tv [untitled] July 29, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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well it's been called the jet that cannot be matched by any known or projected fighter aircraft from a little like the titanic's rhetoric and interestingly it's a little bit of a similar story we're talking about the f. twenty two but it was built the air force was raving about its capabilities however the f. twenty two hasn't been flying anywhere as of late at twenty two years it had a number of problems but recent reports say all of them have been grounded until further notice because of this latest thing get this anti-freeze propane oil fumes guess where those were found they were found in pilot's blood the air force figure this out when they noticed the pilots were acting weird they were acting drunk but this is really just the latest blow to the jeff that's been touted as the most expensive and fearsome dog rider her mechanical issues have riddled the f. twenty two his program with everything from pilots being stuck inside the cockpit
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to navigational problems to rust problems and sadly most of our lawmakers on capitol hill are aware of all the problems that f. twenty two has had but nobody has called for them to be stop being used until now until there was anti-freeze and pilots blood so can we just go that's what it is wasteful spending already and the pentagon has spent billions on faulty fighter jets it turns out the military was also paying too much for some of its helicopter parts an audit from the department of defense shows the army overpaid boeing by one hundred thirty one percent so rather than the army shelling out ten million dollars for parts they paid twenty three million dollars that's a pretty big difference and here's what's really interesting boeing the company responsible for the parts for the apache helicopters has only paid that one point three of the thirteen million dollars they owe the military and according to ross story the army has been hesitant to ask for the rest of its money back really the relationship between boeing in the army is so cozy that they can't legitimately ask
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for their money back in. even when the congress is scrambling for money and we're not talking about chump change we're talking about millions upon millions of dollars but it's really just proof one more thing of the ties between our military and those oh so coveted defense contractors and all they're a crucial piece after all they're a crucial piece to our country's military industrial complex you know where our nation has to keep the military back and tack regardless of how beneficial they really are to our nation safety is something the president eisenhower warned us about decades ago. our toil resources and livelihood are all involved so is the very structure of our society and the councils of good women we must guard guard against the i position the gun when it includes whether sought or loans or by the military industrial complex. for good if that's true.
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and we've recently. oh if only eisenhower could see this nation now and what has happened to our military is our politicians in washington continue to rely on defense contractors refuse to ask for money that they owe us barely ground their planes when pilots are getting antifreeze in their blood i think you'd probably be rolling over in his grave. meanwhile back to the debt debate as it continues it may be bad news for the country but it is good news for some washington p.r. flacks and lawmakers trying to pull a quick one on the american people because it is a huge distraction so while everyone looks over here at the debt there are things going on over here under the radar the house a house panel approved a law that would force internet providers to keep logs of their customers activities for one year in case police want to review them this includes ip addresses names addresses phone numbers credit card numbers bank account numbers
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representing a giant data bank of every digital act by every american as one lawmaker put it but it's called the protecting children from internet pornographers act two thousand and eleven very noble and that's because as the co-sponsor of the bill put it a republican from texas lamar smith he said quote every piece of prematurely discarded information could be the footprint of a child predator this bill ensures that the online footprints of predators are not a racist the problem is the information would be available to police investigating the crime and maybe even attorneys working on civil disputes and it's maybe some would be said that the co-author of the patriot act says it goes too far in a dating privacy the co-author of the patriot act really and yesterday we told you also about the amendments act the one built in two thousand eight designed to make warrantless wiretapping legal it doesn't expire until two thousand and twelve. according to reports yesterday senators may have met behind closed doors to try to
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get it extended why now but tell us what this all means and very real terms of your civil liberties is julian sanchez he's a research fellow at the cato institute he follows all of this now my first question to you and thank you for being here it was a pleasure all of us you follow privacy very closely it is your thing do you normally see this much going on on capitol hill in one week having to do with majorly scary sounding privacy laws. it isn't present much they're managing to get done despite the fuss about the debt ceiling a little so the data retention is something that has been on the f.b.i.'s wish list for years and i'm surmising they've been holding hearings on since january it is convenient they managed to bring it to a head just now the press attentions elsewhere do you think they did it on purpose and why do you think because one of the analyses of this child pornography bill is that because of the name because of the stated purpose it's very difficult
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politically for lawmakers to vote against it so why now during this you know under the radar time i was i mean i won't guess about whether that's on purpose or not in the schedules played out so that there would be tricky to really plan a crisis like this to coincide with this particular bill i will say that it's interesting that if you look back at the hearings they had in january it was pretty clear that they were talking about data retention and they mentioned child pornography is one of the various things that you might find it useful to have his information but it was clear that this was about a data retention proposal and so the idea that this was going to squeezed into something was going right in the headline to make people it's clear that if you talk to technology companies and talk to people who work at the service providers or providers you know they talk about this being a burden in this being something that's going to be a huge hassle for them expensive for them to comply with you know possibly create technical problems but it's also something that they're terrified of publicly opposing ok and you say that it's not really about child pornography well unlike in your past interview say that the. that this is something that one is in no way
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limited to child pornography if you look at the text of the provision that requires redemption data seen in red child pornography just as they have to keep information about the ip address or temporary routing address assigned to each account and it's that's incredibly big and it's not clear entirely what it means but but it is clear that you know we're limited to child porn it's also clear that this is something that when the g.a.o. looked at it when the government accountability office the internal watchdog tried to check these claims that this was a problem they found that it wasn't a report that said you know what it turns out that most of the time when the f.b.i. or other law enforcement agencies come and ask for information about who was using a certain ip addresses or in time you're able to provide and we're not able to provide it usually law enforcement can get that information by some other means and then much point. well the point i think is to one. create less hassle for a whole range of different kinds of investigations it doesn't seem like this is a huge problem here but maybe there are other cases where it's more useful to be
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able to have this information for a longer period of time and again not just useful to law enforcement useful to anyone who wants to monitor an activity going to an event monitor what is going to be the qur'an or if there's going to be shady like them and that's where people really have to say what they're using up or what sort of the thing is there is incredibly low standard in general for access to information held by third parties by corporations so we think the fourth amendment is requiring probable cause that someone wants to come into your home and look at the books that you're reading and the problem is that if comcast horizon has information about what sites you've been visiting or what address you are assigned when you are visiting different sites that's not considered your private information more and so you can get that often with a mere subpoena and you know the same thing applies when you talk about private litigation it's the. music industry the movie industry decide they want to hunt down. people who are visiting sites where movies and songs are traded if
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a corporation decides they want to find out he's been badmouthing them on the internet chat boards well i think they can start litigation often as a result of your discovery in the early phases of litigation whether or not the litigation has any merit discover the identities of those people and again there's nothing to prevent a private entity from using using the information is stored for law enforcement purposes as information is useful to them privately so basically anybody can get access to this but it sounds like it's kind of already happening well not just anyone can get access but he was willing to actually hire some lawyers certainly you know privately has a good chance of getting it for long but again it's become all the trivial for this kind of information about hackers that's in question the bank information this is addresses this is part of it is not clear exactly what has to retain the billing talks about retaining the temporary routing information that is associated with each account given what does that mean exactly normal people with you because you
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know the problem normally you think about something like an ip address that you're assigned temporarily when you log in from home and the problem is if they just keep the ip address that's not very useful in itself what they want is the ability to associate that with a particular person well if that if your comcast you're talking about assigning a particular ip address to a particular account that's no problem it becomes a lot trickier when you think about things like a paid service where you're logging into the cyber cafe and you made a temporary you know allocation of time and you're paying casual to have to be able to actually associate that information back to the person who bought it it all sounds very confusing but if i ever get my one question that sticks out is just yes or no member of congress who led the opposition to this bill proposed naming it they keep every american's digital data for submission to the federal government without a warrant act of two thousand and eleven is that more accurate you know my personal preference is for the you're all criminals and i'm just sure and. i think more to the point it reverses the usual presumption that we do a search when we think
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a particular person is guilty and the assumption behind this bill is we keep everyone's data we make the company store everyone's information for the government because anyone might be guilty there you go but you're all criminals that are being passed that a house and all the debt debate rages on thank you for being here it was a pleasure now just ahead we are told time when our wants this off limits in a presidential campaign here that they didn't follow their own advice and on this friday we all need a good happy hour because the mean may not have won next friday if the country is in default we'll show you a prime example of why us that offends our angry with congress plus i can't leave home but. he looks so much like hitler noble of we're back in just a minute. you know sometimes you see the story of the siege so you think you understand it and
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all right it is time for tonight's tool time award and it goes to you michele bachmann and the minnesota congresswoman and two thousand and twelve presidential candidate is still refusing to answer questions about her husband's medical practice a few weeks ago you may recall it was exposed that marcus bachmann clinic uses what's called repairer to their a-p. uses on some patients it's a technique where the therapist tells patients they can quote pray over way they gay any of those feelings they have to say or where they're gone that most medical organizations call the therapy hurtful and ineffective now since news about the pray the gay away therapy broke michele bachmann had dodged numerous questions on the issue on thursday she was asked again about repaired of therapy at the national press club right here in washington. but i am running for the presidency of the united states my husband is not running for the presidency neither are my children neither is our business neither is our foster children and i am more than happy to
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stand for questions on running for presidency of the united states ok that's true or not so michelle wants her husband children and foster children off limits during the campaign i think that's wise of the congresswoman but here's the problem michele bachmann has a little bit of a credibility issue here you can't demand that your husband be left alone during a presidential campaign when you yourself went after barack obama's wife during his campaign. it was michelle obama who has said she's only recently proud of her country and so these are very anti-american views that's the way they're most americans feel about our country most americans chris are wild about america and they're very concerned to have a president who doesn't share those values. that was michele bachmann going after michelle obama in october of q two thousand and eight that was before michelle obama became birds lady she was just the spouse of
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a candidate just like marcus bachmann is today the that whole credibility issue for michele bachmann kind of goes right out the window and since michelle obama became first lady it hasn't stopped the congresswoman has still been attacking or bachmann isn't happy that earlier this year the first lady advocated for more new mothers to breastfeed their newborns moments ago republican congresswoman michele bachmann possibly a two thousand and twelve presidential candidate challenging that idea of the laura ingram radio show saying these efforts give new meaning to the term any state. bachmann was upset the i.r.s. to classify breast pump as deductible medical care purchased as she claimed the government was using the tax code as social engineering and part of a nanny state mentality while that may be her opinion it's also attacking the spouse of a candidate or fellow politician she can't say through any of her husband is out of bounds but she's free to attack michelle obama any time she feels like it campaign
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presidency doesn't matter she's fair game so for being a blatant hypocrite we're giving our friday tool time award to michele bachmann and i have a feeling she's going to win a few more before the two thousand and twelve presidential race is over. all right it's friday happy friday and joining me for happy hour is archy producer jenny churchill and alex bites well he's a reporter and blogger for think progress got oregon and a progress report thanks guys for being here it's happy friday last friday before a possible default and the first story as financial armageddon was approaching last night and politicians were mulling over how to avoid it they put aside their differences for a few minutes to vote on something really important renaming as. he
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turned twenty five forty eight a bill to just meet the facility of united states postal service located at sixty three turned north university street in peoria illinois it is the charles chip lawrence tram post office building i offer this look. is there that this is right before our financial armageddon post office name change i mean what is the deal there breaking through this what i find really interesting was even more than that apparently thirteen per cent of all bills that have made it to obama says that he has signed have been renaming postop was i mean is that the only thing our government can get done if they're going to i mean this is incredibly important stuff going on here you know the renaming of post office i can't have anything more important aside from maybe saving the entire world economy by raising the debt ceiling but the reason this happened is because john boehner is a totally ineffectual speaker of the house and couldn't get his caucus in line to actually vote on a bill his own bill is a republican bill so there's
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a scramble last night was amazing to watch this new freshman franklin for his you know really spent any time just given these talking points and he seemed to have no clue what was going on any better than anyone else you know talking about renaming post office is what we're four days away from us let's keep in mind we just got. that they're going to close one in ten post offices i would love to hear about you know some of the post offices that we've been around are actually now being closed now i mean that's really sad that the ironic. thing you do the same post office here about clothes no unless they were saying like you know this is a financial armageddon post office this is the we can't accomplish anything so we're going to rename you post office that would be at least funny. and said that washington is worthless it's all i came nothing matters nothing ever changes there's just no one post offices open in your district now good john boehner cries number one postcode job it cries number two post office there you go on this. how
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does post office turn out in the meantime and salem indiana neighbors were very stunned when a drunk man driving a car with a trailer attached on the back hit a tree i guess that might happen you know occasionally but here's where it gets interesting it turns out that he's actually a local cop who runs one of the dare programs that a nearby school. not only a police officer but according to the seymour p.d. website is the school resource officer responsible for seven schools acting as a mentor and providing students with a role model and even states that he conducts lectures on narcotics and alcohol and their effects on driving. while. i mean matches brings irony to a whole new level but i mean i think that it's quite obvious what was happening here he was trying to teach the kids a less and. he was trying to make a point and say kids look this is what happens when you don't do what i say in our classes you end up on the news bloody and the shackled i think what i mean is kind of a hero i mean who's body on the line just to teach
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a very valuable lesson the culture that sort of everything that he teachers in schools on a daily basis i guess that's pretty much par for the course when it comes to the start programs which we've been proven that i think according to studies they actually contribute to drug use among. teens there are among kids that take them and apparently their teachers to. let them out of them in a lighter this open and volatile is actually knocked out like an animal lovers know that animal shelters are filled with a lot of pets who need homes and if they don't get them they usually end up euthanized but as shelter in england is not in a lot of trouble of finding a home for this cat and it's because it has a hitler mustache and they're not making it easier because the kiddies name is killer. i don't even know what to say about this i love killer i don't think i. actually see ok so i have this whole theory i really really
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hate cats i think cats are actually the worst creatures on the face of the planet and i'm convinced that they're trying to kill me it's a conspiracy there have been many instances that have led me to believe it however i like how they were interviewed open about it you'd like to hear your fears if no no no no can't learn out there he's saying look i'm here to kill you i'm trying to take over the world no bones about it i'm all here i don't have to cover you i'm judging killer like i judge every other car so i like killer as a name but i think there's a lot of opportunities for other dictators that are missed here i mean you know chairman yeah. i. could have done a lot better here you know i know that i'm a session piece that a little bit you know we were around the super villain a lot and this could play right into your conspiracy theory oh well i think that we really need to start doing research because one of our twitter followers actually tweeted us a picture of a different killer germany ok so we've got the big i but you know how does our language you've been as they should and i think i mean they're everywhere and it's
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frightening and everyone but it's not because it's actually even not even a whole hipper message it's just the how which just shows how nicely joyous respect it is reasonable to think well mustaches will be trying to show i'm going to where you know try to shave off the most made halfway through all right. all right let's move on to poor kitty we hope it gets adopted after all the attention we've brought to it it's a familiar if this is someone somewhere is going to be offended by an advertisement whether it's on a magazine on a on a t.v. commercial you can't please everyone but here are a few that are making waves recently summer's eve if you're not familiar with it feminine products has caught some flak after it made featuring. but you know this that we're appealing to every race. jack and i i another layover after traveling all day you expect me to feel good.
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i have seen how much time you spend style in your hand and trust me your hand can't possibly do it. down and can do. i mean you have the races you have this stereotype and you have a giant talking talking about china yeah i actually i use that in my viral spiral last week because i could spiral by the way for everyone who's watching can be found in the a lot of shows you tube page every friday and anyway so it could not believe that you know they were using a talking to china and especially like the black one has an afro you know all of one goes like are you kidding me i'm not even going to go to that because i'm very what do you stand on your i mean i'm not a woman i'm sympathetic to that are trying to push the limits a little bit be a little rocker but i think this is clearly over the line i mean it's like sexist and racist like a little bit graphic i don't know the one just like goes off into
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a spanish tirade. it's like who thought this would be a good hey i know it's a racially uncomfortable things it's also just completely uncomfortable to watch a talking vagina tell you about them and probably there's nothing smart about it this is going nowhere do we have time to show one more real quick ad oh we're done . and other news airbrushed ads got pulled from britain and got milk as want to educate people. for fun what i want to know is who is hiring these people to make these ads because they clearly are not even making it. i don't know i got milk i was really funny i was actually there it is got no i mean i'm sorry women need to get a sense of humor if you want to use p.m.s. as an excuse for everything you do wrong then when people make fun of you for having p.m.s. you have to suck it up and take a and on that note we are going to. back it up and the show thank you for being here that is it for tonight show thank you for tuning in make sure to come back on monday we'll have the latest on the economy alone it will be back thank you
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everybody for letting me to lend to the town for doing such an amazing job helping me in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of you alone or show on facebook and to follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can always catch it all on youtube dot com slash field on the show we're now posting the interviews as well as the entire show on the site and stay tuned because coming up next is adam vs the man. you know sometimes you see the story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then he did something else here's some of the part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't charge as if it. were your true. and yet over.
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