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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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in india oh geez i'm a believer that we're going to join me the job. because we're going to the ground in period during the cold was the bush girl until you can oh well so joe blow's the job you don't need to go and. run this in the kernel was her job as a security treaty. torpedoed democrats in that senate killed republican the debt ceiling plan. with narrowly passed by the house says the rest of the fall deadline. says veterans and supporters gather in estonia for an hour no meeting causing outrage around to see what the government can dad not see me. and a number of germans the u.s. decreases the public relations sector grows around the song said the ultimate victim of the trend will be democracy.
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this is the life from the democratic controlled u.s. that has shot down a republican debt ceiling just hours after it was paulson the house of representatives the plant but forward by house speaker john boehner would have raised the country's debt ceiling and nine hundred billion dollars along with a similar in spending cuts and as the clock ticks down to august second when the debt limit is reached there's less time to. get the felt crisis which might tell us of these it's not credit rating senate democrat leader harry reid now hopes his proposal will see a compromise which could keep the government afloat according to economists not from the wolf this plan is more likely to get the green light. less than two
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business days away from the worst self-imposed crisis of america's standing in the world and america's credit rating and at least a century it's a fairly emergency situation and we're deep into the eleventh bordering on the twelfth hour the debt reduction plan that president obama has endorsed at least rhetorically that comes out of harry reid and the democratic majority in the u.s. senate does make massive cuts in spending more than two point five trillion dollars over ten years so more than two hundred fifty billion dollars a year does no increase in revenue at all which was one of the early if i think somewhat unwise to mans of the republicans in these negotiations and therefore is possible is actually does more to reduce the deficit and the debt in the united states over the next ten years than the rival republican house the cut cap and balance plan and so it's possible of that could be pushed through none of these plans make real efforts to reduce the long term problem of insufficient revenue and these plans do reduce spending in ways that will be painful and for many
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communities in the united states transformative but it's worthy of note and somehow hasn't much been mentioned that not a single plan out there reduces the national debt they just change the speed by which it grows. a lot of politicians actually sound saving he would be to blame if the american economy hits a brick wall carol to land safely in the u.s. based transgenic this clearly well recognized simple solutions to americans is. that country is going bankrupt just look at the numbers the numbers go by the politicians it looks look at the bigger picture first of all do you value in a dollar and we've been saying that all along gold in the last month is gained one hundred fifteen dollars an ounce what they're not talking about in all these deficit reduction hey how about in military budget how about slashing foreign aid fifty seven billion dollars a year how about companies like general electric that made the billion
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dollars last year pay no taxes look there's plenty of room out there to start raining this thing it in turning it around but we do not have a representative form of government we have a government that represents only the very powerful and the very rich and that's all this is about letting them keeping their perks when economic kristie is ponzi america deep crisis states that's kind of the financial x. factor hates kaiser of course. but the world is adjusting the dollar will lose its status as a world reserve currency the us will lose the aaa rating and that's a completely different configuration and washington is not the biggest player in this if they were being mad as somebody who knew something about economics not barack obama who is financially illiterate they would allow the dollar to collapse against other currencies let the economy go through two or three years of a gut wrenching depression and they come out of it and rebuild but keep their
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sovereignty and act otherwise america will end up like greece losing their sovereignty america will end up like other countries in a row zone like ireland that's lost its sovereignty to the i.m.f. and these other banking institutions i think most americans would prefer to be sovereign and free than to be a vassal state of international bankers. the august second deadline for raising the debt ceiling in the u.s. is rapidly approaching and the still no solution on the horizon or half an estate here in the resident hit the streets of new york to find out whether americans feel a financial clips is around the corner. with the looming debt crisis the u.s. is watching the clock tick down to an economic armageddon what is there even mean that this week let's talk about that they keep setting dates over and over again and nothing happened just part of the negotiation process so it's i don't fret. i
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believe so do you expect more from the people who like. neither party is going to let this actually happen where they would let it expire and then the united states would go into default i don't think that's going to happen i think that's a bluff but i think what actually is at hand is for real in there they're using it as leverage to push their respective issues but i think americans if i'm speaking for myself as an american are sick of it or they don't represent the viewpoints of they think of the river representing but i don't i think they keep on saying the american people want this america they want has. anybody really what they really want what you want i will compromise right now the drama right now is largely contrived there is a debt crisis but will make it through and you know we'll pay the bills and things will be fine so all this drama i think is just making people crazy why are they doing that now i mean we raise the debt ceiling every year why is this drama
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unfolding right now well it's largely political because the upcoming election you know it's a good thing it's finally happening i think the people are speaking up. and hopefully will get our way but sometimes it takes a while to. things really are i mean nobody is given any ground of so you know you large before for many many years and this is absolutely truly amazing and makes me wonder how they ever get anything done in israel or in italy or any place where they have multi parties two parties to an airport if you're going to take and we can't get anything done it's utterly embarrassing mishal be ashamed of themselves no matter what happens with the u.s. debt crisis the bottom line is we're. ground the a lot more posturing from all the politicians involved it's. still to come here on the program of lifting expectations line your aim playing russia just go to use you as enthusiastic welcome the steps to free the country
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small ask proper about age restrictions and this paperwork. also more than a year as paulson to the indian government gave your children the right to a free education because it helped bridge a sense of the people. in a stony s.-s. factions of nationalism holding that angle music's involved will they call it a day of remembrance for those killed in war see the gatherings been condemned by many countries and organizations to glorifying militarism these are facts at the site of the gathering. we're here in this tiny town a cinema for the annual gathering of the versions of the estonian. now the event has attracted widespread criticism of the years of being seen glorify naziism and providing a foreign. fascist ideas now the ceremonies going on at the moment and the organizers say that they use that as an opportunity to commemorate the soldiers who fought
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against say here occupation that is he said this event attracting widespread criticism and the authorities also here is saying you're being heavily criticized for being seen not only to condone this talk of the but for having made it increasingly difficult over the years for those who oppose this to come and to rally now the anti fascist movements hold a rally very nearby at the same time if this is going on and as we said in recent years we've seen people coming from latvia from the thruway near finland they've been tainted the borders not be able to enter and take part again today coming in a lot of the people who are involved in the anti fascist mishna rally that's happening it by have been stopped and questioned by police we know a that the head of the anti fascist finnish organization was actually detained last night at the port of talent and he wasn't allowed to leave the bases so he's being sent back today. to.
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as he said these events really attracting widespread criticism now russia since two thousand and five has been introducing legislation to the u.s. condemning the cation of nazi isn't we've seen a number of countries get on board with this but there have been some that haven't events like this that have got the government support harris dania certainly cause a lot of anger at the very least to see as being morally and politically insensitive. or to discuss the events are now joined by professor tad's xpress the treatment of holocaust history in the baltics and many thanks for being
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with us here now why is this meeting a fascist supporters allowed to go ahead in a stone yesterday. good to be with you it's a very sad day for a modern democratic. government like those in the other baltic states simply mission guided ultranationalist and doing to the far right. and rushing troll fashion style fascist elements and it's a terrible mistake for the people of its own here and the entire region and i suppose you're saying all four of these argue that it's freedom of speech is interests and certainly the country isn't alone in allowing pro nazi marches to take place it's in the scenes being witnessed in other baltic nations so why is this movement really flourishing in the region do you think i think we have to be careful not to blame the fine people of the region i think that the elites in the region government. pressure intellectuals have been veering through the
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far right nationalism and are trying to rewrite history in a way to cover up their own involvement and collaboration with nazis and it's the spirit of his star at revisionism that feeds you right into the new role not sci fi right so it's a very dangerous development in the eastern part. you're in the let's talk more about history now your research project into the history of the holocaust is course defending history but exactly who will what are you defending it from we're defending history in two sense it's first of all we are defending the historic record of the wonderful defeat not cism by the allies the united states great britain the soviet union and the other allies the defeat of hitler we're not allowing that magnificent achievement in western civilization to be written by the
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neo fascists and their cycle fans who would like to do say everything to equal evils and with one in totalitarian regimes and a stark model secondly we are defending the freedom to debate lithuania in two thousand and ten its parliament passed a law criminalizing the opinion that there was only one genocide and with the mania that by the nazis one can be in prison for up to two years for the suit being with the government's version of history and hungry in two thousand plan the government passed all law threatening three years of prison so it's incredible that democracy is being diminished on this very issue of its theory where the standard accept and proving narrative of world war two it's not only being discarded it's being criminalized and the free world must not stand idly by so why do you think that russia does have a cost draw off its resolutions to the un condemning the glorification authors and
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how how does isolation. to be frank it's part of the problem that the opposition to the far right in eastern europe seems to be coming only from russia which of course has its very complicated problematic history on its own its sorry doorstep in its neighborhood in its region what is absolutely shocking. is that more voices back come forward in the european union in north america against this far right revisionism i can tell you that the baltic states are investing a fortune in bringing night the westerners friend western europe and north america through visits through junkets for honors in order to persuade them of the new spirit supposedly of two equal capella clarion regimes so i think our movement has to grow and we also have to come back the fire and efforts in the european parliament which in two thousand make
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a big group there proclaimed the pragma declaration that declares naziism and communism to be the same thing which is absolute nonsense i said of a cancer afraid we're going to leave it there that's the keep holocaust history in the baltics many thanks thank you. now more than a year has passed since the indian government announced the unprecedented right to education and the law was aimed at stamping out literacy in battling the country's say see divide the concept was to provide compulsory and free education for all children aged six to fourteen however result. of the reform is facing tough challenges. it's dawn in india's capital city of new delhi an eight year old cushy just getting ready for school while there are nearly two hundred million elementary school children like coaching in india only half that number ever complete the eighth grade and most end up leaving school to help their parents with domestic work or to get
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a job to organize some extra money maybe i haven't studied much that's what i want to educate my children after growing pressure to address the educational disparities in india the government passed an ox making it mandatory for all children between the ages of six and fourteen to get a free education even requires a leap private schools with tuitions nearing five hundred dollars per month to grant a quarter of their seats to students from disadvantaged backgrounds like cushy. and . i joined. a. long. string. today there are just as many schools where students have to pay a torsion like this one is there are free schools that are funded by the government according to the act it's up to the parents to decide where they know and then he insists i mean this through like course he can it's and elite private school if he ensure that he wins the lottery and gets into the twenty five percent quota it also
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means that if government workers are able to identify and successfully enroll this is cool but aren't attending. schools like the ones pushing its hands now could get overcrowded but the idea of free schooling in india has its opponents with concerns even raised by proponents of the act preschools have no art it's a different quality and i think poor patrons are much smarter than that. and they want quality and quality is something that the principal of cushy school knows has a different definition depending on the school while the teachers want to see their students succeed they believe that integrating indian children from a lower class into. a private school would not be practical. these elite schools have a very high standard only children whose parents are educated can study in schools like these schools want to maintain their high standards and reputation how can poor people send their children to schools like these because their parents are religious leaders even at home there is no one to tutor or supervise their studies
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or homework it's a position supported by the well off members of indian society the schools are not meant for them. it's meant for the people who are close people. in getting elected in the sense that he comes from a background his parents are probably laborers are what they were there. were things him in that sort of freeman who i mean so he would have trouble getting assimilated in spite of the mixed reception the integration model received for children like cushy education is simply about accomplishing her dreams i want to study till the twelfth agree to become a teacher. but it's a dream that may just fall through the gap of india's socio economic divide. preassure either r t new delhi india. and on a web page aussie dot com you can always get more whole new stories and features his is a quick look at what's available for you right now i will log on to find out more
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about america's ghost town and save indiana has a pensive exploration should multiple. nics easy be physician central all slow where a deadly terrorist bomb was detonated jack understructure other videos from the tragic day all are awesome stories are available for you on all you get you check. morning news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world . in seeing from the streets of canada. operations are. recent polls show the number of journalism roles and the us is shrinking in direct contrast to the public relations industry as newspapers across the country close
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professional journalists are being picked up by the p.r. machine ozzy's christine frazzles and finding out why news and jealous you treat to democracy is the in. the personal through the final issue of this little course until it hits the newspapers like the seattle post intelligencer the rocky mountain news and hundreds more have now become relics from the past. slash budgets have starts the presses at newsrooms nationwide. and mass layoffs throughout media have meant for fewer journalists to investigate policy and procedure who are losing their sense of accountability in government and business in all our. life lives if we lose journalists who aren't asking questions about what's going on and the numbers particularly dramatic with
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newspapers where revenue has been cut nearly in half while the journalism industry is shrinking the public relations industry is expanding at one time a one to one ratio between p.r. employees and journalists today that ratio is four to one with p.r. revenues jumping from three point five billion to eight point seven billion dollars journalists are simply overwhelmed by folks who are trying to spin them or trying to create their own story you have the public relations folks inductors if you will driving in the circle john nichols along with robert mcchesney wrote a book about it the death and life of american journalism in a sense we are becoming one of the most propagandized countries in the world short staffed news stations often use company video news releases or vienne ours like this one your parents are the first thought up the p.r. to skies as news the new treatment is called mimics press releases also often read
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on the air or posted on the web before any fact checking is done with the focus off and i'm getting it first rather than getting it right good evening everybody breaking news tonight but we are heading into our program with some breaking news where a corporate and government p.r. departments are filled with former journalists who know how to sell their message they understood our media words what. reporters saw those good story as opposed to hype which ward worked for nearly twenty years as a journalist with the philadelphia inquirer but after layoffs he left to work for health insurer independence blue cross before returning to work as a journalist that revolving door between france and here are the present governor. it's causing real concern about what the long term effects could be if the influx of spin doctors take over the message machine completely but there is very little
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journalism be done off the lot as you create some dangerous circumstances for citizenry for democracy itself i'll go straight to questions white house spokesman jay carney worked for twenty years as a journalist for time magazine now he's president obama's spokes person former broadcaster and columnist tony snow went on to serve as a spokesperson for president bush and jamie rubin went from the state department under president clinton to executive editor at bloomberg news so common so it is a common practice and no one no one is questioning or. in a time when hakken flack are often one in the same and the spin machine works overtime as the printing presses come to a halt the question becomes can a meaningful florida state actually survive. in washington christine for our take. let's check out some other international headlines this hour now a nato commanders say they destroyed three t.v.
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satellite dishes near the libyan capital tripoli the statement says the attack was carried out in accordance with the u.n. resolution to protect people from government oppression through the media four months since the nato air force operation in libya began around seventeen thousand missions have been flown at which the libyan government claims have killed hundreds of civilians. they say convoy the north of serbia has turned down from its intended route after a crowd of sirte protesters blocked his path hundreds barricaded the road response to the airlines taking control of two checkpoints at the cost from border to serbia on thursday as you troops have moved in after a series of clashes between cos the police and said protesters over control of the crossings. devastation rainfall has pummeled with career damaging roads houses and public buildings reports claimed the flooding has also decimated crops
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and levels are more likely to recede in the near future because it just days after landslides and heavy rains hit south korea leaving at least fifty nine people dead north korea is susceptible to damage from flooding to use its poor drainage system and widespread deforestation. eleven a shiite muslims have been killed and two more wounded in a sectarian attack in southwestern pakistan they were on an inner city minibus with four identified government ambushed the vehicles following the attack dozens of splotch rode in torch two cars and two motorcycles according to police angry mob are to be calmed down by authorities and local elders. russian of pilots take to the skies and smaller have long been grounded by an unimaginable amount of paperwork but a recently adopted law has dropped some of the nickel load clearing the runway for . more frequent flights however many obstacles were maine before it's the golden
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age for russia's small aviation enthusiasts dennis polonsky explains. dozens of pilots swinging their way across russia for the second annual cuban air show the most small aircraft enthusiastic supporter for chance to meet other pilots and to enjoy the beautiful southern scenery. because almost eight hours to get their views with time. in november last year russia topped it a new law for small aircraft pilots it sounds very promising abolishing much of the preflight paperwork letting the pilots use new airfields and generally adopting international flight rules it's a dream for any plane owner in russia however not all of the old restrictions were lifted in the soviet times you actually had to have all the paperwork with you during the flight now the rules have changed but there are still some third and sometimes even absurd requirements for the pilots of small planes were in front of the pilot and the mechanic in the same wortham you know how the main thing. would
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become and they foam from one to another the new regulations allow the so-called beautification boat instead of asking for permission for takeoff from the authorities in theory the pilots can now use the internet giant for air traffic control of their plants but in reality it rarely works. as you can see there are many for bit in all restricted zones around mosco so it's impossible for us to use notification modes anywhere within a two hundred kilometer radius of the capital even with the new law dozens of government organisations issue all sorts of contradictory instructions for pilots it's a major disincentive for pilots to make the effort to take to the skies and that means that russia is missing out on the potential pot of gold will some countries like the u.s. get billions of dollars for a small aircraft fees and taxes russia doesn't. it sounds like our if the field of the current regulations are in chaos and in that mess we're losing around five
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hundred billion rubles annually and there will become another over many pilots like what's in the works and at this year's air show are optimistic about fighting the real chrissy and a lot of pretty much local knowledge in the new york was just the first in any step the rest of the worlds ahead of us but eventually we will learn how to fly again russia's small aviation enthusiasts feel the broker see has served only to clip their weeks now hopes are high i've seen blue sky on the horizon so this will all ski r.t.t. across the region. that with our dates of the headline shorten the statement.
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wealthy british science. is not on. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports funny.


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