tv [untitled] July 28, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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just one guy after right wingers blasted a two thousand and nine department of homeland security report they warned of the threat of domestic terror the h.s. secretary janet napolitano caved and downsized the entire domestic terrorism unit until there was just one guy left and he had just one guy overseeing all the domestic terror threats in the country meanwhile everyone else of the h.s. is looking into islamic terror threats which doesn't seem to make much sense according to the f.b.i. own data about terrorism in the united states take a look at this chart it breaks down the f.b.i.'s numbers on what groups and carried out terror attacks in the us between one thousand nine hundred and two thousand and five including nine eleven turns out muslims are responsible for only six percent of all terror attacks the rest is primarily homegrown domestic terror mostly committed by christians so it doesn't p.h.s. have it backwards should there be more people at the department looking into
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threats beyond islamic terror for example threats from right wing christian fanatics like anders breivik who brought unspeakable violence to norway last week here offer his take on this is brian fisher director of issue analysis of the conservative american family association brian welcome. good to see you thank you brian only one guy a d.h.s.s. looking into the possibility of a right wing killers in america when they're responsible for untruths of deaths and hundreds of attacks in the last decade now. well i'm not familiar with the numbers that you're looking at but i know for instance in the case of anders breivik i read through his entire fifteen hundred eighteen page manifesto this was a guy that it made he had no personal relationship with god or jesus christ perfectly happy to have worshipers or odin on his team he was into racial purity he wanted to develop these and be true fertilization facilities and third world countries where they would breed ninety five to ninety nine percent pure nordic
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types and then shortly before his attack he planned to spend the night with a two thousand euro a night to hooker and consume a bottle of wine he purchased at an auction in one thousand seventy nine have been saving for a special purpose so he might call himself a christian i wouldn't i don't think anybody else would well i. they're the you know arguably well ok my point isn't that he's doing this in the name of jesus you know my point was that he was born christian he was this is this guy is not a muslim terrorist anders breivik was motivated by a number of right wing fundamentalists in the united states not some christian probably most of them people that you and i would agree are not actually christians but they were you know hate mongers basically is not only a matter of time before their words fall on an american and shouldn't the d.h.s.s. the department homeland security be focusing on this. well you look at what
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happened to date we arrested another individual who was planning to attack fort hood he was a muslim or he was a soldier he had weapons he had mom material that he was carrying with them he was spotted by a gun store owner he wasn't stopped by all of the security that you're talking about that's been devoted to islamic terrorism of the united states this is where the threat is coming from this is where i think more resources need to be devote yet but well and good point and here talking about a an attempt or a or a guy who was planning or thinking about planning or what let's assume he was planning to do something awful if there was an actual terrorist far apart bombing in the united states this week by a christian and the media instead is focused on this possible attack by a muslim isn't it because you know guys like you and people on the right are out there pushing the idea that we should be afraid of these mostly brown people with a religion that's not yours that basically nobody's talking about the fact that
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there was a fire bombing actual. terrorist attack inside the united states to ago well i'm not sure what a grant you're referring to but i think what you have i'm talking about the planned parenthood clinic in dallas that was was firebombed. ok i'm not familiar with that story but the point here is that you have to look at the any ology behind what somebody does and you know if you're a christian does this at the palms of planned parenthood clinic or attacks on abortion doctor is universally condemned and he cannot find any support for that in christian teachings or christianity it makes him a back christian if a muslim does it say for instance it's not her abductor that tried to take out fort hood today that makes him a good muslim because his of yala ji his religious right you know it's not true just totally book to write him to do that you know that is not true you know a that the bible has as many admonitions to kill in fact any one of the ten commandments if your kids talk back to you take them out in the public square and kill them the
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bible has as many of those things as the qur'an may have that's you know and second at the day after nine eleven the world was united with us in downtown tehran iran they had a candlelight vigil in support of the united states the not not just the vast majority of virtually universal majority of muslim leaders around the world have repudiated these kinds of terror terror attacks well under simply wrong about the reaction in the muslim world on nine eleven i've seen video footage in gaza for instance where palestinians were starting to see a single exception being out candy you don't find anything like that i mean universally cynical at exceptions every muslim or what is it islamic terror is only accounting only accounts for six percent of all terror attacks in the u.s. and since one thousand nine hundred isn't isn't e.h.s. look at one. well if you look at the koran there's a command from allah through muhammad slate be idolators wherever you find them so
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that's the american way that's the first commandment in christianity if you ask a christian what command of jesus were you following when you bomb this abortion clinic you will be dead silence there is no command of jesus to take out the infidels well this is an icon i come not to bring peace i come with a sword that's the quote that's most of all i think of use are the people who are were bombing abortion clinics or blowing up people in the name of jesus and you know that the first commandment of the command about is that if somebody is an idolater they should be put to death well it's time now you're talking about the old testament you can bring out a jewish theologian if you debate that as if you are here by islam is if a christian deserts if a christian does it what commands of jesus christ is he obeying if the muslim does that i can find you one hundred nine commands in the koran tells them to take out the infidels and again this you know these are both archaic religions brian the
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there are in modern day people are not state modern day christians are not stoning their children because they're there speaking back to them and you know or selling their daughters into slavery simply because the bible says that it can be done and most moderate at least the vast majority of modern day christians i don't know maybe there's some crazy mormons out there need to and the vast majority of of muslims are not in any case i think we've we've we've pretty much covered this brian thanks for being with us tonight you're welcome tom let's hope that the one guy who's working on domestic terror the one guy at the department homeland security doesn't decide to take a vacations but there's another problem here and that's the media nasser jason was arrested for plotting to fort hood texas. skies of mosul and you know he was apparently planning something really nasty had guns and bombs and you know this is the stuff that happens and the media went nuts today i mean absolutely nuts take
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a look at this montage. the arrest of an a wall muslim american soldier he's been on the run since two thousand and ten arrested today with allegedly plans to possibly set off two bombs near fort hood in clean texas law enforcement officials tell fox that they suspect he was planning an attack in or around the for hood area private first class do was have arrested at a traffic stop in texas where he said a suspect was nabbed in a hotel room for the explosives after going a wall in june this is a federal investigation so private first class nasser jason abdo is now and sit in jail pieces federal charges. so we have that it's all terrorism all the time now is the definition of terrorism and this isn't in dispute the definition of terrorism is committing an act or an active violence to try to frighten
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a group of people to frighten them as much as possible maximal terrorism maximum fear and so i don't think that there's any way that you can characterize the bombing of a planned parenthood clinic where the doctor mammograms and pap smears and birth control pills basically women services as anything other than terrorism yet look at how that acts that this was an actual when they got pulled off on tuesday and look at how back i covered and notice how rarely the word terrorism is used. shattered glass door the pictures show what a fire left behind planned parenthood of north texas has one of its products with that tact with the mark of cocktail sometime last night and it's the first to crack it a crime for any clinic in our area and it certainly raising concern today police say at this hour there are no suspects they also emphasize that there is no evidence connecting the demonstrators to protest out here pretty quickly to this attempted arson. i didn't hear the word terrorism did you wasn't there it's not being
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used because it was presumably a christian it was a muslim now just imagine if the exact same molotov cocktail had been thrown into the local babs is true lutheran or catholic or whatever church thrown into christian church by a person with dark skin who had mohammad as their first name fox news would have been all over it all day long but because this was a women's clinic. ok you know the local news says we're concerned about it national news not a peep it's time to start calling terrorism terrorism regardless of who commits it . it's just. it's the good the bad in the very part are asked to quit ugly though i doubt it's
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a good excuse me white house press secretary jay carney at the white house press briefing yesterday carney laid out box so-called news reporter ed and. have a senator introduce it is natural bill we're six days away. i mean you know. the speaker walked away from this deal you know get a great deal to put it out there let the american people that we got to answer that question ok one quick thing i mean are you really creating a room here for a minute to minute ago this hour new book. releases the needles to say jay carney shut up ed henry because the guy that i used to always scream at the t.v. that little weasel when he was on c n n you kudos to the white house for putting fox so-called news in its place the bad stuart varney more absurdity at fux the five so-called news talking head took on george soros this morning on fox and friends after service of the public interest ought to prevail
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over his own self interest a seemingly reasonable comment barney went nuts. with the public interest story point that while there to be talking about the public interest on your show it you i just dismiss it i guess oh yeah i just want to i do not like the billionaires socialists who hate america and try to make money out of our rude i don't like back ok i think barney is confused he must be talking about the koch brothers not george soros. is begging to be taxed more and support policies that cost him money but improve the nation of course koch brothers generally support policies that make themselves rich at the expense of us that's one of the significant differences between billionaire conservatives. and billionaire progressive presses want to contribute conservatives want to make off with a big profit and the very very ugly tea party congressman joe walsh walsh is bashing the president and encouraging our nation to default on its debts because he's busy not meeting his own obligations namely pain child support ex-wife claims
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he owes over one hundred thousand dollars and paid child support walsh argues they're never going to pay up and he did go on a couple overseas mackaye sions with his new girlfriend and he found enough cash to live on his campaign thirty five thousand dollars as attorney is defending his client saying joe walsh hasn't been a big time wage earner politician until recently he's no more problems with child support than any other arab ridge god that's his defense yeah i'm not paying child support but i'm not as bad as your average decreed. we stop listening to the tea party's fiscal advice from their own members hand and seize it's very very. after the break something is sucking away american manufacturing but you know what it is and why it's the real crisis congress should be addressing.
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that drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through the pretty maid who can you trust no one who is your view with the noble mission would see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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your take my take is your chance to send in your questions comments rants and observations about anything we talk about here on the big picture or during my radio show and it's my chance to give you my take on it one more time our first comments tonight is a post from our facebook page top shirt a quote from a speech given by president dwight eisenhower in one nine hundred fifty two should any political party attempt to abolish social security unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs you would not hear that party again in our political history the times of change this is exactly what today's republican party is trying to do and as nancy pelosi pointed out this morning a strategy has a very little to do with being concerned about the nation's deficit problem i believe the real reason it didn't they didn't connect is because the republicans
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are all alone at a deficit reduction and in it. for the unraveling of progress made for the middle class of the past fifty years if you believe in that the education of our children and. occasion of jobs. an ethically sound way you couldn't. go for that there was a republican to bring to the. course not everyone agrees with congresswoman pelosi as observation or my view the republicans the real negotiations are now passing legislation the campus the senate just because they want to crash the economy or president obama's reelection chances of you are with the alias a citizen tweeted us today stop spreading your propaganda spreading fear is like yours is causing our nation to be in such enormous strength really to walk away
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from the negotiations i think that was eric cantor and john boehner who called for the debt ceiling increases to be stopped that was the republicans you know the debt ceiling was increased seven times during the bush administration eight hundred times during the reagan administration it was i was just gonna yeah i will do that you know and then we'll talk about the budget what's going on here is three republican presidents ran up a nine trillion dollar bill and the last one left that absolute disaster that spilled into another couple trillion dollars that has been paid out there in the obama administration they bought the car they drove it off the lot they invited everybody into it and drank lots of champagne and now they don't want to pay for it that's what's going on another viewer called the rant line with this question i think my main question is why are we under any assumption and. obama is any different than any other president so why are we under the assumption
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that those who pay off the people we elect i'm not going to always do what their masters tell them to do but the main reason why we're not into that assumption is because many times in our history. people have in politics have actually done the right thing the progressive caucus i would say you know there's about nine hundred ninety some odd members of congress in the progressive caucus who are as far as i can tell actually doing the people's work i mean i'll give you that there are virtually the entire republican party and a not insignificant part of the democratic party are a wholly owned subsidiaries of big corporate america but there still are some good people in politics and we need to be participating and working hard to hold them accountable and bring more good people into politics and on monday night president obama gave a primetime address to the nation where he made one last effort to frame the debate
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at the end of his speech president obama had this call to action for the american people so i'm asking you all to make your voice heard if you want a balanced approach to reducing the deficit let your member of congress know if you believe we can solve this problem through compromise some message and one viewer called us to report on her attempt to do what the president announced. i think someone like you know what i've called eric cantor's office come back three or four times yesterday and again and every time i called all true or untrue his first now talk finished are still can't get through cheney and wonder why. you two actually i don't immediately after obama's speech the capitol switchboard crashed congressional websites were overloaded but this should only happen when the president puts out a call to action frankly that's that's that's unfortunate but it will only happen when he puts out a call to action we all have to stay involved in the political process you know the cornerstone of american democracy the whole concept of american democracy is the
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people the first three words of the preamble the constitution we the people make your voices heard and if you like to make yourself heard here in this segment a big picture listen we want to know your take send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore hartman or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at tom hartman dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two two five three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. remember this warning from presidential candidate ross perot in one thousand nine hundred two about what free trade would lead to. and you don't care about anything but my community there will be
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a challenge sucking sound going south so here that giant sucking sound or is it being drowned out by the noise the debt ceiling debate general electric and i was yesterday that they're moving their x. ray business headquarters out of the us and into china. three years ago they instituting to institute a national single payer health care system covering every person in the country and thus their health care market is growing rapidly and g.e. wants to get in on their game i guess here in the united states where basic health care is becoming less and less available to people actually businesses and so profitable anymore the ironic thing is that g.e. c.e.o. jeffrey immelt is moonlighting as the head of president obama's job creation council he's the guy in charge of trying to figure out how to create more jobs in the united states while his day job is as a c.e.o. who's boxing up his company in shipping it overseas dyer more foreign workers. so now that the headquarters is moving to china expect the factories in the workers to
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follow suit as one unnamed c.e.o. told told business columnist christa freeland earlier this year for her article the rise of the global elite if the transformation of the world economy lives for people in china and india out of poverty in the middle class and meanwhile drops one american out of the middle class that's not such a bad trade and c.e.o.'s are making that tradeoff every day in america so instead of manufacturing our medical equipment in the u.s. now we can just import it from foreign nations irene foreign workers producing foreign profits. but this isn't anything new x. ray machines will just be the latest of the things that we do don't manufacture in the united states anymore as a report by the a.f.l.-cio and the organization working america uncovered huge chunks of our once vibrant manufacturing sector have been and it over to foreign business tycoons to sell back to the united states consider consider some of these statistics ninety three percent of household furniture and look around your house
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ninety three percent of household furniture is manufactured outside the united states but back in one nine hundred ninety seven before george w. bush came into office only twenty three percent of household furniture had to be imported again today it's ninety three percent that's why if you walk around your house you likely won't find one thing made in the usa with that stamp on not one thing that put an american to work now one thing they gave an american a paycheck to buy stuff in the united states and been then go out and spend that money stimulating our economy then there's this ninety two percent of all paper products in the united states now have to be imported from overseas because we don't make them in the united states and when it comes to medicinals and botanicals eighty five percent of what we use in the united states comes from somewhere else in the world in one thousand nine hundred seven that number was only forty nine
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percent all of which by the way is rather startling given that the the argument for medicare part d. you know not being able to import drugs was you can't trust those drugs from outside the country when eighty five percent of them right now are coming in from outside the country who are plastic and rubber industrial machinery machinery to rebuild that stuff in the u.s. anymore. no seventy seven percent of the plastic and rubber machinery in our country had to be imported from overseas as far as high tech stuff like electric computers. we rely on the rest of the world to sell sixty five percent of it back to us back in one thousand nine hundred seven just one nine hundred ninety seven a number which is thirteen percent we invented the transistor we invented the integrated circuit we invented television we invented radio we don't we invented computers will make it is that anymore we are no longer self-sufficient we've become slaves to trans national corporations who pulled this off with the gimmick of so-called free trade behind each one of these fleeing industries is
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a c.e.o. like jeffrey immelt who took the cash and sold out his nation in exchange for cheap labor to maximize his and his stockholders paychecks these guys aren't the job creators the republicans would have like you to believe they're the job movers who thanks to so-called global free trade are busy snatching up american jobs and moving them all over the world out of the reach of hard working honest americans and jeffrey immelt is not a while as other so-called job creators who are busy creating jobs now here in america but overseas. alloa. the former c.e.o. of scott paper who bragged in a two thousand and six interview with p.b.s. i had a corporation where every person is to have the chance to lose their job i got rid of thirty five percent of the people no wonder we rely on the rest of the world supply ninety two percent of our paper products and there is frederick andersen
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former c.e.o. g.m. between two thousand and two thousand and ten he laid up one hundred seventy five people so this lately how many imported cars there on the road by the way you will find american made cars are not very many of them anyway on the roads in south korea germany or japan they protect their domestic auto markets. there's bailed out citigroup c.e.o. vikram pandit who laid off seventy five thousand u.s. workers all the while opening up more and more banks overseas so that now city group has more banks around the world than any other u.s. bank thirty three thousand packard workers were shown the door by former c.e.o. mark hurd try to find a made in the usa label on h.p. products after carly fiorina nerds terrible rains but outsourcing and then there's james owens former c.e.o. of caterpillar who in a rush to open up more factories in emerging foreign markets paid nearly twenty
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eight thousand u.s. workers of his company the pink slip all these c.e.o.'s all of them are the millionaires and billionaires that republicans say we need to coddle with x. cuts so they'll do their magic and create jobs these people don't create jobs they move jobs or just kill them outright and brag about it you see we don't have a debt crisis in america like the republicans are screaming about we have a jobs and manufacturing crisis so raise the damn debt ceiling get on with address in the real crisis in this country a crisis created by our insane so called free trade policies and treaties and greedy corporate c.e.o.'s with way too much power. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered this our websites of. free speech dot org archie dot com also check out our two youtube channel is there a link. this entire show is also available for free video podcast on i tunes and we
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have a free time our of an i phone and i pad app at the app store so this feedback at twitter and underscore aardman on facebook at tom underscore arbonne blogs message boards and telephone comment lines. and don't forget democracy begins when you show up when you participate get out there get active tag your seat of our.
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