tv [untitled] July 29, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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make a phone call seven e-mail tweet. the washington still no closer to raising the debt limit fighting words from president obama this morning it's not exactly as planned the whole tweeting of congress thing doesn't work out. it goes to makes me sad maybe piecemeal. welcome to gary a ghost town in indiana it's a frightening reality for one town but could this be the future that waits until. we have been watching former georgia congresswoman cynthia mckinney she's traveling
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in the muslim world saying awful things awful things about her own country. those awful things just the truth congresswoman cynthia mckinney will join us joining us live the last hour she set the record straight. i think it's despicable disgusting and we have people here that have worked here all of their lives and losing jobs left and right because somebody on top on some make a buck and pay the cheapest possible time with money in short supply many u.s. firms have turned to outsourcing as a way to stay afloat we'll show you how the u.s. downturn has meant big bust for india's economy. meaning it's friday july twenty ninth five pm here in washington d.c. i'm lucy catherine if any watching our t.v. now unfortunately the debt standoff still continues there have been minute little
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developments here and there on capitol hill but at the end of the day longer still do not have a deal and we are closer and closer to d.-day for the august second deadline and so the united states according to tim geithner at least is ready to default now. unfortunately some of the developments that we've been seeing are not optimistic here moody's just came out today saying that regardless of whether reid and boehner plans work out whether the congress is actually able to pass those plans that cut the deficit they will still lead to a negative outlook outlook on a triple a rating now as lawmakers continue to struggle to get their act together here in washington d.c. we saw president obama come out earlier saying hey guys maybe if the american people tweet at congress enough we can get our act together i'm not sure how that's going to pan out but for more on this let's turn to gerald celente he is the publisher of the trends journal and the director of the trends research institute
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gerald what do you make of all this insanity here on capitol hill. well and anybody that's watching this and has any self respect i don't know how they could lead would a politician sells them and now hearing obama tweeting how do you know this is jersey shore on the potomac it's snooki stupid at its most obvious at the height there's moodys is correct the united states is fourteen point three trillion dollars in debt debt deal or no debt deal the debt still exists this is konami policy is the total failure the tar under bush didn't work obama's stimulus didn't work the federal reserve's back to world loans in q you've ones and twos didn't work the republicans crowed grand is not going to work the country is going bankrupt just look at the numbers had numbers don't lie the
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politicians lie well and the politicians apparently have been busier debating lord of the rings as we saw senator mccain on the senate floor than a then we'll talk to here but you know the thing that strikes me about this whole masses this fight over the debt ceiling i mean we're talking about path obligations this is money that we've already in america has already promised to spend we're not even healing with the revenue problems and with the greater financial obligations we'll have down the line why why are we fighting about this and not the bigger picture as a separate item something well you're right let's look at the bigger picture first of all devaluing the dollar and we've been saying it all along gold in the last month has gained one hundred fifteen dollars an ounce the dollar's crashing against the swiss franc and other current sings you can see what's going on and let's look at the bigger picture what they're not talking about all this deficit reduction hey
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how about the military budget try that one on saw eyes. how about slashing how about slashing foreign aid if the seven billion dollars a year how about companies like general electric did a. billion dollars last year paying no taxes look there's plenty of room out there to start raining this thing in and turning it around but you see lucy we do not have a representative form of government that's only for little kiddies to believe we have a government that represents only the very powerful and the very rich and that's all this is about letting them keeping their perks but even just to play devil's advocate here when these tea party folks got elected and into office you know they came out on the promise to shake things up to change things i mean do you think that maybe they they think that we do need to sort of let the system collapse in order to shake it up and change things so what's the motivation here or what how do
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they see this well you know i don't know how they seem to put this stuff is correct have things when you when you have when you could wait for the sound when you can see the collapse coming in front of us but the tea party is basically doing their only game is let's cut back on entitlements like we're not entitled to anything and of course you know incitements to have it be reined in such as bush's program to let prescription drugs be written off through medicare you know things like that but that was the big farmers so that's ok but when again when it gets down to the real money one point five trillion with a t. for defense and cutting military spending the tea party has lost your. and why aren't we talking about the sanity or the insanity of this defense spending i mean you would think at this point we're three days away from potential default how
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come these folks on capitol hill don't they are right why don't we finally start considering this kind of thing for cuts i can look at the people it's like turning on the three stooges then waiting for an intelligent answer to come from larry mole or curly or gone or read or palosi i mean when are people going to grow up politics is nothing more than show business for ugly people and all you have to do is chewed in and you could see it unfold before your eyes they're incapable at their inept and the same people that caused the problem now we're looking for them to solve the problem that's the definition of insanity so gerald what do you see happening come august second we're going to return to the agrarian economy of the good old days the don't pay the debt i don't see a default coming but the collapse is coming regardless again let's look at the real
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numbers the g.d.p. was one point three percent that was supposed to come one point eight percent they revised the first quarter down from one point nine percent to four percent look at look at what's going on with unemployment none of these policies that they're talking about are going to correct those problems and i guess final question gerald the next election cycle what the heck do we do about this if these guys aren't representing our interests what do you what do you do as a voter. well that's what connects the trends journal that we just put out all about direct democracy but good people vote we don't have a representative form of government this has to change this isn't a representative form of government again they only represent the very rich the very powerful and the special interests but the people vote on these issues but very quickly the people did vote i mean ok they voted on the issues but what if the people don't really understand the issues i mean the people voted for the so-called tea party the tea party representatives them seem to understand the issues what if
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we see something worth i'm not saying that the american people are incapable of making good decisions but not not everyone but economic experts a look at the people making the decisions now you know it's mob rule the banana was in the gambino just put a different name on it the republicans the democrats they can't make that decision at lest if we the people vote least we will get the future that we really deserve rather the one that's being hoisted on us is the can work in switzerland it could work in the united states it could work worldwide all right carol thank you so much for the taking the time to speak with us today i was gerald celente the publisher of the trends aris trends journal and the director of the trends research institute all right well as we continue to count down to potential default grim predictions for the future are already unfortunately a reality for some american towns are you going to see a trip to travel to gary indiana a ghost town who sat face could always fall. this is america's ghost town.
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just twenty five miles from downtown chicago gary indiana dubbed the symbol of urban blight by some compared to post a bike you wish i'm sure noble by others it is a sad thing really is. very depressing. when you see something like this and this kind of condition to just continue to be continue to fall apart this is the city methodist church today it's an abandoned shell but rusted ceilings rotting john and graffiti on these four sites all in the us this right here. it's almost like. one soul. built in the one nine hundred twenty s. first place of worship leader a community center it is now at the forefront of gary's decline or used to be a symbol of architectural might and brought the people of gary together is now an enormous space filled with ruins where the only form of life for the pigeons that
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flying through the walls and the ceilings urban explorers historians and architects are saying that the chances of this place ever being rebuilt are close to zero so it looks likely that this place as well as many others throughout gary are on their way to completely seizing to exist. founded by u.s. steel corporation in one nine hundred six the town of gary wants to meet with manufacturing jobs and competition from overseas led to a ninety percent cut in the workforce a one industry urban center came crumbling down once the steel plant. suffered loss of thirty thousand jobs. that about half of the population. grows for all of the revenues for the city would go to and so that accelerated and sort of snowball gary's population has been cut by half as many fled in search of work it is now almost exclusive. every african american over eighty four percent up
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to one third are poor in one of the top ten most dangerous cities in america twenty nine has had no work for three years there's really no. job opportunities here i'm . looking forward to but then again. here the downtown area is now no town the main commercial street and urban desert as the economy here collapsed so did countless businesses small and large creating a town where sites like this a common and what was long term by. george shut windows locked mom and pop shops abandoned growth businesses are strip clubs and. truck stop meeting places city hall stands right across from a former hotel a haunting sight during barry's peak years places like this would become a temporary home for out of towners visiting this place the hotel is now
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deteriorating there are no windows left and the police cars outside making sure squatters don't get in there's no other hotel left in this town there are no investments flowing into this area nowadays instead there's only hopelessness building up to it makes me sad maybe piss me all right it's like. well i think it would be best if i relocate you know the way i see it anywhere is here another here. completely there is not much to be found elsewhere either well gary is a symbol of collapse industry has been dying all across the us promises of a manufacturing revamp are all the rage places like this are being a race for maps of america and. gary indiana. incredible piece there all the political debt debate may have eclipsed all the other battles here in washington but don't forget folks we are still at war several wars in fact now whether you agree. the politics of a u.s.
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airstrikes in afghanistan iraq pakistan somalia libya i lose count of all the countries whether you believe or not that our national security absolutely totally demands that we keep bases and more than half of the countries on this planet whether you vote democrat or republican or not at all it does seem like it's time to face the facts that we can afford to keep separating the fiscal crisis from or worse i mean in what world does it make sense to keep spending so much money on defense when economy seems to be on the brink of collapse and that's a question my next guest has been asking and answering former u.s. congresswoman and presidential candidate cynthia mckinney stopped by our new york studios earlier today because part of that interview. before we get to these florida wars i really want to turn to the one right here in the nation's capital neither your former colleagues here what the heck is going on. that's what the american people are asking is well i am on
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a nationwide tour we've been to about fourteen cities we have. probably half that left to go to to visit and people are asking what is going on in washington d.c. but then of course as the drones keep falling elsewhere around the world and the american war machine just seems to ravage on people and the rest of the world are also asking what the heck is going on in washington d.c. i'm very saddened by the story that you just played about gary indiana and this kind of situation is happening all across our country and the united states is becoming a shell of itself and at the same time it's the the decision makers in washington d.c. have chosen to finance war after war after war after war death and destruction
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and other parts of the world while we decay here at home and congresswoman i mean it doesn't even matter who is in power whether it's the democrats or the republicans anymore i mean it seems that these candidates are going to get made regardless of within our. well i think it doesn't matter who's in power but you know we have a democrat in the way ours and the. that's not my point it doesn't matter who's in the white house the problem however is that who is in the white house so far has been from the democratic party or the republican party and both of those parties have proven themselves to be a war party that is the problem so just as we are seeing. the political process open up in green party members being able to enter into the european parliament the parliaments of the various european states even in canada
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now i think the voters are going to have to understand that they've got to vote neither democrats nor republicans if they truly want peace and justice and a sane economy that respects our environment and respects the people who contribute to it all right and you just of course returned as i said in my set up there from trip to libya what message do you have for the american people of based on your experiences there. the united states has no business being involved in the death and destruction that is going on in libya right now the united states needs to take care of home and i am pleased that sixty percent or more of the people of the united states agree with me very many members of congress agree with me and so what we've got to do and that is one of the functions of this nationwide tour is to encourage people to don't give up to continue to contact your member of congress
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and tell them stop financing the u.s. war machine in every town that we've been to they're laying off teachers people are asking for health care people are asking for jobs they're asking for a decent education for not only their children but the opportunity to provide lifelong learning you cannot have guns and butter we established that very clearly with the vietnam war and the presidency of lyndon baines johnson you cannot finance war and finance the needs of the people so cut out the war financing and bring those war dollars home analysts former u.s. congresswoman cynthia mckinney. so i have here on r t zero to where are the american jobs well just follow the us business model to pack your bags because we're taking you to india up next.
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drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. being made who can you trust no one. is to imbue it with a global missionary city where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sessions when nobody dares to ask what we do our t. question more and. more financial crisis for opportunity for others and with money in short supply in the u.s. companies in the united states that's simply been shifting their operations and dollars these are to respond in previous reader looks at how the american financial downturn has spent here. dollars for india's economy. it's the great recession of the twenty first century what started as a collapse in the housing market in the united states has led to unemployment hunger and debt crises around the world and while countries are struggling to
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protect their interests increasingly western businesses are shifting their work east to cut costs welcome to go down a moderate suburb of new delhi everywhere you look there are options of american companies at the spine of the important united states is placed on the country during the financial crisis according to recent outsourcing reports american companies have been production in that country as much as that's been fine in the past three years. corporations is a multi-billion dollar american heating and ventilation company they say that over the past decade their business has shifted from being seventy percent u.s. space to just forty percent today we've been consciously in that direction so the idea is to have a good balance that's not a guard being focused on one market and having a good balance and obviously you know in merging markets right now china and asia are such good ideas for our school. and carrier isn't alone according to the u.s.
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department of commerce the same number of jobs that have been cut from the united states in the last decade have been added to these companies overseas operations it's a phenomenon that angers many americans who are struggling to make ends meet i think it's despicable disgusting and we have people here that have worked here all of their lives in a losing jobs looked in right because somebody on top once i make a buck and pay the cheapest possible. dollars to go visiting with the economy. companies should hire american workers. because of the shrinking middle class the fact that middle class wages are decreasing over the last thirty years so many people here they don't. do to me and i do. that is the wrong thing to do is. over think and it's not just manufacturing work american i.t. companies and innovation jobs are also moving here in droves as well as huge
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savings on wages many companies say india's fast growing economy and young workforce make it a desirable place to find staff there are amazingly talented people here in that part of the workforce and you know it's a matter of helping other other markets understand that you know there are very talented people here who can do a lot of great were and it's not just about outsourcing and it's growth that these american companies don't anticipate will end and in time soon within the markets we have a good old boy from the last. i think you would like to double the business. confidence not often found among their colleagues in the west preassure either r t new delhi india. pretty sure to stay with us so we have a lot more coming up next hour if we lose so cocky i thought that it was getting a sweet ride by joining forces with the european union but it looks like it bit off
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. well saying on the economy what other stories are there to talk about this hour while the united states is still struggling to find its financial footing while congress continues to argue slovakia seems to be on its bit in a way over its head now the country joining the european union just recently in hopes of boosting that its economic credibility but of course now it is going all of its money bailing out greece so when it comes to the e.u.
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is it one for all or all for one country after country seems to go to the grain of collapse now artie's correspondent sara firth has this report. they say that charity starts at home also a vacuum maybe one of the poorest countries but with pressure from the e.u. to participate in a second bailout their money could soon be going to greece. i'll tell you what. brought responsibilities but not benefits in fact slovakian pensions a significantly lower in days increase people hear this hey michel to tell us they barely cover their food costs with the money they receive they have to now. you. have to reform our. health care system that's never enough money. back in two thousand and nine when slovakia joined the usa it was such high hopes
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it was also kind of. to be the first one among her hungry and true public policy or if we could be further from central europe to be in this group club the year is saying it seems as if all it was cracked up to be as we joined the euro zone there was. one country library of justice one country in may two thousand and the rules changed dramatically days left as of the year a gang may well now be breathing a sigh of relief that neighboring normally here is a new plane she said cutting benefits slayback shoppers have been heading to back check out in a bid to state the year and we come just across the border from the bank it's the czech republic where the superstore out there doing a been in business more and more people make a regular journey to do their shopping because the prices here simply much cheaper people are now shopping outside the country the back is retail revenues have fallen
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dramatically in the high prices nina tourism industries have been hit hard certainly not the results paper. when we first joined but every club has its leaders what they say apparently case even if the ones who got you into trouble in the first place you see be created. all the countries in the euro zone are. home or generous the bonds are as good as german bones so all these. make it possible for a greek. girl so much money so they can maybe clinch repeating this thing it's not many of days eager to join the euro a gang feeling there now simply being pushed around thirty feet thank you for i well that's it for now here in r.t. america but of course the news doesn't end with this broadcast a lot more stories and details on our website but ours.
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