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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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belgium is a great help in their reconcilable to help. themselves strikes regional problems crazy stuff that's spread and so the. pressure of on and surrounds in the disputed border area between serbia and kosovo the un security council is to hold an emergency meeting behind closed doors. scummy of plans the u.s. says it's going to stop this reconnaissance of flights near china despite beijing range on violating chinese stocks and sea. and in our business bulletin russia
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stocks rose at the end of the trading session the audios rebounded from of one week low closing in the black joining me in twenty minutes to look at the other markets on. a very warm welcome to you this is a line from moscow belgium may be an international buy word for unity with aides and they say and easy you have courses because it faces a messy breakup often saying within a repairable north south divide us than it was from explains the split it's tearing the country into could echo throughout europe. i saw some of the divorce before planning their next marriage but not well lowlier the southern region of belgium become please be with delta fictive government for a record fourteen months french speaking in the cells and flemish speaking flanders
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in the north disagree on pretty much everything many analysts think the most likely outcome will see the country break into as soon as it splits with floor this is complete the world will look to hook up with france for richer or poorer but mainly for richer going it alone when your small region is clearly not appealing and while they say political clout is important the main appeal is money. the looniest part of france in everything but name that we have the same language we watch french t.v. not belgian but above all our economy is controlled by french firms with polls suggest that hoffa were loons and sixty percent of the french want to become one presidential front runner marine le pen last week said she would with the southern half of build them with france president sarkozy's ruling party and the opposition are already in talks to tie the knot so we have contact with other parties with you
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m.p. then we have contacted the socialist it has been confirmed to us that's in case belgium would speed up then what would be welcome in france. the biggest party in the northern half was the split two experts say bill james already divided people don't know any more about the other half of the country the flemish people don't know who are the popular singers or writers today in the french speaking part of vice versa king albert fears bill james national day last week was its last here did the crisis threatens not just every building but european integration itself because the new or the e.u. is scared that the divorce of belgium will spark of the rest of europe catalonia leaving spain scotland leaving britain we are really seeing separatists marches and mixed rienzi towns here turned violent with guns going to take just one request for brussels to become. that's conflicts all must killing suffered in europe since
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world war two. turned toward each other as you can slew of your broke up and the determination of regional identity is not to be underestimated fridge unionists even have the flag and everything else worked out to become france's twenty eight region all that's left are the details don't you go short all to see brussels. well we want to know if you think the belgian people and there are happy marriage will affect others in europe here's how you're basing it on dot com opinion is another thing is please if i did hear on whether united your days are numbered for best our thirty eight percent of you say you has been stuck together for far to long while around a quarter believe e.u. nations are too inexplicably linked to go it alone the rest say that a global economic slump or excessive immigration will be what spells the end of the
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plot to add your voice now at r.t. dot com. the un security council is holding an urgent meeting at serbia's request into the flaring of violence. in northern cost of a fresh clashes began when conservation police seized two disputed border checkpoints to prevent the transit of goods from serbia well serbs which dominate more than possible outraged by the main reviews destroying one of the checkpoints nato peacekeeping force is no guarantee of violence but the situation remains tense let's discuss this more now with ms cloudless oliver puppet use in belgrade mr davidge many heads of being head to help us break this situation down which you why would cost of officials decide to move special forces into remove the authorized police out of those two checkpoints do they have the right to do that. well they didn't have the right to do that i think they're trying to. enforce some unilateral
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moves in order to change the reality on the ground to change the reality as it was as it is under your resolution security council resolution twelve forty four and this is one of the reasons why the u.n. security council will be in session were able to do. now that they're actually trying to choose reality on the ground while serbs in this part of saying the ethnic minority how legal that is the serbian import bound by kosovo or policies in terms of minorities rights. well we have to remember one thing cos it was still not universally recognized as a state so in fact serbs are not a minority down there they are part of the serbian people who are the majority in their own state now course they've always thought the session this republic so in other words the serbs tore down in kosovo still believe themselves to be part of
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serbia and they're acting in that capacity now the western states and mostly nato states that have recognized course of our treating them as a minority and the other had states that have not recognized kosovo independence and not treating serves as a minority but are seeing them as having equal rights as all other citizens of serbia now the security council session is on the way as you were saying but tulips on this will be claims said be wanted and a pretty nice engine is it was behind the un's decision do you think. the western powers are headed by the united states they really didn't want to have it. they really didn't want to have an open session. because a lot of uncomfortable truths may come out of them is the allies are actually making unilateral moves so this was the reason why the best that serbia could do along with russia and china is to get session behind closed doors so really it's
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because of the western powers and what might happen in a face situation continues to escalate do you think. it's really hard to say but we must remember that the key to this situation of course was really in nato hands they control militarily the entire province so really whatever happens down there is under their control and it's something that they will tolerate or not tolerate and we must also remember what happened yesterday with the burning of the . checkpoints the border checkpoint we still don't know who actually did it these were masked men who really could have been any nationality we don't know whether they were serb albanian or french or even the american we just still don't know that. it's a political analyst from belgrade many things are speaking to us on the us thank you. the u.s.
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military says it will continue airborne reconnaissance missions near china and not despite beijing's protests last long enough to see chinese appointed jets intercepted a u. two spy plane over taiwan which china claims after its territory can now women from the american based foreign policy in focus think tank says the rift is a part of the competition for energy in the region. prey on the united states is the number one user of energy in the world and china is the number two and chinese or a zero eight percent of chinese energy supplies were moved by c. that you move through the streets of rome once which is controlled by the american ship fleet. rates which controlled by the american seventh fleet chinese are very sensitive to this and they they worry about the fact that the united states could sort of put its money on their energy juggler vein this is part of a worldwide competition for energy resources
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a trillion or more one of the number two powers now energy users in the world and the fact that the united states has pretty much surrounded close to china was bases that go all the way from central asia to the north pacific that's the context in which this takes place. now in just a few minutes we were reports of from where howell's the things of american jobs. we have people here that have worked here all of their lives and are losing jobs left and right because somebody on top on some make a buck and pay the cheapest possible. in india we sell you what i made to you where the payoff and shipping nice leaving former employees of the state stranded and jobless also. the sounds of the russians the equator the real danger the underground the fear that smoldering peat bogs could spark and not the choking smoke itself. bolivia's president says he fears u.s.
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authorities might plant narcotics on his plane and link him with drug traffickers wave about alison's attending the u.n. general assembly in new york has been sharing his concerns with us saying. the information is coming from the u.s. i think there is some kind of a system some preparations being done by secret agents it's a little way of undermining the authority of the bolivian president and of the government do you remember this news from wiki leaks it was america's goal first it was it to capture me or neutralize me or overthrow me but they failed in they do not try charging us with illegal activities with drug smuggling or terrorism for instance to ultimately destroy us that's their plan i believe that all. of the highlights of the interview with bolivian president evo morales is available for you to watch right now of course.
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three. three. three. three. three. three volunteer video for your media project we'll done to our teeth. now financial crisis but there are tears he felt it isn't with money in short supply companies in the threat they're taking their operations and dollars so the cheap it's looks at how the american financial downturn has been great news for the indian economy. it's the great recession of the twenty first century what started as a collapse in the housing market in the united states has led to unemployment hunger and debt crises around the world and while countries are struggling to protect their interests increasingly western businesses are shifting their work east to cut
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costs are welcome to go down a modern shopper about new delhi everywhere you look there are opportunities of american companies at the time of the importance the united states has placed on the country during the financial crisis according to recent outsourcing reports american companies have been great production in the country as much as that in mind in the past three years. cara corporations is a multi-billion dollar american heating and ventilation company face a that over the past decade their business has shifted from being seventy percent u.s. base to just forty percent today. consciously in that direction so the idea is to have a good balance it's not about being focused on one market together but having a good balance and obviously you know and merging markets like china and asia such . as for us globally. and carrier isn't alone according to the u.s. department of commerce the same number of jobs that have been cut from the united states in the last decade have been added to these companies overseas operations
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it's a phenomenon that angers many americans who are struggling to make ends meet i think it's despicable disgusting that we have people here that have worked here all of their lives in a losing jobs left and right because somebody on top wants to make a buck and pay the cheapest possible. dollars to go to dinner with the economy. i think are american companies should hire american workers. because of the shrinking middle class and the fact that middle class wages are decreasing over the last thirty years so many people here they don't. do too many hours and i do think that is the wrong thing to do is to go. and it's not just manufacturing work american i t. companies and innovation jobs are also moving here in droves as well as huge savings on wages many companies say india's fast growing economy and young workforce make it a desirable place to find staff there are amusingly talented people here in the
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part of the workforce and you know it's a matter of helping other other markets understand you know there are very talented people here who can do a lot of great work and it's not just about outsourcing and it's growth that these american companies don't anticipate will at any time soon. in the markets. from the last. loss i think we would like to double our business. our confidence not often found among their colleagues in the last preassure either r t new delhi india. or more of korea's reports from inside india are available online any time wants nothing to home including how to dial up the capture the day india trawler crucifying phones transform their livelihoods with a different kind of that way and to illustrate the point to section twenty four in
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the inspiration. of art and. now a suicide attack on a government compound in southern afghanistan has left at least nineteen dead and over thirty five injured while it follows a string of attacks of the killing of president karzai. comes as the u.s. withdraws its forces let's discuss this in more detail i with michael hsu former cia intelligence officer and a historian in washington d.c. many thoughts have been with us here at aussie now we've seen a string of deadly attacks in afghanistan as the u.s. news troops out of the country almost call forces there really going to be able to take over security. no there if this is it we're watching a charade unfold here in afghanistan the afghan army the afghan put national police force are never going to be able to control the country not just because there have been trained sufficiently but also because they're divided tribal we when we are
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gone when nato leaves they'll go back to their tribes and they'll fight each other again so the whole the whole house of cards will come down after the united states and its allies complete their their withdrawal but withdraw in defeat really you talk about a house of cards and even though america's number one anime if you like and some of been not me is now dad's who's the next time. oh i think they're going after mullah omar the head of the taliban they're going after i mean i was always theory but just saying those things makes you realise i think that we're still approaching this is a law enforcement issue what cops and robbers issue i began a program back in one thousand nine hundred five where we were trying to capture or kill these people wanted a time so we've been there after this we've pursued this law and order approach now for sixteen years and there are many many more e's lamaists in the field today with
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guns fighting us than there were in one thousand nine hundred five so ultimately what we have the after ten years of effort in afghanistan is a body count that's all we don't have any measure of progress against the enemy and why do you think the security situation in the region is still say tense despite the fact as we were saying earlier the sound of in-laws and how it's now being cores it just doesn't seem to be improving or. well bin laden you know the taliban had grown to the point in afghanistan where it couldn't leave the insurgency by itself it really did need his fighters his role in the insurgency there is primarily right now logistics and maybe a little training and there continues even with bin laden's death but the kind of hard story the hard fact is that we went there with one mission which was to destroy the taliban and to destroy al qaeda and quite frankly we haven't killed
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enough of the enemy and their supporters to make any difference we instead tried to build a western democracy in a country that's conservatively islamic and deeply islamic and so we've failed to do there and the situation is going to remain violent and probably. detrimental certainly very detrimental to pakistan as long as we stay there as long as the alliance stays in afghanistan all attending see very recent events now norway first of all what's worth it it would be the work of an islamic terrorist what we saw unfolding you know as they look to see results showed it to be very different what do you think that tells us he think is he turned out to be the enemy in that situation. well i don't know if it's so important who he was himself he was a killer who killed extraordinary number of people but i think what it does say is
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what british ambassador british prime minister cameron in chancellor merkel of germany said that multiculturalism has failed in western europe and in the united states and in canada and elsewhere and there are large numbers of people who are not going to pick up guns and shoot anyone but there's a large number of people in the west who believe that the multiculturalists the people who are forcing changes in western culture and western religion and western civilization are really the enemy and that's certainly what the man in norway felt and i don't think he's alone again he's probably in a very small minority who will pick up a gun and do something but the governments who have allowed endless amounts of open immigration who have who have made free speech much less viable in the last there are at base the cause of what happened in norway it was an overreaction
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to a puppet to a failed policy at least according to people like cameron in merkel's turning now to libya the thirty countries recognize the rebel council as libya's just make government now put up a family. their job ists the west is helping to put into power in islamist government that will hear there's it's strong right arm people who fought the united states and its allies formerly the red army in afghanistan and iraq and. is as brain dead our policy and intervention in the muslim world as we've seen. we talk a lot about freedom and democracy but what comes next in libya is some kind of an islamist government and what the muslim world is seeing of course is the nato again bombing a muslim country that has all and so there's nothing but loss here for the west and
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encourage them into the jihad these around the world. arrives at my cost to our former cia intelligence officer and his store in washington d.c. many times has written to us here are saying. thank you. for the mercury's not forty degrees here in moscow but memories of last summer's smoke covered city are leaving a chill in the air. reports of how wildfires are bank spreading fear as well as flames. now with our smoke and moscow is in panic again the toxic cocktail of beat smoke wood smoke and exhaust fumes that filled the capitol last august is still the lead in people's memory intense people fires and the record heat waves were blamed for the dense fog that sent pollution levels soaring ten fold the authorities swore they would be prepared is here to find a place like this you don't have to go far from the capital there's smoke is from elliott everyone who was in moscow last summer back then dr said breathing in the
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smoke that covered the city was equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes every hour now the question on everyone's mind is whether the smog misery is back again the bugs in a look harmless with just tiny flames on the surface but in fact every square meter requires a ton of will to do extinguished in five of the ring the underground threat level money going to a small group use any of the surface may undermine or work in the thirty's and says the situation is under control and most of the fires in moscow region have been successfully extinguished however campaign is c officials are under reporting the extent of the problem both around moscow and across the country. after the situation is with the words quoted bureaucrats winstead of recurrence we quit and all the time and see all of these from asia both wires and does make it more difficult to get a bit of time for a good campaign is saved part of the problem is that the forests are going
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mistreated they see more needs to be done to prevent fires by better management with summer at its peak remnants of camp fires out all the course the forest despite a ban introduced a month ago and there's only so much room to use continued when i was driving into the forests there in syria forbidding a siamese toggled there is a huge attack hard at the entrance the record breaking heat of summer two thousand and ten resulted in devastating forest fires. it killed sixty two people destroyed one hundred ninety nine towns and reduced thirty two hundred houses to ashes but. the fire was not only coming towards us we could hear the trees crackling they were burning and then who's the wind blew it the other way. this year most of the countries against well trained and the fires are raging once more large areas of forest have already been destroyed in russia's far east while parts of the north are already choking on smog and with all the still to go russians from the capital
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to the countryside hope the summer sun won't be as their lead this time though you pushed over archie school region father says business on the way now with kerry about after a short break. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. in india all these are made of the movie the joint the hotel rooms a movie that's a great way to turn the grand imperial. towards west coast coromandel you can away with a chill close measure of civility to go and call your brother said the colonel was her turn to retreat. and welcome to our business report the south thanks for joining me our top story
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today the ruble has reached a three year high against the euro dollar basket fears of the debt situation europe u.s. are contributing to the rally but you gave the ocean from system financial corporation explains currencies mainly being driven by technical factors. you can play at a local private capital called will has decreased in the second half of july and i hope oil prices profitable for us are so that all kind of sequestered consumers and we speak about short term definitely it's good because a lot of consumer goods are being imported when you buy cheap or if you want feel if you fill those up yourself more comfortable in the longer term and if we're called businesses will not be able to sustain an expensive piece may result into higher levels of unemployment unfortunately the smi effect local output and this may result in to a less comfortable situation for consumers. take a look at the markets precious metal prices are down the solid gold has slipped
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into red so it's silver and rest of the still looking for safe haven to sit on certainty over the u.s. tax resolution or prices are in the black this hour like sweden and pipeline the last one is still. up brand is trading at one hundred and some. dollars a barrel now prices are on the pressure as the hours old u.s. debt ceiling debate chipped away at investor confidence and dampened from. a strong report on jobs is sending u.s. stocks high even as a stalemate continues over the u.s. debt limit government reported the first time implication for unemployment benefits fell below four hundred thousand for the first time in four months and that's a sign that employers are laying off field workers and europe is in negative territory for the fourth day now london's dogs pushed lower with losses driven by heavyweight oil mates with b.p. b.p. shares have lost more than three percent this week after results pills that on tuesday showed crawford's that estimates rose banking group and be
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a nice systems are supporting the front seat up. here in moscow stocks rose at the end of the trading sessions reality has rebounded from a bar week low closing point four percent in the black adam isaacs is point eight percent hi-lo let's take a look at some individual notes from isaac's energy majors among the main gainers with gospel not wrong point nine percent of russia's pharmaceutical giant palm standard was also off supported by news has increased sales by sixty percent in the first top of the year meanwhile precious metal nine a polymath go for seven percent in the red despite struggle. now russia's biggest search engine yet engine yandex has reported a fifty seven percent rise in second quarter revenue to one hundred sixty five million dollars the company now predicts similar growth for the full year from a sustained boom and internet advertising yannick shares have had risen more than fifty percent since listing enjoy new york in april. so that's all for this
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hour but other back with more in forty five minutes meanwhile you can always log on to about sites archie dot com that's business from all-stars. if. the. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. .


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