almost always are you going to be looking less attractive candidate no i'm just saying she goes with a she's jewish and she goes with a racist against she's going i do have to say they might have been able to use that money for something more important like possibly addressing her demonic i issue i don't know i mean that sounds like an ample amount to have some sort of procedure
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done yeah well i mean just to compare it actually she's doing a little bit better because there aren't he paid one hundred fifty thousand dollars for sarah palin's hard work during her v.p. campaign in total is significantly longer is over a longer period of time but i think if you you know forty seven hundred at this point if you put that out over the period i don't know if it out of two hundred fifty thousand i was actually bipartisan in my not caring i didn't care when it came out that john edwards was getting haircuts for four hundred dollars i still don't care the michele bachmann the spending whatever she is spending on i hair and make up it just it doesn't matter that much to me because she this is what this is what the game is you have to compete on television that's where people run for president and so that's what she's doing i think we look ok we don't spend forty seven hundred dollars on her makeup but i think we just learned that there is an imposed four hundred dollars. so i'd like to accompany him do is now you're saying oh my god i'm all right there you go it's a date let's move on the me who has been on the show has partnered with reason t.v. for a wrap about the debt ceiling this is a little bit more exciting turn in the debt debate and as reason put it they said
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that we may not be able to address our current debt ceiling woes but we can at least put them to a good beat here it is. it looks like you go pick up a hundred dollar bills but you don't because you don't think that they get called to be able to make you. do you think is the best approach to the debt ceiling we've seen yes well yeah i think it's really get it right means videos always do really well and you know we've had it on the show before and i think this partnership with reason is kind of interesting because when i met him in person it's really thoughtful and he seems really goofy and his videos but i guess it makes a lot of sense why because he's so thoughtful and that he would want to approach the issues instead of just reading about dudes in. starbucks locations in arlington right i think he does a pretty good job of actually breaking down what matters versus what we see on cable news which is a lot of what doesn't matter i've been campaigning for you know help him with that . he can go to the prom with these kind of rock it is the kind of people who tune
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in to watch them or go to you tube to watch them are the exact kind of people who are interested in debt ceiling details to begin with how to do a very good job of expanding the universe of people interested in the debt ceiling i disagree in this case though because romney has such a huge audience already you know his videos that are about nothing get millions of views and people out in l.a. are watching videos about arlington so i think it's possible that he could be bringing his people into the reason fault i think usually those are only three thousand hits but maybe early viral but i don't remember how many hits it had on you tube when i checked it out i will say no matter what it seems to be happening in terms of public opinion polling and what people know and don't know about the debt ceiling it doesn't seem to have any bearing on what happens in washington so i don't mean to throw cold water on the video which is funny and i think that's a really good job of explaining the issues but i think if more people actually know what's going on that's a good thing at a wrap does that i say here right now speaking of what people don't know sixty percent of people don't know that mitt romney is a mormon. oh my god but at the same time twenty two percent of americans are had to
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tend to support a mormon in two thousand and twelve i was surprised at sixteen percent we don't know that we have and i endeavor to live by my. face the face of my father's i would be true to them and to my beliefs you still stand by every word of them absolutely. all right but you thought of her we said what you think beyond that was important i find it surprising people don't know he's a mormon and parents thought that might work in his favor i said the opposite if you weren't so win the nomination without people knowing he was a mormon i think that would be the number one weapon in the democrats' arsenal when you know the actual election comes around it's a this guy's a mormon he's not like you he could have five wives if you want yeah i think it could work to his advantage at this point because i don't think that people in america will elect someone that's not you know a straight narrow question i don't think they'll elect the mormons or people are ignorant of this i think that that works his advantage i actually remember when in
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the last presidential election the game was played with many of the game was that of a bridge when someone said something mean about the other side the other side would say oh my god i cannot believe the other side would stoop to this level and so we're going to see if he does get the nomination and it turns out that still half the country unbelievably does not know that he's a mormon i thought i was the first new people know about him but i still have the country doesn't know i think it's actually going to be more difficult than you imagine for the obama administration to float all these trial balloons accused of basically trying to slime this guy for being a religion when the democratic party or at least the vanguard the democratic party cannot be seen as biased against again some religion i mean there's actually a smear campaigns can that is a good point you know they can't really be like oh my gosh look at the more men because then they can just turn around my gosh look at the muslim now because their eyebrows country just to be no god is not a muslim that is a great guy we're going to leave it on that thank you guys for joining me tonight thank you anderson i do it for tonight show thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back tomorrow u.s. representative john garamendi will be on the show he's going to talk about the
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latest on the debt ceiling debate in the meantime do not forget to become a fan of the old boehner show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can catch it all on youtube dot com slash the alone or so and stay tuned because coming up next it's adam versus the man. claim look the influence. renewed the latest in science and technology from the russian. the future coverage. led. wealthy british scientists on.
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the list. and market. six. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's culture for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines cons a report. looking . for news today violence is once again flared up the flames are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after the first chunk of the day played.
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