tv [untitled] July 28, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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the day is the mine is six days to the full day and according to president obama and speaker boehner you should still be very very afraid it's like we've got kevin the interview for western civilization in studio a police state update on the beating that led to the death of kelly thomas and well we were going to do a story tonight about how newt gingrich just rendered himself completely irrelevant since run for president with form a campaign of sorts tends to do that but we decided you probably don't care because there are probably more important things on your mind if you're watching adam versus the.
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laysan gentlemen the diva holds is nearly upon us oh. ok i'm just uncertain that by popular request but now we have our new animation to bring in our segment so let's turn to this classic to find out why we should be so afraid yes the debt ceiling it's hard to sound like a broken record right now the deadline a little earlier and that heavy international monitoring money going to. be released in the in such a long time is likely. we're going to blow your brains out america. that never
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gets old i never know really we're going to be doing that even after the fall day comes we do have a big special planned for next wednesday remember that the fall day is august third that's when it really hits the fan august second is the day that time runs up and there's still no deal that's right today is the minus six days to the default day and people in washington really are still wondering what exactly is going to happen speaker boehner went back to the house today with a new plan and advance of our in fourteen the plan under cut cap and balance this time without the balance part that's right no balanced budget amendment in the new plan but why could that possibly be now we have we had an option in two thousand and eight instead of instead of the. fiscal irresponsible obama we could have gone with the fiscally responsible mccain.
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some members are believing that we can pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution in this body with its present representation and that is fully worse than foolish that is deceiving that is not here it's bizarro it's bizarro really you mean living within its own means is the sorrow for the federal government really ok maybe this has to do with the republicans problem going into the challenge of getting obama out of office simply thousand and twelve is who was that guy what was what was his name again suing the president over libya oh yeah congressman ron paul never mind that the president is enjoying this great distraction from what's going on in libya let's hear from the congressman. politically it's always easier to debase the currency and have the debt liquidated in real terms then it is to say
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allow the bankruptcies to come i mean we didn't permit the bankruptcies four years ago and the problems got worse and what about this august second date august second i think is a fictitious date i think the august second date is more related to the individuals who have trips planned in august straight from the congressman's mouth it's more about the vacations coming out from members of congress and other officials here in washington than any real nine but the media continues to ignore ron paul in his bid to be president of the united states in two thousand and thirteen but there's always that rand paul running in two thousand and sixteen if we can build a little momentum for this revolution he certainly got his numbers right. we bring in about two hundred billion dollars a month in tax revenue or interest payments about twenty billion we have more than enough money that comes in every month in tax revenue to pay the interest on our debt who can pay for everything we can pay for social security also he should quit scaring the senior citizens and we could also pay for soldiers salaries and we
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could pay for another seventy or eighty billion dollars or the government just couldn't pay for all of government but he could take default off the table and then this wouldn't be such a crisis situation he's manufactured a crisis and if we don't have an arrangement by august second and there is a dip in the stock market the blame lies squarely on his shoulders for allowing this crisis to happen in actually encouraging this crisis the army now is kevin the end of the founder and president of youth for western civilization a conservative organization on college campuses around the country who stated mission is to defend the west on campus promoting conservative cultural values and opposing the left wing institutions they believe to be coercive joins us today to talk about the rising tensions of political discourse around the globe kevin i'm disappointed for form come on you got to throw rocks no i suppose the. western u.s. on board was a soon oh my bad all right western civilization are what we want is about some really serious side because you've had some reflections on what's going on what
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happened in oslo and the political implications of it and we talked about yesterday how he's not really crazy right winger as much as he is just a suicidal nut job but you think that. vij by what he did it in of itself was a betrayal of anything that could have been construed to be conservative correct well yeah i mean obviously if you can imagine what you did with his rambling one thousand five hundred page manifesto talking about the islamic conquest of europe the one thing he could have done to make sure that happens is do exactly what he did going around shooting a bunch of kids doesn't exactly help your political cause it's important remember also when you look at political violence there seem to be some cases where the political class warns against some kind of a backlash and some cases where they want a backlash and i think this is one of those cases where they want a backlash i would expect an increasing amount of repression against european nationalist movements and i would also take a very cold hard look at what the department of homeland security is going to do it
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on its own are you suggesting that there may have been something behind this attack or something simply that it's going to be exploited by his desk floyd i mean i think that is really care you are right to. be there but not right now i think with we need to talk about like people do the things they do i mean a lot of times i think it has more to do with a crazy person's personal life than it does with any ideology it could have been just about anything so was under the conservative he was certainly of the right i wouldn't call him a conservative but let's not color so let's not fool ourselves that he would he was actually a secret muslim. so this is a he was genuinely influenced by conservative thinkers one of the deep well specifically all those anti jihad stuff ok he did take that rhetoric and it's going to be tough for a lot of these groups to completely disown it so is it going push it on this is there any chance in this case that the rhetoric that meant something to me conserve rhetoric that resonated with him in any way pushed
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a fragile mind into violence as some people would like to suggest. i don't think it was the rhetoric itself with swiss interesting about it is this guy had actually posted on a number of these sites and he had actually spoken about how we need to make sure that there is no violence i would need to condemn extremism and everything else seems all kind of ridiculous in retrospect i'm reminded of jeffrey dahmer the serial killer angrily condemned the accusation of being racist because that was how late once you're so people how do you connect this to the broader political dialogue how does this how does this affect people in america looking at the debt limit and being taught that we need to be afraid of our government can't borrow more money how does this affect the the left right divide in america how does this really influence i mean how how how what do we take away from this i think that we live in interesting times and i expect a crackdown by the state on political speech especially in europe but also here
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let's not forget you know the part of homeland security was issuing a report saying be on the lookout for guys with campaign for liberty bumper stickers be on the lookout for constitutionalists or threat the police officers right now at the h.s. is under a lot of pressure from progressive groups saying you need to hire more analysts to look at the mess the terror and by domestic terror they're going to be looking at people frankly like you i mean that's what they're going to say and you know yes i made the point that there's a certain. acceptance of violence and status and we turn to status quo yeah the government is going to be the solution to our problems and we give up on cooperation we give up on voluntarily peacefully coming together to solve social problems is that sanction now extended past government if we say well government can regulate free speech government can impose on dangerous speech what is the implication of that say for student activists in the united states well there is always a certain level of political violence always i would say that as far as the even
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milder level of political violence the left is far greater than the right i mean i challenge anyone to name one leftwing event that's ever been violently disrupted by conservatives and you would say it's because the philosophy itself of leftism of any form that stage that you have sanctioned survives is that those in your will but i'd also say that they are allowed to get away with more because to a certain extent they serve the interest of those in power rightly has a certain self-righteousness to to go yeah would be the justness of state isn't what i was having as a result and i really appreciate. those who believe in central planning and socialized programs believe in those institutions because they want to produce the greatest amount of good well what we end up with instead is inhumane distribution at the lowest common denominator without market pricing signals and consumer feedback irrational allocation of resources of hers production operations around malinvestment like with the housing crisis and sort of things look like detroit or
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the british health care system now few if any would ever say that rationing is a practice common and a robust prosperous economy community but in cases of economic failure rationing be found commonplace at the national individual level basic necessities suddenly go from abundant to scarce luxury items are simply pushed out of the consumer's mind as economy start hunting for milk and meat instead of i pods in both detroit and in england to places where central planning has been profuse rationing is jumping out of the soviet era and making its way to a street corner near you first we have the d.n.a. test realized ruins once known as detroit the remnants of its city government governments have decided that public services shall be allocated through a short term intervention giving preference to places deemed most salvageable all the more blighted parts of the city might be seen less services including water and sewage treatment and wonderful men in funny hats calling themselves officials
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insist that every neighborhood will still receive the same level of fire police any of the support. police especially though it remains to be seen if that actually going to be the case if the city has basically given up on entire communities or why are police going to bother policing them if there's not a revenue and sent. c.m. b.c. reported that more attention would be paid to demolishing vacant houses and handsome vacant lots in improving recreation services and distressed neighborhoods transitional neighborhoods would get more services in regard to demolitions boarding up vacant structures road improvement and water and sewage treatments things like tree trimming and tracking businesses code enforcement and public lighting will get more attention in the city's best neighborhoods fewer for well too bad we're going to give the rich people business advantages and over in england health care is now being rationed by national health services apparently socialized
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in the health care field was moral while creating an institution that's unable to even service its citizens the british news agency the independent is reporting that hip replacements cataract surgery and tonsil removal are among operations now being rationed in a bid to save the n.h.s. money in an effort to cut costs two thirds of health trusts and jolly old england are rationing treatments for all of the after mentioned non urgent medical procedures the easy solution is to actually you know have some free markets capitalism voluntary cooperation so the people who want to provide services for money could do so but free markets are a dangerous idea at least if you've paid any attention in your government and dr nations are classroom the truth is government in and of itself is inherently a form of rationing power resources or wealth are held away from the public while men and hats and special planning with special planning boards get to decide when
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where and how things are allocated heavy intervention into markets catalyzes economic downturns like what we're experiencing right now with rationing the logic is to apply to a problem well when it's government more of a problem. when we come back i'll have adverse event contributor and we are going fatter luke would ask in studio to explain why he's boycotting charlie possible show you what law enforcement did to this mentally ill young man stick around a lot of police set up that right here on adam vs the. state run in english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera.
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us a. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news tense like to tell you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited three high quality videos for download. stories you may never find. the political. parties are just saying. welcome back to adam versus them another week goes by and another tragic story involving police brutality makes its way to the times a video has surfaced of police officers in fullerton california beating and seizing
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a homeless man so severely he fell into a comatose state on july fifth of this year police or responding to a call out suspected car break ins in the vicinity and several days later kelly thomas the thirty seven year old schizophrenia man involved in the incident died in the hospital. witnesses claim no less than five police officers repeatedly without pause battered electrocuted calley long after he had ceased to move officers involved in the incident claim that kelly was resisting arrest where this is claimed he was unable to even move we have a brief clip of the incident though the footage is very rough as it was shot on a cellphone but the audio is chilling mr thomas can be heard screaming and pleading for his father as the officers tase and beat him well you will notice is a large and morpheus blog you can see some movement of police officers near the near the police cars in front of them that would be the shadows of several officers and mr thomas who is you can barely see face down on the ground while allegedly
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resisting. this was what kelly thomas looked like prior to his encounter with the fullerton police now i have to warn you what you're about to see is a painful graphic photo this is what kelly thomas looked like well dine in the hospital locals and witnesses are less certain that kelly was harmless and childlike in demeanor incapable of posing a threat to anyone kelly thomas' father ron thomas a retired deputy sheriff himself has expressed outrage at the death of his son as he said his death was gang involved the way i see it again of robot officers who brutally beat my son to death the only thing we have left of our son
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is the blood in the gutter that's all we have left. he added that he now regrets ever having served as a law enforcement officer and spends his time and out flyers trying to gather more information on the incident in an attempt to find justice for his deceased son police are conducting an internal investigation and there are requests for the police cruiser camera footage will so that if it's released but don't hold your breath and the da is conducting a criminal investigation as we watch the obama presidency unfold in such contrast to what is campaign rhetoric let even the most cynical of hardened politicos to expect i get the sense of a new kind of questioning about him. for as long as he's been involved in politics his political enemies have questioned him based on the facts with little analysis and thin history but now with the trail of evidence of his term thus far
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people are starting to really ask why no one believes the official lines and. there's a reason this is such a powerfully moving image we know he's not that stupid but neither are we from the gross extension of unnecessary militarism militarism abroad to the continued trampling of civil liberties to the trashing of the american economy at the behest of his rich sponsors before he even became a serious contender for the presidency there were countless theories as to what really motivates him perhaps least relevant is the theory that he's a muslim the only only credibility behind the series it's ability to be thrown out every time obama does something that can be spun to clearly demonstrate that he is sympathetic to muslims. funny how bush was never accused of this by supporters claiming that the wonderful wars he started were so good for the iraqis and afghans involved the fact is you can never judge someone's faith and obama while certainly exposed to exposed to muslim influences
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a child like so many politicians chose religion for reasons of political expediency or as most americans seem to do more as a matter of identity than as a result of any kind of the soul searching so what of his ideology is he a socialist a communist and american apologist well if he's representing the government there's plenty to apologize for but for all the twisted rationales put forth by rabid neo con bloggers no known ideology fully explains obama's actions and decisions as the commander in chief but then if the president is a reflection of the electorate it makes sense most voters don't have a coherent set of principles covering what government should be and ultimately all human beings are pragmatists first principles mean nothing there's nothing to eat keep people frightened and we can be convinced of anything what drew wind.
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us. the only area of his political ideology that starts to make sense is that he's simply a progressive who defines progress as more government some of suggested that he simply trying to expand government as much as he can get away with well i reject that theory if he really had no interest in getting reelected and was solely interested in growing the state as much as possible in four years things would be a rush right now i would like to suggest a different understanding of obama as we are all pragmatists first we do it we need to do to survive and reproduce that includes acquiring personal power remember money doesn't buy happiness directly but it does to the extent that it buys autonomy the single greatest corollary of happiness but obama has taken it to the next level to the point that it is detrimental to his own happiness and freedom the president of the united states well extremely powerful is not particularly personal
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free so it was a cycle of other some common psychopathic traits exhibited by obama include glib and superficial charm a grandiose sense of self-worth pathological lying manipulating lack of remorse or guilt callousness a lack of empathy and a failure to accept responsibility for his own actions so. it's kind of subjective he can take pills a few ones but most importantly he's a powerbroker he has taken the innate desire for personal power command of one's environment to a level that is unhealthy even for him but that is what defines him and that is how we can understand him he will do whatever he can to increase his personal power he will tell any lie he will imprison any dissident he will murder any foreigner to get reelected. now that he is the only possible democrat in the race you will see him do whatever he thinks he must do to stay in power where we are seen now with
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the got limited version is it just starting to get ugly which leaves only one question why is he so incapable of making lives better for average americans it's not that he's a particularly arrogant person necessarily it is that inherent arrogance of statism itself that an organization called government which is nothing more than a group of people with a socially granted monopoly on force can run your life for you better than you can run it for yourself but a small group of bureaucrats in washington can for guys or community better than you can then we should give up peaceful voluntary cooperation in turn of the force of government to solve social problems sadly lots of americans share that certain intellectual arrogance on which statism thrives obama isn't particularly evil one way or another he's a reflection of we the people who allow ourselves to be exploited by the government he now commands and as always we get the government that we deserve.
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so yesterday we had charlie veatch throwing down if you can call it that with our own adverse as the main contributor lucrative founder activist we are change we are changed out or and luke is with me now for a little recap of this i want to a follow up because it seemed from this interview yes or we wanted to actually debate nine eleven truth he went from being maybe an outside supporter of the truth movement through his b.b.c. documentary experience where they led him to talk to all the right experts he changed his mind on what happened on nine eleven we wanted to have a serious debate about this and he's sitting there with the sunglasses and smoking cigarettes or drawing or. i guess if he was trying to discredit himself with us he succeeded know well adam i'm actually surprised you got sucked into all the drama i don't know why people are making such a big deal out of this it shouldn't matter i did as the a.b.c.
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wants us to and we're all suckers that's why did i actually want to do this because this movement is not about charlie beach or me it's about the overwhelming amount of evidence that disproves the official story and many people claim are crazy conspiracy theorists were just making up facts i mean it's documented five of them not eleven hijackers trained at u.s. military air force bases and then your intelligence and in florida yeah i love the extent in this book by the worst but the number one thing that could really unite people and i love that we need to i really love raising the issue about is how it's been used against us by so. no matter how you decide no matter what you decide happened on that day the logic that it's fear that so much fear that is that we've abandoned logical analysis that if because they're trained afghanistan we have to invade afghanistan because they were harboring terrorists a low florida yes they trained florida in the new york times actually reported that the f.b.i. conducted an official investigation into this and when they finish their investigation
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what they do they sealed it they classified it and they. made sure it didn't come out because they're covering up evidence i mean charlie beach likes to claim that it was gross incompetence that the administration was stupid that this happened but there's so many clear documented pieces of evidence just like this newsweek article that stated pentagon officials got warnings on september tenth two thousand and one telling them not to fly in the northeast with commercial airlines because something was going to happen and this is not the first time this happened with mayor willie brown just like reported by the san francisco chronicle had a flight to new york city on september eleventh he got a phone call canceled his flight later on pacifica radio he admitted condo lisa rice actually gave him those warnings so this is not incompetence this is gross criminality that's happening and we need to find out and she would be ok that's it's a year of the position that there has to be more criminal culpability in the government you're saying that there absolutely has to be something i think all we can agree on though is that there's an overwhelming pile of evidence here that we have not
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looked at rationally or not been shown i mean so much of yes that hinders from us what are some of the things that we're still asking for to come out and there's late eighty five surveillance cameras shown whatever hit the pentagon there's still no footage of briefly i'd incident three frames yet eighty five other video cameras according to the f.b.i. that had not put it in rounded up the story says that there were no black boxes i mean even the philadelphia daily news firefighters even people i met down to ground zero who were threatened and were told not the seine thinks said they found black boxes down there but they did find they did find a paper passport of one of the hijackers down in the use that is the piece of evidence to go after. so it's a great target complicated a horrific story that let the thousands of best that was a genuine tragedy that can be summed up in one fear mongering for character symbol . on one in that city and all that fear is captured there that it's kept us from looking at all these things rationally and each one of these things that you
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brought up could be an entire episode example and that's that's part of the reason it's up and why. full opportunity. if you want to like attack whatever it was or a crisis is a rum inequality to not let go to waste but let me ask you just have a minute left ten years later we're coming together when to be a new york for nine eleven we're going to and we're going to be covering a lot of those subjects right here on the show but we're not afraid to talk about nine eleven out of verses and although a lot of the media still seems afraid to address simple issues when activists even want to make a significant deal out of it what do you what are you going to go you're going to be getting out liberty of the very first you know i've been thinking about is what should we do i mean i don't want to just stand in the street and scream at each other i want to do something meaningful a lot of people are counting us out a lot of people are saying we're going to give up they're pushing us down and when that happens i want to stand up twice as tall and say hell no that's what i'm asking everybody to be in new york city friday saturday sunday the weekend of not eleven we're going to do something significant of course nonviolent but something very meaningful like your calendars now and the fear events new york city it's all going to be. so it's amazing ten years later we're still asking for
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a success it's great to see that there's still so much momentum behind you lou thank you very much thanks for having me and now a sense completely out of nowhere. sheryl's mind turned like the veins of a wind powered turbine shop in her spare like thoughts into a bloody pieces that fell on to a growing pile of forgotten memories that was university of wisconsin oshkosh associate professor soufan group who won the two thousand and eleven bulwer-lytton fiction contest or the worst opening sentence to an imaginary number seriously and now that your memories of the previous twenty nine minutes have been reduced to a bloody pile of diced sparrows that's our show don't forget tomorrow we've got jack otter the southern inventor and self in studio and bill still's the man behind it the seeker of oz and a special special message from anonymous lie you should be boycotting pay pal same time same place where you are to america to get out of this is the man dot com.
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