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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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weeks main headlines now haron out as a meteoric default crisis her thoughts towards america don't make any forty eight hours to ponder solution for the in spite of being robbed washington's biggest lender china criticizes the rest of the world the. polish probe reluctantly acknowledges pilot error was announced yes presidential plane crash in western russia you can sense politics played a pivotal also experienced engine. and arab spring turns into
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israel some of tens of thousands flood streets and squares entranceway the city's. instrument. takes economic booms. but next starts he examines the ancients american tradition of bounty hunting. but but by the wrist at all times of voice in the weapon ok he would be on the stomach and then i got the weapon ok that's one now that was left handed i have to be prepared for either hand if it was his right hand if its right hand saying thing ok if it's his right hand ok i push i grab turned talk don't fight it don't get figured ok. this is a very special school in sacramento. it's clear it takes just a few hours to train people into bounty hunters to get free what i'm wearing right
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now is exactly where where when i'm working the streets if the instructor is a native american called rex minute or contract unfortunately his area of expertise is bounty hunting other people are going to be taking their their twelve hour course this weekend they started friday night walking into a ball for five o'clock am sunday to get to twelve hours to get my classes actually closer to eighteen hours for small sum anybody can take part in this training assume these freshly trained pouncey hunters will be scattered throughout the city on the trail a fugitive slave act a bounty hunter in southern california who i trained in for licensing and on the streets. and we also have kara kara student of mine who has taken this class in the past she's been out and out with us once before in two separate arrests and she will be continuing her street training because one of the things that we do that's different from the other delegation providers that we don't just train them in the bounty hunting aspects fail we also take the streets
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and train them to be close to get real real. ok here future trackers are learning how to overpower a fugitive here just like the instructors are old bounty hunters. these professionals know every trick in the book to catch criminals on the run ok i'm i'm page number two he's got the page wrong number three. comes up from this i rest days figure of course do i want to put my name on the back of the neck no. there was four i see him put me in the back of the neck guy's neck didn't realize it didn't give him medical tent for twelve hours they are serving four years in federal prison ok from here keep up it's not up. transition ok transition people here they're handing me a hand he doesn't little bit opinion plenty of the hand to hear the hand. and they were they were back up yeah well it's easy for girls to get jobs in
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a sphere of action just because it's of my ability not to have a female on the job here at risk of being. that you know for certain she is a man long already. i missed a lot of my ability that men would have set limits on him in the job i think it's mine i don't think any more dangerous for something else i want to try i want to do something with it but if i make a couple of dollars along the way with. russell crowe too much to. the bad road jake is also a bounty hunter weapons are his speciality like you knows everything about them from assault rifles to tasers. the whole time they're trying to get away because it hurts it's not incapacitation. pepper spray is about ninety percent psychological. that's all it is people nowadays have been out of jail probably been sprayed half a dozen times i think care less nobody really cares i could care less if you spray me don't matter people in order to become
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a bounty hunter no education is needed nor is any weapon experience required to work in proper use of any of these can result. so you don't take it upon yourself to learn how to use it and use one use it properly then you're going to get. the united states has the biggest number of criminals there are two million inmates and just as many on the run. by not only stayed in force agencies but also bounty hunters after catching so called wanted brains and billions of dollars every year to the hunters now in the us law is a business. every year in the united states more than thirty five thousand bailed out offenders never show up to court most of them are caught by seven thousand bounty hunters working for bail bondsmen. tony brown is a bail bondsman established in sacramento he runs a tony brown bail bonds
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a firm which specializes in bailing out offenders before their trials is. about the. the actual bonds that we use to be able people. in the us freedom has a price the more severe the crime the bigger the bail is in order to get out of jail before trial for example cruelty towards animals is fifty thousand dollars use of firearms is twenty five thousand dollars attempted homicide is half a million dollars contract is a contract to contract stipulation is that it is about it it is for this purpose and yes there will be will and will will be held accountable for the person that actually bailout. bill bondsman loans ninety percent of the money needed for the release the remaining ten percent is paid for by the criminal or his relatives. a contract to cosign by the offender gives full power to the bones. only go to court
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we have no problem but the minute he misses court and the courts and no notice let me know that he is actually actually did go to court that's what i'm about her department takes over it all comes a bit about what is look at tony brown actually. we are going to follow the bounty hunters who tracked down petty criminals they are very popular but also controversial this week we are going to try and catch two drug dealers with rewards of thirty five thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars on their heads. but they are not alone the united states government has its own law enforcement agency dealing with aegis they are the well known u.s. marshals popularized by hollywood thanks to special also i say shin from the justice department we were able to full of them in action marshall seek the most
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dangerous fugitives like to gang members wanted on murder charges and whose rewards are over a million dollars. sacramento capital of the state of california. a city of two million inhabitants stemming from the time of the gold rush. the man in the cowboy hat is leonard padilla. he is a bounty hunter. just very much. he calls himself the most famous bounty hunter in the world. the beretta. nine millimeter. all the american military. carries the same weapon so i feel naked i'm uncomfortable and i don't like it i got a lot of guns i got more guns at home but if you make one serious mistake in this
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business. we're back with our two instructors jake and rex fun until they are going out for real with their students first we were planning to show richard what. he had to tell a nobel warrant that means if we pick him up he's not getting back. the reward on the head of this fugitive is thirty five thousand dollars he's a small dealer bailed out by tony brown the fieldsman the man is far from suspecting that he's enjoying the last hours of his freedom we're getting ready to go after a gay male job or the morning or the evening before we go after them we've got to make sure that there are four features are still active we can't pick up somebody if they took care of their bonds or if they were picked up on a war the actual bond still has to be an act of forfeiture here is the
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authorization i think after a few hours of class bounty hunter trainees kara and lori are going to do some practical work supervised by dylan and his two assistants suitable girls that's all i remember. i'm lucky i don't know how i got so lucky to be with you know everybody in this room but i feel i'm looking for but everybody can only just knowledge and experience they have. everything that maybe other people don't know what to do they don't know how to do. you know all the trade seem like they are not as good at it as rob and his partner is either here because. they're probably a lot younger and i am a lot more patient than i am and i just want to go out get the job done and all that but they they tend to be better at it than i am. the stuff that i do i mean i've not told a lot of people if i get to the front door and then once where the front door hit you guys with the go superb training you've got to go. so that's why we're.
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rock radio. dia and his crew are certified bunty hunters they are fully authorized to carry weapons. the over the top uniform has one main goal to intimidate the offenders. on the phone he can. nobody else out there. make sure they're placing. a lot of these cases have drugs and they are involved intimately because it's the nature of
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these individuals to steal and rob buy drugs and more drugs they use the more drugs they need the more they go steal the more they got a raw soul i would say seventy five percent of the crimes are drug related. see one of the problems that. a fugitive some other. a quick glance at his files shows that he might be hiding here. hunters come in numbers that are well armed without a second thought they spread around the house. the newcomer even has a weapon against. without authorization rob breaks in on the left side of the house. take care of the front door. and.
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the dealers mother is home to make her talk. friends don't know where he has run late always say this is the address he gave me that he lived death brought you here if you got a phone record you oh yeah i think. he's gonna have a cell phone i don't know. oh i. get it from her that well yes or words oh you know what that ok now you know he's wanted you told me yeah can't you do anything in the rate hold tight tight or that that's a felony that started people in for that now ok so if you happen to speak to him or no way to get a hold of him it would be any way of you to let us know barbara i didn't ask you where he was because if you did you wouldn't tell that right now no. i didn't ask you because if you knew where he was you wouldn't tell me if i'm when. i knew i
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would tell you because i go morning i'm going around i don't want to do with them anymore when's the last a meeting room i don't even know last year his girlfriend came over to her friend. once earning. what's trisha's lashley i don't know it used to be but. her name now she got married. i don't know what her name is where does she live we're part of you got to help me barbara i can't help you or he lives. with his girlfriend the bounty hunters of the seriously. they swallow it without losing time with the help of the internets they find the telephone number of the adams girlfriends cousin she knows the fugitive. ok don't do anything till we get down
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i'll call you back. with you guys you don't do it go on home there's nothing going on. well here's the thing we really don't disclose information when it gets this close because we don't know who you really are. you could be somebody that's just trying to trick us. very good moves. well i think we got. real close to the end. to go friends cousin is still on the phone with padilla she is ready to cooperate after all she posted bail for the fugitive and even agrees to lead them to his hideout so we won't you know ok. girlfriend's house the cousin make sure the dealer is here. they've got no guns in the house. on the phone padilla continues to ask for information comes up with news the fugitive is in another house in the neighborhood. it will follow you don't go
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too fast. we're following. there you know is the lady responsible for the bond she has she is the. girlfriend. so she says follow me the bounty hunters wonder if it's going to be able to pin down the fugitives location. time goes by and padilla starts having doubts suddenly the cousin comes out and gets in her car that's the signal for them to move. is he there. ok how many people are there. ok what are you wearing what are you wearing. white t. shirt blue shorts. ok let's go to the back. of.
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the truck has closed on the fugitive. his men have the house surrounded weapons at the ready for. the bounty hunters break into the house without a warrant they have no concern for the women and children terrified by the assault but how is the target escapes they can forget about the five thousand dollars reward. if the bounty hunters own perception of warrants they have less power than police officers as it is against the law to barge into people's homes right or wrong. so in order to reach their goals they use strength and surprise tactics. runs to the back alley to prevent any escape attempts. but then a radio message comes through. lorianne
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has neutralized the dealer with a taser. because i'm jumping over the fence. oh ok i mean the obvious fugitive who was shocked with five thousand votes is stung unable to resist running over. you while you go to work stuff still. watch your workout room that would look just get out there to tell. her that this huge amount of current events already went with the coverage how. much have you. actually read. got a weapon so she was. well i'm sorry all right cut me. down stand up.
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for. his arrest no no it was not castle don't put on her you. so i don't be sorry sorry. sorry i'm still. looking for a. son for. you got him you know you get the price is a. friend somebody to babyhood i'm going to bring them back i don't know larry and so i'm in the back already jumped some fences ran around exactly what letter think things are going to look like a way to. understand. a . little bit more if you can it's you know know that there is no it is that when there really i don't care how much i know what you want sorry sir.
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because i'm stuck with three grandchildren. why my daughter started drinking heavily and just left the kids she better damn. well if i did he would get a taser right. now. i was. a confident. goodwin's coming. you've got hundreds of fences and shit. there more air if you shouldn't cause this you know now the faster. faster. you're tired this is the first time this happens to you you. i mean. when i was younger every time i thought seeing it because. i got one face in the back nobody says the second time you were here because somebody you.
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already knew was going to jail. for seven months so how is it like for seven months . the worst thing that happened but i'm going to do like. live like ten years right now. that. this is the end of the room for the fugitive and another trophy for padilla in thirty five years the man hunting is delivered more than four thousand offenders to the justice department but not everybody in the state approves of the methods used by both hunters in los angeles loyola marymount law school laurie levenson a criminal law specialist is very familiar with bounty hunter legislation. that many hunters are sort of a throwback and archaic part of our law and it goes back to a time when people would write out of their forces in the wild west and pick up
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these fugitives important into the sheriff for prosecution we don't exactly have that system anymore that way i think some family hundreds are the dangerous because they don't get the same training and they don't have the same standards to become a police officer you have to go through a long process of selection and have to go through months of the academy and be trained and then you're accountable to the court if you file late someone civil rights that we understand that they go through a very abbreviated if any kind of training and when they go out there. and you have to hope that nothing bad happens. however the biggest game still eludes the bounty hunter. they fall in the main of one of the oldest u.s. law enforcement agencies the u.s. marshals. this is tony burke a living nightmare for criminals of southern california. tony leads the special
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task force in charge of arresting the most dangerous fugitives and he loves his job . man hunting is the daily job of tony burke's marginals fifty of them are ready to intervene in southern california on the slightest lead to apprehend a fugitive they are equipped as top class soldiers of assault rifles satellite phones and armored vehicles in case of a shootout. their targets are the real criminals the ones that have nothing to lose you know and i mean that's what the task force will form for office to get. our focus of violent crime. robbery murder. you know. asters. kidnapping the more violent crimes because those are a little bit when you get off the street i mean there are one violent crime actions against people in the community. these are lead cops have nothing in common with bounty hunters to become a u.s.
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marshal you need to have graduated from law school or to have served in the military tony for instance is an ex marine. john wiener getting like four people together ok. for this guy here and this public enemy has been on the run for nineteen months this guy. he killed one of his rivals in cold blood his head is worth two million dollars. tony's men have located him in a residential neighborhood north of los angeles and there is the minister has been a u.s. marshal for ten years he is one of those in charge of the arrest from venezuela andrus is thirty eight years old has two kids and a wife that is a flight attendant in his unit each marshal manages about thirty cases some of the content even. really dangerous people which are your public models most of them how good it feels somebody's list of them are nothing at all they're all outlaws are
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not and nothing steers them along so. if you're off of it which is huge wrist since you never know their reaction during the arrest. they fight over it and since they are wrong they can pull out the game on you. so you have to be very careful to let them see i like i. remember looking like california surfers with tattoos andres and his colleagues don't resemble a typical american policeman. in order to keep a low profile u.s. marshals where plainclothes and drive unmarked cars his cars like my office i spend more time in my car than. any obvious. good idea of simply running. against each other to. always try to defend their territory to sell drugs better and that's what. they're at work
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and they are. not only to protect themselves from the police. to protect themselves from other objects or. in a few hours andres will once again have to confront armed criminals. it is never seen here for example i never know what's going to happen today. there might be nothing going on. there goes on this yes. that's what i like about my job you never know what you're going to do next and every case is interesting you see. the u.s. marshals meet in the parking lot there are twelve of them. the man in charge is rolled morales one of the best specialists on anti gun warfare. his orders are clear and accurate but if every move away either on the east side of the building or the west side of the building and we have a couple time to maneuver and get in this way and do it out with all right. you
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know why. again we're not chasing simple people we're chasing killers and you got to keep that in mind i mean this person shot somebody he's looking at the death penalty or life in prison soul killing one more person or killing a cop doesn't mean anything to him you know it doesn't mean any difference for him so he'd be very willing to shoot us if we give him the chance so we've got to be careful and don't be afraid of the word but definitely caution. last time close up she was in the cool god region where men flock from all over the world to have a few centimeters to their self-confidence. this time are to go to the i would reach. for the gold rush still gets people like joe. learning to try to save its culture. where cranes are protected in the first of all official
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nature reserve. to the region. or should close up.
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