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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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splitting up separatist movements growing the power vacuum of government bereft belgian skeptics saying the end is nigh for its future as a single nation state. u.s. house of cards about a threatens to veto a republican debt ceiling plan as the ongoing debate threatens an economy ready losing jobs to other countries. under the extreme heat wave across several russian regions causes wildfires fears that the smoke filled summer of two thousand and ten could be repeated.
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watching r.t. world needs twenty four hours a day welcome to the program more than four hundred days without official government is a world record but belgian still has no solution on the horizon and things look likely to get even worse deep divisions between the dutch and french speaking hearts of the nation may well cause it to split into permanently starting is it a new push to reports that could start a chain reaction across the whole of europe. so divorced before planning their next marriage but not while lowlier the southern region of belgium the contras built effective government record fourteen months french speaking while looms in the cells and flemish speaking floors in the north disagree on pretty much everything many analysts think the most likely outcome will see the country break into
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a soon as it splits with flawed business complete the world will look to hook up with france richer or poorer but mainly for richer going it alone when your small region is clearly not appealing and while they say political clout is important the main appeal is money and. now the loonie is part of france in everything but name that we have the same language we watch french t.v. not belgium but above all our economy is controlled by french firms. polls suggest that whole thing and sixty percent of the french want to become one presidential front runner marine le pen last week said she would with the southern half of bill jump with france president sarkozy's ruling party and the opposition are already in talks to tie the knot we have contacts with other parties with you m.p. and we have contacted the socialist it has been confirmed to us that's in case
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belgium would speed up then it will be welcome in france. the biggest party in the northern half want to split to. say belgium's already divided people don't know any more about the other half of the country the flemish people don't know who are the popular singers or writers today in the french speaking part and vice versa albert bill james national day last week was its last he added because this threatens not just every building but european integration itself. was e.u. scared of the wars of belgium was part of the rest of europe catalonia leaving to be scotland leaving britain and we're already seeing separatist marchers and make screen the towns here turn violent with guns getting called it takes just one big clash with brussels to become serial that conflict killing not suffered in europe since world war two labors turned on each other as yugoslavia broke up and the
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determination of regional identity is not to be underestimated fridge's unionists say they have a flag and everything else worked out to become france's twenty eight region all that's left are the details the new bush will see brussels. but still to come the spy games of two titans china chased off the u.s. for fox's play minutes all this rather suspect it's territory washington says the operations will continue. and the u.k. ramps up the pressure on it in the country as london expels mr. chance to place the. financial crisis for some it's not unity for others and money in short supply companies in the west but taking their operations in dollars to the cheap east. accept how the american financial downturn has been
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great means for the indian economy. it's the great recession. the twenty first century what started as a collapse in the housing market in the united states has led to unemployment hunger and debt crises around the world and while countries are struggling to protect their interests increasingly western businesses are shifting their work east to cut costs welcome for gallon a modern suburb of new delhi everywhere you look there offices of american companies and the spine of the important the united states is placed on the country during the financial crisis according to recent outsourcing reports american companies have been very productive in this country as much as they have been fine in the past three year. carrier corporations is a multi-billion dollar american heating and ventilation company they say that over the past decade their business has shifted from being seventy percent u.s. space to just forty percent today. consciously in that direction so the idea is to have a good balance. being focused on one market and having
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a good balance and obviously you know emerging markets like china and asia such. as for us globally. and carrier isn't alone according to the u.s. department of commerce the same number of jobs that have been cut from the united states in the last decade have been added to these companies overseas operations it's a phenomenon that angers many americans who are struggling to make ends meet i think it's despicable disgusting and we have people here that have worked here all of their lives in a losing jobs left and right because somebody's on top on so make a buck and pay the cheapest possible there are more dollars to go visiting with the economy. companies should hire american workers. because of the shrinking middle class and the fact that middle class wages are decreasing over the last thirty years so many people here. and i do think that is the wrong thing to do is to go over things and it's not just
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manuf. work american i t. companies and innovation jobs they're also moving here in droves as well as huge savings on wages many companies say india's fast growing economy and young workforce make it a desirable place to find staff there are amazingly talented people here in the part of the workforce and you know it's a matter of helping other other markets understand you know there are very talented people here who can do a lot of great work and it's not just about outsourcing and it's growth that these american companies don't anticipate will address and in time soon. within the markets we have a growth from the last. really good laws are going yes we would like to double the business. before i use a confidence not often found among their colleagues in the west preassure either r t new delhi india. the white house is threatening to veto the republicans plan to
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put a limit on u.s. debts congress speaker john boehner isn't willing to in our high level of debt but only in return for massive cuts in public spending but there's less than a week left to raise the country's well take trillion from a country even if it wants to avoid a potentially devastating default presence of bombers concern that agreement the spending cuts that the provision of medical care and social security in the years ahead best author jim rogers says the political games are driving the country into a deep recession. they're not going to do anything serious they're going to go now it's something the day before the day are but the day after and they're going to say everything is ok but in six months from now a year from now america is going to be in worse shape than it is now they're going to continue to spin and drive us all deeper into debt we've been doing this for forty years it's not going to go anywhere stocking shay's it out jones industrial
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average is near its all time high what kind of crisis is that when the financial markets are all fat and happy and most people well i mean yes there are people that are better despondent and suffering right now but that's not a crisis america's the largest debtor nation in the history of the world it's just getting worse. covering those standards in high finance artie's economic bucks kaiser and stacy that's make their own forecasts of us tensions what kinds of ports in full let's something she has to. videos to see what america might look like the next throughout the next time the deficit ceiling is hit here's india's parliament you see a nice brawl there. let's turn to the flu jab parliaments. and just for a little diversity here max we're going to turn to afghanistan and here's two women busting it out on the floor of the afghan parliament so i think this is the next
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step they're tea party female mother saying what michele bachmann. mother she was away with the glasses of bachmann and sarah pelayo get those two in the mud mud wrestling for votes so i vote for her. as the mercury heads for forty degrees celsius and also memories of last summer's smoke covered city are moving. forward instead of the extreme heat wave has already caused an outbreak of wildfires. and with all the smoke and moscow's in panic again the toxic cocktail of pizza maluco wood smoke and exhaust fumes that filled the capitol last the east is still the lead in people's memory intense peabo fires and the record heat waves were blamed for the game small it sent to chanel is soaring ten foods and was thought to have contributed to tens of thousands of deaths in the
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capital q three g.'s force they would be prepared. to find a place like this you don't have to go far from the capital this smoke is familiar to everyone who was in moscow last summer that then doctors said breathing in the smoke that covered the city was a quibble and to smoking a pack of cigarettes every hour now the question on everyone's mind is whether the smog misery is back again he bombs may look harmless with just tiny flames on the surface but in fact every square meter requires that kind of energy can extinguish the fire burning on the ground before you threaten overcome by the small green peas believe the surface may undermine all you're actually going through the senses the situation is under control and most of the fires in moscow region have been successfully extinguished. however campaign is state officials are under reporting the extent of the problem both around moscow and across the country so it's a question is there isn't the solution is way through words by the bureaucrats or
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the wisdom of rickets we flip all the time concealing the formation of wires. or make it more difficult to get the bill or time it would work with campaign is a part of the problem is that the forests are being mistreated they say morning is to be done to prevent five by definition and with summer at its peak remnants of campfires are all across the forest despite a bank introduced a month ago and there's only so much funds he has continued to live when i was driving into the forests there in syria for during a time when you're at home there is a huge plaque card at the entrance the right of breaking heat of summer two thousand and ten resulted in devastating forest fires that killed sixty people destroyed one hundred ninety nine towns and reduced city two hundred houses to actions what. the fire was literally coming towards us but here the trees crackling as they were burning and then a huge the wind blew the other way we hear you now know this year most of the
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country's advance well drained and the fires are raging once more large areas of forest have already been destroyed in russia's far east while parts of the north are already choking on small and with all the still to go russians from the capital to the countryside open summer sun as deadly this time gary bush gave up r.t. their region. but it's not more discover on our website at r.t. dot com this white extreme heat short circuiting out of fashion it assures the capitol is full of craps debate is heating up even the threat of violence flashing at too much leg also on like. two russian cities are greater than the ten most wanted in the world it's an even worse. and health in general and so i've sought to find out more on these stories along with the latest videos and photos.
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if the. first. if you're followed up on my day you'll get it in this. car sort of a throwback and archaic part of our long. it goes back to a time when people would write out of their forces in the wild and pick up these huge debts important to mention the sheer from prosecution the one thing the company made. when they go out there is a tough one. and you have to hope that nothing. that. we're chasing killers if you keep that in mind how does the to me dollar bill
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please risk. we're not superheroes we can be killed too you know that i'm going to die. once you've hunted run you'll never go back on anything else. america says it plans to continue a common sense missions and china this comes off the two chinese fighter jets intercepted a u. two spy plane and its own one and china claims as its territory beijing has warned that the move could damage relations with washington understood on the respect for its territorial sovereignty how the u.s. maintains the sea should be open for any country to navigate so part of the superpowers competition for energy rights says on the net from american based on posts in focus think tank. right in the united states is the number one user of
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energy in the world and trade is the number two and chinese oriel eighty percent of chinese energy supplies move i see that you move through the streets of rome once which is controlled by the american fifth fleet well in more frugal extreme control by the american seventh fleet chinese are very sensitive to this and they they worry about the fact that the united states could sort of put it from on their energy joggler vein and so they're they're very kind of tense and now they're concerned about keeping those sea lanes open and that's why they are so. pushy about the south china sea i think that mistake on the part of the chinese advantage is that they've been a little overly pushy with some of the smaller countries in the region and that has allowed the united states to get a foot in the door but this is part of a worldwide competition for energy resources between the number one and the number
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two powers in our energy users in the world and the fact that the united states has pretty much surrounded most of china with bases there all the way from central asia to the north pacific that's the context in which this takes place. without saddam international headlines for this hour. and on its cargo plane crashed into the sea of one hundred kilometers west of san francisco and you're both the pilot and copilot no contact with the plane's last forty of them who are mechanical difficulties or speculation that strong wind and rain may have caused the tragedy. israelis are reinforcing of more than all of the occupied golan heights syria one hundred twenty kilometer long fence eight kilometers on an even built move comes after last months on rests with hundreds of sunni that's the protests whether it's rebels what's contested or there's a head of
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a rainbow nation of distance in september. libya's foreign minister has described britain's decision to recognize the rebels next well when it's different that is illegal and irresponsible. government is also the reason one hundred fifty million dollars a year is to help fund the battles opposition m.p. and his campaign jerry corbett says in u.k.'s trying to play the role of judge and jury future of reference eight. what is involved selves in a civil war between the sensational government and the gadhafi regime in tripoli and i suspect this is going to run for a very long time and get incredibly nasty and bloody and there are human rights abuses being reported on both sides including the treatment of african people by the transitional government as well as the treatment proposition people by the government of market reffing the reality he was on reality would have is
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a war for regime change and this is now been successful and i think this is going to be subject to a lot of legal and it's a very strange situation all round because britain formally recognized the government of gadhafi indeed we were providing arms and training for his forces and so on march of this year huge amount of trade with libya we did a vast amount of libyan investment in britain then the war started in libya britain and france joined in nato jointly and they persuaded the u.n. to pass one nine seven three which is allegedly a no fly zone and now they've decided they're going to switch horses and expel the diplomats from tripoli and replace them with the people from going garcia will seems to me that we are now deeply involved in the civil war and effectively in trying to play judge and jury on the future of libya surely the future of libya is for the libyan people to sort of say not western arms. but the docs christians from
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post soviet nations are talking christianization of russia thousand years ago the main celebrations take place in ukrainian capital kiev from the center of ancient state parties reports from the spot where the orthodox message started to spread across the nation. three countries of the post soviet space ukraine russia and belarus are celebrating a very important religious holiday it's been exactly one thousand and twenty three years since this part of the world adopted orthodox christianity in the year nine hundred eighty seven who reigned. baptized the first citizens to become orthodox christians choosing this religion over over islam and other religions as well now. the head of the russian orthodox church blocking out the real has a right to the gradient capital d. have to take part in the celebrations along with his counterpart from georgia and the head of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. it is
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a large scale celebration which is being held in the capitals of ukraine belarus and russia kiev minsk and mosco after the collapse of the soviet union in the early one nine hundred ninety s. the orthodox church in ukraine was split into several parts now the most compassionate the russian orthodox church is of course the largest you have the largest representation we've heard calls for all throughout the last several years that the church must be united in ukraine but so far all the efforts to make a single church have been fruitless now when the truck the real. liturgy in front of the. monument in key of the central monuments dedicated to the baptism through the adoption of christianity in this part of the world. he was greeted by tens of thousands of people who were chanting that. is the real. news now.
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hello and welcome to business here are most people just in off on their holidays this week probably aren't heading for the north caucuses but politically troubled russian region is barely on the tourist map however the government hopes to change all that's as much of a question of reports the creation of new tourist destinations in the north caucasus is the key strategy of the russian government to bring economic revival to the trouble to region the sums involved have been raised several times but now it's predicted that over one hundred thirty billion dollars will be needed to build five major resorts now government owned corporation resorts off of the north caucasus is running the project and it promises that the construction will be finished by twenty twenty five now funds will come from three different sources first problem the federal budget than from the regions especially now that it's down in english
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and finally from a known state sources such as international and domestic investors it's not only new resources that will be involved but also some stop it era holiday destinations will get a new lease of life now the republic of dagestan will receive one third of overall investment most of it will be spawns a point the construction of hotels and other infrastructure along its two hundred kilometers of caspian sea shore now that is done claims it will attract many private investors but so far only russian billionaire fully monkey mouth has expressed an interest meanwhile austria and front have also expressed their readiness to participate in the construction of this major project the development of the north caucasus down along side of the twenty fourteen olympics as the most expansive projects by the russian government. and let's take a look at the markets now the precious metal prices are mixed this hour gold is
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traded in the black it's point zero seven percent and that's as investors look for safe haven it's only certainty over the us that resolution however silver is losing around point three percent and it's pretty trading at forty dollars per ounce. for all prices are also makes the sour look however they are still under pressure as the on result u.s. that's seeing the break ship the way i did best record for that is an example but i can see that light sweet is currently trading at ninety seven dollars per barrel while bronzes had one hundred seventeen dollars per barrel. and let's see what's happening in the asian markets well they are strongly in the red following wednesday's losses on wall street investors are concerned over a little sign of agreements only two words that seem like exporters are among the worst performers on the ok as the again firmed against the dollar carmaker hong
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dies down one point eight percent all panasonic is almost superstars in the red. and here in moscow the markets will start the trading day in two hours time both the arts yes and the my sex closed in the right of ways that and the drop was mainly supported by the cook food that fell after u.s. government report showed an unexpected increase and it's worries. city this of it from deutsche bank says the holiday season and beyond certain see over the u.s. that ceiling means trading will be flat for them they are future. much older. americans. and the progress of the solution over years that's what i think it will be a critic what will the rest of the way for g.d.p. i would love for a big look for you got some emotional closure there is progress in negotiations with republicans and democrats on the green occur. of course because of the
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approach i feel for you have been more from dressed for the locations on nothing the students will go and we call them. some stuff about the move although it has reached the three zero high against the euro dollar currency baskets the growth of russia's money is made due to increasing uncertainty over the boys that flows in the sand and problems and yourself a less also say strong will a crisis and lower capital outflow are the fact they are supporting the ruble. well that's all the business news for now for more stores you can always check out our websites artsy dot com slash this so in the meantime states and for the headlines with carol.
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well good. morning to big splash in the world of high tech business what turns events science into i can see products they don't understand coke uses cups the fall of russian leaders to eat your betters abroad in their big breakthrough back home sunlight on sunday lunch update here and. we've got the future covered. good.
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luck. more news today violence is once again flared up the flames are the images the world is seeing from the streets of canada asked some up for asians around the day plug. the emissions free the clinton case should free the funds for charges free the arrangements to free the books priests to the free look the old free blogs can plug in video for your media projects a free meal john darche john tom. play last time the close of team was in the cool gun range your mum influx from all over
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the world to have a few centimeters to their self-confidence leg this time are to go to the on the region the cold war still gets people like joe the plumber an ancient tribal likes to save its culture place where cranes are protected in the first of the official nature reserve to clear the region the bush will close up on the arch. in the united kingdom she's available in through the house bill and from forty one hotel the old waverly hotel they can also tell the millstone hoto some old country house holiday inn the pool to old gilman towns the rim brands the creamy the choose to feel the montague the town the royal palm the rubens hotel.


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