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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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in india oh she's available in the movie going to join people to the movie that's a great way to go to the grand imperial should the torch was pushed coromandel you can know with such no closure to sit down to go and. read this in the kernel was her job as a retreat. america's biggest creditor china lashes out at washington for putting the global economy at risk by not reaching agreement to keep its debt in check. so the vacuum is eurozone dream turned sour as the cost of dealing with the currency crisis undermines the promise of prosperity and remember. poland prepares to present its own perspective on what caused the plane of the late president to crash in western russia last year. the russian scientists claims keeping a close eye on the sun could help predict when natural disasters around to strike
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near. their well needs twenty four hours a day you're watching r.t. . the country which holds more u.s. debt than any other has put out the failure of congress to reach a deal over its debt ceiling china says the political deadlock in washington threatens the entire global economy so far republicans and democrats have to later vote with a meeting with the country as they haven't agreed on rival budgets up until tuesday to avoid a potentially devastating default earlier in the week u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton was in beijing to reassure asian leaders america will not fall back on its debt payments but leadership from investment company europe pacific capital thinks china could well dump the dollar as its main reserve
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currency. we can't afford bad relations with china see beijing holds the cards you know we're dancing to the tune that they play the real problem for china is that there's no way that america can pay back the money to fix chinese are very lonely is politically just not going to happen especially when interest rates rise i'm surprised and taken the chinese so long to figure out been throwing a lot of good money after bad i don't think we're going to default i think we're going to inflate which is just as bad but you know we're going to raise the debt ceiling the problem is the debt not the ceiling the ceiling maybe is a solution but unfortunately it's going to be raised ultimately the chinese are going to impose their own ceiling on our debt which is going to be a lending ceiling because we're telling the chinese right now that we're running a giant ponzi scheme what we're telling them is that if we can't borrow more money we're not going to pay back the money we've already borrowed which means in countries like china decided they don't want to lend us any more money then we're
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not going to pan back to my they've already won't us or we do paid back it's going to be with mine it has very little purchasing power because ben bernanke is going to write off the printing press the sooner the chinese stop stop enabling i discount the economy that we have this sooner we as americans can begin to repair the damage and what's going to happen is where the dollar collapses americans are going to see a big reduction in our standard of living. and in europe small countries not republican slovakia feel their economy is being crushed under the weight of the euro currency crisis bailouts for us having the states need to be paid for their sins not so the camera in the paint so it's the surface reports critics that say rules have changed during that mission to be about home since. they say that charity starts at home also the vacuum made you want to the poorest countries but with pressure from the e.u. to participate in a second bailout then money could soon be going to greece. i'll tell you what
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joining the euro zone brought responsibilities but not benefits in fact slovakian pensions are significantly lower in dazing police people here at this hey michel to tell us they barely cover their food costs with the money they receive you have to . do you. have to reform our pension system our health care system was never enough money. back in two thousand and nine when slovakia joined the year as a it was such high hopes. it was also kind of prestige to be the first one among hungary and triggered public policy we have been sort of the one from central europe to be you know it is required that the year is going it seems isn't all it was cracked up to be as we
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joined your of on there was. one country. just this one country in may two thousand there and the rules changed dramatically days left as of a year gangly well now be breathing a sigh of relief that neighboring not only here is a new country to fill the benefits laid back shoppers have been heading to their checkout in peace to escape your only we come just across the border from the packets of the czech republic where these people store out there doing a been in business more and more people make the regular journey to do their shopping because the prices here would be much cheaper with people shopping outside the country the evacuees retail revenues have fallen dramatically you know. high prices mean the tourism industries have been hit hard she certainly look the results hopeful when we first joined but every club has its leaders what they say apparently case even if they're the ones who put you into trouble in the first
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place you see be created. all the countries are. more generous. the greek bonds are as good as german bonds so. make it possible for greek. so much money so they can maybe clinch repeating this time it's led many of days if so eager to join the euro and gang feeling they're now simply being pushed around their fans back in. france has been warned by the international monetary fund that it needs more cuts to avoid becoming the next victim of the debt crisis they are math says the country's credit rating could be at risk if austerity measures taken over the next author patrick younger but he was a person about his problems long ago. the problem is look these aren't things that have just happened suddenly i mean the french budget deficit has been in a deficit the french budget since one thousand nine hundred seventy four i mean
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leaves are things that have been going on for thirty or forty years it's absolutely ludicrous untruthfully governments need to stop spending and they need to be very realistic avoid their budgets there are fundamentals huge problems going all the way through the euro zone and we don't have any leaders who are willing to give us a sustainable solution this is typical of contagion we've been talking about it for weeks we have you know when you get some degree of illness and it goes through the body ultimately you have to decide when to amputate it and the truth is we should have amputated greece from the euro zone long ago we've got the situation at the moment where provincial libraries in northern germany are being closed because the money isn't there because it's being used to fund people in the mediterranean i think german voters are going to get very angry about that very very soon and i actually think the political will is not there amongst the people to endlessly keep bailing out there so there never is it's going to be a huge problem because ultimately the contagion is going to hit and i really do
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believe that after last week's events unfortunately we only enjoyed closer to the idea of a total called euro meltdown. well still to come a program dangerous connections libyan rebels mourn their command killed his and edged ties to the gulf is bridgette and called into question. take a look at the israeli protests taking inspiration from the arab spring worried netanyahu government. also is due to release the results of its investigation into a presidential plane crash in western russia last year polish president lech kaczynski and dozens of the country's political elite were killed in the accident. schemes in warsaw with more on the crash probe. the report bringing the results of the investigation conducted by the poland's interior ministry on the causes of the
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tragic plane crash in smolensk last year which killed most of the country's political leader long with the country's president has been very long awaited in this country in this central european state indeed after russia published its findings its investigation in january this year saying that it was the crew of the airplane on the presidential plane which was to blame blame for the crash along with the poor weather conditions many have been unhappy in poland about this investigation there's been lot of criticism coming to always small school from warsaw in regards to the results it doesn't vest a geisha and the opposition parties namely the party of the brother of the former president lech kaczynski was accusing russia of holding back information and concealing facts at some point of time a very sharp criticism came even from the country's prime minister who is known to be in very good ties with moscow the russian report published in january sad that
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the crew of the airplane was very low qualified and. neglected the warnings of the air traffic controllers in smolensk to land at a different airport because of poor weather conditions and decided to land in smolensk that caused the fatal plane crash which killed ninety six people and the presidential including the presidential couple. and his wife maria this report which is now which has been conducted by the country's interior ministry according to some sources behind that will confirm the findings of the interstate ideation commission that the crew was to blame and that the poor weather conditions were one of the main reasons why the presidential plane went down in the russian city of civilians reports will even. some names of the polish authorities who were to blame for the tragic plane crash those both responsible for the taking of the
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crew for the presidential a plane and those on board who decided to land the plane in heavy fog and poor weather conditions the press conference which will announce the results of this investigation is due to start at ten am local time will be of course keeping track of all the details and be updating our viewers with all the latest details as we get them. or in bed it sure thurst officer thought to prof nick airlines says operating on the heavy pressure forced the pilots to violate flight safety rules and that was unacceptable. and stressed about this actually this is a very typical controlled why people train are stupid accidents basically this has happened all over the world when your times it unfortunately seems that it will happen again when you have several factors that make you want to get there on time sometimes some pilots are willing to. do you should legally do it why should what is your reason. you know this is not done it portrayed i'm sure of you guys who
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were out so it could have marcus but they managed to ignore several warning signs that were just not supposed to be ignored and the actual distribution on the beat we're going to talk with the commands to go or how do we build a clean miss and the truck started to climb again it was forty meters and by they didn't even try to try to meters which is way too much. so this unfortunately this kind of action has been seen all over the world and i'm afraid to do two years down the line. so in my opinion to go in early it's big jets and bigger. barriers meterological and so you're not going to support you when you can. well for more on that you can look on to our web site at r.t. dot com where you can find out more about the russian it investigation into the polish plane tragedy also lined up for you right now online discover what the f.b.i. and norwegian massacre suspect and this breivik have in common. and
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there's the mercury heads all to resell susan moss here we see how people throughout the city are dealing with the heat. arab spring all european style discontent israel is the latest scene of nationwide mass protests thousands of tent cities are here across the country and thousands take part in rallies to demand the government provide cheaper housing and they will cost a living expressionist yet said internal grief it's saturday night but it's only the beginning according to the guy executive director of the association for civil rights in israel proper. what we've seen in recent weeks is an unprecedented wave of demonstrations all over the country unprecedented growth in its scope tens of thousands are demonstrating so far the protest has been very peaceful very targeted
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and very energetic and it is only the beginning of a process that is now emerging in israel because one of the most interesting aspects of the protests so far it's been its insistence on saying what is wrong with the current reality but at this stage yet not committing to any specific solutions and it's also gradually evolving into including a larger knowledge of the number of palestinian israelis well much of to be spent at these in the economy actually concentrated i neutrally it was a very jewish quarter that is changing and it is also an essential critical and again very optimistic and very just development in the broadest lot of the criticism has been targeted at the play minister netanyahu but not only him and in fairness it should be said that the policies that has brought israel's economy to where it is are not only the policies of this current government this government may have pushed it to the extreme but this is the doing of much more than the past
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two years of economic policies. will be in rebels have declared three days of mourning after their military commander and two of his aides were killed i tell you this was gunned down after a rebel forces and a portly arrested him and his family suspected ties to darkness machine eunice had been the foreign minister to the rebels at the beginning of may and we should national transitional council blames the killing on adultery supporters and claims to have a rest of the head of the group responsible exact consequences of living and on the commanders of explanations. that's according to what it applies to to his antiterrorism caucus. consequences of his killing could be either short ramification or vast ramifications if indeed he was only an individual or even a high ranking official who had still relationships with the words of the duffy regime
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then his killing would be it would be the end of the story by if it's the other case is he and others inside the council the interim council of the big guys the power have been in opposition to another force a military force it could be other little two opponents it could be the islamist militia of the jihadist or another tribe if the case is the problem then the concern is more serious in the west that there could be more clashes in the future or more engines within the military camp at a time where the rebel seems to be on the offensive so we're going to wait and see the results of the investigations and most likely the nato command would want to be part of these investigations. now some other world headlines for you this hour at least six people were killed when peacekeepers opened fire on al qaida militants and so now it's coming home edition. broke out as african union attempts to supply eight million refugees who are. somalia's as minister starvation relief efforts as
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a threat to their authority reported two million somalis are receiving food water militant controlled areas. u.s. and north korean diplomats met for several hours in a walk the first time since two thousand and nine. talks describing in a serious and businesslike a good atmosphere a meeting which will continue on fridays aimed at reviving stall the six party negotiations in the north nuclear program tensions have been escalating korean peninsula since the central south korean leaders north in march last. clashes between thousands of homeless and researcher up in northern argentina at least three people were reportedly killed and dozens of others. were account after . writing them belonging to sugar and i think somewhere to live money to build
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roads such seizures are rare in argentina with the stricken most extreme measures to get their trained. but israeli president hugo chavez insists he has overcome cancer. for two more decades announcement came amid mass celebrations for that it is fifty seven in front of his palace in the capital caracas chavez saluted the crowd of supporters saying here if for another fifty seven years it's life begins our country he did however warn will soon this is where as a result you know therapy. command in kosovo says the alarms will keep and large military presence at the border with serbia to possible quell. outbreaks of violence rushes iraq today to describe the border crossings about two hundred and five cents customs placed it was in response to any incident nice to take over the crossings looking exports from the breakaway region and they take peacekeepers
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move in to stop the violence coming under fire in the process political analyst alexander the public should know great since we have been treated as an unwanted minority not a student of their own. they're trying to they're trying to enforce some unilateral moves in order to change the reality on the ground to change the reality as it was as it is under un resolution security council resolution twelve forty four kosovo always throughout the session it's republic so in other words the serbs were down across the road still believe themselves to be part of serbia and they're acting in that capacity now the western states mostly nato states that have recognised course you are treating them as a minority but we must remember that the key to this situation of course it was really in two hands they control militarily the entire province so
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really whatever happens down there is under their control and it's something that they will tolerate or not tolerate and we must also remember with the burning of the border checkpoint we still don't know who actually did it these were masked men they really could have been any nationality we don't know whether they were serb albanian or french or a very american we just still don't know that. they're searching the sun that could save lives on earth and scientists believe bursts of seven or activity contributes to the actual disasters on planets and so now the star has been too difficult to reach or explore in any detail and so you have this enough net some russian research and some think they have the solution. volcanic eruptions. earthquakes. tsunamis. apocalyptic pictures like these are becoming an ordinary port of news bulletins across the globe and scientists aren't giving
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out reassuring forecasts. and usually. unfortunately we're expecting more severe cataclysms which may lead to large scale human losses and destruction i'm talking about even a possible shift of the centers of the entire civilization. the change in the earth's seesmic activity coincides with the rise of activity on the sun scientists have been witnessing jerry gandy bursts of plasma on its surface and say they are affecting our planet even though it's over ninety million miles away each person's billions of particles into space which impacts the earth's magnetic field this me triggers some of the processes going on deep below its surface leading to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions scientists predict solar activity will only increase unsane the next few years a large scale disruptions often ella tronic equipment a radio transmissions computer failures and nasa blackouts could become part of
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everyday life the sun is clearly monitored either way stations on the earth or in orbit but sitting approved four times closer to the store would be far more helpful and it would mean besides fiction much longer thanks to a project currently being developed by the russian academy of sciences. this is going to be like a thermometer which would fly close to the sun when it is temperature density and magnetic fields when making it from scratch will never done this before and the into the game can't as it's called is said to be launched way twenty fifty of course it won't be able to control the stars activities but it could at least to get a heads up that humanity before disaster strikes is going off or t. moscow. and therefore more cutting edge science in the service of humanity you can watch our latest technology update program coming up at nine thirty g.m.t. latest edition looks at how energy supply for all of us in the future.
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well. lisa the big splash in the world of business let's turn to read science into the products we don't understand ok here which is he's got the fall of russian leaders to eat your betters abroad and their big breakthrough that. sunlight and once a day here on. the cover. now that strictly business news. volcom to the business news this hour well russia's biggest lender is one step closer to acquiring vokes bank international the supervisory board of the european company has already approved the sale of the bank's reached agreement earlier this
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month but there were no details provided but analysts estimate the takeover at around seven hundred million dollars it's been about planning to finalize it by the end of the year the acquisition is aimed at helping the russian company expand its a pivot at the eastern european market. now russian car drive after bus has turned a profit for its french shareholder for the first time for the carmaker managed to squeeze thirty seven million euros out of its affiliates in the first half of the year that compares with a fifty six billion euros also the same time a year ago now the whole renault group reported a fifty six percent jump in the first half. and there's going to be petrol in the problems for all those lots to run on energy minister said go explains what the government is doing to avert a repetition of the gas crisis earlier this year. the growth of the different there is no risk of a few deficits in the country we are keeping the ninety percent product exports
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until we watch and we also setting up a reserve system which will hit the refining industry we plan to reserve about two million tons of fuel mostly winter diesel which will help secure the smooth operation of transport and the market. let's take a look at the markets now precious metal prices are down at this hour however they are still high as investors look for a safe haven due to uncertainty over the u.s. that resolution after republicans cancelled and the deficit reduction. oil prices are also down as the unresolved u.s. debt ceiling debate chipped away at investor confidence it's read this correctly trading below ninety seven dollars per barrel brant is at one hundred seventeen dollars per barrel. asian markets are in the red as well as the u.s. debt impasse keeps a broad market sentiment in check exploiters are under pressure on the nikkei as the dollar extended its fall against the yes. twenty percent after reported
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a quarterly loss of over three hundred million dollars meanwhile financial stocks are among the main losers in hong kong with the industrial and commercial bank of china down twenty percent. and here in moscow. already opened and a race earlier against the biceps will start trading in just a few minutes will have gained point eight percent on thursday with energy and mining stocks among the best performers. and russian equities have quietly again throughout the week at bats despite that was from the u.s. and europe but to be taken by virtue of capital says friday trade will continue to be a very low volume. today's not just a friday raise the month on friday so so that's why we would expect some some interesting moves in the market and is especially some of the worse that's the space people will do for us. it was about them otherwise we're still in a very quiet summer trading with volumes being depressed with people liking new
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ideas what the what investors will is the resolution of the something to the resolution of the crisis in europe and in the u.s. and i guess russia is going to be no exception so we're going to be tracking the global. markets probably would be a degree of resilience and you know the the back row thrushes to remain very strong . and that's all the business news for now you can always go through our website r.t. dot com forward slash business sent me into satan for the headline for kerry. the for. the book.
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for the full story we've got it from the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on the t.v. . come up. the libs. the fists. the banks the
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books. the a. plus to close up team was in the cool gum region the four men flock from all over the world to have a few centimeters to their self-confidence come visit time archie goes to the i'm originally from going for the gold rush still gets people like ducks for an ancient tribe fights to save its culture the cranes are protected in the first the official nature reserve. complete coverage of the bushes close up on the arch. i don't.


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