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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2011 1:31am-2:01am EDT

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center of norway's capital oslo the car bomb killed at least eight people a couple of hours later a man dressed as a police officer begin a shooting spree on an island near oslo the targets were members of a youth camp run by the governing labor party the rampage last did ninety minutes before the police finally arrived at least sixty eight teenagers lost their lives the gunmen surrendered to the police immediately after their arrival thirty two year old unders privet admitted he was also responsible for those low explosion bridget was a member of the right wing populist progress body for a number of years he confessed to have authored a fifteen hundred page manifesto which stands against multiculturalism and this part of the manifesto is a day by day diary describe in preparation for the massacre brave they appear to the closed court hearing in those low on monday claiming he wanted to save europe
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from muslim domination and saying he had two more groups of collaborators the same day hearings were held thousands of people went out on to the streets of those low to participate in the rules march in memory of the victims of the bomb attack and youth camp shooting there must the mind of the atrocities who spent four weeks in solitary confinement awaiting these next court appearance brave it could reportedly be sentenced to thirty years in prison the measure of punishment in norway for crimes against humanity. kind of this show well the initial reaction in the west was that the attacks had been conducted by muslim jihadi yes a does that mean that the new york nazi threat is overlooked by special forces today and in europe and countries i would say it's overlooked by a lot of course the first. first reaction to any terrorist attack not not
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only now but if you remember what happened in ninety ninety five in oklahoma when a. sane person ultimately mark we destroyed federal building also everybody was convinced that that was a islamic jihad or something like that and for us then people started to to to be terrified by that this is groom homegrown terrorism so of course the the society is everywhere and authorities. are now for pure stand on muslims which as we see quite frequently which is not not entirely correct and in scanner for example there is a long all traditional for racism and then and so to say white power movement but it has also always been very marginal and maybe because of that it's overall we
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have seen a steady rise of rightwing anti immigrant parties especially europe over the last couple of years do you think that the norwegian massacre is part of this trend. yes of course the these guy is a madman and without any doubt so it's very very. dangerous to see that what he did is is a reflection of a trend so actually if you start to study his motivation i'm pretty sure we will find some personal reasons as always and in such cases so it but but of course the problem which he is pointing pointing to exists and this is of situation if this if this is the situation does that mean that we're witnessing a radicalization in the society a radical is asian and european politics and that and that and that they're the
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cloak olds and muslim fundamentalists are ready to to to to go to violence in the streets no i don't think it's that far already now but what we are witnessing in european politics since a couple of years especially two three years it started two or three years ago. election results sure that populist party is mainly focused on migration they used to gain significant. successes in elections it does not mean they win more than that i don't think those parties will last for long because they used to be in the very serious political forces but the main thing the mainstream politicians they they turn their right wing side and for example statements which now used to be down by by heads of states of has a government like angle america oh that came around in the course of the about
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complete failure multiculturalism we could not imagine something where there'd been been said two years ago let's turn to some reactions to. two two two what happened in oslo in russia well here are some some of the reactions from russians from bloggers to journalists who tend to put the blame for the massacre on not always society rather than on the terrorists. some called really decide what he did runs contrary to human history but it would be wrong to say. it's homegrown the loss of funds for the playstation agreed value human is thousands at recess in the relation of human rights and public take take. it there is every reason to doubt that europe will start addressing these issues as a result. how would you comment on this.
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so to blame on our vision go in particular in their vision government that sound fair because i am pretty worlds going to an area i visited sweden norway denmark many times and i must say that just in those countries governments used to pay a lot of attention and used to make enormous effort just to implement this multiculturalism which was not the case in many other countries like germany or france or on their go and so in this this is irony of history that that terrible event happened just in norway at the same time of course. many people now experts including corruption experts nick interethnic affairs they are saying that multiculturalism as a conception has has fortunately failed and europe needs to look for some new mortals which unfortunately. unfortunately doesn't have any it now another quote this time from from an article published in one of the russian national youth
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dailies. europe has been slapped trotted across installing a new one slapped by al qaida it was a new me to national. brady has gone down to become a hero many thousands of nothing. really good belt against the very concept of the european society he rebelled against the susannah lucian of culturalism tolerance and complacent the people who killed the marchers martyrs of a new godless religion. how would you explain the outrageous points of view the blogger the journalist in russia a country that fortnight says yeah but this delayed his comment is awful it's. what is what. are you saying you yes there's an editor of the national you that he paid eve printed in the paper this question about quality about professionalism and
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ethical borders for limits for and for journalism so that's another discussion unfortunately it's a big problem everywhere including this country but what what this those sentiments are reflecting unfortunately. we cannot understand we i mean all europeans including questions we cannot understand yet that the time when homogeneous society has gone forever we will never ever again leave in a society where the majority is certain the region unfortunately and russian public and russian public opinion of the russian journalist as we see absolutely unprepared to take this reality and to try to cope with it we had a quote from a russian blogger a russian journalist now a russian politician meeting that i was in known for his nationalist views.
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misinterpreted tolerance with regard to a multicultural world leads to a dramatic polarization in the political system and to radicalization of society this is how monsters like this one and. should this tragedy be an alarm for the west and society what would you say absolutely it should be an alarm. and the alarm saying do something with multiculturalism or do something with extremism or or both actually do something do something because because the problem with multiculturalism everybody is talking about that everybody in europe was talking about that since twenty or thirty years but if we try to understand what has been than in order to at least to try to to guarantee this harmonious coexistence of different. entities of the people different the region culture religion and not much because the the problem is not necessarily
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with the concept of multiculturalism the problem is that politicians frequently prefer to use am to rhetorics in order to so to see. not to deal with. not to deal with the real problem now this time is over so they will need to do something the problem is what because yeah says political scientists feel that a lot can explode like that surely a break that they way i don't know. last time closer to was in the cool down region or men from all over the world to
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have a few centimeters to sell come. this time are to go to the i will reach. for the gold rush still gets people like dogs. her ancient tribe likes to save its culture. where cranes are protected in the first ten dollars an official nature reserve. should close up on the party. twenty years ago just country. to. feel. each began a journey. where did it take the. food.
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fuel. welcome back to spotlight i'm going off and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is further look on the editor in chief of russia and global affairs magazine we're talking about the consequences of the tragic events in norway. well we have discussed what
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happened we have discussed the reaction in russia to what to what happened in in europe well what's interesting is that this guy brevik that the terrorist used to be a member of the center right progress party which is the second largest party in . parliament do you think that. that what he committed which is obviously obviously a crime and he admits that will it. influence the put the position of his party in parliament and upcoming elections no i don't think so because he used to be a member of a very short while and that was a while ago until. two thousand and four and he was not an active member he was just just a part of their environment i don't think it will have impact but what is interesting this party actually which is
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a rightly you said rightly its second strong party in the parliament this party used to and for size the need to limit migration. in a very civilized way so it's not an extremist or a radical party but but still and now of course they are in a little bit under attack because of this connection because of the general atmosphere. fight against in the foreground so but what i what i guess and what they're suspect that after initial period of statements as for example not of huge and prime minister did that we will keep our open society will keep our democracy and so and this right he should say just that he has to say it now than i think in europe at large in norway in particular we will see gradual change of migration policy well let's hear this reaction of norway's prime
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minister's name is yes south america to the attacks. we will have in the way before and in a way after the bomb attack in the killing but we will still be a society that's very clear on our values of democracy of openness in this is a where we will can people to be active in their political work in a way where they can if you say. well in this norway are often. do you think that the famous norwegian social democracy would survive what would stay intact as we knew in before a yes no vision of social democracy will survive the question is migration policy because the tradition of the social democratic party is in europe and especially in northern europe used to be extremely international is the glue mine that first science of change was shown that was seen in finland where there
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is strangely enough finland is a country least affected by the migration away because it's difficult to leave maybe because russians russia and russia certainly by this a different. notion. there are quite a point if you of. migrants like seldom part of europe or but even there there is a clear growth of. protest feeling against something for him and social infant in finland social democratic party strangely enough try to take this argument from. from those nationalist parties which emerge and i think that in both in sweden and norway we can expect that all parties including the left wing parties gradually will review not not abruptly by gradual review of their stance with the migration. in there there another thing i want to ask you
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i don't know if you know and i don't think anybody has the answer but still this is a brave and that's a big thing but ateek claims to be a member of that international underground organization called knights templar international how serious do you think this claims are and how serious do you think is the threat that similar attacks may happen somewhere else of this but there. statements by him i don't think it's serious he he he seems to be more important than you know yeah. as for. xenon you know for big sentiments in the rest of europe i think security services policemen and politicians everywhere are quite concerned now because actually that had been the norm again as we discussed before it's a very badly ironic that just just in norway but if you take countries like france
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or not it allows for spain with a rapidly growing amount of migrants and there is a different culture in the way it's easier there saw the temperament is different but i'm afraid that. there are grounds to two external reasons to expect some not similar. events but by something to grow up as. maybe for example in france election next year already now it's quite quiet or was that two or out of three main contenders are sarkozy president sarkozy and marion lappin in different ways of course but they are trying to use that to you to address this issue from electoral point of view and i will not be surprised if they have that topic will be
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a central part of possession up in france what about russia mr redlich he said that he sympathizes the party called now she in russia i think he said that in one of his interviews and he also claims and this was in the press it's in his many fester this nomination he says that there are like minded persons in russia this is what he says do you do you think that. there really is. a threat that something like this may happen in russia and that there that the that the anti migrant sentiments are as strong in russia as they are in the way they can lead to something so i hope he's wrong about national movement because that would be very strange because it's very close to the government but as for all these people he shot they were close to the government too yeah exactly but you know. this this island was very low and our silly gear. but i'm afraid that not
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in the national movement but in the underground there are groups which are quite close to mr briggs views and also again as we mentioned before there is a similar problem in this country as in the rest of europe that people people are afraid of change people are afraid of globalization actually because because free movement on migration this is an element of globalized environment and those who cannot understand what what will follow what happens next they they can also turn to violence hopefully not in that scale but we knew you know that. many incidents have been since russia as well. what is the problem in particular problem in moscow and big cities in russia is
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that it's not about migrants or key migrants people from sandra leisure from our transco. southern carcass that's one one problem but we have a big community of russian citizens living for example in moscow st peter's work coming from russia in the region of northern caucasus and unfortunately a big part relatively big part of population. doesn't see them as compared to its that's the problem and what we have the december last year this riots of man years an implosion of a nationalistic slogans that was not against foreigners basically it was against our the russians no longer we discussed that on the show and then people people come to thinking that this was inspired by some by some people behind the scenes that this wasn't like a genuine but like a normal no way it was that it was
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a genuine reaction of this guy but in russia what happened in my mind was it was inspired like my palate maybe maybe it was inspired but you can fix inspired if it's nor nor potential so unfortunately potential is there and that exactly that's the problem that if potential is there always you can expect some political suited to use it so doing this today say that politicians you mentioned them said of course he cameron americal their their attacks and multiculturalism their concern actually triggers new intolerance and one of the population do you think the poor the part of the ruling politicians should continue criticising rethinking multiculturalism or not. criticize the rethinking of different two different options you would not be criticizing that you start rethinking i think. it's enough with criticism because what. what is needed now is just through thinking and coming and coming up with new ideas how to
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new models how not to look closing the country's no i don't. know it's impossible for globalist economists and then looking at demographic trends in russia in the whole europe we will not survive with new waves of migration so that's and for russia for example that's that that's the biggest problem for years to come a decade to come because in europe we are we are behind europe in terms of migration but unfortunately we will need to follow some pattern hopefully. russian leadership will learn very bad lessons from from europe which which produces now this this situation bob barr unfortunately will need to address same challenges thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today was
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a little scientist that i look out and that's it for now from all of us if you want your say on my part if you have someone in mind here think interview next time to drop me a line at al green our ads. are in and let's keep spotlight and we will be back with more first time comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then party and take. you the latest in science and technology from the ground. we've got the future
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in india they move joint people to. go to
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the grand imperial. to tell us to. sit down to go. round the sun the colonel was her job as a retreat. splitting up separatist movements growing the power vacuum of government belgian skeptics saying the end is nigh for its future as a single nation state. u.s. house of cards obama threatens to veto a debt ceiling. debate threatens an economy already losing jobs to other countries . and an extreme heat wave across several russian regions courses while the smoke filled summer of twenty ten could be repeated.
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around the world and around the clock this is out well than four hundred days without an official government is a world record but belgium still has no solution on the horizon things and likely to get even worse deep divisions between the dutch and french speaking hopes of the nation may well cause it to split into pennant leaked. reports some say it could start a chain reaction across the whole of europe. so wait till they're divorced before planning their next marriage but not one load near the southern region of belgium the country's been without effective government for a record fourteen months french speaking while looms in the cells and flemish speaking flanders in the north disagree on pretty much everything many analysts think the most likely outcome will see the country break into as soon as it splits with flanders is complete the world will look to hook up with france for richer or
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poorer but mainly for richer going it alone when your small region is clearly not appealing and while they say political clout is important the main appeal is money . as part of france in everything but name that we have the same language we watch french t.v. no belgian but above all our economy is controlled by french firms. polls suggest that whole foods and sixty percent of the french want to become one presidential front runner marine le pen last week said she would wear the southern half of belgium with france president sarkozy's ruling party and the opposition are already in talks to tie the knot we have contacts with other parties with you m.p. and we have contacted the socialist it has been confirmed to us that's in case belgium would speed up then one would be welcome in france. the biggest.


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