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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2011 9:01pm-9:31pm EDT

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profitable how ethical is that in your mind. peter first of all thanks for hosting this program and allowing us to talk about jesus on this venue i do appreciate it and prayed it would be useful to him. first of all the gospel has always been marketed the word in the bible is published and so the gospel is to be published but there are several difficulties with it you said that christianity is basically a message and that's half true message is part of it but it's also a person in the message doesn't come without the person and so they need to be kept together the message and the person so that the message doesn't become simply an abstract idea devoid of person ok but i mean if you think the message is being advertised with the person in mind i mean jesus jeans jesus pills and other things that i will mention on this program doesn't seem to have much
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connection with the the message and the person you know you're absolutely right there's lots of that going out there christian marketing is a huge business lots of people are making money at it. then whether or not it's immoral or not it's a lot of it is how it how it's being done and why it's being done and such. but it is often done poorly one of the things that happens is that when we believe that the gospel is a message that we have to sell we begin to water it down to make it appealing to the buyer because otherwise the buyers won't want it and there's more to the gospel than simply an appealing message of what jesus can do for me you know if in london if i go to you there's also the idea of service ok you know if i go to you in london i mean in researching this program i came across a number of references that the historic jesus jesus christ first for some in many
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ways a great c.e.o. . an interesting comment well how do you feel about that. that's not a title i would use ok but there's a thing i think i need to clarify or expand upon we talk about the marketing of jesus christ and my friend earlier on talk about publishing the gospel. well let's define what marketing marketing is in my definition of marketing and marketing specialist as you know my definition of marketing is that we must promote and present jesus christ to the world as lord and savior so it's the message and the person as all are to be honest as been established but what we're doing is presenting jesus in the way that the bible bible presents him the bubble presents him as being lord we must tell that to the world present him as being the only savior for the world for mankind the bubble present him as the healer as the great
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physician the bab present him as a god of love and so many other things what we're doing in marketing of jesus christ is presenting jesus in this way in other words the viable way so whichever means we do it through whether it's a website a television literature stand in a street corner talking to people at work in the office or anywhere else communicating the message it's all about presenting jesus in the way the bible presents him yes but also i mean it let's be fair it's a business to do i mean you have to have a business model and i am not casting any aspersions on your work whatsoever but you know in selling this message and the the ideas associated with this person at the center of this religion you do have to have a business plan don't you. well yes on the one of course there's different of the people in the world there the general genuine christians who want to present and from what jesus christ correctly and there are those who want to make money and therefore they see marketing as
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a means by which they can persuade people to buy their products and you listed a few already but there's many others as we know they want people to buy their products because they want to make money so their motivation isn't to win souls or to change their lives or to cause others to come to jesus as their lord and savior but it is to profit that's where i draw the line with those type of people ok philip you want to jump in there go right ahead. and that's exactly right part of the deal is that you know it's not so much the church is a business i suppose you can use that model because there are certain business principles that you have to use so that the institution doesn't go bankrupt but a better model might be a nonprofit business where the idea of the bottom line is not making money but the their bottom line is representing jesus christ and drawing people to him and providing services in his name and on his behalf and that's not always
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a profit making opportunity when you're focused on money as the bottom line that begins to distort all kinds of other things up and down the line in the business so we need to keep jesus christ at the core he's the bottom line not the money ok film you know that's an interesting thing that you say ok go ahead you're going to go ahead but it seems to me that the whole idea of christianity the way it is sold in expression in the west would change radical you and go ahead if you take the capitalism out of it go ahead. yes that is the word that we just been using again the word be in business i do not see the church as a business of course some do. but if you look at the book of acts if you look at the church which all started and what they were taught to other priests or the behavior the conduct themselves as a body of believers business wasn't part of it of course they organize themselves in various ways and that's that's that's clear but it was not a business they didn't have
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a business plan with goals and targets and casual forecasts and all this the church is the body of believers who believe in the lord jesus christ and they all their themselves in such a way that they can live in fellowship also to be able to win others and in doing so means go and out all the world as you said and preach the gospel we organize ourselves to do that we communicate the message is over a key but to me it's not business but both you gentlemen ok we're talking about and i agree with you i mean your street you were all speaking here right now at this point in the program and in a very idealized way we all know that that's not how it's being done i mean look at these televangelists and i go through all of the names of the last two decades in the united states of disgraced themselves and really hurt. the faith of many people that they were preaching to but they would be treated people like customers not as believe yours and they corrupt the message and that's why televangelist particular
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united states have a very a lot of people have a very low opinion of them go ahead philip i mean it's not about the real world gentlemen not how it should be. the real issue that you're raising is is the issue of the false gospel or misunderstanding christianity and then promoting that as if it were the gospel and this is not a problem that's new to modernity or new to history at all this this problem was very alive and well in the new testament churches you know one of the things about the vandalism. model that we usually think of as we think when we send out a vangelis we usually think that well you know we get a party together and we have a dinner and we pray over these evangelists and we send them out to save souls that's not exactly how it was done in the new testament in the new testament christians and jews at that time were fleeing the destruction of rome and as they fled they they fled out and as they fled they landed in various kinds of places and people said well what happened here what was going on and they said well let me
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tell you about this story that was a vandalism that was a vandalism on the move that was god planning that evangelism. like any power point presentations right. know that you know the also you know there's a word me available you know where you i'm going to get my point ok you can go ahead you want to comment i understand your eight yeah. yeah before the persecution which caused the christians to flee to different parts in so doing they of course spread the gospel but before that they were actually going out and talking to people they were there were times when we just read it very clear in the early part of the book of acts where they were going from house to house and breaking the bread in the prior's and the churches growing to go to the temple and they would preach all this was happening before any persecution took place so the commission upon the believer is to do that whether or not there is persecution. philip you
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want to go and jump in there you're right there but i'm going to point you just made a while ago about the televangelist that's all true highly documented in the media interest so we know that people i was talking about earlier about people's motivation their motivation might not be as descriptive says in terms of saul when he that when if a soul is why isn't the soul if a person is precious and they want to win them to jesus it might be fame it might be popularity large congregations meaning more offerings meaning more money and more fame they go on television to get on newspapers and so what they want to be a media personality that might be the motivation but that's not to say that's the correct way to go you know i want if you think you think that there have been supporters who say no it isn't what do you think it is that happened more times than not in the united states now with these mega churches and their television programs and and i mean i'll tell you it turns a lot of people off and i'm one of them i mean thing that i just can't believe
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these are people of faith and i would tell the number on the bottom all of the time i mean send us monies and this money. right one of the interesting things about christianity is that most christians think that most christians are wrong about most things most of the time because there's such a poor. denominations and perspectives and this and that and the other and to sort it out is incredibly difficult hardly anybody is willing to take the time but another interesting thing happens in the midst of our world when you get out on the street and you begin talking about the bible or christianity to the layman or the person on the street almost everybody to a person thinks that they know already said what god is about. right now we're going to. we're going to a short break and we'll continue our discussion on the selling of jesus state. and it.
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comes with a. big splash in the world of politics business. science and i can see products. he's got the following procedures to keep your betters abroad and their big breakthrough back home spotlight on still on such an update here on. the future coverage. the eat.
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the s.c. to. the boxes . slumped. coming up the alps to. smudge the. slowest six and six of the islamists the welcome back to cross talk i'm hearing about tree mind you were talking about christianity in the twenty first century mummy. says to him in. but before let's see what religion means to russians.
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everything for sale that is what our commercialized culture accepts but debates fleer when it comes to marketing the message of jesus christ many claim it devalues faith and their religion itself but this isn't met in today's society the russian public opinion research center all such as what religion means to them thirty that percent of the respondents consider it as national tradition the faith of their ancestors twenty six percent see religion as polling moral values twenty one percent think it to be part of world culture and another seventeen percent regard religion as they a link to god with the important role religion has in society marketing christianity looks like a beneficial idea but can it be justified. ok now we're joined by reverend david smith in sydney he's
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a parish priest welcome to the program we were in the first part of the program we were talking about the commodification of christianity and how its message is spread through the world and and we've been focusing on how it's been commercialized here so david if i could ask you what where do you draw the line in trying to get the message of the gospel out i mean i mentioned earlier in the program jesus jeans jesus pills eccentrics cetera i mean where do you draw the line because i mean i know that we are there and young people have different needs and interests and whatnot and christianity wants to be up with the times to be able to be. deal with modernity but where do you draw the line. i think it was carbide you said the goal of retelling the gospel is to look also in the language of the day without importing the values of the and that's often a very hard line to draw i think we do always run the risk of the why we present things on the cutting the actual truth we're trying to present. i think we've got
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a basic problem in terms of trying to use marketing ploys because marketing is always trying to scratch where people are itching and i think the christian gospel doesn't do that i mean i love the paper i'm a way they're reaching what they want is more money a better sex lies a more successful business and i think the christian gospel offers them any other things you know out of mind. think that challenges them. these techniques the gospel clear rather than to try and produce a product that just appeals to what people want it's very interesting if i can feel if i can go to you i mean i get in researching this program i was really astounded and i must admit even discussed it and how. how to build a christian business and and i really entered changeable using consumer in soul you know getting more souls and then we did exactly to a consumer has been. that's been very much
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a part of the church growth movement which was the application of business principles to church growth that started some twenty years ago or more one of the things that the apostle paul talks about in his letter to the corinthians is that the gospel is actually foolishness to the world and so when we begin peeling to the world through marketing we are making the gospel appear foolish and so the more successful that effort is the more foolish the actual gospel. appears in people's eyes and that's an issue that really needs to be dealt with i don't have any idea how to deal with it but there it is you and how do you deal with that i think. is that an issue that you consider. well we talk about markets and the market and the market employees and all of that but really the best marketing. strategy for the church is what is laid down in scripture if we just look at the record of the early
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church in the whole of the because jesus before he left he told us what to do go into all the world and preach the gospel that's what we do but behind that in terms of how do we then do that how do we then can we communicate the message we look at the record of what the apostles and the early church did and really the best marketing strategy is their own individual lives that's what matters and we ought to represent jesus christ as is so we talk about god is a god of love we must therefore show love you know we're walking the walk talk in our deal of the people we talk about god is peace peace we interact with people and what we do we must have a peaceful nature god is merciful must demonstrate that god is righteous god is holy we must demonstrate holiness in the world you know but you know it's i think. that's exactly right ok but i think it's very interesting here is that you know we've had these people talk about a christian lifestyle and that he actually costs
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a lot of money and again looking at all of these christian items that you can buy you're going to have a lot of money out there if i go to you david in sydney i mean you know for thinking more along the lines of evangelicals maybe like in the united states i mean your jesus jacket jesus shoes jesus had go to the jesus disco and you know and all of this and i mean even for a middle class family if you want to get along in that kind of lifestyle maybe you're in a in a small town you know i mean it's very impressive because again it gets down to dollars and cents. yeah i find it hard to type that also out of it very seriously i think. you know in terms of the integrity. of the president the goal of good marketing i think should be that mike and i see it's clear not to make more attractive to the mass market. but philip how do you do that i mean when you hear the call to yes go ahead. one of the difficulties with the with the current marketing model is that most folks who are marketing christianity assume that the
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people in the pews are the market so we've got to sell the gospel to the people in the pews but if you look at the bible there was a purchase that's a marketing kind of thing that's quite different the purchase in christianity is the jesus christ purchased his people with his blood on the cross so we are to appeal to him he's the customer he's by the people in a sense if you want to look at it like that not the people in the pews buying him he's buying the people and so we need to not appeal to the people in what they want we need to peel to the lord and what he wants. you want to jump in there i mean i mean they again i think we're all speaking in very ideal types because we all know that this is not happening and how the message of christ of the holy bible is being portrayed all over the place i mean when these even gel clothes come over from the united states to russia to say oh no not these people who are not here go back home
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because they're used to it back there ok but here people look at religion in a very different way it's very solemn and it's very it's very much respected i mean some of the things that people wear like i said jesus jeans for example that would almost be blasphemy here i mean least for an average person i mean again a is it's a it's the commodification culture is is hijacking as it were for entertainment person purposes for money. for its longevity what do you and how do you think about that i mean i mean it's culture is diluting the message more and more. well i agree with that a lot of people are doing these things for personal gain and profit and all of that and i wouldn't buy jesus jeans or jesus pills and and all the rest i mean i would buy a jeans but you put jesus on it it's like making a mockery of the gospel as far as i'm concerned so i wouldn't be interested in the products that shouldn't be part of the gospels message while unfortunate people are
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in the business if you like of the church and of christianity for a variety of reasons and a lot of times it's to make money but that's not to say that that's the general impression because we see it through the media these tell you television evangelists and so on and we open the newspapers or hear one radio or t.v. of these things happen in our might think of that's how we get which is generally in the church but it's not that's just a small percentage of the church actually the true church of jesus christ is doing what the bible says in terms of living a life as consecrated as holy as they can and live for jesus and telling others which is a sense of what the gospel is david what do you tell do you tell your parishioners when you say when we see these like televangelists in one night do you tell your parishioners this is not the truth faith or do you say that they don't let them do what they want to do in a very relativistic way that's how they worship. how do you deal with that i think
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i think my persians are pretty savvy actually this particular issue but i do think it's hard to be too black and white about this i mean as i said before the issue is trying to preach the gospel in the language of the day without improving the values of the day and i think all of us are very wary rightly so about allowing the valleys of the day to take over but that the other dangers are equally real that we end up speaking some secret language you know going in latin or something in order to preserve the truth and we do have to be relevant and this is where i could say you know with young people most of my work is with young people and i can understand why you know if young people aware of the names the heroes on the clothing you want to say well hey jesus is the sort of guy who should be your hero the sort of person you are spying more to be like that like and hence to have him on you gliding to it makes sense at that level i mean i'm not sure the micro level a work that out is not the sort of thing we do over here but i can see the point of trying to be relevant at that level and it's
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a fine line i think of points philip party you know where is the fine line in your mind you know with the issues right ahead. david david said talked about making the gospel relevant to the world actually i would turn that around as i think we need to make the world. is the is is the stake you know i understand that but the gospel is what stable and that's the model that's the that's where we hang our hats if you will so it's not a matter of making the gospel relevant when we try to do that we begin changing the gospel to suit the needs or the really the desires of the people we're talking to rather than trying to help the people be who jesus christ wants them to be you know i've been writing about this for probably twenty years it's a problem and i really don't know what to do with it part of the problem is that the more successful the marketers are success builds money and power well i don't have money and power in my church just didn't have money and power so i don't
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really know how to deal with it but it would be great to figure out some way we're well beyond bringing some sort of together although at some point in history hopefully something like that can happen and the churches can address some of these things in the meantime i guess we just keep doing the best we can you know i'm going to. well i just want to clarify something about the word marketing as a marketeer when i talk to customers clients on the help them with their mucked instructed to help with them to tailor make their products and services to the needs of the customer ok you know i'm afraid i'm going to have i jump in here gentlemen gentlemen i have a lot we've lost have come to the end of the program here many thanks to my guest today in london columbus and sydney and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r.t. see you next time and remember cross talk. and you can.
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and it made on the derrick was last year's crimes that killed the nation's president and high level politicians need as many lens but the findings also trying to shed some blame on russia saying it contributed to the accident. the greek bailout made sees spain get a credit rating downgrade moody's says we growth is also among the key concerns spreading the risk of contagion even further made while germany is refusing to sign blank checks on greece's bonds. called the bond in washington the democratic controlled senate has rejected the republican bill to increase the nation's boring limit which has been approved by the house of representatives the lawmakers must
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reach a compromise by tuesday for america will default on its debt. and thousands campout in israel in protest against poor living conditions some already drawing comparisons with the top three uprising that saw egypt's lead to ousted in february . right now it's time to stick knowledge update to shine a light on the science that affects us all. hello and welcome to technology update are you tired of paying those overblown electric bills at the end of each month this could be the answer you've been waiting for a lot of the energy and with it a lot of the harder and cash gets burned by crummy old incandescent light bulbs but
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what if i could get you a lot more light and waste way less wattage in the process and up and coming russian company is just open a huge new production facility to help make that energy efficient dream a reality. doesn't meet my sleazy sales pitch high tech brainchild of a trio of russian scientists was born abroad and is now returned to russia to have been on a shiny new factory at the outskirts of st petersburg aside from being a happy homecoming assembly line launches a big step in russia's attempts to modernize its economy and go green at the same time. the capacity. is the highest. in russia countries and in eastern europe we can produce today so. it's equal to. we'll cover.


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