tv [untitled] July 27, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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in the case and look at the practice of no knock warrants what about investing money. into that only the military recruiters and do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly sleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything is all you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. say.
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now we've talked about america's war on drugs in the past but today let's get a different perspective on this battle from the deep south where race is an issue just under the surface which always seems quick to emerge as a factor when it comes to justice and the law corie may he found himself on the wrong side of the law after a deadly outcome and a no knock raid and after spending almost a decade behind bars wrongfully sentenced to death row he's finally seeing justice and returning home to his family are too pale and forward takes us down to mississippi where it all happened.
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it's a day corey may has waited nearly a decade. the day he can wrap his arms around his kids. i've been waiting a long time just to have him. we don't have to see behind it was like the say were overtaken. room and also. there should be rudy and it is mother's cooking. things craig could only dream about from his cell and death row. bumps in to the old chair with a role after the call for. this but in his care which it really took will pass a full real. deal. but i always feel like i will one day. he was coming home cory story begins here on december twenty sixth two thousand and one when police executed a warrant against his bieber jamie smith before proceeding to his side of the duplex what happened next would change corey's life forever corey says he was
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asleep when police broke down the door looking for drugs came in the someone you know this is actually a half year old son will bring you your house and your little girl who. is trying to defending his eighteen month old daughter corey says he hid behind her bed and fired three shots killing prince's police officer ron jones he was right for a woman whose dad was white. teeth police and that fact that corey is black may be stored with feeling raw police found enough marijuana for a one hundred dollars fine but corey was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death in just two hours by a jury of ten whites in two black out of more of the i'm innocent listen to the trooper i feel like the true google search. so. i would never would have thought they would be what they'd done to. take me to the way they'd be
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. something like this it was that. they had to do this there's nothing else never would have the warrant for the raid was based entirely on a tip from this quote reliable police informant. there were reports. that this entry did as huge favor velo even that race the story because it became very valuable in the pursuit of this but still spent nine and a half years in prison three on death row before he won his appeal and eventually his freedom when his mother came to me jorge happens to be the same age as my oldest son i went studio. and i couldn't help but think you know that i could be
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mushrooms for defending corey evans was fired as princes public defender. today corey is among friends and family who are it. never stops a man or an update they hear they have against them because this is nature and he's been my date ever since he was a small town. he was always smile. and open to you he came home he steals. to see you. still haven't says it isn't safe for corey and jefferson davis county always always going to be the yeah that you know because even though we have certainly proven that there was no way to know this part do you need any of that he's always going to be there yeah he's always going to be a big fella now thirty eight corey is eager to get on with his life or go to flaws this take. these were the words of like. probably seven. confident that it was the truth that set him free.
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to leave florida artsy monticello mississippi. and there are a lot of issues that this one man's story touches on miscarriages of justice the possible inequality of our judicial process in this country and the tactics of police now in this case you see the consequences of one of them no knock raids no knox no announcement police molin and is this case chosen as critics argue they can be extremely volatile and leave very little margin for error here to talk about tactics like this in the name of the war on drugs is there in houston he's executive director of students first sensible policy now thank you so much for being here thank you critics of no knock raids argue that possibly in very volatile situations where you have a fugitive on the run or hostage situations of that kind of thing they can be effective but that this this day and age they're mostly used to serve drug warrants
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is this a problem in your eyes absolutely it's a problem we have got one hundred ten no not really it's occurring every day in this country and that's a lot of raids and we've had a proliferation of swat teams since the mid ninety's throughout the country and really you go back to the old phrase in american culture if you only you have a hammer all you see is nails and so we see that as a problem here where every town in america does not have terrorists necessarily that would require a swat team going in guns blazing but every town in america does have its drugs and people who use drugs we have students responsible for opposing arbitrations says base we say basically the war on drugs is a war on us it's a war on all of us and recognizes that this is a failed war that caused cost people's lives because blood. and treasure it's cost an enormous amount of blood and treasure for this country but how do you really part of it in this situation is something like no knock raids that the violence or
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that the consequence is outweigh the success of serving warrants with this method what are the real hard facts are examples well the proof is in the pudding you see the case of a columbia missouri man in two thousand and ten home was raided he was purported to be a drug dealer get a small amount of marijuana on him and the police came in and they shot his dogs and he watched his dog along with his children a small children his wife watched their family dog die and it turned out the man was charged with a misdemeanor possession of marijuana charge that's outrageous and he was actually also it is his kids taken away from i believe child endangerment charges and the charge was that somehow you know endangers children more by possessing marijuana then the cops had by coming in and shooting his dog and turning his house into a shooting gallery so that within the putting it just doesn't work it's not necessary before the proliferation of these teams in the mid ninety's we didn't have an epidemic of people police officers going and getting shot trying to get
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information about basic drug crimes they would knock on the doors that's what happened this is the part of the problem it's unfair to both the citizens get arrested and the police report is terrible position and force and on and force war on drugs i want to get back to that but if the worst cases are where someone's dog is getting shot but they're serving a hundred and ten no knock warrants a day and most of them for are for drug offenses i don't know that makes that's the case that these are so dangerous and so over bearing well unfortunately a lot of people actually die as well a lot of a lot of kids die a lot of people who are on arms and innocent people get shot and they get killed we saw that recently we saw the mayor of the town of berwyn heights here locally his home was raided in a mistaken raid i mean these this is serious stuff but the cops themselves will tell. you anytime you bring out a gun and you bring a bunch of people with guns around it's a serious business that's that's a dangerous situation and you mention that it was always like this that you know
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back decades ago there would be a knock on the door there wouldn't be this kind of a raid what you really pinpoint as being the tipping point that allowed for this expansion because i know one of the factors in expansion in swat teams many analysts one point two is that the department of defense began giving extra weapons extra military equipment to local police departments all over the country so i'm curious what you know one element you think is really responsible for this expansion i see that as one major component i would mark that is one major event on this timeline the memorandum of understanding that was struck between the department of defense and the department of justice to provide as you say military grade technology and weapons to police local police and states around the country in one thousand nine hundred four that was followed by an expansion of that funding for that kind of technology after september eleventh because again congress in the rush to address terrorism after september eleventh wanted to do something and what they did was they threw
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a lot of money that money inside knowledge for these weapons of technology for local swat teams law enforcement of the country and again what we know we all have in every town in america is drug users what we do not have in every town in america is al qaeda and then one of the things that radley balko who's covered this extensively was talking about was you mention that back in you know decades ago there would be knocks at the door and he said back you know during the cold war people would say you know everyone knows that this is a democracy because it three am if someone knocks at the door and they think if the milkman and the mass of men with guns was considered something that a totalitarian state would only allow for now that we have that happening so broadly in the united states does that just prove the acceptance of what's become more of a totalitarian state certainly we've seen the growth of extreme tactics and militaristically military tactics all in the name of the war on drugs almost on the. with the war on drugs it's an outrage people's lives are at stake people died because of this and what we're really talking about is a war on people and war people that continues to describe mazed story tells us
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there are major consequences and thank you for giving us some more insight into those as well that is your area piece and still to come on tonight's show new government agencies meant to protect the consumer are called dictatorships by a congressman and he is a nice little time where they can get out and then happy hour the g.o.p. is rallying there calling the debt debate for their bringing of ben affleck there of bringing him to his movie of the debt debate plus the popular sitcom the office is coming to war torn country surprise surprise activism on the. internet only it would. do the work to bring justice or. i have to go right to know what my government would you want to know why i think actually that's. what i would characterize obama as a charismatic. american exceptionalism.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't. charge is a big. number here that we in the fourth quarter. i think. on the oil. we never got to. get ready for freedom.
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a good ole boy from texas and until president obama released his birth certificate earlier this year he was also a birth or he was actually one of the three texan lawmakers who co-sponsored this so-called birth or a bill which would have required all presidential candidates to produce a birth certificate to prove they meet constitutional requirements to be president and during a heated debate over health care reform not about our became famous for a very ugly outburst well another congressman was speaking take a listen and i warn you the sound is a little low so we'll play it twice but it is worth it. mr speaker. mr speaker do you hear any shouted baby killer while another congressman was addressing his fellow colleagues now that all aside now the republicans are in control he has landed a top seat on the financial services committee now does not make you feel secure in
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your government now he says it's his mission to help dismantle some of the laws dealing with banks and wall street passed by the last congress he doesn't like that dodd frank bill that created the consumer financial protection bureau and the office of financial research he believes that these government agencies are evil because they're looking out for the consumer and not wall street and big banks but the way he is right now basically these these agencies to two girls that i just mean it should a little dictatorships i mean you point this person who did tell you what they could do to you how much they could charge you for. it if you don't want to use or there's really not much of a process to be able to catch you know all the time like good barker street. yeah he called the new agencies little dictatorships but this is not unique from the g.o.p. crowd when it comes to trying to rein in banks business and wall street since the
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new congress was sworn in not to bauer and some of his fellow republicans have worked to defund the new financial regulations so they can be authorise affectively and mind you many analysts and economists that i've interviewed say that these new regulations are even tough enough to begin with and too big to fail so there's that the back to these republicans they've also set of boards they can override any rules created by the two new government agencies that too but i have a question for congressman out of our and other g.o.p. lawmakers in his camp point will you stop protecting the people who helped cause the financial crisis in the first place the big banks and wall street played by their own rules for years and look what happened they helped plunge the global economy into a recession and yet just a few years later the g.o.p. is back protecting them wall street and big banks have proven that they can't be trusted and lawmakers still want to ease off on the restrictions which aren't even tough enough to begin with so there is the answer regulation blocking replete with
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dictatorship comparison we are giving some nice tool time award for republican congressman randy knob of our of texas. already the country may be headed for default but there is still time for happy hour and joining me for it is r t correspondent christine present and j.p. fare he is senior communications strategist with new media strategies thanks for being here you guys were all right so sticking to the debt debate and some of the interesting action and against around it apparently the house g.o.p. use a line from a recent ben affleck film to get fired up and rally around banners play and he played it for republicans so they could do just that and check out this scene that they watch from the town. uneasy out i can't tell you what it is you can never ask
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me about it later and when arts people. was kind of again today. is that a joke i mean you've got to be kidding me it's not only from the town but it is like they're plotting like a revenge attack which i guess you could say perhaps that's what the republicans are doing i don't know what they think follow me blindly without knowing what exactly i'm planning for what i'm going to do just say yes you know i mean if we want to be like really sort of liberal with the metaphor and really work it all out i mean the guys that they're about to go. back on are actually very bad people so you know they are very bad people in the film but it's somebody that's already over a real life but it real life i mean this fight both sides are characterizing the other side as being you know the sum of all fears so i think you know i mean i don't know why they would show this in a briefing but you know it's just it's a metaphor it's a stupid metaphor or whatever i like the idea of bringing movie clips to congress as you know the whole can be such a stiff place so you know if this is what's doing it for them why don't play always
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an optimist and i are that after that clip congressman allen west apparently said i'm ready to drive the car i didn't really blindly drive my car and however it did whenever it i mean to say that this is this is a guy who is ushered into office you know with the with the whole war crime of you know firing off a firearm next when insurgents had to find out where a tourist attack might be happening and the voters of florida said well this is a feature this is not a bug this is not a problem we like this about this guy so of course going to jump all over this he looks like i'm going to jump on it will benefit like somebody actually responded to the news that the g.o.p. uses film for inspiration he said that he said i don't know if this is a compliment or the ultimate repudiation but if they're going to be watching movies i think the company men is more appropriate. on well there's been a flex political commentary for all things but i'm just i'm not sure congress be listening to that maybe a little bit more better than the town now let's move let's move on ok so the
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office started in britain and it was a hit on us of course and now ricky gervais's concept is spreading somewhere and maybe unlikely afghanistan. and they're doing a new show they're based on the office they're calling it the ministry and they actually have but. this is just the john. i want to. check you. all right when you think it's going to be huge that's an afghanistan i think this is so awesome because i mean i'm a huge fan of the office both the british version and the american version it's so funny there's a lot of stuff going on in afghanistan that that's hard for people to deal with and i love that they're talking about issues like women saying i hate men you're talking about drug cartel issues within afghanistan i mean i found it to be a little surprising knowing what i know about the stricter laws i'm not accountable right now because i'm missing it like i'm really upset and when it comes out i'm
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going to show it to all of my friends during frat parties somebody like you this episode is a really good one. i don't know how long before the u.s. is using this as propaganda and i want to behind it because the scene the woman saying i hate men like what is that's a show that women are allowed to say that now in afghanistan it feels like there is propaganda being spewed. it's very the way things actually are in afghanistan in terms of how they talk about about maybe they'll appreciate it because you know there's always that sense that you know what's going on underground even if you're not allowed to talk about it so maybe in the comfort of their own homes they'll be able to laugh about it they're also they're also making fun of the graphic stuff so that's that's nice that you know the government officials just some of these brothers of the fact that so so that's good i mean you know we need a little bit more of that here in the u.s. from the government so yeah maybe this will inspire our version of the office right moving on most people have heard of pole dancing classes they've been pretty popular in the united states but usually they're popular among you know adults and u.k. there's actually a gym that has taken customers as young as seven years old for pole dancing and
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they posted the pictures on line on facebook of these young girls these are seven year olds doing. some really sophisticated pole dancing do you think about that well i mean i started pole dancing at a very early age when it was around it was around so you know we don't have a pole i didn't bring it with me but. i sort of when i was six and it was really really hard trying really taught you to pronounce it that's j.p. i'd rather not get into. this and we got really good girls exacts are the consequence really bad tips i'll just say you know at the age of seven when i started really working i just didn't really get that much money so all of this is getting well. i mean i think it's very strange but i'm not one of those people that's going to say this is teaching these young girls how to be strippers now i mean isn't that exactly what it's doing that's what you do when you're a stripper i mean that's it's one of the very also ways you're doing when you're in pole dancing class and i mean i'm not i'm not going to the fact that the parents
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allow these pictures to be posted on facebook of their kids doing strip dancing but there's a lot obesity is a part of the city ok but does that i actually have paid for it or fighting obesity but i mean while speaking of living conditions new details are out are some good ones not some read expected prison in norway where the norway bomber is expected to perhaps and take a look at why some people are calling this the nicest prison and then tyrone. it's at the gold bedroom at the holden prison complete with a flat screen t.v. presenters have access to a state of the art gym where they can shoot hoops or do a little rock climbing and there's an artwork sprinkled throughout the facility including this mural and we're not even show you the prisons recording studio where inmates are rehearsing the prison first musical production come on believe in the norway prisons how is that reasonable for a prison well i mean i wouldn't recommend just overhauling their entire prison system it's just that in every in every prison cell they have
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a toilet this guy should just be the toilet i mean if you just replace one of the toilets and you should be this is really tough because it's the person who may go there and there's raving did it's. so fresh in our minds it's atrocious and it's horrible and to think that people like i could end up there is just awful on the other hand think about the prisons we have here in the us in norway they only go to prison for twenty years they're going to get back out into society so this guy excluded if you have a lower offense people going to prison maybe it's nice that they're in places where they can learn how to musicals eat healthy food i don't know if i want terrorists convicted to be lead in a musical that we've got to move out sort of with a brick ok well speaking of i don't know president something that i don't think they get in norway is a smartphone i hope everyone has one these days but they are shelling out tons of money and what are they doing it for an article the daily mail says that a third don't even know what they're selling out the money for that if there are going to purchase the new i phone five even though they have no idea any details about the phone when you think about that are these just reach your goals and i say
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going to stay out or i've heard that when she goes back you never go back. and i don't know if i mean i know you know people people give me like sad eyes when i show them that i have a droid and you know there's this whole debate over not versus other but i really think it is and we were talking about this earlier just brand loyalty and it's if you know that you're going to get something that you like with a mac product you're probably going to buy it and expect it's going to be good and you're probably going to be right i don't know just shelling out money there for something that you have no idea what is even going to be involved they could just get away with doing nothing and getting more money you know it's like congress they're going to blink on grow your business manage to tie it all back in full sort of i want to go back to the beginning and thank you guys so much for being here and we are out of time but i really like you need to do this job that is a precise show thank you so much for tuning and make sure to come back tomorrow in a sense from cato will be here on the show to discuss the latest out of afghanistan and in the meantime do not forget to become a fan of be alone
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a show on facebook and also to follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can catch it all on our you tube channel you tube dot com slash the show and don't leave because coming up next is adam versus the meantime. twenty years ago largest country. today said. what had been. a speech on the journey. where did it take to. marvin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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