tv [untitled] July 27, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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oh i'm telling hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture it's back to square one for republicans after speaker boehner his grand old plan proved only to be a grand debt limit disaster the only five days left with the house to be able to draw up a new deal before a nation of faults and if the right wing continues to inject their most woman fear mongering rhetoric it will american society that our nation faces the same consequences as norway.
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you need to know this there was supposed to be a vote in the house tonight on speaker john boehner his debt limit plan but instead the chamber asylum why because droves of republicans came out against boners plan yesterday after the c.e.o. said the proposal doesn't quite deliver on its promises maynard said his plan saved a trillion dollars actually the c.d.o. said only eight hundred fifty billion so just like that better better full poll the vote now just hours ago boehner released a revamped proposal that saves nine hundred seventeen billion and he's telling his republican colleagues that it's time to get in line so will they listen and can republicans really be taken seriously anymore in the debate after the legislative embarrassments of this week for more on this i'm joined from capitol hill by organ cagr. peter de fazio congressman welcome it's nice to be
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a source at standard and poor's said that the boehner plan will still lead to a credit downgrade and presumably the new one as well and the c.d.o. slash boners estimated trillion dollar eight hundred fifty billions of the republicans backed off the deal so boehner you know he recycled what's going on here. well i don't think they really care to tell the truth. you know we've got an example from last week last week of funding for the federal aviation administration you know construction for safety and security programs expired we've stopped collecting the tax thirty million dollars a day most of the airlines are treating it as a windfall and sort of as republicans say cut taxes on corporations and we'll pass it on to consumers now guess what they're taking the money and ninety thousand destruction workers have been laid off critical safety projects and security projects are stopped four thousand f.a.a. employees and the republican shrug so taken the country to the precipice on
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a default i really think it's kind of part of their game plan and make things as bad as possible and they hope that somehow their presidential candidate whoever that might be emerges from the rubble what kind of country they're going to have left i don't know if they really care because the rich people will still be doing fine they'll live behind you know their security gates will fly in their private planes and you know i mean. it's a pretty tragic. view of it but i think well i mean you're absolutely right and in a press conference today congressman larson in cliburn said that they believe that there's a failsafe mechanism if republicans are hell bent on destroying the government the fourteenth amendment's statement that the debt of the united states should not in question are your thoughts. well i mean the president could say you know we're going to continue to roll over debt and. and you know the republicans will be the recourse but you have to report as they go to court and probably the courts as usual would say it's not just the controversy because congress is there when the
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president or they could impeach those are their only alternative so yeah that's that's possible the you know the president could do that confronted with unbelievable responsibility on the part of the people what he said now i'm just a couple hundred years well i've run into this. several times when i've tried to sue presidents for having wars without congressional constitutional authority and the courts have decided that the congress controls the powers of the purse therefore it you know it has recourse they can just cut off money and therefore they can't sue for the president not following at least in the case of wars the constitution of the united states this would be a little fuzzy your case but you know probably by the time it wound its way through the courts who knows you know by then maybe you would have solved the problem so they're basically saying this is between the legislative and executive branch and
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there's no room for the judicial branch in this. historically but that's before we had an activist right wing supreme court so who knows that's true they're deciding elections like they did in two thousand and three do anything we ports are that obama and boehner have agreed to raise the medicare age or had agreed to before the negotiations fell through but what does the president thinking. i got no idea what he's thinking you know clearly he doesn't live in the same world the same people i do to tell people sixty five. sorry you can't have medicare till sixty seven i mean we already have a huge problem anybody who's unemployed over age fifty haven't a heck of a time getting a job and their cobra is run out and try and buy private insurance in this market if you're over age fifty if you've ever been sick one day in your life so i don't know what he's thinking with that there are ways to reform medicare there are ways to you know secure the future so scary not part of raising the retirement age but
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by just making people pay on all or into social medicare we could. go to a negotiated drug benefit that's save twenty billion a year there are many other ways that save money in medicare and you could look at a progressive premium for higher income people what other options are on the table at this point and and even you know in that larger thing of having a discussion about debt debt plans and budgets and all i kind of stuff is that really all just nonsense i mean the bottom line here is we're arguing over basically a housekeeping procedure raising the debt ceiling. that's true ultimately it has been routine in the past though political but routine and it's scored rhetorical points but never really been threatened i offered an option yesterday which i think is a winner which is the do nothing. congress is really good at doing nothing especially the senate so we pledge to do nothing when it comes to extending the bush tax cuts and the president as a back up pledges to do nothing which means
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a pocket veto should congress decide to extend the bush tax cuts and that means seventeen months from now we would drop three point eight trillion dollars of the ten year deficit and then we could get on the real issues like creating jobs harry truman would have loved it arthur are there any plans i guess that sounds like want to know one screw over working people. that one wouldn't i mean yeah granted down to as low as fifty thousand people pay a little bit more but guess what their parents their grandparents once they get medicare so scary they get medicare and social curity their kids would still get you know pell grants and student financial assistance other programs are essential for a you know for a civil society we continue and so i think it would be a pretty fair way to resolve this issue but since obama already caved once on the bush tax cuts and now he himself as adopted this stupid republican idea of the so security tax holiday. very little chance that he would agree to his part of doing nothing yeah that's that's unfortunate well we'll keep an eye on it congressman
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peter de fazio thanks for the great work you're doing the house of representatives and thanks for keeping us informed ok thank you tom appreciate the opportunity great to have you with us for more on the political side of this i'm joined by eric byrnes from the president of media matters for america and currently a partner in strategic communications consultant at bullfight strategies welcome. so you hate to see hear. your take on the politics of this well i mean my take is it's all politics you know if the republicans in the house were serious about protecting the full faith and credit united states and preventing a tax increase and economic calamity in the country they would pass a clean debt ceiling increase and i'll tell you i actually brought one that was passed when george h.w. bush was president you'll notice it's looks like it's one it's a one sentence i mean this is you they clearly they they cry about a thousand page bills it's what literally one sentence is all they have to pass to
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basically their basic duty but they already introduced this and every republican in the house voted against it yeah the democrats is and i'll tell you you know i went with back at the when the bush presidency seven different seven different times the republicans win control of congress pass a debt ceiling increases for president bush since obama's been present there been freed that so increases not a single. republican has voted to increase the debt ceiling suppose a president what it shows you is just it's political and nothing else and what their agenda is is to essentially have obama. and the economy crash on the rocks so that they can just sweep in it's funny to all the same thing we saw in the ninety's with the arkansas project and here which has been well documented here it's our project was part of the arkansas project was the well well funded orchestrated effort to take out a kind of mystery or much yes and it cost the taxpayers billions of dollars and seventy one million i think it was washington's bill. and so you know it was
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it was obviously seven years of waste and political ambition gone awry and that's what we're seeing again today and it's but it but i think it's at a different level. it's almost like you know obama is squeaky clean you know his his wife wasn't a lawyer so there's no rose gate rose law firm gate he hasn't fire anybody in the travel agency so there's no travelgate. there's no land deals in his past so there's no water watergate there ever was and and it looks like he's not get on with it in turns in the oval office and it doesn't seem very well i think it is one of the going to do well in his career when he was going oh he actually did. you know represent acorn and that's i think one of the reasons that the republicans went so hard after acorn as a way out of course we know that they fear for fox in the party they've launched
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massive campaigns to attack and discredit the president calling in parable names that we haven't seen anyone call a person that states i don't think ever in this in this country socialist communist you know un-american and american and they ought say what shocks me is you know people talk about enough the majority leader the house eric cantor short selling treasury treasury bonds you know against this debt ceiling crisis when he's in a position to. salie make this happen or really not make it happen it's unethical it's like pete rose betting against his own team. in major league baseball but yeah he's eric cantor's actually betting against america and when people hear people out there in the country i begin to realize that i've been reporting up we see these facts you know about the voting records and the majority of the house voting against america it makes it pretty obvious to the astute observer what's going on here john boehner before he went to his own caucus went to russia. what is
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telesales or what is the also the state of the republican party and who's really in charge here would i have said for a long time that that really the giant media apparatus that the right has built in rush limbaugh and that of course roger ailes of fox news really is running the party has any question about that we really would i was a media out of the circular prove that out of a number of years with with data watching the talking points kind of go with the other direction so and rush limbaugh was worth four hundred million bucks or that was just not as strict as really with. your hannity's contract was two hundred million one back you know forbes they said he's made eight hundred thirty eight million bucks less yeah and so it's like millionaires driving the political dial well in multimillionaires multimillionaires and then of course billionaires and the koch brothers and which will escape the other incredibly incredibly powerful richard was in the shadows that are funding you know this is the of this campaign that's been going effort for almost three years to just rip apart this country at
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the seams with with hatred and racism and virals this is the way they think they're going to win the white house and amazing eric thanks so much for that let's take it over to see again it's becoming increasingly clear republicans in benton this economic crisis now just five days away by turning a routine housekeeping matter down eighteen times during the reagan administration seven times during the bush administration and to a hostage taking about. it's now gotten out of their own control and the hostages of the american working people and now the success or failure of the obama presidency i'm sure the real leaders of their party rush limbaugh and grover norquist are quite happy. after the break it's our mid week alone liberal rumble so one of my panelists daniel helper and jamie weinstein have to say about the republicans and devil and failures this week plato. website with twenty four seven live streaming news counts what to do about the
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it is was a night and time for the lone liberal when i debate to expert political commentators on the big issues of the week on our panel tonight daniel helper light editor the weekly standard and jamie weinstein senior editor at the daily caller daniel jean let's get started i think i was watching us and we see this morning and saw this. nixon one. said i gave my critics a sword. in a very famous. statement in this sense. has given in the republican seats taken this or the default and they're in there and they're going to hold it over is here and you're right it's the is truly coming toward us but what they do is a short term diversion in week two in the early next year and my god right this is the end it will be with us again
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a lot. groundhog day we're going to keep repeating this they couldn't find a sex scandal obama they couldn't find watergate they couldn't you know so this is it they're going to blow up the economy well i'm i been working out preparing myself for the anarky that will ensue and rated america but the fact of matter is they've got lots of machine guns they're saving food you know just to get myself working i just don't want to i don't want to get knocked off by who knows what the matter is we are in a serious debt crisis more so than we were we are not be obvious we are if there is going to drag races people would be buying our bonds and interest rates of the real question that we have long term fiscal problems that we have to get under control i believe that is not a crisis that is inherent but it's not urgent as are just as i've said i said before you you you can say that now and then you have a black swan as they call it that come along that you have no no one expects and puts us over the edge but not urgent that's i believe we're going to there's no
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question in my mind as we should you guys should manufacture a nice i'm not doing anything we don't want there's no question a lot of already there is there's no question we should and we will pass the debt ceiling but it still does not believe it will and what we still need to deal with our long ago problems if the republicans are manufacturing a problem out of thin air then why are why are democratic leadership in the president of united states a group. being with the republicans on the central premise which is that we've got an urgent problem that we have to fix well first of all i don't i don't i don't stipulate that most of the democrats in the house and senate are agreeing with the president on this but your question why is the president wrong i just didn't take those as i don't know how it's a leadership i would harry reid has said that we have an urgent problem president obama has said we have an urgent problem we have to do something about our spending he is they'll have to hear him problem he says it's not looking to refusing to go he has said that we have to live within our means that we need to reform the way we do things he said if not now if they will not now when this is a problem that we can i don't think this is not a partisan issue this is
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a part this is a problem that both sides agree on the differences in the solutions and the solutions of course are very different and one side has offered a solution several solutions which is the republican side and that democrats have now in the last few days with harry reid offered a solution president obama still has no solution we don't know where president obama stand it's not in a for a solution that's the legislative leader of he is the president of the united states where he's been negotiating it back ace he has been negotiating with democratic party if he doesn't have a position republican what's the issue i can agree with what actually have been proposed my problem is with his position and frankly that he's been he's been willing to put source here in the table that he's been negotiating you know medicare raises i you know speaking of crazy right wing. breivik this guy in norway is fifteen hundred page manifesto i mean he's just he's gone nuts he's courting pamela geller frank gaffney david horowitz the foundations for defense of
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democracies pajamas media you know who's who are the right wing you'll support and york times the washington post. say whatever you do i think it's offensive that you just lead in with the right wing this is not well i was not a right wing let's call him let's let's not be nice to him let's call him what he is he's evil and what and it's not it's to nice to him to say he's an evil guy who hates muslim is simply and who is he's an. piers you of course not rational what do you think what do you think would be for your game one progressive he quoted and what do you think would go on that one program said it well that this is easy answer could do you like noam chomsky what you think of him from skip that's not the issue it is the issue of a lot in one on one on his one of his rants held up a noam chomsky book and said this is what this is a book that americans should read you play noam chomsky for the death of three thousand people in the world trade center this is of course you know noam chomsky it's the same type of our god is it is a saying is absolutely not it is is absolutely it is someone argues call it what it is it's evil it's evil it's not right wing it's not christian let's say did you
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evil let's see the relate that it and let's stipulate also that nine eleven was evil and let's stipulate also that that which had been fated was evil when tim mcveigh blew up the oklahoma city building bill clinton said the guy's a criminal we're going to arrest him we're going to run into a criminal justice system right now jens stoltenberg the prime minister of norway is saying this guy's a criminal we've arrested him we're going to run into the criminal justice system and by the way he held a press conference today no church porno scanners to get him no wanding no metal machines he's saying we are going to continue having an open society george w. bush and i love it he said then we can all be afraid we've got to have a patriot act we've got to do away with civil liberties we've got a spare groping people here by way you care to cut your hair thick right people who think for a watch the comparative comparison is ludicrous first of all we live in a very open society in the united states in a post about it we're getting in there it's not that hard i do it all the time i'm going to do it tomorrow i'll do it the next week and a week after that radiation will be fine i'm not worried about that i i was in
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japan recently for forty eight hours as much or more worried about my brief they had to pay and then i was getting on an airplane back to the matter is that the let's do away with that nine eleven there was a group of war on america an international network of people to make that they declared war on america he was he's a lone actor how many movies have there been since that well this is these these guys were essentially this were state actors on both ends. this guy is an unstable actor either and i know ever there was state sponsorship of various a very good safety god it's about is a she is different because there's an actual provable network of people as opposed to timothy mcveigh and this nut case and you guys did not say in a way should have taken a decade ago it was totally different if this had happened in america we should have taken norway's path this is not what i don't immediately go to that should not happen in america i don't think he gave less on what he wanted if i don't i don't think i should act i don't think you should get less than twenty one to twenty one years or less i think i was just you know you don't really get life in prison what
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is not known according to the wa professors i talked in norway they said the maximum he can get is twenty one years and he may be five more years but it never happens well except for that i do i will say i do think that it will but this guy is not you know and i and i hope so and certainly norwegian law provides for that but the but the point is that we fundamentally transform america george w. bush changed america he was wiretapping our phones without authorization any claim that was legal he was torturing people do not play or else little this situation that he believed to be important really change america america still remains america and you don't have any daily problems with your civil liberties and nobody very few any americans have their phones wiretapped much less has been done at post nine eleven that was going by f.d.r. for a during world war two or wilson during world war one with the alien and sedition acts with the sedition act sorry this is not just police state they are trying to make it easy to be. repealed. and roosevelt during world war one
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you know really when they were going to war because when they had that later they were well nobody's talking about repealing bush is bush is crazy but anyway we're going to move away mr q. here so sorry the wall street journal is reporting general electric company is moving its x. ray business to china the headquarters are moving their headquarters to china jeffrey immelt is the head of president obama's jobs creation and he's moving. it's a quarter to china it's going to. look i'm from i realize i'm handing you i'm for free trade as in the words of harvard professor. gregory mankiw how about ninety percent of economists are so i mean if that's what he thinks is that's their first company i mean who are going to go over the american markets are be it for me to intervene here and say that how i tell them how to run his own economy but it is but of course it does make the president look totally silly that he's appointed him to be the chairman of the program with us on the job do you both agree that we shouldn't have any kind of domestic jobs policy that is tied to
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a trade policy no of course we should have domestic policies or trade that are tied to trade policy changes that we should i do i don't even know what that means i don't think we should you know we should not prevent companies if they want to open up factories in other countries or are moved factories in other countries from stopping the wires like we should why does europe and from opening a b.m.w. factory in the south of germany has restrictions on who can sell in germany they have substantial restrictions on the console so there's japan so that i believe in free to the south korea so while all the countries that are successful right now don't agree with you i don't think that all the countries that are successful resilin russia china china south korea i think china is headed for a fall so i mean right there i mean if they're temporarily successful that maybe yet they may or a lot of creditors are going to go into these things and your ipod's has yet to be tested either because we have free trade agreements pending with colombia that have been what i've got this is was tested from seven hundred ninety one to nine hundred eighty we have we have a free trade agreement with the south are going to get a lot of especially with that because because they're wrong but what i mean. i
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don't know and i don't i don't believe the ninety percent of economists agree with you know who's going by the number that you could be wrong to do great harvard professor of economics would say that ninety percent maybe they were bigger and very little but ninety percent agree on features and this is this is like when i hear ninety percent of scientists are skeptical or global warming you know come on you know liars go if you're figures it's usually on the other side to say ninety percent or so. but. four thousand f.a.a. workers have been furloughed now republicans want to cut a billion and a half bucks out of the e.p.a. is like if they can do away with agencies then they just like slash they're going back to the number we're roughly where it was five years ago i think you've got it cutting taking a little bit from the e.p.a. making them less meddlesome and hampering business is not a bad idea the e.p.a. still slated to get seven point one five billion dollars that's billion i mean they think this is an organization that doesn't do much which has a lot of it which has probably too much authority already and which gets
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a lot of funding i don't have a problem with this at all in fact i'm favorite even if a billion out of the majority want it but you don't want to cut it out of you don't want to touch the entitlement programs where the i was right about all that is i want to roll back the reagan tax cuts. you know if we went back to one thousand if we rolled back the bush reagan and l.b.j. tax cuts we went back to the tax rates in one thousand nine hundred. thirty two percent to be gay and corporations were paying forty one percent on average of actual payments as opposed to the twenty four percent and eleven percent respectively that individuals and corporations are paying right now we would in ten years completely pay off the national debt that is only economy which is going to simply because it's made the same but it's assuming that economy going to be doesn't crash that's really going to gradually sixty what you're going to raise your but now you're raising them for where there is a great recipe for economic attach to talk about voodoo economics i mean that right there is your first making wild wild assumptions based on tell me one time in
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history when taxes were raised in the economy if you want to reason back down to nine hundred sixty two levels i can give you examples of times when taxes were dropped in the economy crashed where it was nine hundred twenty one of the what is the economy been stimulated over and over a drastic increase in taxes either every single time if it stimulated every absolutely every. day like. when you when you drop the when you drop a factory it's a reagan job he did very well during that during those eight year period it was quite successful. t.t. party nation called on boehner to leave office beaner brief limbo on the debt plan before taking a public to the. on monday norquist everybody signed norquist pledge so who's really in charge of the republican party main or is it is it limbaugh's that norquist is who. i think no one single person is in charge of the republican party as it should be but i think boehner is right now the leader of the face of the
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party when it deals with that because she actions you know you really think so eric cantor no it's clearly not cantor it is clearly banner look the republicans has different only he still and republicans are different people who are strong in different issues paul ryan is obviously their go to guy and inside on that reform entitlement programs john boehner has been the last week with markedly successful at a cheap in what his stated goals are to cheat or to cheating what he set out to achieve has he is what success is he had every single time he says something everybody walks away he hasn't had it there are no tax increases on the table now president obama is not in the negotiating room anymore by his own doing but partly because of beginners doing the point and you would ever believe that's why the more interesting readers are going to survive this banner will go down as one of the most successful if if this trajectory continues will go down as one of those successful speakers in the last twenty or thirty years leave it at that we'll see we'll see is the master says daniel jamie thank you both for. coming up wisconsin
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governor scott walker is stooped to an all time low the science demo silence democratic voices in a state details on how he's rig was right to vote. like drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. through it through the pretty maid who can you trust. is in view with a global missionary zeal where we had a state controlled capitalism score satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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