tv [untitled] July 26, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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hello i'm tom are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture with seven days until america's financial foundation breaks president obama faces a hard work in the road illegal left to senator harry reid's plan or will he go right to john boehner as billionaire friendly place and in light of the massacre in norway one has to question his right wing rhetoric in america fueling christian terrorism worldwide.
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did aged know this after democrats said a short term debt limit deal that keeps the can down the road to be picked up again six months from now in the middle of an election season is a nonstarter yes with speaker of the house john boehner did yesterday he released a short term debt limit deal it kicks the can down the road to be picked up again six months from now in the middle of an election season surprise that's right here days after boehner took his toys and went home breaking off negotiations with the white house and accusing the president of playing politics or offered up a debt when the plans soaked in politics that includes no revenue raisers and doesn't solve our debt problem at all this prompted the president to speak to the american people last night to pitch his more balanced approach to it that limiting freeze and rail against speaker boehner is part. republican leaders say that they
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agree we must avoid default but the new approach that speaker boehner unveiled today which would temporarily extend the debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts would force us to once again face the threat of default just six months from now in other words it doesn't solve the problem in fact the credit rating agency standard and poor's warned that it dangerous plan is passed to avoid an immediate if well next week is he will still downgrade our debt because the baiter plan is nothing more than a gimmick so with banners plan a nonstarter and obama's big deal plan seemingly dead willing love to senator harry reid's plan which the president doris last night in. the senate has introduced a plan to avoid default which makes a down payment on deficit reduction and ensures that we don't have to go through this again and six months i think that's a much better approach but harry reid's plan isn't balanced either it's two point
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seven trillion dollar deficit reduction package that depends on our wars ending massive spending cuts and working families with no money coming in from corporations millionaires or billionaires so why is it that with one week to go the only options left on the table as far as the debt limit agrees are the ones republicans like what happened to rich people joining in and shared sacrifice why is the president on this essential issue basically caving in air offer his take on the issue is joshua holland editor and senior writer at net and the author of the book the fifteen biggest lies about the economy and everything else the right doesn't want you to know about taxes jobs in corporate america joshua welcome back . are you there. your audio seems to have it let's. just double check with this.
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instead the the institute for policy studies debt reduction plan it pays off our debt our fourteen trillion dollar debt in ten years and we just lay some of the stuff out for you or we're waiting for george bush is due for policy studies they put together a debt reduction plan pays off the fourteen trillion dollar debt in ten years fourteen trillion dollars in ten years seems unimaginable it's a massive amount of money how is that possible well they tax corporations millionaires and billionaires at the same rate that they were paying taxes in one thousand nine hundred eighty one now interestingly there's a real contrast here even one the president's plan doesn't x. millionaires billionaires or corporations at all the reid plan doesn't at all the better plan doesn't it all nobody wants to go near the millionaires billionaires but here the these guys just ran the numbers back in one nine hundred sixty one
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there were fifteen thousand seven hundred fifty three millionaires and they paid an average income tax this is actually paid and by the way these are all inflation adjusted numbers these are real numbers they paid an average income tax rate on average you can tax of forty three point one percent today there are three hundred sixty one thousand millionaires and they're paying an average income tax of twenty three percent corporations in corporate profits and sixty one they were taxed at the rate of forty seven percent right now they're taxed at the rate of eleven percent so if we simply roll back our tax code to nine hundred sixty one when america was repairing i mean we were the engine of growth of the world the decade of the fifty's the decade of the sixty's in the negative the seventies were the three fastest decades of growth arguably in the nation's history certainly well actually our entire nation's history returned and we would call it seven hundred billion dollars each year this is enough to nearly pay down the debt in a decade. now the what's ironic about this is the plan the republican plan
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slashes spending back to one thousand nine hundred six levels when they're one hundred million fewer people in the united states so it's really really wipes out our ability to spend but it doesn't take our taxes back in the sixty's so as i pointed out the institute for policy studies says all you have to do is roll back taxes to sixty one now sixty one this is like ok roll back the bush tax cuts roll back the reagan tax cuts roll back the l.b.j. tax cuts the sixty four take a speck to sixty one when we were doing just fine thank you very much and we will have no debt. at a very simple please at all so joshua holland are you with us again and i am time you hear me i can i can hear you just by yeah it seems to be working now ok so so joshua the debt ceiling to drama goes on is this any way to run a government. well it's not a way to run a government it's
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a good way to run a government it's the ground and you know there's reports out today that there would be approximately one hundred billion dollars in interest costs even if we don't fall just by pushing this through to the final hour so what if. that's considerable. you write in your article for alternate today about this utterly wrong. that's driving president obama's posture on the debt ceiling and overall budget negotiations what is that myth and where did he get well i think that there is a very common myth in the beltway media that there exists this large body of so-called swing voters independent voters and they're supposed to be these surely centrist nonpartisan voters who are concerned about government spending gridlock in washington too much partisanship keeping things from getting done and it seems
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that the obama administration has to some extent really embrace this idea this narrative and it is moving to the right as you mentioned the proposal that he has put on the table is to the right of even republican voters what they want to see done to raise the debt limit you know order to capture this elusive center in the two thousand and twelve election but problem is that political scientist i'm told is for many many years that the reality is that while a lot of people call themselves independents the vast vast majority of them are not truly independent the favor of one or the other party to a very great degree and the key point is that they their political preferences are pieces. to the party space to those who call themselves democrats and republicans so now we see a different composition in any given election as democratic leaning independents
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china out in your great. numbers or republican leaning independents turn out better numbers this is this elusive mystical centrist voter doesn't really exist now you know part of the mythology behind that joshua was i think emerged during the reagan election in the one nine hundred eighty when reagan came to power and it was this idea that democrats were going for reagan the so-called reagan democrats and yet when reagan after he got his nomination at the r n c his first speech was in philadelphia mississippi little town of seven thousand people and he he gave a speech about states' rights which is dog whistle code for for basically you know racist agenda and what philadelphia mississippi is famous for is worth three civil rights workers were murdered so basically reagan was reaching out to the racist democratic base that had been feeling left behind by lyndon johnson signing the
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voting rights act and things like that. if that and we either of those reagan democrats or republicans these days than in the evidence against you know back and yeah yeah and so i mean you know if even that myth is a myth and then there's the myth of well then the reagan democrats became clinton democrats well maybe maybe not i mean how did the sea merger in for example you what you write today in your piece about tom friedman tom friedman was wrong about the lexus and his famous book the life as it was as the lexus was actually created with huge government subsidies in japan and protectionist policies how is tom friedman wrong now in this whole narrative. well tom friedman has written many many columns kind of giving all my eyes to this mythical centrist road or i think it's a valuable narrative when you're trying to push unpopular policies and if you look right now we see this kind of mainstream media narrative again and again that this
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standoff is a result of both parties intransigence both parties bases not accepting compromises the reality is that when you look at the polling on issues that are you know at play right now protecting medicare protecting social security. not extending the bush tax cuts for the top one percent earners of the earners there are these are these are policy positions that have rod broad support among the american electorate when you look at how those things poll among republican voters they poll well so this is really an entrenched you know minority thing we need to slash these popular programs or else we're not going to raise the debt limit and i think that there's a tendency among you know mainstream media reporters to try to balance these are articles that they're writing so they say that you know exposed sides are pandering to their base because it's an easy narrative and it's easy to blame washington
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partisanship it says as opposed to what's actually happening i mean is it possible joshua that what's really going on here is that particularly after what happened to congressman peter de fazio in the last election where they you know they they took the craziest looniest right winger in oregon and turned him into a decent candidate with a lot of money is it possible that what's really going on the reason why they're really not we're talking about raising taxes on millionaires billionaires or corporations is because citizens united has given these guys such a large club that republicans and democrats are just terrified. well i mean that's certainly the case and we're feeling it every election cycle we're going to see more and more corporate money entering the arena and influence at least in these outcomes i do believe that it's only part of we're talking about the administration's willingness to go along and put social security medicare on the table i think only part of that about campaign fund raising and a lot of it is this belief that they have to occupy the center but was trying to
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balance that two point seven trillion in the in the source security fund really bad yes they do and they have for many many years. it's it's a big chunk and it's a big chunk of change and you know they would like to see it invested in private accounts where they can kind of siphon off their feet. this is it's an amazing amazing situation joshua you're writing is brilliant thanks so much for sharing it with us today thanks tom appreciate it there's a very easy solution this debt limit debate that our lawmakers are ignoring and that's that's the whole thing that i just laid out take us back roll back the reagan tax cuts and if you want to roll back the bush tax cuts that's easy roll back the reagan tax credit if you really want to get serious about it and you want to completely eliminate the debt ceiling rollback l.b.j.'s tax cuts and sixty four to take us back to where we were in sixty one it worked.
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crazy alert not your typical hot dog anyone who's keeping track of the guinness world record for the most expensive dog there is big news today the previous record was a sixty nine hot dollar that was smashed in the brockton rox a baseball team out of massachusetts managed to sell two that's right to eighty dollars hot dogs to fans at the ballpark but makes a hot dog worth eighty dollars us it's deep thought fried in truffle oil dusted with pour scening mushrooms topped with crim fresh day and caviar the dog has been served buckwheat believe he rolls made at one of the most expensive bakeries in the area unclear of the two customers insulted the chef by also slathering the dog with mustard gas but i think we've just discovered yet another needless and absurd expenditure of millionaires and billionaires and spend their bush tax cuts on luxury goods. coming up what exactly drove anders breivik to go on
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a killing spree after the break i'll explain how the fingerprints of america right wing islamophobia are all over last week's tragedy. website with twenty four seven live streaming news tells what to do about the ongoing financial hurricane unlimited free high quality videos are down. and stories you may never find. a need to. listen more aren't. just. for. fun. for.
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more details are emerging now about why anders breivik set off a car next to a government building in downtown oslo last friday and then drove to a political youth retreat on a remote island and gunned down nearly seventy teenagers to cap off the worst day of violence the nation norway has seen since world war two turns out breivik was taking his orders from the very same right wingers who are spewing hate here in the united states right it's fifteen hundred page manifesto includes several references to well known american cranks like pamela geller frank gaffney and david horowitz
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the manifesto also cited right wing american organizations like the foundation for the defense of democracies and middle east media research institute and pajamas media basically the manifesto reads like a who's who of radical right wing bloggers condon's and phony experts who set up shop not in norway but right here in america to spread fear and hatred of muslims breivik also used his manifesto to attack climate change citing how the two thousand and nine so-called climategate scandal proved that man made climate change is a hoax it's unclear if breivik conclude arrived at that conclusion by watching fox news's endless stream of coverage devoted to so-called climate gate but what is clear is a lot of the arguments and ideas private claims motivated him to be heard every single day on fox news and the rest of the right wing media. so what we have here is a frightened and angry man who lashed out at his progressive darwinian government with
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unspeakable violence and who got many of his ideas from the very same people who are fomenting eight against muslims and progressives here in america and it could be just a matter of time before the senseless violence of the last week in norway crosses the atlantic and hits our shores the organization people for the american way just released a report of what they are calling the right wing playbook on anti muslim extremists included in this report is a section titled eight key strategies employed by the right to inflame anti muslim sentiment and turn to hatred and bigotry into political weapons and as we saw in norway that strategy can yield biol and unintended consequences transforming political weapons into actual weapons so let's take a look at strategy one frame of muslim americans as dangerous to america this one is fairly obvious what better way to highlight the danger of
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muslim americans than to have a sitting republican congressman use his power as chairman of the house homeland security committee to launch ariens into the radicalization of a barracora muslim communities. this is exactly what peter king is doing with the support of his entire party. i believe it's important to have this investigation on radicalization of the most some community we've seen what happened in england we know that archaia is trying to recruit people over here such as they did with the subway bombing in new york where it's getting attempted subway bombing times square bombing these are all people living legally in the united states not to mention the countless times the fox news has spread the fear of american muslims. not all muslims are terrorists put all terrorists are muslim if you are an eighteen to twenty eight year old muslim and you should be strip searched and if we don't do that it's a very high probability we're going to lose an airline so once the fear is
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a stablished once we're all afraid that the muslims are going to take down our airplanes then you have to back it up with research which brings us to the second part of the right wing plan strategy to twist statistics and use fake research to prove the muslim throw everything into last year when glenn beck gave this very unscientific analysis of muslims and terrorism. is the number of of islamic terrorists one percent i think it's closer to ten percent but the rest of the p.c. world will tell you oh no it's miniscule but even close quote it actually is minuscule but by the way our nation focuses on islamic terror you think glenn was right but the truth is muslims are the least of our nation's worries when it comes to terrorism as this chart based on f.b.i. data shows only six percent of terrorist attacks six percent between one nine hundred eighty and two thousand and five were carried out by islamic terrorists
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just six percent. yes just this month right winger david uri shell shocked me released a scientific study alleging that eighty one percent of u.s. mosques speech are attacks that promote support violence. you can find similar language in the bible by the way it was picked up by numerous online right wing blogs including many of the same blogs the graphic was written course this study and no scientific evidence whatsoever to support it and the guy who wrote it david you're a sean me at a history of anti muslim writings and is behind a lot of the anti shari'a law legislation that is sweeping the country which brings us to strategy three invent the danger of creepiness shari'a as i said a number of republican controlled state legislatures around the country have passed laws in the last years of banning the practice of shari'a lot america and there's a big movement to make it happen right now also
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a number of prominent conservative commentators and politicians have warned us of the dangers sure you know. what the stealth jihad agenda is all about is exactly that making bringing in piece by piece and bit by bit elements of this moment and reinforcing the principle in all of these small incidents that whenever islam nick law and american lower custom collide it is american law that has to give way and this law make law that has to be accommodated by american authorities and institutions those dangerous scenario is that radical muslims seize power and put sharia law into place so give me the scenario that makes this necessary you know oklahoma here's mission statement they're not here just to be one of many religions but here to be the dominant religion. it's picture then there are strategies for five and six of this right wing plan for us all to fear muslims which are defend liberty by taking freedoms away from muslims claim that islam is not
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a religion and maintain that muslims have no first amendment rights under the constitution as in stop muslims for building mosques and worshiping openly in the united states remember what herman cain said recently about the mosque controversy in murfreesboro tennessee. is mom is both a religion and set of laws to realize that's the difference between any one of our other traditional religions which is just about religious purposes the people in the community know best and i happen to side with the people in the community so you're saying any community if they want to ban a mosque yes they have the right to do that it's apparently guy never heard of the ten commandments anyhow how fox news and conservative talk radio whipped up opposition to what they call the ground zero victory mosque a phrase by the way that's only ever been used by right wingers. that are committed when they were serving overseas you toying with them and you're going to put
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a monument to the terrorists at the site of nine eleven something. more expedient to build a. only tells me to blow up america. yeah i got a real problem with that though is it your view that the muscle being funded by terrorists we have to investigate that accident of the people who are coming forward it's definitely questionable if this is an actual danger this is a danger because we now have evidence that there's something else going on here and we cannot reject our god they want to build a victory on human. if we can't see no to that because somehow we've got to freeserve our values it's all part of the plan declare that islam is not a religion then take away freedom from muslims because they don't have a legitimate claim to the first amendment essentially making muslim second class citizens in the united states once the second class citizens what's the big deal if you attack or even kill then there is strategy seven link anti muslim prejudice
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to anti obama rhetoric see if we squeeze obama into the muslim all's well now we know where the whole muslim obama is a muslim idea came from or the whole obama has anti-american beliefs idea came from . it is totally absurd it's beyond belief that a president of the united states would say that and it shows that obama might be might be the first anti-american president we've ever had i think having the people that barack obama has been associating with are anti-american by and large the people who are radical left that i'm focusing on morocco obama and the people that he's going to tell why do you let this happen i get a lot of people you fire when you're anti-american nature why i hate the united states for the record obama is a christian or muslim which brings us to the final strategy and it's weird that i even have to say that but you know about half of the republican party thinks it's
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muslim area which brings us to the final story and that's the one that's most pertinent to what we saw in norway strategy eight claim and unholy alliance that exists and includes muslims and other groups targeted by the right wing after all if you could prove an owner holy alliance and it makes the progressives just as guilty as the islamic terrorists first justifying violence against progressives as we saw in norway on friday. what we're seeing with this hate campaign carried out by the radical islamophobia right is terrorism it's a unique form of terrorism known as stochastic terrorism stick casta terrorism is defined as using mass communications like t.v. the internet and radio to encourage lone wolfs rather another mentally ill lone wolfs to commit random acts of violence along your political lines it's what bin
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laden used to do when he releases videotapes hoping that some troubled person would get the message and carry out a suicide attack it's also a bill o'reilly is guilty of when he devoted several short shows to calling abortion doctor george tiller tiller the baby killer someone eventually got the message and shot george tiller to death it's one glenn beck is guilty of and he mentioned the tides foundation twenty nine times on his t.v. show calling the organization part of a liberal conspiracy that prompted byron williams to stock his car full of ammunition and drive to san francisco on a mission to murder every one of the tides foundation luckily he was stopped on the way and was arrested after he fired more than two hundred rounds into police cars and wounding to police officers this is what the police are the excuse me what the people behind the anti muslim hate machine want they want their message to be heard by lone wolf crazies willing to act on warnings tragically for norway those
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words fell on the ears of anders breivik. and if we don't start calling these inciters of violence what they are the next mass murder me out and here in the us. it's time for a daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's the question does america the world need to wake up and take a stand not against muslims but against hatred your choices are yes this white christian fundamentalist is a terrorist no different than any other terrorist or no bring up making hearings about muslims log on to tell us know what you think a poll be open until tomorrow morning. does racism still exist in america after the break i'll tell you what exceptional honor was denied to an arkansas high school student which unfortunately leads us to the answer of yes it still exists.
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that drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through that sort of people who can you trust no one who is you know you with a global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. for.
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